mircea_popescu: anyone happen to recall the trilema article in which i explain it's a fucking stupid idea to shoehorn female sexual choice into a source of male hierarchy because it puts all sorts of problems in the lap of young sluts they have nfi how to resolve ?
a111: Logged on 2014-07-30 13:57 asciilifeform: g: 'show me the real budget.' a: 'you're asking too much. that's off limits to you.'
mod6: are you talking about the one where the intellectual creepy geek posts the ad for the girls?
mod6: ah. i did like the butts in there tho :]
mod6: Update: Cleanup, and construction of new automated tests to provide functional test coverage for V-99994 is now underway.
trinque: asciilifeform: cannot pull up pages on the site atm
trinque: must be cranking on phuctoring
trinque: know what, those reverse dns and geolocation lookups shouldn't even be on the gpg keys, and I don't see yet what it's matching in them.
trinque tapes in another if statement
ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel_p: imma host this thing for you, k?
trinque: I switched the lookups to only ones concerning ssh keys
ben_vulpes: how does phuctor know the key's been revoked?
ben_vulpes: how does your gpg know it's been revoked
ben_vulpes: just out of curiosity, asciilifeform, why is key download...a submit button?
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: because I've already had a legion of idiots (#clim) show up when I show off masamune in public.
ben_vulpes: for some reason my child is motoring about
ben_vulpes: but anything with google in the dns is not hosted what madness are you spouting
ben_vulpes: decrypted and viewed, imma host it for you. decrypted.
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: I've things to do today, bbl with well-formed thoughts and details.
ben_vulpes: why you insist on unloading into your own foot is /beyond/ me
trinque: ahaha the timing of that ben_vulpes
gabriel_laddel_p: ben_vulpes: if so, whatever, I'll have plenty of money soon enough, for now: will do what must be done.
ben_vulpes: i have utterly nfi why you want it held tightly
gabriel_laddel_p: ben_vulpes: it is 14 min long, go, watch the whole thing, think about it for a bit and get back to me.
trinque: asciilifeform: oh? getting munched by the archive bot
ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel_p: i saw a few names and project details, figured they were placeholder content
ben_vulpes: look put a proper promotional video together you'd be happy to see in public
ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel_p: fwiw i watched it before pinging you, nevertheless
ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel_p: seriously the cryptic theatrics grate
ben_vulpes: imma leave phuctor to stuff the log, kid is awake and i'm going to squeeze a skosh more dopamine out of the evening
trinque: asciilifeform: remove from RSS for now?
trinque: probably would involve replication to a db not doing the phuctoring
trinque: maybe by shipping WAL logs over
trinque: you can ship the write ahead log chunks from one db to others
trinque: offering solutions for the turd you have, not the turd you wish you had
trinque: but not much of a recommendation can be made blind, anyway
trinque: what's the load of the box? or is it just the locking you mentioned?
trinque: if you are already loading whole db, dumping whole db, repeat, could fart the thing into a second display database somewhere in there.
trinque: that I can read your mind.
trinque: and see what I didn't write
trinque: nah, folks just have certain fetishes I'm not fond of.
trinque: having a read db separate from workhorse db is pretty normal.
trinque: why the fuck would you move what didn't change
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 950.26, vol: 11073.38925604 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 923.773, vol: 4625.85574 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 951.38, vol: 18526.56234319 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 969.55344, vol: 2316075.93990000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 952.598, vol: 2069.05155333 | Volume-weighted last average: 969.214551874
mircea_popescu: !#s 13F108608387F5E5568FFC67485A35CE2C73D40B9CEB1055DE69F99BF35822F4
mircea_popescu: as you say, odds of it being composite in the end pretty good anyway
mircea_popescu: so is it 8ball that finally climbed into "clever" territory ?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes a space in the set of integers where nsa parked its special, "secretly" nonprime eggs.
mircea_popescu: so you did nothing, the 8ball didn't do it, and it's not a rank repeat.
