236 entries in 1.122s
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 12:16:36 asciilifeform: or wat, we're paying $maxint, and this doesn't come with a fucking door to bang on?!
asciilifeform: or wat, we're paying $maxint, and this doesn't come with a fucking door to bang on?!
asciilifeform: btw in ye olde sovok, coupla million frugal orcs saved up what was by any rights small fortunes. 100% evaporated in '90s. cuz 'currency realigned', on top of 'oh, you own your flat? so cute! how about it now costs you $maxint to pay our 'security service' here , if you dun want tadjiks moving into it next week' etc
asciilifeform: it was how 'war on drugs' kicked off, 'tax stamp' on opium, where 'tax' was $maxint
asciilifeform: this is much in line with historic asian pov tho. 'there's $maxint of us, what's 1 less'
asciilifeform: could propose that there is a (3) , if one of the closed $maxint winshit adas actually implemented own, rather than stealing gcc's
asciilifeform: mega-supplier of golden toilet. same folx who e.g. conned the ministry of subway trains into buying $maxint 'detectors' ( that later all thrown out, ~homeopathic )
asciilifeform: in usa you can walk into supposed shoe place ( http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-11#1769002 ) and pay $maxint, and will still get ~this ( not to mention , it's a lemon market, the folx with ~money here buy decorative fucktardery with wooden soles , not actually made for walking ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you were looking for a 'k vs r -strategy' illustration, this is prolly the worst possible 1. i'dve used , e.g., 'columbus send 3 $maxint boats but vikings did same with 9000 dragonheads costing ~epsilon ea.' or sumthing like it.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 'nasa' is a bag of lulz, even by usg standards -- entirely a 'whitewash' project for ye olde 'black budget', historically ( when e.g. 'shuttle' worked at all, was used largely to enorbit $maxint-yet-disposable spy cameras )
asciilifeform: iirc those boxers were some hybrid of scammer and scammee , they sank whatever $maxint into goxolade
asciilifeform: iirc qatar, with $maxint, also 'could not absorb a piddly coin'
asciilifeform: ( errybody makes fun of the d00d, even speak of 'darwin award', but there was not really alternative to what he was doing, the $maxint robotic manipulators were built ~later~, after corpses were cold )
asciilifeform: dun even have to go far into 'exotica' to witness this. 1 slave galley had a spiffy $maxint automatic book digitizer, that was a paperweight for decade+ because lost its greybeard and the ancient crapple it was tethered to
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-05#1793328 << traditionally $maxint soft is custom-doctored per licensee, making leaks obvious ☝︎
asciilifeform: possibly funnily , early in trb life , asciilifeform on a lark put it through a $maxint scamolade 'cpp security auditor' proggy that the imperial slavegalley he was working in, had bought. the result -- unsuprisingly to tuned-in folx, i expect -- was so unremarkable that i did not bother to post it.
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: is the 22% actually "we have declared the value of this thing to be $maxint, and now pay $maxint * .22 or never see your gear again"?
asciilifeform: the ease of monkeying with radio nav, is why east and west empires both sank $maxint into terrain-trackers in '80s ( what, if anything, this came to, i have nfi )
asciilifeform: plenty of now long-dead and rightfully buried vendors bought $maxint ads.
asciilifeform: ( it was a massive flyingwing apparatus, covered in solar cell, $maxint )
asciilifeform: i'll point out that this was the fiddybux 'celeron' box that beat the living shit out of $maxint dulap : strictly on account of having ssd
BingoBoingo: This is pointedly no opteron thread. 10,000 could likely be had by late September and $maxint certainly had by next August
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677276 << this is reminiscent of the 'i left a box with bait of 1 bitcent and nobody broke it, SEKOORE!!!1' -- you gotta ask 'was the game worth the candles'. an 0day can be worth from $100k to $maxint; why does your particular honeypot, merit blowing it. ☝︎
asciilifeform: the 'college' racket is no sort of 'investment in elite' , in usgdom, rather it is a mechanism for assigning ~everyone a debt of $maxint de jure so that their moneys can be harvested at will later, should they happen to come across any
asciilifeform: i expect to get done in by it personally, if not by anything else first, and i dun even eat it ! ( it is however in the water , air, fraudulently mixed into $maxint premium phood etc )
asciilifeform: the 1 problem i can immediately spot is 'if you can't make it with STOCK equipment, you need $maxint'
asciilifeform: ( phunphakt : putin recently proclaimed another $maxint grantolade tranche for 'proper clean ru os and iron' . i dare to predict that it will evaporate without a trace just like the last N times . )
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: re the 'great artist', do you ever find it curious that all of these folx , even with $maxint, eat recycled food ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not in this reich, it ain't. bank can unplug whoever. and charge $maxint, say, if it wants.
