trinque: yet another post of reddit quotes from danielpbarron. this is sad.
☟︎ danielpbarron: if it's gonna get me a bunch of negative ratings i'd rather it get removed from the feed bot. i'd like to keep using deedbot and eulora
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron do you have a bunch of readers interested in the quotes you figure, or what's the thinking ?
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 06:57 mircea_popescu: this actually happens, you flip the pixels it "learned" and it sees the fridge and says cat.
mircea_popescu: this thing looks exactrly like argentina "comicon". bunch of braindead orcs, wtf.
diana_coman: <asciilifeform> danielpbarron: relax, no neg ratings yet. but if folx end up snoring for long enuff, i expect will tune out -> fwiw I already tuned out
☟︎ phf: asciilifeform: you can leave messages for me in the log by just mentioning my name, i always see later's before i have a chance to speak
lobbesbot: phf: Sent 17 hours and 5 minutes ago: <asciilifeform> didja ever try asking dks for PAL src's ?
phf: asciilifeform: i'm pretty sure he doesn't have PAL sources in digital form, and if he does, i think it's purely accidental i.e. there are source files on some tape or some drive, but i don't think he'll be able to find them from memory
☟︎ phf: there are 3600 era PAL sources in a form of scans, there might be some overlap between those and ivory. i doubt that's the case, but it's worth investigating
phf: asciilifeform: i saw you posted a highres photo of macivory you found on the internet, but could you perhaps post a couple of nice photos of your current board, where one can see labels on chips and whatever text on the surface
☟︎ phf: << i think danielpbarron is pushing transcendental imperative; though, and as per some of the long ago threads on subject of traditional societies, i will guess it is mostly a pose on his part. his imperative doesn't align with that of all the rest of the republic members, so it is hard to relate to on substance, but in form i find it entertaining: what happens if you confront modern christian
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 05:21 trinque: yet another post of reddit quotes from danielpbarron. this is sad.
phf: with an unwavering "because god said so right here" position.
☟︎ phf: it's certainly a dodgy, bottom of the barrel choice of venue though..
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 11:41 phf: asciilifeform: i'm pretty sure he doesn't have PAL sources in digital form, and if he does, i think it's purely accidental i.e. there are source files on some tape or some drive, but i don't think he'll be able to find them from memory
phf: asciilifeform: well, the papers have 3600 era pals
phf: hence my "how much is overlap" question
mircea_popescu: << this, for the record, is exactly how things go. one can build himself a reputation as a director, on the strength (on the ~strength~!!!) of shit like pulp fiction, or reservoir dogs, or w/e the hell. but if the one then continues in the vein of bullshit, directing animation and whatnever kill bill nonsense, uma thurman's deformed toes, that someone will ~destroy~ his reputation, an
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 07:54 diana_coman: <asciilifeform> danielpbarron: relax, no neg ratings yet. but if folx end up snoring for long enuff, i expect will tune out -> fwiw I already tuned out
mircea_popescu: d in the process his life and himself. because no, as tempting as the theory is, humans can't generally manage to destroy their reputations but survive in body or mind.
mircea_popescu: the exact same thing applies universally and throiughout. the world works a certain way, and it will continue to do so. if you build a blog on the strength of being interesting, you will destroy it with crap ; and if you build a reputation on being sane, you will destroy it with insanity. and so on. at no point is your "conviction" at issue (nor is it interesting, nor important). what's at issue is ~reality~, and reality does
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-12-01 22:13 danielpbarron: that wouldn't be the worst thing
mircea_popescu: and, while at it : the aferations of "metaphysics", specifically regarding the matter in terms of "oh, mp is so lost in the world he can't see the things beyond the world" is so much infantile aferant bullshit. be it "robo-hitlers" or "gods" or whatever other nonsense, the important property of things "beyond" the world and "above" the world and "after" the world and "ultimate" and so on is that they are not.
