deedbot: $s "and the boys mircea mircea after me" is not a command.
mod6: normally i have these dill ones. i don't dig the bread and butter ones much.
mod6: i gotta look and see here...
mod6: yeah, the kosher dills. these look to be like water, vinegar and salt for the brine.
mod6: i'd go as far to say that I've never even had a salt pickle.
mod6: "salt pickles like your great grandmother used to make..." yeah, i'd bet i've never even had one.
mod6: have to give that a try
adlai don't want a pickle... just wanna ride on his motor sickle
adlai: and iiii don't wanna die... just wanna ride on my motor sigh. ckle.
mircea_popescu: mod6 salt pickles are really fermented, not vinegared. they preserve because the lactobacillum keeps other bugs out
mircea_popescu: anyone know how the fuck do i wipe dos blank lines in cli ?
mod6: this is neat-o. im gonna have to do some jars of those. i've got a lady who knows how to jar, is gonna show me this summer.
mircea_popescu: sed / grep don't match ^$, awk doesn't match with NF > 0, i'm totally wtf'd.
mod6: oh like [CTRL+V CTRL+M]? This will yield you a matchable '^M'
mod6: so you can do like `sed s/^M//` or whatever
mod6: while im rounding out the lib, any mega-b00k reccos on DFA?
mod6: werd. just something for shelve reference.
adlai loves the ads for SPOJ claiming "learn how to code" in a site that lets people who know math compete in who knows more math
adlai: but those glyphs have me wanting to learn braille again.
mod6: you learned braille?
adlai: no, but i've wanted to ever since i realized my eyesight (which is pretty damn good) is not good enough.
adlai: learning braile does not play well with practicing guitar, due to calluses.
mod6: ah, yeah, like having wax fingertips
mircea_popescu: it had its niche before computers. ~ nobody still learns it today.
adlai: would chetty consume accelerated audio?
mircea_popescu: she did learn braille originally ; never used it much past the 90s. also of course there's two.
mod6: i had no idea her vision was that bad. i must be oblivious
adlai doesn't understand what mircea_popescu means by "there's two". is this like "another skywalker"?
mod6: hell, sat there and talk to her for a good while, had no clue.
mircea_popescu: mod6 she was EXTREMELY good at taking cues from, say, me. but generally people.
mircea_popescu: adlai ie, two brailles, like they did a braille-ext or some shit
mod6: mircea_popescu: ah.
adlai: my guess is that much more useful secret tongues are sign language and morse
adlai: although realtime caesar cryptanalysis on permuted morse is probably past even mp-complete
adlai: "week's homework" /= realtime
adlai: 'fits in head' has another interpretation.
adlai unlike trb donators has much more creative paranoiae
mircea_popescu: he seems to propose that he'll takamakatotopipi so quickly you won't know what hitcha!
adlai: it's the other way around. haven't you ever realized everybody around you is communicating in front of your face in a language you can't parse?
adlai is all about freedom of information; analysis, not concealment.
adlai: it still doesn't insert quotes, this is not proper
adlai: i don't want to click shit, i want text quoted in weechat without me moving an eyeball.
adlai: this is what assbot did back in the good ol' days.
adlai: recursing into inner links, across the log.b-a.chasm, left as an exercise to the industrious lisper
adlai goes back to trying to make money make money
trinque: wtf is this disconnected by services shit?
trinque: why is IRC so damned terrible?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: That was January, mebbe February news and previously August-September news
adlai: asciilifeform: would you argue that satoshi should've switched PoW each time a new optimized (ie, gpu, fpga, etc) miner was released, at least, before he sepukkud?
phf: adlai: i'm half expecting bot to fall over at any second, you want it to spew log lines, you crazy, mang
adlai: asciilifeform: not quite, iirc he wailed and gnashed teeth at the ungentlemanly conduct of ArtForz.
