⏐︎▁▁▁▁ 9850
BingoBoingo: http://hotpenguin.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/repurpose-reuse-old-stuff-27-600x454.jpg
assbot: ADutchGamer +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
bounce: !up ADutchGamer
bounce: !up ADutchGamer
ADutchGamer: thanks
ADutchGamer: is anyone working on the log and bash yet?
ADutchGamer: I'm trying to catch up but all they show is flush dns
ADutchGamer: as in: just htis text: 'flush dns'
bounce reloaded named and it still shows up with the same thing. possibly a SOA problem. oh well.
bounce: can stick in hosts for a temporary solution
kakobrekla: not all dns records were updated yet but i put that on anyway so it looks like its not my fault
assbot: Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/34QF9NN.txt )
BingoBoingo: !b 1 ✂︎
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5700 @ 0.00075165 = 4.2844 BTC
ADutchGamer: So it's just a matter of waiting a few hours and then it will work?
kakobrekla: or edit hosts file
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22100 @ 0.00075113 = 16.6 BTC [-] {2}
ADutchGamer: it works now, thanks :)
kakobrekla: yw!
bounce: until the next record change
kakobrekla: :)
bounce: tablet-optimised layouts, how I loathe thee
kakobrekla: doesnt change that often - this is the first time.
bounce: may want to drop ttl a bit beforehand
mircea_popescu: <kakobrekla> changed the engine only to figure out brake was on. << loller
kakobrekla: or proxy it or whatever else but its not like you guys cant take a couple of hrs off
bounce: clearly not
BingoBoingo: Basically Mpex's week+ summer vacation is the equivalent of assbot being down a few hours.
BingoBoingo: Well not assbot, but the logs, bash and other bot ass output
thestringpuller: !ticker m s.mpoe
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00074715 / 0.00075076 / 0.0007539 (480877 shares, 361.03 BTC), 7D: 0.00074485 / 0.00075039 / 0.00075684 (4158000 shares, 3,120.16 BTC), 30D: 0.00059659 / 0.00076292 / 0.00086605 (15660113 shares, 11,947.42 BTC)
thestringpuller: assbot you my only friend
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16000 @ 0.00074941 = 11.9906 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: ;;rated assbot
gribble: You rated user assbot on Fri Apr 11 14:42:06 2014, with a rating of 10, and supplied these additional notes: !up Periscope.
BingoBoingo: ;;rate assbot 10 friend
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user assbot has changed from 10 to 10.
BingoBoingo: This is a way to handle a troublesome District Attourney http://www.alternet.org/outrage-mans-health-insurance-holding-his-liver-transplant-hostage
assbot: Outrage: Man's Health Insurance Is Holding His Liver Transplant Hostage | Alternet
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19000 @ 0.00074843 = 14.2202 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: Sent out to sea on the same sort of red tape they put in front of decent people who simply disagree with them on matters of justice
mats_cd03: i'll be your friend. :)
bounce: then this is the end
mats_cd03: there's no end where we're going.
asciilifeform: from navajo link: http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-pennsylvania-eric-frein-update-20140924-story.html
assbot: Trooper-ambush suspect spotted several times in manhunt, police say - LA Times
asciilifeform: this is the n-th desperado, of only the public ones, in kn years, for some pos. int. k.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: This shutting down an entire Geographic area is what they practiced in Boston, yes?
asciilifeform: SOP by now.
mats_cd03: i wonder if hes enjoying himself
asciilifeform: probably.
asciilifeform: although the arse grenade (if he has any brains, has one) probably chafes.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24700 @ 0.0007481 = 18.4781 BTC [-] {2}
TheNewDeal: pardon my ignorance, but logs are in reboot stage?
BingoBoingo: TheNewDeal: DNS is repropagating
BingoBoingo: kako put on his surgeon's gown today
asciilifeform: 'Frein may see the manhunt as a game, police said, and likely has supplies and a bunker hidden in the woods. Police have found soiled diapers, Serbian cigarettes and other clues that he remains in the area, but are proceeding with caution in part because they believe he may have explosives.'
asciilifeform: mega-lulzies
asciilifeform: 'Authorities said Friday that the hard drive of a computer used by Frein provides evidence he had been planning an attack for years. They said Frein's Internet searches included sites on how to avoid police manhunts.'
asciilifeform: menu: herr frein is 1) an imbecile 2) elementarily framed 3) fictional persona
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5111 @ 0.00074774 = 3.8217 BTC [-]
bounce: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Matthew_Frein nice list of toys they're throwing after him
assbot: Eric Matthew Frein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
asciilifeform: after someone.
asciilifeform: http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten
assbot: FBI — Ten Most Wanted
asciilifeform: ^ third place. nice.
BingoBoingo: "Authorities speculate that Frein, driving with his lights off on Pennsylvania Route 402, failed to see a T-junction and drove into the swamp, then may have traveled 15 to 20 miles on foot to Canadensis, Pennsylvania, where his parents live." << Lesson here
asciilifeform: lesson << ditch a car, confuse idiot bureaucrats ?
BingoBoingo: Lights might make a car visible, but crashing it because you kept them off, suspect!
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: care to hazard a guess re: the diapers?
asciilifeform: u.s. army snipers have been known to wear them, now that i recall.
bounce: didn't that stalking astronaut get caught with diapers due to long drive?
BingoBoingo: the diapers are probably a cargo cult thing, because the pros do it that way
TheNewDeal: So on bitbet, I know if you send a tx to an address for an open bet, the address is reserved for you for the entirety of the bet. But is the addr supposed to hold the btc until the bet closes, or no?
asciilifeform: that's the intended implication, at any rate.
BingoBoingo: But if you are driving a car around the backwoods under the cover of night, use the fucking headlights
asciilifeform: 'The Monroe County District Attorney's Office filed 15 search warrants since the hunt for Frein began about two weeks ago to search various buildings, but Bivens declined to comment on the warrants.'
asciilifeform: aha now some meat.
asciilifeform: 'The Monroe County District Attorney's Office filed 15 search warrants since the hunt for Frein began about two weeks ago to search various buildings, but Bivens declined to comment on the warrants. He acknowledged the substantial, and growing, cost to state and federal agencies.'
asciilifeform: anyone here ever read eric frank russell's 'wasp' ?
asciilifeform: damn broken paste
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12813 @ 0.0007472 = 9.5739 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: 'Bivens estimated that the force hunting Frein has included the "high hundreds to 1,000" members of law enforcement agencies.'
BingoBoingo: For all we know Frein is just a Richard Jewell who has simply retreated to jack off in the woods for a few weeks and has no idea what is going on.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4690 @ 0.00074826 = 3.5093 BTC [+]
bounce: they're having a field day, then
bounce: I suspect an expert would gather a few good trackers and catch the guy in a week with ~30 people or so.
decimation: asciilifeform: so I tried to install gentoo in a vm last night, was disappointed that it wanted me to install systemd. apparently one should install 'minimal' and then bootstrap software stack
asciilifeform: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/26/diaper-sniper-eric-frein_n_5887694.html
assbot: Eric Frein Manhunt: 'Diaper Sniper' Reportedly Phoned Parents (LIVE UPDATES)
asciilifeform: ^ svd!
asciilifeform: decimation: the fortress falls!
asciilifeform: decimation: although - wiki indicates is optional. did you ask for 'gnome' and forgot?
decimation: no I installed 'kde' profile
decimation: in retrospect I should have installed hardened/minimal
asciilifeform: quite a few things have been trying to suck it in under the cover of 'dependencies'
decimation: if the guy is such a brilliant woodsman why is he leaving trash for others to find?
