▁▁▁▁▁▁▁⏐︎▁ 2549
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2017/qntra-sqntr-august-2017-statement/ << Trilema - Qntra (S.QNTR) August 2017 Statement
mircea_popescu: and in other early birds getting the worm, http://68.media.tumblr.com/e0f11a8e2e67a37bf2912673a7c17573/tumblr_ntkc25tpPZ1tlfgs7o1_500.gif
asciilifeform: in other lullatronics,
asciilifeform: 13:20 < eb3c90> I like the idea of BCIs , but not found a computer I trust enough to interface with yet. ☟︎
asciilifeform: ...
asciilifeform: 13:25 < fltrz> I also have issue with trustworthiness of computers, but even more so for any future mass deployed BCI interfaces by say facebook etc
asciilifeform: elsewhere,
asciilifeform: 12:33 < TMA> eb3c90: for all I know, any progress (or even any "progress") so far was made by increasing cooperation -- i.e. reducing autonomy
asciilifeform: 12:36 < TMA> eb3c90: which somewhat bothers me, because I feel I need to be autonomous, for I am unable to cooperate meaningfully [as measured by not ripping off/not being ripped off]
asciilifeform: didjaknow!
BingoBoingo: lol
BingoBoingo: !!Up ppsk
deedbot: ppsk voiced for 30 minutes.
ppsk: hows it going
BingoBoingo: Not too bad
BingoBoingo: WHo is your daddy and what does he do?
ppsk: is there any reality where you can read that line and not automatically imagine it in an austrian accent
ppsk: are there any other blogs worth reading, similar but not necessarily the same as Mircea's? ☟︎
BingoBoingo: That doesn't look like an answer to zee question
ppsk: my daddy is dead
ppsk: so he does nothing. Nothing at all, would be my guess.
BingoBoingo: Acceptance is the answer. You don't *have* to be such a downer about things.
ppsk: mkay
BingoBoingo: !~step 3
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Error: "step" is not a valid command.
BingoBoingo: !~step3
jhvh1: 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
ppsk: i feel like im missing out on an in-joke
BingoBoingo: Or perhaps a new way of life?
BingoBoingo: Have you tried getting news from Qntra?
ppsk: coincidentally, i just found qntra yesterday
ppsk: Its strange, you all seem to be involved in rather significant events in the world, but you wouldn't know it from interacting with any easily accessible source of information, and certainly not from interacting with the redditard crowd
asciilifeform: !#s unhappened
a111: 26 results for "unhappened", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=unhappened
asciilifeform: !#s never happened
a111: 304 results for "never happened", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=never%20happened
asciilifeform: ^ intro to subj
asciilifeform: ( most, imho, compactly summarized in http://btcbase.org/log/2014-06-04#700916 ) ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2014-06-04 00:08 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the buggers' traditional defense is to pretend that the event was a non-event - or, if this is impractical, to continue living in an imaginary world where they 'scooped' the story first, and all of the 'unsanctioned' discussion never happened.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/09/trump-to-pressure-congress-sets-collision-course-over-hussein-bahamas-legacy-of-executive-overreach/ << Qntra - Trump To Pressure Congress, Sets Collision Course Over Hussein Bahamas' Legacy Of Executive Overreach
BingoBoingo: ^ Brought to you by the latest innovations in Lulzcasting
BingoBoingo: ppsk: Anyways if you want to get caught up, read the logs for 2013 and the past six months.
asciilifeform: !!up ppsk
deedbot: ppsk voiced for 30 minutes.
ppsk: thanks, will do
BingoBoingo: Also, make sure you get to a healthy weight by the time you get to the 2015 logs, or you can't say you weren't trigger warned.
mircea_popescu: loller
BingoBoingo: Sometimes they cooperate
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 4084.43, vol: 29399.06186728 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 4044.3, vol: 74418.1876708 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 3841.461129, vol: 34313.76140000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 4244.2, vol: 10540.5709551 | Volume-weighted last average: 4019.59238548
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market Ferrari
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Error: This is not one of the supported markets. Please choose one of ['bcent', 'okc', 'btcn', 'coinbase', 'cbx', 'btce', 'bfx', 'btcavg', 'btcde', 'krk', 'bitmynt', 'btsp'] or 'all'
BingoBoingo: Meh, coaster
asciilifeform: !~later tell mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/w76wV/?raw=true
jhvh1: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
deedbot: http://www.contravex.com/2017/09/04/file-under-hoodrich/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - File under #hoodrich
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-05#1710742 << what['s "bci" supposed to be in human language ? ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-05 03:51 asciilifeform: 13:20 < eb3c90> I like the idea of BCIs , but not found a computer I trust enough to interface with yet.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-05#1710756 >> sure. thelastpsychiatrist.com is pretty good. oglaf.com is also pretty good. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-05 04:06 ppsk: are there any other blogs worth reading, similar but not necessarily the same as Mircea's?
mircea_popescu: the naggum archive, though epistolary in stile, also much appreciated in these halls. though prolly worth more for the commentary than for what it says.
mircea_popescu: and i'm sure i'm forgetting something.
