ben_vulpes: how many hours does it take to pay your rent?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: not looking for an answer, it's a compliment on the his prolific output
a111: Logged on 2017-02-03 15:53 asciilifeform: not a difficult patch, but remains to ask, for which kernel.
veen: consider a kernel patch to bypass /dev/*random insanity with say "just open and read such-and-such file which i trust has acceptably random bytes in it"
veen: by way of example, imagine /dev/random is just an alias for e.g. /dev/fuckgoats
veen: up to your fuckgoats hardward or driver, i suppose
veen: maybe i'm coming at this in completely the wrong way
veen: sure sure, wavehands, whatever
veen: put it this way, i couldn't figure out how to generate a gpg keypair with fuckgoats, because gpg reads /dev/random, and i couldn't work out how to get fuckgoats (or any other file-like) shimmed in there
veen: be that as it may, we don't inhabit a world of sane programs
veen: great, but gpg is only one of n programs on my system that need good random numbers, and i don't care to recompile them all
a111: Logged on 2017-02-23 19:28 mircea_popescu: how's that coming along ?
veen: oh it runs output of /dev/random through it's own ('cs')prng?
☟︎ trinque: just to entertain the thing, since dev's this fancy udev thing now, could have some udev rule to delete /dev/random and plop another device node in its place, via symlink or w/e
veen: wait, what in the loop cares about control chars?
veen: i'm imagining arch like: device -> udev fuckery -> prog reading /dev/random
veen: where's the problem?
veen: unless i'm grossly misunderstanding the sematics, reading /dev/random for infinity should produce dat sweet flat spectrum, right?
veen: specific to tty devices no?
veen: asciilifeform: what are known-good, currently-doable usecases for FUCKGOATS
veen: my reasoning is that if the semantics of /dev/random is that, taken over infinity, it emits flat spectrum of octects, and lots of binaries in the wild have that assumption baked it, why not coax kernel into allowing FUCKGOATS to fulfill the contract of /dev/random directly?
veen: well, a paternalistic idea if nothing else
a111: Logged on 2017-02-24 01:40 veen: oh it runs output of /dev/random through it's own ('cs')prng?
veen: not sure that recompiling gpg to read from /dev/fg really frustrates enemy all that much
mircea_popescu: and gpg is not very far off this ; neither are ALL usg produced programs you are running.
mircea_popescu: so, you may not ~care~ to compile them all ; but whether you are interested in war or not -- war is interested in you.
veen: importance of what specifically?
veen: seems gpg tried to sovereignty-wash a source of entropy and here it is bearing your criticism anyway
veen: how is /dev/fg not centralized entropy pool?
mircea_popescu: review the thread re centralization recently. it's centralized at the sane place.
veen: so you've got /dev/fg0 thru /dev/fg9
veen: security through obscurity eh?
mircea_popescu: would you propose the usg "invisible fighter" program is "security through obscurity" ? because... it is.
mircea_popescu: cryptographical security is one thing ; operations security is another.
mircea_popescu: because cryptography deals with absrtacts only, the kerckhoffs standard makes sense. but whenever items with an associated mass are involved, things change.
veen: to explain my reasoning by way of donning my engineering hat, i saw an existing contract of the form "noise comes out here" and a deficit default implementation, and proposed a better impl
mircea_popescu: it's not clear how your proposal was an implementation, or better. delve please.
veen: but it sounds like the sentitment here is using a well-known noise fountain is a vulnerable one
veen: proposal != implementation, obviously
mircea_popescu: actually, the sentiment here is that ~all usg code is just reused scraps of the same stale old crap. this sentiment is fed by you know, us having cut up the usg toys numerous times and having run into the same bits.
veen: proposal is replace output of linux csprng-crazy that underlies /dev/random with the output of FUCKGOATS
mircea_popescu: that sameness allows the enemy some levers it needn't have, first of all in its own safety's sake.
veen: surely we all agree that linux-csprng < FUCKGOATS
mircea_popescu: yes. but if you then turn around and feed that into userland shitprng, you've not impoved anything.
veen: what is at issue at this point is use of /dev/random at all, regardless of how it is implemented
mircea_popescu: well the only argument pro i'm aware of is "it's there already"
veen: and widely depended upon
mircea_popescu: so it may make sense as a convenience thing to symlink it to your fuckgoats tty. but don't expect you've now thereby fixed the system
veen: userland shitprng is a wrinkle indeed, one i wasn't aware of until this thread
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform stronger argument than it seems. leaving aside the static issue, it's not even a given gpg compiles at all.
veen: by that token s/\/dev\/random/\/dev\/fg/g again gpg src doesn't help us either
mircea_popescu: listen to the words of he who suffers this weekly with eulora.
veen: sounds like solution for gpg is rip out `char shitprng();` implementation and replace it with one that calls a trusted noise source
mircea_popescu: the only thing is that gpg is already obsoleted becauyse of its inane fingerprinting scheme
veen: is this new as of the SHA1 nooze yesterday?
a111: Logged on 2017-02-03 15:52 mircea_popescu: we should prolly publish a kernel patch
mircea_popescu: it's not a bad idea at all ; it's just not a (complete) solution.
