202 entries in 0.879s
BingoBoingo: Anyways, that's why I find "Ernest Talvi - He identifies as a US trained economist. His voter base is mostly reddit dorks." << http://bingology.net/2019/05/26/overview-of-local-electoral-politics-heading-into-the-impending-party-internals/ more offensive than the PCU, MPP, and Mujica. The commies steal, but the "identifies as economist" wants to steal being stolen from and package it for sale in New York.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-22 06:58 mp_en_viaje: and yes ima negrate dpb just as soon as i get to my main keys, he's too fucking busy to http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-12#1918049 while http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-20#1919091 all day long ? because what, what the fuck's this republic, everyone's suburban helicopter mom, to roll eyes at while eating her sandwiches and thinking about how to steal shit from the house to curry favour with a bunch of morons in school ?
a111: Logged on 2019-06-22 06:58 mp_en_viaje: and yes ima negrate dpb just as soon as i get to my main keys, he's too fucking busy to http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-12#1918049 while http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-20#1919091 all day long ? because what, what the fuck's this republic, everyone's suburban helicopter mom, to roll eyes at while eating her sandwiches and thinking about how to steal shit from the house to curry favour with a bunch of morons in school ?
mp_en_viaje: and yes ima negrate dpb just as soon as i get to my main keys, he's too fucking busy to http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-12#1918049 while http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-20#1919091 all day long ? because what, what the fuck's this republic, everyone's suburban helicopter mom, to roll eyes at while eating her sandwiches and thinking about how to steal shit from the house to curry favour with a bunch of morons in school ? ☝︎☝︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: kinda what all these are derived from, hardblown, method-acted comedy. it's a cinematic adaptation of a roadshow style of entertainment (much like the "high class production" fred astaire / frank sinatra etc were in try to steal broadway for the studios)
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-07#1907308 << not to mention a) insulting and b) counterproductive. whenever you say something dumbly you steal from the smart, to give to the dumb. this is both shameful, ie ethically wrong, and evil, ie, morally wrong. if you've decided to steal, always steal from the dumb to give to the smart. they make much better friends. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: US police pointedly do not protect "property" in the general sense. Ambitious College bound urban youth steals your bike. What follows is police steal the bike from the stealing kid, then sell your bike at auction.
mircea_popescu: there's this "stealing nose" kiddy interaction trope from the period, adults pretending to steal kids' noses.
mircea_popescu: the supporting in 3 was not merely food -- all these idle useless fucktarded dorks expected to eg heat tghemselves in winter for free with the abundant waste heat resulting from 2. and to steal off the production like. and to generally not work and etc. with the possible exception of bulgaria, romania had the worst workforce of anywhere in europe, at moment 1990.
asciilifeform: all you need is to buy/borrow/steal 1 ( and not even this, protocol itself is swiss cheese and regularly broken by amateurs without any need to steal privkeys from some derpistan )
Mocky: One Qatari owns a chain of 9 fittness supplement stores. 3 of the stores were found to have someone pocketing the cash from transactions. Owner fired everyone in all 9 stores because "see, everyone tries to steal from us". Also he had his driver who can barely count to 10 doing store inventory for him.
mircea_popescu: ie, guy who was gonna steal a cookie was gonna steal a cookie ; that in the one case where he stole it he saw some guy stealing from a jar in miami so "he was emboldened by the sight" is entirely uncausative. he'd have stolen it because a spider climbed the wall and similarily "inspired" his dumb ass.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i'm entertained by the 'steal the having-been-stolen-from' of current 'minimal linux' frauds
asciilifeform: possible that my hands do not grow from correct place, or possible that if mircea_popescu had chinese gurl, she could steal the missing datashit..
mircea_popescu: more's like "cant steal ~half the gold from this bank until someone comes with a credible plan to also steal the bricks from the walls"
mircea_popescu: it's this-or-that, either steal from the worthy to "fix" the unworthy, or else squeeze the unworthy to empower the worthy.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-04 17:02 asciilifeform: in ru prison argot, this is also called 'to be a mouse', and is seen as equally damning as 'to be a rat' ( steal from one's fellows , rather than the engl meaning of snitch )
asciilifeform: sorta like, you dun care necessarily if somebody steals a turd that a bird shat into your garden. but on other hand, if somali pirates steal a tanker of guano from your guano fleet...
mircea_popescu: hey, his link was knee deep in "ethical considerations" and other pompous wank, dun talk to me, talk to the mentally splitten zeks, who steal from criminals but bend over for bureaucrats, discuss ethical minutia of imaginary situations and then work with doubletap usg, etc.
mircea_popescu: ever seen http://trilema.com/2011/bound/ ? two lezbos steal from the mob. and ~they get away with it~.
