assbot: Bitcoin Address 148MpUsfJvgv5xGWvVqKLeVuuvy3pN8QGg
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 MiniGame (S.MG), October 201 -
punkbot: mircea_popescu: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1)
mircea_popescu: omg wtf gpg doesn't veriufy its own clearsigned output
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 MiniGame (S.MG), October 201 -
punkbot: mircea_popescu: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
mircea_popescu: cazalla omaigawd, traffic dropped. now you gotta fire someone!!
cazalla: well, BingoBoingo brought yesterdays traffic so if he can't maintain it for more than a day....
BingoBoingo: A, well. Hard to fire people when there isn't a payroll...
assbot: Re: [Bitcoin-development] The difficulty of writing consensus critical code: the SIGHASH_SINGLE bug
assbot: The guy who bought a Tesla with Bitcoin? It was the "DPR2" from Silk Road....pillar of industry : Buttcoin
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25300 @ 0.00068807 = 17.4082 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10700 @ 0.00068794 = 7.361 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: decimation: most folks today never learn about the complete Apocalypse that faced german people after wwii <<< i hear berlin chicks had a lot of fun in '45.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: supay: Qntra takes a lot of things. <<< yeah, but not kidz! we do not take your kidz!
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller: If the day ever comes where you want to switch professions from engineer to gangsta, I'm totally down to ride or die with you. Lets just hope it never comes to that ;) <<< if you two do that, a film is guaranteed.
mircea_popescu: bounce: you know, if the IRS says that virtual currencies aren't currencies, how can the SEC keep on claiming they are? << you're new here aren't you.
mircea_popescu: anyway, gotta love how the us propaganda machine studiously omits to mention who this entire "sec letters!!11" trend is trying to immitate. totally works, boyz, srsly. cuz nobody knows anything, everyone gets his informations from
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller: how they convinced the masses to contribute millions...i just will never understand <<< the same way they convinced the masses that russia invaded atlanta, georgia.
mircea_popescu: The20YearIRCloud: proverbial cake and eating it too <<< and yet none of your renters seem to want free money ?!
mircea_popescu: jurov: ^ how can i comment on such nonsense? <<< vitriol.
Adlai: here, we see the financier in his natural habitat, conducting the daily post-accounting scrollback review
mircea_popescu: i need tougher regulation to be able to do mai business. also mary jo attached to my cock.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes time for bitcoin foundation to issue a statement that the only thing bitcoin needs is for politicians and other leeches to stfu and go away ?
Adlai hopes you submitted one or both requests to the BitLicense committee
mircea_popescu: Adlai waiting for them to prequalify via tits article first.
Adlai begins a slow-paced infinite brainstorm of how to monetize open source trading software
☟︎ Adlai: participation in the brainstorm requires accepting into your heart the axiom that the market is a positive-sum game
mircea_popescu: there is exactly one avenue to do that : make it so good some actual trader starts using it, after which go work for him.
☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: the shortcut to this being, go work for a trader, write software to improve process.
mircea_popescu: the market may be positive or negative-sum, it all depends.
Adlai: these are rather narrow paths, though. a nice path enables many to walk abreast.
Adlai: it's some form of statistical farming
gernika: Visiting FB tomorrow. Anything you all want me to mention to Zuckerburg?
Adlai: the amount of software needed is much less relevant than its quality, which isn't correlated to man-months in any simple/linear fashion
Adlai: gernika: "I slept through your assembly talk, but everybody who attended said it sucked"
mircea_popescu: Adlai no, it's correlated with " go work for a trader, write software to improve process." in a simple, lienar fashion.
Adlai: damn you and your flawless logic
Adlai: social scientists HATE him!
Adlai: in primary school, we had "social studies" class... let's just call them that, and the members of this field - "social students"
Adlai: Q:"what do you do?" A:"i'm a career student" Q:"damn, how are the student loans hitting you?" A:"actually, i just got tenured"
Adlai: out of curiosity, in the brave new GPG economy, what's the use of claiming "This contract is protected as copyrighted material. It may not be reused by different parties without the express permission of MPEx." ?
BingoBoingo: <Adlai> out of curiosity, in the brave new GPG economy, what's the use of claiming "This contract is protected as copyrighted material. It may not be reused by different parties without the express permission of MPEx." ? << Basically to hurt the copyrastas
mircea_popescu: Adlai at the very least that i'll negrate you if you do ?
Adlai: that turned personal quite quickly
Adlai knows it's just a figure of speech
Adlai: negrating doesn't hurt anybody who's not in the WoT, and a fair amount (all?) of copyrasta economic activity is done outside of the WoT...
mircea_popescu: well, english does not have a proper impersonal pronoun.
assbot: there were about 20 FBI agents searching my neighbor’s tesla and suv earlier today in the mission. /hashtag/mystery?src=hash Adlai: well, english++ has "∀(violater) → negration"
mircea_popescu: the contemporary equivalent of "i'll send a bunch of rogues to stab you in the throat"
Adlai: how do you press charges against wot violators?
Adlai: negrating is more akin to merely filing them
Adlai has read "GPG Contracts" and "Complete Theory of Economics" already, although may be fuzzy on the details
mircea_popescu: centuries ago, the natural mode of administering justice was, club over head. the legal system was developed as a better alternative to this. so, if one was reachable by the courts, you'd sue. if not however, club->head.
mircea_popescu: this lasted until a year or two ago , and which point the wot became the legal system. at this point necessarily the previous, obsolete fiat cvasi-legal system became the club->head method.
mircea_popescu: so today, if one is in the wot, he gets neg'd. and if is not... club->head, according to what that means currently, ie, sued in a fiat court of "law".
BingoBoingo: Goes back to if there is an unauthorized Penguin edition of a nubbins' #B-A book. Penguin gets real sued.
Adlai: "outside the law" and "sue" now take on tiered meanings, with each transgression offering up a new avenue of redress. i like this.
Adlai: although still missing is a way of negrating people who aren't yet in the wot
mircea_popescu: well, exactly like there was missing a way to sue people in the western terrirories.
mircea_popescu: for as long as the place is a dump inhabited by mexicans and indians, its not really needed
Adlai: something like "I negrate the person known as ABC and/or XYZ, holder of passport number 123456789"
mircea_popescu: the ONLY way it can become something other than a dump is inextricably linked to getting the legal system, so.
dub: my god that gawker article is retarded
mircea_popescu: Adlai nothing keeps you from making that a deed right now.
dub: not sure i've read gawker before, its buzzfeed isnt it
Adlai hastily mutters something about the lack of proper impersonal pronouns
mircea_popescu: and since the b-a domain is so powerful, you'll prolly fuck up their google fu forever.
mircea_popescu: dub i dunno, what am i, the micromanaging tyrant of a cult ?
dub: praps in a month or two when noggin is operational
dub: split day/night weeks is like being on crack
Adlai: the deed system does seem like a step forwards from gribble-wot
Adlai: what exactly is your sleep schedule in such a week?
mircea_popescu: nanotube btw, give a spin sometime ? i think it may well be ready.
dub: wrangling internets per usual
dub: Adlai: its variable, 3 or 4 nights 0400-1000 balance trying to be useful during daylight
mircea_popescu: see, had you followed that bloomingdale's executive program you wouldn't have to work nights.
Adlai wonders when we'll start selecting for faster native garbage collection
Adlai: the phenotype is definitely out there
dub: then I'd be slumming on exec money
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16450 @ 0.0006868 = 11.2979 BTC [-] {2}
Adlai: is it based off something?
Adlai has been out of the ethereum loop for just about as long as it's existed
Adlai: oh, not some official infographic thingy
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I'm going to put in on qntra. List the steps under it, as list you as the author so you get the shares for the text.
Adlai: it almost looked like a satire of some hypothetical nice tidy explanation of how ether flows about or whoknowswhattardation
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I'm only doing this because you said who ever wants can use. Will then be used to put you on the cunt raw
BingoBoingo: In other news picked up a new sharp object today for pencil sharpening and protecting the starfish against less than state level malefactors.