adlai sleeps, dreams of ketsaknives
phf: incidentally there's a bug in ref counter, only finds one ref
danielpbarron: yeah i just noticed, it didn't like me referring to multiple lines in the same line
danielpbarron: i suppose that means there may be lines with even greater references
phf: i suppose we'll find out soon enough
danielpbarron: yeah you can probably pop the answer out way faster than the way I just found those
phf: well, so far i've succeeded in breaking annotations
phf: well, something's working anyway
phf: i was frankly surprised you managed to produce them manually
☟︎☟︎ phf: i wonder if assbot quotes should count for annotations though
danielpbarron: yeah, the rozal ones get triggered by the log line being referenced in BingoBoingo's rating on him
BingoBoingo: Which is exactly how a proper public damning should work.
danielpbarron: and by yeah, I mean yeah I had the same thought, that perhaps this is a less legit reference
phf: aight, check it without bot quotes
phf: rozal now has three BingoBoingo rates and this thread
phf: this also demonstrated for why "top refs" shouldn't remain a feature :p
phf: otherwise can go ascii route and ref the same post over and over again
danielpbarron: same idea with deeds ; could submit same thing over over, but then get neg-rated out of a voice
davout: <<< what i was thinking is "offer wires as an alternative to a cash settlement to people who presently hold x.eur and to whom i've committed to delivering upon request", and then close it, at least until i have another professionnal setup to handle it properly
☝︎☟︎ davout: ;;later tell mircea_popescu ^
mircea_popescu: adlai: asciilifeform: would you argue that satoshi should've switched PoW each time a new optimized (ie, gpu, fpga, etc) miner was released, at least, before he sepukkud? <<< whatever he'd argue, it is a fact that YES, satoshi should have been a man rather than an herb, and once he knew things blew up should have called forth the dragon.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: this, incidentally, is both what distinguishes children from men, and an absolute bar to leadership.
davout: phf: very cool log you made!
mircea_popescu: phf: adlai: i'm half expecting bot to fall over at any second, you want it to spew log lines, you crazy, mang << no, seriously, this is a must. deedbot must say the logline when it sees the reference, there's no way about it, because seeing the line reminds me of the log directly, but clicking links etc is such a high bar...
mircea_popescu: "gentleman agreement" for the love of all that's slippery and wet.
mircea_popescu: how about we get a gentleman's agreement to piss on him and his "discovery" - i know a lot more actual gentlemen in banking and finance than in computing.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: phf: incidentally there's a bug in ref counter, only finds one ref << thanks danielpbarron :D
mircea_popescu: phf: well, so far i've succeeded in breaking annotations phf: or maybe not phf: well, something's working anyway <<< bwahahaha check out the ada-lisper at work! :D
danielpbarron is currently updating blog posts to reference new log instead of old one
mircea_popescu: what did you do ? update daniel_posts replace(post_content, bitcoin-assets, btcbase) ?
danielpbarron: nah i'm just doing it manually because it's only a month old ; but it'll be really easy for you to do it that way as the urls are virtually identical
mircea_popescu: i want it to be a flag in the search, so as to search IN IT.
mircea_popescu: we're actually building a sort of cyber-ai-implant here, it's obvious by now.
mircea_popescu: human memory being obviously the most directly augmentable of all the high cognition functions.
mircea_popescu: so iirc the way this was solved before is, phf makes the page TITLE of read "phf: i was frankly surprised you managed to produce them manually" and then trinque makes deedbot fetch the TITLE of all pages and this solves reading loglines into chat.
☝︎ mircea_popescu: phf why isn't linked line first in viewport ?! how am i gonna find what he means ?!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform once it became obvious they can gpu mine. that discovery.
phf: mircea_popescu: now that's just crazy talk, the behavior is identical to old log
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, not enough content below to have the page scroll to the right spot
phf: it could, but i'd rather not have random durps hitting the domain and then hitting the logs until i'm certain of logs
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the consacrated words being under the dragon. "i see no reason to continue supporting or otherwise encourage X.". with or without the banishment rider.
mircea_popescu: phf word. also, a way to go to arbitrary date should be... oh nm, i can just hack teh url.
mircea_popescu: you'll hafta excuse flurry of nonsense, trying&figuring out new clothes.
phf: so the way it used to address is /?date=06-04-2016, i think that should still happen when you hit /log/
danielpbarron: mildly annoying that old log url and new log url have date in reverse order, but i guess a script can hack around this trivially
phf: right, but that will redirect you to /log/2012-02-01 because i like iso 8601
phf: right, because endpoint for the log is an iso8601 date
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform he doubtlessly failed to understand both his capabilities and his responsibilities, until later, as is usually the lot of people.