mircea_popescu: + the logs, goes without saying.
hanbot: mircea_popescu> what['s "bci" supposed to be in human language ? "Brain-computer interfaces allow you to manipulate computers and machinery with your thoughts." i.e. 'mirror mirror on the wall, who's the bestest of them all? (me! me! me!)', i'm guessing.
mircea_popescu: eh ffs
mircea_popescu: i am very happy with the computer interfaces as were available cca 1960. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: in fact, there has been NO improvement in the field. gorilla-arm touch screens are exactly the equivalent of the "NEW! BETTER! MODERN! SLEEK! WILL TAKE OFF ANY DAY NOW!!!" "3d vision" crap. comes back on a 17.8 year period like some fucking comet of stupid, "hey, maybe they'll like it this time"
mircea_popescu: like some god damned "restaurant" / morgue of some roach motel, "keep bringing the pasta in, dwayne, who cares it's 9 months old. they're paying for it eventually!"
mircea_popescu: all the progress in terms of "BCI" has been shittier keyboards and latency in the machine. noty. ☟︎
hanbot: hey, if they keep pushing for things getting easier, eventually the computer will boot and shoot the user, who no longer has to confront the pesky toils of living. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: if only. ☟︎
hanbot: btw mircea_popescu can haz a bot call command? is http://www.contravex.com/trilema-bots-directory/ accurate, ie next in line is !A?
mircea_popescu: !#s "!A"
a111: 59 results for "\"!A\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22!A%22
mircea_popescu: hanbot yeah, last given is iirc lobbesbot 's !Q. so you can have !A
hanbot: kk
asciilifeform: !~later tell mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/4lO1B/?raw=true
jhvh1: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-05#1710807 << 'bci' has 0 to do with keyboards, shitty or great, it's that thing where they drill into yer brain and put electrode. so far worx well enough for quadriplegic to no longer be stuck with ye old blink-morse, nao has 2d mouse cursor ( this however is not new, decade or so iirc ) ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-05 06:09 mircea_popescu: all the progress in terms of "BCI" has been shittier keyboards and latency in the machine. noty.
asciilifeform: ( the people who gave us shitty kbd and gorilla-arm, the heathens refer to as 'hci'. ) ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-05#1710808 << this, in the form of the comp that actually kills you when you die in world of whatevercraft etc, is an ancient dream. and pretty sure that ~every kid reinvents it. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-05 06:11 hanbot: hey, if they keep pushing for things getting easier, eventually the computer will boot and shoot the user, who no longer has to confront the pesky toils of living.
asciilifeform: picture the 'realism' !
asciilifeform: if usg were to unban it, it'd take over the american market overnight: deathstation !
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-05#1710804 << oblig! >> http://www.loper-os.org/?p=861 ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-05 06:07 mircea_popescu: i am very happy with the computer interfaces as were available cca 1960.
asciilifeform: ( observe what was available in 1960s, but NOT today... )
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in monkeystan, https://archive.is/6t8bO >> 'The NYPD has to scrap the 36,000 smartphones it gave cops over the past two years because they’re already obsolete and can’t be upgraded, The Post has learned. The city bought Microsoft-based Nokia smartphones as part of a $160 million NYPD Mobility Initiative that Mayor Bill de Blasio touted as “a huge step into the 21st century.”' ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: ( replaced with.... ipnoje )
phf: internet is fascinating from moscow. i didn't realize how many websites are mediated by cloudflare, but now i know because every few clicks i'm asked to confirm that i'm not a bot ☟︎☟︎
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-05#1710829 <<< bwahahaha perhaps phf haz attained evil Russian botnet master status. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-05 14:30 phf: internet is fascinating from moscow. i didn't realize how many websites are mediated by cloudflare, but now i know because every few clicks i'm asked to confirm that i'm not a bot
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG s.nsa customers! all outstanding FG orders to today SHIPPED !
mod6: mornin'
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-05#1710809 << lol ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-05 06:11 mircea_popescu: if only.
lobbes: Just ordered my 480gb ssd for my soon-to-be trb node. Hopefully big enough, but after review of the logs it sounds like the things die long before they fill
asciilifeform: lobbes: the bigger ssd, the longer life, consider why
asciilifeform: ( entirely aside from 'blockchain grows to fill it' )
asciilifeform: lobbes: make absolutely sure that you have 'trim' working.
asciilifeform: otherwise your disk will burn out in half or less of the time.
lobbes goes to read up on 'trim'
asciilifeform: ( 'trim' is the procedure whereby space marked empty by the fs, is made known to the write-levelling controller )
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-22#1701701 << thread ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-08-22 02:09 asciilifeform: fstrim !
ben_vulpes: archive.is dead?
asciilifeform: seems to work here
mod6: i feel like we aught to make our own mirror ☟︎
ben_vulpes: i keep getting cloudflare 502s
asciilifeform: mod6: several folx, incl. asciilifeform , attempted, turns out that it is harder than looks at first glance
trinque: an archive.is mirror would be colossal, and not in the idiot american "synonym for super ossum" sense
asciilifeform: mirror useful, but replacement imho moar useful.
trinque: aha
mod6: wb
mircea_popescu: ty!