Adlai: and there i was, reading it as "squinter"
assbot: Frank Zappa - Let's make the water turn black - YouTube
assbot: Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez |
BingoBoingo: I'm just supposed to keep his brain from breaking
decimation: asciilifeform: you raise a good point about the h1b whining. the real problem is: how do 'tech' companies manage to profitably 'employ' legions of unskilled workers tasked with doing nothing of use?
BingoBoingo: Human compilers might have had a brighter future is 68k stayed a thing
PeterL: speaking of visas, the group I work in is about 1/3rd immigrants, these are really smart people and the US is better off with them here.
BingoBoingo: Well, data being manipulated has to go somewhere so...
decimation: this strongly argues for 'modular' design
BingoBoingo: <PeterL> speaking of visas, the group I work in is about 1/3rd immigrants, these are really smart people and the US is better off with them here. << This was the case when I TA'd pharm school. No AMericans apparently want to study/teach med chem
PeterL: Don't get me wrong, the group still has plenty of smart Americans as well
decimation: PeterL: no doubt there are bright foreigners working in the us. I would suggest that they are here despite the existing immigration policy, not because of it
BingoBoingo: Right. The Usian profs, were profs part time and clinical pharmacists full time
PeterL: Speaking of bezzle, I just did my yearly health insurance signup. makes me mad how much I have to pay now, about 4 times as much as two years ago for the same crappy plan
PeterL: decimation: you might be right. My employer (from what my coworkers tell me) has to go through a ton of red tape and paperwork to keep them here
BingoBoingo: PeterL> decimation: you might be right. My employer (from what my coworkers tell me) has to go through a ton of red tape and paperwork to keep them here << Grandpa pays the same $80/month for medicare part B
decimation: BingoBoingo: you hit the nail on the head. 'health insurance' is basically 'health welfare' now
PeterL: my opinion is that the us should loosen the borders and let more people in
PeterL: but I might be a bit biased, all my girlfriends before I was 20 were immigrants
decimation: PeterL: would you also allow each one to collect health welfare too?
decimation: Sure, let's print up some more bezzle, why not
PeterL: decimation no, I would get the government out of the healthcare business, but I am resigned that will never happen
danielpbarron: do away with immigration restrictions as well as welfare programs
BingoBoingo: The US immingration issue is best understood when you consider that most prospective immigrants come to flee more restrictive and more socialistoid states (e.g. India, China)
BingoBoingo remembers now why he tries to limit his sharp object purchases. Imma have to sand and refinish this desk soon...
BingoBoingo: And waiting seems to be the only solution to get my arm hair back
decimation: look, if usg got out of the money manipulation game, hard money came back, and folks had to get by on their own achievements, immigration wouldn't be an issue
PeterL: we could switch to building houses out of non-flamable materials?
decimation: asciilifeform: instead we have the 'fire brigade' who show up with a tank full of kerosene
PeterL: just fill your house with argon and live inside a spacesuit!
decimation: at any rate, the most amazing thing to me is that the chinese, indian pauper still dreams of 'coming to america'
BingoBoingo: decimation> at any rate, the most amazing thing to me is that the chinese, indian pauper still dreams of 'coming to america' << Is that so different from USian pauper dreaming of actual Galt's Gulch?
PeterL: asciilifeform: my sister, lives in NYC, complains about the homeless bums who piss on the sidewalk
decimation: heh I think usg still pays for highly-enriched uranium from soviet bombs
decimation: asciilifeform: actually this is a good point. usg is ineffective at enforcing whatever 'immigration policy' it creates anyway, that's a sideshow
decimation: worms come when they come, eat what they will
decimation: and on the other side it's used as a club to keep the paupers in their servitude
decimation: I'm dubious that there is much real coordination of these things, more just random entropy in various usg departments
decimation: yeah, if anything usg agents will do what the movies, newspapers, and tv tells them they should
assbot: Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2014/901
decimation: re: argon datacenter << I suspect dry nitrogen would be cheaper
BingoBoingo: <decimation> re: argon datacenter << I suspect dry nitrogen would be cheap << I suppose radon because heavy
decimation: yeah the most expensive part in any case is going to be air sealing
PeterL: you want something that will absorb heat, thus the cfc
PeterL: noble gases, while inert, will not absorb as much heat
decimation: PeterL: I would suppose that the first step would be to use a fluid heat exchange cooling system
PeterL: didn't cray supercomputers use liquid cooling?
decimation: yeah the best part was the flourinert waterfall
PeterL: some of my coworker were involved in a project making a transformer fluid replacement last year
PeterL: the stuff they made apparently had great properties, just not quite cheap enough to replace the incumbent technology (which suffers from high propensity to fire)
cazalla: scoopbot, you gonna get the scoop or what pal
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> this is why i suggested small 'naval mines' with steel capsules in water pool. << plus side you can grow Tilapia further north
PeterL: cazalla: it only checks every five mins
decimation: yeah ideally one would locate the whole operation somewhere near a heat sink
assbot: Lake Source Cooling Home
decimation: yeah unless you have rtg's or something
decimation: no, but like all 'renewables' the energy is so widely distributed that it would require laughable physical plant
decimation: you could deploy them in strings off a buoy
PeterL: is this the NSA project after Cardano?
decimation: but you certainly do have truck with submarines!
PeterL: How many bitcoins for an old nuclear sub?
assbot: Australian government under pressure to hold submarine tender after eyeing Japan deal| Reuters
decimation: "Buying the vessels from Japan could threaten Abbott's hold on power at the next election, said Martin Hamilton-Smith, the defense and trade minister for the state of South Australia, which is home to 27,000 defense-related jobs including 3,000 in shipbuilding."
assbot: EmacsWiki: Python Programming In Emacs
assbot: Jedi.el - Python auto-completion for Emacs — Emacs Jedi 0.2.0alpha2 documentation
decimation: it does let you 'jump to definition', auto-complete, etc.
Adlai: anything.el is a turd
Adlai: but sometimes it takes a tough turd to season a savory salmon
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21910 @ 0.00068666 = 15.0447 BTC [-]
Adlai: well that [pump] descelated quickly
decimation: PeterL: I think nuke subs are generally unobtainable, but diesel-electric ~$100 million depending on what you are getting
decimation: if you want something modern and not a rusty bucket you are talking ~$1-2 bn and your money can't buy one
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14400 @ 0.00068582 = 9.8758 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Buterin's Waterfall. : Bitcoin
Adlai .oO( Bitcoin is actually VERY lispy... the entire blockchain is code-as-data )
Adlai: decimation: i'd think that if you have that kind of money, you wouldn't be buying an entire sub anyways
decimation: my openbsd port of bitcoind suffered a fatal exception at block 150872
decimation: Adlai: well, certainly not for your own use
Adlai: blueprint components are as fungible as the money used to commission them
mircea_popescu: PeterL: Speaking of bezzle, I just did my yearly health insurance signup. makes me mad how much I have to pay now, about 4 times as much as two years ago for the same crappy plan <<< terrorist doesn't understand how obamacare works.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: danielpbarron would make great fireman. holding a sign, 'do away with fire.' << he has a point. do away with borders and welfare. the latter will occur naturally once the first is done.
mircea_popescu: if the fiat state loses its alleged right to control geography, it loses.
decimation: the fiat state's bona fides in this matter are not exactly well established (controlling geography)
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: decimation> at any rate, the most amazing thing to me is that the chinese, indian pauper still dreams of 'coming to america' << Is that so different from USian pauper dreaming of actual Galt's Gulch? <<< nope, you have it exactly right. same thing, except one is run by fraudulent "real estate" developers and the other by fraudulent "recruiters".
mircea_popescu: decimation "you are guilty of having crossed an imaginary line in a particular manner"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: considering that folks are -still- grinding down soviet army installations for metals... << soviet military complex was objectively larger than us ever got tho. cheap plentiful raw materials.
decimation: well, it's one thing to have laws (silly or not), and it's another to lack the ability (or will) to enforce them
mircea_popescu: PeterL: noble gases, while inert, will not absorb as much heat << gases are shit for sheer caloric capacity anyway. the reason you want technologica gases rather than plain argon is the compress-and-cool heat extraction process. works better on the hfcs than on random neon w/e.