TheNewDeal: ;;bc,stats
asciilifeform: decimation: because he's fictional.
BingoBoingo: I might have to read 'Wasp'
gribble: Current Blocks: 322863 | Current Difficulty: 3.466142592397694E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 324575 | Next Difficulty In: 1712 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 7 hours, 35 minutes, and 49 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 33502089229.0 | Estimated Percent Change: -3.34475
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: wasp << highly recommended.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: especially for you.
decimation: asciilifeform: yeah that appears to be the situation. I don't understand how a gui desktop 'requires' a particular init system
asciilifeform: decimation: because... and this reminds me:
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, others who know who flondor was
BingoBoingo: decimation: systemd temps the desktop systems with login handling
asciilifeform: perhaps it is time for a lustration list.
decimation: although according to the boycottsystemd webpage, it sounds like systemd 'wants' to take over much of unix userland
asciilifeform: kept, possibly, in the deeds register
asciilifeform: of all the sniveling shilling shits who took part in hearbleed insertion, propagation of 'systemd', the like.
asciilifeform: these people are walking around, alive, and worst of all - continuing to churn out code. which unwitting chumps will actually use.
decimation: I nominate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lennart_Poettering
assbot: Lennart Poettering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
decimation: pulseaudio, systemd, avahi, all turds
asciilifeform: it's time for the 'nazi playing cards'
asciilifeform: with names, faces.
asciilifeform: lennart p. isn't even a top candidate for the playing cards, because just about everyone already knows what he is.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> although the arse grenade (if he has any brains, has one) probably chafes. << why ?
mircea_popescu: what's the most they're going to do ? pay 20k a year for his support ?
asciilifeform: the hidden little shitgnomes like author of heartbleed - they are the ones who needs the lethal sunlight rays the most.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: notice i said 'arse grenade' not 'cyanide tooth.'
bounce: you think heartbleed was intentional?
asciilifeform: specifically in light of the historic re-enactment role he's supposedly playing.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> what's the most they're going to do ? pay 20k a year for his support ? << Incarceration, especially at the federal level is rarely so inexpensive for the jailers
asciilifeform: bounce:
asciilifeform: !s miracles
assbot: 46 results for 'miracles' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=miracles
decimation: asciilifeform: the next step: somehow get a unix distribution that completely excludes contributions from the lustration list
asciilifeform: decimation: yes.
kakobrekla: and then we can start pretending.
asciilifeform: bounce: i posit that it must be presumed intentional. the shitgnomes hide behind the impossibility of logically proving their guilt.
decimation: the problem is that nearly all hardware vendors would be on the list too
asciilifeform: decimation: gotta start somewhere.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12960 @ 0.0007495 = 9.7135 BTC [+]
bounce: we could use better hardware, too
asciilifeform: decimation: at the moment, proven, proud, unrepentant вредители are 'respected faces of the komyooniti', doing as they please.
bounce: but an overly large list would be counter-productive; a valid concern.
kakobrekla: nah. basically everyone should just drop their keyboards and stop coding until there exists a platform where not guilty by default (of using it)
kakobrekla: dare to continue as is, you will, sooner or later, find yourself on the list.
decimation: kakobrekla: a worthy dream, but the problem is that if everyone did that, then nobody would make such a platform
bounce didn't catch on to hiding behind lame excuses with the openssl folks, but if so that ought to be enough to get the s/w booted entirely, not just revamped.
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: if the item i am presently working on is not easily provable honest to an educated reader, then i will deserve to be placed on the list.
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: and, in fact, should be presumed dead, and the fellow walking around with my key - ought to go on list.
bounce: tangentially, shouldn't it be feasible to get decent performance out of a suitably open-and-accessible-microcode cpu running on some fpga or other these days?
asciilifeform: bounce: all the extant fpga have tightly closed architecture
decimation: yeah there's a spectrum between 'honest mistake' and 'massive fuck-up'
asciilifeform: bounce: search channel logs re: at least three separate discussions of how this came to be
kakobrekla: and heres the fourth.
bounce: you'd at least have access from the gate design on up, already a bit more than COTS CPUs give you
decimation: bounce: ultimately you are still trusting the fpga maker
asciilifeform: bounce: nope. most fpga work is carried out in units considerably larger than 'gate', from considerations of efficiency.
asciilifeform: you get a supply of adders, shifters, multipliers, etc.
decimation: they have little 'units' of logic glued together, with a little look-up table to determine how each one functions
bounce: boo. oh well. back to ttl then (magic-1.org)
asciilifeform: the vendors (there are exactly two worth mentioning, 'xilinx' and 'altera' - the others sell miniscule turdlets, most often with zero linux toolchain support) also play fast & loose with the word 'gate'
asciilifeform: counting a shifter as 'xxx gates' worth
asciilifeform: fpga is still interesting
asciilifeform: partly because, the amount of damage a dishonest vendor can do is actually minimal
asciilifeform: as far as i can tell
asciilifeform: let's say you purchase an fpga from satan.
bounce: printable electronics getting closer, should be an interestin proof-of-concept though I wouldn't expect to even get full mipsen out of it.
bounce: s/tin/&g/
asciilifeform: bounce: 'printable' is a word you can safely place in your spam filter.
asciilifeform: it's a leper's bell for grantsmanship and chumpatronics of the most tedious sort.
asciilifeform: none of the 'printing' brouhaha places integrated circuit any closer to manufacture in your kitchen.
decimation: satan's fpga could have a bugged embedded cpu
asciilifeform: let's say it does.
asciilifeform: now what.
decimation: satan would have to know a great deal about you design
asciilifeform: yes.
decimation: satan would give up and bug the toolchain
asciilifeform: in fact, even if satan lifts the entire netlist of your design, he will have to sweat a great deal to understand which bits to flip.
decimation: thatnisntrue
asciilifeform: if satan is merely listening to your i/o, this is a listening device in the ordinary sense, and not really fpga-specific diddling
decimation: heh s/n/ /
asciilifeform: likewise, when people ponder 'chip boobytraps' they are normally thinking of a one-transistor turdlet that creates an 'evil instruction' or whatnot
asciilifeform: an unexpected cpu in the middle of fpga LUT fabric would stand out even under optical microscope.
asciilifeform: so the turd has to be subtle
asciilifeform: what can one accomplish on fpga, knowing nothing about your opponent's future purpose for it, with a small turd ?
asciilifeform: (i don't insist there is no interesting answer to this question, just confess that i don't know one)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46803 @ 0.00074671 = 34.9483 BTC [-] {2}
decimation: yeah point taken. presumably satan will have your netlist anyway, if you want your part to be open to inspection
asciilifeform: i can take an educated guess, however.
asciilifeform: it is virtually impossible now to buy a pure fpga.
asciilifeform: almost always there are 'convenient' things rolled in - like pci-e support
asciilifeform: or sdram controllers
decimation: or serdes or cpu
asciilifeform: or.
asciilifeform: it would be fairly simple to include a pattern match for 'magic bus cycle' or 'magic instruction' on built-in-cpu that will, e.g., short supply to ground.
asciilifeform: release magic smoke
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7647 @ 0.00074656 = 5.7089 BTC [-] {2}
asciilifeform: to make long story short, there are exactly two vendors of 'high-density' fpga, and their products are almost exactly alike - more so even than 'coca cola' and 'pepsi.'