mircea_popescu: see, this is to my eyes the principal vulnerability of the whole charade. always it is the case with tripartite stable systems you get a sewing together somewhewre, and so is here. the zeks must, at the same time, be brave enough to steal from pighead and ALSO cowardly enough they'll eagerly participate in samokritika sessions.
mircea_popescu: no. not the certain point. every day, every agent opf the empire is confronted with the http://trilema.com/2014/pushing-the-soft-tender-flesh-of-a-friend-against-the-sharp-rotating-blades-of-the-immutable-machine/#selection-967.295-971.2 problem. it is why they send people to steal the bitcoin from that "silkworm" tard, then sent more people to steal it from the people they sent to steal if and ended up stealing it ~for thems
mircea_popescu: some dumbass spanish redditard, yes, becuause who buys fucktickets from inept pigheads, some dumbass 45yo stackexchanger, expert sexchanger, some fucktard "computer engineer" DARED, not merely to steal the woman of a convicted murderer running a prostitution ring, but then not even go into hiding in fuckbumstan. no, he went with her ~to the fucking police~.
ben_vulpes: yes well steal from the best
mircea_popescu: there's a large (and good god vocal!) population on say fetlife, which is only there to steal the having been stolen from wrt sex. specifically, they're mental 12yos who are there to not have to notice they're entiurely asexual, "how could you think that of me, i'm here engaging in the exact sort of slut-in-training perisexual and cvasisexual behaviours typical of pubescence!". here, sampler : "Law_And_Chaos 26M Dom ah you se
asciilifeform: in ru prison argot, this is also called 'to be a mouse', and is seen as equally damning as 'to be a rat' ( steal from one's fellows , rather than the engl meaning of snitch ) ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-08-11 17:49 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes and block depth. if you make segwit tx a to me at height 1 and i put it into a normal tx at block 2, i can spend it from block 3 as my bitcoin, the segwitnmess is gone out of it. to steal it from me, one has to rewind all the way to block 1 again. which is possible, but expensive as the chain builds.
trinque: cassidy3: in here your recourse if I steal your money is to tarnish the reputation held on deedbot that to date says I've stolen from no one. out there, what, sue?
ben_vulpes: i steal from teh best
phf: we had a lofty plan to steal the head of lenin from one of those skladi, but being 12 at the time, we failed to actually procure a saw large enough to make a dent
mircea_popescu: that's ok, im sure coinbase will make them whole etc. inca dun steal from itself.
mircea_popescu: suppose "employee" wants to steal "secrets" from nsa hq. a) encrypt to rsa key ; b) put in tmsr tumblr bot ; c) carry vacation pics back and forth. problem ?
asciilifeform: it is worth to keep in mind that ffa is , to steal from knuth, 'for readers to read first, and for machine to execute second'
asciilifeform: just as ceaucescu was content to 'steal' vlsi from the decaying west, i am perfectly content to steal the algos from bolix.
mircea_popescu: this is interesting because evidently conducted by independent agent motivated by his own delusions of "making it in this game", rather than the more typical case of employee trying to steal from govt.
asciilifeform: in other 'we'll steal from tmsr, why not, and WEDIDITFIRST' lulzies, https://archive.is/kvyXQ
mircea_popescu: so in random lulz : later today im meeting this local fellow with whom im going to be making a foundation for the prosecution of the hilary foundation ; and for the unravelling of what atm seems like a scheme to steal thousandsa of children from poor costa rican mothers for sale on the us market.
mircea_popescu: "oh, the blue usg has come up with some orc that'll do their dirty work of trying to steal publicly funded research from the rest of the usg"
ben_vulpes: null patch is best patch/steal from the best
asciilifeform: in other lulz, http://archive.is/948EL >> '...the government knew that the firms were on the edge of massive profitability and that they were in fact not insolvent. ...They did it to steal the profits from the company -- which means they stole the shareholder's property to fund other things - including Obamacare.'
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes and block depth. if you make segwit tx a to me at height 1 and i put it into a normal tx at block 2, i can spend it from block 3 as my bitcoin, the segwitnmess is gone out of it. to steal it from me, one has to rewind all the way to block 1 again. which is possible, but expensive as the chain builds. ☟︎
trinque: cept that eventually miners will defect from the thing, and steal everyone's segwit "transactions", much to the lul of all.
mircea_popescu: revisiting the above "progress" great lie of socialism : just as eg wikipedia parasithizes (see alf/naggum re how this works) the encyclopedia space, turning whatever it can steal into "wearenotbegging for donations", just like github tries to accrete "wild" work into something they can sell down the road to the bezzlevestor, just so school in the socialist state (as designed by trotsky, stealing from bismarck) works also on
sina: vulnerable to what, exactly, is the question? I am struggling to see how timing can be ascertained from that kind of model, but it's only a thought experiment so I can steal your brain juices
asciilifeform: steal directly from importer!111
asciilifeform: Framedragger: moreover, there does not exist such a place as from which they won't steal it. whenever they feel like it.