asciilifeform: ( in usa you can also pay $maxint and get passport same day. but not really applicable to workerbees. )
asciilifeform: (rather, -$maxint ev )
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-22#1647432 << see l0gz re correct method of jamming gps (hint : from the air, usg spent $maxint on directional noise-subtractor ; and OMFG not from point source ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: now unlike the $maxint mettler, this thing probably dun have a thermo-compensator; or gravimeter
BingoBoingo: The leftover potting soil includes all sorts of misc that is cheapest to get year after tested on market and then clearanced out because who wants to pay $maxint for fucking potting soil
asciilifeform: idiot rulers throwing $maxint at it, in hopes that somethig -- ANYTHING -- works
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: $maxint
asciilifeform: (incidentally, everybody in kindergarten makes fun of the italian tanks with 4 reverse gears, but for some reason nobody discusses american ejection seat developed for $maxint, but never deployed, in vietnam, with its own built-in little airplane wings, so as to skedaddle out of enemy lines when escaping!)
BingoBoingo: And quality leather workboots cost $400 to $maxint, similar success
asciilifeform: $maxint 'rape whistle' ?
asciilifeform: who said 'crypto snakeoil for $maxint while you wait!' died with the '90s.
asciilifeform: how much of the $maxint machine do you ~need~ if you don't need to launch nukes ? etc
trinque: phf: mostly speaking to that, yes. this guy with the $maxint boat probably spends plenty of time off it too
asciilifeform: full of $maxint tech
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: orlov has an interesting pill for mircea_popescu's 'if yer boat has a hole, you gotta drydock it and now you're out $maxint' >> http://quidnon.blogspot.com/2016/07/on-women-boats-and-plumbing.html
asciilifeform: for mircea_popescu - $maxint
asciilifeform: took $maxint? built giant machine? now you'd better justify.
asciilifeform: and they can cash out when btc is worth $maxint but before most of the chumps scratch that hologram.
asciilifeform: again, the number is potentially $maxint, depending on how much of civilization you gotta rebuild in order to even play
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> everything's is cheap to the folks who already have it. and $maxint for those who don't. << I did not have a pipe wrench yesterday morning and yet $2 got me one before bed time on the same day.
asciilifeform: everything's is cheap to the folks who already have it. and $maxint for those who don't.
davout: probably just as many people that are willing to pay $maxint to be able to shit in golden toilet
asciilifeform: until he is $maxint in debt, even.
asciilifeform: pointedly not. plutonium is worth $-maxint (to the point that they would pay to have it removed from their house) to most folks. because not in their list. but on market - $maxint.
asciilifeform: nor can you insure against usg deciding that you owe $maxint in tax
asciilifeform: but somehow the company's reputation as 'evil vendor of closed $maxint machinery' did not thereby perish.
asciilifeform: not bureaucrats proper, mind you, but contractors with $maxint
asciilifeform: $MAXINT for rusty iron, but not a penny for hiring folks
asciilifeform: well, he naively thought that nobody would throw $maxint at it.
jurov: but ALL the conflicts have same $maxint fee
asciilifeform: anyway this notion that plebes could steal serious money without official approval is lunacy. if $maxint grows legs, it is because lizards had a shadow payment to make, a la isis, and not because some uppity kid was rewarded for nietzschian 'will' or wtf else.
asciilifeform: there is NEVER any shortage of folks who will do $work for $maxint. they will fly down from mars if you pay enough.
ascii_butugychag: i always found it interesting that, after all of the $maxint spent on both sides of the ocean on symmetric crypto (see maslennikov's b00k, from the l0gz, say) we have - publicly - no more provably-hard symmetric crypto than a hundred years ago
jurov: if so, it was eaten as antispam protection (to prevent someone taking any existing clearsigned doc and repeatedly sending it $maxint times)
asciilifeform: on state of the art $maxint simulator.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu proposes to manage dns without authentication? is this like the mythical bezzlebroker who only communicates in gpggrams with $maxint clients?