mircea_popescu: there's nothing BEYOND the world. the things claimed to be so are always and without exception ~inferior~ not superior in the tree of things. one's fantasies of self-realisation, be they wet dreams about little miss rottencrotch two chairs down in chem class or "the rapture", are just so much teenage wank. it dun matter if the teenager's name is moses or daniel, their wank is not "above the world". it's part of the world, and
mircea_popescu: obviously the (male) teenager's temptation is to imagine his stupid shit is "above". but this is his problem, not his "intuition" or "wisdom" or w/e the fuck.
mircea_popescu: god is ~just another trope~. like "the voyage", like "the teenage witch", like "vampires" or "magic horses" or "the island of buyan", god is just another trope. tropes are common places of fiction. fiction is a product of imagination. imagination is mildly-restrained psychogenic noise, which is a class of noise, like wetware thought or like fg output. which are phenomena, which is one half of the world (the other half being o
mircea_popescu: that's 1 trope, 2 fiction, 3 imagination, 4 noise, 5 phenomena. FIVE nodes down from the top node of all things, "the world".
mircea_popescu: and it so happens that god wank scores right there with "commercial communication" aka spam (another trope of fiction) on the scale of republican appreciation of fiction.
mircea_popescu: (and yes, /me also tuned out just about when the quotes started. for one thing because i couldn't give less of a shit about the english version of jewish texts, i can read the originals and i can't stand anglotardation)
mircea_popescu: and let it be said, translating the torah ~in english~ was a fucking stupid idea. english is not a language that can ~carry~ such things.
mircea_popescu: all the pretense of imperial brits aside, trying to build themselves an alt-english out of hammer-whacked chunks of latin and greek. because guess what, nobody today speaks 1770-level cultivated english. and certainly nobody among the self-help ikea-brand of "preachers" in the intellectually arid center of our colonies in the new world.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform moreover it makes a fucking difference WHO speaks english. which is a readily lost point. there's an episode in seinfeld (when george converts to "latvian" orthodoxy) including a soundbyte from old jewish woman with strong yidish accent, "when you die, you die. you don't go anywhere."
mircea_popescu: THAT half liner summarizes ~correctly~ the whole fucking nine paragraph thing i ended up stuck putting in above.
mircea_popescu: and it ~is~ in english. but it is not the english of Jamie McMoron, slightly overweight ex-mechanic turned "pastor" in Michigan.
mircea_popescu: because that's the fucking problem with english, it can not ~carry~. human languages have this property, that they retain in their own thick fibers, particles of the wisdom of speakers, to bestow them on the dumb neat round heads of repeaters.
mircea_popescu: english is ~thin~. it retain nothing. moron can say same words and gain ~nothing~ thereby.
mircea_popescu: certainly. which is why selection is important and meaningful. in latin. not so in english.
mircea_popescu: which is why i say, makes 0 fucking sense to have translated the torah.
mircea_popescu: this goes directly to my problem with chinese -- english is pretty much the closest thing to chinese known to white man.
mircea_popescu: consider the illustrative example of how the germans inhabiting north america ended up thinking they're "english" : the english were losing badly their war with the dutch, at the time the republic. so they decided -- the elite, that is -- to make the dutch an offer they couldn't refuse : behead the (catholic) king, import william, prince of orange-nassau as the new english king. thereby england gets a ruling class and the dut
mircea_popescu: ch get slaves to make ~and especially man~ ships cheaply.
mircea_popescu: the dutch bought, moved over, started "new england". gave the same "english" crown their new world possessions.
mircea_popescu: when a decade later the american germans revolted against europe they called it "england" for no fucking reason whatsoever.
mircea_popescu: and ~now~they go about like fucking morons, re-doing the 16th century german peasant movements.
mircea_popescu: because totally, history never happened, started over because "new" world.
mircea_popescu: to write about divinity interestingly, one needs to be aware of a ~shitload~ more stuff than is available at oklahoma public library, is the thing.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: how the fuck am i going to be interested by a three-centuries-later, three-hundred-books-unread rehash of a ~minor~ ~peasant~ movement ?! what next, we're going to sit around wondering in fascination at pete_d's accomplishments ? hory shit, some guy got married and carefully didn't piss off the in-laws his whole life. NEVER HEAR THAT STORY BEFORE PLOX TELL ME MORE!
