assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8650 @ 0.0005304 = 4.588 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: Ah, ty. Something new should be shitting out of there in the next couple hours.
jurov: haha qntra got censored?
BingoBoingo: jurov: Honestly actually reading it instead of turning it from .docx to something Qntra could eat, it was pretty shit. It's length was also incredibly dilutional relative to whatever value a small portion of the content may have had.
BingoBoingo: It was my mistake. A draft Qntra style guide is incoming soon to prevent this.
BingoBoingo: The formatting guidelines will be effective as soon as the link hits this channel, because I'm tired of buring more braincycles civilizing submission that deturding legal pdfs.
adlai offers two test-cases for this "style guide" (lol)
adlai: an article explaining how much profit you can make from running dashparkcoin 'masternodes', and how your investment yields value from providing services to people using it to blablabla
adlai: vs, an article tracking the rise and fall of masternode-fidelty-bond-sized chunks of darkcoin, correlated with its price movements, maybe even making falsifiable claims about the future.
adlai: works for bitshares, banxwanx, diethyl ethereum, etc
adlai: and for some lols:
BingoBoingo: adlai: That's actually what inspired it. Shitcoin is shit submission that just sucked at fitting qntra.
adlai sadly missed the offending shillery, but wonders how much koolaid HeySteve drank, and whether a wot that has no negrates can ever be truly complete
BingoBoingo: adlai: The part where there were positive things about a shitcoin were near the bottom of the problems there.
adlai: !v assbot:adlai.rate.HeySteve.-1:d7e73a0e0129c96314713150cd5dee28ea3a54f015af5e06909c0da5d4f6eb66
adlai: BingoBoingo: how about, "the article should contribute facts/analyses that the reader would have been unlikely to un/discover on their own in the same time it took the author to write"
BingoBoingo: adlai: It will be open to comments. I'm reactivating thedrinkingrecord for meta talk about Qntra.
BingoBoingo: adlai: But seriously HeySteve made an honest try. The blame for the incident lies with me for it making it past my personal filters.
☟︎ adlai: i'm way too curious now about the original text. if the problems were primarily stylistic, qntra'd have been better off with an edited version, but that demands more from the [rapidly dwindling number of] editors
BingoBoingo: The fault is not with HeySteve for submitting a piece. It is with me for accepting it in its condition.
BingoBoingo: adlai: The gist was Mark Lyford, who put the banx coin through one dilutional hardfork already, and he's looking to move his coin to a different altcoin's chain in yet another hardfork.
adlai: !v assbot:adlai.unrate.HeySteve:839508a378e69cbff252c4597eb38a17fca3f9e3c68d2269922ef9ada28508f1
assbot: Successfully unrated HeySteve
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34350 @ 0.00052914 = 18.176 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: It really was my bad. Last time he wrote anything news was for CCN before the got fucked until their spirit left their body by GAW. He also did in the past find tits for mircea_popescu's offer. This really was on me.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38250 @ 0.0005304 = 20.2878 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28100 @ 0.00052815 = 14.841 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14300 @ 0.00053284 = 7.6196 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18250 @ 0.00052692 = 9.6163 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: ^ mircea_popescu et al. Please rip into this
BingoBoingo: ^ You too pete_dushenski and thestringpuller, also Jurov
BingoBoingo: ^And hanbot and kakobrekla, asciilifeform you too. Seriously everyone rip into that.
adlai: "...consider a different one or learn /how/ to make it do this."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29300 @ 0.00052692 = 15.4388 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21050 @ 0.00052771 = 11.1083 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: adlai: Since you are here, can you think of any necessary additions to the markup allowed that may be necessary. Also suggestions on the content guidelines is necessary.
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell pete_dushenski did I leave any necessary formatting markup out?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10800 @ 0.00052897 = 5.7129 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21500 @ 0.00052897 = 11.3729 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: thank you, HTML markup in on plaintext is because my human is more capable of reading that than reddit fail language. Also easier to proof for how machines read, which unfortunately most qntra readers use.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Seriously, take the endoscope and find a new orfice in that.
adlai: BingoBoingo: "Level 1 of assbot's Web of Trust", "replaced in a published piece". not sure why preformatted snippets need special treatment, what's wrong with <pre>?
BingoBoingo: adlai: Molestation in transit. If the whole thing is GPG encrypted fine, but I feel much safer if code and signed material are encrypted seperately to survive transit.
adlai: can't hurt to just require all submissions to be `gpg --armor --sign --encrypt`ed
BingoBoingo: Signature is nice, but if Hitler writes better than submitter I don't yet have objections to hitler giving submitter shares. But that is an issue
adlai: misplaced attribution can be harmful both ways
BingoBoingo: More urgent to me now is no more submissions autogenerated by MS WTF.
adlai: or, as eloquently put by theresa heinz kerry... "you said that i said something that i didn't say, so you can shove it"
BingoBoingo: If preet wants to write on how much he sucks and give the shares to kakobrekla I dun know that I or kakobrekla ought to object on the first pass
BingoBoingo: But talk on signatures is something I should incorporate in the next draft
BingoBoingo: Fuck it, signatures are going in the next draft to make the key to point shares at easier too.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43185 @ 0.0005264 = 22.7326 BTC [-] {5}
BingoBoingo: These concerns are why I need a new asshole, carve it.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37041 @ 0.00052565 = 19.4706 BTC [-] {5}
adlai: BingoBoingo: re: the content guidelines, maybe i'm too tired but i just can't parse the "Terseness" guideline
adlai: specifically "Adding a new indictment to news 200-700 words"
mircea_popescu: holy fucksticks! the ENTIRE THING took place in a space that's smaller than any apartment i keep girls in.
mircea_popescu: they had some women there. that sucked. the entire thing was jam-packed with derpy cocks.
☟︎ BingoBoingo: <adlai> specifically "Adding a new indictment to news 200-700 words" << BRB getting carbs
mircea_popescu: worst fucking party ever, i've been to better fraternity parties at state universities for crying out loud
mircea_popescu: these fucktards have yet to understand that no, you don't allow access to dirt poor, solo/pack young males.
mircea_popescu: or for that matter that if you advertise "buenos aires exxotica" you'd better ACTUALLY GET NUDE MODELS ; that are actually over five feet five inches tall and that ARE NUDE ffs.
mircea_popescu: if i wanted to see 1-2 weird girls next door being self conscious in briefs i'd go to a lame beach.
mircea_popescu: <<< meanwhile i xreferenced, he's the guy that wanted to do some hairbrained rent deposit insurance thing. i don't see anything actually negratable in there, so he's young and doesn't know all sorts of things. big whoop. everyone's born young. i don't see he did anything offensive past that.
☝︎ assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 00:50:14; BingoBoingo: adlai: But seriously HeySteve made an honest try. The blame for the incident lies with me for it making it past my personal filters.
mircea_popescu: so refreshing to see residents misuse pannus to discuss panniculus.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo " The submission may be, usually ought to be GPG encrypted" no lassitudo. pick one, stick with it.
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 03:02:12; mircea_popescu: they had some women there. that sucked. the entire thing was jam-packed with derpy cocks.
mircea_popescu: these fucktards. how fucking hard it is to vacate a car garage throw a party.
mircea_popescu: at least for the "nude women and whips" thing the excuse may be had that it does not interest the general public.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo "without further modifiers such as where the link ought to open." << what's this mean ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Certain submitters the the past specified targets like a "new window" or a "new tab"
BingoBoingo: Gotta assume readers know how to work their browsers
mircea_popescu: Send code snippets and GPG signed material in separate GPG encrypted blocks. This protects them from painful mutilation. < ? !