phf: oh that old old log is not there yet, and will probably go in within a month or so
phf: have some people transcribe it
phf: the desire for old styling has been expressed and heard
deedbot: mircea_popescu rated phf 2 at 3644159832 << Fixed our boxen!
mircea_popescu: $v 8C225EF704922ADE60BE99B4CDC7CC85BB04049F87751A9849FFC35C9AFB2522
deedbot: mircea_popescu updated rating of phf from 2 to 3 << Teh desire has been expressed and heard!
mircea_popescu: did a woman you cared about ever manage to get a satisfyingly loud and wet quarrel witcha ?
mircea_popescu: possibly might be an idea to eschew counting references to a log line made by the same author ?
mircea_popescu: let's also put this in teh record "S.MPOE": {"1d": {"avg": "50504.3351821","min": "50143","max": "51211","vsh": "437407","vsa": "22090949739","cnt": "15"}, "7d": {"avg": "49898.0738545","min": "49008","max": "51211","vsh": "1288832","vsa": "64310234322","cnt": "95"}, "30d": {"avg": "49515.8488864","min": "41707","max": "53882","vsh": "22173235","vsa": "1097926553583","cnt": "1517"}}
phf: that sounds reasonable
phf: the web part is fine, but i want a bit more reliability out of a bot, maybe move it into a separate process even. this whole ascii's "does cmucl even has proper threads" is biting me in the ass
mircea_popescu: without importing all the battlefield lulz on the topic : it is rather important for lisp to be used in ACTUAL applications, as opposed to conceptual.
mircea_popescu: brits had a very similar problem, "our tank is very well made" "how does it do in the sand ?" "WHAT?!?!?!"
phf: lisp's attitude to threads for a decade now has been "now let's see how this whole `threading' thing plays out, and maybe come up with a solution in a decade or two"
mircea_popescu: phf fwiw i believe "threads" are a miserable kludge, so i can see the angle.
phf: asciilifeform: quiters
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform were you gonna explain how the grocery thing relates ?
mircea_popescu: and srsly, what, it's my job to tell the processor how to process ? that's why it's a processor, let it process!
mircea_popescu: but oh, no, "you gotta make this hacky flagging scheme to show us what to paralellize!"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that is utterly besides the point, isn't it ? most well made statues were kept in temples, in the dark, untouched and unseen. this doesn't mean they had ergonomic spoons in mass production!
mircea_popescu: consider what i'm actually saying : it's one thing to solve correctly a well defined problem ; it is another thing to solve well a nebulous one.
mircea_popescu: and it is good that the good tools, derived from 1st, get some battle experience.
mircea_popescu: and yes, the more i hear about ada the more i like it, or properly speaking the more it sounds like right thing.
PeterL: asciilifeform could you make a "right thing" that is better than ada?
PeterL: no, just conceivably, as in have you identified places where it could be improved?
PeterL: aha, so if you ditch c-machine then you could do better?
phf: well, incremental improvement on ada doesn't seem like a particularly interesting problem, thing comes with a lineage, wirth's pascal, modula, oberon; ada fits into that ecosystem, so simply going over wirth's research you can find a lot of existing ideas for ada improvements
mircea_popescu: if idiocy screamed in the forest where there's no alf the bee-dog to hear it,
phf: but if you start with scheme-81/cadr or greenarrays or whatever, could probably get more interesting results by a margin
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> [...] you can declare a variable, where, say, assigning a prime number to it is an error condition in the runtime. which means, yes, a check on EVERY assignment. <<< now imagine the converse type :D
mircea_popescu: and yeah, i get the "doc it hurts when i do this" "so don't do it then" thing. but ...
mircea_popescu: hey. is it a thing or is it not a thing! stop giving me jam!
mircea_popescu: "all of the same checks, and more, in hardware". what now ? miner core in every cpu, to check for primality ?
mircea_popescu: your idea of basic hygiene differs from the medieval french only in form, not in substance.
mircea_popescu: and fwiw most arabs'd be horrified at the notion of not actually washing bunghole after defecation.
