mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes. they made women and children dependent on a man.
mircea_popescu: "Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, consider this justice a gift on my daughter's wedding day."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41247 @ 0.00049243 = 20.3113 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: people who imagine endlessness is a natural phenomena need to spend less time cooped up in their rooms, dreaming up shit.
mircea_popescu: and cryptographic security oozes out of the ether and miners are just this abstraction getting in the way of the ooze.
mircea_popescu: it will fill any shape and any volume we draw for it. because it must. because... god willed it!
mircea_popescu: "i have never seen it do anything else before" and "who could have predicted"
mircea_popescu: only thing missing being, mickey doesn't put on the sorcerer's hat to go to some conference
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> to folks unacquainted with basic physics, mechanization gives a convincing illusion of 'phree stuff 4ever' << Until you have to get Santino ready for an open casket funeral after catching every bullet at the tollboth.
BingoBoingo: And one rarely has much choice in the splat
mats: re: previous SSD discussion (and many others), i don't mean to offend if i didn't specifically respond to you. i just had nothing good to say, but rest assured you have not been ignored
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21850 @ 0.00049243 = 10.7596 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well on the way down they might try to contort themself to leave a particular shape of splat.
mats: is not. tryna bring some life to an old piece of shit
mats: mircea_popescu: ensuring others have room to save face is one of my varied sins
OmegaOne: How can i get rich off of bitcoin?
OmegaOne: how much is $1000 worth in bitcoin land
mats: ;;calc 1000/[market --last]
gribble: Error: The "Market" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "--last" in it. Try "list Market" to see the commands in the "Market" plugin.
mats: ;;calc 1000/[ticker --last]
BingoBoingo: OmegaOne: roughly a fifth of a bitcoin at my current sell price
mats: OmegaOne: read logs (see topic) and get a cloak
assbot: I grew a neckbeard reading this "Bitcoin Declaration of Sovereignity" (note: Link doesn't go to the actual Bitcoin Foundation) : Buttcoin ... (
http://bit.ly/1AQ4c4y )
assbot: The problem of digital identity, or how to circumvent Blockchain.info 2FA and e-mail authorisation | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... (
http://bit.ly/1AQ4s3N )
pete_dushenski: yet another chapter in the "who could've predicted" chronicle
mircea_popescu: well... best business practices security an' errything.
pete_dushenski: they actually just added this e-mail auth thing outta nowhere
pete_dushenski: and it turns out that it created a loophole the size of texas
pete_dushenski: if an e-mail and pwd were phishing or keylogged, the attacker just has to submit a form, wait two weeks, and voila!
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: especially when there is no *BSD/kLinux to counter all of these Distro/k*BSD
kakobrekla: speaking of bc.info their page is showing 'cloudflare error 522' for more than an hour to me
undata: asciilifeform: words, you can just tweet them
undata: then they get retweeted you see, and are true
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Sure. I'm just saying why don't they pretend better. Instead of throwing on fake spoilers and calling a car customer, this is the "I put a sticker on it" sort of effort.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: and 'write an os', per the barest technical definition, is not high science; it's a standard 'boy scout badge' in school. << You have an absurdly gross overestimation of the standards for Boyscout badges.
undata: asciilifeform: web devs have the idea that making something == cobbling together open source with tape, the less tape the better, and voila, app
BingoBoingo: requirements now actually seem harder now than when I achieved it.
undata: the whole culture is full of fakers; why the surprise at this category of them?
BingoBoingo: Find out about three career opportunities in the computer industry. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. Discuss this with your counselor, and explain why this profession might interest you. Report what you learn to your counselor. << Doing this one now I'd pick curmudeon as a profession, and ask why writing OS is not a requirement.
undata: this social media thing I think has created the notion that identity is a matter of self-definition
undata: rather than reputation
undata: leading to the mind-rot of multitudes
pete_dushenski: undata it seems to me that the popularity of sm is an effect rather than a cause
undata: pete_dushenski: self-reinforcing though
undata: there's a reward associated with the behavior
pete_dushenski: the mind-rot has been baking in for a couple of decades
pete_dushenski: that's just the cleaving of importance from "importance"
undata: there's something there but I'm not cutting to the root of it
undata: it seems alien to me that words mean precisely dick in the present
undata: right, the erosion of measures of value could very well fuck thinking itself which leads to the abovementioned
pete_dushenski: when there are no barriers to entry, people get really rather confused
pete_dushenski: in response, they cling to whatever presents itself, quite undiscriminatingly
pete_dushenski: so it's a markov chain going from shiny toy to shiny app to shiny turd
pete_dushenski: as to "words meaning zero" it's more that we're privy, if not downright inundated, with words from people who don't know how to use them
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Boy Scout badges in a lot of ways represent American failducation, shit offered as sausage because cylindrical phenomenon.
pete_dushenski: our wots can be so much larger than we can biologically manage that the signal is drowned out by the noise
pete_dushenski: try spending your days on newspaper websites reading about "terrorism" and "celerities" and see if your noodle doesn't turn to mush
pete_dushenski: selective filtering is completely mandatory for a functioning brain, if not in fact the best definition thereof
mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> asciilifeform [..] << You have an absurdly gross overestimation of the standards for Boyscout badges << i dunno dude, i never got the "all girlscout nookies" one.
BingoBoingo: <pete_dushenski> try spending your days on newspaper websites reading about "terrorism" and "celerities" and see if your noodle doesn't turn to mush << Helps if you pickle it with ETOH aforehand for preservation.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: That's on the unpublished chart.
mircea_popescu: <undata> this social media thing I think has created the notion that identity is a matter of self-definition << has little to do with social media tho. it's more an outgrowth of the "civil rights" movement.
undata: mircea_popescu: I read your piece recently on how enfranchising all makes for significantly less representation in the society
mircea_popescu: that's the problem, what appears on the surface as doing one thing ends up doing the exact opposite when very complex systems are involved.
mircea_popescu: this is known to medical practitioners since forever. russia's newbie statesmen (commies ) stepped in it with extreme regularity
assbot: Nicolas Cage to Star in Osama Bin Laden Satire From 'Borat' Director (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter ... (
http://bit.ly/1GxUGeZ )
mircea_popescu: to the point it was pretty much comedic. they didn't TRY to do it. but they did it all the damned time
pete_dushenski: undata mircea_popescu the term for this being, of course, iatrogenics
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: That's a pretty good summary of it. Gotta hide the smokes.
CoraCrisT: enjoying myself with gavin`s wannabee reformed theology
CoraCrisT: so Kim Kardashian is publishing her new book/photo album called Selfie or Selfish... Amazon is selling a book with Satoshi`s posts from bitcointalk and gavin wants to hard fork bitcoin...
undata: CoraCrisT: as if we all didnt just
mircea_popescu: what, srsly ? that's one of pop culture's most notable artefacts!