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: That line break shit that was a pain in the foundation mailing list. Probably ought to all be signed. The line break mutilation trash though has to go and GPG encryption is the only read way to prevent it.
BingoBoingo: Encrypted means it was either a turd when sent or we're fucked. So as asciilifeform pointed out sigs are probably a must too.
BingoBoingo: It's overkill to need cyphertext for this purpose, but it kills line break mutilation
adlai: you can armor+sign without encrypt
BingoBoingo: But decrypt deflates so much prettier and there has been so much shit with signed but unverifiable material on the mailing list
BingoBoingo: Fuck with a clearsigned payload it is trash. Fuck with an encrypted payload it is nothing.
BingoBoingo: Content guidelines though. Does that seems what Qntra does best?
BingoBoingo: Is straying from that where Qntra has had problems
BingoBoingo: Draft 2 should be out in about 12 hours or so, Lotta rumination and tense to do.
BingoBoingo: Fuck, I of all people need to get better at word efficiency
BingoBoingo: Tis the season to watch 'Murican murder porn and contemplate the evils of socialism.
BingoBoingo: Saw VI, not a bad flick. Rest of the series before and after is awfully forgettable.
BingoBoingo: Definitely not as redeeming though as "The Asylum's" "#1 Cheerleader Camp"
BingoBoingo: Simple moral to the flick here: Fiat world is evil, Socialism makes it more so.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Concerning images can you clarify the concept of ownership considering the #b-a corpus: "Images are acceptable if you own them"
BingoBoingo: At the moment I am liking the smashing and tensing of the content and non-content material
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32350 @ 0.00052426 = 16.9598 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25450 @ 0.00052366 = 13.3271 BTC [-] {3}
BingoBoingo: cazalla, thestringpuller, pete_dushenski, hanbot, PeterL as the qntra contributors with more than 3 pieces a piece, your feedback is especially welcome. Every contributor will get a ;;later tell in about 12 hours baring messages lodged in channel.
BingoBoingo: Betsy Russell, very under rated and very super titted "scream queen"
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo well to discourage derps from plundering google images.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> wow they made 6 saws ?! << 7, Maybe an 8th in a year or two. 1, 2, 5, and 6 are watchable.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo well to discourage derps from plundering google images. << ic
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo there's this growing trend where "is better with images", derp media ends up with the most ridiculous images published
BingoBoingo: Could probably spec jpeg, png, and animated gif as fine, .gifv and .tiff are spammy
BingoBoingo: Because Qntra actually cares about delivering Bitcoin news to dial up and Africa
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: No one yet, but I suspect someone is going to scan a document and think "this format is old enough:
☟︎ assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35900 @ 0.00052289 = 18.7718 BTC [-]
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 275.99, vol: 26618.47190379 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 269.718, vol: 9235.46293 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 276.51, vol: 27475.94143206 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 280.0, vol: 8.13371672 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 279.09739, vol: 36419.42660000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 274.46157, vol: 71.48854369 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 271.66395, vol: 165.44840869 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: ^ Look what Qntra may or probably didn't do
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40585 @ 0.00052785 = 21.4228 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: Logged on 22-10-2015 21:54:01; mircea_popescu: "(1) Hershey's, et al, petitioned the FDA and EU to allow them to change the definition of "milk chocolate" to allow for the substitution of vegetable oil for cocoa butter. The FDA said no, but the EU thought it would be awesome idea.
punkman: do they allow vegetable oil in US chocolate now?
BingoBoingo: For a while Hershey was advertising that shit as chocolate... since the ruling they just don't sell chocolate now, just "chocolate product"
☟︎ punkman: BingoBoingo: yeah that's common here
BingoBoingo: It wasn't here till 2005 when Hersheys pushed the limit. Fucking Chicago bastards
punkman: "yoghurt dessert" for yoghurt, "frozen dessert/sweet" for ice cream
punkman: well those two I can easily get, but finding real chocolate is a hassle
BingoBoingo: Well if we are talking food name diversions, I came up with an interesting "alt white Russian" last week
pete_dushenski: (Right : He said "this sucks". Wrong : He said "this sucks.") << not a fan of this 'right'
pete_dushenski: if that's the rule, i'll abide, but if it's up for discussion, i'm in favour of the 'wrong.'
☟︎ trinque: pete_dushenski: it's an odd rule, if considered right in english grammar. I'm not aware of the rules in other languages. Regardless, why do the quotes eat the punctuation at the end of the sentence, but require no internal puntuation when the sentence quoted otherwise would.
trinque: seems rather odd that some side effect from that which is quoting the inner material should end up inside the quotation
pete_dushenski: "Links to sources out of WoT and links to dynamic pages should be followed with a link to an snapshot of the page in the form (archived)" << the thing about this is that assbot's wot =! BingoBoingo's wot =! author's wot. so whose wot is the correct wot ?
trinque: hell, if we're uprooting other things, why should the greedy quotation marks be safe!
pete_dushenski: " Links to sources out of Level 1 of assbots Web or Trust and links to dynamic pages that change content as a function of their nature should be followed with a link to an snapshot of the page in the form" << specified here, mind you.
mircea_popescu: right it's exactly the opposite of "literary" english.
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: When playing safe, play safe. Assbot L1
punkman: I never liked that rule, ever since learning it in school. never used it either I think
trinque: punkman: I don't either, likely due to string quoting in programming.
pete_dushenski: <b></b> for bold and <i></i> for italic << my dumdum wp install does <strong></strong> for bold and <em></em> for italic. don't ask why but it seems unnecessary to specify which precise tags to use if strong/em seem to work just as well as b/i, which they do.
punkman: strong and em were in vogue for a while, but then html5 brought b/i backj
punkman: supposedly they have some "semantic" diffeence
trinque: the whole semantic thing in html is horse-shit
pete_dushenski: "Unsigned material will not be publicly acknolwedged in any manner for any reason, ever." << hear hear
pete_dushenski: "and every third past contravex post article keeping up with the news ones is a good starting point." << kinda broken, BingoBoingo. no comprendo
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: You also write to much to make every contravex mandatory, every third past article.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu b i works. is that what you use on trilema ?
BingoBoingo: Now <center> and other alignment tags, depreciated still
pete_dushenski: No footnotes in the first (or only) paragraph of a submission. << good idea. i've been guilty of this and it does look sloppy
trinque: BingoBoingo: in those cases it's somewhat reasonable; CSS does that
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: You've been very guilty of that. Now it is official.
trinque: the idea with "em" and other such "semantic" tags were to remove the notion that any particular reader would be used
trinque: this is completely foolish
punkman: trinque: the whole semantic thing in html is horse-shit << well I can't say I prefer <div> and <table> to <article> and <nav>, but maybe that's because I write crawlers often
trinque: how is my link in my article not also nav
trinque: and so on; they're very poorly defined
trinque: I wouldn't want to take your crawler from you; I'd just prefer it were crawling structured data that is solely data
punkman: I'm also gonna hate you if your <img> is a <div> with a background
trinque: not mixed with presentation
trinque: point being your crawler wants facts not tag soup
pete_dushenski: i was suprised to see that neither BingoBoingo nor mircea_popescu mentioned a guideline for a space (or no space) after the last word in a sentence and any subsequent question/exclamation mark.
