mircea_popescu: well, you know what the default reason is. "they would, if they dared".
mircea_popescu: will eat my left foot will eat. legions do not cross the rubicon because the "emperor" knows full well they'll join the barbarians the next night.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "In what we denote as "primitive societies", the superstition that knowing someone's true name gives you magic power over him is not unusual. We are hardly less primitive: why do we persist here in answering the telephone with the most unhelpful "hello" instead of our name?" << motherfucker. because if we TELL the name instead of hello, we therefore have no resources left to verify whether the other party called us or just ca
mircea_popescu: the discussion here is carried statistically, not "exceptions". i haven't picked up a phone in decades.
mircea_popescu: well, actually, they risk being shaken down for not doing it.
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 11315.0, vol: 11535.11739505 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 11312.0, vol: 43839.56523721 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 11315.0, vol: 4237.64486779 | Volume-weighted last average: 11312.7937668
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 7150 / 11312.7937668 = 0.6320277861851705
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo : they're getting $7150, should cover whatever fees / maybe a little leftover. 0.63202778 goes on your books on the right side.
☟︎ hanbot: despite high volume of high quality lit on V, if i want a frank discussion of just it (technically rather'n politically, if we presume these can be separated, and esp re geneses rather'n patchworx), not crystal clear where i'm going to go --no single exhaustive repository, etc.
mircea_popescu: !!withdraw 0.63202778 1CkK7nVMp9pjZPaDbdPu94hA6B9sqkWx1P
hanbot: if i want to understand what a genesis is, how it is made, independent of trb, say
ben_vulpes: a genesis is just a vpatch against the null codebase, results in pure additions and antecedents of false throughout.
mircea_popescu: the item is actually years old, and in point of fact the semantic content of eg "v" has changed, if subtly, almost each month since then.
mircea_popescu: here's one example : he calls it "the most serene republic of bitcoin", which was the style at the time. but in practice we omit the bitcoin part most often than not don't we.
mircea_popescu: amusingly, sorta how "born in the usa" turned into "made in us"
hanbot: here's an example: i've made a genesis of mp-wp by vdiffing against an empty dir of the same name; this when pressed results in all desired files + copy of each file appended with ".orig". leaving aside that i don't even currently know why the fuck this happened, never seen it before in a press: i don't even know what to point out to ascertain that this is in fact NOT what is supposed to occur! if i was teaching a girl to do it, and she were the
hanbot: inquisitive sort, what would i say?
mircea_popescu: so polarbeard made the patches "wrongly". fine, it happens to be true. how is it verified ?
hanbot: not empty, contains v itself, but no other mp-wp files
mircea_popescu: but even if one could say "well,premature to write a v compendium, not yet even stable yet", the greater point remains. there's been a dispute of tabs and spaces in the logs. nowhere else. how would one know to look ? there's been a dispute of alphabets and trees and MANY Things that constitute the "Subtle" in the above "subtle chjanges each month".
mircea_popescu: v is esentially found today as an enchanted castle surrounded by 5000 rakes upon which the prince is welcome to step, and once he stepped he can come to us and by the shape in his forehead we can describe the rake he stepped on.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: all nice and good, especially if you're not the prince...
a111: Logged on 2018-01-24 03:32 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-23#1774906 << publish it sometime ; and also since on this trinque i'd like to use whatever wot.deedbot uses to spit the round svg graph to make a "trilema article links" thing. can i get it somewhere ?
mircea_popescu: well, at least the demand is explicitly present, better than nothing.
ben_vulpes: it's not a ch post without a broken link
mircea_popescu: this is like saying guillotining the neck rather than the mandible or the shoulderblades is completely arbitrary.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: it's somewhat arbitrary, but well supported by anatomical accident.
ben_vulpes: why stop in the womb is what i'm driving at
ben_vulpes: well i'm terribly outta shape, will spell theses out better
shinohai: I got "we need futurama suicide booths" out of that.