asciilifeform: both, afaik, market primarily to usg and subsidiaries
asciilifeform: 'xilinx' in particular brags of 'nsa certified' whatevers.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23253 @ 0.00074645 = 17.3572 BTC [-] {2}
decimation: http://press.xilinx.com/2011-08-31-NSA-Approved-Defense-Grade-Spartan-6Q-FPGA-in-Production-for-Highest-Level-Cryptographic-Capabilities-Strengthens-Xilinx-Secure-Leadership
assbot: NSA Approved Defense-Grade Spartan-6Q FPGA in Production for Highest Level Cryptographic Capabilities Strengthens Xilinx Secure Leadership - Aug 31, 2011
asciilifeform: neither is 'open' in any sense whatsoever.
decimation: "Key to the NSA's approval is the ability of the Spartan-6Q device to isolate user functionality within a single device while maintaining tamper proofing. The NSA completed a fail-safe analysis effort on the Spartan-6Q family to confirm that the individual regions of the FPGA are isolated from each other in the event of failure. "
asciilifeform: decimation: understand that this had no bearing on usg-triggered surprises.
decimation: no, and I think that particular chip isn't available to regular humans
asciilifeform: decimation: yes, bureaucrats demand some electrical tests to show that 'black' won't short to 'red' by accident.
asciilifeform: decimation: available. 'ebay' for example.
asciilifeform: buy as many as you want.
mircea_popescu: soiled diapers, Serbian cigarettes <<< dude wtf.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: Official Truth holds that he's a ww2 reenactor gone off the spools
decimation: wow you can buy cheap fgpa dev boards on ebay
asciilifeform: decimation: i've never bought them anywhere else.
mircea_popescu: i don't get it. so you just take a piss.
mircea_popescu: why would you wear devices to make the piss cling to you ?!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: u.s. army issues diapers. ask them - not me
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> why would you wear devices to make the piss cling to you ?! << This is why I suspect a bit of cargo cult happening
asciilifeform: mats_cd03 << did you wear them ?
decimation: it is amusing that ebay has effectively become 'amazon for shenzhen'
mats_cd03: yes
mircea_popescu: so there's this theatre right outside my windo, where a derpy guy does i dunno what dances.
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: what's the rationale for diapers ?
mircea_popescu: there's been teenage girl wailings pretty much non stop for an hour
mats_cd03: diapers + baby wipes are god's gift to men in the field
mircea_popescu: what the fuck, minor celebrity
kakobrekla: 'amazon for shenzhen' < isnt that aliexpress or smth
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8900 @ 0.00074881 = 6.6644 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: mats_cd03 why would you wear diapers ?
mircea_popescu: the wipes i ee.
decimation: I guess I haven't used either of those
mats_cd03: my usual undergarments were soiled and crusty after 2 weeks in the field
decimation: whenever I load an alibaba page it makes me feel certain I'm about to be scammed
BingoBoingo: <kakobrekla> 'amazon for shenzhen' < isnt that aliexpress or smth << Basically the Alibabba thing gets its fame as where American small and medium businesses get their entire inventory
mats_cd03: worst part was... they were only crusty when they weren't being worn.
mircea_popescu: <bounce> I suspect an expert would gather a few good trackers and catch the guy in a week with ~30 people or so. << what trackers. this is 2014.
mats_cd03: turns right back into shit after a few hours
mats_cd03: its not really necessary. depends on the person
mircea_popescu: mats_cd03 help me out here. so you wore the same underwear for two weeks,
mircea_popescu: and if you're going to do that, best make it pampers ?
decimation: http://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Tracking "The Stalking merit badge was one of the original 57 merit badges issued by the Boy Scouts of America in 1911; it was discontinued in 1952."
assbot: Tracking (Centennial merit badge) - MeritBadgeDotOrg
mats_cd03: they're comfy man, i don't know what to say
mircea_popescu: decimation and they were never ver ygood at it either.
mircea_popescu: mats_cd03 aite.
decimation: probably not, but they aren't even trying anymore
mircea_popescu: <decimation> asciilifeform: yeah that appears to be the situation. I don't understand how a gui desktop 'requires' a particular init system <<< join the conga line heh.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it 'requires' whatever the shitgnomes place in the 'requires' list.
asciilifeform: that's - how.
decimation: what I find interesting is that systemd has become standard in redhat enterprise 7
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> kept, possibly, in the deeds register << feel free.
decimation: redhat enterprise is famous for have 5 year old revs of everything ... except new init script hotness?
asciilifeform: decimation: this is how you find them.
mircea_popescu: decimation look, the plan to turn open source into windows lite is proceeding apace.
asciilifeform: decimation: just as a cockroach in your kitchen means, inescapably, that not far from it there is a seething brown mass of his brothers.
mircea_popescu: avahi, incidentally, was an atrocious piece of shit
mircea_popescu: it's incredible anyone seriously takes its author for a coder.
asciilifeform: another heuristic that invariably tells us where to dig.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu> avahi, incidentally, was an atrocious piece of shit << But it copies the also compeltely unwanted Bonjour piece of shit so well
mircea_popescu: <decimation> asciilifeform: the next step: somehow get a unix distribution that completely excludes contributions from the lustration list << i still think the correct solution is a github that does signed reads
mircea_popescu: then let people filkter it out by their own criteria.
mircea_popescu: we got the wot, let's use the wot.
asciilifeform: heuristic: 1) piece of shit? 2) mysteriously ubiquitous? 3) quickly? 4) author is socially connected to other derpers pushing similar items that match 1-4 ?
decimation: yeah I agree
decimation: 'filter software by all known contributors' would be useful
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform mind that heuristics don't work well when lustration lists are involved.
mircea_popescu: decimation not contributors. filter by the people who read and signed off on this code.
mircea_popescu: nobdy gives a shit about the author. writing software is like taking a shit, worthless.
TheNewDeal: ;;calc .00000001*3500
gribble: 3.5e-05
mircea_popescu: tasting othe rpeople's shit is a valued skill
asciilifeform: today - no list. today all we have is loud, proud enemy, bragging about his deeds
asciilifeform: not even pretending to bother to hide.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform we got the infrastructure. the guilotine, so to speak, is built.
mircea_popescu: that derps prance around it and pretend to be making light of its powerlessness...
mircea_popescu: that's the privilege of sheep.
mircea_popescu: any pig may take a piss on the blade late december. whether he does or does not, come christmas...
decimation: right, for instance someone in redhat said "yes, let's use poettering's turd in our next distro'
mircea_popescu: <decimation> the problem is that nearly all hardware vendors would be on the list too << how i this a problem ?
bounce: you know, I've always had an instinctive disliking of avahi, without even having to read the code. some code really can smell right through everything.
mircea_popescu: bounce isn't it incredible how readily a circlejerk is formed
mircea_popescu: "great minds think alike and idiots seldom differ", was it.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: guillotine << after years of searching, i finally found that ancient tale: http://www.asstr.org/files/Collections/snuffstories/Honda-Matic/TheVibrotine.html
mircea_popescu: asstraffoc ?!
asciilifeform: 'This gift certificate entitles the bearer to 1 (one) of our latest model of our most popular sexecution device the VibrotineTM 6000 GSP.'
asciilifeform: asstr where else
decimation: oh, poettering is employed by redhat - someone hired him
bounce: hard to tell who's doing the circle jerking though.
mircea_popescu: <bounce> but an overly large list would be counter-productive; a valid concern. << counterproductive in what sense ?
mircea_popescu: we have an ample overabundance of both humans and capital goods. why is excluding all the vendors or all the social mediated shitheads a cost ?
mircea_popescu: it's a benefit.
bounce: if you have unlimited procuring power and so can order whatever you want from whichever custom shop can deliver it
mircea_popescu: <kakobrekla> dare to continue as is, you will, sooner or later, find yourself on the list. << this is a valid concern.
asciilifeform: professional hazard of guillotine operation, yes.