BingoBoingo: God Damn. It won't be until round 4 of the Australian open that a Serena Williams / Alize Cornet rematch is possible.
BingoBoingo: Fuck, its worse, round 5, I skipped a round
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Good, but Exceptionally good against Serena specifically.
BingoBoingo: Usually when she beats serena she gets promptly knocked out of whatever tournament a round or two later.
BingoBoingo: But first she has to make it all of the way to round 5.
BingoBoingo doesn't always invest on Forum/Reddit logic, but when I do, I do it from an informed position
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 5000 @ 0.00085967 = 4.2984 BTC [-] {9}
BingoBoingo: These occasions only happen a few times a year. Why not take whatever scam odds a shady book offers to turn no more than 0.2 BTC into 1 BTC.
BingoBoingo: It depends, but usually I win when odds in favor of Serena drop to under multiplying my stake by ten as the payout.
BingoBoingo: So far it has been incredibly +Ev for me personally, but dunno how long it will last as serena continues getting old.
ben_vulpes: undata recommended me an emacs config change that took *hours* to unsnarl
ben_vulpes: granted, 'twas my own fault for not unsnarling it more quickly.
undata: w/e you gave into your own tooling lust
undata: I was merely a mirror!
ben_vulpes: dood there must only be one canonical window manager
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> [] i don't know anyone that seriously thinks they have a model on it << severely lacking in the whole conversation
mircea_popescu: then went nutso with one of the "libertarian island" things which smells a lot like scam.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2000 @ 0.00083238 = 1.6648 BTC [-] {8}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2619 @ 0.00080581 = 2.1104 BTC [-] {8}
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: But means signal to noise. I assume Mike Hearn forked Google Translate too.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i don't get it. why are we thinking some ex-gf of some failed gofundme capitalist is famous or something ?
felipelalli: "gang of noise" makes any sense in English?
mircea_popescu: let her grow an ass like kim, make pics and come back.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: She's the one who said something to the effect of Linux community needing to grow the balls to expel Linus or some shit.
kakobrekla: felipelalli well its a decent description of things. the name and the article. most people even fail to assemble that.
nubbins`: didja see where he called a guy a fag?
felipelalli: kakobrekla: Not sure if it is a compliment, but thank you!
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well, like ChangeTip she too recieved venture capital for a blog.
kakobrekla: if it does not contain "fuck you" its a compliment.
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: Don't higher compliments on this channel normally contain "fuck you"?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: To pay the, worked for a cloud bullshit company, violated the non-compete, and needed merit washed.
mircea_popescu: these fucking imbecile children of their imbecile mothers already. oh, college is too hard for you ? let's change the admission criteria! you wanna start a business but you're as dumb as fuckinmg rocks ? that's ok, start a blog instead. you wanna be a hacker too ? fine, fine, just edit some pronouns in other people's githubs.
mircea_popescu: i have no fucking idea why anyone'd put up with it for five minutes.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: And this is why I never got the appeal of 4chan except as distilled in retrospectives though Encyclopedia Dramatica
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Only at the start. Deviating so far from LJ is why it had a hardfork crisis the coredevs lost.
mircea_popescu: i thought the "coredevs" left because the guy grew up and the girl grew fat
BingoBoingo: The girl was always fat, and weev was in jail. Girl fatlogiced a family and worksafe site then shuttered ED. The id didn't like that.
nubbins`: "everyone else is a goat the same age and gender as me"
nubbins`: mp i think that is actually burned into my brain now
mircea_popescu: anyway, so this entire "abuse", "racism" whatever libertard bullshit / paralegal paralogistic construction is finally reaching that necessary point in its evolution where it mostly consumes itself.
assbot: Logged on 21-01-2015 18:11:24; gavinandresen: a soft fork means miners must upgrade, or their blocks will be rejected.
assbot: Logged on 21-01-2015 18:11:39; gavinandresen: a hard fork means everybody running a full node must upgrade, or they will be on a different chain
decimation: To my way of thinking, either the protocol is broken or it isn't
decimation: whether they want to create it or not, there is a spec
mircea_popescu: decimation contrary to what superficially is being claimed, bitcoin really consists of two consensuses.
mircea_popescu: one is the consensus that allows for new blocks to be mined.
mircea_popescu: the other is the consensus that allows for transactions to be accepted as valid.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Ourobourus eating itself as of this year. New in the public discussions of that crowd
decimation: Labeling one consensus as 'hard' and another as 'soft' doesn't seem to be a good use of language
mircea_popescu: a fire affects everything, related or not. this is more like cancer : it affects the victim, but not the chasir he sits on or the op fucking them in the ass.
mircea_popescu: decimation that is happenstance, arriving from the very haphazard manner in which abstraction works out of the group of power rangers
mircea_popescu: they don't proceed from an in depth understanding of the thing, but merely by and by, as experience allows.
mircea_popescu: this worm's progress made them use those words because apparently one is more of a bitch than the other.
assbot: Logged on 21-01-2015 02:59:39; Luke-Jr: I think the db_config patch may explain why it works, but could be potentially inadequate for the current consensus rules
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so basically, im saying "this certain part of the us is now so infested, the cancer is mostly eating other cancer"
mircea_popescu: decimation Luke-Jr generally pretends that things he doesn't like don't actually exist. this is the case in pretty much every line he utters, crafted to support his particular mental issues.
mircea_popescu: in this case, he conveniently neglects the point that there is no \such thing as CURRENT consensus, in any way distinct from trhe actual consensus
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> decimation Luke-Jr generally pretends that things he doesn't like don't actually exist. this is the case in pretty much every line he utters, crafted to support his particular mental issues. << Things like Popes
mircea_popescu: now, he'd like for it to be the case, obviously, because that'd imply that the "Work" the power rangers have been doing for the past year is worth more than zero, which is a proposition he holds dear for obvious reasons.
BingoBoingo: In much the same way he'd like a miner on a bench at BFL to have been a miner on his testing bench
decimation: to be fair, he did express some level of interest in the foundation project. perhaps he knows what is really true in his hindbrain
mircea_popescu: anyway, i suppose it comes as one of those "nobody could have predicted" things to these people that the entire pile of crap they've been amassing over the years can and for that matter likely will simply be thrown out and forgotten.
mircea_popescu: a naive stance, but then again neckbeards aren't exactly known for worldliness.
BingoBoingo: decimation: Probably to an extent. Luke-Jr has a rather sort of logical structure organizing his schtick which seems self consistent while entirely problematic.
mircea_popescu: "So his mom cut him off from wiping his ass for him when he turned 18 and now he thinks the ladies owe him blowjobs. I hope bitcoin collapses just to fuck this guy."