mircea_popescu: at least i banned a bunch of people for join/part spamming the logs today
a111: Logged on 2016-12-31 04:06 asciilifeform: you are ready to part with this feature, trinque ? because i happen to use it quite often
trinque: lel, it's been a busy day!
ben_vulpes: yes asciilifeform pops each one by hand
mircea_popescu: give the man some space to figure out wtf happened ; if it turns out they're valid we can always put them in later.
mircea_popescu: the odds of hundreds, if not thousands, of composite (with two, or more, prime factors) being also the factors of other moduli seem slim./
mircea_popescu: you don't understand. you're supposed to know when you cause core dumps and just work around it.
trinque: the linux combustion engine, explodes 300 times per second
a111: Logged on 2016-12-30 22:18 asciilifeform: historically accurate to the point of wtf -- even radio controls (what good are they in a sim?) are there.
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-31#1594446 <<< i'm confused, isn't the 8-ball a set of factors that you multiplied into the running product, and for which 're-running' makes little sense, as being already present in the global factors product?
☝︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-12-31 03:26 asciilifeform: and where was this pop when i first ran 8ball
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-31#1594781 << hmm. what i could do is, check that all generated gpg keys have the right e and N (by comparing to the e,N,IP CSVs that i fully trust); to make sure that i didn't mess up the gpg-generation thing. i don't think it'd be really possible, and i had done some manual checks before, but maybe worth to write an automated full-on test.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2016-12-31 04:43 asciilifeform: this would of course mean that Framedragger's set contained massive dupeage somehow.
Framedragger: probably a useful piece of code to have anyway; actual tests for proper maintenance. :)
a111: Logged on 2016-12-31 04:50 asciilifeform: 'The ability to limit concurrent coredumps allows dumping core to be safely enabled in these situations without affecting responsiveness of the system as a whole. I have several servers running with this patch applied (actually backported to v2.6.26) and it has allowed me to deal successfully with the situation described above.'
trinque: > thanks to bill for increasing my swap space
Framedragger: but they expanded my cell's volume so i have room to walk around now
trinque: damn, I was born that year
Framedragger: (actually, i'm sure you've considered all this, so sorry for assuming you may not have)
mircea_popescu in #freenode ; <mircea_popescu> christel is there some manner to opt out of the cutesy/pointless global notices ? or otherwise out of these global notices altogether ?
mircea_popescu: but do you suppose christel feels the need to ANSWER ? no, he'll just speak. because hey, we're all on fucking tv over here.
mircea_popescu: you should see that channel, it's like camwhores' chatrooms exactly.
shinohai: mircea_popescu: You can unset those with /umode -w
shinohai: I think /ignore *!*@freenode/staff/* NOTICE works as well
mircea_popescu: the point, however, is that before i will use the tools, i'd rather parlay with the idiots as if they were, somehow, people.
mircea_popescu: of course i have the tools. my existence is not limited or in any way described by the acts of idiots.
jhvh1: shinohai: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: i don't know how new they are. seem pretty well formed.
mircea_popescu: hurr. "if we want to use the anal orifice later on and you linked something it may give it away. use this lube.'
mircea_popescu: sure. they know how to do it ; llvm is not "a competitor" for gcc, the notion that someone could "hold out" is nonsense. llvm was written quite exactly with full knowledge of gcc in mind.
phf: we briefly exploerd this fun fact back when static linking became a thing (with bitcoind)
mircea_popescu: this being the difference between a technology company like apple and a media company like yahoo, aka microsoft : the former actually fit gcc / their erstwhile competition in head. the latter just blather on in the hopes the holy paper clip will help with the printing press.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform to say it again : llvm is not "a competitor" for gcc. llvm was written quite exactly with full knowledge of gcc in mind. you know they fully understand how gcc works, and i don't mean on the first order, but on the last, BECAUSE of little signs like these.
mircea_popescu: llvm is, from a gnoseologic point of view, a superset of gcc, the upper node.