TheNewDeal: whens the next #ba meetup?
Vexual: nao
mircea_popescu: * bounce didn't catch on to hiding behind lame excuses with the openssl folks, but if so that ought to be enough to get the s/w booted entirely, not just revamped. << it is.
decimation: oh, poettering is employed by redhat - someone hired hi
TheNewDeal: like the irl one
mircea_popescu: de raadt made the same call
mircea_popescu: $conference
empyex: mircea_popescu: Next conference starts in 6 months and 20 days. Estimated cost today: 3.27056492 BTC (Details: http://trilema.com/2014/the-conference-third-edition/ )
bounce: well, not entirely. they started kicking out "cruft" but keeping the general structure and core code
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> bounce: search channel logs re: at least three separate discussions of how this came to be << you know, giving terms like "xilinx" is better than an empty search entreaty. he doesn't know what to search for.
asciilifeform: xilinx.
mircea_popescu: bounce it gets complicated, obviously. tbh i don't have atm an opinion on the libre thing
BingoBoingo: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/03/09/20_freescale_employees_missing_on_mh370/ << 0.o
assbot: 20 Freescale staff on vanished Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 The Register
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> counting a shifter as 'xxx gates' worth << how the fuck does that work. bit register shifting ?
bounce: ultimately the APIs it offers need to go since they're badly designed and tricky to use correctly. but you can't exactly do that for a drop-in replacement. this is a low-hanging fruit approach. though the new crew is IMO a better deal than throwing money at the guys that made such a mess of it, as google et al did.
decimation: BingoBoingo: some companies have rules about how many staff can travel on one flight
TheNewDeal: wasn't the last conference like 5 btc entry?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: they could it as however many gates it is made of. and conveniently forget to mention that they can't be rewired using the switching matrix (only a rather smallish number of 'generic' gates can)
mircea_popescu: TheNewDeal something like that. but that was in 2013.
asciilifeform: *count it as
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu> bounce it gets complicated, obviously. tbh i don't have atm an opinion on the libre thing << My read. Watch the chopping for a year or two and see what happens.
Vexual: yeah, the costs of throwing a can of jolt at a $2000 lcd have gone up too, and you need better aim
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo quite.
TheNewDeal: vexual, what's the drink count at tonight?
mircea_popescu: not so smart making calls on babies, either. l;et them grow first.
bounce: the immediate risk is that they'll be insufferable for a goodly while.
asciilifeform: linked: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/07/15/megumi_igarashi_cuffed
assbot: Japanese artist cuffed for disseminating 3D ladyparts files The Register
mircea_popescu: still this boring woman ?
asciilifeform must have missed the first part, if 'still'
mircea_popescu: it's so sad to see the libertard behaviour trying to take hold in otherwise pleasant countries.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> not so smart making calls on babies, either. l;et them grow first. << What I like about Deraadt is while Pottering came to make Lindows, De Raadt's came into *nix fascinated with process separation http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/10/07/1097089476287.html?oneclick=true
assbot: Staying on the cutting edge - Technology - theage.com.au
mircea_popescu: there's this failure that aspires to be an artist through pr.
mircea_popescu: she's been doing this for a while now.
asciilifeform: aha, 'pussy riots'
mircea_popescu: not even.
mircea_popescu: at least those are bangable.
mircea_popescu: this tard's like 50.
asciilifeform: !
asciilifeform: lol
mircea_popescu: nubile young women being too stupid to live is almost expected
mircea_popescu: definitely makes one suspicious if they aren't.
mircea_popescu: but by the age of infertility one'd expect even a libertard to wisen up a little.
asciilifeform: suspicious of what ?
mircea_popescu: that's not how suspicious works.
BingoBoingo: decimation: Interesting place to put a limit
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo, decimation: usg has a famous, traditional limit for number of top bureaucrats in one square km.
decimation: my personal opinion is that something bad happened on the jet, oxygen got sucked out before anyone could do much, becomes 'death ship'
decimation: has happened before http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helios_Airways_Flight_522
assbot: Helios Airways Flight 522 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
mats_cd03: asciilifeform: http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/qnk18t/we-may-have-problems--but-at-least-we-re-not-jailing-artists-for-3-d-printing-their-vaginas
assbot: We May Have Problems, But at Least We're Not Jailing Artists for 3-D Printing Their Vaginas - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central
mats_cd03: i used to attend these sexual harassment briefings while in .mil
Vexual: dont take your diaper off in polite company?
mats_cd03: it would typically tend with the audience half-asleep, horrified, or angst-ridden
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: lol, they herded us (contractors) in for the claptrap, too
mats_cd03: topics included consent while inebriated, with the tag-line often being 'if you're drunk and she's drunk, neither of you can consent, so you're rapin each other up in here'.
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: the only funnier mandatory timewaster was the 'counter-intelligence' one
Vexual: meanwhile the japanese girl is advancing hydrodynamics without even trying
TomServo: 22:20.16 +mats_cd03 | it would typically tend with the audience half-asleep, horrified, or angst-ridden
mats_cd03: a contractor i worked with had a hearing implant
mats_cd03: he told me once he would sometimes tune the speakers out... such jealousy
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26800 @ 0.00074641 = 20.0038 BTC [-]
mats_cd03: there were a lot of those time wasters.
decimation: I had a friend who was white, married a black woman. he still had to go to the mandatory racial sensitivity class
mats_cd03: lets see... sexual harassment. counterintelligence. resilience. suicide prevention. equal opportunity.
mats_cd03: and of course... change of command ceremonies. weekend safety briefs. area beautification.
mats_cd03: they really don't cover the janitor/babysitter roles in the Army of One commercials.
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: glorious things. esp. when being marched in despite having no conceivable role in the proceedings.
mats_cd03: i developed a talent for checking out with my eyes open while standing up, though.
decimation: it seems to me that these are fundamentally religious in nature
mats_cd03: oops... not Army of One anymore. Be All You Can Be? nah that was before. i think its Army Strong now.
decimation: in ancient Rome the equivalent would be how to consult the entrails of a chicken to see if the gods are pleased
decimation: these whiners about bendy iphones are hilarious. we want our iphones paper thin but NOT BENDY!
mats_cd03: apple's burning cash building a new campus next to cupertino village
decimation: you know, if apple (and the rest of the silly-con valley band) really want to save money, why not relocate to des moines?
mats_cd03: because they've managed to create a talent vortex in SV
asciilifeform: why would they want to save money ?
mats_cd03: not a very good one, by some accounts, but still
decimation: asciilifeform: that gets to the root of the problem. I have no idea
asciilifeform: !s stotting
assbot: 2 results for 'stotting' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=stotting
decimation: why does zuckerberg want to beg usg for cheap slave labor?
Vexual: ;;date
gribble: Error: "date" is not a valid command.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27268 @ 0.0007463 = 20.3501 BTC [-] {3}
mats_cd03: i thought it was about getting cheap, _excellent_ slave labor
mats_cd03: after all, universities in the us are just not producing the candidates they want
decimation: (at the price they like)
Vexual: cheap and subsidised are two different things
mats_cd03: i would not be surprised if 90% of us CS graduates are unemployable
Vexual: CS?
Vexual: oh
decimation: http://www.asee.org/papers-and-publications/publications/college-profiles/2011-profile-engineering-statistics.pdf
Vexual: yeah knowing what you want is the hardest part
decimation: the us only graduates ~15,000 b.s. degrees in electrical or computer engineering
Vexual: pa?
Vexual: and how many from 15k are worth a pinch of shit?
