236 entries in 1.122s

ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 12:16:36 asciilifeform: or wat, we're paying $maxint, and this doesn't come with a fucking door to bang on?!
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: is the 22% actually "we have declared the value of this thing to be $maxint, and now pay $maxint * .22 or never see your gear again"?
BingoBoingo: This is pointedly no opteron thread. 10,000 could likely be had by late September and $maxint certainly had by next August
BingoBoingo: The leftover potting soil includes all sorts of misc that is cheapest to get year after tested on market and then clearanced out because who wants to pay $maxint for fucking potting soil
BingoBoingo: And quality leather workboots cost $400 to $maxint, similar success
trinque: phf: mostly speaking to that, yes. this guy with the $maxint boat probably spends plenty of time off it too
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> everything's is cheap to the folks who already have it. and $maxint for those who don't. << I did not have a pipe wrench yesterday morning and yet $2 got me one before bed time on the same day.
davout: probably just as many people that are willing to pay $maxint to be able to shit in golden toilet
jurov: but ALL the conflicts have same $maxint fee
ascii_butugychag: i always found it interesting that, after all of the $maxint spent on both sides of the ocean on symmetric crypto (see maslennikov's b00k, from the l0gz, say) we have - publicly - no more provably-hard symmetric crypto than a hundred years ago
jurov: if so, it was eaten as antispam protection (to prevent someone taking any existing clearsigned doc and repeatedly sending it $maxint times)
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu proposes to manage dns without authentication? is this like the mythical bezzlebroker who only communicates in gpggrams with $maxint clients?
assbot: Logged on 05-11-2015 01:07:56; asciilifeform: at any rate, i (and $maxint others) will port $whateverthefuckyouwant to, e.g., cray II. for a fee.
v_diddy: "oh your wordpress is very very insecure. it has shared php hosting. you need to spend $maxint to migrate to custom blablabla with frufrufru to protect your reputation and reduce the risk of br34ches!1"
pete_dushenski: same story today. chocolate exists, but only at $maxint
ascii_field: (mortgage, 'student loan', tax. most of the stuff people actually owe $maxint for)
ascii_field: originally had a meaning: shops with $maxint funding and complete vertical integration for virii production (pipeline of 0day mining, proof of concept, weaponization, deployment) etc.
BingoBoingo: Or it could be a symlink to BIP $maxint: No more BIPs
ascii_field: all of sudden, $maxint snoop machine has to be rebuilt
ascii_field: felipelalli: from that perspective, a fella who was offered every chance to get in wot, and we saw that he understood how it works, but refused - has already negrated himself to -$maxint
danielpbarron: every /explore is a chance to get $MAXINT (no, seriously)
assbot: Logged on 01-08-2015 21:28:52; jurov: danielpbarron: well, people like mp (or me) who want to sleep ad libitum and thus decided to accept coins, inveitably end up requiring $maxint addresses
jurov: danielpbarron: well, people like mp (or me) who want to sleep ad libitum and thus decided to accept coins, inveitably end up requiring $maxint addresses
☟︎ BingoBoingo: Likely issue is with $maxint money it becomes easy to forget what reasonable prices are, end up with human golden toilet
ascii_field: as i pointed out before, it is being done for two disjoint reasons. one is so that hearn can write the turd linked above, re: 'it is crowded and we need blocks of $maxint size'
ben_vulpes: 3 say "fu this shit is wrong and stupid", set version to $maxint
ben_vulpes: i actually think setting version to $maxint is a pretty great idea.
pete_dushenski: sure, steel and wood carriages and cribs are better, but doesn't mean such things exist for less than $maxint