mircea_popescu: PeterL: the stuff they made apparently had great properties, just not quite cheap enough to replace the incumbent technology (which suffers from high propensity to fire) << story of this business since its inception.
assbot: Sold For US $75,000 To Digital BTC |
mircea_popescu: lots of these domain "deals" are simple collusion, as it's in both parties interest to announce a high price.
cazalla: yeah, i'm aware of how it goes, i buy from you for $750, we both say it was $75,000
cazalla: the $1,000,000 is difficult to know given everything out of gawminer guy's mouth is bullshit
cazalla: making it easier to sucker the next buyer in to pay x amount
mircea_popescu: what it really does is give a good angle for fraudster employees to defraud companies with diffuse investors situations.
mircea_popescu: kinda hard to prosecute asshole ceo who colluded with asshole "expert" to buy worthless domain for 1mn, then laundered 800k out of it and left the company to burn.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45800 @ 0.00068692 = 31.4609 BTC [+] {4}
mircea_popescu: heck, by now they even have automated "ecommerce sites" making software.
cazalla: mircea_popescu, should be confirmable once digital btc submit their next quarterly to the asx
mircea_popescu: which is why the economy can't really function "on its own"
mircea_popescu: all the tea partiers and so forth keep going on about how "capitalism works by itself". sure, so do computers.
mircea_popescu: except if your os has a huge memory leak baked right in. then they don't.
mircea_popescu: so you know, the "small government ; work within the system ; we can fix things" people are nice and quaint and no doubt mean well
mircea_popescu: but they don't exactly understand enough to know where their shoes go.
mircea_popescu: i am blessed in that i can just order cake into being.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: the hedgehogs would be approximately the size of christmas tree ornaments. <<< god help you after the first storm,
mircea_popescu: Adlai: but sometimes it takes a tough turd to season a savory salmon <<< i've yet to see this in practice.
mircea_popescu: decimation: if you want something modern and not a rusty bucket you are talking ~$1-2 bn and your money can't buy one << you gotta be kidding me. an aircraft carrier is like 5bn. and i mean a large 100k tdw one, not the shitty 50k uk has.
cazalla: so blake's friend died prior to him taking over SR 2.0, maybe it was his YOLO moment
mircea_popescu: decimation: my openbsd port of bitcoind suffered a fatal exception at block 150872 <<< not that exceptional.
mircea_popescu: yes, when #b-a makes it it'll no doubt be a few k's in btc.
mircea_popescu: in fact, you could make a large enough pile of steel cost 10
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform standard steel plate is like 1k per ton.
mircea_popescu: a one mile by one mile steel plate pyramid about 100 meters tall will get you there.
mircea_popescu: actually the chinese wall was prolly in the 10bn range ppp wise.
mircea_popescu: the last simultaneous events happened like what, 100 trn years ago ?
assbot: Fatlogic pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12050 @ 0.00068462 = 8.2497 BTC [-]
assbot: ClubOrlov: Collapse Competitively
mircea_popescu: so i suppose "in the real world" pluricellular organisms don't exist.
mircea_popescu: very dirty thinker this guy. keeps mixing things that live on different deductive levels.
mircea_popescu: see, dirty thinker. i mean the squirels are a much ulterior consideration to thinking.
mircea_popescu: they have very different degrees of liberty. can't freely interface them like this.
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Silver to fall under $15/oz before December 27th" Odds: 86(Y):14(N) by coin, 73(Y):27(N) by weight. Total bet: 7.5111 BTC. Current weight: 40,158.
mircea_popescu: take my earlier piece re cooling. i in fact had counted fucking gas molecules, in the untold zilions.
mircea_popescu: best i can see he's the luddite sort of socialist, believes technology empowers intelligence to manifest as difference
mircea_popescu: clever, dirty thinker is pretty much how you say "utopian"
mircea_popescu: for instance : refine sugar, store it as such. about as inert as basalt, provided it never gets wet.
mircea_popescu: the interfaces, wounds, muddy waters, everywhere there's a border is where things happen.
mircea_popescu: fucking things you didn't even know existed come out of places you didn't even know existed to check it out.
Vexual: a tender kangaroo cut beats any venison
assbot: Julien Blanc, self-described pick-up artist who promotes choking women, has visa cancelled and leaves Australia - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
cazalla: Mr Blanc, from US-based group Real Social Dynamics, was forced to hold his event on a boat on Melbourne's Yarra River last night. <<< poor guy :\
mircea_popescu: "This guy wasn't pushing forward political ideas, he was putting a view that was derogatory to women and that's just something that our values abhor in this country," he said.
mircea_popescu: lol derp goes around randomly strangling strangers as a pickup method ? jesus these idiots.
mircea_popescu: why the fuck all this song and dance about "our values abhor" and "degrading misoginistic" blablabla baclava. what's wrong with the obivious "this is a fucktarded kid, broken in the head to the degree he imagines strangling strangers is an adequate substitute for his absent social skills, we don't want him here, and ideally he should be undergoing a special needs program somewhere."
mircea_popescu: everything gotta be repackaged in the libertardism du jour, because a worthless tool is perhaps going to be less visibly worthless if it's nominally used to solve all problems.
Vexual: wheres george negus when you need him?
cazalla: you already told me where Vexual
Vexual: well, I also liken you to him a lot
[]bot: Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Silver to fall under $15/oz before December 27th" Odds: 87(Y):13(N) by coin, 76(Y):24(N) by weight. Total bet: 8.5111 BTC. Current weight: 40,129.
Vexual: long running australian journalist
Vexual: see him down the pub occasionally
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25250 @ 0.00068462 = 17.2867 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16419 @ 0.00068869 = 11.3076 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: ICANN creates 'UN Security Council for the internet', installs itself as a permanent member • The Register
mircea_popescu: "If there is a cybersecurity issue, or someone who has figured out how to protect children through a browser," then they can use the platform to connect with others as well as crowdsource and fund their efforts, ICANN CEO Fadi Chehadé enthused.
punkman: gotta use that ICANN money from all the new domains
mircea_popescu: amusingly enough, the bitcoin foundation actually is ahead of the icann internet foundation.
mircea_popescu: "They announced that a further twenty members will be chosen (seemingly by the organizers) according to geographic region and different sectors, split equally between: academia; civil society; governments; and business." << lawl.
mircea_popescu: so, 3:1 bezzle ? except that 1 will prolly be just as bezzletronic ? what is this, lenin's wet dream or something ?
punkman: "Everything will be done bottom-up, this is the mother of all bottom-up processes," < who's bottom is getting buggered?
punkman: btw how much BTC does the twobitfoundation have these days?
mircea_popescu: it's so fucking lulzy how full of fail that thing is srsly. almost 100% copy of vessennes' scam "foundation". won't say how much money it spent, masquerades as "open", astroturfing to the hilt, the works
mircea_popescu: then people are all "o noes, what do you mean same script means same govt agency"
assbot: UN takeover of internet postponed indefinitely • The Register
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37440 @ 0.00068419 = 25.6161 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32860 @ 0.00068392 = 22.4736 BTC [-] {2}
punkman: mircea_popescu: re: deed errors, guess I should make it say "3rd deed invalid" instead
punkman: congrats on biggest bundle yet!
mircea_popescu: anyway, it took special chars and other issues (\n\n separated deeds) like a champ
assbot: [MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013704 / 0.00015 (4111 shares, 0.56 BTC), 30D: 0.00013514 / 0.00013704 / 0.00015 (4111 shares, 0.56 BTC)
Naphex: "Robocoin Now Requires All ATM Operators to Collect Customer Information"
mircea_popescu: Your Bitcoin is secured by next generation security practices. You are your money: palm-vein biometrics keep money in the palm of your hand, while protecting your account against theft and identity fraud."
cazalla: need one of those terminator 2 atm hacker devices for robocoins
Naphex: what if someone steals your hand ?:))
mircea_popescu: and they tweet on their own (and mostly ignored) twitter account a link to... coindesk, and via@coindesk.
mircea_popescu: this is the day, when a pretend-company cites as source of its own fucking moves the official usg news outlet.