Vexual: pls interpret this infographic for me
decimation: well, for the price of one whatsapp, facebook could have hired 6 years worth of graduates, pay them each $100k salary and $100k to do something interesting
Vexual: ;;calc 6*15000
gribble: 90000
asciilifeform: !s merit washing
assbot: 11 results for 'merit washing' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=merit+washing
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21300 @ 0.00074619 = 15.8938 BTC [-]
decimation: ;;calc 90000*200e3
gribble: Error: unexpected EOF while parsing (<string>, line 1)
asciilifeform: ^ or propose another explanation for, e.g., reviving 1990s 'man in the iron mask' virtual oculars
decimation: ;;calc 90000*200000
gribble: 18000000000
decimation: asciilifeform: that's a pretty likely hypothesis
decimation: it would explain the derping for immigrants too, if one interprets as 'noblesse oblige'
Vexual: do they still do compuer science degrees?
asciilifeform: Vexual: which 'they' ? here - yes. (though, continuously diluted in the requirements)
Vexual: did you study computer science?
asciilifeform: yes.
Vexual: like 6 months of pascal with a pen?
decimation: Vexual: cs degrees were excluded by the earlier pdf, because it was focused on engineering
decimation: not that I could clearly delineate computer engineering and 'computer science'
asciilifeform: pascal was fashionable when i was in grade school, which is where it was taught
asciilifeform: (it was actually inflicted on my by sibling much earlier)
Vexual: and so you prolly enhanced your university with new concepts?
asciilifeform: ??
Vexual: advanced the cirriculem and all?
Vexual: were you good at it?
decimation: in my experience undergrads were generally ineligible to advance anything
decimation: they are the lowest members of the education bureaucracy
asciilifeform: undergrad - prey animal.
Vexual: hmm yes
asciilifeform suffered fair share of employment as undergrad research grunt of various stripes
asciilifeform cannot lay claim to 'advancing' anything
Vexual: busy is good
decimation: http://www.vox.com/2014/6/27/5846456/6-charts-pew-ideology << for those with an interest in usology (like sovietology)
assbot: 6 charts that show Republican vs. Democrat wildly oversimplifies American politics - Vox
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5434 @ 0.00074611 = 4.0544 BTC [-]
decimation: and this one. http://www.vox.com/2014/9/15/6131919/democrats-and-republicans-really-are-different "And they note that while voters tend to agree with Republicans on the philosophical questions in American politics (should government be smaller?) they tend to agree with Democrats on the policy questions in American politics (like should Social Security be smaller?)." ☟︎
assbot: Why Democrats and Republicans dont understand each other - Vox
Vexual: phew, the other one reeked of family fued
decimation: yeah actually that was the wrong link, I wanted the second one. but both demonstrate voter stupidity
Vexual: yeah i still kinda like the frist one better
Vexual: 9 outta ten scienticians can't be wrong, peer reviews shit is an ice dice
Vexual: have you ever been included in bullshit research aciilifeform? i'd imagine youre kinda immune to that shit
asciilifeform: Vexual: included - sure.
Vexual: u don't mind?
mats_cd03: gotta eat.
asciilifeform: ^
decimation: as my links show, bullshit artistry runs the us
decimation: gotta kowtow to bullshit artists to make bezzlars
Vexual: meh it is what it is
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30400 @ 0.00074607 = 22.6805 BTC [-] {4}
Vexual: one can't prove anything on ones own anymore
Vexual: ^thats a vexualism; you can
Vexual: one can also accidentally fuck up an interesting conversation about fgpas by interjecting
Vexual: last time i attempted asm, i spilled my jolt
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28082 @ 0.00074728 = 20.9851 BTC [+] {2}
Vexual: ;;ud piss poor
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=piss%20poor | 1)im gonna be piss poor this month since i spent all my paycheck on crack. 2)I hired someone to paint my car but they did a piss poor job. by mullett December ...
Vexual: i made a piss poor attempt
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1Td8AFRXWA
Vexual: https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/EB36C1962D1109119524013539328_2cf749e85a9.1.0.7333471040458587697.mp4?versionId=OXvIqDK2K9bHQMeDaUdCqJnd01rEpsZn
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7206 @ 0.00074749 = 5.3864 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40470 @ 0.0007491 = 30.3161 BTC [+] {4}
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8tODhvb47s
Vexual: ;;search dcc
gribble: There were no matching configuration variables.
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7qQ6_RV4VQ
Vexual: whats not viking
Vexual: hi ragnar
RagnarDanneskjol: hi
Vexual: what say you?
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNPA68htGxk
RagnarDanneskjol: whats the name of that band you posted video a few weeks ago. dopey looking guys 80s band on top of a hotel - i recognized them but forgot. good song i hadnt heard in decades
Vexual: happy mondays, the mans name is sean ryder
RagnarDanneskjol: maybe very early 90s, but i thing late 80s
RagnarDanneskjol: thats it
Vexual: yeqah
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPIIlm24-lk
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pROPMG471GQ
BingoBoingo: http://www.27bslash6.com/interviews.html
assbot: "How is this an issue? Just ask ten fucking interview questions."
Vexual: this requies input mircea_popescue
Vexual: that smells like fidonet
Vexual: excepting verboser
Vexual: what did you do today?
BingoBoingo: Not too much
Vexual: were you holding a shovel?
BingoBoingo: Nah
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gDch1p4c_M
mats_cd03: soylent tastes like sawdust
mats_cd03: you heard it here first
Vexual: most asseteers are inedible
mats_cd03: i take pride in being inedible to most predators
Vexual: ;;seen dub
gribble: dub was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 2 hours, 7 minutes, and 20 seconds ago: <dub> 50 types of forcemeat the soviet dream
Vexual: yum
mats_cd03: on the subject of eating people, the new Hannibal is incredible and you should all watch it
cazalla: tv series?
mats_cd03: ya hbo
BingoBoingo: !up PPVKIGNX
Vexual: jack nick shoulda been hannibal lector
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACUCVTH6f0g
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCb6UkQ_AnM
BingoBoingo: http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/ferguson-officer-wounded-after-confronting-burglars-suspects-remain-at-large/article_21e165ad-1f7f-5ae8-b30a-fb9d9dc40afe.html
assbot: Ferguson officer wounded after confronting burglars; suspects remain at large : News
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TbW1srpjZc
Vexual: fuck i love rodregiuz
Vexual: new neil blomkamph flick ist soon too
Vexual: welcommin to der future kids
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26200 @ 0.00074806 = 19.5992 BTC [-] {3}
Vexual: ;;google chappie title sequence
gribble: Chappie Title Sequence on Vimeo: <http://vimeo.com/90799918>; Videos about “neill blomkamp” on Vimeo: <http://vimeo.com/tag:neill+blomkamp>; WTJ* on Vimeo: <http://vimeo.com/album/2597253>
Vexual: http://vimeo.com/84731939
RagnarDanneskjol: http://youtu.be/0c3d7QgZr7g
assbot: Ted Nugent - Stranglehold - YouTube
Vexual: now were rocking
RagnarDanneskjol: i forget how great a guitar playr he is
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCjspyo-_aI
Vexual: stolen
mircea_popescu: <decimation> my personal opinion is that something bad happened on the jet, oxygen got sucked out before anyone could do much, becomes 'death ship' << <nah trhey have a whole system with masks etc.
Vexual: its the boss
BingoBoingo: %v
atcbot: [X-BT VWAP] Bid: 198 Ask: 266 Last Price: 198 30d-Vol: 152k 30d-High: 266 30d-Low: 170 30d-VWAP: 190
mircea_popescu: <mats_cd03> i developed a talent for checking out with my eyes open while standing up, though. << this has been a 100 year tradition
mircea_popescu: <decimation> asciilifeform: that gets to the root of the problem. I have no idea << this is like proposing that the show moves out of town to save on props. the town is the show. the props are just the props.