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: It's html, there is no second space. Browser enforces that unless you a a dick who adds a second  
trinque: punkman: to take this to the absurd extreme, imagine your crawler had to OCR an image of the web page
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo i use a space 90% of the time on contravex, but i've been even less consistent in qntra submissions.
BingoBoingo: So before it gets to that debate you have to ask yourself "Am I that much of a pretentious dick" or am I going to trust the reading software to know.
trinque: well I mean, what one does to cope with a world of shit is forgivable
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: For a browser to care you actually have to use the special character to force the second space.
pete_dushenski: "Who said smartphones weren't useful ?" v. "(Run moar winbloze!™)" << though i seem to only use a question/exclamation mark once every 4-5 articles, so maybe not a big deal.
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo pretty sure you don't need second  ...
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: For a browser to care you do.
trinque: browser smashes multiple spaces to one
trinque gets another beer, triggered
BingoBoingo: Second space not only means nothing, it means less than nothing.
pete_dushenski: also, if anyone's looking for me, i'll be away this weekend sans internet. just a heads up
pete_dushenski: but if monday rolls around and you find my pgp sig on a mortgage and a !rate travispatron 10 bbf4lyf, i'm in a better place.
pete_dushenski: and in other news, contravex has a new header image. bask ye in all my white-suited, short-haired splendour.
BingoBoingo: Saw it. Imma sleep and do draft two of Qntra submission guidelines when I wake up taking in the feedback since the original publication and my waking.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25850 @ 0.00053284 = 13.7739 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: Political TV punditry is like sports for the intellectual set. You get to keep track of who's on which team, who gets traded, who made what play last night...and none of it could possibly matter less to what actually makes the world go 'round. At least sports fans don't have the same delusion of their choice of entertainment "mattering".
mircea_popescu: like hell! real sports fans think the sport outcomes OBVIOUSLY MATTER. they just don't think they matter to anything in particular, but that's fine, neither does the punditry fan.
pete_dushenski: political punditry is for wine drinkers, sports is for beer drinkers
mircea_popescu: "Washington was a land developer, often described as the richest of his generation. By the end of the American Revolution, General Washington controlled about sixty thousand acres of land" << and there lies the debunk. it's true that george washington was well off. it's true he controlled some tens of k's of acres. it is UNTRUE that made him "richest in his generation".
☟︎ mircea_popescu: acreage was ~1 dollar per. ONE YEAR of govt sales produced in excess of 1mn dollars during "normal" times and well over 10 mn during speculative bubbles.
mircea_popescu: (at the time the 60k acres were perhaps worth a few k ounces of gold. maybe. for instance.)
pete_dushenski: i'm not sure what it is with americans imagining that their founding fathers lived in filth and squalour their entire lives.
pete_dushenski: as if that was the only true basis for their xtianity reborn
pete_dushenski: the americans at home are free to correct me here, tis just my impression from afar
pete_dushenski: i guess it could be the mistaken belief that 'men of the people are by definition the people incarnate and are therefore as average as anyone even though we remember only the names of the best of us and not those of the men who were truly average and truly of the people'
trinque: really depends on which americans.
trinque: I don't speak with many that'd be unaware they were well off.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44500 @ 0.0005308 = 23.6206 BTC [-] {4}
pete_dushenski: though it's probably fair to say that anyone trinque associates with is an sd or two above the mean
trinque: I'm sure if I pulled one aside at Walmart and told him that Thomas Jefferson rewrote the bible, he'd spontaneously combust.
pete_dushenski: and now berlusconi's the devil incarante for having a few billions to his name. and sleeping with young girls !
trinque: in discussing this with a friend recently, I supposed that the founding fathers might never have dreamed that the lowest would end up included in the category of "people"
trinque: though I don't know what they thought would have prevented it
mircea_popescu: certainly many things fellows'd have never dreamed. like, anyone seriously discussing "animal rights", or industrial robots, take your pick
mircea_popescu: ", but Washington knew that he would profit mightily if independence was achieved."
mircea_popescu: for his entire lifetime, and very plainly predictably at that, the land in question would have been worth more under british rule.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48321 @ 0.00052546 = 25.3908 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52879 @ 0.00052251 = 27.6298 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53139 @ 0.00052202 = 27.7396 BTC [-] {7}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45300 @ 0.0005218 = 23.6375 BTC [-] {7}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19000 @ 0.00052342 = 9.945 BTC [+] {2}
gribble: jurov was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 8 hours, 3 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: <jurov> haha qntra got censored?
adlai: tl;dr: "DAE STATJSON?"
adlai: "does anybody else"
adlai thanks mircea for STAT, says three Hail Satoshis, and goes on with life
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12624 @ 0.00052425 = 6.6181 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40250 @ 0.0005312 = 21.3808 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 05:29:59; pete_dushenski: if that's the rule, i'll abide, but if it's up for discussion, i'm in favour of the 'wrong.'
danielpbarron: and I don't get the space between the last word of a sentence and the punctuation
danielpbarron: although since seeing that practice in here, I've adopted it for use around the colon sometimes. Can't bring myself to do it with the period
danielpbarron: my personal rule with quotes and punctuation is that if it looks strange, there is probably a better way to form the sentence.
danielpbarron: and what about footnotes at the end of sentences? I think it looks better after the punctuation, even if that isn't "logical"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18150 @ 0.00053188 = 9.6536 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9072 @ 0.00052878 = 4.7971 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3328 @ 0.00052218 = 1.7378 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19686 @ 0.00052556 = 10.3462 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 582 @ 0.00408775 = 2.3791 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: Is Indonesia's fire crisis connected to the palm oil in our snack food? | Lindsey Allen | Comment is free | The Guardian ... ( )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10800 @ 0.00052774 = 5.6996 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37700 @ 0.00053222 = 20.0647 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24430 @ 0.00052955 = 12.9369 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2500 @ 0.00052955 = 1.3239 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 582 @ 0.0040939 = 2.3826 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19200 @ 0.00053284 = 10.2305 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25200 @ 0.00052818 = 13.3101 BTC [-] {2}
PeterL: BingoBoingo: I like the style guide you made. I am kinda surprised people were submitting MS turds.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59418 @ 0.00052556 = 31.2277 BTC [-] {2}
PeterL: BingoBoingo: format criteria 3: Web or Trust s/or/of
PeterL: same paragraph "... sources will be replaced <by> a published ..."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98780 @ 0.00053366 = 52.7149 BTC [+] {5}
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 04:45:23; BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: No one yet, but I suspect someone is going to scan a document and think "this format is old enough:
jurov: and on more serious note, I miss anything about paragraph formatting, guess <p> should be allowed or even endorsed, too.
☟︎ PeterL: what more would you need than <p>?
jurov: and <script>, of course
PeterL: I guess you want to use <marquee> too?
jurov: yup, totally forgot
PeterL: Now that QNTRA is a year old, is there any plan to explore revenue generation?
jurov: imo they wait till advertisers come offering themselves
jurov: no one is even buying the bitbet spot.. says something about bitcoin economy
assbot: Logged on 22-10-2015 21:58:37; mircea_popescu: i can't from that piece discern what is supposed to be the revenue model of the banx thing.
