BingoBoingo: ;;later tell shinohai Bed eating isn't a real addiction.
shinohai: That's a new level of fat degeneracy for me.
BingoBoingo: Bed shitting is so common in hospital they even have shit pan for bed.
shinohai: Let's hope she doesn't eat that too.
BingoBoingo: Hey, Obeast took powered wheelchairs from hospitals and made it a trend. Why not shitpan for bed?
felipelalli: o.o I just sleep some days and when I wake up... wow
felipelalli: there are a URL that keep the log of this channel? (please don't say "read the logs to know it") - and how can I search something in the log with deedbot? Is that possible?
mod6: we're in our seventh year.
mod6: and this is year zero of the second congress of the republic
mod6: pop-rocks are awesome btw
mod6: candy. check it out sometime.
phf: felipelalli: search is still not quite there yet, because i had a bandwidth limits, right now does straight up case-sensitive grep
phf: felipelalli: it's $gettrust
deedbot: L1: 0, L2: 6 by 5 connections.
mod6: pretty neat little chart there phf
phf: yeah, it ended up being pretty handy
phf: i have a bunch of work i want to put in into logs, just waiting for schedule to clear up
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ever play 'monkey island ii' ? << nah
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 423.7, Best ask: 423.71, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 423.7, 24 hour volume: 7436.52051714, 24 hour low: 418.8, 24 hour high: 425.0, 24 hour vwap: None
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: My time is more stained than usually. Been renting my attention out by the hour on a part time basis for fiat bucks lately.
mircea_popescu: mod6> and this is year zero of the second congress of the republic << word.
mircea_popescu: tho perhaps bitcoin-otc might count as first congress.
felipelalli: $rate phf 3 "Lisper. He's also very polite and respectful. :D"
felipelalli: $v 3D8592FF589A96CE823B62B60EB209AC499F76299F1D668B26BE66C3068AD207
deedbot: felipelalli rated phf 3 << "Lisper. He's also very polite and respectful. :D"
ben_vulpes: more like "we don't make much over here, and you don't ride bikes, so i don't think this cult is for you"
☟︎ ben_vulpes: not to mention your explicit hatred of what makes up the bulk of my work.
ben_vulpes: what can i say, i muck stables for room and board.
ben_vulpes: chrome is now throwing up "dangerous site" pages for...torrent trackers.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-04-12 06:21 ben_vulpes: chrome is now throwing up "dangerous site" pages for...torrent trackers.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the whole "for your protection" thing can ever only go one way - to where it "protects" you from sluts and drink.
shinohai: What's he going to do, open up a fireworks trailer in Alabama?
BingoBoingo: He could sell collectibles again for USD while watching US fall compared to the merchandise he sold.
shinohai: I love how he pays Buttnix to write articles, then pops in the comments section like he doesn't own the site.
mircea_popescu: incidentally : anyone on friendly terms with cs depts at unis / cs profs, plox get in touch, i have a little scheme i could use your halp with. ty!
☟︎☟︎ deedbot: mircea_popescu rated alikim 1 at 3669304001 << Euloran
mircea_popescu: $rate alikim 2 Euloran, flash programmer,
mircea_popescu: $v B89E246463D3F547D12D54F06755647EBD38CFA5AEDFA76667EFD88070D7C37F
deedbot: mircea_popescu updated rating of alikim from 1 to 2 << Euloran, flash programmer,
deedbot: L1: 2, L2: 0 by 0 connections.
mircea_popescu: o hey, trinque got it to pick itself up off the floor did he. nice.
phf: a weird deedbot crash, which seems to indicate sporadic packet delivery somehow
trinque: yup, I've seen a couple of those
a111: Logged on 2016-04-11 09:50 mircea_popescu: incidentally phf is there a log bundle for download somewhere ?
phf: this is only the stuff that i'm producing, in the same format as kako's original
phf: i'll shuffle things around at some point so that the folder contains pre-t-a stuff too
phf: it is live (i.e. it's a WAL), but if someone needs to read this data at frequency, talk to me to work something out
phf: which reminds, ben_vulpes you still need me to give you wotpaste urls? i could probably produce a daily structured dump or somesuch
a111: Logged on 2016-04-12 13:19 mircea_popescu: incidentally : anyone on friendly terms with cs depts at unis / cs profs, plox get in touch, i have a little scheme i could use your halp with. ty!