Vexual :the sommelier with the brand enema
Vexual: you only pay once
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buG9fXAM0II
Vexual: half price for brazilian firewater
Vexual: end ejext
Vexual: comic timing and the rhyming while were priming
Vexual: shit chutes ready for skin flutes
Vexual: champagne to order the pain
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH3Q_CZy968 blondie ist loud
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8MWdyM_nSw
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6JYzOjglBs
Vexual: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J92g7LKkZ1I
Vexual: ;;seen cazalla
gribble: cazalla was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 hour, 42 minutes, and 47 seconds ago: <cazalla> tv series?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19850 @ 0.00074958 = 14.8792 BTC [+] {2}
Vexual: !s cazalla dcc
assbot: 2 results for 'cazalla dcc' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=cazalla+dcc
RagnarDanneskjol: Vexual -can you see log webpage/
Vexual: no
RagnarDanneskjol: ok me neither, flushed dns still no
Vexual: so this ceo of digital btc, his parents bth work nasa
Vexual: and weh he buy bitmain he dont dhl
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6205 @ 0.00075009 = 4.6543 BTC [+]
Vexual: he also dont fly himself but he but jet fuel
Vexual: company is worth more than friedcats and he doesnt even trade dollars
Vexual: ex coke habit
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFHjt4bY6VY
mircea_popescu: !up RPrpRP
mircea_popescu: !up RPrpRP
RPrpRP: good morning
RPrpRP: I am from reddit police, investigating vote manipulation
Vexual: RPrpRP: whatsup fool
Vexual: spamming cunts with threats?
Vexual: you're from reddit?
RPrpRP: our trained experts who come from many different agencies, including ShitRedditSays, SubredditDrama and TumblrInAction take offense to your criticism of reddit
RPrpRP: and vote manipulation
Vexual: why are you telling me?
Vexual: u redditarded?
RPrpRP: nah i'm goat.
Vexual: have you herd of me?
RPrpRP: no
fluffypony: shit just got SRS.
RagnarDanneskjol: ahaha
mircea_popescu: RPrpRP are you the kid with the wordpress trackback list i published yest ?
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/o-hai-let-me-wanna-be/ << this, specifically.
assbot: 404 Not Found
RPrpRP: derp yes
Vexual: :0
mircea_popescu: so get in the wot and stop being dorky ?
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfbgRBaEsfo
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5700 @ 0.0007512 = 4.2818 BTC [+]
RPrpRP: i don't think trilema is "unaffected"
Vexual learn affect
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla hey is britney being molested ?
fluffypony: u wot m8
BingoBoingo: Oh is a website being DDos'd
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYf2Dh71RgY
mircea_popescu: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 400.0, Best ask: 400.36, Bid-ask spread: 0.36000, Last trade: 400.0, 24 hour volume: 5354.10535340, 24 hour low: 396.57, 24 hour high: 408.67, 24 hour vwap: 401.689673307
mircea_popescu: time for another above 400 bet ?
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZD982yrmx4 ill take 440
Vexual: people liquidating assets learns em
cazalla: random article i'm reading " I have rarely encountered hostility, although one person from Romania asked me to sterilize myself."
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CQLAhNlbfQ forwhoeverthefuckaskedboutit
cazalla: Vexual, i'm not really following dcc closely, just read the ann that come out on asx
mircea_popescu: !up Kuba1234
Vexual: i had a look, the cats a bit mental
mircea_popescu: cazalla in some culture that's friendly not hostile.
Vexual: shits pumin on asx
cazalla: mircea_popescu, in Romanian culture?
mircea_popescu: hehe no.
Vexual: hes actually got a fine business model
cazalla: Vexual, he comes across as scammy as fuck imo
Vexual: he speds more on jet fuel than dcc
Vexual: bought a lambourghini with internet moeny too
Vexual: but his public facing stuff lokks okay
BingoBoingo: !up RPrpRP
cazalla: so these massage adverts online, are you meant to read between the lines when it says not a sexual service?
cazalla: you know the sorta ones fronted by asians Vexual?
Vexual: yeah i kinda know the concept
cazalla: so are they legit massage or topless asian student gives ya a handy massage?
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dtu-EGtZpc
Vexual: what the hell are you asking me?
cazalla: asking anyone really
cazalla: but given you're down under, figured you might know
mircea_popescu: cazalla if you're going there for a massage you get a massage. if you're going there for a blowjob you get a blowjob
mircea_popescu: service industry.
Vexual: i get drunk and relax my muscles nightly
cazalla: i guess i'll just pick one and see what happens
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform btw you ever heard of the exploits of one Yevno Azef ?
RPrpRP: http get flood is boring, i am recalling my troops and going back to masturbating on gonewild and discussing how much weed i smoke on /r/trees
Vexual: onya becky
RPrpRP: mircea_popescu, won't attack you again if you don't post this attack's logs
mircea_popescu: so he's attacking me and he's the one with the liability ? wtf is wrong with kids today.
Vexual: script kiddy doesnt mean what it once did
assbot: Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/331XTDA.txt )
BingoBoingo: !b 2 ✂︎
Vexual: you're not a script kiddie til vex is your step dad
Vexual: and your younger brother is invariably better at everything
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVJag-TBCk8
Vexual: derp
Vexual: densron
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YPCdJbZYXo
mircea_popescu: so the latest revision of the dsm crapolade actually lists relationship ~intensity~ as a clinical pathology.
mircea_popescu: always fascinating what extremes idiots will go to before owing to their idiocy.
Vexual: what number?
mircea_popescu: pick any number.
Vexual: well ill double the number of goats i can peel a day
Vexual: multiply it by some other number
Vexual: rub in some bullshit
Vexual: acety2
Vexual: ?
mircea_popescu: "Programmers have indeed created a universe where "science doesn't work." Learning where the permanent bugs and workarounds are inside a phonebook-length API teaches you nothing. It is anti-knowledge. Where your mind could have instead held something lastingly useful or truly beautiful, there is now garbage."
mircea_popescu: wow hn people can actually phrase ? who knew.
mircea_popescu: !up phlurker
mircea_popescu: o wait, it's really stan. nm.
mircea_popescu: i was thinking wtf, AND linking loper.os, what world is this
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.00075093 = 6.0825 BTC [-]
Vexual: 0 day 1
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umyv4ETrV5E
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10795 @ 0.00075093 = 8.1063 BTC [-]
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHglhwcwO8I
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQBCJIEnQJM
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19100 @ 0.00074991 = 14.3233 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nMkHt37iCc
Vexual: ;;seen ben_vuples
gribble: I have not seen ben_vuples.
Vexual: ;;seen tacos
gribble: I have not seen tacos.
