355 entries in 0.661s
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu i see what you mean. perhaps the welfare deal could've only happened in the new world on the back of a sizeable military victory? never before, never again
mircea_popescu: afaik (and i have no clue, so don't be shy in disabusing me of false notions) it never happened among black people.
BingoBoingo: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2014/04/15/this-reader-mocked-heartbleed-by-posting-his-passwords-online-youll-never-guess-what-happened-next/
asciilifeform: (tldr - pretend the last 40 years, other than semiconductor chemistry, never happened)
asciilifeform: ended in a mistrial, and the next set of jury chumpers naturally won't be told anything, everyone pretends the 1st go never happened, etc.
asciilifeform: or that tone of voice never happened (SOP) etc.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: it's all part of the 'rule of law' bullshit, where they get to decide that certain things never happened
pankkake: VanCleef: never happened and isn't open to business now
mircea_popescu: artifexd i suppose that's the one thing that has never happened yet.
ThickAsThieves: never happened back home though
ThickAsThieves: they likely learned their lesson about confusing their audience when they announced that new thing that never happened
nubbins`: this has literally never happened before D:
mircea_popescu: did you truncate past -2/+2 or just never happened ?
asciilifeform: the software 'industry' has the memory of an alzheimer's patient. it's like the '90s never happened.
mircea_popescu: so then what am i to think of someone who proposes someone else should do what has never happened.
BingoBoingo: Vexual: I am going to sleep and pretend this game never happened
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Of course. In daytrading adventures though I was burned in february waiting for a crash or Flashcrash that never happened. Nao I hedge and bet to hedge, but largely hold things.
mircea_popescu: so basically if asics had never happened, bitcoin diff would be 10k
mircea_popescu: actually lasscoin never happened ?
KRS-: that particular assassination (drone strike) should never have happened..now additional lives will be lost without more peace talks
Diablo-D3: he likes to blame people for things that never happened just to get a reaction out of them
mod6: well if he doesn't mention it, i guess it never happened.
mircea_popescu: "Then why has it never happened for ripplepay? Why am I not paying a fee to download or upload Ubuntu ISO? Why am I not paying a fee to access this page and submit a post?"
Diablo-D3: lol now hes going to say it never happened
pankkake: It's funny how they actually never stop terrorists. I mean, if it happened, it would be all over the news
Diablo-D3: woman's lib never happened
PeterL_: I think there was a big downward movement yesterday because people were afraid all the S.Dice investors would cash out and crash the market, but it looks like it never happened
Chaaang-Noi: i never heard what happened exactly
tbux: hi. Having a big problem with the site, I won a bet and elected the winnings to be paid back to the originating address, however it never happened. Can someone who works fo rthe site PM me please.
ThickAsThieves: this never happened
mircea_popescu: zero impact, for that matter. the lemmings aren't in this channel. they will never know today happened
stslimited: woop de doo thats never happened on the internet
mircea_popescu: well... the old black swan. 'it never happened therefore it's impossible" fallacy.
mircea_popescu: "mpex is too expensive ergo it doesn't exist. the rich people there do billionty dollars, but it never happened because they don't take my fiddy bux"
mircea_popescu: literally never happened to me this.
mircea_popescu: it's never happened and quietly dropped.
Diablo-D3: So you're saying the holy crusades never happened?
Diablo-D3: thats never happened before
mircea_popescu: ZedsterX pix or it never happened.
JimRogers: or seals is claiming a cash out happened that never happened, coincidentally at the same timing and same amount as what i sent
thestringpuller: it's like the pirate month never happened...
thestringpuller: It was never disclosed to anyone what happened to the great fortune he had made in the crash of 1929, but he had lost it all. <- ugh come on
Bugpowder: that trade never happened
dub: The sooner they are regulated, the sooner users can have legal assurances that merchants are liable for their operations. The negligence seen at MTGox would never have happened in a regulated market.
mircea_popescu: I know there was some trading going on, but the volume was almost non-existent, as most people held on to the shares. Regardless of what may have happened on the exchange, the shares were never meant to be a trading stock and for all intents and purposes, I used GLBSE as a glorified excel spreadsheet to handle the distribution of the mined funds in a fast, easy manner. From the volume, I think most people agreed with
mircea_popescu: never happened to me.
mircea_popescu: in fact the situation this month where calls got wiped is singular, never happened before.
Diablo-D3: not really, because it never happened
EskimoBob: when nefario was still happy https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=77301.msg859378#msg859378 I guess this never happened or we will not be in this GLBSE shit storm we are now
smickles: this would've never happened
BTC-Mining: Aye, people are not complaining about if she has a good guess ratio. They complain about the fact she pass up unverified information as facts to push her guesses before the actual facts happen. It's like someone saying everytime "I saw that person murder someone" when it never happened and she just had a hunch about it and in her defense, claim to be right 90% of the time. Doesn't really
Bugpowder: Kluge, bro, close the computer, and pretend it never happened.
mircea_popescu: i should prolly get rid of that. some offering that never happened.
BTC-Mining: I was flabbergasted he never mentioned it on his thread. I just happened to notice it because I have his trade chart in my favorite and watch it.
mircea_popescu: it never happened, no.