273 entries in 0.808s
trinque: perhaps a man can sign his own wot time to time
asciilifeform: it was ultra-popular at one time, and remains useful 'poor man's sigint' tool
phf: "what would you do if you had a million dollars? -- i'll tell you what I'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man."
asciilifeform: the_scourge: it is simply what the tradition of shooting a man in the head second time for good measure is called on other side of the atlantic.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron suppose the woman believes and the man doesn't, and they're married. as she's to take after him in all things ; and he's to educate her in all matters, by the time of her first litter she'll be an apostate too!
trinque: mod6: any time my man. thanks for your hard work.
mircea_popescu: burning man to all comers. but properly this time.
asciilifeform: the other bit is, just as in the fpga thread, by the time anyone ~does~ spend the man-years, the requisite hardware is unavailable. see, e.g., 'movitz'.
phf: from now on i'm working on mp-wp, full time, a shell of a man. you can point newcomers at an old shambling figure, "that's phf. he's tending our flower bed"
asciilifeform: (man inheriting monkey land also spends time scraping off monkey turds, but process is only superficially similar)
asciilifeform: incidentally, less time than it takes to tell man from muppet by playing go (how many folks even play above 1995 computer level ? does mircea_popescu ? )
mircea_popescu: every time you fuck over your fellow man, an usg nigger and libertard jew cackle in glee.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> in fact, iirc it is no longer even necessary to have actual dope, there are folks doing time for packets of sugar and flour. << http://qntra.net/2016/08/man-jailed-after-allegedly-spiking-utah-police-sergeants-lemonade/
asciilifeform: 'TAO project REXKWONDO successfully enabled Country-Wide Shaping and Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) capabilities against Lebanon's Internet traffic for the first time ever.'
asciilifeform: which is sad, because by this time he could have rebirthed himself with new key and worked long enough for new key to add up to a man
phf: we host a vaudeville at burning man, we have a girl stop by every year, who does a striptease and then extracts objects of various complexity out of her snatch. mostly ribbons and eggs. i think there was one of those plastic chickens one time..
ben_vulpes: i witnesesd a feller at burning man receive the moniker of 'princess buckets' one time.
mircea_popescu: i dunno man. seemed at the time and still seems today like polish suicide.
phf: girl was complaining in ghetto from time to time "man, i'm tired of these black guys hooting and hollering after me, nigga i'm just trying to make it to the store". so we moved to "safest city in united states" and she ~hates~ it. "men here smell of desperation, frankly i'm more terrified of them then i was of ghetto guys"
phf: his objections are bogus, even the time/money thing, and they go through the usual asciilifeform escalations. thing can be taken of his hands within a week, for $5k or so, with no effort on his part, besides "take it to the front porch when a man gets there"
thestringpuller: "A wise man once said that nothing really dies. It just comes back in a new form. Then he died. So, next time you see a lowly salamander, think twice before you step on it; it might be you."
mircea_popescu: i understand there's this anglosaxon tradition of "pronouncing a man's name like he himself does" come out of the bizarre happenstance that all of england decided to drop historical pronounciation and follow the airs of random whore history has forgot to mention just about the time they realised it'd be a good idea to mark down how the language works.
asciilifeform: once upon a time, mircea_popescu met a cabbie and gave him a broomstick. but original legend did not tell us that he also gave him a 1941 nagan, complete with 'tula' and red star, loaded with 1 round, and the learned man said to the cabbie, 'when you get bored of sitting on the broomstick, here - you can stop'
mircea_popescu: hardly worth a man's time.
mircea_popescu: this is where one writes code as a young man that then makes them famous for rest of life, the c and whatnot of our time. you see what i mean ?