BingoBoingo has been considering using one of those "Edgerouter Lites" as a desktop system.
decimation: asciilifeform: did you use libusb-0.1 or -1.0 to develop cardano? or are you just using the kernel mass storage driver?
BingoBoingo: The tragedy is I have an assload of modpoints atm, but can't spend them on this thread because I had to highlight the link sniping.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Basically slashdot has "votes" but they get allotted at unpredicatable time intervals and expire.
mircea_popescu: so the only way spamming it works is statistically ? gee.
BingoBoingo: Pretty sure that contributed to our good /. run with pankkake
BingoBoingo: but for story selection everything goes through the annoited editors anyway which is why some altcoin got two stories on consecutive days.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> what was that again ? << That time my personal blog was featured on /. thrice with no resistance.
BingoBoingo: The first time was exactly one year ago +/- 5 days
assbot: ButterNubber comments on I grew a neckbeard reading this "Bitcoin Declaration of Sovereignity" (note: Link doesn't go to the actual Bitcoin Foundation) ... (
http://bit.ly/1t0ArAA )
ben_vulpes: i'm still waiting for robert viragh to call my mother and tell her i hang out with nasty people on the internets
ben_vulpes: because that's what he threatened to do!
mircea_popescu: i guess hungarians have jew-close relationships with their mothers /
ben_vulpes: want to hear something else lispily amusing?
ben_vulpes: stumpwm (a cl window manager) handles multiple monitors better than OS X.
mircea_popescu: i wasn't thinking os x is particularly good at any task.
ben_vulpes: "just works" is dead. has been for like 3 revisions now, but the rest of the world is finally waking up to it.
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Ever play with plan9 or its forks/distros?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: nah, it was great for the adobe suite
assbot: New Radio Encryption May Have Stymied Communication in Metro Incident, Sources Say | NBC4 Washington ... (
http://bit.ly/1t0B3pO )
ben_vulpes: my next operating system dabblings are going to be in bsds and gentoo
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: If they did, they haven't done it well
decimation: ben_vulpes: re: osx << it's been going downhill ever since 10.6
mircea_popescu: thanks god that italian dude did the cached version eh.
mats: all this gloom about forest fires makes me nervous, i am a mere vassal of USG with insufficient rocket fuel
decimation: I've been cursed with supporting osx at the office to some degree
decimation: ever try to make it actually work with nfs reliably?
ben_vulpes: their proprietary spreadsheet program will only save documents compatible with the version of itself that runs on 10.10
mircea_popescu: anyone remember who was the bitcointa.lk sysadmin ? i recall he was here.
punkman wonders if bitcointalk will break all the old links after upgrade
decimation: mats: in the case of the link above, people died waiting for 'rescue' after a metro train became 'stuck' near some kind of fire
gribble: cedivad was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 30 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, 50 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: <cedivad> Barber claimed that they were payments to suppliers, but he has still to prove that.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell cedivad hey, now that bitcointalk.org is gone, could a full dump of bitcointa.lk be had for archival purposes ?
ben_vulpes: ;;rate gavinandresen -5 has already broken bitcoin innumerable times and would like to continue.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -5 for user gavinandresen has been recorded.
ben_vulpes: ;;rate gavinandresen -5 has already broken bitcoin several times and would like to continue.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user gavinandresen has changed from -5 to -5.
ben_vulpes: !rate gavinandresen -5 has already broken bitcoin several times and would like to continue.
ben_vulpes: !v assbot:ben_vulpes.rate.gavinandresen.-5:8e4060d0c134fa8feda50c5e3e897056c40b5142c493f8d4371e8bbaf386085d
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for gavinandresen from -5 to -5 with note: has already broken bitcoin several times and would like to continue.
mircea_popescu: anywya, ima be off now, all teh people wanting to pretend like you are talking in b-a but not really, you got at least six hours.
punkman: I doubt they will actually migrate to node.js crapolade before 2016, seems like a lot of work
BingoBoingo: punkman: Well, question marks exist for reasons.
punkman: decimation, so they are claiming 2-3 billion users total?
assbot: Today in Silk Road proceedings, prosecution showed that the Dread Pirate Roberts private PGP key was saved on Ulbricht's computer.
decimation: of which apparently 99.7% never actually use google plus as 'social media'
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Remember that time pankkake was like WTF is this giant incoming ATC transaction... And it was because in worst practices we had a private key together...
BingoBoingo: Technology is cruel, but especially so to prosecutors.
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: ya duh if the defense is "DPR was more than one person" then the obvious next step is "well and of course we shooped the key around"
BingoBoingo: And of course then when Ulbricht returns e gets the archives of drama he missed.
mats: i wonder what price per coin was agreed to when he gave em up
BingoBoingo: Fuck Chicago PD is the closest thing to actual LEX operation on 'Murican TV
BingoBoingo: The one flaw is the tactics they attribute to Big city specialized intelligence unit were normalized in small town PD long ago
decimation: ah. I'm trying to write driver using userland library, and am loathing usb
decimation: asciilifeform: 'strip' as in stripping debug symbols?
BingoBoingo: Fuck, asciilifeform not for the lack of fast, but for the defective. I've had octeon suspicions like I have longsoon suspicions, but cock sucking mother fucker.
decimation: plus, what would you use for display? crt serial terminal?
BingoBoingo: decimation: I would use crt serial plugged into RJ port. I assume at the moment stripped means instructions as part of 64 are fucked because "octeon" and no one cares for poor MPIS.
BingoBoingo: Fuck I don't even care enough for MIPS to spell it right.
decimation: asciilifeform: indeed. little can be done to abstract the overengineered crazytown
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Ah. On non tard-86 I assume perserve userspace to allow pulseaudio cancer would poison any linux too much.
decimation: supposedly the linux that comes with the box gets good reviews
decimation: heh. does it have any usable bus interface?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Pulse audio's salvation from fixing a kernel bug was a more general io concern if I remember right
decimation: so one could use a hub to add usb devices.
BingoBoingo: decimation: It has rj-45 jack, can emulate rs-232 over that for terminal I would hope or not a computer.
BingoBoingo: Why always 1 step forward and half a mile and a liter of hobo piss back.
decimation: I would consider purchasing it to replace the pc I'm using for that purpose
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: For particular definitions of cheap
decimation: asciilifeform: cisco et.al. have been making $$$ selling versions of this kind of thing with crapware
BingoBoingo: Edgerouter seemed a bargain, still seems best at what it is... just... disapoint that not as I hoped it could be abused into without the now apparent resistance
decimation: asciilifeform: right, but I think they might use mips on some of their stuff
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> cisco is not permitted in my home even unpowered. << Technetium even if it is a perfect catalyst not invited to the lab.
