433 entries in 0.407s
mircea_popescu: guy comes in, "hey, isn't that dog pissing in your shoe bothering you ?!"
mircea_popescu: romanian joke, for you. man sitting at desk, dog next to him pissing in his shoe.
mircea_popescu: (there's a very good reason they keep going on with cow and dog are animal. there was a great paper in the log about "you know what, just change your chosen names to hashes, see if teh system appears to be doing as much "understanding" as it did before.)
mircea_popescu: you gotta raise the kids yourself, because everyone's parents have been a coupla dog vomits and there's no adults inhabiting the world.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field incidentally, you know the joke with the two jews and the piece of dog turd ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, gotta try. one of these days you're gonna manage to connect a mad dog, and it might even do some damage.
mircea_popescu: "oh, income equality". brazil has A LOT more of it than the us. in the us everyone is poor. i mean this, literally, there are NO RICH PEOPLE in the us. nobody is rich there. everyone is poor like a fucking dog, like the soviets were poor in 1980.
mircea_popescu: running dog of the ba cultists!
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-10-2015#1294261 << it does! this dog that read everything back in kindergarten... ☝︎
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski im not so sure of the entire moulding thing. i think i met more competent dogs than competent humans in my life, mostly because the bar so much lower for dog. and it's self-moulding really, just as long as you don't get in th way too much.
mircea_popescu: the dog looks pretty beaten.
mircea_popescu: i mean, a blob i can see, for whatever crazy purposes. but an actual fucking picture ? with like a dog and a dumbass hat too ? shoot the fucker.
mircea_popescu: mno, the problem with dating sites is that unless you intend to meet a dog, you're in the wrong place.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-09-2015#1271245 <<< you misspelled thrice cursed dog. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: every[one,twerp,clueless derp,idiot,internet dog] thinks this is how it goes. and you hear about it, because [somehow] they have all the time in the world to tell you it is so.
mircea_popescu wasn't there, hasn't seen, everyone on internet ~= dog.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field: they happily send their sons to army so they can 'die for a fat bitch's right to marry her dog' << wow. that, right there, is more valuable to orlov's employer than orlov's entire body of work to date. mebbe you get job offers nao. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: how to annoy large dogs : while dog is in front and you're sitting in back seat, wait for it to stick its muzzle through the headrest, at which point put a strip of bacon flush on it. hide it once he withdraws. repeat.
mircea_popescu: as if they ate your dog or something
mircea_popescu: what, "i'm a boy from tenesee here to die for some fat bitch's right to marry her dog" ? ☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: if i ever want to buy a bible, i do not wish to buy a soggy dog eared piece of composted toilet paper ensmeared with the biological refuse of five generations of idiots of the sort that'd misread a bible.
mircea_popescu: the amusing thing to me is that all the libertard anglos read baudrillard, deleuze, lyotard, & co like the dog listens to music.
mircea_popescu: the alternative, where he texts a chick "hey, we got our sister, we're torturing her, come join" just as the chick in question was giving testimony to the supposed government of the uk - a more illegitimate contrivance never having been known to man, incidentally, they have all the legitimacy to govern kim jong il's favourite dog does.
mircea_popescu: i have a dog that can slobber better than any race horse :D
mircea_popescu: and iom not using your pile of dog vomit.
mircea_popescu: decimation if you shoot my dog by accident ima bury you
mircea_popescu: just like women gotta "be sluts" or else your paniced bipedal dog is too afraid of black holes to stick his wee wee into the right hole, just so microsoft must be there for a hundred milion autistic schmucks to be even able to get out of bed i nthe morning.
mircea_popescu: that's a guy "thinking about big problems". he is no different from a dog thinking about bacon.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> trinque: actually 'lisps' happen because the alternative would be a civilization that doesn't leak. and we don't have one of those to kick around << amusingly enough, re the earlier dog discussion : dog cunt seals, for this reason.
mircea_popescu: you can't get stuck in dog.
mircea_popescu: and obviously mike & gavincoin's dog and pony show have yet to address the fact that "hey, we are ehtereum 2.0, we have the support of "investors" and so on"
mircea_popescu: and the explanation comes out to "any girl can get so horny one night she fucks a dog"
mircea_popescu: eh, 0.8+ is the kindergarten. if it splits the total loss is ~= two fatties and a stray dog.
mircea_popescu: this is more like the equivalent of dog sniffing.
mircea_popescu: maybe dog knows but believes it somehow is exceptional for him.
mircea_popescu: mats eh, this is just a dog and pony show for young rand etc. what'll happen is the wh backe,d house vetted solution where the nsa doesn't keep the records, phone companies do, nsa just asks for what it needs. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: he also has the social skills of a rabid dog.
mircea_popescu: anyway, dog ended up with strange ideas about the world, scared the shit out of this chick i visited with once.
mircea_popescu: hey, dog spent the night, k ?
mircea_popescu: for the record, i knew a chick that had a relationship with her dog.
mircea_popescu: maybe you know, random idiots who failed in academia and took to the internet with their dog and pony "scientific" show did this FOR A REASON,
mircea_popescu: but the diode was not made out of your dead dog.
mircea_popescu: the computer's job is to be a most humbly abject slave, perpetually and consumatedly on its knees following you around, with the dedication and unwavering insistence no dog can summon.
mircea_popescu: apparently, paris hilton's dog died.
mircea_popescu: not every roadkill's a live dog.