phf: it gives me an opportunity to exhaustively explore technical questions, so ironically it's a more sophisticated piece of engineering than what i write for day to day
phf: it's definitely not the "fastest" "easiest" "sane" way of doing things
mircea_popescu: phf word. goes back to my comment re lisp and rl that nearly started a crusade :D
trinque: kinda how deedbot went, decided I'd go balls deep in common lisp and see what happens
phf: by day to day i mean non-lisp stuff, but yeah, even taking that thing live revealed a lot of annoyances in cmucl (asciilifeform will say told you so)
☟︎ mircea_popescu: and on top of which the beauty of wot-access-control, perhaps nto apparent yet, is that if you're hit with something it'll be both complex and readily documented. as opposed to the faux-real-world, where one still gets 90% brute force ssh attempts and crap.
a111: Logged on 2014-09-22 23:59 JuliaTourianski_: what projects in the BTC space do you guys like? if any...these conferences seem to be full of frat boys wanting to be men, with projects...many of which seem to be solving the same problem that doesn't exist.
mircea_popescu: "there's this open source project which is also a game and they're really into doing a partnership with a cs dept and would you wanna talk to them ?" works neh ?
a111: Logged on 2016-04-12 14:46 phf: by day to day i mean non-lisp stuff, but yeah, even taking that thing live revealed a lot of annoyances in cmucl (asciilifeform will say told you so)
phf: what are these "missing but necessary pieces"?
phf: well, that's the only one that you keep mentioning, and i heard you about it :)
phf: i think since 2009 or so
mircea_popescu: im unconvinced multibox support is a good idea. if i am going to run on non-x86, i sure as fuck don't wantall the x86 stuff in there.
phf: sbcl has arm support over cmucl
mircea_popescu: mk let's rephrase. if i used a non-x86 box i'd want the thing to be native for that box not an addon to x86.
mircea_popescu: this is why i'm even using arm or w/e in the first place.
phf: mircea_popescu: von neumann machines are a lot more similar than dissimilar. difference between x86 and arm is a very thin layer
mircea_popescu: suppose the language's compiled. the compiler has no reason to know about non-native microcode.
phf: asciilifeform: i don't think lisps support cross-compilation in general?
phf: which is very very narrowly portable
mircea_popescu: "can be ported to new cpu with minimal sweat" is not distinct from "windows claptrap one exe"
mircea_popescu: pretty sure cmucl's not married to endian-ness. nfi about sanely written tho
phf: that's just empty rhetoric
phf: it runs logs alright ;)
mircea_popescu: lol check out phf with his newly found "fu because battlefield" rhetoric :D
mircea_popescu: rare to see in lispen battle, a deployment of THAT tank division.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hey, in geek world the one-girlfriend guy is king.
phf: asciilifeform: threads are the worst possible solution to gb/s log demand
mircea_popescu: i thought lisp exiosts so you don't "Get a hang somewhere"
phf: tcp had non-blocking mode for a very long time
phf: against, GB/s is consistently solved with non-blocking non-threads
phf: there are some arguments now (and some successful projects) that solve gb/s with threads, but this whole idea that threads are a solution to gb/s ~in the compotent circles~ is a novel thing. schedulers are getting better, some patterns emerging, tooling is better etc. people coming out with "perhaps doing it with async is not best option anymore". but for years gb/s was achieved with async, reactor pattern, fork/exec
phf: and yes it has unicode :D
phf: but none is the answer to why cmucl, and i don't think there's one. mostly why not? it's a question of discipline for me, can i move slow and not freak out against deficiencies. i think that "looking for silver bullet" is just a waste of time, and there's no way that i can possibly explore entire cmucl solution space, until a whole new set of base capabilities is required
phf: can always switch to sbcl overnight, harder to switch back, since sbcl like any high profile project attracts, accumulates and integrates cockroaches.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the longstanding rule has been that one can use whathever the fuck one wishes, and reap the benefits of maintenance down the road on their own ass.