mircea_popescu followed a link, ended up on this trilema blog, is reading some holy shit wtf model of insanity is this.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it occurs to me this sexy problem item says what dijkstra was belabouring to say above, except a) correctly and b) fucking briefly.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-25 23:22 mircea_popescu: basically nodes are the digital equivalent of women : men fuck them so the state can have babies. hurr durr, pill plox.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-01 23:26 asciilifeform: what are ~all~ of the places where A has the ecstasy, but B does the laundry, where A!=B
ben_vulpes: they both worked this time, marvel of marvels
shinohai: My God, I think they are running out of marketing points.
mod6 catchs up on megal0g
mod6: i gotta update my wot
mod6: i just about killed myself falling on some blackice in the driveway.
mod6: hanbot: i'd be happy to work with you to figure out whatever went wrong there.
shinohai: You can't call it black ice anymore mod6, das racist.
mod6: ugh. man. this is what they call a 'hurts doughnut'
mod6: where can i get the wp-mp vpathes?
mircea_popescu: mod6 if you mean the genesis for it, afaik not yet published
mod6: is that tarball used to just unroll and go then?
mod6: maybe I can try to make a quick genesis of this to see what hanbot is seeing.
☟︎ mod6: nice recent pics there mircea_popescu
mod6: im not sure if i have a favorite, but those purple leafed plants are really eye catching to me for some reason
mod6: ok ibuprofen, do your sutff.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 03:07 mod6: maybe I can try to make a quick genesis of this to see what hanbot is seeing.
hanbot: meanwhile asciilifeform's vtron on hold until i get python on server, nfs apparently eschews
mircea_popescu: moneyshot : "Pozitiv pentru dvs nu înseamnă pozitiv pentru societatea civilă."
mircea_popescu: "Societatea civilă este partea aia mare din România care ne-a votat şi ne-a dat această împuternicire. Cei de la #rezist, dacă vor să facă un partid unic, cu Kovesi preşedinte, prim-ministru şi împărat, trebuie să vină cu acest program în faţa românilor să-l voteze. Dacă românii vor o ţară cu #rezist, schimbăm şi steagul şi imnul cu #, iar noi ceilalţi ne aplecăm cu respect. Cât nu sunt votaţi şi
mircea_popescu: au 5%, cu tot SRI-ul în spate, cu Coldea cu tot, nu poţi să vii să faci program şi să implementezi nişte idei pentru cealaltă mare majoritate care formează 50% sau 60% şi care a votat."
shinohai: It's official, I cannot make sense of Romanian before coffee.
mircea_popescu: shinohai basically it's "for as long as your secret service powered nonsense gets 2% of the vote, you can go jump in the lake". the (obviously transparent) implication being that secret services principally exist as usg influence agents these days, and are getting beheaded pretty much everywhere, from myanmar to galicia and from gdansk to bucharest.
shinohai: I like waking up to good news!
mircea_popescu: anyway, fighting the wars of yesterday. used to be, in yonder prehistory before republican times, that secret service ~= victory.
mircea_popescu: understand how this works : usg comes to buy an apple for $1000 because it imagines it'll pay $1000 to itself and get an apple. then it turns out it can't take the $1000 and gets butthurt.
mircea_popescu: "oh, corrupt politicians & terrorists stole our moneyz" and so on.
mircea_popescu: conceivably. there's a few options : ukraine went one way ; turkey went another way ; and greece went yet a third way.
mircea_popescu: whether "a nation" is actually unfit to exist, rather a political figment than a substantial thing ; or on the contrary quite apt to live and thrive and with things yet to say ; or finally long exhausted and entirely dedicated by now to programatic laziness and the comfort seeking of senescence is an open problem
mircea_popescu: but to be resolved by the group in question, neither i nor putin nor whatever papie mache in washington is going to decide this for them.