mircea_popescu: can you guise be anymoar fucking desperate, srsly now ?
mircea_popescu: it's not going to survive anyway, that coindesk thing.
punkman: "Each successive Silk Road is headed by a DPR with increasingly poor opsec, like they're reverse-learning from their predecessors' mistakes"
Vexual: now ben10 might recoil at that question, but it's invariablt the firs one of every scammor everywhere
Vexual: and your answer should be no
Vexual: but life is a twoway street, and you can give any reponse you like
Vexual: you'll talk for a bit, get a smile, and if your a dickhead, youll hear " you want trouble"
Vexual: this means you have failed at negotiations
Vexual: you don't, it's already been decided
cazalla: anyone ever heard of,, and ?
punkman: cazalla: doesn't ring a bell
Vexual: everything in your sock and cutting wild at a heavy metal show wil secure your life
cazalla: ah dw, they look like skins from the same operator
Vexual: theres a book on opsec kids
Vexual: whats this latest patsys name?
cazalla: chcked his dads and so on facebook, none of em have commented yet or locked shit down
punkman: "Silk Road 2.0 initially was owned and operated by another individual (hereinafter referred to as “DPR2”), BLAKE BENTHALL, a/k/a “Defcon,” the defendant, who had been acting as second-in—command to DPR2"
punkman: they are just phoning it in at this point
Vexual: other drug markeys got busted too ?
cazalla: yeah apparently, doubt they do any vol though so who gives a fuck
cazalla: yeah but i've never heard of em, not into drugs so i'd have to spend half the day finding out about these small sites and then they're shut down now anyway so difficult to verify
Vexual: that other news outlet reported sr2 getting a big dos a few weeks ago
punkman: cazalla, saw an article about some tor search engine that had a big list
cazalla: if i was a small time operator and wanted to steal some coins, maybe i'd copy/pasta the silkroad 2.0 shut down images and claim i too got shut down and knick whatever coins were on the site
Vexual: i signed up to sr 1.0 just to look
assbot: Grams: Search The DarkNet Marketplaces! - Deep Dot Web
cazalla: anyway, gotta do that weekly skype with the grandparents lol bbl
Vexual: punk, what are you working on?
punkman: some stupid shit and some stupid leads
Vexual: i just hadmy frist mango for the year
punkman: don't think I've ever had a good mango
punkman: and the fucking bananas are local but they gotta cut them green, fucktards
punkman: there's guy that does papayas too
punkman: you ever try the papaya seeds?
Vexual: you ever had that thai green ppapaya salad?
Vexual: no ive never eaten the seed
punkman: they are spicy, can put them in things
cazalla: so what's best practice when something like this gnupg 2.1.0 modern comes out?
BingoBoingo: Maybe a short little blurb, sentence or two and a link to the announcement?
cazalla: i mean in regards to using it or not
jurov: I suggest to use this excerpt from the gpg announcement: "Die Gedanken sind frei. Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz."
cazalla: BingoBoingo, what i read as a fix is just as likely to be now broken and vice versa, so i would prefer to defer to those smarter in here, i'm sure someone will discuss the addition of elliptic curve keys at some point
bounce: that's his signature, not really part of the announcement.
bounce: though you can probably use it. ISTR he's been using it for a long time
jurov: gute blinkenlichtenbeobachtung!
Vexual: that slovakistanese is hard to read
Vexual: will you translate for us?
jurov: good watching of blinkenlichten!
jurov: youtube, in other words
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41550 @ 0.00068112 = 28.3005 BTC [-]
assbot: Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez : Buttcoin
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27300 @ 0.000681 = 18.5913 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36200 @ 0.0006806 = 24.6377 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2100 @ 0.00067819 = 1.4242 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.00067692 = 8.4615 BTC [-]
assbot: #TakeDownJulienBlanc: Julien Blanc leaves Australia with his tail between his legs
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00061284 = 3.1868 BTC [-]
assbot: Gavin Andresen: I don't want to be 'king of Bitcoin'
Azelphur: he wants to be Bitcoin CEO instead
assbot: ClubOrlov: Odds and ends
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32950 @ 0.00061134 = 20.1437 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast
mircea_popescu: punkman: hah, same story as SR1.0 <<< im not so sure i believe that, incidentally. iut's called parallel construction for a reason, and that reason is, "lying through the teeth".
kakobrekla: like bitcoin, after peak it doesnt go straight to 0. takes at at least 2 weeks.
gribble: organofcorti was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 years, 20 weeks, 3 days, 9 hours, 31 minutes, and 40 seconds ago: <organofcorti> Hey, does anyone know what the cost to reissue an expired bond is?
assbot: A humble proposal to Bitcoin miners pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: Logged on 05-11-2014 22:17:24; *: kakobrekla just dutifully rains on parade
bounce: a hate-hat? what colour is that?
kakobrekla: see ascii, umbrella hat unlike toilet sink.
bounce already has a nice hat.
bounce: you wish. no hat pr0n for you.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, if one were a god, but i mean actual, honest-to-god god. wouldn't you expect he'd mostly want to hang out with assorted unbelievers, unrepentant sinners and firebrand heretics ?
mircea_popescu: i mean he's a god for crying out loud, what bs is this insecure egotism as depicted by teh jews. nonsense i say!
mircea_popescu: and i must say, i have never in my life seen public works like in argentina. so three days ago they announced they will fuck up the sidewalk before my building, and garage won't be accessible for two days. then two days ago they fucked it up, yesterday they were fixing it and today it's all fine, new pavement.
bounce: curious problem for universal there-is-only-one gods, though. gods with domains typically have some sort of job description. "care for fertility" "make the rains come", whatever. but a universal god? what's it got to do with it?
mircea_popescu: who the shit ever heard of this, it's like germany over here.
bounce: seems like a bit of a job overload if you're god of bloody everything
mircea_popescu: bounce nah, economy of scale. same process involved in being a god anyway.
mircea_popescu: punkman: don't think I've ever had a good mango <<< ew, you're missing out.
mircea_popescu: cazalla: so what's best practice when something like this gnupg 2.1.0 modern comes out? <<< i use 1.4 branch. depends what you're after, but in general best practice is read the update notes see if anything you actualy want [then in the unlikely case that yes, patch your sources with just that and recompile].
mircea_popescu: jurov: gute blinkenlichtenbeobachtung! <<< bwahhaha top of the mornin' to you too.
mircea_popescu: assbot: Gavin Andresen: I don't want to be 'king of Bitcoin' <<< mmmmywah, that was really on the table lol.
mircea_popescu: somehow i forgot to mention this prior, sorry if it ruins anything guise.
chetty: I been hearing that term 'rape culture' a lot recnetly, what the hell is that?
mircea_popescu: however, a bunch of people have managed to paint themselves into a corner, by an unfortunate meeting of government welfare and libertard ideology.
mircea_popescu: they soon enough discovered that society doesn't care, so now this large headcount of overweight, middle aged women are trying to invent their own version of fucking that'll link them to actual society
mircea_popescu: "rape culture" it is, ie, they don't hang around with their friends talking about what it was like last night, like THOSE SLUTS
mircea_popescu: they hang around with their friends talking about how wrong it all is.
mircea_popescu: somehow the (other) elephant in the room (ie, "dogs wouldn't fuck you, if you paid them") is gingerly never mentioned.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45400 @ 0.00060019 = 27.2486 BTC [-]
Azelphur: mircea_popescu: haha, don't even get me started on this topic, special snowflakes, special snowflakes everywhere.
assbot: SJW vs John Carmack (Oculus Connect Keynote) - YouTube
mircea_popescu: in spite of all the "successes" (like getting deepthroat to lie and so on) it never went anywhere. for the obvious reason.
mircea_popescu: so now they've moved on from "porn activism", a soundly lost battle, to "rape culture" bs.
mircea_popescu: sort of like the ecologists, that made all the bruhaha in the 90s about how the world was going to end because ozone layer, and if "We" don't "do" what they say it';s gonna be bad etc
mircea_popescu: then we ignored them, the problem somehow magically went away, they're no longer mentioning it (and in no case are they mentioning it as what it was : here's our most resoundingly humiliating defeat to date)
mircea_popescu: "the left always wins" in the sense that the left is dumb as rocks, and rocks always win, in the sense that nevermind.
chetty: unfortunately all these lost causes leave a trail of bodies behind when they move on
mircea_popescu: take the body in this case : a whiny 25 yo beta masquerading as an "executive dating coach".
mircea_popescu: seriously, executive ? what's that mean, that he has license to fuck your girlfriend ?
assbot: Amazon Echo (Early Beta Version) - YouTube
chetty: well this rape culture thing seems to mostly consist of lopped off balls, that is something I regret. Much better uses than fertilizer for such things
Naphex: well it is for everyone :))
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform how do you expect to target viagra ads ?
assbot: Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows Lyrics | Genius
Naphex: 'so it can hear you anywhere?'
