355 entries in 0.711s
mircea_popescu: (and, of course, in keeping with the traditions of imbecility, "this article is semi-protected, as per bla bla policy". not, eminently, "this article is protected because our philosophical model is utterly broken and doesn't even work in our own hand". but SEMI-protected, because if you don't call failure by its name it's almost as if it never happened, and besides, coming up with an alternative "plausible" reason for it e
BingoBoingo: Maybe? Maybe the happy accidents that followed would have never happened.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 02:26:02 mircea_popescu: and so this is what happened there, the complete story : he did ~just what a saboteur would do~, because look how fucking wunderbar=ly it'd have sabotaged if it worked ; and a less-than-divine mp easily would've gotten fucked over it. so now -- we can never be friends again, i ain't getting over that.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-11 02:26:02 mircea_popescu: and so this is what happened there, the complete story : he did ~just what a saboteur would do~, because look how fucking wunderbar=ly it'd have sabotaged if it worked ; and a less-than-divine mp easily would've gotten fucked over it. so now -- we can never be friends again, i ain't getting over that.
mircea_popescu: and so this is what happened there, the complete story : he did ~just what a saboteur would do~, because look how fucking wunderbar=ly it'd have sabotaged if it worked ; and a less-than-divine mp easily would've gotten fucked over it. so now -- we can never be friends again, i ain't getting over that.
mp_en_viaje: dangerz]" ? da fuck happened, treason never prospers because if it prosper we'll just call it coincidence ?
BingoBoingo: The Gavin or some other shitgnome early on tried to push a "mandatory" segwitting, but that proposal died quickly and they all now pretend that never happened.
mp_en_viaje: but to bring this full circle -- the stockpiling fellows did not burn their stash, irrespective of what happened, what they were told happened, etc, because, fundamentally, they do not think reality applies to them. because if they had thought that, they'd never have been in their current position -- not for 20 years, not for 20 weeks, in point of fact not even for a week of their schooling. aged 5 they'd have opted off this path.
mircea_popescu: never happened, i have yet nfi wtf it is shielded by, but volcanic rock seems to have nothing on it.
mircea_popescu: never happened, huh. ~SOCIAL~ JUSTICE!!!
a111: Logged on 2014-06-04 00:08 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened.
a111: Logged on 2014-06-04 00:08 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened.
mircea_popescu: because totally, history never happened, started over because "new" world.
mircea_popescu: isn't this by now a sort of "evolution never happened" ?
a111: Logged on 2018-09-13 22:28 asciilifeform: it's rather like how when they shot lavrentiy beria -- pile the crimes onto 1 d00d, then flush him, and it's as if the enablers 'never happened'
mircea_popescu: never happened before.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-08 16:39 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-28#1845236 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-17#1842521 and etc also never happened.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-28#1845236 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-17#1842521 and etc also never happened. ☝︎☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-10-01 14:08 asciilifeform: incidentally, does anyone remember wtf happened to the 'log timestamps' patch for trb ? who wrote it, and how come it never made it into the flagship tree ?
a111: Logged on 2018-10-01 14:08 asciilifeform: incidentally, does anyone remember wtf happened to the 'log timestamps' patch for trb ? who wrote it, and how come it never made it into the flagship tree ?
asciilifeform: incidentally, does anyone remember wtf happened to the 'log timestamps' patch for trb ? who wrote it, and how come it never made it into the flagship tree ? ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: it never yet happened that "my decision to not talk to this stranger paid off". seems counterintuitive, is nevertheless the case.
asciilifeform: it's rather like how when they shot lavrentiy beria -- pile the crimes onto 1 d00d, then flush him, and it's as if the enablers 'never happened' ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "their power and capital". because http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-08#1623380 "never happened", especially if you wish it really hard to not have. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i don't believe that happened. the difference i propose is that for him, said "butchering" is an asimptote, the mind never quite reaches it. which is how they end up believing that "i pick up gun and start shooting" is the ~end~ state.
mircea_popescu: and while at it, the essential part of "#b-a => #trilema transition happened" isn't even so much the (very extremely never-seen-before) narrow time wondows ; but the fact that ~it very much was~ on own fucking schedule. i don't recall having to hassle anyone about anything. it was a coupla days cuz it took me a coupla days, and it was a week because it took trinque, phf & gang a week.
a111: Logged on 2018-08-01 16:03 asciilifeform: 'After much researching it seems this is NOT a driver bug but a CHANGE in the kernel Serial API semantics. What has happened is that the API now blocks when a Serial device is not indicating it is ready. This included 'open' on a serial device which now can block. Since lots of RS232 serial devices do not bother with any control signals such as DCD (data carrier detect) they never indicate they are ready and open blocks. This is the
asciilifeform: 'After much researching it seems this is NOT a driver bug but a CHANGE in the kernel Serial API semantics. What has happened is that the API now blocks when a Serial device is not indicating it is ready. This included 'open' on a serial device which now can block. Since lots of RS232 serial devices do not bother with any control signals such as DCD (data carrier detect) they never indicate they are ready and open blocks. This is the ☟︎
mircea_popescu: phf it's clearly a family arrangement. what, they never read saussure ? what happened to the olde "give us a woman from your house" ?