mircea_popescu: poorest village public toilet still had water implement in working condition.
mircea_popescu: the problem is that it being unbounded, it can't really be hardware.
mircea_popescu: do you propose "not shit where yo ustand" should be a property of earth and standing ?
mircea_popescu: "as long as these are securely fastened, an absolute guarantee to no pants shitting can be offered by manufacturer". and yes i used such thjings, but for very peculiar purposes.
mircea_popescu: and if it's a shitty analogy blame yourself - you brought it in!
mircea_popescu: now i understand why you expect the foundries to cost billionz! you're outsourcing!
phf: that's a platonist right there
mircea_popescu: seems altogether easier for you to not shit where you stand than for us to create a new reality.
mircea_popescu: a more general and unrelated problem : why should the specific number of compiler passes be set down in the standard ?
mircea_popescu: i can't write sentences with a count at the end saying how many times you have to read them until you get them.
mircea_popescu: wasn't by any means a practical consideration. more of a "thinking about the compiler of the wetware future"
deedbot: a111 voiced for 30 minutes.
a111: Logged on 2016-04-06 12:30 asciilifeform: ;;later tell phf i find myself agreeing with adlai, the way we have it now, the log is in fact near-unreadable EXCEPT in wwwtron. links oughta dump into the chan assbot-style
phf: it's all bots sitting there unvoiced
mircea_popescu: which reminds me of my indignation in 9th grade. THERE ARE TWO COMPLEX CONJUGATES!!11
mircea_popescu: "So we see that the predicate in the subtype Even cannot be a static predicate because the operator mod is not permitted with the current instance. But mod could be used in an inner static expression."
mircea_popescu: "and, in addition, a call of a Boolean logical operator and, or, xor, not whose operands are such static predicate expressions, and, a static predicate expression in parentheses." << right there. a xor maxint-1 > 0
trinque: maybe we can collaborate on getting a bot that, y'know, stays connected to an IRC channel
trinque: thing knows how to ghost, has your ping/pong code in it (thanks!)
trinque: and I have no idea if I did terrible things, so say so. I'm just some dude reading books on lisp that washed up on my island
trinque: where I (think I'm) headed is the bot being a separate module. code using the bot would pass the appropriate generic function to call for commands into make-bot
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform basically they lazily decided "even" is to be tested by "mod", which is unacceptable if they're going to make mod randomly unavailable ; seeing how there are purely bit-logical ways to test for even-ness.
phf: trinque: you can forgo the whole nickserv integration by putting password into the irc:connect
phf: or better yet add ssl key
phf: should solve all your service woes
phf: my ping/pong code was not very good. i reworked it yesterday, but haven't yet enabled on this guy, so if he falls over, it'll be quietly, and we'll know by lack of logs :D
trinque: and that'll just boot the previous instance of "deedbot" if I connect that way?
phf: that was my impression since that's how my bouncer runs, and the only time i had issues is when my ssl cert silently expired. but come to think of it, i've not tested it
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so how is this wonder of a mod defined so it works on vectors ?
mircea_popescu: more importantly, if there's no assumption of machine register underlying, how exactly is it that they can always xor but only sometimes mod ?
phf: trinque: nope, there's no free lunch. irc force changes the nick, before there's a chance to ghost
mircea_popescu: seems to me xor is just as un-immediately defined on abstract types.
mircea_popescu: phf you can ghost arbitrary nick no matter what you'rte called.
phf: mircea_popescu: yeah, but then you have to write that logic into a bot. i was hoping that using login/password just kicks the previous account off
mircea_popescu: ah. yeah you would. i don't think they can maintain ircd loose network and have it do that.
trinque: phf: my bot-check-nick would still work in that case
trinque: can keep that and ditch the nickserv auth
phf: trinque: nah, your nick will autochange before the nickserv authentication. it's entirely broken, basically if you reg a, and a is already logged in, you get changed to a` and nickserv goes "why you giving me password, a` is not registered"
☟︎ trinque: right, my func is a hook for the welcome message
phf: so the entire nickserv machinery is required
trinque: phf: seems if my nick is automagically changed, my welcome hook would notice that and do the ghost as written
trinque: I could just move the password and remove the case where my nick hasn't been changed
trinque: eh I guess you end up doing both, because then you've still gotta nickserv auth
trinque: seems the voice model pairs with gossipd rather well, where voicing is a matter of message forwarding rules
trinque: if one wanted a #trilema on the thing, that would perhaps be a matter of there being a #trilema node distinguishing official vs heathen chatter by what it bothers to send along to other nodes?