PeterL: or it says something about the uselessness of banner ads?
assbot: Logged on 22-10-2015 22:00:43; mircea_popescu: "And yes, it'll be a damn shame if this backfires on BitShares. Their technology is extremely scalable, blazingly fast and impressively flexible on the backend."
assbot: Logged on 22-10-2015 22:01:20; mircea_popescu: "BANX represents a thus far dividend-paying investment in BanxCapital," << dividends out of what ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61706 @ 0.00053495 = 33.0096 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26944 @ 0.00053658 = 14.4576 BTC [+] {2}
HeySteve: as for the rest, mircea_popescu, you may dismiss everything that isn't Bitcoin 0.5 as a scam but I do not take this view without evidence
☟︎ assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95571 @ 0.00052418 = 50.0964 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13206 @ 0.00053725 = 7.0949 BTC [+]
shinohai: "If this is a scam, I want to be scammed more." <<< careful what you wish!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51394 @ 0.00053977 = 27.7409 BTC [+] {2}
funkenstein_: HeySteve, I think the claim is not that newer codes are scam, but that they add little of value compared to their weight in cruft
assbot: Logged on 22-10-2015 15:30:34; mod6: The Bitcoin Foundation is one year old today. Happy Birthday!
funkenstein_: look at that, same day that my testnet project was born
funkenstein_: re: xxxotica, the name sound like made for derps, and advertised to start at 8pm. iirc restaurants down there don't open until after that - for lunch
shinohai: Happy birfday to your testnet project then funkenstein_
shinohai: I have yet to see said project though, is it public?
shinohai: LOL so it has a sort-of mircea_popescu blessing.
funkenstein_: :) I will continue work to deserve such an endorsement
shinohai: I'm not big on many altcoins, but +1 for not generating a bzillion coins for an "IPO"
funkenstein_: hey thanks. my goal has been to learn something. the testnet chumpatron market looks oversaturated.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56500 @ 0.00053569 = 30.2665 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: so dumbass eulora db server found a whole new way to fuckup. jesus fuck i love contemporaneity.
mircea_popescu: <danielpbarron> and I don't get the space between the last word of a sentence and the punctuation << the wut ?!
☟︎ mircea_popescu: all trilema says was, do it like this "the end. the begining" rather than "the end. the begining"
mircea_popescu: and it's only there because tlp does the double space thing to my great annoyance.
PeterL: but don't you do "the end . the beginning" on trilemma?
Zuardi: thanks, I am starting to gather wot rates, maybe I'll be able to voice myself soon :P
mircea_popescu: <PeterL> Now that QNTRA is a year old, is there any plan to explore revenue generation? << notrly. the plan is to explore a way to get more people to write better.
PeterL: Or is that only with question marks?
mircea_popescu: PeterL i space question marks but that's really my mental problem, nobody else.
☟︎ Zuardi: oh, I see, I need to do the same thing on assbot as well
Zuardi: mircea_popescu I think i did that, let me double check
shinohai: Zuardi: has a key, just no rating
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.Zuardi.1:537c64dac6ad6e2b39f5daddb6e99e4729b0e0ae4e9b247f4f6cc49a226247e9
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for Zuardi with note: hey, he thinks he did that!
mircea_popescu: <HeySteve> as for the rest, mircea_popescu, you may dismiss everything that isn't Bitcoin 0.5 as a scam but I do not take this view without evidence << but note that none of that is in any sense what i said.
mircea_popescu: the problem of your thing was its form, not its content. i couldn't even get to the content.
mircea_popescu: take a very simple metric : you say " that BANX has no credible revenue model was half the point" but at no point, and especially not at the right point, was the plain statement "BANX has no revenue model" to be found.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24600 @ 0.00054114 = 13.312 BTC [+]
PeterL: pete_dushenski: Your blog pic is nice, but you should switch to a double-winger tie, the single winger looks weak
assbot: IBM’s Watson is such an effective spoofbot that he makes me want to say “DPASTE, IRC AND FUCK YOU” | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
mircea_popescu: <shinohai> "If this is a scam, I want to be scammed more." <<< careful what you wish! << no, it's exact. and he'll get it too.
PeterL: no, just another loop in the necktie to make it more symmetrical
mircea_popescu: <funkenstein_> re: xxxotica, the name sound like made for derps, and advertised to start at 8pm. iirc restaurants down there don't open until after that - for lunch << there isn't a bunchy of these things to pick one from. this was THE ONLY THING HAPPENING THAT DAY IN THE WHOLE 12 MILLION STRONG "CITY"
☟︎ mircea_popescu: aka "rural settlement". fucking san bernardino or somesuch.
Zuardi: !rate mircea_popescu 1 some kind of bitcoin legend, I am still figuring it out, probably a good person
mircea_popescu: i wonder if you realise how far away that is, in hundreds of marine miles.
funkenstein_: perhaps forced to stay home and write more articles for us? :D
HeySteve: mircea_popescu, "no revenue model" is an easy change. the goal was to systematically dispell the smoke and mirrors around BANX and influence BTS to avoid it.
HeySteve: so perhaps too many words and perhaps overly kind to BTS, although I do believe their technology is good.
mircea_popescu: not many words, bad words. not overly kind to x. bad form. bad structure.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 117650 @ 0.00053499 = 62.9416 BTC [-] {2}
shinohai: "purveyor of surveillance appliances for the multitudes" <<< great Microsoft descriptor pete_dushenski
mircea_popescu: jurov no one is even buying the bitbet spot.. says something about bitcoin economy << or about advertising.
☟︎ shinohai: I do wonder why there is a picture of Dr. Stu Price on your blog now though.
Zuardi: !v assbot:Zuardi.rate.mircea_popescu.1:ff8196ce74a04b4838ffe83d9b212fb1fd3541c814988220e6e1ca217a22b93d
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for mircea_popescu with note: some kind of bitcoin legend, I am still figuring it out, probably a good person
HeySteve: mircea_popescu, the problem is I spent 5 fucking days researching BANX and interviewing Lyford so that fewer suckers would be scammed
HeySteve: now that time is wasted because arbitrary stylistic reasons which I was never informed of
mircea_popescu: the part that isn't fine is what you made with the results. list, for public benefit, the things you found in these 5 days.
HeySteve: 36 ref flags showing that it's a scam (not sure if those are in the version you saw)
mircea_popescu: and you'd better get to 36, because if you don't you have a serious problem to contemplate.
HeySteve: well ok, 1. the ICO was sustained for a year+ because it didn't raise the projected revenue
HeySteve: 2. the business plan which drew in investors has been changed
HeySteve: 3. the hardforks with another one coming as soon as this weekend
mircea_popescu: that problem being... did you just MAKE UP A NUMBER ? in a discussion about an article that you submitted which was rejected for being very poorly written, which you wish to interpret as political, or stylistical, or anything but what the actual problem is ?
HeySteve: no I didn't make up a number, I covered all the data and tallied the red flags as I went
HeySteve: yes 36, not that I'm an expert in spotting scams but it seems clear this is a company to be avoided
shinohai: !v assbot:shinohai.rate.Zuardi.1:767d4ef41b8bf82a8de174b5dbc949038a2df35f1eb849ff86b7a6d8b126aad5
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for Zuardi with note: new blood
mircea_popescu: well, so why was your piece not titled "36 red flags... you can take these to the Banx" ?
mircea_popescu: not that this specific FORM is required, but do you follow the LOGIC involved ?
mircea_popescu: i have to dig it out of you with irons that "hey, i researched this for five days, there's three dozen wrong things" ? why, because you hate the world ?