mircea_popescu: you are going to examine the glue holding labels to bottles now ?
phf: windows for a longest time had a very stable abi, as per "you can run windows 95 programs still!1", where's i suspect mac os x probably doesn't. it's the same problem on openbsd, sure you can static link, but you will have to recompile after the next release.
mircea_popescu: someone, or for the sake of rigor, "someone", a tom knight equivalent, sat down and read all of gcc, slowly, loaded it in head. i do not mean, "one version". i mean ALL of gcc, like i know words in the sense of who is their mother and their father and the fine degree derivatives in all trees in ten languages. all of gcc.
mircea_popescu: and then thought abvout it, and then came up with a model for a world which includes gcc, and then ran simulations of that world and evaluated which moves best serve a specified interest.
mircea_popescu: but not just llvm - the whole world exists, and it produces things such as "'Static linking of user binaries is not supported on Mac OS X. Tying user binaries to the internal implementation of Mac OS X libraries and interfaces would limit our ability to update and enhance Mac OS X. Instead, dynamic linking is supported (linking against crt1.o automatically instead of looking for crt0.o, for example). We strongly recommend tha
☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: t you consider the limitations of statically linking very carefully, and consider your customer and their needs, plus the long-term support you will need to provide."
mircea_popescu: which is NOT a random string, nor the result of a markov process, run on dry sand or wet protein.
mircea_popescu: yes, but you miss that very point. it is not "somewhat like", it is exactly and precisely like the thing it is.
mircea_popescu: the "apple software ecosystem", while on a level dysfunctional as ben_vulpes oft informs us, is on another edge intricately designed.
mircea_popescu: not as productively, yes, not for the end user, at any rate, but there never was a rule that intelligence be benevolent.
mircea_popescu: much more so than windows, which is entirely indistinguishable from yahoo, or time warner, or ibm.
trinque: perhaps worth reminding whose hardware comprises much of the modern NSA panopticon
mircea_popescu: this apple, nsa, whatever, nobody gives a shit, but this "apple" is the empire's last hope, half-Alphabet-half-AAPL-half-contractors whatever it is.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "it could buy russia" does not mean - it could. it means - if anyone on our side has a prayer - them.
mircea_popescu: and it is a hope based on something, right or wrong. "is russia more complex than gcc ?"
mircea_popescu: what rms thought, in his amusing naivite, to be defending hadn't in fact existed for a decade by the point news of it reached him. fruhlingserwachen, the steiner offensive.
trinque: mircea_popescu: I've wondered whether it is apt to call these human aggregates gods, in that the term was a passable label for distributed-world-model running among nodes of a wot
trinque: but then I don't know enough about that end of things to know whether the ideology actually flowed from a particular fountain
mircea_popescu: i would say it is improper, because the fundamental quality of a god is that it's not constructible, much like no woman ever came in the shape of a lego set, be the parts delivered together or scattered in the landscape. conversely if you prefer, it is not proper because gods contain the metaphysical equivalent of a teleological dimension.
mircea_popescu: in any case, no, the clay colossi are all that - machinery, golums.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: to be a god they must have purpose without purpose ; both observably and demonstrably the Central Committee (which is what this is) do not.
trinque: it may just be an internal bias of mine that these people couldn't have ever consciously designed anything
mircea_popescu: the golumn also doesn't consciously anything, which is why dogs jack off but golums do not.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-31 06:54 davout:
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-31#1594446 <<< i'm confused, isn't the 8-ball a set of factors that you multiplied into the running product, and for which 're-running' makes little sense, as being already present in the global factors product?
mircea_popescu: man, thinks and therefore is, artifact, willed therefore here, but god is here before any will, and its being outside the possible scope of any will. which is why the ancient literary convention of the hero's journey : gods can't change. they don't give up smoking.
mircea_popescu: the brightest minds among the sheep in classics class will ask why, when apollo's arrows rained on them, did not the victims shoot him back ?
