100 entries in 1.342s
mp_en_viaje: "oh, clouds" "bitch, what ?! it's fucking clear" "oh no, no, ~ionospheric~ coulds" "fuck your mother,.
mircea_popescu: her answer to "wtf ios wrong with you" was "well, i never heard of the others, so they don't exist" ; but the REASON that was the answer was that ~i~ knew who the fuck she was within two hours, because guess what, my mother of all people actually knew her.
mircea_popescu: oh fuck your sister atop your mother, whynot.
mircea_popescu: (this also explains why son-mother so rare : there's two manners of human accuplation, type 1 as in missionary sex, where the female tries to hold on to a dominant male for child support and type 2 as in she's walking side by side holding dominant male's hand but turns her ass so cadet male can fuck her on the quiet. type 2 maintains as a behaviour because it produces diversity -- it's for instance the principal driver of pen
mircea_popescu: so far, the theory here articulates "1. the incest porn can't be odepian-fueled because 2. the only possible perception of his own mother is as a lesser teenage goat which 3. he can't be bothered with the better ones, why the fuck would he be interested in the lesser ones not to mention 4. if he actually was in the slightest interested, us suburban life would likely consist of the boys gangbanging the wives after schoo, "thur
mircea_popescu: ie, that exemplary boy would not be bothered to fuck his mother even if she were right there spreading an' begging for it (something we suspect her just about desperate enough to actually do, by now), on account of the much more interesting happenings on the screen. in which case, it's strictly impossible an oedipian complex is driving him.
mircea_popescu: what ~the fuck~ prevented them from saying "loic has the autority to make an alt-logger, fuck your mother." ?
asciilifeform: ( before mircea_popescu answers 'holy mother of fuck, this is chemically-pure wankery' -- yes, it was. but imho still beats shit out of redditism. )
a111: Logged on 2019-02-08 22:52 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: holy mother of fuck is that d00d's www a snoar nowadays
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: holy mother of fuck is that d00d's www a snoar nowadays ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-29#1875930 << hilariously, i recently tried to run a simple numeric proggy on a box infested with python3 , and found that it utterly breaks the numeric stack : once you do e.g. x = x / 3 you can no longer e.g. x >> 1 -- because the / converted it to 'float' ! holy mother of fuck. ☝︎
mod6: "You want Rockchip?" "No." "Ok, fuck your mother."
mircea_popescu: it is NOT FUCKING PERMISSIBLE to "love all your sons equally". fuck you, there is no such thing, that's for their dumbass mother, because she's too stupid to distinguish cocks (and btw, if your "monogamous" "wife" "loves all her children equally", time to start looking carefully at the milkmen, they contributed to that brood as a foregone conclusion.)
mircea_popescu: is good, every part of who you are and what you do isn&#39;t worth a moment of my time. So how about you move out of your mother&#39;s spare room and grow a pair Oh and fuck off."
mircea_popescu: executive summary : a) don't buy any books from o'brien ; b) fuck your mother, today. preferably tie her up and rough her up after you're done.
mp_en_viaje: "boy who believes mother will never get himself laid, because mother tells him things that'll help girl to know not to fuck him". society neh.
a111: Logged on 2016-05-13 04:44 mircea_popescu: Mother mother fuck, mother mother fuck fuck, mother fuck mother fuck noish noish. One, two, one two three four noish noish noish noish. Smokin weed smokin whizz doin coke drinkin beers drinkin beers beers beers. Rollin fatties, smokin blunts. Whos smokes blunts? We smoke blunts. Rollin blunts and smokin..
mircea_popescu: "mp, why isn't your infinite world update, announced LAST YEAR, live yet ?!?!" "because ints don't work on computers. also because merely rewriting the crypto layer ain't fucking enough. and also because FUCK YOUR UGLY ASS MOTHER AND THE IDIOT DRUNKS SHE KEEPS FUCKING, FUCKO!"
mircea_popescu: the fucking definition of mild is "interval of five degrees centered on human ideal". as opposed to "SIXTY degrees intervals centered on fuck your mother, we hate you."
mircea_popescu: why the fuck would standford give a dumb neet as much as a length of string "because they need it" ? let them need from their fucking mother / community college.
asciilifeform: holy mother of everliving fuck, not only did my smell and taste senses come back , but raw milk !!
asciilifeform read both links, 'holy mother of fuck, these people think... all of this matters'
asciilifeform: holy mother of fuck
asciilifeform: https://github.com/tum-ei-rcs/StratoX/tree/master/software/hal/hal/src << holy mother of fuck, why is there vga framebuffer handler in a weather balloon ??