mircea_popescu: it never happened, but it never happened at the cost of the 60s.
phf: esthlos: that was never the case (though it certainly looked that way didn't it), the golden age of vlsi happened because of a darpa grant, essentially "give us your designs, we'll fab it for you free of charge"
mircea_popescu: which technically includes chinese cement, but the fanfic "fails to notice" thereby "it never happened"
ave1: that never happened before, and the structure of the current script makes it so that the tar / gzip commands do not give any helpful output
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-12#1812820 << no that was some guy being not nice, it never happened. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: now, of course they've been pretending like "it never happened" for five years now ; but then again they're also pretending to be solvent, and militarily relevant, and whatnot.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-04 22:46 mircea_popescu: anyway, since we're reading "slate star codex", ie scott alexander's blog (the pantsuit-annointed official tlp replacement so tlp never actually happened), let's lul together : https://archive.is/Yyblu#selection-1259.852-1259.1460
mircea_popescu: anyway, since we're reading "slate star codex", ie scott alexander's blog (the pantsuit-annointed official tlp replacement so tlp never actually happened), let's lul together : https://archive.is/Yyblu#selection-1259.852-1259.1460 ☟︎
mircea_popescu: yes, because reading comprehension's not a forte, and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-02#1779930 never happened and so on. ☝︎
hanbot: here's an example: i've made a genesis of mp-wp by vdiffing against an empty dir of the same name; this when pressed results in all desired files + copy of each file appended with ".orig". leaving aside that i don't even currently know why the fuck this happened, never seen it before in a press: i don't even know what to point out to ascertain that this is in fact NOT what is supposed to occur! if i was teaching a girl to do it, and she were the
mircea_popescu: one day eric raymond came to mp and said "given enough eyes, all bugs are shallow" ; mp extended him the can of beluga roe he was dipping into : "here you go, a whole <<<new software movement>>>". eric raymond never understood what just happened.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes this ~never happened.
a111: Logged on 2014-06-04 00:08 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened.
mircea_popescu: ALL SORTS of bs the sovtards were doing other places never happened here.
a111: Logged on 2014-06-04 00:08 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened.
asciilifeform: 'never happened, hoax, move along.'
a111: Logged on 2014-06-04 00:08 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened.
a111: Logged on 2015-08-23 05:06 trinque: I demand for this to never have happened at once!
a111: Logged on 2014-06-04 00:08 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened.
a111: 304 results for "never happened", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=never%20happened
asciilifeform: !#s never happened
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-30#1706459 << you don't understand, they "undid" the etherape. so it never happened. and besides there's no proof there even was a rapist. and so... ☝︎
asciilifeform: ^ apparently never happened yet.
mircea_popescu: and that time man walked into goat herd, picked fattest kid, slit his throat and splashed everyone in blood was you know "never proven to have happened" hurr durr.
mircea_popescu: it's always been a major lulz for me that the same idiots howling about "don't reuse addresses -- it makes usg's pretense of defungibilizing bitcoin that less tenable" never happened to ever mention "don't deterministic wallets, it's on the level of cesar cipher homebrew".
mircea_popescu: did you not say the 1990s never happened ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-13#1682351 << dude... ustards. did they ever do anything ? other than blather, did they ? http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-02#1038618 ? never happened ? ☝︎☝︎
mod6: and as far as pete_dushenski or whomevers quest to write a log digest or whatever, it never happened. the foundation briefly considered a role for gathering up trb related parts, but that was set aside in exchange for tb0t
mircea_popescu: the crazy batshit they have to argue. "oh, ethereum is rapemeat but totally worth the money also ethereum never happened also ethereum has nothing to do with the enthusiams, also black chix code, also that doesn't matter, also"
mircea_popescu: apparently apple could buy russia ; but icbc, which not only "could" but ACRTUALLY BUYS america (not the fucking us shithole, THE WHOLE CONTINENT), that dun exist, never happened, etc.
asciilifeform: ( it was a thing hat had never happened, prior or since )
asciilifeform: 'I don't know what happened to Trump. Some muse he may be drugged and we would never know it and it makes sense. The world watched this man for two years to election day. And after Jan 20th, we watched him proceed immediately to walk his talk. Then... in like 24hrs... a full 180. If not drugs and mind control, there is always the secret grassy knoll footage of Kennedy's head being blown off to help Trump "get the message."'
mircea_popescu: (and no, it NEVER happened that two people in the same team using the same tools actually had compatible notions of what the tools did.)
a111: Logged on 2017-04-06 11:28 Framedragger: (i do believe this is a simple instance of VAT being charged for overseas 'valuable imports', but then this never happened before when shipping via legal retailers etc.)
Framedragger: (i do believe this is a simple instance of VAT being charged for overseas 'valuable imports', but then this never happened before when shipping via legal retailers etc.) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: had mp not happened to make a comment and alf to insist and mp to read this bullshit, mp'd have never known what miserable immoral acts bernstein engages in regularly. and nobody'd have told him.