mircea_popescu: http://rs1img.memecdn.com/i-hate-it-when-i-sit-down-and-i-suddenly-turn-in-to-a-dog_o_703132.jpg
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform trompi is a very common name for a cute small toy elephant. romanians have names for everything - for instance azorel is what a cartoon dog should be called ideally.
mircea_popescu: felipelalli go sign "Hello this is not dog" with the address in question.
mircea_popescu: that url scheme looks like it's channeling django the drupal dog.
mircea_popescu: swipe right to have sex with this dog
mircea_popescu: btw, ask her what's the similarity between a practicing gynecologist and a healthy dog.
mircea_popescu: actually hanbot used to feed chicken livers to this blind dog that had a helper tripod dog (one limb cut off, prolly in tram accident).
mircea_popescu: indiancandy1 "you're the man now, dog" , aka ytmnd is this internet phenomenon
mircea_popescu: you know that dog is practically saying "aussies..."
mircea_popescu: cazalla i knew a chick that actually loved her dog.
mircea_popescu: get a dog, will lick you clean for free. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: investing in this infrastructure is 3 or more degrees of magnitude more valuable than investing in college for you your kid your slave your dog.
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: "And if some high official, such as the president, says zhe will use gender-neutral pronouns for zher own writing, and ask that those writing to zhim do so also, that would provide a powerful boost." << conversely, if some hehigh officialman such as the manpresidentguy fucked a dog^H^H^H bitch
mircea_popescu: the dog treat[ment]!
mircea_popescu: this is like asking wyatt earp "how do you distinguish between the f brothers and stray dog" ☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: yeah, you want her to learn german, get her a german speaking dog/
mircea_popescu: "What is this? The first*, the biggest** and the best*** IRC community." kakobrekla you sly* dog** you*** :D
mircea_popescu: have you talked with the dog about this, or is it entirely your own opinion ?"
mircea_popescu: a scrawny jewish real estate agent is going down the street to show a house to a customer. on the way, a large butchery, and in it a huge dog
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform which reminds me, you know the joke with the jew an' the big mean dog ?
mircea_popescu: not so for any dog.
mircea_popescu: but quite in the way your pony is not your dog.
mircea_popescu: in case it's not clear, no anything authored by hearn may ever be merged into anything. i don't care what it is. the dog learns to shine shoes or do carpentry or whatever, but he does not work wioth computers anymore.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla for a moment there i had a vision of a tiny dog pack coursing for mice over a tiny field.
mircea_popescu: had the meddlesome leopold been still involved, how was england to push south africa to abandon rhodesia, with empty promises that once the man shots his own dog, the man won't be hanged himself.
mircea_popescu: decimation i doubt they would meet my definition. things like "every boy under 16 must have 4 acres of forested hillside and a dog"
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: chef, grocery shopper, dog walker <<< burlesque dancer, escort ?
mircea_popescu: <assbot> BBC News - 'In dog we trust' misprint on US sheriff's office rug << aww that';s so cute
mircea_popescu: they just take turns slapping the dog.
mircea_popescu: jurov lol no fucking way, the stranded dog's name actually is kako ?!
mircea_popescu: poor dog
mircea_popescu: a hoarse dog.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla he probably even struggles in opposition of bathing as much as the usual dog.
mircea_popescu: i see a bipedal dog.
mircea_popescu: the difference between rights and freedoms being essentially the difference between pearl necklaces and dog collars.
mircea_popescu: a dog ?
mircea_popescu: much of what YOU know is learned like what a dog learns. specifically, where the fuck the control key is and how to make pretty letters on the screen.
mircea_popescu: leia*. for some reason i keep conflating her with the dog.
mircea_popescu: so this is the drug of dog ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: lady v and got stoned and can't remember if we fed the dog << it'd be funnier if you had a cat.
mircea_popescu: why do you think you take the bitch to the dog, not vice-versa ? males are shy.
mircea_popescu: i mean sure, the hamburger & canned hot dog crowd is eating very poorly, but that's not the same thing.
mircea_popescu: it isn't cost effective for a dog, no.
mircea_popescu: i was going to send you a pack of biscuits, peanut for the dog, chocolate for the fox. none for you, ofcourse, as men don't need to eat. sadly thestringpuller doesn't seem ready to take orders still.
mircea_popescu: so now only the dog gets to eat anymore ?
mircea_popescu: <ben_vulpes> ripping usg crud out of the thing is a recipe to endanger any coins i'd have if i were not eating ramen so that the dog might eat << dude that's touching, srsly.
mircea_popescu: undata what do you thing slavegirls wear dog collars for :D
mircea_popescu: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_nqnZJRUl4zU/TAz29K6wHXI/AAAAAAAADh8/W2G-zn0Sq3Y/s400/Meet+the+Tiger+Dog+Chinese+pet+owners+dye+pets+to+look+like+wild+animals+in+new+craze+1.jpg
mircea_popescu: lmao. it's not the girl, it's the dog!
mircea_popescu: as per usual, reddit makes a mess of things. they're like ten year olds, those people. "o did you hear sugar kills ? sure, it killed sam's dog!"
mircea_popescu: wasn't it the dog that went to moon ?
mircea_popescu: the dog's memory is good for minutes, and his representative bubble can't exceed that.
mircea_popescu: forget it, it's like asking a dog to relate cause and effect across a week
mircea_popescu: china is traditionally a sort of dog vomit (the fungus). it doesn't really war.
mircea_popescu: i knew a chick that had named her cat Dog, but at least that was a) funny and b) not the cat's doing. too much pseudo-irony for lyfe.