BingoBoingo: The lab is a construct of mine I posit as roughly equivalent to Luke-Jr's hindbrain. Probably flawed, but I hop at least not flawed in that way.
decimation: TomServo: I was looking at their specs a few weeks ago
decimation: apparently it's popular to mod the clock on thier boards with something better, to use for ntp server
BingoBoingo wants a ruthenium standard on wrist can not fault other's time foibles.
decimation wonders why 'adult' computer servers lack external clock input
BingoBoingo just wants a MIPS64 workstation that doesn't exist since 68k descendants are stuck in robo-arms
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I've been searching for one that doesn't cost anal virginity or another FBI door knock
BingoBoingo: And yet I still have Treasury agent Broachwala's business card in case I want to confess tax crimes and not the mick/potato-nigger FBI agent's card.
decimation: honestly it's probably better just to buy an fpga board and roll your ow
BingoBoingo: Well MIPS64 or 64 bit 68k descendant of which I know none.
BingoBoingo: Disk only exists because electric grids suck
BingoBoingo: The age of many of these recent solaris patches shake my faith in SPAR64
BingoBoingo: Which I like as an uncomfortable parachute.
BingoBoingo: Of the assemblies I am most familiar with 68k, but... If we are stuck with C machines until loper gets a CPU... If I have to do C machines the MIPS bare minimum of a C machine has a lot of appeal.
BingoBoingo: And MIPS routers suggests there are people making small process MIPS chips which ought to mean less RF emissions for that asshole with the white F-150 to pick up.
BingoBoingo: I dunno that the white F-150 is surveilling me, but...
mats: leave your private keys with me and i promise ill bail you out
BingoBoingo: mats: Oh, if you understand anatomy well enough you can put private keys anywhere.
BingoBoingo: mats: Anyways since you declared allegiance to New Reno USG I have to assume polio USG is spending more then $100k per year chasing less than a prius in Buttstamp valued BTC.
BingoBoingo: No insult intended to you mats, all insults intended towards Obola
BingoBoingo: Sounds like enough for almost everything but respectable BTC node
BingoBoingo: Problem is not lack of basic examples it is that a decade or two long wait for dataflow cadr CPU... seems ok...
BingoBoingo: I took the red pill... two, in fact :-) << Quote from page
BingoBoingo: Maybe the brain ETOH pickling is making my smash ideas that shouldn't be together, but... on a slow happenings day like today my brain needed chemical protection from the adverse effects of Reddit.
BingoBoingo also offer that yes the forgetfulness effect of drunk is exactly how one should avoid catching brain damage spread by Redditards.
fluffypony: oh noez, blockchain.info was down, now bitcointalk is down, err'one panic
BingoBoingo: fluffypony: I got produce this week and today ate another whole broccoli. At it because steaming fit the timeline of busy at X, be still wanted ready food at Y.
BingoBoingo: punkman: What's wrong with the plain kind get a 2-3 lb head and eat the whole thing.
punkman: BingoBoingo: yeah I do cauliflower,broccoli,onion,pepper,carrot salad often, it's great
BingoBoingo: Maybe I just do groceies odd, but broccoli comes in one giant piece so I figure most practical to eat as such
punkman: we don't have giant mutant broccoli here
punkman: I usually wash it, cut it down to smaller pieces, immerse in water+vinegar+salt and leave it in the fridge
BingoBoingo: What kind of midget broccoli do you get there?
fluffypony: reddit circlejerks over the weirdest stuff
assbot: Bill Gates just said on Jimmy Fallon the future in Africa is about access to banking with cell phones and digital currency!! : Bitcoin ... (
http://bit.ly/1CSpQYy )
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1341 @ 0.00084997 = 1.1398 BTC [+] {3}
BingoBoingo: punkman: My drunk ass is going to sleep, and hopefully in my sleep I will fart enough to prevent explosion.
BingoBoingo: punkman: I might seriously gas myself, but I am fine.
assbot: So /CoinFireBlog are writing and encouraging spurious BS about GAW. Sue them /gawceo just destroy these halfwit clowns.
assbot: So /CoinFireBlog are writing and encouraging spurious BS about GAW. Sue them /gawceo just destroy these halfwit clowns.
BingoBoingo: Also why the fuck is the total weight of Homero's conference bodyguards less than that I usually have on any given Friday?
BingoBoingo would rather see USian Mosin and SKS, but...
BingoBoingo admits he is drunk and full of hatorade right now, but can not understand why GAW is focusing its hate and traffic on 2coinfire.cf which merely threatens them instead of qntra.net which ended them.
Naphex: davout: grats on the intergration.
Naphex: davout: do they just hook to the payments api?
Naphex: davout: on the new terminals or old ones as well?
davout: these terminals are not publicly available yet
davout: those with a sufficiently large screen
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4335 @ 0.00049947 = 2.1652 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.10000301 = 1.2 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1800 @ 0.00085 = 1.53 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6450 @ 0.00049015 = 3.1615 BTC [-]
nubbins`: things were getting good, woodcollector started calling people fags
nubbins`: the scam thread made it up to like 23 pages
thestringpuller: davout: makes me want to fulfill my dream of living in france
thestringpuller: took french classes half my life. and look a real life cool french person rite here on IRC!
davout: thestringpuller: you're australian amirite?
davout: or am i heavily confused?
davout: his argumentation basically boils down to "prove me we shouldn't change what works"
davout: this pronoun-changing bzns keeps the butthurt flowing
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34250 @ 0.00049034 = 16.7941 BTC [+] {2}
kakobrekla: >Which expert's opinion do you want to see ?
kakobrekla: >Andreas Antonoplous, or Kristov Atlas would seal the deal for me; I'd say Peter Todd or Greg Maxwell would be best, but those dudes are super busy these days.
kakobrekla: i think i just blown my retard-o-meter
jurov: don't copy that stuff here then. can cause murderous rage for mircea_popescu, ben_vulpes and others
jurov: oh these two aren't around. okay then :>
davout: jurov: lmao, i naively clocked
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15700 @ 0.00049823 = 7.8222 BTC [+] {2}
jurov: kakobrekla you see, nobody trusts assbot title extractor anymore
mod6: that hardware thingy looks like I should take a slapshot with it.
mod6: maybe they'll have lost your ban. win!
davout: o noes, that mountain of butthurt took years to build
assbot: Data since Jan 21 21:44 UTC will not be automatically recovered, though if anything important was lost, I might be able to find it manually.
thestringpuller: I wonder if in 20 years when IRC is still chugging along on freenode what will be of thermos' forum...
danielpbarron seriously doubts it will be on freenode in 20 years, or if there will even be a freenode
BingoBoingo: Prolly going to fork into "systemd-node" and "System D Nodes"
thestringpuller: danielpbarron: i think freenode will always have irc clients connected to it in the far future
thestringpuller: danielpbarron: doesn't that say something on its own regarding the durability of irc networks?