mircea_popescu: well sure. as you sit there right now typing at me, mosquitoes try to mosquitoize you, staph tries to staph you and so on.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 00:09 mircea_popescu: will eat my left foot will eat. legions do not cross the rubicon because the "emperor" knows full well they'll join the barbarians the next night.
mircea_popescu: (the sheer ridoinculousness of this, where usg has managed to recrearte for it in 2018 the situation of thje ottoman empire in 1878 is something everyone's quite pointedly invited to meditate upon. PANTSUITISM DOES NOT WORK, and stop asking women. anything.)
mircea_popescu: america was built by men who did not ask women, anything, and ruined by boys who did.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 00:36 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo : they're getting $7150, should cover whatever fees / maybe a little leftover. 0.63202778 goes on your books on the right side.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> here's one example : he calls it "the most serene republic of bitcoin", which was the style at the time. but in practice we omit the bitcoin part most often than not don't we. << If I recall there was a moment somewhere involving miner retardation where there was a discussion of the necessary subordination of Bitcoin to the Republic. Bitcoin's need of a republic is not necessarily reciprocated and all.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Lining some more up over the weekend.
BingoBoingo: After the first, figured a short wait after the first trade would be a test of gossip speed. Curious if news of a gringo spreads and all. Or if they have a club, etc.
diana_coman: ugh, that codrin stefanescu was at some point with glorious ideas ~="all I care about is that my family is doing well, the rest doesn't matter"
diana_coman: I guess that might make him more sincere than the others but not in any discernible way a better option as far as I can see
mircea_popescu: anyway, i'm not proposing here that romania is somehow respectable or has a clue ; or that X random dork is my butt buddy now. all i'm saying is, "look yonder in the reservation for mongoloids of this particular orc breed, the pantsuit kid is getting his head punched in!"
mircea_popescu: plox if anyone ever notices missing images / broken links / whatever in trilema say something, this isn't supposed to occur.
mircea_popescu now gets to spend whole morning as best case scenario figuring out what the holy shit happened.
shinohai: Or does it just redirect to random article when item isn't found?
spyked: mircea_popescu: sent a couple of pingbacks to trilema, seems to have worked (though I don't see them, it might be that they're currently in the moderation queue). output and script at
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/LZVEr/?raw=true lemme know if they show up anywhere in your wp
diana_coman: phf, the newly published chapter 7 in eucrypt is the keccak sponge but it turns out that I'll still change it from inside out for next week
diana_coman: the trouble with current version is that it's still messed up by endianness (the keccak constants are 64 bit *values* rather than bit streams)
diana_coman: next week's version of the sponge will be changed so that it works at bit level *everywhere*, idiotic constants included
diana_coman: asciilifeform, constants are stored as numbers on 64 bits at the moment
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform look, she dun sleep well and i can see why not.
diana_coman: asciilifeform, hm, that was my initial approach: as long as all of them are stored same endianness theoretically the bits fit correctly
mircea_popescu: ti si mioptrna t for the fucking idiocy to not exist in the first place
diana_coman: but I admit I am not 100% at ease that all the scramblings result in same thing; and moreover yes, I don't see the reason WHY it should be there
mircea_popescu: i am of a very good mind to forbid non-concepts like "byte" in computing in the first place.
mircea_popescu: it turns out, check this inept shit out, IT TURNS OUT that the ACTUAL REASON why "characters are not bytes" is actually and in point of fact BECAUSE BYTES ARENT ANYTHING.
mircea_popescu: there will be a bit and not more. the possibility of " and a machine word = bus size" went away when they failed to implement it correctly.
mircea_popescu: but in practice, it turns out i get ffa and other things, because my friends love me even more than i love myself.