phf: asciilifeform: main issue with that plan is that girls notoriously take longer time in the bathroom. very rarely do i have to wait in man's bathroom, but i've now spent some time in long mixed gender lines
asciilifeform: it takes a great deal of time to cure such a man
mircea_popescu: adlai: asciilifeform: would you argue that satoshi should've switched PoW each time a new optimized (ie, gpu, fpga, etc) miner was released, at least, before he sepukkud? <<< whatever he'd argue, it is a fact that YES, satoshi should have been a man rather than an herb, and once he knew things blew up should have called forth the dragon. ☟︎
phf: my grandfather spent all his time implementing, than architecting, than overseeing bunch of other people implementing and architecting analogue avionics for su rockets, mil and "gagarin space man" kind
mod6: <+mike_c> Time for bed. I'll be around again now. << cool, man. talk to you tomorrow
assbot: Logged on 23-03-2016 23:35:31; mircea_popescu: 2 requires the man who just saw the product of his not-inconsequential efforts die over "not doing what mp says, with money" have to choose whether to do what mp says... but with people, this time. we did in fact start this channel together, just like bitbet, and he did do a lot of infrastructure work here, just as there. so... what do ?
mircea_popescu: 2 requires the man who just saw the product of his not-inconsequential efforts die over "not doing what mp says, with money" have to choose whether to do what mp says... but with people, this time. we did in fact start this channel together, just like bitbet, and he did do a lot of infrastructure work here, just as there. so... what do ? ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: and on the other hand, the lulzy "a man that doesn't believe in allah can't possibly not go on a murdering rampage" deeply held if ridiculous, and certainly unexamined belief of egyptian peasants, except translated in time and space to you know, "one in a position of authority is necessarily both bad and responsible!"
danielpbarron: what is a free man in asciilifeform terms? do I qualify by being someone who only needs to work full time for one season out of the year?
asciilifeform: i met a man yesterday who now lives there, and hates it, 'rains all the time, like this' (points outside at swamp)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> ftr adlai makes me very sad, it is clear that the man has the aptitude for constructive work, but somehow falls down every time << seems to me like he's zig-zagging broadly towards sense, but who knows these things.
asciilifeform: ftr adlai makes me very sad, it is clear that the man has the aptitude for constructive work, but somehow falls down every time
BingoBoingo: Fucking revisionists. Apparently now caffeine and not "having been the world's fattest man" killed a one time world's fattest man http://www.sfgate.com/world/article/6-energy-drinks-a-day-blamed-for-death-of-6801521.php?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link
asciilifeform: this hammer hit me in the face the first time around (as a young man, when i had notions of actually making a living in that field, and recoiled in disgust, having encountered something quite similar to what is described in tarver's and moldbug's essays)
ascii_butugychag: next time try & have the argument with a literate man, who can grasp how, e.g., flashlight works
ascii_butugychag: if you use variants - specify the variant each time, like the laws of man and god demand.
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: that article makes me think of (i entirely forget the source) - approximately - 'every man's life has a time when things were working correctly'
mircea_popescu: time to move burning man anyway, now that it's been diddied into the ground.
ben_vulpes: every single time man
mircea_popescu: ok BingoBoingo, i gotta hand it to you... this is the first time im bashing a fucking ;;google. you're a genius my man.
pete_dushenski: "Once upon a time, 4,000 to 8,000 years after humanity invented agriculture, something very strange happened to human reproduction. Across the globe, for every 17 women who were reproducing, passing on genes that are still around today—only one man did the same."
punkman: "The patriarchy expects me to be a big burly man to soak up all the privilege I can. However, I find that the thinner you are as a male, the more willing people are to interact with you because you are not so threatening. As I get thinner, the patriarchy has a harder time keeping a hold on me because I can slip through its fingers more easily."
mircea_popescu: wouldn't kill anything. just make the "electoral process" a direct equivalent of the time man-of-the-year competition,.
mircea_popescu: shooter, the fastest runner, big league ball players, the toughest boxers. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That's why Americans have never lost and never will lose a war, because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans."