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: EFnet used to be all of IRC except people who tolerated a particular server
danielpbarron: if a tree falls in the woods, and nobody important was there to write about it, did it make a sound?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21900 @ 0.00049947 = 10.9384 BTC [+]
lobbes: BingoBoingo: so, even if I'm running 0.8.1, I should be good if I just stay put?
lobbes: I'm glad I discovered this place, man. Otherwise I would have been led off the cliff a long time ago
lobbes: The more I read, the more I realize I don't know anything. Nor do the bitcoin devs for that matter
davout: lobbes: that's actually a pretty good sign
lobbes: davout: That I've realized my ignorance? lel, yeah I guess that's the first step, right?
davout: that doesn't usually happen only once, but yes it's a good thing in the sense that it's an incentive to think more
lobbes: I gotta say, this 'thinking' thing has helped me in my professional life as well
lobbes: the whole 'don't just assume' thing
davout: brains burn lots of energy
thestringpuller: focus is probably the hardest part of thinking, only achieved through kung fu
thestringpuller: concentration training in a world flooded with information
davout: ability to focus is acquired by focusing, being through kung-fu, meditation...
thestringpuller: i say kung-fu in traditional: "special skill acquired through much practice"
thestringpuller: i.e. kung-fu = practice/repetition in my context my apologies lol
thestringpuller: focus being acquired through all of the above, which are practicing/training
davout: ah, i didn't get that :)
thestringpuller: lobbes: I like the saying, "Scammer until proven trustworthy."
jurov: dunno if kung fu helped me focus
jurov: it's more about acquiring useful muscle memory bits
lobbes: I remember reading something a bit ago that hit home; a lot of people make the mistake of 'reasoning from their own mind' without really checking external sources of information. Which is deadly if you are ignorant such as myself
jurov: but on other side, we were supposed to learn choreography and i was too lazy to force myself to remember it whole properly
jurov: if i did it would prolly help
thestringpuller: jurov: the interesting facet of that kind of memory "working memory", is it requires some effort of concentration to operate
assbot: Logged on 05-03-2014 23:07:34; kakobrekla: i guess misconception add up over the years
BingoBoingo: lobbes: Well Maybe there's a hazard. It isn't ideal, but I don't know of a great version of bitcoin yet.
thestringpuller: like if you do a repetitive task that require repetition, it may also require focus
thestringpuller: lobbes: re: ignorance << The first step is admitting to knowing nothing.
lobbes: thestringpuller davout: yes, and I would agree that I have reached this 'realization' more than once
jurov: thestringpuller it's big difference between doing a simple movememnt properly and doing whole choreography
jurov: imo only the latter helps to focus appreciably
thestringpuller: jurov: yes. when it all becomes fluid like water I guess the conscious mind is not really present?
nubbins`: how do you run a website and not know how many drives failed?
kakobrekla: well the machine says "no hdd found" and he is sure there were present before.
BingoBoingo: Maybe his buddy Garr sold him scam CognitiveHDD
jurov: thestringpuller the conscious mind needs to be there to say what's next. many people struggled with it
kakobrekla: !v assbot:kakobrekla.rate.lobbes.1:4fd3561d6f226714f09b646ea053aef5102071a772336bf8a34ab8b2efface77
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for lobbes with note: easy cum easy go
assbot: You rated user sturles on 29-Oct-2011, with a rating of 2, and supplied these additional notes: coupla deals over pp.
mircea_popescu: !rate sturles 4 I was hesitant to replace a 2011 rating before, however : Sturles is and has since the beginning been a pillar of the community.
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.sturles.4:3f9276f8f535402206a2b3271e74982696f84b71b759729a2837bbf58b0b7b15
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for sturles from 2 to 4 with note: I was hesitant to replace a 2011 rating before, however : Sturles is and has since the beginning been a pillar of the community.
kakobrekla: actually, here is the thing. if you just !rate over existing rating, the old date should stay. if you !unrate and !rate, it will put up a new one.
kakobrekla: idk if gribble works that way but iirc i made that call here
Apocalyptic: gribble just overwrites the rating date everytime
kakobrekla: [note] => I was hesitant to replace a 2011 rating before, however : Sturles is and has since the beginning been a pillar of the community.
kakobrekla: just thought date is worth something and shouldnt be destroyed
mircea_popescu: the fact that !unrate !rate cycle wipes it, but simple !rate update doesn't is actually the best of both worlds.
mircea_popescu: decimation: punkman: that's 2-3 billion signups <<< and yet, in spite of that claim (probably unsubstantiated, as all of these, but certainly more defensible in VC terms than anyone else's), g+ isn't worht anything.
mircea_popescu: if there's a better example as to why the "grow big fast" so-called strategy doiesn't work, here it is. google's own g+ is not worth naything in spite of 3bn users.
mircea_popescu: that watsapp no users claimed as however many seemed to be worth something when fb paid for them is no support of the theory. that g+ isn't worth anything IS counterproof.
mircea_popescu: because that's how proof works : that you didn't break into any houses all through the day of the 29th doesn't help you in court. that you did on the 25th, sinks you.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: well santa clause is allowed to BNE on the 25th me thoughts
thestringpuller: maybe the entire point of G+ is to prove Facebook isn't worth anything?
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller yes, actually, in a backwards sort of way it's exactly that. google can't afford to have zuck pretend like oh, "we're better than google". so if he tries they can go "heh, we're fb plus other things".
thestringpuller: if that strategy succeeds, the bubble that is facebook maybe unprecedented upon collapse.
thestringpuller: this is good point, the idiots will be left holding the bag.
mircea_popescu: moreover, there's a maximal value of a bubble, when it pops. this is driven by the headcount and so forth, nothing else.
mircea_popescu: albania's bubble was like, 9x% of maximum. russia's a few years earlier, more like 60%ish. romania's a good 80%
assbot: Man 'sold' Facebook IPO shares, gets 46 months in the federal slammer | VentureBeat | Business | by Daniel Terdiman ... (
http://bit.ly/1Cj3xge )
mircea_popescu: bubbles are built not out of money but out of dreams, hopes and assorted verbiage. which is why money is such an approximative approach to attack them.
mircea_popescu: in principle, some pacific islanders with their six acres of unarable land and fifty coconuts can make a bubble just as well as new york can.
mircea_popescu: and when it pops, it will be JUST AS destructive to economy & society, according to how close to the absolute maximum it got.