asciilifeform: in the $maxint district of dc
asciilifeform: i thought he got a bag of $maxint and cookies directly from obamitler
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: not in $maxint dslr land
assbot: Logged on 05-11-2015 01:07:56; asciilifeform: at any rate, i (and $maxint others) will port $whateverthefuckyouwant to, e.g., cray II. for a fee.
asciilifeform: at any rate, i (and $maxint others) will port $whateverthefuckyouwant to, e.g., cray II. for a fee. ☟︎
v_diddy: "oh your wordpress is very very insecure. it has shared php hosting. you need to spend $maxint to migrate to custom blablabla with frufrufru to protect your reputation and reduce the risk of br34ches!1"
pete_dushenski: same story today. chocolate exists, but only at $maxint
ascii_field: (mortgage, 'student loan', tax. most of the stuff people actually owe $maxint for)
ascii_field: originally had a meaning: shops with $maxint funding and complete vertical integration for virii production (pipeline of 0day mining, proof of concept, weaponization, deployment) etc.
asciilifeform: or at the very least leave the diseased chump with $maxint bill
asciilifeform: who needs 'idea of self worth' when you have $maxint.
asciilifeform: the $maxint folks who never see the inside of a courtroom except as plaintiffs
asciilifeform: their 'don't count' works in the same way as in all times and places. kennedies can gf after gf, and no one indicts, corzine et al can steal $maxint, etc.
asciilifeform: so i ended up thinking 'if i'm stuck with a $maxint system where i can't hold a conversation with civilians because no one else has the runtime, may as well requisition 'mathematica'...' - so i did
asciilifeform: (doesn't need telepathic electronics, either. face recognizer vendors are sinking $maxint into detectors of 'hinky' (term of art - named after hinkley!) behaviour in crowds)
BingoBoingo: Or it could be a symlink to BIP $maxint: No more BIPs
ascii_field: all of sudden, $maxint snoop machine has to be rebuilt
ascii_field: felipelalli: from that perspective, a fella who was offered every chance to get in wot, and we saw that he understood how it works, but refused - has already negrated himself to -$maxint
asciilifeform: times $maxint.
danielpbarron: every /explore is a chance to get $MAXINT (no, seriously)
asciilifeform: the reason anyone (NOT skull&bones and paid $maxint for zero work) works for usg is precisely the same reason anyone works for zimbabwe or mali:
asciilifeform: and 'his own team has to be fought for 10k' is for the same fundamental reason that a programmer who saves a $maxint reactor gets a $smallint bonus for his trouble
asciilifeform: decimation: the whining, by and large, is coming from the ones who owe $maxint to the medical charlatans and are unhappy that it is coming out of 'their' bezzle rather than the treasury
assbot: Logged on 01-08-2015 21:28:52; jurov: danielpbarron: well, people like mp (or me) who want to sleep ad libitum and thus decided to accept coins, inveitably end up requiring $maxint addresses
jurov: danielpbarron: well, people like mp (or me) who want to sleep ad libitum and thus decided to accept coins, inveitably end up requiring $maxint addresses ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Likely issue is with $maxint money it becomes easy to forget what reasonable prices are, end up with human golden toilet
asciilifeform: but it was spent. (how? homeland severity! neutron detectors at border checkpoints, $maxint)
asciilifeform: and no $maxint pumped into the storage battery
asciilifeform: e.g., near where i live there is baltimore, md. a city where there are 5k usd plots of land. but i go and try to buy, and learn that it comes with a $maxint obligation to clean, build, guard...
ascii_field: as i pointed out before, it is being done for two disjoint reasons. one is so that hearn can write the turd linked above, re: 'it is crowded and we need blocks of $maxint size'
ben_vulpes: 3 say "fu this shit is wrong and stupid", set version to $maxint
ben_vulpes: i actually think setting version to $maxint is a pretty great idea.
pete_dushenski: sure, steel and wood carriages and cribs are better, but doesn't mean such things exist for less than $maxint
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the only reason the usg-tronic 'department of fucking with bitcoin' is even theoretically of interest is that the machine isn't perfect. has some rust, sand in gears (as discussed, e.g., yesterday, re: mempool etc.) in effect there is a $maxint bounty by hitler for anyone who can demonstrably amplify the hiccups.
assbot: 168 results for '$maxint' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=%24maxint