236 entries in 0.785s
mircea_popescu: !s $maxint
BingoBoingo: Lawyers who can reliably contain problems don't const $maxint. The only lawyers who charge $maxint aren't charging for their lawyering, but marketing. Hence Ulbricht hiring the maliciously incompetent Dratel snake.
ascii_field: incidentally, usg - like the regime portrayed by orwell - spends $maxint on attempts to 'read minds'. not always even laughably stupid - the mri 'has seen this object or not before' trick appears to actually work
ascii_field: funkenstein_: they -also- charge $maxint for the hardware
asciilifeform: if you have other sources, with experiments (done on something other than $maxint machinery, surplus or not) plz link...
ascii_field: other thing is, only 'positive' items are even theoretically possible to authenticate. that is, if you find a leak purporting to be from the directorate-of-cracking-rsa, stating that 'sixteen quintillion bezzlars and still no result,' this could be disinfo. whereas 'here's how to factor $maxint on a pocket calculator' is testable.
assbot: Logged on 16-06-2015 02:24:53; ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> that sounds pretty jewish << he's probably the most jewish jew in here - endlessly pessimistic about everything, everything costs $maxint, gurls are unreadable, and practically a talmudic scholar to boot
assbot: Logged on 16-06-2015 02:24:53; ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> that sounds pretty jewish << he's probably the most jewish jew in here - endlessly pessimistic about everything, everything costs $maxint, gurls are unreadable, and practically a talmudic scholar to boot
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> that sounds pretty jewish << he's probably the most jewish jew in here - endlessly pessimistic about everything, everything costs $maxint, gurls are unreadable, and practically a talmudic scholar to boot ☟︎☟︎
ascii_field: not for $maxint.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ted turner invested $maxint in bison farms
hanbot: <asciilifeform> http://thewhet.net/2015/browder-the-bitcoinless << do you recall tlp's 'if you're reading it, it's for you' maxim? consider, why is this fella on front page of nyt? vs the $maxint other folks held without trial << i do remember, yeah. results of recommended consideration are grotesque for sure. all the more reason to hang out in here.
ascii_field: gotta understand, the dod mega-projects have lifespans of decades and contracted for $maxint in advance
asciilifeform: ;;later tell hanbot http://thewhet.net/2015/browder-the-bitcoinless << do you recall tlp's 'if you're reading it, it's for you' maxim? consider, why is this fella on front page of nyt? vs the $maxint other folks held without trial
asciilifeform: trinque: it didn't help that many clim folks were (are?) using $maxint commercial lisps
adlai finds along the rabbit-hole walls yet another example of "jpeg-quality gif > $maxint words": http://pw2.netcom.com/~wa2ise/radios/aa5-1t.html
asciilifeform: even if brought $maxint
asciilifeform: $maxint presumably
asciilifeform: (their site barely works. esp. hilarious for folks who sell a $maxint gadget)
asciilifeform: to $maxint base station, aha
asciilifeform: $maxint opterons
davout: sounds like a cool job, get calls at night about lost keys, show up with a drill and a spare, bill $maxint
trinque: ascii_launchpad: lol, no $maxint in there boss
ascii_launchpad: trinque: see a spare $maxint or two, perhaps
davout: for (x in 0 to $maxint) { parse '/user/x' } <<< that how you did it?
BingoBoingo: The way a drug like this get priced is $maxint
ascii-bolivia: just as the $maxint single-shot chemical laser that fits in most of a 'boeing' is vulnerable to nothing more than frag
asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> ... i thought you didn't like perl. << i dislike many things. but ripping out the perl won't put me any closer to victory, so it is $maxint down on the list of things-to-do...
ascii_field: $maxint.
ascii_field: early to the game - does not translate to 'better', when the result is massive antiquated crud everywhere, that no one contemplates replacing because $maxint
asciilifeform: to the point of commissioning $maxint cpu archs that pretend to do it
asciilifeform: instrument which costs $maxint - of course locked.
asciilifeform: ... and will approach $maxint as they run out.
ascii_field: fact is, 101st or 202nd pogo, whichever, will cost $maxint.
ascii_field: upon which $maxint.
asciilifeform: it will get $maxint in usg payola.
ascii_field: schmuck wants to live in a house, owes $maxint, pays interest until dies
asciilifeform: usg pours $maxint into optical logic, but nothing is publicly known re: what, if anything, ever came of it
asciilifeform: for $maxint
decimation: asciilifeform: the $maxint bubble is growing even larger > http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-03-18/young-adults-are-losing-all-hope-of-buying-a-starter-home > "The student loan debt burden rose 8 percent, to $1.16 trillion, last year. Most of that debt—65 percent—was owed by borrowers under 40 years old. "
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> the textbook racket is in some ways inevitable - the kids with access to $maxint in loans are walking bags of delicious meat from the standpoint of ten thousand kinds of flea << Not to mention many professors will accomodate students without $maxint doing otherwise.
asciilifeform: the textbook racket is in some ways inevitable - the kids with access to $maxint in loans are walking bags of delicious meat from the standpoint of ten thousand kinds of flea
mircea_popescu: she makes $maxint diamonds by flying unicorns around.
asciilifeform: 'they' make $maxint by sending cartloads of meat to get liquified in afghan, and the like
asciilifeform: i (and $maxint other people) did it on 'commodore 64' floppy disks
asciilifeform: davout: i suspect that they're absolutely standard wherever inhabited by ordinary folks, rather than business travellers or mircea_popescu with $maxint
asciilifeform: on the ship you get the thing americans pay $maxint for - maximize distance from nearest human on command - for $0.