HeySteve: it was originally titled: BanxShares: BitAsset or BitLiability?
mircea_popescu: here's how a qntrable 2 would look : "The original business plan said "X, Y and Z" in relevant part, and it attracted ~10 BTC. Then it was changed to "nonY and cvasi Z no mention of X" leaving the original investors hanging.
mircea_popescu: here's how a qntrable 3 would look : the first hardfork occured on x date, y days after launch, and did z. the second x' y' did z'. the third etc. and now coming soo nthe nth, doing etc"
Zuardi: !rate felipelalli 1 the guy is trying to bring facebook people into the light, helps brazilians with otc at #bitcoin-bra
Zuardi: assbot:Zuardi.rate.felipelalli.1:164d1aa44e6fb55eb905d78fe326b31072713ba9b91abcf7a840206af2108f4c
Zuardi: !v assbot:Zuardi.rate.felipelalli.1:164d1aa44e6fb55eb905d78fe326b31072713ba9b91abcf7a840206af2108f4c
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for felipelalli with note: the guy is trying to bring facebook people into the light, helps brazilians with otc at #bitcoin-bra
Zuardi: mircea_popescu not irl, only online, we have an ex-coworker in common at facebook
HeySteve: well, I've accepted a freelance writing contract for this weekend so I can't make any immediate changes. if someone is interested in editing it, I think it's worth doing before Banx assumes its next form
☟︎ felipalla: Porque no estoy "alli" sino "alla"
felipelalli: Zuardi, Jampa didn't work with me. I guess we know each other while we both were subscribed to "radinho de pilha" then "webees" email list.
felipelalli: Zuardi, you are so new in OTC WoT, where did you heard about #ba?
Zuardi: felipelalli somehow recently I ended up on trilema, link of link of a link
shinohai: It's like Cosa Nostra, but instead of burning Saint cards we burn reddit accounts.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49600 @ 0.00053477 = 26.5246 BTC [-] {2}
felipelalli: Also the "gang noise™", "turminha do barulho".
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78763 @ 0.00052392 = 41.2655 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13982 @ 0.00052392 = 7.3254 BTC [-]
mod6: oh, i didn't know that one was down. jurov any thoughts on that?
jurov: no idea, must check the server
mod6: ascii_field: yeah following the leafs would be ideal.
ascii_field: mod6: also doxygen, contrary to my first thoughts, is 100% worthless
ascii_field: because i can't link to individual lines of code there.
☟︎ mod6: ah, alrighty. will mark with 'X' for removal.
ascii_field: all of this is because i wanted to show funkenstein why his patch is catastrophically mistaken
mod6: thanks for taking a close look at that, much appreciated.
ascii_field: but now it will have to wait, until i can link to lines of code.
mod6 wonders if we need to build our own source code browser based on V
ascii_field: mod6: i have a half-written one but it is no good
ascii_field: (and i've no time to make a proper job of it)
ascii_field: (or they will turn into nonsense with every new patch)
mod6: ah, ok for the meantime we'll just get lxr back up and going... we'll just need to be quick on the update for authorized/btcf signed leafs
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29900 @ 0.00052218 = 15.6132 BTC [-]
pete_dushenski: because competing with gawker for worthless eyeballs means that YOU'RE WORTHLESS TOO
pete_dushenski: "Our 36 years of continuous growth and success has been driven by our consistent willingness to reimagine our future" << heh
☟︎ PeterL: kakobrekla: your link says bitcoin transactions are VAT exempt?
kakobrekla: No VAT on bitcoin or bitcoin exchange fees in the EU.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62718 @ 0.00052427 = 32.8812 BTC [+] {2}
jurov: mod6 or whoever - if you can produce one version from V per directory, it's trivial to add to lxr
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 15:30:24; mircea_popescu: <danielpbarron> and I don't get the space between the last word of a sentence and the punctuation << the wut ?!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42664 @ 0.00052621 = 22.4502 BTC [+]
mod6: jurov: per directory?
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 15:34:43; mircea_popescu: PeterL i space question marks but that's really my mental problem, nobody else.
mod6: so with V, you can use a command called "press" that will patch up through a given HEAD.
jurov: that's easiest to plug in. alternatively, there is git support
mod6: and "press" will output this automatic patching process to an output directory. I could bundle that up and send it to you if that's what you mean?
jurov: anyway, i don't have any idea how you want it to be laid out. lxr's idea of versions is just a flat list.
mod6: yeah, ok. let me just press something together and send it to you so you can see.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28033 @ 0.00052621 = 14.7512 BTC [+]
ascii_field: jurov: thing is, every time a new patch comes to exist, this is a new version.
ascii_field: and, ideally, eventually we will have a thing that eats'em in real time and doesn't need human hands to update
ascii_field: (i write a patch, sign it, throw in the hopper, everyone who has my name ticked - sees a tree with that patch applied. but OLD LINKS MUST CONTINUE TO WORK)
assbot: Logged on 25-06-2015 05:53:02; asciilifeform: not to mention the 'wriggleysgumizations' introduced by the shrinkage
ascii_field: the mega-vlsi of recent years was bought with the price of 'don't expect to run this chip for more than a few years'
ascii_field: what? your computer is from 2007 and you expect to use it a decade from now? terrorist!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58504 @ 0.00053759 = 31.4512 BTC [+]
pete_dushenski: "Alphabet beat earnings estimates by 14 cents with Q3 profit of $7.20 a share. Advertising revenue on its Google sites pushed sales to rise 13% to $18.68 billion." << stock +9% today
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 06:33:53; mircea_popescu: "Washington was a land developer, often described as the richest of his generation. By the end of the American Revolution, General Washington controlled about sixty thousand acres of land" << and there lies the debunk. it's true that george washington was well off. it's true he controlled some tens of k's of acres. it is UNTRUE that made him "richest in his generation".
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 06:35:14; mircea_popescu: he certainly wasn't poor, but that's as far as that goes.
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 05:19:47; BingoBoingo: For a while Hershey was advertising that shit as chocolate... since the ruling they just don't sell chocolate now, just "chocolate product"
ascii_field: why the orc world has not cottoned on to the fraud, is unknown to me
ascii_field: but ru/ua confections remain edible. for now.
ascii_field: pete_dushenski: nato chocolate has sucked donkey arse for as long as i've been alive, afaik
ascii_field: see, if this were, e.g., ww1 germany, and we were grinding up acorns and making 'coffee' from this, it would make some kind of sense - because british naval blockade.
pete_dushenski: which is really the same situation as ww1 germany, you could have coffee at SOME price, just not one that anyone but the chancellor can afford.
ascii_field: i suppose they picked between soy oil and 'add a zero to the price'
pete_dushenski: same story today. chocolate exists, but only at $maxint
ascii_field: thing is, it is necessary to explain why i can get ru chocolate (and without breaking a sweat, really) at some mere 3x
☟︎ pete_dushenski: ascii_field pretty much that. and lose 'market share' instantly to those who don't add zero
punkman: pete_dushenski: real chocolate is still cheap enough
pete_dushenski: and disproportionately more customers are to be had at 1/3 cost. non-linear effect.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45699 @ 0.00052836 = 24.1455 BTC [-]
pete_dushenski: as long a the goal of 'chocolatiers' is more people, that's what they'll get
ascii_field: anyway it remains simple to get actual chocolate, at least near major urban centers in usa (where ru immigrants live.) but as an ~ingredient~ it has become very scarce. i've largely given up on ice cream, for instance.
jurov: got working.. now you want the poor listbox in lxr to show *all* patches ever?
thestringpuller: ascii_field: you gotta find a local chocolatier, the one near my house has access to "real chocolate"
punkman: I can get belgian slabs for 10-15eur/kilo from a local bakery
punkman: but nothing of the sort to be found anywhere else
ascii_field: punkman: you can get plutonium slabs, sure. i was speaking of ice cream
punkman: found random hole in the wall ice cream maker this summer
ascii_field: jurov: for now let's have the ones i've signed ?
punkman: and he's 24/7 too because he works all night
jurov: there are only two: asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option.vpatch asciilifeform_maxint_locks_corrected.vpatch , right?