diana_coman: if I understand correctly what you mean by that, yes; basically to start with: I'm not sure that a. as it currently stands you'll get same hash for same input on little vs big endian
diana_coman: b. input is a stream of bits; depending on whether you consider that big/little, it will go to different bits of the state
diana_coman: scrambling happens (at least in my mind) at bit level
diana_coman: and I don't quite see why wouldn't keccak operate on input bitwise
diana_coman: I suppose the "patch" would be to check endianism at runtime and use the correct constants as it were; I ...still don't see why should I have endianism in there to start with
mircea_popescu: "here's the source ; check to see it is correct ; and here's how your builder will fuck it up for you by replacing constants"
diana_coman: this is why I said earlier "check endianism at runtime" because yes, in ada you can get that
diana_coman: but "In this section we will review the effect of the Bit_Order attribute definition clause on byte ordering. Briefly, it has no effect at all, but a detailed example will be helpful" this is gold
mircea_popescu: otherwise you could just check to see if 0F is smaller or larger than F0 obviously
diana_coman: trouble is ...why is it worth having this headache to start with
mircea_popescu: well in any case, there's a week to sort this mess out.
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, ugh, I'll have to put in those link for selection, won't I
mircea_popescu: i wouldn't go so far as have to, but it is a fact it'd help me in this point.
mircea_popescu: we could actually declare big endian notation to be WRONG, on the grounds it's inconsistent.
mod6: what's weird is that it actually output that in the pressed file.
mod6: something strange is happening.
ben_vulpes: did it also crap out hanbot's .orig files?
hanbot: mod6 thanks very much for looking --that error was 2nd headscratcher for me. phf's vdiff.sh was used to make this, fwiw
mircea_popescu: big endianism is the proposition of taking a pile of bits, and sorting them such that they representing larger powers of two are later than those representing smaller powers of two ; but only for chunks of bits of an arbitrary lengths ; chunks longer are ordered in ~the contrary fashion~, so ab is to be ordered as ba by this scheme, but abcd is to be ordered as badc.
mircea_popescu: because it rotates this way it is therefore not a valid encoding and case closed.
mod6: ben_vulpes: yes, i found this one in the genesis: +(function(A){A.widget("ui.draggable",A.extend({},A.ui.mouse,{init:function(){var B=t
mod6: this: diff -uNr a/mpwp/blog/wp-comments-post.php.orig b/mpwp/blog/wp-comments-post.php.orig
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i don't understand the argument. so you write left to right, so what does this say ?
hanbot: mod6 there should be one orig, is in the mp-wp i was handed
hanbot: the issue i had yest was *all* files got a copy named filename.orig
mod6: hanbot: ok. let me take a look here...
mircea_popescu: the whole edifice is rotten. special order ? if they wanted this SHOULD HAVE CHANGED THE SIGN BIT POSITION OMFG
mod6: hanbot:
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/t0piX/?raw=true << looks that way -- however, keep in mind the entire press did not finish, so hard to say that there couln't have been more if something else wouldn't have puked from hunks or whatever.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform do it shift two and carry the last bit adequately ?
mircea_popescu: on every add. what, the cost of the shift is the issue here ?
mircea_popescu: i do noit dispute it does cost, but so does this other isnanity.
mircea_popescu: if there were a costless thing, by all means. but "between saving for six months to afford the thing i need and "buying" this other thing i don't need on easy rates i choose the former" though ?!
hanbot: mod6 yeah, makes sense
mircea_popescu: because afaik this is a whisperer's product and it THEREFORE carries no weight.
mircea_popescu: awww. so that means i can say whatever and nobody has any ground to stand on and argue "his" way ?