asciilifeform: and let's imagine that mircea_popescu found remotely-detonatable mine in his mercedes, and astonished to learn that it was part of the ~factory~ standard kit, and answer from vendor was 'this was, ummm, here, umm, in case someone were to STEAL your auto, believe'
asciilifeform: to steal from mircea_popescu's article on subj, 'get inseminated on purpose, rather than 'because hey, there was a party, and i like to drink''
pete_dushenski: http://archive.is/vT63P << other other from same : "Microsoft is working on a patch for a bug or feature in Windows 10 that allowed access to the command line and, using a live Linux .ISO, made it possible steal BitLocker keys during OS updates. The command line interface bypasses BitLocker and permits access to local drives simply by tapping the Shift and F10 keys."
asciilifeform: so now you have 10,000,001 'roots', which inevitably will happen when bahama throne falls, why not arrive at that situation ~deliberately~, rather than like (to steal from old mircea_popescu piece!) 'like teenage cowsie falls pregnant, willy-nilly'
mircea_popescu: the logic is judicious from the pov of socialist empire : the marginal utility of stem is actually nil, because whatever rocket they invent the russkis will steal and the chinese will make cheaper anyway ; whereas the marginal utility of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-05#1563151 is manifest : however many are needed to brew a head of fucktoys required by bill de blasio to forget the monkey at home. ☝︎
Framedragger: (been trying to steal time from afk stuff to read on useful things so brain does not go dead. it's.. slow)
trinque: ben_vulpes: I'd rather freeze an openbsd and steal portage from gentoo
asciilifeform: (perhaps 5th is to steal the crown jewels from the culprit himself)
mircea_popescu: so it was, steal from gnu, steal from mit, write own.
mircea_popescu: go steal a potato from market stall, plant it by side of road wut.
BingoBoingo: But now thank to the 12 steps I have stolen Inner Peace from my higher power, and I will curb stomp a bitch if they try to steal my serenity.
asciilifeform: doping is simply attempt to 'steal fire from the gods' and move up categories, paying whatever price.
BingoBoingo: The part where they had the classic ethereum anyways and likely wanted to head off the pain in court by giving the tokens to the victims they tried to steal them from when they first decided to pretend the tokens didn't exist.
asciilifeform: 'Dallas Police Chief David Brown called the incident "a well-planned, well-thought-out, evil tragedy," adding, "We are determined to not let this person steal this democracy from us."' << lel!
thestringpuller: lets just steal from everyone to pay for the nice thing!
asciilifeform: '"He later told the nuns that police had tried to steal the money that he was trying to donate," Ritondo said. "There are dollars, yen, euros and a currency from Qatar ... It's a lot of money." He did not give an exact amount because the money was still being counted.' << l0l
shinohai: "We are proud to introduce this new tool to help you steal from citizens in a moar efficient manner."
a111: Logged on 2016-06-03 22:07 pete_dushenski: Bitcoin but just like the goldbugs and the silver hoarders he rarely looks very hard at the way that real people use money in the real world. The average sub-130 IQ person looks at Bitcoin as a technology indistinguishable from magic, assuming that it’s that kind of magic where people periodically compromise the blockchain and steal money. Believe me when I tell you that we will all go back to biting c
pete_dushenski: Bitcoin but just like the goldbugs and the silver hoarders he rarely looks very hard at the way that real people use money in the real world. The average sub-130 IQ person looks at Bitcoin as a technology indistinguishable from magic, assuming that it’s that kind of magic where people periodically compromise the blockchain and steal money. Believe me when I tell you that we will all go back to biting c ☟︎
shinohai: bwahaha BingoBoingo forbes just now writing about gatecoingate http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertolsen/2016/05/24/hackers-steal-2-million-from-bitcoin-exchange-in-hong-kong-bounty-offered-to-recover-funds/
mircea_popescu: well yes, you missed. because when a shithead tries to steal from me it's not news. but when a shithead lies about the reverse, your ears perk up.
mircea_popescu: let's make it even worse. suppose tomorrow its governmental sponsor announces that it is "under investigation" for "violations". you know for a fact they can steal any amount from its coffers, liek they did with say jpm. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: can go steal from mall sense, what.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the reason "no one can take from you" is because it's been taken already. sorta like nobody can burn water or steal the intelligence of mongoloids.
jurov: yes, why not steal from outdoor 60kV line diretly?
asciilifeform: 'from now on we sit on all we steal so we can dump in a decade' ?
mircea_popescu: you go steal one, the guy you stole it from [who is better than you by simple virtue of he having one you don't] tracks you down, and what are you going to do to him and his five brothers ?