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 15:44:20; mircea_popescu: <funkenstein_> re: xxxotica, the name sound like made for derps, and advertised to start at 8pm. iirc restaurants down there don't open until after that - for lunch << there isn't a bunchy of these things to pick one from. this was THE ONLY THING HAPPENING THAT DAY IN THE WHOLE 12 MILLION STRONG "CITY"
ascii_field: (the people who think they need this, are the ones you least want to meet. almost by definition.)
ascii_field: but then again i don't go in for consorting with strangers at all, so nobody-asked-me (tm)
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 15:53:41; mircea_popescu: jurov no one is even buying the bitbet spot.. says something about bitcoin economy << or about advertising.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52898 @ 0.00053307 = 28.1983 BTC [+] {2}
thestringpuller: ascii_field: do you subscribe to any magazines (even if they're comic books)?
ascii_field: and i don't think i am alone among thinking people in this position on paywalls.
☟︎ jurov: lxr down again.. prolly must drop db and reindex everything, will be a while
ascii_field: thestringpuller: thing is, i only buy books because reading on electronic machines is unpleasant (and before anyone asks, i own a dozen or so different types)
thestringpuller: ascii_field: there has to be something Qntra could publish you would be willing to purchase
ascii_field: because a thing like qntra works at least partly by being linkable
☟︎ ascii_field: 'if i can't link someone to it, it isn't part of the conversation' or how did it go.
thestringpuller: jurov: this is good point. XKCD is profitable because of it's merch store
☟︎ ascii_field: notice that when we discuss books, i eventually end up linking a w4r3z copy here.
ascii_field: because if i can't link to it, it doesn't rightfully exist
thestringpuller: ^- you do this with XKCD and they make money without ads, so something is going on here.
thestringpuller: iirc "What If?" (munroe's book) did quite well. i had a dream about a Qntra book.
thestringpuller: enough that he doesn't have to get a "real job" and can subsidize gf's medical bills
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37315 @ 0.00052513 = 19.5952 BTC [-]
ascii_field: thestringpuller: the one thing that always bugged me about r. munroe is his eagerness to play to the reddit/derp crowd
ascii_field: whereas ~thinking~ btc folks are not easily separable from their btc.
☟︎ thestringpuller: this is why thinkgeek is still around a decade later, yet they sell nothing but "tyos"
ascii_field: it also helps to remember that 'nobody pays for sunlight'
thestringpuller: me either. qntra isn't a webcomic so I don't expect it to monetize as such. but the webcomics have held their own.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 110422 @ 0.00052218 = 57.6602 BTC [-]
punkman: weekly qntra comic strip would be fun if BB can find an artist
☟︎ ascii_field: i really can't fathom how qntra could turn a profit any more than therealbitcoin could
ascii_field: afaik every single webcomic that actually pays somebody's rent is produced by a charismatic reddit-panderer
ascii_field does not actually know enough on the subject to comment further
☟︎ thestringpuller: oh wow cad-comic is still around and they have a physical publisher now and an ongoing?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33453 @ 0.00052133 = 17.4401 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29981 @ 0.00052094 = 15.6183 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56696 @ 0.00052152 = 29.5681 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 16:11:41; HeySteve: well, I've accepted a freelance writing contract for this weekend so I can't make any immediate changes. if someone is interested in editing it, I think it's worth doing before Banx assumes its next form
mircea_popescu: moroever, if your five days of research can just be dreamed up by the next guy, you've not done any actual research.
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 16:45:38; ascii_field: because i can't link to individual lines of code there.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: not trivial. see thread. it has to not break when new patches appear!
ascii_field: so it is not simply a matter of highlighting text on a www page.
mircea_popescu: that's a different problem. but merely the "individual lines of a page" part of it
mircea_popescu: of course the other problem in question may actually be one of those "ensconced rock" type of things, ie, we've not fully conceptualized the implications.
mircea_popescu: specifically : does this actually need to make a "line of code" a graph node ?
mircea_popescu: well this actually changes everything... should we be saving directly asts ?
ascii_field: no, because it is pointless to save something that can be re-derived.
mircea_popescu: but derived from what, a line of code is just a meaningless string
ascii_field: well yes, which is why a link has to encode ~which~ point in the patchspace it links to.
mircea_popescu: but see, you wish to link to "lines of code" except these are lower than the minimal granularity ; they only catch meaning after the ast was derived from the whole program
mircea_popescu: ie you may be asking for a .1 reference in a 1 metric space.
ascii_field: well, more concretely, today i wanted to link to one of the places where funkenstein introduced a mistake
mircea_popescu: but if you're not happy with the mere "meaningless line" as seen i ntrilema selection
mircea_popescu: \and want actual meaningful LINE, that's complex suddenly
ascii_field: in order to do this, there would have to be a www widget that displays the tree he patched against. and will continue to do so a year from now.
ascii_field: 9cbe118c362dca5f4e340519d3ad48e79a1ef896f2fe297a3481067e8a3c0c1fdd6c09fe251918358e67bc90aa884f952454c051ddfca06f334ce359aadd688a#xxxxx where xxxxx is the line
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48062 @ 0.00052256 = 25.1153 BTC [+] {2}
ascii_field: it will always be possible to produce the file having it, by walking the chain
ascii_field: it is the vhash (sha512) of his output's main.cpp
mircea_popescu: no you're right... so basically each line needs a # in front of it, which should link to that... hmmm...
ascii_field: really needs a wwwtronic thing that takes a vhash in the url and a line num.
mircea_popescu: how about what you want is a # in front of each file, linked to [path]/filename#hash
ascii_field: just display the file having that hash, and have the js wind to the correct line
ascii_field: i don't need a 100MB pile of shit in my browser, ty
mircea_popescu: so you want the www server to see [path]/hash/ and spit out the right file ?
ascii_field: i actually had this working in my unpublished v-wwwtron
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: there were a bunch of important things which did not work.
ascii_field: and i now consider mod6's gadget to have superseded mine.
mircea_popescu: which is wjhy you break it open publish the parts that work
ascii_field: atm i desperately lack the time to do anything useful with this.
mircea_popescu: looky, there's sometrhing dysfiunctional in this process of "i want this thing, and i want it to work exactly like this thing i made, that i'm not publishing". what is this, tru love mating ?
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: all the useful, correct parts, were published, they are in the 'v' article on your www.
mircea_popescu: course callouts from www to python will have to be supported.
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 16:53:18; pete_dushenski: "Our 36 years of continuous growth and success has been driven by our consistent willingness to reimagine our future" << heh
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: or integrate whole thing into a pythonatronic www thing, a la phuctor
pete_dushenski: "After laying off more than 300 workers, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is trying to lift the spirits of the remaining employees by giving them 6.8 million shares of the stock he owns in the online messaging service." << so noble of jack to take a tax write-off on these shares before their value plummets to zero.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field i was thinking about this, there's no way to avoid a v dependency anyway, in principle. so it will have to be a python www anyway
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski check you out, you're actually understanding how rich world works.
pete_dushenski: better to understand that part of the world now than after i'm already there
mircea_popescu: why the fuck does google even have an "alphabet" parent, since we're discussing these things ? doth qntra know?