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 02:09 mircea_popescu: this is like saying guillotining the neck rather than the mandible or the shoulderblades is completely arbitrary.
mircea_popescu: how i regret it! every day i mourn it! they wounded me so very deeply, these idiots, with their idiotic misbehaviour! to the very core of my being i suffer for their failure to have ammounted to a hill of beans!
mircea_popescu: the other one does ~this same thing~ but ~to the machine~.
mircea_popescu: this is back to the glyphs discussion all over again. "fix your printer!"
mircea_popescu: poor arabs, they invented all this shit, we ran with it with our inept ways and nearly fucked it into the ground
mircea_popescu: and somehow THEY'RE supposed to be the uncivilised orcs.
mircea_popescu: much like xtians got gunpowder from china and it sparked.
mircea_popescu: (steam engine existed because metalworking, and the metalworking involved exists because cannons. industrial revolution is the result of having stolen gunpowder.)
a111: Logged on 2015-08-11 03:24 asciilifeform: 'ONE way of feeling infallible is not to keep a diary. Looking back through the diary I kept in 1940 and 1941 I find that I was usually wrong when it was possible to be wrong. Yet I was not so wrong as the Military Experts. Experts of various schools were telling us in 1939 that the Maginot Line was impregnable, and that the Russo-German Pact had put an end to Hitlers eastwards expansion; in early 1940 they were telling us
mircea_popescu: hmm, where the hell is the place where i say the father's responsibility to his daughter is to shove a pound of raw prime beef down her throat every day and naught else ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: nah, that's just a reference to an old romulus vulpescu translation of decameron
trinque: hm, I have a transaction for which trb considers the CTransaction "vin" vector to be empty, but which clearly has an input.
trinque: asciilifeform: makefiles + polarbeard sendrawtx
trinque: totally possible it's in the polarbearded portion. I'm digging
trinque: though I don't see how he'd have borked tx parsing
trinque: ./main.cpp: return DoS(10, error("CTransaction::CheckTransaction() : vin empty"));
trinque: pressed to makefiles then patched polarbeard atop manually
trinque: I don't see that he does anything to transaction parsing there
trinque: other tools say it's a normal tx, and see the input
trinque: nope, tx bin hex slurped from qr code
trinque: hm. winner winner chicken dinner. -3k blocks
trinque: indistinguishable from bad parse
trinque: mhm, and this is an input that was change more recently than 3k blox
trinque: heh, 0.0005 confirms instantly now. aren't we all glad the shitheads got their gigablocks
trinque: I just fired a garden variety tx and it confirmed in the next block, 0.0005 fee
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 18:03 trinque: what a terrible error message.
trinque: nope, this was the deedbot node. each time it happens, there are many external connections, and each time a restart brings it back to the top.
trinque: I do not have a hypothesis yet
trinque: this is the node we were discussing, makefiles.vpatch + polarbeard
trinque: wasn't that patch marked experimental?
trinque will be happy to start using the mainline version.
trinque: I intend for deedbot's node to always reflect current trb's behavior
ben_vulpes: was a pretty neatly surgical fix, i gotta say
ben_vulpes: given the evolution of 'v', and that the act of pressing is a private, intimate one, does "current trb's behavior" make much sense anymore?
ben_vulpes: more of a tumor hanging off the infant's face, but yeah
trinque: ben_vulpes: macroexpand my statement to "I am not adding maintaining my own wad of chosen experimental patches, regrinding them each time there is a mainline release"
ben_vulpes: suresure. what even means "a release" though, in a world where each patch now touches the changelog file. that eg ben_vulpes produces a patch that *only* touches the changelog, saying "the foundation makes of this link in the chain a checkpoint"?
☟︎ trinque: I was supposing that experimental patches would not touch changelog, patches meant for release would edit changelog
ben_vulpes: i'd rather have people chose which node on which to base their patches themselves, based on their own judgement of the quality of the priors, otherwise there's a new axis of promisetronix in play
ben_vulpes: that the world promises to deliver me a regrinding nightmare out of stitching together ten patches that all descend from the release patch
mircea_popescu: trinque if they don't touch changelog they'll have to be reground then
mircea_popescu: i suppose the idea here is to turn this into a semantic device ?