asciilifeform: for the rest of us, who don't have access to $maxint - they sit in rented hovels, yes
asciilifeform: an absolutely-perfect $maxint gadget is not necessary to utterly deter idiots from fucking with mail
ascii_field: 116mil 'mystery startup' << expect to see $maxint of this. usg will build malicious 'wallets' and other mainstreamadoptatron crap for all-comers
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: usg-sponsored ($maxint) laser shenanigans traditionally involve chemical (that is, single-shot) machines
asciilifeform: but at any rate they do not end up wedged in practice (folks with $maxint have built otherwise conventional cpu without clock using c-gate, they don't wedge)
asciilifeform: lol re: usg spending $maxint to extract apple symmetric key from cpu
asciilifeform: have to go through all $maxint of it and ask, ask, ask...
asciilifeform: why this death is notable? did they go down 'in style', taking $maxint of chumpmoney into neverneverland with them ?
asciilifeform: implies the price going from reasonable to $maxint overnight, or the like
asciilifeform: mike_c: i still don't get why somebody buying a parcel of $maxint btc would affect the price on, e.g., 'btc-e'
ben_vulpes: yes well do away with the $maxint vehicle cert process, $maxint operator training...
ben_vulpes: there's no reason why these things should cost $MAXINT, aside from the prohibition on owning the constituent materials for any not favorite son.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: these are the only folks for whom there isn't already $maxint in handouts
asciilifeform: because don't need, at least for most of that list, $maxint
asciilifeform: get the budget high enough without making secrecy impossible << this is right back to the 64-quadrillion-bzollar question. the dept-of-breaking-pgp gets $maxint and remains totally secret - not to say that they've succeeded or even tried, but we have no idea how much cocaine they were able to buy with the $maxint, nor the carat purity of the gold of which their toilets were made
asciilifeform: other observation, of course, is that $maxint in stolen cash doesn't really deprive the bank of anything - more is printed, delivered next day
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> decimation: they didn't. usa spent $maxint trying to copy, but then changed their mind when realized they have scarcely any railroads << so lulzy this.
asciilifeform: decimation: they didn't. usa spent $maxint trying to copy, but then changed their mind when realized they have scarcely any railroads
asciilifeform: as in, let it be known that you have $maxint
asciilifeform: correct if i'm thick, but $maxint will buy a whore or two ?
asciilifeform: but what do the folks with unaccountable $maxint in bank, whose names never appear in the beobachter, do with their time ?
asciilifeform: why is it possible to borrow $maxint in mr. chump's name without his pgp key
asciilifeform: but sans the $maxint of high vacuum golden toilet
BingoBoingo sad Tadpole laptops still sell for effectively $maxint
asciilifeform: and $maxint more
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: unless you know something i don't, they're $maxint years out
asciilifeform: available in qty. $maxint
asciilifeform: that it is true is about the same kind of 'secret' as the 'missing $maxint'
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Well... Mice are awfully fragile. Especially when $maxint is spent knocking out something that was important
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: ten thousand $maxint custom mice can croak overnight
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the proggy is a misery to use; works very half-heartedly anywhere other than winblows; costs $maxint; and, more direly, is not especially actively maintained. but there is nothing remotely like an alternative, not even a 'distant second', nor is anyone (afaik) remotely contemplating the idea of making one.
asciilifeform: http://forums.drom.ru/house/t1151932955.html << fella wanted to buy, insisted on this same zil, promised $maxint
asciilifeform: else every sp4mz0r would be rated $maxint
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: this is why I think private spy agency with $maxint budget are more efficient than any USG version.
asciilifeform: usg bureaucracy is every bit as gnarly as soviet equivalents, there are ~two dozen 'spy agencies', each with $maxint budget and practically whole legal immunity
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: kings << that one, and $maxint others, are 'moldbuggian' blogs that appeared in imitation, nth generation copies of nth generation copies, etc. << Less pseudoliteracy, more literacy as archeaological artifact there. Seems distinct off shoot of Moldsphere. Far greater focus on expatriation.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: kings << that one, and $maxint others, are 'moldbuggian' blogs that appeared in imitation, nth generation copies of nth generation copies, etc.
mircea_popescu: "asciilifeform: no actual human transmits $maxint whatevers from a single ip per second/hour/etc" except a) yes they do and b) 4kb should be enough for everyone.
asciilifeform: no actual human transmits $maxint whatevers from a single ip per second/hour/etc
asciilifeform: anything mr spam can get $maxint of purely by perl script is useless
asciilifeform: the cost of serious physics research runs well into nine digits << it costs $maxint. and not for the reasons you may think:
asciilifeform: (not because there had to be a mechanical defense against it. no mechanical pill against 'buy all the coins and throw into the sea.' but attempting this gambit, given a properly-designed coin, should cost above $maxint.)
asciilifeform: a true '$maxint' keyboard would use hall effect sensors for the actuation, rather than rubber dome and carbon (topre, model m, mebranes) or contacting electrodes (leaf springs - alps, cherry)
asciilifeform: (not even for $maxint. where do you get bent display?)
asciilifeform: what recovery can there be, when your $maxint coins walk away?
asciilifeform was recently issued a $maxint laptop and was surprised to discover a built-in spectrometer.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: they aren't published for the mundane reason of 'i paid $maxint for skyscraper, why should others live in it for nothing'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: u.s. post is worthless. private carriers will only deliver to reasonably large population centers, at least given normal 'human' (vs courier, $maxint) service.
BingoBoingo: Ah, $maxint child induced damage
BingoBoingo: decimation: No, like somewhere rent is $300/month instead of $maxint/month
asciilifeform: sufficiently large miner can, presumably, afford $maxint worth of proxies or even fallback isp.
asciilifeform: and $maxint or so in lawyering
asciilifeform: meaning, rigorously, that for all valid machine ints i, i <= $maxint