mircea_popescu: you don't make a very good teacher, even as you're a fine engineer!
mircea_popescu: the answer doesn't have to be correct, moreover can't even be. it helps the bleating kids if it is meaningful. to them.
phf: can write reams of koan annotations "next time asciilifeform shouldn't forget his umbrella!"
trinque: as all gods of which I'm aware are written (willed) narrative, there's an interesting membrane there
trinque: I suppose for now there is an equivalence between god and golum in my perhaps thick skull
mircea_popescu: how's this unlike there being an equivalence between if and for ?
mircea_popescu: they're different concepts, they do different things, what sort of code results from randomly switching if and for calls around ?
trinque: I'm saying a man creates "apollo" the symbol as an act of will
mircea_popescu: "but they're both written down with letters". so what if they are. if i shoot an hour of a woman fucking half a dozen men, thereby i've constructed a woman ?
trinque: yet another man perceives him as bedrock reality there before the stars
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform your plan on transfer of authority among keys relies on what exactly ? an unnanounced, ad hoc scheme whereby the weakest link is your continued voice in chan ?
trinque: asciilifeform: I will inspect the key then pop it in
mircea_popescu: now do me a favour and also deliver the habit of sorting what you say in order of node importance!
mircea_popescu: "i gotta borrow trinque for a minute. i scrubbed the expiry off my pgp key, which of course makes a new pubkey even if it is the same modulus as before" not "i gotta borrow trinque for a minute. i have a refreshed (nonexpir) pubkey as of 5 min ago"
mircea_popescu: but to continue, is the number 4 like that, one man made, another perceived ? how about fire ? was fire invented, like "the united states of america", like any fine story ?
trinque: I can see the distinction there.
mircea_popescu: apollo the symbol strives to mark down the discovery of apollo the god, much like ٤ stives to mark down the number 4. you wouldn't know it to look at the poor thing, but it is what the ~actual~ arabic numeral for a set of four items looks like.
trinque: I would say then that I have something political signified by the symbol god in my table, and have no allocated term for the other thing
mircea_popescu: and in this perspective, arguments as to the existence of gods become truly amusing. even in a world in which, through some strange workings of happenstance, no set of four items did in fact exist, nor ever had, and supposedly never will... there's also no number 4 ?
mircea_popescu: and on the other hand, "the number four told me to headbutt a door!". really, it did ? i suppose, perhaps, if the number four is followed by a double-sifr and occurs on your blood test result sheet right where the locals wrote "glucemia" it may be said "the number four told me to stop eating icecream", but it is rather forcing the point.
mircea_popescu: and it just goes on from there, "the real number 4 is the root of polynomials in my daily life and so i believe in it ; but the number 4+i priviledges the properties of abstract spaces over things much more important to us and therefore...i do not consent to its existence." hurr.
trinque is here, furrowing brow, while some neurons work their way from here to the thread re: void
trinque: no, and I perceive that proceeding further will require more than a casual understanding of mathematics.
mircea_popescu: fortunately, mathematics is simple. V is the set of all sets. by convention, the first index, V0, is the empty set.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: V5 contains 65536 elements. V6 contains 2*65536 elements.
mircea_popescu: when you first expand your sex life to include a woman, you vividly remember her, and everyhing, minute detail. and once it further expands to include two, still. and three, and slightly dimmer four. by six its growing steadily dimmer, and maybe by the 7th is the first time you start losing track of them.
mircea_popescu: reality diverges much more slowly thay representation. but this inequality offers no challenges to the validity of either reality or representation. they are what they are, they do what they do.
trinque: it is the empty set that explodes in circles in my mind, not that I deny that it must be named first. that the definition of all things has void as a dependency induces virtigo when looking out at the world.
trinque: and aside an aversion to pain or suffering or whatever.
trinque had both leg and own cock chopped open while awake on separate occasions!
trinque: thanks, I'll have to be off for now.