thestringpuller: yea. not many people are going to "front" the pacific islanders dreams with drugs, sex and rock & roll in the same way US-ians do with Sillycon Valley
mircea_popescu: but in fact, sex, drugs and rock and roll are a permanence in human history.
thestringpuller: or at least I look at a bubble as someone fronting someone something
mircea_popescu: yeah. but the something in question chiefly is "social and economic preeminence"
mircea_popescu: only if the something concrete like say a house is also something abstract like the meaning of a house.
thestringpuller: given to a business that burns it all in the form of salaries
mircea_popescu: bubbles are built out of signifiers not out of significates.
mircea_popescu: these are terms of art, you go read up on language theoree :)
mircea_popescu: ironically, in spite of pierce's much more factually sensible theory, somehow saussure's seems more useful in practice.
mircea_popescu: having people who aren't really intellectually capable to handle email involved in bitcoin ? why ? "because they're people too" ? no, they're not people too. they're cattle too.
mircea_popescu: and this only speaks to whitey, people who have somehow fallen through the cracks of a lentghy history of literacy.
mircea_popescu: driving adoption in africa and central asia, god help you.
assbot: Central banks have no more control over their economies than gnats have over elephants. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... (
http://bit.ly/1Cj6Q72 )
chetty: so on this mornings glenn beck show he went on at some length about how people would be turning to bitcoin as a way to protect idenity from all the hacking, he has big audience ..and he didnt say anything that was actually stuipd, for a change
punkman: mircea_popescu: driving adoption in africa and central asia, god help you. < imagining asian version of tips from husband now, scary
mircea_popescu: punkman right ? it's just... dude we did so very much to fuck up africa already
BingoBoingo: chetty: Lizard Hitler doesn't need him to say anything stupid on Bitcoin. Other people will tell his audience stupid things and reasonable things abot Bitcoin might seem sstupid to other uninitiated people via naive association with him.
chetty: yes the blaze radio posts podcasts of all their shows
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo wasn't this the guy that did a lot of gold and guns advertising, and pretty much sounds like a b-a alumni ?
chetty: yeah if he could get off the god wagon he would make a lot of sense actually
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: To an extent. His relationship with particular gold vendors though apes Keiser's relationship with Aurora coin though. The "pay premium for particular coins" sort of scam
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo yeah it smelled funny that bit but i never really looked into it.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: "collectible" gold coins instead of... "Fuck you this is gold" scam.
mircea_popescu: chetty ironically ppl like danielpbarron are doing fine. i dunno that one's religious belief is an impediment. course this may really be a religion vs theology thing.
chetty: well in fairness collectible gold is what FDR didnt get
mircea_popescu: chetty yeah but in fdr's time the situation was, weak govenrment and strong population. today it's exactly the opposite.
mircea_popescu: kinda like trying to guess what parts will stay dry after a flood. hard job.
chetty: indeed, but the floods a comin for sure
mircea_popescu: davout you know, here's the thing with twitter : back when i had an account, i kept thinking all sorts of in retrospect bizarre nonsensical, fatlogic-y rationalisations for why i'm spending time there.
mircea_popescu: once they decided i killed poor anton (god rest his stupid, scammy soul), i discovered... whoa.
mircea_popescu: this is really stupid central and wtf am i doing there!
mircea_popescu: now, in honesty, there WAS a time, in 2010, when pretty much all the good tail in romania was there.
Pierre_Rochard: like any bad habit, you hit rock bottom at some point and rethink tings
☟︎ mircea_popescu: but a) it doesn't work in english and b) it doesn't work this decade.
undata: I mostly follow people from here, not so bad
davout: kakobrekla: i got some other french dude mod, so i can just pop in there from time to time and nuke the occasional noobie
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: I'm prolly going to be stuck there because of this media startup and a need to follow RSS for dummies
davout: kakobrekla: yeah, i should b
davout: i should make a bot that moderates randomly so i get paid from the forum chest until they notice XD
kakobrekla: that 2015 parity bet (which i did not make) in bitbet queue is gonna get stale
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo if you want advice, the best advice is, use curl to pull up a shiotton of feeds, create a script that greps it by keywords with weight, create another that searches for rare words, and sort the whole thing in that order.
undata: quick update before I dive into bezzeland biz, I bought deedbot.org for deed bundles, and the thing's two cron jobs and some code cleanup from being ready
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Sure, but that way there's less yelling at people.
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: No, the rest of you can divorce if you want.
assbot: jankoxp is not registered in WoT.
pete_dushenski: and here i was thinking that cristina ordered the thing
mircea_popescu: i was thinking the same think, an' even said some pretty hard words about teh woman
mircea_popescu: or deprs who have a lot more to lose than her moving on their own accord.
pete_dushenski: i wouldn't think that the argentinian powers that be would move entirely independently from cristina
pete_dushenski: she didn't trip, fall, and land there quite by accident
mircea_popescu: her husband put her in so he can come back, then died.
pete_dushenski: or she'd have been out on her ass within the first year
mircea_popescu: as long as they didn't find her in bed with a live girl or a dead boy...
pete_dushenski: oficialismo is a south american thing or just argentina ?
mircea_popescu: sorry, you're my expert on the ground in sa, which interests me.
fluffypony: reporting live from the heart ^z^z^z^z leafy coastal suburbs of South Africa!
ben_vulpes: (bubblear known derps, but nevertheless)
davout: fluffypony: afrikaans sounds so weird to a dutch speaker
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes well they're cloudfired so i can'tsee it. what's the claim in summary ?
fluffypony: davout: I can imagine - Dutch sounds bizarre to my ears
davout: to a dutch person, an afrikaner sounds somewhat like a drunk belgian
fluffypony: to a South African, Dutch people sound pretentious...but after beer #3 nobody cares and we're all the best of friends
mircea_popescu: because we live in hillcoutntry, and it's one to the hill and in the fog.
davout: you know what they say about men with big feet?
fluffypony: actually the one thing that irritates me about Afrikaans is the double-negative, as in "ek het dit nie gesien nie" (literally: I have it not seen not)
rdymac: The case of Nisman is obviously a really bad way to shut that guy
chetty: yeah but it spreads fear and shuts up more people
davout: fluffypony: but it sounds like the second negative doesn't actually count, amirite?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: more or less that "there were peepul!"