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrCrDaKqS9s
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UWWWbwc-ag
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QfsRd0h4Ts
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wtncm2yzUE
RagnarDanneskjol: !up RagnarsBitch
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUGlWCCVA4M
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=947tGsiv4lQ
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABxlQkIOfmA
Vexual: conceding after all of these years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lFxGBB4UGU
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q4foLKDlcE
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2wJS3zRx1I
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaFiT1ETGHM
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh44QPT1mPE
Vexual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3Jv9fNPjgk
Vexual: verily
Vexual: im so devo 10 played that first
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/
cazalla: short log today eh
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15750 @ 0.00074775 = 11.7771 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16332 @ 0.00074775 = 12.2123 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: ;;ticker --market all
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 398.94, vol: 5199.93388741 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 389.994, vol: 2016.30476 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 397.29, vol: 7761.3600613 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 393.966432, vol: 24654.47510000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 449.99592, vol: 10.16926916 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 405.82451658, vol: 24.65397641 | Volume-weighted last average: 395.088529526
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinassetsreception.wordpress.com/2014/09/28/summary-26-august-18-september/
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17000 @ 0.00074859 = 12.726 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 776 @ 0.00074599 = 0.5789 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: britney is fine
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16719 @ 0.00074598 = 12.472 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
assbot: xmj +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -1
kakobrekla: lol
kakobrekla: !up xmj
kakobrekla: ah
kakobrekla: so much for snr
punkman: the butthurt
punkman: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/rec.arts.int-fiction/xdrolY_vO7U/0aOMjaJmtM4J
assbot: Google Groups
kakobrekla: ;;later tell mike_c ping
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8850 @ 0.00074598 = 6.6019 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14400 @ 0.00074881 = 10.7829 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13850 @ 0.00075026 = 10.3911 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24900 @ 0.00075022 = 18.6805 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10550 @ 0.00075026 = 7.9152 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27700 @ 0.0007509 = 20.7999 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8750 @ 0.00075111 = 6.5722 BTC [+]
thestringpuller: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 388.0, Best ask: 389.2, Bid-ask spread: 1.20000, Last trade: 389.2, 24 hour volume: 7551.87763474, 24 hour low: 387.88, 24 hour high: 403.99, 24 hour vwap: 397.782235424
thestringpuller: finally
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26223 @ 0.00075118 = 19.6982 BTC [+] {4}
mircea_popescu: %d
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 302829.12 in 737 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -83.88
kakobrekla: ... "Notice: Undefined variable: c " ...
kakobrekla: i thought c was well defined
mircea_popescu: heh
mats_cd03: im seeing a lot of rabble rousing over democracy in hk from my WoT
mats_cd03: poor delusional peoples
thestringpuller: http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/09/25/marc-andreessen-sounds-warning-on-start-ups-burning-cash/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0
mats_cd03: whatever happens, the party has the wealth and patience to wait them out...just like with taiwan
mats_cd03: theres even a ribbon now! wear a yellow ribbon, for democracy in hong kong.
mircea_popescu: !up ethX
mircea_popescu: mats_cd03 yeah hk sovereignity is a doomed proposition
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2950 @ 0.00075049 = 2.2139 BTC [-]
chetty: http://dailysignal.com/2014/09/28/how-chinas-one-child-policy-is-setting-nation-up-for-economic-crisis/
assbot: How China's One-Child Policy Is Setting Nation Up for Economic Crisis
mats_cd03: setting up for invasion maybe
mats_cd03: an aggressive china would be interesting to see...what would they take first?
mircea_popescu: doubt they really need to. besides, they're playing this game of humiliating the us,
mircea_popescu: where they don't need to invade places to win.
mircea_popescu: so far it's working splendidly.
mats_cd03: all those young men though.
mircea_popescu: which ?
mats_cd03: i guess there are going to be a lot of gay chinese men in that generation
mircea_popescu: you're using some sort of prior here im not privy to. say wut ?
chetty: lots of 'extra' men makes for good wars
mircea_popescu: it could.
mircea_popescu: china is traditionally a sort of dog vomit (the fungus). it doesn't really war.
chetty: dont think the issue of lots of extra menn has come up before, might twist traditions a bit
mircea_popescu: true
chetty: wow, there might actually be something new under the sun
mats_cd03: a society designed for rigor mortis, in some ways
bounce: meh. I thought that china /wanted/ a smaller population which naturally includes a smaller workforce. so how that's now a problem eludes me. unless "economic growth" is part of your religion, perhaps.
mircea_popescu: bounce you will have to appreciate idiot western peoples, even without any help from the propaganda machine, automatically interpret phenomena in a certain key.
mircea_popescu: so you know, arab women are unhappy because they don't live in the downtown on foodstamps, which has to be better than what they got because what else is the speaker doing there ?!
mircea_popescu: and certainly the chinese have "problems" they never heard of. similarly to how putin "doesn't understand how reality works".
chetty: well the age spread of the population may cause some issues, even if you ignore economic growth
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18550 @ 0.00075141 = 13.9387 BTC [+]
bounce: on another note, we've had quite a lot of skillfully-hidden-in-the-numbers inflation that's well above the official growth rates. thus depleting both savings and hiding an effective economic decline
bounce: also, we are running headlong into the aging workforce problem now; china has a while to fix it and by that time can steal all those smart carebots the japanese are building
chetty: lmao, not so hidded, unless you tend to believe usg published numbers
bounce: I think china's sitting prettier than we are.
chetty: s/hidden
mircea_popescu: bounce china is sitting prettier than everyone for the very simple reason that it has the absolute lead in all technology.
mircea_popescu: it doesn't cost THEM fifty trillion to try and fail to build a new airplane.
bounce: if by "lead" meaning "has a copy of the plans and can cherry-pick the ones that work", yes
mircea_popescu: moreover if it does, it can pay cash.
mircea_popescu: no, i mean the us has transferred all its technology there in exchange for cheap labour but under condition it shares the tech
mircea_popescu: whereas china has not nor will ever do the same.
mircea_popescu: if you pour from a to b but never from b to a, you can bet your ears b's gonna be fuller.
mats_cd03: an interesting theory
mircea_popescu: quite far from a theory, this.
mircea_popescu: observable phenomena for > 30 years by now.
bounce: at the same time they have a serious plaggiarism problem (they copied "publish or perish" too, bwahahaha) so long term they're risking stagnation
mats_cd03: you perceive the flow isn't imperceptibly happening in the other direction, too
mircea_popescu: and china is liable to continue on the course that brought it success, humbly begging for what it wants, rather than suddenly swich to the course that sunk the us.
mircea_popescu: even if the us imagines that now that china has the better car it should drive it the same way it drove its own, right into a wall.
mircea_popescu: china's parents woudn't approve, and moreover china doesn't want to be either stupid or in possesison of a car wreckage.
mircea_popescu: bounce perhaps not very creative, yes. perhaps that may matter. if it will, it won't be this century.
mircea_popescu: the romans lived a millenium out of carefuly implementing the greek ideas.
chetty: inventiveness is not a high point of china, doubt they will come up with any new ideas
mircea_popescu: careful management and patient attention is good enough for a lifetime.
mircea_popescu: chetty i will tell you one new idea they came up with. they made the astoundingly daring move of organising their defense on sane grounds. china is surrounded by about a million rockets.
mircea_popescu: there's no way to effectualy destroy these, and there's no way the us aircraft carriers could survive an hour in a hostile china sea.
bounce: it'll be a while but it'll be stuck a goodly while too. a thousand years of stagnation they've already had.
mircea_popescu: that's novel enough for their needs.
chetty: well I wouldnt call it novel, but it does seem they read history better than most
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13650 @ 0.00075146 = 10.2574 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: (and europe pushing china out of their galileo thing was incredibly stupid, but then again europe is chiefly remembered in history for astounding stupidity)
mircea_popescu: chetty see ? what's in a novelty.
mircea_popescu: people can get by for a while just making good use of the history book.
mats_cd03: the memory of your enemy on your shores is something that stays vivid for a long time
mircea_popescu: bounce stagnation isn't as bad as you may think.
mats_cd03: ive been thinking about space exploration. are we going to carve up mars into nations? or, perhaps further into the future, every nation gets its own planet
bounce: in the current set-up with deliberate inflation it's... not a good idea.
mats_cd03: think of the experiments we could perform over millenia.
mircea_popescu: mats_cd03 are you aware mars is inhospitable ?