mircea_popescu: it's worth keeping a farm of vartious nodes just to watcdh them struggle with the chain. pretty interersting data.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-23 23:52 asciilifeform: [BTC-dev] (EXPERIMENTAL) A Recipe for the use of Wires via SSH Tunnels.
veen: i suspect we'll never reconcile the "must build snow-flake" paranoia with drive to make architecture which can be reasoned about
a111: Logged on 2017-02-24 02:15 asciilifeform: without seeing the rack, you don't know which ones -- if any -- are fg; and which one is my air conditioner; etc
veen: forget it, it's a low value point i've already attempted to make
mircea_popescu: what i'm more interested in is this apparent limit on "what can be thought about" based on some sort of i'm not even sure what. is it the case that i can't think about women now ?
mircea_popescu: yes ; but doesn't use sshtunnel. more vpn-ish sort of architecture.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> [BTC-dev] (EXPERIMENTAL) A Recipe for the use of Wires via SSHITunnels. << cool! thanks alf.
mircea_popescu: i dunno that guy who got splashed vx would go around complaining that hey, i got splashed ten minutes ago.
mircea_popescu: also, the russians would have probably ventilated their guy into ~survival.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the administration route is terrible, how the fuck do you dose the ingestion through splashing.
scriba: ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-9
scriba: ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-9
phf: asciilifeform: that's some neat hackery
shinohai: Baloney exchange is on there too .... but majority of exchanges use crapflare so likely affected.
phf: i kind of want a way to link useful assets to a patch on btcbase. right now if you have a readme.txt inside a patches folder you get that included as a prelude for a patchset ( i think it would be handy to include wires over ssh link somewhere on the wires patch page..
phf: ah, i haven't updated your expired key
phf: dat wot.deedbot link comes back blank for me
phf: it's always cloudflare
mircea_popescu: which burial should hopefully occur this year, it's getting ridiculous already.
phf: ben_vulpes: can you vulpespost ascii's key please?
phf: vulpes post always delivers
a111: Logged on 2017-02-23 23:53 asciilifeform: and holy mother of fuck, jurov , why does your thing mangle '@' into 'at'
trinque: the fuck are you people talking about, blank
deedbot: aseriousgogetta voiced for 30 minutes.
scriba: ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-9
scriba: ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-9
scriba: ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-9
mircea_popescu: maybe we should start spelling the dork's name K9ch, because it's not 0, it's 9.
shinohai: <<< ports 22, 137,445, 5900, 8081 all open. Why not just open 'em all?
mircea_popescu: and re "isaac simpson", whoever the fuck she is, who gives a shit ? seriously now ?
mircea_popescu: every useless breeder cow has this predictable fantasy of wedding party, wedding gown, etcetera. what of it.
mircea_popescu: it'd matter a lot more if "isaac simpson" could either hold a rifle or man a post. or for that matter make a serving of french fries without taking half an hour. but as it is...
mircea_popescu: "The leaders of the Trump movement (the real leaders) are so disconnected from the media that most of us read every day, and from the information provided by the government, that they might as well be living in one of Jones alternate dimensions. To them, its 100% fiction, just shadows flickering on the wall of Platos cave. And, like the liberated cave dwellers, theyve seen the outside, and theyll never believe
mircea_popescu: the shadows again, no matter how factual they may be. The well is polluted to its core. Who to blame for this is at this point irrelevant (though in my last piece I argued the MSM should largely blame itself) because the distrust is so deep that its never coming back." << i lulzed.
mircea_popescu: This weeks Rasmussen Poll, for example, found that 45% of voting Americans believe America is on the right track. This is down two points from the record high, which was recorded two weeks ago, and is higher than any week during the Obama presidency
mircea_popescu: that's one paragraph down, and supposedly SOMEONE ELSE is "ignoring reality"
shinohai: ty asciilifeform .... and also have not noticed any `EXCEPTION: St9bad_alloc ` errors in mah logs
mircea_popescu: shinohai might happen on long running box even if not at oom spot because memory fragmentation.
mircea_popescu: ahaha oh this is delishious. "My work has appeared in LA Weekly, Vice, Curbed, Complex, ANIMALS, The Daily Dot, and" << dork quit law school because tucker max said to and is now a relationships advicerist.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: my work has appeared on your mother, bitch. what, you're gonna compete ? with what, "curbed" ?
mircea_popescu: "Like most of my law school classmates, I was a hyper-ambitious narcissist with no concrete plans for achieving the greatness to which I was entitled."
mircea_popescu: and not actually intelligent enough to figure out being a great man's urinal is, in context, an ur-achievement.
ben_vulpes: dang, asciilifeform my queue can't take much more of this
mircea_popescu: i think we're all agreed that the problem with this here republic is nothing ever happens.