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes i didn't see it. obviously i don't keep the entire city under surveillance.
fluffypony: davout: yeah, and if you forget it then suddenly the sentence no longer "makes sense"
rdymac: It was not a suicide. The truth will be known way after, when it doesn't affect anymore the president
mircea_popescu: davout the negative doesn't actually cunt, you're right. yes means anal.
davout: mircea_popescu: you're such a mean harassing and hateful individual, also privilege
fluffypony: I thought davout was the mean harassing person for all the gavinharassing in that IRC log?
fluffypony: the reddits were all "OMG GAVIN HAS THE PATIENCE OF A GOD. HE IS TRULY A SAINT."
davout: fluffypony: no today i was the leave-the-pronoun-switcher-alone bullying individual
fluffypony: you know the redditards are going to get you murdered off twitter
fluffypony: especially on a day like today when Bitcointalk is down
davout: then comes along this random neckbeard, pretend-cto, that would totally penetrate my security, if only he had some time
fluffypony: no! he must be decentralised and let us vote!
davout: i dunno, i already did aanontop once or twice
davout: now i'm blocked, gotta find another one
davout: mircea_popescu: not enough donations it appears
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i will bet you that this is in no way upgrade related. has that smell of panic resulting from legal process.
davout: they said it was hdd failure
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Post is updated this morning to include their claim of hdd failure
jurov: you know, some hdds escaped... will take at least days till they catch all of them
mircea_popescu: and here i thought hotswappable arrays are common practice.
Naphex: jurov: well i'll telly ou, that if you don't have spare hdd's
davout: their HDDs were victim of their own success
Naphex: good luck finding compatible spares in less then 5 days
mircea_popescu: Naphex you know the marquardt idiot is sitting on like 5mn worth of donations / revenues ?
davout: or maybe it's their bank that's placing arbitrary access limits on their HDDs
Naphex: mircea_popescu: yeah, i've heard. which makes it way worsse
mircea_popescu: the plague of bitcoin : it empowered all sorts of people who, well... aren't really up to the task.
Naphex: not having spare hdd's available for your server, will make you rage so hard, while you call all the available suppliers
Naphex: ofcourse they won't have any available, especially for your raid
mircea_popescu: Naphex the dcs that work with noobs generally (if well managed) do two things : only use a few specific types, and keep a supply on hand.
fluffypony: he truly is the prophet of this generation
Naphex: mircea_popescu: doubt anyone was monitoring those servers. HDD's give quite a few warnings before blowing up. Especially in raid setups
Naphex: red/yellow lights would be blinking
Naphex: prolly, but i'd rate that very rare events
assbot: Logged on 22-01-2015 18:01:40; Pierre_Rochard: like any bad habit, you hit rock bottom at some point and rethink tings
fluffypony: it still boggles my mind that with all the donation money he can't afford to pay a part-time sysadmin to get them setup properly
fluffypony: it would take maybe a day to move that backend over to a Galera cluster
Naphex: i've had full hardware hosted and running for 6+ years. dozens of hdd's switched and replaced. maybe 1 complete raid failure on HP Proliants
fluffypony: how does he not understand points-of-failure?
mircea_popescu: Naphex i recently passed the 1k physical hdds lifetime award. and seen it exactly once.
mircea_popescu: fluffypony because he is a 24 yo derp exactly like any 24 yo derp you could get by sending a naked 23 yo hottie parading down the street.
Naphex: mircea_popescu: was using HP Proliants for a while, had one that the whole 8x raid array just barked, as soon as i replaced 1 hdd, the other would fail
Naphex: had to replace the whole array
adlai: re bct downtime... "is your hdd running? BETTER GO CATCH IT!"
adlai: hey that makes me feel young again! \o/
Naphex: maybe he used SSD's without the controller having TRIM support :))
Naphex: thats a new hipster way to blow up your stuff
mircea_popescu: "Scientists have found that the 'cowgirl' position is responsible for half of all penile fractures during sexual intercourse"
STRML: Wanted to chime in, that key is working in gpgtools 1.5b2
STRML: there were some pretty serious bugs in some of the earlier 2.0.x versions, perhaps that is the issue
STRML: i'm on macgpg2 2.0.26
mircea_popescu: gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. ius the very helpful error i get.
fluffypony: gpg: key 29D9246A: public key "Operation Atlas <admin@safeorscam.com>" imported
STRML: mircea_popescu: working in linux mint as well, although I get a message about an invalid armor header
STRML: gpg: invalid armor header:
STRML: gpg: key 29D9246A: public key "Operation Atlas <admin@safeorscam.com>" imported
STRML: gpg: Total number processed: 1
STRML: gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1)
fluffypony: STRML: that's because it's interpreting the \n as a line break
fluffypony: gpg: invalid armor header: mQINBE8wSNoBEAC3Bg08G6qZVa62svL60QktAWqWByK6MYaMc6MQOAQYXC3WxFtM\n
STRML: I guess I live in the wrong city
mod6: now, there's a stress-free job. go around taking photos of those girls.
mod6: every day is a great day! lol
mircea_popescu: it doesn't pay that much, you have to travel a lot, and what you don't see is that most hourlong shots take like 4 or 5, because constant interruptions.
mircea_popescu: the one guy i knew that was best at it used to be a war photoreporter before.
mod6: well, i guess i can imagine.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: Sounds like enough for almost everything but respectable BTC node << actually, if anyone could be arsed to publish a guide on "how to turn commercially available router into btc full node" i'd love him long time.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: stuff like "desolder the 512mb card, replace with 128gb card" and "get kernel so and so in there" would be all fine.
mircea_popescu: if bitcoin nodes would cost something like 50 bucks and 6 hours' time off a computer-aware kid, that'd help immensely
mircea_popescu: because practically everyone has 4 hole router at home of which 2-3 holes are used. so get that plugged into the 4th and there we go, node problem fixed.
mircea_popescu: you know if you use all the holes it means you got poor management
fluffypony: who even uses the holes, I use teh wifiez
mod6 was on another tangent
danielpbarron: "People emailed me saying she is not a dog so i googled llama and she is a llama, and I am keeping her because she already likes me and my house."
davout: mircea_popescu: lol tis barcelona <<< the one with the mcdonalds flag is totally amsterdam
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3399 @ 0.00049223 = 1.6731 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: What did woodcoddler do to Bitcointalk?
nubbins`: i think u.s. customs ordered them to take it offline
nubbins`: because of the illegal wood importation
nubbins`: wts silkscreened butterfly labs dildos
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: You know what would be an interesting twist of the laser carved scam?
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: I'm thinking you set up the normal carved while you wait booth at the mall or carnival or whatever with your laser, but you plug in a joystick and a trackball to make it seem like you are piloting the laser manually.