mircea_popescu: Classical physics demands certainty. Quantum mechanics demands probability. Diversity demands one more turn of the screw - nullity. We cannot allow the impositions of society to crush the aspirations of culture. Those who are empirically materially productive steal wealth from those who pursue transient hedonistic objectively valueless personal agendas. Diversity is admission for reason of disqualification. Ill-gotten
adlai: miner defection can't steal from people who didn't opt-in, although it causes reorganizations and general headless-chicken-panic
pete_dushenski: the chicken i buy is $23/kg, the beef $30/kg or so. $12/kg for locally grown, straight from the farmer is a steal of a deal
mircea_popescu: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/27/business/dealbook/the-unsung-tax-agent-who-put-a-face-on-the-silk-road.html?_r=0 <<< ahaha check it out, the cover-up story is shaping up! it wasn't the usg using the holes in tor to try and steal some bitcoin, after which their agents stole most of it from them in turn. oh, no! it's a heroic guy that bla bla bla, just like in thye old soviet movies!
adlai: bitcoind gets steal-friendly witnesses, from bold experimenters who sacrifice their Bitcoin on the altars of the mine-verify greed-off
mircea_popescu: this is exactly why the wot exists - to disinhabituate socialists from stealing from the people and giving to "the institution" so that lenin, stalin or whatever other nigger can then steal it.
asciilifeform: (try to forget, for this example, the moral colour of word 'steal' - think of the sense in which we 'steal' milk from the cow, or samurai steals his XXXX koku of rice / yr. from the peasant)
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-11-2015#1331171 << and the explanation is that the engineers are the ones from whom the western governments steal to support their "social sciences" catamites. ☝︎
ascii_field: it sounds batshit, to an engineer, say, but logically follows from 'easy to steal == phree!!!' formula.
mircea_popescu: careful what and whom you steal from, lest you get poisoned.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i also suspect that one of the drivers of usg interest in demented pseudo-bitcoin contraptions ('permissioned blockchain technology!') is that these folks dream of a hybrid bulldog-rhinoceros, 'best of both', where usg can electronically steal everything you have, but without any bureaucratic snags - it will look precisely like a voluntary donation, from a mathematical standpoint
assbot: Logged on 15-09-2015 23:23:53; punkman: I saw a dog steal an unopened bag of cheetos while I was buying some tobacco from a kiosk couple days ago. guy inside shrugs "what am I gonna do, chase the fucking mutt". I wonder if some bum trained the dog, it was wearing a length of string as a collar.
punkman: I saw a dog steal an unopened bag of cheetos while I was buying some tobacco from a kiosk couple days ago. guy inside shrugs "what am I gonna do, chase the fucking mutt". I wonder if some bum trained the dog, it was wearing a length of string as a collar. ☟︎
funkenstein_: "All humans, because of their upbringing, tend toward one of the four “control dramas”: intimidators steal energy from others by threat. Interrogators steal it by judging and questioning. Aloof people attract attention (and energy) to themselves by acting reserved or withdrawing. And poor me’s make us feel guilty and responsible for them."
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-09-2015#1265342 << except it's really a case of "how debian is not only stealing linux from the people who made it, but is attempting to steal their having been stolen from, too!" ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ape may steal from man ; but man can not steal from ape. everything man takes from ape is glory.
mircea_popescu: the soviets did outright steal from the various coops, entreprises scl towards the end
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform except it's not theirs, they prolly lifted it from one of the military texts of the 40s, and if you're a company selling colorizer glasses why the fuck would you want people NOT to "steal" your dumb diagnosios shit
phf: "my brother's brother heard it from the guy WHO WAS THERE" "man, i wish i could just steal girls from classrooms like a brave chechen, because i sure as hell can't talk to them"
decimation: it's even easier to steal 'having imaginary things been stolen from'
mircea_popescu: it's sorta like the guy who does a lube job for the unmarked police car which the cop driving was using to steal coke from the evidence room.
mircea_popescu: "our goal all along was to avoid responsibility for all the stupid shit we're doing. there's not much fun in stealing if one doesn't steal the having been stolen from at the same time!"
asciilifeform: 'At Treblinka, an underground organization plotted an armed rebellion and mass escape. Learning about the Warsaw ghetto revolt from the last transports of Jews brought to Treblinka from Warsaw, the organizers decided the moment for revolt had arrived. On August 2, 1943, the underground fighters put their plan into action: to steal arms from the warehouse; eliminate the German and Ukrainian guards on duty; set the camp on fire;
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: also, those vettes are a steal compared to the ones here http://www.kijiji.ca/v-classic-cars/strathcona-county/corvette-collectors-edition/1071669781 << "from washington state"
Landgull: steal from you, rather*
Landgull: But I still prefer people who steal from you because they're just stealing from you and they want your stuff to people who steal for you and ask you to say it's for your own good.
Landgull: Sure, if the Ukrainians had anything to steal, the government would rapidly begin to steal it. But right now it's more profitable for them to steal from the USG.