ben_vulpes: stack, for the curious: moar tests for (i'm writing them because my personal heap is too fragmented to make me a useful manual tester), read and compile a large and a small patch from asciilifeform, ops tasks in support of WIRES, gaze into the writhing horror diana_coman needs a lasso around, and somewhere find an hour to finish up the import of phf's logs back to early 2016
mircea_popescu: hey, i wrote & published two articles today, did a major game design update, planning for infrastructure refurbishment, started a whole new network of agents AND read some inane shit some dickless failawyer published on medium.
mircea_popescu: and that's just the not-that-secret-stuff, selections ~.
ben_vulpes: don't forget swingin' dick in #trilema
mircea_popescu: if you must, i doggyfucked so animalicly a poor damsel yesterday my cock's all broken.
trinque: that's the best kind of cock broken
ben_vulpes: i have discovered the worst kind of cock broken
mircea_popescu: apparently if you hammer enough head can flare enough to tear the fucking foreskin. if it sounds painful it's because it is.
trinque: eh some faggot already tore that off when I got here
trinque: ben_vulpes: ever heard a "pop" when it gets bent?
ben_vulpes: an otherwise gentle and lovely morning with coffee and breakfast in bed, followed by 20+ pounds of micro human determinedly sitting in my lap demanding a book be read him
ben_vulpes: i was worried about structural damage for a moment
mircea_popescu: "my son broke my penis. he's three years old." "well... how good of a penis could you say it was to begin with, then ?"
ben_vulpes: worse than being stomped on, dick at least has somewhere to go relative to tiny feet. NO ESCAPE FROM THE DIAPER
ben_vulpes: hey man i've never tested the buckling load of my own cock
mircea_popescu: they make solid madonna's-bra vinyl diapers now ? like a helment ?
ben_vulpes: but it's a pin joint at the base and that's pretty weak from a structural perspective
mircea_popescu: but no. the penis is not joint. it's a single item, goes about a foot inside of oyu.
mircea_popescu: the computation of just how bad "science" awareness among the "our democracy" crowds must be that no "ripped penis right out of socket" jokes emanated in twenty years of cancerous male-hating "comedy" is left for the reader.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: But if they don't pull it all of the way out, then they just tore the suspending ligament and made it look bigger!
ben_vulpes: ^^ going to have to reread in depth, but interesting agw not-a-ganda
mircea_popescu: is this fake science ? i would like to know before i click if some dork in "our democracy" approved these findings.
mircea_popescu: such gingerly concerns direct the whole of my entire lyf.
mircea_popescu: i like how they manage to package tidal locking and orbital harmonics into "a little known theory from 1989". by the same measure fucking is a little known activity from the 70s. if you're at camp with janine garofalo i guess this isn't even so far fetched a description.
mod6: asciilifeform: ya, I've seen the 'std::bad_alloc' from ProcessMessage before -- it doesn't happen to me often, and it doesn't seem to be at the point of OOM exactly. i have noticed that it seems to happen after my node has been up for an extended period of time. say >1week.
mod6: lately, i've been getting bh'd so much, i've been recycling my node nearly daily.
BingoBoingo: It's been a tough fight, largely against myself, but hopefully I can keep the venom cutting instead of resorting to taking words on top of words
mircea_popescu: and in other lulz, trump finances seem to settle towards a) much larger deficit ; to be employed towards b) "rebuilding america" in the sense of... a much larger military.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-15 16:08 mircea_popescu: myeah. things are pretty simple : either peace with russia and therefore war with china ; or else bickering with russia while china continues to fatten unmolested.
mircea_popescu: of course, if it succeeds i might very well discover in myself an inclination to move over there, spend the next decade going on safari among the "urban elite" for fresh daughters to feed the slave markets.
mircea_popescu: moreover, i'm the one guy time flows favourably for. why wait in 2012 ? because lo, dollar from 50 bitcents to a tenth of a dime in five years.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that's also a large part of it. there's a bunch of large parts like that.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, british national and ex-guantanamo detainee abu zakariya al britani blew up a car in mosul. which you know, "is being progress made upon", still, six months later. except for the part where isis killed kadim al saeedi, ie one of the few actually competent sand monkeys on the imperial side.
mircea_popescu: (ftr, these in order are the two major soaks i am aware of ; whether they manifest for you right here or not)
mircea_popescu: there's three different ways a node can end up in reorg crisscross, and it doesn't even take owning all its connections.
mircea_popescu: moreover with a little care you can actually fingerprint for things such as "does this node have a tunnel to another one" in this manner.
mircea_popescu: anyway, that'd be the disk sensitivity, or most of it anyway.
mircea_popescu: also a main reason why the discussed wallet separation.
mircea_popescu: anyway, asciilifeform, you should prolly publish a codebase adnotated with time profiles. trb-454523 ; trb-454520 etc.
pete_dushenski: shinohai: i notice that same 'st9bad_alloc' error on vps node with some frequency as well but never on dedibox. not sure if it's a clock / timing issue but that's my best guess.
BingoBoingo experienced frequent st9bad_alloc before implementing malleus
BingoBoingo: Just note for the future that "Bahamas" on its own could be confused for Islands. To reference the dark one, harbringer of suffering one must use "Hussein Bahamas"
BingoBoingo: STFU, knowing a little bit about green lumber is a pre-requisite to manhood