pete_dushenski: "It’s an alpha-male trick—put someone off-balance, flatter them and bust their chops at the same time. A few minutes later, he was grabbing control of the interview with measured responses, knowing that he didn’t have to perform without cameras or podcast equipment. And so he took his time. And it worked. I mean, how do you interrupt the most powerful man on earth? It felt like the way Federer repeatedly j
assbot: Logged on 04-08-2015 14:33:45; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu brings up interesting point. entirely possible that north kr will binge to death on reddit, like the red skinned man did on liquor, when the time comes
pete_dushenski: time to make the man pay for EVERYTHING he's getting
assbot: Logged on 04-11-2015 14:34:09; mircea_popescu: shinohai here's the problem : explain to me that you are defending "traditional marriage" aka "between a man or a woman" ~for the principle of the thing~ but not at the same time "traditional marriage" aka "the husband can take it whenever he feels like". they're both the same thing.
mircea_popescu: shinohai here's the problem : explain to me that you are defending "traditional marriage" aka "between a man or a woman" ~for the principle of the thing~ but not at the same time "traditional marriage" aka "the husband can take it whenever he feels like". they're both the same thing. ☟︎
pete_dushenski: man, b-a time infused with parenting time is straight trippy
assbot: Logged on 09-10-2015 01:56:06; asciilifeform: my original observation, though, stands - the time to stop thinking of pgp 64bit fp as 'the man' is not when arbitrarily colliding sha1 costs a penny! it is now.
asciilifeform: my original observation, though, stands - the time to stop thinking of pgp 64bit fp as 'the man' is not when arbitrarily colliding sha1 costs a penny! it is now. ☟︎
ascii_field: possibly the first time i see something resembling a thinking man in usa with this particular affliction.
pete_dushenski: red-pill awareness to know that her early twenties is the time to lock a man down."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform for instance because one time he kicked all architects out of the room because "who the fuck asked you anything - man on the street knows more about buildings than you do"
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-09-2015#1276154 << you REGULARLY fall asleep at the wheel ? yikes man. get thee a shorter commute, a later work start time, or yes, mega-amounts of caffeine. if you're traveling >20mph, that is. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 21-08-2015 03:58:42; mircea_popescu: fun fact, since for some reason i'm doing history now. romania's head rabi (niemirower) died in 1940. he was succeded by one alex safran, who was 29 at that time. and by virtue of being head rabi, the young man also had an ex officio seat in the romanian senate. but for not being yet 40 years of age as the senate required, he asked for, and obtained, a special derrogation from the high chamber of cas
asciilifeform: monkeys will try to pull out the cable, and the only solution is a man with an axe standing there and chopping their hands off, every time.
asciilifeform: as a cultured man, he likely read'em. but i spoke specifically of 'his time'
mircea_popescu: fun fact, since for some reason i'm doing history now. romania's head rabi (niemirower) died in 1940. he was succeded by one alex safran, who was 29 at that time. and by virtue of being head rabi, the young man also had an ex officio seat in the romanian senate. but for not being yet 40 years of age as the senate required, he asked for, and obtained, a special derrogation from the high chamber of cassation. and was sea ☟︎
mircea_popescu: ascii_field well, a man can't really ask (nor should really ask) for more than to be on the wrong side of the major battles of his time.
assbot: Watch: Colorblind Man Sees Colors of a Sunset for the First Time | Complex UK ... ( http://bit.ly/1E2ByVM )
punkman: http://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2015/08/watch-colorblind-man-see-color-for-the-first-time-with-enchroma-glasses
mircea_popescu: which were utter pieces of shit, btw, and what you said above could have been said by italian "educated man" of the time,
phf: ag3nt_zer0: raw didn't pen principia, that's just a persistent misconception, in FACT it was revealed to trinque in its complete form by the divine mother HERSELF (hail eris!) during some of his particularly strong ACID trips (10 strip, they said it was weak, so he took 6, damn, man, i'm seeing things ain't even come up yet), at which point he traveled back in TIME to spread the good word to the honest people of california. this and much mo
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu brings up interesting point. entirely possible that north kr will binge to death on reddit, like the red skinned man did on liquor, when the time comes ☟︎
mircea_popescu: not only was the man part of a b-a of his time, but they actually took power.