asciilifeform: holy mother of fuck
Framedragger: (i mentioned 2x4 (russian hosting provider) above because they are known for not giving a fuck about dmca or other usg laws, and responding with "your mother" (sic) to requests to take down a hosted site which is running a botnet C&C)
asciilifeform: holy mother of fuck, asciilifeform sweated for 2 wks over nothing, turned out it was a bug in... gnat
mircea_popescu: fuck you and that roadside wench of your mother.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-23 23:53 asciilifeform: and holy mother of fuck, jurov , why does your thing mangle '@' into 'at'
asciilifeform: and holy mother of fuck, jurov , why does your thing mangle '@' into 'at' ☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyways, to round off the whole linux/bsd, esr/rms/etc angle : at any point the Moterhood (be it implemented in practice as "the USG" or "the public opinion" or "the church of England" or whatever the fuck - there will exist a conclave of the lazy, stupid and covetous, and it will be somewhat politically influential and appear VERY politically influential much like to the small children the mother appears truly awesome in her
mircea_popescu: yes, when i teach a 15 yo to fuck, she ~has good instincts~ about what's slutty and what's not ; and works to clear the shit her mother shat on her so the slut within can shine
mircea_popescu: (yes, all allergies mean one thing - that you're a degenerate fenotype not fit for life. what can you do ? certainly can't go back in time and whack ytour mother to fuck better drunks.)
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/xTr3N << holy mother of fuck, is that... a trinitron ? in there
Framedragger: uh. how about, fuck your mother
mircea_popescu: ? and the corporation ? and government regulation ? and ?" "dude go fuck your mother."
mircea_popescu: fuck 'em. they want to get into engineering school, first they acquire literacy in their mother tongue what the everliving fuck might this have had being!
asciilifeform: holy MOTHER OF FUCK i had nfi there would be so many.
asciilifeform: http://lesswrong.com/lw/kxy/simulate_and_defer_to_more_rational_selves << holy mother of fuck.
mircea_popescu: "After dinner we went upstairs and I eased her onto my king-size bed. It took four hours of foreplay and at least thirty repetitions of “No, Roosh, no” until she allowed my penis to enter her vagina. No means no—until it means yes." << holy mother of ... well not of fuck, of ... snails, maybe ?
mircea_popescu: why not make it 88 + 40 + 40 then and while on it, why not fuck their ugly fucking mother.
phf: "bing, what are you still doing here, i thought i told you to go fuck your mother?"
asciilifeform: holy mother of fuck.
asciilifeform: 'Ya I wont be betting on this site until they pay the winners for the original trump nominee bet, very shady behaivor.' << holy mother of fuck.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519904 << holy mother of fuck, danielpbarron ☝︎
asciilifeform: holy mother of fuck, nlocktime ?
asciilifeform: holy mother-of-fuck, why did i read this.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=fuck+mother << mircea_popescu: "fuck your mother"
mircea_popescu: the sheer amount of idiots pouring into trilema since the etherape is unmatched historically. not when the doge, not when the ripple, not when the mtgox, not when the any other thing. where the everloving fuck do they keep spawning from and when is their mother getting her god damned tubes tied already!
Framedragger: the whole fucking UK is built on this back-and-forth financial-wannabe masturbation. in that sense, "fuck your mother" (which includes such material manifestations as russian winter as you try to move troops in it) sounds much more sober, lively and worthwhile, heh. /incoherent-ranting
mircea_popescu: hence "apple could buy russia - if only it wanted to!" "oh yeah, what about russia ?" "oh, putin just doesn't understand how the world works" "oh yeah ? and who;s going to show him ? you ?" "democracy! humanrights!" "fuck your mother."
mircea_popescu: "oh, mommy knows best" "yeah you know what, go fuck your mother."
mircea_popescu: Mother mother fuck, mother mother fuck fuck, mother fuck mother fuck noish noish. One, two, one two three four noish noish noish noish. Smokin weed smokin whizz doin coke drinkin beers drinkin beers beers beers. Rollin fatties, smokin blunts. Whos smokes blunts? We smoke blunts. Rollin blunts and smokin.. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: how the fuck does this fails to be obvious. YES YOUR RSA KEY YOU USE FOR "SSH" MUST BE INTEROPERABLE WITH THE RSA KEY I USE TO FUCK YOUR MOTHER.
a111: Logged on 2016-04-22 00:46 phf: oh i understand. it's like the cl mode. they've been fighting cl mode for years, without success, because it's hellof useful. not only has cl mode now been replaced with cl-lib which prefixes ~everything~ with cl- (cl-first, cl-defstruct, cl-fuck-your-mother) but they also disabled highlight of all the cl forms. so cl-defstruct highlights, defstruct doesn't. to discourage the sins of the flesh, y'see.
phf: oh i understand. it's like the cl mode. they've been fighting cl mode for years, without success, because it's hellof useful. not only has cl mode now been replaced with cl-lib which prefixes ~everything~ with cl- (cl-first, cl-defstruct, cl-fuck-your-mother) but they also disabled highlight of all the cl forms. so cl-defstruct highlights, defstruct doesn't. to discourage the sins of the flesh, y'see. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell Luke-Jr Fuck yourself for editing that reddit comment and taking my glow away. I want you to go to the grave of blessed Mary mother of Jesus and very deeply and profoundly fuck yourself.