trinque: editing the changelog, "mainline" would not ever have multiple leafs, aside intentional forks
trinque: experimental patches meanwhile wouldn't, and the operator is invited to regrind the experimental item into a patch which edits changelog, if it's graduating out of "experimental"
ben_vulpes: makes for a neat delineation between patches baked in an angry stew and those selfsame patches read in the cold light of morning and possibly even reground by others as "this works, and i propose it for inclusion in the trunk"
mircea_popescu: 1. the idea to have "changelog only" patches as a signature device is a major departure from how v worked previously, it semanticizes an item that we only recently even introduced ; 2. the idea to have patches that are deliberately non-compliant so "they won't be mainline" is a solution to what i thought an inexistend problem -- why not maintain special "experumental" keys for the purpose instead, l;ike sane people ?
trinque: I don't propose "changelog only"
mircea_popescu: both 1 and 2 seem a rather "we'll fix the car by retrofitting horse carriage to it"
trinque: nor where "deliberately non-compliant" comes in
trinque: a C++ program is not reducible to particular files sliced out of it. it's the whole, and the filesystem state is a lie.
trinque: because human brains balk at a 500k scroll, so they chop the thing into bits
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 19:12 ben_vulpes: suresure. what even means "a release" though, in a world where each patch now touches the changelog file. that eg ben_vulpes produces a patch that *only* touches the changelog, saying "the foundation makes of this link in the chain a checkpoint"?
mircea_popescu: 2 was not actually stated by anyone, i'm just saying for the record.
mod6: My node got with 140 blocks, then promptly fell back behind about 400-500. but this is caused by my dedicated node running on spinning rust it appears. when i get a moment, I'm gonna call the DC and see if they'll throw in an ssd in there for me. that should cure it.
mod6: I'll hold off on sigs until i can confirm with ssd.
mod6: for instance, i have a R610 running with ssd, and when doing eatblock (sucking in all the blocks cut up via cutblk), I can process like 15k-20k blocks per day. more importantly, the IO timings are WAAAAAY lower.
mod6: so im sure that ssd will give me a huge perf boost to stay up to HEAD
mod6: if for some reason DC won't throw in a SSD, even if extra fee is paid, will find a new DC.
mod6: but, their site says they will do hardware mods via request.
mod6: so im fairly confident to get it resolved here with a simple email. will report back one way or another.
diana_coman: asciilifeform, no "advocate", more like explain: probably the thought was that after it starts it remains (magically!) always at the top
mircea_popescu: the thought was that this runs for a coupla hours after hours on uni computer
mircea_popescu: because self-effacing "nobility" of retarded white cuck.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> to me it looks completely indefensible. <+asciilifeform> WHY should boot time be special ? << aha, to me your change there seems like the Right Thing
mircea_popescu: i don't mean it was a historical event ; just as a counterfactual.
mircea_popescu: you can sorta guess when exactly the "strong independent woman" will start bawing like a little girl on the basis of the displayed priors.
deedbot: NoSatoshisHear voiced for 30 minutes.
NoSatoshisHear: ffa, some cool stuff, making a braindead c one just cause I can learn better. Sure wish I could pour some fast multiply hardware, but don't know enough prolly.
NoSatoshisHear: ex game engineer, ex intel architect, now too old to get hired. life summary.
☟︎ ben_vulpes: didja at least keep the options in the divorce?
NoSatoshisHear: intel got no options, you get a multiplier. best paid job ever.
NoSatoshisHear: I have, came last summer, fugged around, left with a copy of trb to play with, will make a real name and gpg id in the near future....
ben_vulpes: "dump trucks of money every two weeks" is how i heard it described one time.
NoSatoshisHear: you get a percent of the profit every quarter, I started at 25% of salary, and got a 10% bump at 1 year, some 20 year+ doods have 2000% multipliers.
NoSatoshisHear: left, was not happy with the system, thought it was not conducive to making new wares, but great for maintaining older established platforms.
NoSatoshisHear: was pretty cool getting to be in the architect meeting. They introduced the FU chip in 2004 as a seperate processor. I so voted it down. It sounded like a spy chip and it was.