trinque: I could of course send you messages I somehow say are intended for #trilema entirely aside the point of whether the official node bothers with them
trinque: so then in this perhaps broken mental model of what the thing is, the trilema node would change whether it's gossiping about received messages based on wot ratings
mircea_popescu: trinque> seems the voice model pairs with gossipd rather well, where voicing is a matter of message forwarding rules << it doesn't even pair, it IS it. substance of the universe, not even protocol.
mircea_popescu: and yes, the concept of multiple "channels" is entirely user-powered, you can make lists of the people you listen to any way you want.
mircea_popescu: ahaha bidding on own auction ? i gotta import this in eulora totally.
davout: not like they're my assets
davout: yeah, unless bidding action happens, in which case auction continues until no bid for one hour
PeterL: why are people putting bids in the second progress report comments, when the auction is supposed to be held in the comment section of the first progress report?
PeterL: do those bids even count?
mircea_popescu: i can't see how ? prolly should put a notice to bid in the right place ?
mircea_popescu: considering the alternative is reading the logs, 200mn might not even be a bad deal.
PeterL: how to make a million dollars: sell a million things for a dollar or sell one thing for a million dollars
PeterL: all you need is the one chump who will give you the million
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron but are you actually exempt or just claiming ?
mircea_popescu: well, poverty is an absolute bar to the workings of law in the us, if you're poor you're priviledged. nevertheless the way this works is that you either say something or go to jail ; and if they decide you didn't say the right thing at some previous point you also go to jail.
mircea_popescu: in particular " Me: He was convicted on fraud charges; not tax avoidance. The prosecution made the case that he knowingly offered false advice in exchange for customers money." is a distinction without a difference. writing "extempt" when "you shouldn't have" is exactly what "fraud" means in that context.
danielpbarron: it's my understanding that in order to have 0 withheld, i also have to say exempt
danielpbarron: otherwise they take money out preemptively and I'd need to file to get it back
PeterL: nah, I did not claim exempt but had no withholdings last year
PeterL: (but I claime a very high number of dependents)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if you are poor in the us, the law doesn't (really) apply to you.
mircea_popescu: in most sane places, the way it works is that if you are RICH the law doesn't really apply to you. but in the us - converse.
mircea_popescu: and in the beat wife sense and in the won't pay tax/alimony/whatever sense, and in the stalking and raping sense and in all the fucking senses.
davout: PeterL: yes, it's a good point, i'll move my comment and keep an eye open to move those that ended up commenting the wrong post
mircea_popescu: why would poor people have a job. that's the parole officer's problem.
mircea_popescu: poverty means what it means, not what you dream it to be.
mircea_popescu: the "poor but bright and loyal famr girl" exists in mosfilm propaganda.
PeterL: there is poor, working-class, and rich
PeterL: asciilifeform you are in the working-class
mircea_popescu: PeterL he has a peculiar notion of poor as "under the weather / skilled immigrant / etc"
mircea_popescu: anyway. the way society works is that it's either a crime to be poor ; or else ity's a crime to be rich. alternatives do not exist, it's a strict switch outside of the capacity of convention, like gravity : either motor force or splat.
mircea_popescu: we know for a fact it's no crime to be poor, and what follows is that the law doesn't apply to you, just be poor.
mircea_popescu: i'll have to have that rat thing demonstrated, doesn't seem to make much sense theoretically.
mircea_popescu: nfi. bout the same fraction of its life as it takes young male to get his first time house ?
mircea_popescu: mmmno. you're thinking of a young man that doesn't exist.
mircea_popescu: actual young man goes into unrepayable debt, spends altogether maybe a year or so on the thing ?
mircea_popescu: cue the canuck "renegotiable 5yr rate on 30 yr mortgages", i nearly fell over when i had that confirmed.