bagels7: He is like 250 lbs jurov and he does treat me like a child but he is a bigger spoiled child who claims to be a victim of society while calling his mother every other day. this one time he didnt talk to me for 3 days because we forgot to share a joint with him, and now he is not talking to me because I said "oh fuck off" in response to him calling me fat after i told him not to tell me
mircea_popescu: "fuck your mother"
mircea_popescu: something like "why wouldn't mom go turn tricks for an hour each weekend, it only costs her an hour's worth of tricks, like 50 bucks or so, and she could buy me WoW from the proceeds, at a value to me of OVER NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS!11". supposedly this is how it worked with that dumb whore of Adam Zerner's mother. shame on you mrs zerner, really. being ugly is no excuse to fuck drunks. behold the unfortunate results in
pete_dushenski: fuck you and your stupid mother.
mircea_popescu: "this guy was spawned by people together enough to actually own something. unlike everyone on the internet, who is here mostly because their mother thought being ugly is enough excuse to fuck drunks.
mircea_popescu: o yeah ? tell your mother being ugly is no excuse to fuck drunks.
jurov: you explicitly named the place as "use these letters and fuck you and your ugly mother."
mircea_popescu: a lot more to do with the brilliant idea of "use these letters and fuck you and your ugly mother."
trinque: except I didn't give a fuck to, and my mother woke me up with breakfast and all my shit ready to go
mircea_popescu: that fucking letter to the bum from his IDIOTIC mother about how that slut of a sister of his lied to everyone and wouldn't fuck
mircea_popescu: who the fuck let the 15yos out of their mother's basement.
mircea_popescu: because fuck your stupid mother, you idiot you.
mircea_popescu: "fuck your mother too."
mircea_popescu: then derps go "o hello here is where you apologize" and the answer comes "no, this is where i'd fuck your mother, if her cunt didn't stink"
mircea_popescu: "faster post time". fuck your mother it's unmeasurably faster. how long it takes to init ps/2, 3 microseconds ?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-07-2015#1200905 << you can't, and fuck your stupid mother for fucking the lousy drunk that would spring forth an attempted abortion such as yourself for EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: fuck your mother with a clay pot.
mircea_popescu: that's what i like about "typed" languages, you know ? if (i = "" or i =="" or i === "" or i = 0 or i == 0 or i === 0 or i &= null or i ^= undefined) fuck your mother.
mircea_popescu: fuck you i've been studiously ignoring the whole mother thing in favour of may 1st "young eager sluts" day forever.
nubbins` pictures own mother softly singing "you don't want to fuck with shady, 'cause shady will fucking kill you" while wiping countertops
mircea_popescu: "dear sheep. we lost your mother. we paid off the government agent for a fix. the fix is in. fuck you."
BingoBoingo: Fuck, asciilifeform not for the lack of fast, but for the defective. I've had octeon suspicions like I have longsoon suspicions, but cock sucking mother fucker.
mircea_popescu: (for the romanian ear, fukishima mostly sounds like "fuck you and your mother")
mircea_popescu: do you suppose her mother coming to your room and saying "neither of you is to leave here until you fuck" help anything ?
cazalla: someone here fuck your mother/sister or something?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform is this the equivalent of "no offense, but fuck you and that whore of your mother" ?
assbot: Blackhawks Twitter Account Tells Mexican President To Fuck His Mother
mircea_popescu: wait, how the fuck is us mother's day on may 11th ?
BingoBoingo: I've been learning in the wrong direction then. My first phrase was "Fuck your mother горничная"
pankkake: <minerpart> I've met a lot of French people and they are 100% decent and down to earth. But then you always get the odd little shit who would fuck his own mother for cash - that's pankkake.
mircea_popescu: then in due time you explain that the REASON you took the time trip is because the future sucks, and you are seeking your own mother in her youth to fuck her and so in causing a singularity erase that sucky future.
nubbins`: "we've no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck your mother."
mircea_popescu: "What the devil kind of knight are you, that can't slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil excretes, and your army eats. You will not, you son of a bitch, make subjects of Christian sons; we've no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck your mother."
benkay: jesus mother of fuck
gecko_x2: when will you stupid mother fucking cunts wake the fuck up?
BingoBoingo: Fuck this is why Bitcoin needs a mother fucking Spec.
mircea_popescu: is the f bomb "fuck you and your ugly mother in the same stroke" ?
Scrat: what in the mother of fuck is a "terrahash"
mircea_popescu: well admittedly fym stands for fuck your mother, but the rest.
mircea_popescu: anyway. "i'm not your friend, that's your mother's racket. i'm your father, i tell you when you fuck up"
mircea_popescu: dub fuck him, he was born to a stupid mother.