Naphex: 'well yes, but anyone can hear you anyway'
Naphex: asciilifeform: prolly a few days to set up the infrastucture and 're-ingineer' the essentials in bitcoind
Naphex: you think it takes years?
mircea_popescu: Naphex : asciilifeform has a much more fundamental approach to things. he's not really a business minded / cost oriented fellow.
mircea_popescu: same reason bitcoin power rangers have not done anything useful since satoshi left
mircea_popescu: it actually isn't cost effective for them, just like shitting cow dung is not cost effective for you.
mircea_popescu: "I was able to validate my hypothesis that quite a few English-speakers lack phonological awareness and are not aware of the alphabetic principle. Many people have simply memorized some number of words, by sight and by sound. And since learning Unspell involves having the ability to analyze spoken English as a series of phonemes, people who have been taught to read English using the “look and say” method, which doe
mircea_popescu: s not attempt to draw any significant parallels between sight and sound, are at a loss."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the problem with this approach being that literate readers do not actually read by letter anyway.
mircea_popescu: inasmuch as you're going to read whole-word, his entire blabla does really not matter
mircea_popescu: for that matter, i mostly read by-sentence-structure, especially when skimming
mircea_popescu: see, pictograms are not flexional. whereas setence-structure read stems automatically.
mircea_popescu: im pretty sure 3rd stage reader actually has two cvasi-simultaneous processes where the same photogram as registered by eyes is first parsed for stems then parsed for endings and they get superimposed in a 3rd stage
mircea_popescu: at least, judging by the types of errors that end up forcing me to re-read, vast majority of which indicate a mismatch in the 3rd stage.
mircea_popescu: well yes. but iof you count, the syntax error is almost always caused by an error collating the stems with the endings.
mircea_popescu: (i mean, cases where the text was correct, but your brain threw an exception)
mircea_popescu: so if this thing exists, then the process mus also exist.
chetty: learning initially with phonics lets a pérson breakdown a word they encounter that dont know regardless of their normal reading method. The look-say method people are stuck.
chetty: but they dont have any tools ....
mircea_popescu: the unrigurousness of natural language is fundamentally useful here. you can ask about this without being able to define this.
chetty: well yeah, but why limit the toolbox that way
chetty: it means you got to go consult some 'authority' instead of using your own head ..
assbot: [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00465000 / 0.00477011 / 0.00490000 (92 shares, 0.43885005 BTC), 7D: 0.00444960 / 0.00471895 / 0.00490998 (1622 shares, 7.65413821 BTC), 30D: 0.00412527 / 0.00464214 / 0.00495000 (3784 shares, 17.56585521 BTC)
mircea_popescu: amusingly, when the "internet" from microsoft encounters a word aka domain name it doesn't know
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14800 @ 0.00060252 = 8.9173 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: i hold that libtards are born by using "own head" as a source to extract the unknown.
mircea_popescu: imagine what the web would be like if domain name resolution worked on a "what know domain is this new domain most like"
assbot: Re: Israel Thomas and Marcus G. Daniels and respect for people - Naggum cll archive
chetty: nah, I grew up with 'sound it out', and 'look it up' always linked.
mircea_popescu: anyway, for the record, because i realised this while sleeping re some convo a few days ago : "knowing what a word means" is, for the marginally illiterate "read-by-letter" type, a matter of memorizing definitions. this however is at best a sorry approximation of the real deal.
mircea_popescu: in point of fact, knowing what a word means requires knowing its etymology, for all languages in which it appears, as well as a lengthy casebook of previous usage
mircea_popescu: i would say the definition-tree for the average noun is megabytes long.
mircea_popescu: anyway, it would appear orlov for instance doesn't know it.
mircea_popescu: if he imagines saving a few bytes of notation can have any sort of measurable impact on the workload of culture.
mircea_popescu: so what, trojan horse, trying to ruin their language ?
mircea_popescu: he has the chance of a snowball up satan's arse to do a better job than all the femiwhales running around using words for purposes.
chetty: newspeak is in full swing
chetty: the list of 'approved' words will be down to a few hundred in no time.
mircea_popescu: (explanation of that joke, for the recent : fifty years ago, the way to say "we fucked" was to say "we made it")
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46743 @ 0.0006023 = 28.1533 BTC [-]
chetty: use a word not on the approved list and you will never get that job, obviously you are a dangerous 'thinker'
mircea_popescu: you should see this place. they are "horribru racists", which somehow correlates (unexplainedly, really!) with their very serious take on newspapers. they have like, actual editorials, and stuff.
mircea_popescu: " Losing respect for people is the first step towardsthe criminally insane mind. Losing the ability to think of otherhuman beings as of one's own kind is the last, the idea that one isdifferent from others, an outsider to humanity. You have crossed thatcrucial line, probably a long time ago." <<< fwiw, naggum i trivially invalidated by example.
mircea_popescu: i don't happen to be stuck in either of those two fixations that he proposes as fundamental, and somehow the sky is not falling upon the earth.
mircea_popescu: in a more scholarly perspective : that "respect for others" argument is an exact reprise of the historical argument for "the respect for god". especially in the posited ill effects.
mircea_popescu: primitive religious minds all over europe firmly believed that unbelievers can not be decent, and will kill themselves or go on a rampage or something
mircea_popescu: notably, primitive minds in egypt had pretty much the same fiirm conviction last i visited.
mircea_popescu: yet... the sky is not kept up there by "respect", not of this, nor of that, nor of anything.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yeah, that may well explain it. lack of experience makes any fiction plausible to the noob mind.
mircea_popescu: the reason contemporary arabs still believed stuff abandoned as lulzy centuries ago in europe has everything to do with me being the first nonbeliever they ever met.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform lol way to go on a rant. clearly the quoted guy meant "people" as in groups. the implication that naggum isn't a person is not found inside the op's position.
mircea_popescu: did this fellow have a bunch of self-hate issues or something ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu> punkman: hah, same story as SR1.0 <<< im not so sure i believe that, incidentally. iut's called parallel construction for a reason, and that reason is, "lying through the teeth". << SR 1.0 parallel construction, SR 2.0 comedy of errors
mircea_popescu: "Without getting into too much detail, it is useful for capturing minute distinctions between accents and dialects; it is not useful for achieving a dialect-neutral representation of a language."
mircea_popescu: "can use spoon to eat soup but not paddle a small boat. because i am an idiot" wtf.
Naphex: or mebbe people just think too much of darkmarket operators
Naphex: people just throw shit on tor, and it bunks up
bounce: they all have posters?
mircea_popescu: if think about it : accepting the proposition that sr ops are dumb as rocks implies accepting the proposition that the shit will eventually be closed down.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform exactly. which is the angle that i stand behind here. usg is using the tor as it was designed to be used, meanwhile lies about how they got the data, and the people accused are too fucking stupid for that not to stick.
mircea_popescu: this is the basic work mode of this entire process anyway, it doesn't work too well outside of it.
Naphex: hey you gotta figure out as soon as lowlies seen SR1.0 drop, find a dork, put a website on that tor thingie
Naphex: then eventually comes the bust
mircea_popescu: if any of the young uns reading us silently is looking for a dragon to slay anbd be a hero : run a new silkroad as a reverse-honeypot.
mircea_popescu: sell some pills while keeping track of exactly all the ways the usg gets the data, actually, then leak that.