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-05#1710819 << yes yes, i'll make my own categories and draw my own separators if you dun mind. ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-05 13:16 asciilifeform: ( the people who gave us shitty kbd and gorilla-arm, the heathens refer to as 'hci'. )
mircea_popescu: "brain interface" my foot.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-05#1710827 << picked wrong reality winner. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-05 13:25 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in monkeystan, https://archive.is/6t8bO >> 'The NYPD has to scrap the 36,000 smartphones it gave cops over the past two years because they’re already obsolete and can’t be upgraded, The Post has learned. The city bought Microsoft-based Nokia smartphones as part of a $160 million NYPD Mobility Initiative that Mayor Bill de Blasio touted as “a huge step into the 21st century.”'
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-05#1710829 << o ya, us.net is about as broken as china's. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-05 14:30 phf: internet is fascinating from moscow. i didn't realize how many websites are mediated by cloudflare, but now i know because every few clicks i'm asked to confirm that i'm not a bot
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-05#1710847 << not even false, but we need our own isp first. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-05 18:54 mod6: i feel like we aught to make our own mirror
mircea_popescu: typical "and ima use the redundant capacity for" job.
asciilifeform: there ~is~ unfilled bandwidth on dulap.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-05#1710855 << point was that it was even lulzier snakeoil than apparent -- the solarshade derps actually dream of jacking microshit directly into their skulls ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-09-05 21:25 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-05#1710819 << yes yes, i'll make my own categories and draw my own separators if you dun mind.
mircea_popescu: there is that.
mircea_popescu: it's not so much that the pantsuit is a chtonic cult, but rather that the entire, complete and sole aspiration of these scumbag's lives is to climb back into mom's amniotic sac.
mircea_popescu: as they say, if you're not going up you're thereby going down, and indeed - the unmaturing avortons are not merely stationary, but regressive.
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 4404.39, vol: 20658.66876474 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 4380.6, vol: 57407.73113621 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 4464.71, vol: 7024.87653203 | Volume-weighted last average: 4393.31965988
mircea_popescu: if hussein bahamas didn't (somehow, incomprehensibly) manage to convince everyone forevermore that black people are fundamentally and for that reason unfit for any sort of social participation, this cinematic atrocity with will smith certainly does.
mircea_popescu: "six degrees of separation" from humanity. rocks are five degrees, computers are like three. will smith is six.
mircea_popescu: along with sutherland and whoever is the anon dumb bitch playing opposite.
BingoBoingo: lol
BingoBoingo: https://i.imgur.com/b4EQzns.png
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: laugh, but there was actually a shitstarter featuring a similar object.
asciilifeform: ( iirc -- funded. )
shinohai: BingoBoingo: I'm not interested if it doesn't have it's on HOSE blockchain on Ethereum.
ben_vulpes: subject of all-caps ethercrap: https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2017/09/04/ico-of-the-day-synthetic-rhino-horn-erection-pills-on-the-blockchain/
asciilifeform: lol!
ben_vulpes: aaand the pacific northwest is on fire
ben_vulpes considering buying a few air filters for the haus
asciilifeform: did we ever do the 'usg is directly responsible for every forest fire' thread, or is it immediately obvious how, and dun need thread..?
ben_vulpes: the firefighting project in place since the fifties or so?
asciilifeform: aha
ben_vulpes: no asciilifeform it's thanks to al gore and global warming dontcha know
asciilifeform: aka kindling-piling.
ben_vulpes: "nono, it's the two degrees warmer winters that let the beetles chew through more forest than usual!"
asciilifeform: lolaha.
ben_vulpes: nevermind that if one just let the dead wood burn out every five years as god intended the beetles would be vastly less numerous and their impact negligible
ben_vulpes: "okay well i guess a little of column a and a little of column b..."
ben_vulpes: folks gotta have their cabins in the middleoffuckingnowhere and mother government gotta keep their 'investments' from burning down.
ben_vulpes: now if these remote outposts were made of stone perhaps this would be less of a concern, but they gotta be made cheaply, and out of the same vinyl as the rest of the shitboard housing stock
ben_vulpes: because race-to-the-bottom in highly regulated markets.
ben_vulpes: but this is an old thread.
trinque: relatedly, it's been lulzy listening to all the new houstonians re: "holy shit global warming superhurricanes"
trinque: uh? ever heard of texas folks?
trinque: it tries to kill you.
trinque: if you let it win, you lose.
trinque: d'oh, *if you let it!
ben_vulpes: oregon very definitely does not try to kill denizens on a regular basis; might explain the weenie factor in these parts
asciilifeform got a chinese arm board going, 'mx28', after it was quite near the rubbish bin. tip for future folx trying to get one of these things up, but it resets itself every second or so : look for 'watchdog' in the schematic, and try to find and kill ☟︎
asciilifeform: it's this idiocy that autoresets crashware 'because writing correct software is impossible' or somesuch.
asciilifeform: built into -- apparently -- every arm soc
asciilifeform: and enabled BY DEFAULT on chinese pieces of shit.
asciilifeform: infuriating.