asciilifeform: d some of the designs and how it would be implemented, and he was quiet for the longest time before he said that I was probably the first person to have understood what he was _really_ trying to accomplish. That would have been _such_ a great thing if it had been, say, rocket science, but it was not. It was a man-made complexity so great that it had required _months_ of brain-wracking to really get my intuition working. Tha
ShawnLeary: I had to admit it, but as a young man I spent time on FuryMUCK
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu you'd be an even older old man by the time you went through a billion eth
pete_dushenski: decimation: kinda funny to consider what the man woulda thunk had he been time warped into the present eh.
ben_vulpes: man you can get a sql user (not an expert, mind you, but someone who understands it has used it and can avoid common retardations) at half time for approximately half the cost of some hotshit "full stack developer" who thinks mongo's a good idea
asciilifeform: measuring software dev in 'man-time' is ~how we got a planet with microshit in the first place~
mircea_popescu: williamdunne what you'll be more interested will be to hear that a) romanian uses a unified concept for gain, which covers "gain from playing the one man bandit", "gain for gainful employment", "gain from having said a funny joke", "gaining time" etc, but the actual word, cistiga, is a direct usage of the latin castigat.
mircea_popescu: ask someone why shouldn't they fuck their sister next time you want an angry puzzled man.
pete_dushenski: give it time, man !
mircea_popescu: in many a young man's life, it's the first time when someone says "DO X!"
mats: so some folks have time to hunt the man that did the deed
mats: sometimes i wonder if folks in here have spent too much time battling midgets and have forgotten what its like to fight a man.
mircea_popescu: <ben_vulpes> nobody's collaborating on anything man << this is like the first time ever people are seriously using a noncollaborative approach to coding.
cnerd: I pretty much understand what you are saying. Thanks for your time, man, you were incredibly helpful
nubbins`: man, if my goddamn roommate leaves the front door unlatched one more time, he's gonna find his possessions in the street
decimation: http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2015/march/21/cold-war-ii-this-time-the-commies-are-in-washington/ < ron paul's man rants about commies
trinque got really like, far out, man, one time and concluded that his language processing bits were not the only thing he is
asciilifeform: if real-time satellite is costly and unreliable, a 'poor man's' version will contain two rsa keys. one will sign every frame and globe coordinate tuple -until package is opened-, the other - after
pete_dushenski: man i know how to time it
asciilifeform: there is a whole not-very-well-hidden world of what one might call 'cardinal richelieu' ('...six words of the honest man!') infrastructure, waiting for command from usg to send 'd34th thr34tz!!!1111!!!' to some crowned head that are Provably!111! from your house, when the time comes
mircea_popescu: yeah, website polls is how moot ended up time man of the century
assbot: Logged on 28-01-2015 05:23:30; *: decimation would prefer to humbly submit to the silent dance of the celestial spheres, as man has done for all known time
BingoBoingo: * decimation would prefer to humbly submit to the silent dance of the celestial spheres, as man has done for all known time << You do realize if you try to advance critical theory past Kant you buffer overflwo straight back to Hume. It is an ugly loop.
decimation would prefer to humbly submit to the silent dance of the celestial spheres, as man has done for all known time ☟︎
mircea_popescu: lobbes: I'm glad I discovered this place, man. Otherwise I would have been led off the cliff a long time ago << yer welcome.
lobbes: I'm glad I discovered this place, man. Otherwise I would have been led off the cliff a long time ago
mircea_popescu: "If anyone reading this believes that a man whose time is worth THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS AN HOUR is going to pick up a chisel for $18/hr, stop reading RIGHT NOW and kill yourself." << i have personally fucked women whose time was actually that sort of money. i bought lunch.
mircea_popescu: "All agreed that a camp fire was what would come nearest to saving us, now, and so we set about building it. We could find no matches, and so we tried to make shift with the pistols. Not a man in the party had ever tried to do such a thing before, but not a man in the party doubted that it could be done, and without any trouble—because every man in the party had read about it in books many a time and had naturally co