Naphex bets its just mostly HUMINT
mircea_popescu: the usg sigint capacity is really very poor, in spite of large expenditure and publicity
punkman: they took down around 400 .onions btw
Naphex: what i'm thinking is that they just infiltrate comunities, and then start drilling down
Naphex: its safe bet to figure that most of the lowlies will be meeting each other
Naphex: its probably right also
bounce: AIUI it was usg HUMINT that was laughingly poor
Naphex: asciilifeform: hey, in the small town i live in, like 300k
mircea_popescu: bounce only compared to other agents, that do a much better job of it.
Naphex: they made 30 arrets + busts, for fraud
bounce: the impression I got was that the SIGINT is quite good, but the inter-office communication not so much
mircea_popescu: this is like saying that the company went bankrupt not because it had no money, but because it kept not being able to move it from accounting to other offices.
bounce: it's a well-paying job for many little drones that produce all those intelligence reports that nobody gets around to reading
mircea_popescu: which, incidentally, is often heard and only heard in ponzi schemes
bounce: the money flows with gay abandon to the point there's a term for that: "military industrial complex"
bounce: parallel construction! I knew it!
Naphex: and really lets be honest here, why are those markets so easy to take down ?
bounce: dunno how easy, bit low on details
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform why do you think distrust is a negative ?
mircea_popescu: but this is like saying "it's bad to have oil in the ground, because idiots will drink it"
mircea_popescu: well... if they do they won't be so long for this world, getting in anyone's way, right ?
mircea_popescu: from what i heard from the remnants of people actually involved, dealing with the germans was more or less like dealing with a party that had done a bunch of drugs, sober.
mircea_popescu: sicily was roughly equivalent to old dixie. rural, strong right sorts of people. the proper way to regard the mafia is as the legal, lawful govenrment of the place being continually attacked and subverted by various socialists, in rome and abroad.
mircea_popescu: should be obvious why they didn't think much of the other rome
mircea_popescu: (is this fiction still current, btw ? moscow as 3rd rome ?)
assbot: Ахилл Левинтон - Марсель
mats_cd03: 13:13:47 <+mircea_popescu> ... the proper way to regard the mafia is as the legal, lawful govenrment of the place being continually attacked and subverted by various socialists, in rome and abroad. << interesting perspective, this
mircea_popescu: mats_cd03 look into calogero vizzini, if you're curious
mircea_popescu: people were still naming their kids calogero after him when de niro was but a wee boy.
mircea_popescu: Там девочки танцуют голые << lol at least got priorities straight.
ben_vulpes: Adlai: "python", "anything.el" << perhaps i am an emacs hipster but i rely on Helm and Elpy.
Adlai: emacs hipster is best hipster
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: re foundation and politics. what politics?
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> ben_vulpes time for bitcoin foundation to issue a statement that the only thing bitcoin needs is for politicians and other leeches to stfu and go away ?
ben_vulpes: not really a question, more of its own statement
Adlai often gets called a politician by irl friends and is unsure whether to take this as a compliment or wut
ben_vulpes: "what politics? what politicians? the above cannot possibly affect bitcoin."
assbot: Re: Israel Thomas and Marcus G. Daniels and respect for people - Naggum cll archive
mircea_popescu: point being, after berating some random guy over 5k words for imaginary disrespects, calous sniping sig ? weird.
Adlai: mircea_popescu: poster from my greek history classroom: "It takes N muscles to smile // M[<N] muscles to frown // but 0 to just sit there with a dumb look on your face"
assbot: В эпоху войн, в эпоху кризисов
Adlai: i'm not sure anybody knows exactly how much of the collected works of erik naggum is trolling and how much is genuine hatred for bullshit and idiocy, but i imagine most was the latter
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: "sidewalk" << isn't that your building's domain anyways?
Adlai: damnit python, where's cl:change-class when you need it
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu, bounce: "gods" << mayer l brenner's dance of the gods series was very entertaining. i endorse.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41343 @ 0.00060237 = 24.9038 BTC [+]
assbot: Logged on 07-11-2014 01:18:27; mircea_popescu: there is exactly one avenue to do that : make it so good some actual trader starts using it, after which go work for him.
gernika: mircea_popescu: im pretty sure 3rd stage reader actually has two cvasi-simultaneous processes where the same photogram as registered by eyes is first parsed for stems then parsed for endings and they get superimposed in a 3rd stage << Is "3rd stage" a reference to a formal description of the classes of reading ability that I can research elsewhere?
Adlai: asciilifeform: anything, really, although the resolution of the salty fishmarket is probably too low for scalpl to be much good
BingoBoingo: Fish market requires nose resolution. Kidney market could use scalpel though.
assbot: I scalp coin (@scalpcoin) on Twitter
assbot: [ANN][SKULL] ☠ SkullCoin | in-Game Treasure Hunt | PoQ
Adlai: "Updates: We might switch over to"
assbot: Logged on 16-05-2013 02:56:36; mircea_popescu: tell you wahjt, if i'm the boss of a tribe and i need a curtrency ima make teeth the currenyc.
bounce: ew. I think I'll prefer rai stones, thanks.
Adlai: << a forex fellow in NYC recently put it best: "Any commodity or asset being used as a store of value will experience higher prices than its 'true value'... Bitcoin separates this into a separate asset, enabling better price discovery for the others"
☝︎ assbot: Logged on 16-05-2013 02:59:23; Chaaang-Noi: i find your guys reaction to gold and silver as a store of value very funny :)
Adlai: fwiw, if anybody in here is interested in geeking out a little on scalpl and trying it out for themselves (or just get a better idea for how well it works atm), i'd gladly do that in PM. i try to keep my horn-tooting to a minimum, although is still going
☝︎ assbot: Logged on 07-11-2014 01:17:32; *: Adlai begins a slow-paced infinite brainstorm of how to monetize open source trading software
Adlai: if i'm ever too spammy in repeating this, please tell me
Adlai: oh, this. you're welcome to do this, it's open source after all :)
assbot: Logged on 25-09-2014 21:16:22; asciilifeform: (in fact, i suspect that any bot whose strategy is not a game-theoretical-finesse-rape of other bots - is quite useless)
Adlai: interesting. seen a certain way, i'm a slow-bleeding rape of things like MACD crossover bots
Adlai: liquidity providing = rape strategy against anything that uses large market orders
assbot: Logged on 25-09-2014 21:26:13; mircea_popescu: really the proposition of making a living with trading bots is the response of the engineer who confronted with the fundamental impossibility of making money picking stocks decides to write a hard ai to do it.
Adlai: scalpl executes strategies which a separate component comes up with, in markets of that component's choice. whether that component runs on computers or brains is for that other component to decide.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5857 @ 0.00060237 = 3.5281 BTC [+]
Adlai: +asciilifeform | if no information asymmetry (i.e., everybody can see your cards) - no win. << each limit order Lᵢ is one of Nⱼ orders belonging to a single entity, say Pⱼ. Lᵢ are known, but unknowns include ⱼ, Nⱼ, and Lᵢ→Pⱼ
mircea_popescu: <ben_vulpes> mircea_popescu: "sidewalk" << isn't that your building's domain anyways? << the sidewalk ?! no, city property in all new yorks.
mircea_popescu: <gernika> yes, but not sure if avail in english. 1st stage literacy = kids 6 to 10ish yo, read by reading letters and vocalizing ; 2nd stage, bacalaureat level, reads words whole. 3rd stage, fit for college, reads whole page diagonally.
mircea_popescu: otherwise my usage was ambiguous, the 2nd reference rto a "3rd stage" just means the 3rd step in the reading process being proposed.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36605 @ 0.00060245 = 22.0527 BTC [+]
Adlai: so, just knowing that scalpl is managing some assets in a market doesn't reveal its AUM or strategy, neither the general strategy nor the specific one at the present moment... the smaller the AUM, the better you can hide within the invisible hand
mircea_popescu: <assbot> Logged on 16-05-2013 02:56:36; mircea_popescu: tell you wahjt, if i'm the boss of a tribe and i need a curtrency ima make teeth the currenyc. <<< shit that spelling.