mircea_popescu: in other news, i planted something that was supposed to be "curry", which i had nfi is even a plant wtf, isn't that a spice mix ?
mircea_popescu: then went and fondled the foot tall guys and omfg my kbd hand and everything smells like curry and im salivating
punkman: curry leaves are common in europe aren't they
punkman: oic, guess there's a lot of different ones called curry leaves
punkman: I don't really like the sweet neem thing, definitely don't use it in currys
mircea_popescu: o, recall the guy that made a passport pic of chetty ?
mircea_popescu: punkman i'm not advanced enough to mix my own ; generally just get premixed whatever greater minds think fit and proper.
a111: Logged on 2016-04-12 05:55 ben_vulpes: more like "we don't make much over here, and you don't ride bikes, so i don't think this cult is for you"
phf: you mean the recent log bookmarkable url thing?
phf: asciilifeform's dreams are almost kafka stories
phf: ;;later tell asciilifeform which bookmarkable log url thing?
phf: i haven't but i'll add it at some point soon. didn't have a bandwidth to hack on anything non-trivial
phf: oh yeah need to call grandma
ben_vulpes: tisn't how things work in my part of the world.
ben_vulpes: turnover ~2weeks, unless there's a full renovation in swing.
ben_vulpes: or it's 2010 and someone walked on a mortgage.
ben_vulpes: and not because people price their houses sanely, no. but because apparently all of california is moving here and will buy at any cost.
ben_vulpes: there've been a few squats around town, but with the recent explosion in dirt-demand, they're all getting shuttered and replaced with apartments.
ben_vulpes: portland is about as squatter unfriendly as i've ever seen a city.
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 424.53, vol: 6113.25250388 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 420.0, vol: 7357.76405 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 425.99, vol: 14996.78820558 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 425.0, vol: 3.08677667 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 426.266568, vol: 31154.96080000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 426.61, vol: 1100.17508599 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 429.203115, vol: 43.653074 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
shinohai: So airbnb acquired Changetip. I guess now when people lose 67 cents sleeping on your sofa you can convert it to satoshi right there.
mircea_popescu: dude that copper thieve shit... used ac unit is 200 bucks, contains 8 bucks worth of scavengeable metal.
mircea_popescu: see, if ~I~ were running the socialist state, there'd be a tax penalty and a 6 mo administrative (ie, no judge involved) jail sentence for keeping property empty a full quarter.
mircea_popescu: tax penalty = you get no offsets this year. or somesuch. you get bonus next tax bracket. something.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform bank clerk in charge of the particular real estate, sure.
mircea_popescu: my socialism sees through corporate pretense. like the damned thing does by default, except in the crazy us implementation.
mircea_popescu: yeah, and part and parcel of the explanation as to WHY us "won the space race"
mircea_popescu: and every other race, war, confrontation and anything else.
ben_vulpes: also iirc copping to fradulent statements in securitization documents
shinohai: ^ I almost Qntra'd that today ben_vulpes
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: that's not how things work!
shinohai: I didn't figure out an angle for it, therefore left it to simmer on back burner.
ben_vulpes cackles madly back into the aws java sdk
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes kinda why the whole "usg takes as much from 'coffers' of usg corps as it needs" thing in macroeconomy discussion few days ago.
mircea_popescu: it\s a joke, this "enforcing" mechanism. consists of nothing more than me presenting a signed check to a company i own
mircea_popescu: whatever the fuck i write on it, it's still gonna pay.
mircea_popescu: like everything else in that country. this stuff is painfully visible, and so ridiculous on some level.
mircea_popescu: but the sad fact is that most us companies' stock in trade is "intellectual property"
mircea_popescu: it's no coincidence that all the us "culture" can produce is "10 ways to bla bla".
phf: journalists hate it!
mircea_popescu: ;;google carlin is the greatest and "how to make money renting out the space inside your nose"
mircea_popescu: << if you recall, someone did. a humorless german dude, and as a result italy gets to fraudulently claim it's a "nation" and "part of europe", rather than the arab brothel sicily was leading it towards throughout the middle ages (which, there, last until 1960 and after)
mircea_popescu: possibly the worst political cock-up of all time, trying to empirebuild with italians.
mircea_popescu: (and since we're discussing german firsts - the fucking reason steak's so good today is that well... ww1 germanz needed leather, imported as much as argentina could produce. so it begun.)