☟︎ pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu alphabet would seem to be a tax mitigation strategy from this angle, but maybe it's one of those libtard jokes gone wrong, like 'czar'
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski just saying, a dossier on all the ways alphabet mitigates tax is definitely a qntra worthy research project for the actuarialy inclined.
pete_dushenski: whoddathunk that the meta-nsa would only be meta... in name
pete_dushenski: "we're like the nsa, fbi, cia alphabet agencies, but better !"
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 17:49:30; ascii_field: thing is, it is necessary to explain why i can get ru chocolate (and without breaking a sweat, really) at some mere 3x
mircea_popescu: (tru story : doctor's visit. "why do my knees hurt me doc ?" "oxalates" "what do i do ?" "no more chocolate" "OMGWTFBBQ".)
ascii_field: for some reason, even before the oil thing, 'hershey' is associated with diarrhea in my mind
ascii_field: possibly from usenes, alt.tasteless, but not 100% certain why.
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 17:53:24; ascii_field: go and find an ice cream shop which uses it!
mircea_popescu: they also don't put chunks of mango in the mango icecream i bet. you knolw ?
mircea_popescu: sex is by its design the one, the first, the best public matter.
ascii_field: 'When they did, female officers entered the restroom with Johnson still “putting in work with the sausage.”'
mircea_popescu: "Shocked, and also frightened for his safety due to the fact that Johnson is a “big girl,” the 140 pound security guard said he ran out until police arrived. When they did, female officers entered the restroom with Johnson still “putting in work with the sausage.”"
mircea_popescu: << trilema is for instance making decent money on subscription model. this is not to be discounted. also, no press IN THE HISTORY of press has EVER made money. not ever. it didn't happen (yes there are exceptions, in particular, temporary, self limited nooks). this never stopped the press from being WORTH money, which it always was.
☝︎ assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 17:58:38; ascii_field: << advertising has no future in a sane world. but has anyone invented even a hypothetical profit model for qntra that doesn't in some way involve it? i've been wondering this since the day q opened
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 18:00:09; ascii_field: that'll be when i stop reading.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: '...this never stopped the press from being WORTH money, which it always was' << how does this work ?
mircea_popescu: i don't explain 'em mr seinfeld, i just exterminate 'em.
ascii_field: can't be explained? must take the correct lsd ?
mircea_popescu: so far, gutting the pretense of "press" of the oposition, that DOES advertise, is good enough.
ascii_field will have to remember to ask for this pill when next visiting mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: how much money does the pet earn you ascii_field ? and what P/E do i need to pay to buy her ?
ascii_field: but it difficult to answer. how much money does my car earn ?
mircea_popescu: i just gave you some lsd (by permission) in the shape of serotonin or whatever you fired in your own brain.
ascii_field: 'would you, could you, in the zoo' (tm) (r)
mircea_popescu: << and if you were to be against gpg, or against signed commits, or against "not everyone is/can be a contriobutor" or for "women in tech" in the sense of lipstick in the optic drive or a bunch of other equally nutty notionms, you could equally say "i don't think i am alone" and more importantly, FIND YOURSELF INCLINED TO SAY IT
☝︎ assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 18:00:47; ascii_field: and i don't think i am alone among thinking people in this position on paywalls.
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 18:01:39; punkman: qntra quarterly print issue?
mircea_popescu: who the fuck cares and when did you start giving a shit if you're alone or not. what's this nonsense!
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: i did say 'thinking people'
mircea_popescu: you don't wanna go to the fuckfest because fucking is by its nature public, but you wanna be thinking in a herd because thinking by its nature is private ?
mircea_popescu: you can paint the box whatever color you want. what do you think elen degeneres says, "degenerates" ?
mircea_popescu: ascii_field whether you're alone or not should make no fucking difference. more importantly, it shouldn't be a point of consideration. why is it ?
mircea_popescu: you're alone among thinking people thinking computing sucks. what now ? it doesn't suck ?
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 18:17:43; punkman: weekly qntra comic strip would be fun if BB can find an artist
mircea_popescu: yeah pete_dushenski but i recall we briefly interviewing a moderately talented fellow in this very chan and he wanted a billion euros or some shit.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46474 @ 0.00052488 = 24.3933 BTC [+]
pete_dushenski: how about the chica who did your last xt-memorial comic ?
mircea_popescu: she'd prolly go for it, but she'd still have to be paid, and so far qntra is not so keen to spend cash.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: the point i was trying to make was not that some 'silent majority' (tm) of thinking people dislike paywall and 'therefore paywalls suck', but that, if my hypothesis is true, it may pose a practical problem - how many of the folks in #b-a would have taken an interest in it if merely reading the logs had cost money ?
mircea_popescu: moreover she didn't want to / understand she has to make a gpg, and i dun wanna encourage the demuring damsels.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field besides the point what you were tryingt to say. the important thing to notice is how your mental flow went. and it went to "i am not alone". why would it ?
trinque wonders wtf is killing that thing
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: i get that the phrase triggers your allergy.
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 13:39:19; jurov: and on more serious note, I miss anything about paragraph formatting, guess <p> should be allowed or even endorsed, too.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field not even about me. why would ~you~ argue it like that ? you don't argue like that for anything else, certainly not anything else you know well / understand in depth.
☟︎ mod6: ascii_field: for lxr should jurov and I just put up the code to HEAD that includes through 'maxint' and 'verifyall' -- and we'll label it "HEAD" or "v0.5.4-TEST2"? There isn't any actual reason to have two versions of code going up through each leaf is there?
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: now that you say this, i'm not even sure i correctly apprehend the purpose of qntra.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field the point i'm coming to is that it's, unlike something you/those thinking people have actually thought about, merely an aculturation. ie, "this is how we dress". and i know where it comes from too, and so forth. nothing wrong with it, but it is what it is.
trinque: pete_dushenski: heh. some piece of inane, unnecessary complexity for sure. died during a netsplit so I assume he handles this rather poorly.
trinque: the day rapidly approaches when I simply write my own IRC handling part, rather than using this golang bot
ascii_field: mod6: see thread. i'd like to be able to link to known lines in known files of known vhash.
trinque: got another deedbot- hacking weekend coming up; we'll see what I bite off
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: i really was thinking 'qntra is a propaganda machine primarily for speaking to non-#b-a people.' ergo 'thinking folks other than myself dislike paywalls' is a relevant hypothesis
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 18:03:03; jurov: mugs and tees!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70000 @ 0.00052787 = 36.9509 BTC [+]
ascii_field: so, not a brainfart, i really meant to say this. but it is possible that i catastrophically misunderstand the purpose of qntra.
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 18:20:02; *: ascii_field does not actually know enough on the subject to comment further
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 19:56:17; mircea_popescu: ascii_field not even about me. why would ~you~ argue it like that ? you don't argue like that for anything else, certainly not anything else you know well / understand in depth.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field and yet, as much they dislike paywalls, they love paying for ipads.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: "successful" webcomics usually survive by selling their brand.
ascii_field: so qntra targets 'the people', the ones who buy ipad ?!
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller successful webcomics also aren't usually attached to behemoths set on destroying the entire world. note that qntra is NEVER going to be successful, because it's not here to obtain praise from daddy.
ascii_field: so then it doesn't need a profit model in the usual sense?
ascii_field: in the sense of somebody-pays-and-it-goes-to-shareholders
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: from this standpoint this Qntra is more like a media conglemorate than a simple new agency.