mircea_popescu: besides the point what non-poor, non-rat poeople invent
mircea_popescu: fact remains the3 biological machine will spend the same time doing the same things
mircea_popescu: we can agree on this once you give your sorting criteria
mircea_popescu: so i'm guessing danielpbarron is getting voted most likely to succeed jail ?
danielpbarron: from what I understand, they're supposed to tell me what i'm supposed to have paid, and if i refuse then to pay it -> jail
mircea_popescu: ironically i linked a piece about some other famous tax quarrel guy, who said the same thing (from jail)
mircea_popescu: of course unlike that guy you don't have either millions in assets nor a wife more than happy to get it all in exchange for paying tax on it
mircea_popescu: course, i suppose a wife could be found for the govt to cut the deal with.
danielpbarron: i wouldn't mind cutting them a check so much if they came and asked for it; I can't stand this whole "you do our work for us" ritual americans do every april
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron but if they just asked how would you know it's correct!
danielpbarron: if i think the amount they asked for is incorrect, i'd come up with my own number and challenge it
mircea_popescu: ("you'd have to do it in parallel anyway!" "well if you're doing it anyway, wouldn't it be ~rational~ they don';t do it at all and save the cost ?" << that's the logic.)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform both colors can be applied, mine's friendlier.
mircea_popescu: gotta appreciate - the us started exactly as a sort of tmsr of rich smugglers in an england province. conceptually it still sees broadly as this "gentleman's agreement" things etc.
mircea_popescu: i dunno. who in 1900 had a large bureaucracy ? the chinese, and they got raped.
mircea_popescu: for most of the land barely even had a census mechanism.
deedbot: pizzaman1337 voiced for 30 minutes.
pizzaman1337: one day I'm reading bitcoin-assets logs and bitbet is going... somewhere, mpex going private.. what's going on?
davout: best bid now stands at 15 btc
davout: znort987 whoever that is
mircea_popescu: tbh, about as exciting as auctions lol. they always make my sunday.
davout: he's in the mpex apparently
mircea_popescu: davout yeah, was a guy active in 2011/2012 that then disappeared.
mircea_popescu: reappearances of this kind always suspicious to me, but w/e.
davout: anyway, i'm genuinely curious as to how much bitbet will end up selling for
davout: brb, gonna post my 133.7 btc bid
mircea_popescu: anyway, guy got in faq because iirc he found some typo or something.
davout: which means he *did* read it
mircea_popescu: i don't rightly recall what it was, and i'm not even sure i was yet keeping irc logs at the very early time all this happened.
mircea_popescu: but the way mpoe happened was that basically i threw up the idea in chan and a bunch of the people then-active commented and so on.
davout: at that time i was like "i have nfi what this glbse thing is supposed to do, maybe i should do drugs instead"
davout: nefario asked me if i wanted to write the thing
PeterL: nafario asked me if I wanted to come to some conference to talk about how to use the thing
mircea_popescu: but yeah, any indignation at how retarded people are is readily tempered by memory of how fucking insane btcland was five years ago.
davout: i'm pretty sure we'll look back five years from now and witness pretty much the same thing
mircea_popescu: just as long as it's not "o noes, recall 2016 golden age" we're golden.
davout: ;;later tell pete_dushenski you have a point, i did not specify a timezone for "the end of wednesday the 6th of april"
davout: asciilifeform: there was, a long time ago
davout: i /think/ it was called bitmit
davout: apperently, according to condesk it got shut down after a 15 btc theft
mircea_popescu: im currently trying to get an eulora player to implement proper auctions and reporting, but it's slow going.
diana_coman: bwahaha, is that any eulora player in particular?
phf: auction seems like a slow day feature for deedbot
davout: phf: requires voice, gpg etc. might not always be desired
davout: mircea_popescu: why would one desire such an abomination?
diana_coman: ah, you mean auctions and reporting in chan, I was thinking in game stuff
mircea_popescu: diana_coman well in game-stuff i ideally want to change the chat to irc, but hey.
davout: deedbot acting like a wallet
davout: like a changetip inside deedbot?
davout: might as well use changetip
mircea_popescu: go through the logs, the thing is specced in the prev discussion with trinque.