BingoBoingo: <shinohai> I didn't figure out an angle for it, therefore left it to simmer on back burner. << maybe start writing, see if an angle emerges?
phf: asciilifeform: of course it is of archaeological interest, jeez have to make disclaimers on links, else get wall of logs ;)
phf: speaking of walls and x11, i walked into a comment section of some "game ported to linux" post. guy opted for native xlib/opengl, so he got a wall full of "x11 is deprecated, everyone's moving to wayland, use sdl2". ironically in the post itself he says " when searching for answers to questions that weren’t made quite clear in the documentation, often people that had the same questions I did received answers like ‘Use SDL’, or ‘Use GTK
☟︎ mircea_popescu: eulora uses opengl, and that's ~100% of all linux gaming.
phf: well, they deprecated gnupg, they can deprecate x11. people on linux!
mircea_popescu: let me guess, it was "community consensus" on reddit, on the basis of their locally mutated gavin and some "experts" they consulted.
mircea_popescu: srsly tho, do a search for linux gaming one day, you'll fall over.
shinohai: BingoBoingo: been trying to take your advice and do just that, write crap for no good reason
BingoBoingo: shinohai: It's the only way to learn. I discovered that when I took mircea_popescu's advice and started writing crap.
phf: mircea_popescu: nethack
shinohai: Only reasonable way I know to acquire shares/Bitcoins to hoard. Unless go back to reddit and suck ass for changetip.
mircea_popescu: shinohai he has a point ; there's no other way than practice.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: You had that point before I did.
shinohai: anywho am grateful for the opportunity to contribute somewhat.
BingoBoingo: Keep coming back. It works when you work it.
shinohai: SO it appears the airbnb/changetip deal doesn't involve the changetip codebase.
shinohai: Solid use of that 3.5 million in funding for sure, no one wants the shit.
a111: Logged on 2016-04-12 22:36 phf: speaking of walls and x11, i walked into a comment section of some "game ported to linux" post. guy opted for native xlib/opengl, so he got a wall full of "x11 is deprecated, everyone's moving to wayland, use sdl2". ironically in the post itself he says " when searching for answers to questions that weren’t made quite clear in the documentation, often people that had the same questions I did received answers like ‘Use SDL’, or ‘Use GTK
phf: freedesktop strategy is to create an abstraction layer on top of base tools that makes things "simpler", and then transparently switch the base. in this case value of gtk & sdl to wreckers is that they both operate on wayland already. sdl seems somewhat sane but i wouldn't be surprised if gnome deprecates their X support at some point
☟︎ phf: fwiw gtk has been compromising x for year, that's where "remote x is useless" misconception comes from. you can run x emacs on a dialup even (i was doing it on dsl in the early 2000s), but of course running any kind of gtk app fails miserably, because library pushes gratuitous (and unoptimizable by simple RLE) gradients across wire just to render a button.
☟︎ ben_vulpes: the microshitification of linux will not be complete until ms ships a windows that also does all of the linux syscalls
mats: i'm curious what is going to happen with the syscalls that don't map cleanly
ben_vulpes: yes in progress that's why i bring it up
phf: mats: i think they are going the linux-in-userspace route
phf: so they have a linux kernel manage the processes, and then they write keyboard/"console"/mouse drivers for it
phf: they could probably make it as intrusive as they want
mats: they're bringing back the 'personalities' feature
mats: what i remember from the BUILD keynote about this is there's an ELF loader and translate syscalls
phf: asciilifeform: i don't think cygwin translates syscalls, it was more of half-baked mingw
phf: mats: ah, so that makes sense
mats: i don't understand what kind of strategic advantage they see in this
mats: TIL you can hook syscall returns from usermode