Adlai: mircea_popescu: being an early adopter hath itth pritheth
assbot: No argument pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, because orlovignorance is like the gift that keeps on giving : english is "not spelled like pronounced" for the exact any other natural language (including ones that believe quite delusionally that they are, like romanian) is not : this allows for a variety of disjunct speakers to at least use the same writing.
mircea_popescu: this was a crucial point in the early history of the various anglosaxon tribes
Adlai: mircea_popescu: tl;dr because i'm about to leave for a movie?
mircea_popescu: now, while utopia is nice and good, how does mr o plan to resolve this problem ? visit everyone's house and beat them into using the same rp ?
mircea_popescu: how do you spell mr Wraithwaithe's name in his system ?
mircea_popescu: lol. way to go this "idea". "if languages were spherical and ate spherical hay, the best barn would be a ball. let me make such!"
mircea_popescu: ftr : hangul only works because of the tedious ethnocultural homogenity of the peoples involved (2nd best korea also uses hanja, incidentally).
mircea_popescu: actual countries, such as romania, made out of ~40 or so different languages, or france, or the english space...well... no such luck.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform "die kugeln sind alle von eisen und blei, und manche kugel geht manchem vorbei."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and then ussr had to break itself apart to protect itself from those very ones who disagreed. see ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform imagine for a moment if you spoke a language derived out of ground down steel balls instead of shoehorned nuts found in the forest, and in exchange you had a chance for what i say to make any sort of sense comparable to the matter density of the universe.
mircea_popescu: five minutes later you'd want this appalling sort of C++ expunged from the world
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2560 @ 0.00060252 = 1.5425 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: but it must be noticed, this simple fact : the current shoehorning nuts approach to communication does in fact offer an absolute guarantee. even if what i say doesn't make sense on the first pass, either you reread and get it or you throw an error which THEN makes sense to me and i fix it.
mircea_popescu: this is incredibly fucking immense, try and make an tcp stack that offers this guarantee to any os.
jurov: hi asciilifeform, have you seen the discussion on r/buttcoin?
jurov: looks like they need some ELI5 explanation
assbot: Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez : Buttcoin
jurov: explain like i'm 5
jurov: ^ reddit treding buzzword
jurov: no that's actually like 13
mircea_popescu: gaze upon its depth and know what true horror really is!
bounce waits for the "oh grow up already" trend on reddit
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00060226 = 12.0452 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: According to specifications, HTML comments are expressed as SGML declarations. Declaration is special markup that begins with ‘<!’ and ends with ‘>’, such as ‘<!DOCTYPE ...>’, that may contain comments between a pair of ‘--’ delimiters. HTML comments are “empty declarations”, SGML declarations without any non-comment text. Therefore, ‘<!--foo-->’ is a valid comment, and so is ‘<!--one-- --two-
mircea_popescu: On the other hand, most HTML writers don’t perceive comments as anything other than text delimited with ‘<!--’ and ‘-->’, which is not quite the same. For example, something like ‘<!------------>’ works as a valid comment as long as the number of dashes is a multiple of four (!). If not, the comment technically lasts until the next ‘--’, which may be at the other end of the document. Because of this,
mircea_popescu: many popular browsers completely ignore the specification and implement what users have come to expect: comments delimited with ‘<!--’ and ‘-->’.
jurov: since these SGML comments cannot be ELI5.. what else could be expected
assbot: TLC - Waterfalls - YouTube
TomServo: The chorus starts with "Don't go chasing waterfalls...", for anyone wanting to spare themselves the pain.
ben_vulpes: just stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used toooooooo
bounce: earworm, community edition
assbot: Mircea Popescu |
assbot: Pusca si cureaua lata........Valeria si Traian Ilea - YouTube
assbot: NYC pastor: Starbucks is flavoured with the semen of sodomites ·
jurov: “My suspicion is that they’re getting their semen from sodomites. Semen flavours up the coffee, and makes you thinks you’re having a good time.”
mircea_popescu: is this semen taken out of a cup, a condom or straight out of asshole ?
jurov: the pastor supplies it, thus he knows. 100% organic stuff from free-range boys
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform anyway, the taste is exactly us army campaign coffee. overburned to all hell for being kept heated 12 hours.
jurov: me about twice. was appalled how can anyone enjoy this.
mircea_popescu: i guess it's like selling oversalted food in bars - gives people incentive to cream the shit out of it.
jurov: i'm spoiled. there's strong lavazza espresso available at practically every shack around here
mats_cd03: ever tried a 'ranger chew'? step 1. obtain MRE 2. remove condiment package with instant coffee and napkin 3. tear napkin 2in from corner and pour grounds on top of the torn piece 4. ball up napkin and stick it between gum and lip
assbot: Saifedean (@saifedean) on Twitter
assbot: You had the last Philistine. This one's mine.
assbot: [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00060019 / 0.00065756 / 0.00068888 (763539 shares, 502.08 BTC), 7D: 0.00060019 / 0.00072745 / 0.00079714 (3473188 shares, 2,526.58 BTC), 30D: 0.00060019 / 0.00074424 / 0.00081111 (23908166 shares, 17,793.47 BTC)
pete_dushenski: well an options emporium w/o options is just... an emporium
assbot: Mircea Popescu |
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12750 @ 0.0006008 = 7.6602 BTC [-]
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: dub i dunno, what am i, the micromanaging tyrant of a cult ? << now why would anyone think that?
pete_dushenski: howdy Pierre_Rochard. just noticed you don't have a cloak?
Pierre_Rochard: Hey pete_dushenski, just googled what a cloak is and it does sound appealing. How did you get yours? (I searched contravex)
teward: Pierre_Rochard: might start here for a cloak on Freenode:
assbot: freenode: frequently-asked questions
teward: note it only applies here on this network - cloaks are a per-network thing.
pete_dushenski: iirc you just head over to #freenode and find an admin, pm them, and badabingbadaboom
gribble: You have not yet rated user menahem
teward: pete_dushenski: better to just ask in the channel for a cloak
teward: they look through their logs ;)
teward: at least, sometimes. You're lucky if yo ufind active staffers :)
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user menahem has been recorded.
Adlai: < invisible hand of the market cloak
mircea_popescu: "tu cara da sida calvo calvo tu calva parece un culo muajajaja toma rima. patubodygueno." << i got anon haters now too!
saifedean: why thank you... getting me started with high praise from MP himself... you folk are spoiling me
pete_dushenski: saifedean you *did* have some pretty solid rants in the comments. i was pleasantly surprised myself.
saifedean: i don't mind being in a cult, but i do mind potatoes. Do you even paleo, bro?
bounce: what's this, the stone age?
bounce: thou shalt have potatoes and thou shalt like them, too
gribble: Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
saifedean: @pete_dushenski i avoid keynesian retards like the plague, but if i do confront one, the ranting is uncontrollable and cathartic
pete_dushenski: i already sent saifedean the contravex article on the wot, so tis only a matter of time
saifedean: this is the point when i must confront the brotherhood with my inadequacies... I still use windows and have no fucking clue what this GPG business is.
pete_dushenski: saifedean there's nothing like going off on people who swallowed public education whole eh?
pete_dushenski: well the jury's still out on just how bad gpg on winblows is
saifedean: @pete_dushenski it can be fun, though after five years at columbia, it can take on the feel of trying to talk tapeworms out of your stomach
bounce: works about as well as anywhere else (which is, not that well), even comes with fancy front-ends to ease the pain a bit
bounce: that is, for someone used to the CLI and the general crypto geekery weirdness that gnupg is made of
bounce: lack that and we're in _why johnny can't encrypt_ territory
assbot: Meanwhile, in Azelphurs house. - YouTube
Azelphur: mircea_popescu: unsupported browser for youtube...what are you running, lynx?
mircea_popescu: <saifedean> this is the point when i must confront the brotherhood with my inadequacies... I still use windows and have no fucking clue what this GPG business is. << seriously, but an old laptop, put linux on it. it's like that time when you kissed a girl tho it seemed kinda stupid.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: like that time when you kissed a girl tho it seemed kinda stupid << how is that ever stupid?