NoSatoshisHear: I'll be damned if they didn't put that bastard into my sacred north bridge! The intel management engine...
NoSatoshisHear: yup... that is it. Started in 2004, was designed to access memory, drive, and ethernet while main cpu was asleep...
NoSatoshisHear: I worked on ICH7 and ICH8, fugging bugs out the ass in ICH7...
NoSatoshisHear: yup, every engineer who heard of the system hated it, and the vp++ loved the idea, gave control to corporate overlords of your work machine.
NoSatoshisHear: then they put the bastard in everything, moved from NB to CPU, and you know the rest...
NoSatoshisHear: Read the all, love to read. Trilema leads out to all of you guys stuff, all 1% great stuff, and 99% personal wanglings.
☟︎ NoSatoshisHear: what are my three premises? sounded like a binary joke extended. ETLA's
NoSatoshisHear: so, I may make a fun shitcoin for lulz. I like the hellcoin idea. The block gets awarded to the last 10 suckers^h^h^h^h^h miners that put a "realcoin" into the chain. We start at $100 and let people "mine" with coins, last 10 when the timer ticks down get the block.
☟︎ NoSatoshisHear: 30 minute timout shite, though I did see the key may have leaked and someone had an uploader.
NoSatoshisHear: You start with $100 in the pool, the "miners" contribute any amount of BC or other "valid" coin to bid. It goes in the pool, and the timer resets. If it times out, the last 10 get the block award.
NoSatoshisHear: try and even get the hdmi spec, I'm still looking for a "dumped" version. Love the ethernet spec they built in...
NoSatoshisHear: yes, it's just like reddits "the button", only with money. Would be serious lulz, and only an idiot would play.
NoSatoshisHear: it would not be a coin, but a gambling experiment. Either no one would play, or lots would and the game could never end.
NoSatoshisHear: yes, will do a real ID, just flaming some crap right now. I have my main server back for repairs, so when it comes home I will do the do.
NoSatoshisHear: still wonder if I mean Satoshi at one of the parties with Tim May and James A Donald and some of the other early coiners. I was surprised to find peeps I hung with in SF...
NoSatoshisHear: I worked on digital coin in 2001, but tried to find a non-net solution, and finally just gave up. When you head the wrong way, you don't get there. Still feel stupid for not buying in at $5, but I had no interest in Silk Road.
☟︎ NoSatoshisHear: so, will be back later with a verifiable ID instead of this anon lunacy, thx for the lulz and info in the meantime.
NoSatoshisHear: W00t! learned a lot from TRB, so thx to all of you maintainers! Will not make a V prolly though. Still learning lightning, now with "onion routing". HODL on, and buy my tethers plz.
deedbot: caaddr voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: caaddr: your connection through tor is going to end up irritating folks if the join/part gets too noisy.
☟︎ trinque: isn't doing a thing for you other than whatever virtue signaling with the hackerkids
lobbes: In other heathendom lulz, local conservative radio stations in my area have begun airing ads: "Bobface from Alabama made $7 million cashing out on 'crypto stocks'. You can too! Buy this b00k to learn what you need to know to get in on it"
mircea_popescu: lobbes sadly thaty book is not availablew in my country ;/ i wonder if you could buy it for me and ship it!!1
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 19:15 trinque: what is the foundation's role then?
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-25#1776348 << this is a much deeper problem anyway. emmylark chick is like "do you have a preference" re windows irc clients. i don't, i don't run windows. "what should i run ?" "err... we'll talk of this later, slut". which is fine, she's used to "you're too dumb to be told this story yet", EXCEPT in this case it's not her that's too dumb.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 19:15 asciilifeform: n00b wants to run trb. which trb will he run ?
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 21:38 trinque: caaddr: your connection through tor is going to end up irritating folks if the join/part gets too noisy.
mircea_popescu: what can you do ? she's not setting up any bouncers as a three day old.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 21:07 NoSatoshisHear: ex game engineer, ex intel architect, now too old to get hired. life summary.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 21:10 asciilifeform: NoSatoshisHear: why didja leave?