BingoBoingo: Dude could call himself a master laserworker to get his margins back up
gribble: ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
assbot: Ulbricht's college buddy just testified that Ulbricht told him in November 2011 he had already sold Silk Road to someone else.
gribble: Error: "kittenlaser" is not a valid command.
gribble: Error: "kittenlasers" is not a valid command.
gribble: ุ ₍˄.͡˳̫.˄₎ ุ ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew*
midnightmagic: ehh.. the testimoney of a friend. what's that worth
danielpbarron: doesn't that testimony hurt him further? "he told me he stopped murdering in 2011"
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: His lawyer's hand was already force into admitting he started it and was the bag holder. Right now the fight is to shave off charges and years in jail while setting up traps to get it overturned on appeal.
jurov: dunno all these are only meagerly equipped with memory
jurov: was main reason why i went with miniitx
kakobrekla: prolly 100$ second hand, 200 or so new.
jurov: hp microserver with 16gigs for $100-200? where?
kakobrekla: by default they come with 4 or 8 i think
jurov: oh btw don't they have remote management like iLO? i'm not so superstitious like asciilifeform, but do avoid that, too
kakobrekla: but yes for reliability. even if rpi wold be strong enough (hey he didnt say no to arm, though he prolly ment it) it wouldnt cut as the thing is fragile.
jurov: i was under impression all have ilo nowadays
kakobrekla: btw those ARM servers that got in france, more than qualified to run this
jurov: another murderous rage victim?
jurov: let's decentralize our mind itself! i heard THC or LSD can be used
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: To be fair his settlement bars him from Bitcoin securities for a while
davout: danielpbarron: "voorhees pretending MPEx doesn't exist" <<< how is he doing that?
danielpbarron: his opening argument is about how coinbase is the premire bitcoin service
danielpbarron: wow, the topic of "cyber security" is being covered by someone named "GloZell," a youtuber famous for filling her bathtub with milk and cereal and swiming in it
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Some derp "scam spotting" service.
mircea_popescu: "Declaration of Interest. We have investments in Paycoin (XPY) and in GAW. We invest in order to generate funds to continue running this site. We would not invest in anything we considered to be a Ponzi or Scam. We have exercised due diligence and believe this to be a trustworthy company and project. We also provide links to trusted 3rd party sites.
mircea_popescu: looked a lot like astroturf, turns out it is exactly astroturf.
davout: so many chumps, so little time
mircea_popescu: davout so will you be able to take over if/when bitpay croaks ?
mircea_popescu: davout: thestringpuller: you're australian amirite? << no, he
davout: re bitpay i have no idea
davout: the way i see it the payment bzns is just as an extra pipe to bring volume to the exchange
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla i ask specifically because i have a coupla derps im paying via bitpay currently.
davout: kakobrekla: i can't america, because fatca
mircea_popescu: backup plans never hurt. once they go "well wtf we do nao, we don't want to lose your $xxxx" i just go "use this" and end of story.
mircea_popescu: this shit's fascinating. davout's article ? 2 comments. reddit pseudo-discussion of the topic ? >100 comments.
jurov: can't get karma from comments on davouts blog
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: i think i just blown my retard-o-meter << who's "kristo atlas" again ? not the actual atlas ?!
mircea_popescu: jurov: don't copy that stuff here then. can cause murderous rage for mircea_popescu, ben_vulpes and others << j knows.
mircea_popescu: but seriously : so the people too dumb to participate in the actual bitcoin discussion, here, eitehr because they can't get an irc client going or because they can't gpg or whatever, because their windows doesn't come with a "b-a button", sit somewhere and derp.
mircea_popescu: assbot: Bitcoin Forum Bitcointalk is Down due to Disk Failure - Data Lost << bs. he got served, panicked and deleted the data.
mircea_popescu: methinks we see a jailed & pardoned marquardt show up here to "talk business" within the year.
assbot: Data since Jan 21 21:44 UTC will not be automatically recovered, though if anything important was lost, I might be able to find it manually.
cazalla: bitcoinpresscenter.org was andreas derps response after he was denied a listing on some other bitcoin site from memory
mircea_popescu: cazalla so basically this is the o'reilly flavour of astroturfed "bitcoin experts" ?
jurov: let's call them honey badgers
mircea_popescu: *: danielpbarron seriously doubts it will be on freenode in 20 years, or if there will even be a freenode << as far as freenode is concenred, i am agreed. however, b-a is 4ever!
jurov: mircea_popescu: animals on book covers
jurov: or what was the mcd's slogan?
jurov: yes, i'm curious :)
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: if a tree falls in the woods, and nobody important was there to write about it, did it make a sound? << yes. after the beep, hear the sound it made.
mircea_popescu: lobbes: I'm glad I discovered this place, man. Otherwise I would have been led off the cliff a long time ago << yer welcome.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes tell the sluts if they do this to you again i will hunt them down.
ben_vulpes: i can just imagine them frolicking squealing naked through the woods
ben_vulpes: "popescu is coming! popescu is coming!"
jurov: there are only 3 items in the bash q
ben_vulpes: <jurov> don't copy that stuff here then. can cause murderous rage for mircea_popescu, ben_vulpes and others << my murderous rage reservoir is depleted
ben_vulpes: i'm cut all the way over to gleeful wanton murder today
kakobrekla: i would just take the last line of the last bash
jurov: you said you're depleted?
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes had an overflow in his rage buffer
ben_vulpes: it's like one of those "so bad its good" things but it's more like "so pissed at computers i've now got ptsd and 'shall we over the trenches for fun tonight fellas?'"
mircea_popescu: one week it's the imaginary tampon shortage, the next week it's the roasted jews...
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: It's stuck that way because SMS messages.
danielpbarron: ben_vulpes, twitter started as an SMS service, and tweets were limited to what could be sent via text
ben_vulpes: no i get the history and the technology, asshats.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37400 @ 0.00049027 = 18.3361 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Net Neutrality: No on Reclassification, Yes on Adding Content & App Providers | Inside BlackBerry ... (
http://bit.ly/1y4QF7i )
BingoBoingo: undata: Wait until they demand the new reference bitcoin client and gossipd build on windows
undata: BingoBoingo: alarms going off... "hurry undata... achieve escape velocity!"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19700 @ 0.00049947 = 9.8396 BTC [+]
assbot: Logged on 22-01-2015 20:46:00; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ... if anyone could be arsed to publish a guide on 'how to turn commercially available router into btc full node' << the gadget i mentioned earlier, plus process, only need a larger - 64G+ - usb drive, to make this go. but i did not publish instructions, because did not think anyone wanted this.
mircea_popescu: davout: the one with the mcdonalds flag is totally amsterdam << shit you're right
mthreat: mircea_popescu: hadn't seen that article... but lots of ex-germans in them there parts of patagonia
mircea_popescu: midnightmagic: ehh.. the testimoney of a friend. what's that worth << sworn testimony is sworn testimony. unless the witness gets impeached, it's worth as much as an employee's testimony
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: imho, no to x86, no to fans, and ought to keep cost minimal. << yes.
mircea_popescu: maybe i'm not all together, but... what the fuck does stackexchange need 40mn for ?