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller well if you're young/clueless enough it seems kinda pointless.
saifedean: <mircea_popescu> i have two laptops and can do that, but can you recommend a guide to starting with linux?
thestringpuller: reminds me of Huxley's Brave New World where the kids are allowed to touch each other "exploratively" as they grow up in the nurseries
mircea_popescu: well, these days prolly gentoo. just get their stock install, whatever that may be
bounce probably should mention pc-bsd
rithm: ubuntu 10.04 was most stable for me
assbot: The best thinkpiece about millennials and potatoes -- Fusion
pete_dushenski: “In fact, potatoes rate highest on what’s most important to Millennials.”
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla but he's coming from windows. best make this a stages thing.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16296 @ 0.0006008 = 9.7906 BTC [-]
bounce: so did the debian bunch decide to flop or are they staying flipped on the poettering fanclub vote?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19012 @ 0.0006008 = 11.4224 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: bounce well, the enemy is working the workings to prevent it.
thestringpuller: based on the statements first submission are considered for future work. but if the first submission is accepted is there a gpg transfer of IP? (and for a bill/price)?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37574 @ 0.00060184 = 22.6135 BTC [+] {2}
saifedean: so what do you gentlement do around here? what time are the virgin sacrifices?
mats_cd03: sounds like saifedean is volunteering
pete_dushenski: in b-a we mostly share stories, tell jokes, and dream a dream
kakobrekla: saifedean what we do si in the logs, what you do is i dunno, tell us
mats_cd03: who has the fuel? lets do this thing.
chetty: oo a bonfire? what are we burning? someone at the stake I hope
saifedean: kakobrekla well, in my day job i teach textbook macro and micro economics to undergrads... pays the bills and passes the time while i live in gorgeous lebanon, and also allows me to innoculate them against the textbook garbage
kakobrekla: i give you over 50% of chance to fit here.
assbot: Blogging As Boundary Finding | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
mircea_popescu: saifedean << complete history of b-a proceeds
assbot: جزيرة آلديرني البريطانية تتجه لتصنيع عملة "بت كوينز" - YouTube
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell peterl why didn't scoopbot pick up my last contravex piece?
Adlai: mircea_popescu: i meant, where in /names
gribble: I have not seen herbidujsteloids.
gribble: herbijudlestoids was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 15 weeks, 6 days, 6 hours, 18 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: <herbijudlestoids> anyway, 3am here, just wanted to login and check on yall after i noticed mpex was down. lots of love.
mircea_popescu: saifedean o hey nice. well, qntra is looking for an arabic editor :D
saifedean: what does being arabic qntra editor entail?
mircea_popescu: you cover news occuring in arabic language for an english speaking audience
saifedean: the arabic bitcoin space is basically me and 5 other friends. I met one of them for a tea yesterday and that might be the top news of the month
saifedean: hes from lebanon, lives in nyc. he's a good friend and was on my phd defense committee
bounce: quick, submit to qntra. arabic bitcoiners hold tea party!
mircea_popescu: <bounce> quick, submit to qntra. arabic bitcoiners hold tea party! << lol good one.
saifedean: mp, you're gonna like my answer...
saifedean: here's 226 pages of a young man's twenties spent tackling carbon emissions :D
Adlai: saifedean: there's a fart joke in there somewhere but i fear sharting if i push too hard
mircea_popescu: should be interesting to meet the columbia webmaster someday.
saifedean: but there's math.. it's rigorous and shit... don't you people value science? don't you care about the children? why does nobody think of the children :/
saifedean: i really hope none of you waste any time reading this phd...
saifedean: there are more intellectually stimulating cat pics on the net
saifedean: there's a long ass story about how this came about which i may tell to you some day near a fire... i basically started reading taleb in my third year and went off the good Ivy rails... by the end of my fifth i had written an absolutely heretic phd and submit it, and when my adviser finally got round to reading it, the day before the defense, she decided it wasn't acceptable and wasn't going to let me defend it
mircea_popescu: i suppose this is excellent proof that people derping random derpage may be idiots, but are not just for that reason actually evil.
bounce: math is hard on children. because kiddie-huggers feared it might be so they came up with kiddie math and now the real math is too hard
thestringpuller: bounce: they taught us single variable calculus in high school
mircea_popescu: bounce the femiwhales "warning" normal, healthy women about [their delusional notions of] "rape" aren't doing it because "they fear healthy women might be hurt". what they fear is that healthy women may live an independent life.
saifedean: i had already got my job but needed the degree, so after i started the job, i had to basically write a whole new phd, get a new advisor and make it ivy-league-approved... the result is the derpage you saw above. read at your own risk
pete_dushenski: and how did you turn that heretic paper into a friendship with the guy?
saifedean: it's on my hard-drive, a long talebian/popperian/hayekian fisking of climate science and its pretenses of knowledge
cazalla: working on an article atm, this sr2.0 kid is either really dumb or stole the coins himself when sr2 was hacked twice
bounce: new cult member bearing gifts of seekrit knoweldge
saifedean: well taleb was the reason i went heretical, or the gateway drug at least, i met him and became friend and then went heretic... he liked the heretic version and was happy to be on my committee as the external examiner... but the columbia folks didn't like it so i had to rewrite it and do my Hail USG's, and he still sat onmy committee for that one and helped me defend it from their fangs
bounce: also, I'ma leave that tyop right there.
Pierre_Rochard: “saifedean make a blog, publish it. i'd read it” <- ditto
saifedean: imma dig that heretic version up and see what it's like, havent looked at it in years...
mircea_popescu: saifedean so basically, would you say the usg is using grant money to coerce lies being published as "science" and to force people who won't do it leave academia ?
bounce: soviet science best science
saifedean: well, it is very soviet, but it's more subtle than 'using grant money to coerce lies'
saifedean: the only way to get into a phd program, get a grant, get a job, get into a journal is if you buy into the premises... once you bought into the premises, the 'scientific method' will bring out the right result.. if you try to rock the boat, you're simply wasting the time of people who have research grant deadlines to meet and so can't be bothered to sit and actually think of anything
bounce: so in a sense a side-effect of too many scientists
saifedean: it's a direct effect of state-funded science
saifedean: science by committee and public grant
saifedean: it's the DMV-fication of science...
hanbot: exactly what mp was saying a few weeks ago
assbot: Logged on 01-04-2014 02:12:07; asciilifeform: 'The basic problem is that the robber-barons of Silicon Valley, unlike their Victorian forebears, do not realize that, if they want all this science, they will actually have to pay for it - themselves. Instead, they look at their tax forms and think: I gave at the office. But they didn't. They gave to scientocracy. Now, they need to figure out how to patronize science - or there will be no science. Ju
bounce: it doesn't necessarily get better with corporate monies. corporations want ROI
saifedean: science on a public budget is a self-referential circle jerk: get with the system and suck the cock above you and you might be lucky to get your cock sucked below sometime soon... you'll spend your life sucking and getting sucked and soon won't even remember your cute teenage aspirations of doing something useful
hanbot: you ever read david lodge saifedean?
saifedean: but of course the vast majority of people who play this circle jerk end up sucking and not getting sucked, somewhere along the line, funding dries up, a department closes down, a professor dies and you're left unemployable and with nothing useful to contribute to anyone
hanbot: the bezzle academiponzi.
saifedean: hanbot i haven't, but googling hiim now, looks interesting
assbot: Why I am Not a Professor
hanbot: saifedean, small world, among others, is pretty much the story of this problem
hanbot: very quaintly recounted.
saifedean: thanks asciilifeform, looks very good
saifedean: i dug up the old phd and can email it to any of you who are interested. not sure it's worth publishing as it's still too academese to interest normals
saifedean: lol, touche... i had meant normals in the sense of non-academics... though to be fair, this didn't interest the academics either :)
BingoBoingo: So the big stories from NBC Nightly news tonight: Berlin wall fell, Seinfeld and a bunch of 90's commedians are coming out as aspies
thestringpuller: Seinfeld and a bunch of 90's commedians are coming out as aspies << i couldn't tell