mircea_popescu: for one thing, those people are schmucks. but even if they weren't schmucks, not in wot.
mircea_popescu: someone pretending to do dev work and not being in wot is ipso facto saying "i am a fraudster trying to sell my shit as software".
davout: re a better specified auction deadline, i think it's best to precise it to "the end of wednesday the 6th of april, in whatever timezone this event happens last"
mircea_popescu: diana_coman maybe by the time that's on the plate, we actually change in-game chat to gossipd.
davout: aka end of wed 6th of april GMT-12
davout: hehe, precisely a soft-fork indeed
davout: so noon GMT on thursday it shall be
davout: asciilifeform: no you don't it, so we can tip each other!!1
phf: davout: easiest option is to always put an iso8601 timestamp on things, 2016-04-06T23:59:00Z or somesuch
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes, i mean so that trinque gets experience with castles, sure.
mircea_popescu: and don't fucking start with the dc current scandal all over again!
mircea_popescu: how the fuck are you going to introduce payment for, eg, deeds ? and if you do, how is it going to beat $pay deed.
deedbot: mircea_popescu rated lobbes 2 at 3632157688 << #eulora logs bot
mats: thanks for operating mpex
mircea_popescu: the thing clearly says "no guarantee not even for fitness to a particular purpose". if you use such items in your "safety engineering" you're liable.
mircea_popescu: i don't see hospitals using bags of "saline" that come with a "warning : not suitable for use" on them.
mircea_popescu: "o noes, who will we sue when they turn out to be full of piss!"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform can you explain the concept of "contiguity" as seen in this ada spec discussion ?
mats: i initially started with ~15btc in my coinbr piggy a little more than two years ago, deposited another 15 a year later. today, i'm walking away with 60btc in profit and a 30btc stake in s.nsa
mircea_popescu: "While range specifications are very useful, they are also highly limited in their usefulness. Ada ranges must always be contiguous. This means that you cannot specify an integer data type of only even numbers, for instance. Even numbers are not contiguous."
mats: thanks for all the fish
mircea_popescu: how are even numbers any less "contiguous" than say natural numbers ffs.
phf: asciilifeform: i somehow hosed my gentoo install, everything's giving me ' no such file' :o
davout: trinque: a hot wallet is absolute heresy
trinque: davout: no way in hell I'd run such a thing without it involving the airgap dance.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i thought "mod is not defined because bignum"
mircea_popescu: then we discover that > is nevertheless defined, in spite of EXACT EQUIV OF MOD
mircea_popescu: and now it turns out that + and - are in the same exact situation.
mircea_popescu: 2) why the fuck exactly do you think you can get 3 as 2+1 in "natural" space but you don't see that you get 4 as 2+1 in "even natural" space ?
mircea_popescu: even numbers and natural numbers are EXACTLY as anything as the other one.
phf: mircea_popescu: i think it's because whole thing is various degrees of successful abstraction on top of von neumann machine
phf: fixed width natural numbers are implemented at bedrock, so in order to support anything else you have to create an abstraction, keep it consistent with the rest of language features, etc. so you either get overspecialized languages like apl (with their runtime costs) or monsters like haskell
☟︎ phf: lisp's answer is given von neumann what's most flexible model, ada's answer is given von neumann how do we put enough constraints that there are runtime reliability guarantees
ben_vulpes: what was it, max dynamicism vs max strictness
phf: haskell's answer was to pretend like von neumann machine doesn't exist, a goal at which it failed in various interesting ways
phf: like the attempts to teach type system about integer overfloats
phf: err, overflows, though float errors are another one
jurov: "In my experience, software bloat almost always comes from smart, often the smartest, devs who are technically the most competent. Couple their abilities with a few narrowly interpreted constraints, a well-intentioned effort to save the day.."
gribble: Current Blocks: 406084 | Current Difficulty: 1.668515132827772E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 407231 | Next Difficulty In: 1147 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes, and 40 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
jurov: asciilifeform: ver well, so if you were tasked to do that "family" function you'd started to kick out teeth around?
gernika: If asciilifeform ever accidentally ends up at the same hotel as a rails convention, I expect to see a lot of shattered teeth on the floor.