mircea_popescu: it's like watching reality tv by & for retards, "oh, look, it's another morning, will john the retard manage to tie his shoes his time ? we will be back after a word from our sponsor, Watch Paint Dry While Flies Fuck (tm)"
mircea_popescu: you should look at their paratheological disputes sometime.
mircea_popescu: 18th century "rationalist" paintings were very keen on the cadaver synod, but this is the pongo papacy.
mircea_popescu: meh, apparently "pongo" google-denotes a dalmatian. it's the species name of a large, loud subhuman hominid.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yeah, we were discussing one here at some point also.
mircea_popescu: anyway, it's again a weakass copy of hasidism. they also had dynasties, though there's a lot of difference between tzvi hirsch and jimmy swaggart
a111: Logged on 2018-07-17 02:42 asciilifeform: 'they cloink a coupla with the sledgehammer so as to break down the find into shards the size they can fit in a pocket, after which they stick it on their oxcart'
mircea_popescu: (and the fact that nobody asked "which, the pole or the prussian" kinda is exactly what i'm talking about. what the fuck, we're going to discuss things we don't know about, meh)
a111: Logged on 2017-08-28 23:10 mircea_popescu: kanzure " Obviously there is no possiblity of meaning outside of a structure of authority, and the authority can not be predicated on the meaning."
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> this thing looks exactrly like argentina "comicon". bunch of braindead orcs, wtf. << Just about. Would be improved ~500% simply by moving it to the Kibon Pavilion or any number of other venuesfor beach proximity
BingoBoingo: Or at least catching up to small town Illinois in their festival food game
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so far i entirely agree you can't use montgomery for your purpose.
mircea_popescu: > -- Find the position of eldest nonzero bit, if any exist
mircea_popescu: Fwiw, this is incorrect. 0 ~is~ the postion of the eldest 1 if "none exist", and the comment correctly reads "Find the position of eldest nonzero bit."
mircea_popescu: Wouldn't it be (very marginally) cheaper to simply do what you did before, ie Index := W_Mux(b, Index, W_ZeroP(W)); ?
mircea_popescu: i thought you were muxing because didn't like the additions for some reason
mircea_popescu: anyway, my point is : it ~already~ cranks b forward. might as well piggyback on that
mircea_popescu: (if i understand correclty, and := is in fact better/cheaper than +)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform b, the index of the loop, cranks on every iteration.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 16:31 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it gotta crank Index forward. but nao that i think about it, could be equiv. : Index := Index + W_ZeroP(W) .
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 16:39 asciilifeform: afaik on all known irons.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 07:29 mircea_popescu: danielpbarron do you have a bunch of readers interested in the quotes you figure, or what's the thinking ?
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 14:51 mircea_popescu: the exact same thing applies universally and throiughout. the world works a certain way, and it will continue to do so. if you build a blog on the strength of being interesting, you will destroy it with crap ; and if you build a reputation on being sane, you will destroy it with insanity. and so on. at no point is your "conviction" at issue (nor is it interesting, nor important). what's at issue is ~reality~, and reality does
danielpbarron: the reason I do it is because those scriptures say to do it. All things are caused by God, even Him causing me and other saints to preach, and Him causing lost people to turn away from destruction
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-11-30 17:27 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: well, asciilifeform is not usually the 'Пастернака не читал, но осуждаю'(tm)(r) type. so yes tried to read.
danielpbarron: i can't give a rational answer. every man's religion is right in his own eyes
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 12:05 phf: with an unwavering "because god said so right here" position.
mircea_popescu: which is how a dozen writers end up writing for jerry lewis, rather than a dozen jerry lewises banging down the door of Joe Q Writer : way the FUCK more good premises than folk who can do something with them.
mircea_popescu: also why the whole "my dear folks, blog!" and everything else. the shortage is of hands not of "ideas".
mircea_popescu: but outside of this, yes, the best available recuperative reconstruction of danielpbarron 's latest shenanigans is in this vein, "trolling xtians".