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller well, it's all the media of the new republic.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field i suspect the very notion of PAYMENT is going to be destroyed by btc. let me illustrate what i mean.
mircea_popescu: suppose you desire the use of a streetwalker for half an hour.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20450 @ 0.00052247 = 10.6845 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: this is usually a transaction between you and her holder, involving one or more crumpled up pieces of paper.
mircea_popescu: suppose instead the streetwalker is a bank in distress, and you decide to prop it up. you don't do jack, all you do is SAY you're going to do it.
mircea_popescu: govt comes out announcing it's "commitment" to so and so.
mircea_popescu: the financial notion of monetary commitment is DIFFERENT from the grocery notion of monetary commitment.
ascii_field: as in the story with 'what does mircea_popescu's flat cost' ?
ascii_field: but how does this destroy the grocery notion of payment ?
mircea_popescu: what does the queen's mineral water cost ? "it would be an honor if you drank our water!"
mircea_popescu: it destroys the "notion of payment" = all payments are grocery, bitcoin should be visa, all peopel are equal and mp should be nicer to fucktard x.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: well, it's all the media of the new republic. << This was my point. The 'intellectual property' or whatever you want to call it spawning from qntra is the value. For instance a movie or book, or some other form of media published under qntra. I see royalties in the future perhaps?
thestringpuller: i guess royalty is bad word. qntra publishes something, people buy what's published, qntra receives revenue for as long as that thing is "in print"
mircea_popescu: anyway, he explained somewhere that ads aren't designed to sell the avertised product, but the SYSTEM that produces the product in question.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90500 @ 0.00051873 = 46.9451 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: ""The evidence we have from these academic studies is that quite often [soap opera viewers in developing countries] take away different attitudes toward things like how many children they want, what is acceptable behavior for a husband toward his wife, what is the breakdown in a household of responsibilities over things like finances, should we be sending girls to school," says Charles Kenny, an economist at the World
mircea_popescu: but yes : do you think sumner rothstein gives a flying fuck that his car producing subsidiary paid his tv producing subsidiary a billion in advertising with no roi, when the result of this expense is that china now THINKS the truth about china is on viacom released movies and argentines think citibank is a thing that may exist in buenos aires ?
mircea_popescu: this is what has to be uprooted, fucking WHO making studies about the impact of inequality ?
mircea_popescu: fuyck that shit. the world women's organisation is gonna publish studies about the CAUSAL relationship between domestic beatings and happiness.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field apparently they can't afford to lose 150 BTC THIS BAD. thinkaboutit.
mircea_popescu: it went to all shit (15 iirc last, 50% over the cutoff of the bitbet), only to get a dead cat's jump yest.
ascii_field: but is it coin they wish to avoid losing ? or 'intangibles' ?
assbot: BitBet - The ETH scam won't see 2016 :: 73.95 B (35%) on Yes, 135.57 B (65%) on No | closing in 1 month 1 week| weight: 55`571 (100`000 to 10`000) ... ( )
mircea_popescu: understandably, it's not clear the us fed is worth that much atm,
ascii_field: as i understand, the ethereum thing was not purely a classical scam, but has abstract/usgtronic political aims
mircea_popescu: yes. and it ended up negative roi for 'em with very little effort.
ascii_field: what's the roi of this week's 'minuteman' rocket test ?
ascii_field: afaik usg does not even think in these terms
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 18:03:04; ascii_field: because a thing like qntra works at least partly by being linkable
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 18:03:33; thestringpuller: jurov: this is good point. XKCD is profitable because of it's merch store
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 18:11:38; ascii_field: whereas ~thinking~ btc folks are not easily separable from their btc.
mircea_popescu: compare b-a and random scammer circle, "dollar vigilante" thing or the keiser radio show (hey, check it out, "Auroracoin is a cryptocurrency launched in February 2014 as an Icelandic alternative to bitcoin and the Icelandic króna. Its unknown creator or creators" < hard at work deleting the internet history of previous scams, as if THAT is how it works now)
mircea_popescu: now, what the scammer wants is to collect the sort of people who are dumber than him, and separate them from their money.
mircea_popescu: yes there is some value in money, for sure. but there is A LOT MORE value in a hundred gold pieces resting in a hundred pockets of men that made those pieces
mircea_popescu: than there is in a satchel of a hundred gold pieces collected from the necks of a hundred dizzy cows in the field.
mircea_popescu: what the derps are doing, roughly speaking, is "Becoming powerful" out of robbing monkeys of their rifles.
mircea_popescu: nevertheless... a pile of rifles doth not give you even the beginning of force. it's just scrap metal.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20650 @ 0.00052787 = 10.9005 BTC [+]
pete_dushenski: they have 'rexall arena' and 'roger's centre', why not hospital ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57486 @ 0.00051836 = 29.7984 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4714 @ 0.00051657 = 2.4351 BTC [-]
pete_dushenski: bitpay, being the naive upstart, thought to itself 'hey if it works for espn it'll work for us'
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski espn was never a start-up. it was rassmunsen backed by getty.
mircea_popescu: also, they shed what, 5% ? sport is going to shit everywhere, the world is sick of it.
assbot: Logged on 23-10-2015 19:26:43; mircea_popescu: why the fuck does google even have an "alphabet" parent, since we're discussing these things ? doth qntra know?
BingoBoingo: Just like that bored on day, and tired of people bitching about stuff they did other than web advertising, so that is now Google and Alphabet is google, their med shit, and their killer robot dreams
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> pete_dushenski espn was never a start-up. it was rassmunsen backed by getty. << As far as I can remember all Disney
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28500 @ 0.00053364 = 15.2087 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: Learning so much about Qntra from the sleeping logs.
BingoBoingo: Learning so much about Qntra from the sleep logs
BingoBoingo: " Historically arbitrary code execution has been a TLS feature." << lol ben_vulpes
BingoBoingo has no idea how qntra would try to incentivise comics.
BingoBoingo: But yes, at the moment Qntra's goal is better writing from more people
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00053482 = 6.6318 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29500 @ 0.00053308 = 15.7259 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 96900 @ 0.00053926 = 52.2543 BTC [+] {4}
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 277.42, vol: 26058.12166691 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 270.858, vol: 6382.6092 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 277.86, vol: 15874.74129269 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 284.0, vol: 0.086 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 281.5092, vol: 36807.26730000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 275.6761, vol: 91.58052666 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 271.86915, vol: 85.45675649 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
gribble: Current Blocks: 380247 | Current Difficulty: 6.088382548009828E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 381023 | Next Difficulty In: 776 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 5 days, 6 hours, 41 minutes, and 37 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
pete_dushenski wonders how the 'percent change' function died so horrible a death
BingoBoingo: ^Does this mean actually having submission guidelines now is increasing submitter confidence?
☟︎ assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58800 @ 0.00053134 = 31.2428 BTC [-] {2}
pete_dushenski: aaaand i'm off. contravex incoming. enjoy your weekend, all !
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13450 @ 0.00052922 = 7.118 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 97091 @ 0.00053081 = 51.5369 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: "Just a piece of advice. If you are ever arrested, make sure to ask for a jury. As for two juries. If your lawyer says the words "bench" and "trial" at any point in the same paragraph, flee to Argentina. Those 12 idiots, imperfect as they are, are one of the only things protecting you from a top down, hierarchical, classist, flow chart wielding government clusterfuck that has no time, interest, or money to deal wit
mircea_popescu: h people as individuals, so it deals with them as groups, types, diagnoses and organ banks."
mircea_popescu: "stereotypes are wrong mkay, unless the government's doing it."