Framedragger: never happened before, will be fun to inquire why
mircea_popescu: Framedragger the xwindow thing was a simple example of the lowest fucking level of this. what isolation. it never yet happened.
mircea_popescu: well so then. it never happened because you never published. dun dun dun.
mircea_popescu: it's not "as if it never happened". it ACTUALLY DID NOT HAPPEN.
mircea_popescu: today in things that never happened.
mircea_popescu: so -- yes, "someone" had the cognitive capability to http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-31#1594887 ; but that same someone failed to produce a workable counterpart to the russian jet ; or any kind of response to the chinese missilization ; or any sort of coherent narrative for the middle east ; or even anything past "never happened - if it happened it doesn't matter - if it matters we did it anyway" re russkis turning off the ele ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2015-08-23 05:06 trinque: I demand for this to never have happened at once!
asciilifeform: ahahahahaha the 'we'll pretend breeder reactor never happened so to prop up petroworld' folx.
asciilifeform: the mother of all 'unhappenings', it has been known to anyone who gives half a shit, with all the proof you could possibly ask for from a mafia op where 'talkative' folks with hard proof get plugged immediately -- and still 'never happened.'
mod6: i beleive that mentally, when you read a rating, you grok this text on some level, which invokes some type of response. i can be ignored, sure, but it happened never the less.
mircea_popescu: (for the innocent : there was a 2015 "we'll take mosul in spring" thing, also. you never hear anything about it today BECAUSE the key of usg behaviour is exactly http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523269 : they make one a year. if this year's fails then "it never really happened" ; if it succeeds then "see, we always win, told you so!") ☝︎
mircea_popescu: which they disavow and so pretend it never happened so it's "free" ie unexplaiend income
mircea_popescu: this never happened as far as we know. it is certainly far beyond what contagion can provide.
mircea_popescu: the idiots may think that unreported crime/fires/rapes/whatever never happened, but it's not how it works.
asciilifeform: never did, unless it just now happened
asciilifeform: what, jpeg never happened there ?
a111: Logged on 2016-09-11 16:15 mircea_popescu: in other lulz & assorted "daily wtf that never happened on the bitcoin network and if it did it's mp's fault anyway", a86c3b4efb1be5862dff6740a16cae83a785e78eb8a81b49c6f3337ca8e0b1cc being high-S got malleated by da3008e8b15d36343bc07c05cf107a7b6d29df0467901401410f8fe0d8c76488 which however... doesn't actually exist.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz & assorted "daily wtf that never happened on the bitcoin network and if it did it's mp's fault anyway", a86c3b4efb1be5862dff6740a16cae83a785e78eb8a81b49c6f3337ca8e0b1cc being high-S got malleated by da3008e8b15d36343bc07c05cf107a7b6d29df0467901401410f8fe0d8c76488 which however... doesn't actually exist. ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: did i fall into a parallel universe some time recently where linus lifting the hurd userland never happened ?
asciilifeform: i'ma bet it'll be 'pretend never happened', vs. hannoboeckization.
mircea_popescu: it never happened for it to reach 0 ; nor ever will.
asciilifeform: 'it never happened, and, oh, incidentally, hanno boeck! and hey craigwright is satoshi, and hey, big blox! and it never happened.'
asciilifeform: because It Never Happened! And If It Did, We Had It First! And Better! And Hanno Boeck! And Who Were Those Terrorists Again?
mircea_popescu: this wasn't a deliberate thing. it just never happened. i fully intend to do it once, if i have occasion.
asciilifeform: if asciilifeform had not personally watched mircea_popescu drink a cup of coffee, he might now suppose that it had never happened !
a111: Logged on 2016-05-01 17:40 mircea_popescu: the reason you do not want to discuss anything with hitler, such as for instance in the shape of hitler's own propaganda magazine "interviewing" you is that they aren't interviewing you. what they are doing is trying for a "o noes scandal and wilhelm lost all his support" piece. if it works, they got it, if it doesn't work, "it never happened".
shinohai: of course they didn't, fork chain so this never, ever happened
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507141 << this "newbie was an earlier version of you" never fucking happened in reality. it was just the fashionable hash for the pipe the wikipedia-generation idiots were smoking. ☝︎
asciilifeform: (less of a practical interest and more of a 'this never happened!111' item.)
mircea_popescu: if it blows up, you can always "hard fork"^H"pretend it never happened".
a111: Logged on 2016-06-21 15:22 mircea_popescu: and in other lulz : wordpress interface dies if one tries to publish a 10mb text article with "unknown error". apparently this has never happened before.
mircea_popescu: nono, that never happened. hanno boeck published it first!
mircea_popescu: ever more stuff for the "it never happened and hanno boeck did it anyway" machine.
mircea_popescu: and in other lulz : wordpress interface dies if one tries to publish a 10mb text article with "unknown error". apparently this has never happened before. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: (nobody could have predicted&it never happened etc)