mircea_popescu: that also aside, it's not a matter of " his imperative doesn't align with that of all the rest of the republic ". this is like saying "the medicine of african shamans doesn't allign with the post-pasteur views". not a matter of "not allign", a matter of "that false '''imperative''' has been floating about to 0 effect for three thousand years ; this actual imperative is manifestly more powerful."
mircea_popescu: i'm not gonna go about pretending like "whatever, ox power, combustion engine, what the hell's the difference". pretty fucking well evident what the hell's the difference.
mircea_popescu: not going back to roman numerals, either. and so following.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 18:42 danielpbarron: the reason I do it is because those scriptures say to do it. All things are caused by God, even Him causing me and other saints to preach, and Him causing lost people to turn away from destruction
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 12:06 phf: it's certainly a dodgy, bottom of the barrel choice of venue though..
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 13:14 asciilifeform: << already replied that he got'em on paper, but in treasure chest on wrong coast ( he moved to west. ) i answered with offer to pay his flight to get'em plus what to make it worth his while. no answ to this just yet.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-22 15:24 asciilifeform: next one will have to be somebody else tho
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 18:18 danielpbarron: << yes, i want my blog to be something other people in my church can be interested in reading; also i want it to be something i can share anywhere and have it lead people to the truth
mircea_popescu: g up their bungholes lo these many years, have them make channels and feedbots and what else a civilised person such as yourself has been accustomed to have access to, and then you'll have a feed.
danielpbarron: that's what i said, remove it from the feed in here. i'm not arguing to keep it showing up where it isn't wanted
mircea_popescu: otherwise what is this, meet the rich girls at yoga class two hours a week and then daydream those two hours on repead all the rest of the time you spend in the rv with the pothead and the empty takeout containers ?
mircea_popescu: i'm not even saying you're arguing ; i'm trying to point out something to you maybe who knows, it sparks teh understanding.
mircea_popescu: why is it that this church is notable in spite of not having a feedbot ?
☟︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 18:30 danielpbarron: it's rare but it happens
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform wants to hire BingoBoingo to do it ; BingoBoingo is looking around for "awk experts" to do it. meanwhile, danielpbarron is out there doing it.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: entirely fucking wrongly, trying to get sane people to be stupid, rather than trying to get stupid people to be sane. and as he says -- rarely, but it works.
mircea_popescu: over however many years, rarely but it works here and there, and soon enough you wonder where the great went and why does it have to be agained.
mircea_popescu: well, whoopdeedoo... if instead of letting the ants eat your dumb asses you ate the ants, it'd be the other way. and until it isn't the other way, it'll keep being this way, grand discovery this.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 19:25 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i kinda went away with the same suspicion.
mircea_popescu: "As far as I know, the proof in this article is the only public one which completely treats a constant-time implementation of Barretts Reduction." << check him out.
mircea_popescu: ok, so the idea is to cap his error equation, and then iterate by the cap, and that's home.
mircea_popescu: it's not even clever, it's the necessary and evident approach. which yes, is better than clever.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 20:13 mircea_popescu: it's not even clever, it's the necessary and evident approach. which yes, is better than clever.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> well, whoopdeedoo... if instead of letting the ants eat your dumb asses you ate the ants, it'd be the other way. and until it isn't the other way, it'll keep being this way, grand discovery this. << This is. I'm setting up mp-wp for a lead danielpbarron directed to us.
BingoBoingo: And it isn't like the Republic lacks people who could conveniently shit in his air conditioner
BingoBoingo: Ughhh, ustardism. Apparently I have been spoiled by a country where it is less challenging for me to piss on former and sitting president's doorknobs than it is for them to piss on mine.
a111: Logged on 2015-06-10 03:40 asciilifeform: 'watchman may not know what is behind the door he is guarding; if he knew - would steal it himself' (tm) (r) (sov army)
a111: Logged on 2018-07-05 16:22 mircea_popescu: very much in the vein of : NONE, and i mean it : not a single FUCKING ONE of these "government-sponsored oligarchs" have a penny to their name. every single one "powerful" of the democracy-socialism, be they a senator, a general, a "famous person", a "journalist", WHATHEVER they may be, made out, at all. not like bandits, not like anythings, they're as poor as church mice.