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 21:16 NoSatoshisHear: Read the all, love to read. Trilema leads out to all of you guys stuff, all 1% great stuff, and 99% personal wanglings.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 21:19 NoSatoshisHear: so, I may make a fun shitcoin for lulz. I like the hellcoin idea. The block gets awarded to the last 10 suckers^h^h^h^h^h miners that put a "realcoin" into the chain. We start at $100 and let people "mine" with coins, last 10 when the timer ticks down get the block.
deedbot: NoSatoshisHear voiced for 30 minutes.
NoSatoshisHear: so sorry, came back for 'splaining... since I usually make no sense without lots of context.
NoSatoshisHear: for MP, all 1% great stuff, and 99% personal wanglings. means 1% tech talk, love it, and 99% porn posts, personal shite, etc. Love it all.
NoSatoshisHear: and almost a dollar auction, auctioneer gets nothing, puts up the initial $100, gets lot of lulz if the crowd ever starts trying to win on the money rake game. Demos of economics are just plain w00ty tooty fun times.
mircea_popescu: hanbot hey, make a mp-wp install for the young'un ? i've a mind to publicly expose her.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-25#1776478 << in the "journal of negative results", china thing went ~nowhere, i had some 6-7 notional meatsacks try to use irc, one managed to reg a key and then fell off the map; now waiting for bisp to come online to host on republican terms
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-01-25 22:43 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-25#1776346 << i suspect his idea is "ideally, nothing". in any case foundation has not managed to keep up with the rest of the pie despite periodic prodding.
NoSatoshisHear: sorry, text talk, plus not editing my own shite leads to unclear communications. I know better, english professor grandma taught me proper diction, though I am lazy.
mircea_popescu: honestly your coin idea isn't even bad, in theory. in practice it has a fundamental flaw. you see, bitcoin acts AS A CLOCK. this is its principal function. your thing has no clock.
mircea_popescu: there's no intrinsic reason to close the auction ; if you solve this you may have something.
NoSatoshisHear: centralized system, so one server counts the ticks, it would simply be a demo of reddit "the button" style idiocy combined with gambling. Sounds viral, like the 1918 flu.
☟︎ NoSatoshisHear: you got it, dumb. a working solution would be even dumber.
mircea_popescu: yes, but a perfectly dumb item is as respectable as the perfect woman.
NoSatoshisHear: shitcoin nonsense combined with the current addicted gamblers might be a fun public spectacle.
NoSatoshisHear: Damn, I so want to tether, but I have morals unfortunately.
NoSatoshisHear: So, come on, how many BC do you really have? Not like you could ever answer, but you are really not Satoshi, and really are the Romanian guy I looked up under IEEE?
mircea_popescu: oh lol. they summoned up an imperial-flavoured alt-mp. has ~nothing to do with anything, and no other claim to fame besides "hey, we can pretend THIS is relevant".
mircea_popescu: guy exists so google can pretend to misunderstand which mircea popescu people are looking for.
mircea_popescu: not because it does anything, but because...well... it burns, what.
NoSatoshisHear: John Does down the stack... Pseudonymity is the way to go, don't hide, drown in excess data... Lol, go for it Palantir
trinque: NoSatoshisHear: plenty of folks here with their actual names.
NoSatoshisHear: exactly. I don't have any idea. Yup, looked up lots of folx with real names. Not like I hide much either.
NoSatoshisHear: Just find the pseudo named people to be fun, and I am looking for fun. That and code fun. You have provided both.
trinque: oh, do we get an upvote then?
NoSatoshisHear: damn, where is my reddit upgoat, since you have earned many.
deedbot: lurkymclurkerson voiced for 30 minutes.
NoSatoshisHear: well per loper, I may have missed it, but I don't think that was covered in 1-8.