mats_cd03: yes
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14850 @ 0.00075141 = 11.1584 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: so then why mars specifically ? why not real estate 5000 feet underground.
bounce: "off-site backups"
bounce: also, "reaching for the stars" is much more appealing than digging hobbit holes
chetty: people wont go 'to the stars' until they stop squabbling over pieces of pie on earth, ie never
mircea_popescu: that may well not matter hm ?
asciilifeform: off-planet is appealing precisely because of the cost, for enemy, of following you there.
mircea_popescu: stotting behaviour ?
asciilifeform: at least.
mircea_popescu: unless there's a hospitable planet somewhere,
mircea_popescu: or unless earth goes to shit to the degree of making mars look like freshly shaved virgin pussy
mircea_popescu: there's no stars bs.
mircea_popescu: you could live on the antarctic right now, if you fancy paying 2k for a bottle of fizz.
mats_cd03: close enough to menace earth and there might even be resources
asciilifeform: antarctic - not automatic sovereign.
mircea_popescu: fuck, you could live in that "gulch" real estate scam.
asciilifeform: within range of derps' weapons.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform tell you what, you know what an indentured servant is ?
asciilifeform: certainly.
mircea_popescu: no way in fuck you're going to be a "sovereign" on a planet you just colonised.
mircea_popescu: unless you make your own crops and your own space stations...
mircea_popescu: think early us. what sovereign ?
asciilifeform: naturally
mircea_popescu: yes well, people don't undergo centuriesd of expense to fulfil a cartoon dream.
asciilifeform: interestingly, no one, afaik, has mentioned the solid prerequisite of fixing RuBisCo enzyme.
mircea_popescu: unless the planet is naturally hospitable, unless there's an angle somewhere, not happening.
asciilifeform has eyes, sees that it isn't happening, quite a few missing pieces with nowhere to come from
asciilifeform but definitely grasps the appeal
chetty: unless of course some friendly aliens drop in and give us a ride :D
bounce: notice how india got there for less budget than that movie. and less than a third of a single "cheap, reusable" shuttle launch
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the inescapable moral of story is that it is much cheaper to launch the rockets - horizontally - and clean up earth from pests
mats_cd03: i wonder if they used duct tape.
mircea_popescu: bounce right, "<mircea_popescu> it doesn't cost THEM fifty trillion to try and fail to build a new airplane."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no need for rockets. you don't kill cockroaches with a .5
mircea_popescu: even if you have one.
bounce: nobody's complaining that dollars are buying so much less in the developed world, though
mircea_popescu: orly ?
mats_cd03: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/vatican-paedophilia-scandal-archbishop-jozef-wesolowski-stored-over-100000-child-porn-videos-1467410
assbot: Vatican Paedophilia Scandal: Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski Stored Over 100,000 Child Porn Videos
mats_cd03: highest ranking pedo ever
bounce: there's some outsourcing (and grumbling the work coming back is sub-par) and some grumbling about "jobs lost" and such. but the spacex thing is relatively recent, and I haven't really noticed much drive to cut the costs of the various wars being waged, for example. it's just... lower taxes, spend more, run up a bigger debt bill.
mircea_popescu: so nobody is complaining. like, i can hire someone for 2k a month because they won't complain.
mircea_popescu: i'll just say hey, 2k a month was plenty 20 years ago
mircea_popescu: and they'll say sure, ample.
bounce: what does the walmart employee make, across their three separate jobs minus the transport costs to get from one job to another? also, why do they have three jobs and still need food stamps?
chetty: http://dailysignal.com/2014/09/27/michelle-obama-wrong-trash-america-un/
assbot: Why Michelle Obama Was Wrong to Trash America at the UN
chetty: The next time Michelle Obama stands before an audience of countries where women are truly discriminated against—some forced to cover their entire bodies or have a male guardian with them in public—and complains that America struggles with “harmful cultural norms that tell women how they are expected to look and act,” forgive me if I’m a little embarrassed.
mircea_popescu: how could michelle obama have been wrong ?!
mircea_popescu: don't these people know she';s black ?
mircea_popescu: AND a woman ?
mircea_popescu: fucking mysogyracists
ben_vulpes: interestingly, greenarrays now takes bitcoin
ben_vulpes: although, coinbase.
ben_vulpes: (which i learned recently is still running on the "i don't know how to server, guise" "PaaS" Heroku)
ben_vulpes: dafuq is strong with this one
mircea_popescu: lol
ben_vulpes: "arrayForth is a complete, interactive software development and debugging environment for GreenArrays Chips. It includes assembler/compiler, example source code including all ROM on each chip, a full software-level simulator for each chip, and an Interactive Development Environment for use with real chips. The latest release is configured by default for the EVB001 Evaluation Board, for which Virtual Machine support and other tools are
ben_vulpes: included. Follow this link to arrayForth Software Support for documentation and for fully functional downloadable software provided free of charge. "
ben_vulpes: one of these days i'll have the time to dig into these nutso forth chips
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> decimation ... filter by the people who read and signed off << i grow more convinced every day that the vast majority of people who write software cannot also read software
mircea_popescu: duh.
bounce: somewhat puzzling that perl isn't more popular *rimshot*
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26225 @ 0.00075108 = 19.6971 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: ka boosch
ben_vulpes: mats_cd03: soylent << http://survivorind.com/3600.html all the upside, none of the software derps killing people with atoms
mats_cd03: have you ever had ensure
ben_vulpes: the enpoopifier?
mats_cd03: perhaps
ben_vulpes: mats_cd03: i eat real food, but i'm fascinated with the people who insist on living like the poor humans kicked out of the Matrix
mats_cd03: there's a middle ground to be had
ben_vulpes: what was your point about ensure?
mats_cd03: nothing really, just curious if you've tried it
bounce has often enough wished for a nice "complete meal bar". rip open, munch, done with the food. though could never be arsed to go out and find something satisfying.
ben_vulpes: closest thing i've found is tacos.
mats_cd03: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/11121843/Decorated-soldier-quits-army-saying-hes-sick-of-being-treated-like-an-idiot.html
assbot: Decorated soldier quits army saying he's sick of being 'treated like an idiot' - Telegraph
mats_cd03: not as thougg he stormed off the job like some clerk, but still. lol.
mats_cd03: *though
thestringpuller: soylent is people
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00075017 = 8.927 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00075157 = 5.1107 BTC [+]
dignork: thestringpuller: soylent is a failed experiment - their final cost is higher than average food basket
dignork: i had to look it up, because I couldn't beleive they continue to market it as something that makes sense
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5250 @ 0.00075156 = 3.9457 BTC [-]
kakobrekla: http://www.righto.com/2014/09/mining-bitcoin-with-pencil-and-paper.html
assbot: Ken Shirriff's blog: Mining Bitcoin with pencil and paper: 0.67 hashes per day
ben_vulpes: i don't endorse this, but i am bringing it to your attention: http://straight.romansnitko.com/
assbot: Straight: an opensource Bitcoin payment gateway
dignork: ben_vulpes: "currently we use blockchain.info and helloblock.io to track the addresses and look up transactions"
kakobrekla: hell'o'block
ben_vulpes: hellablock
kakobrekla: so theres like a fuckton of blockchain readers with web 3.0 frontpage these days
ben_vulpes: roman snitko has a bitmessage address, but not a gpg key
ben_vulpes: fuh fuh fuh fail
mircea_popescu: lol
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin to drop under $350 before November" http://bitbet.us/bet/1034/ Odds: 40(Y):60(N) by coin, 38(Y):62(N) by weight. Total bet: 39.70475605 BTC. Current weight: 29,774.