⏐︎ 15065
asciilifeform: it is taking up space in your head where you could, potentially, put something valuable.
BingoBoingo: Head has plenty of space. I drink to clear up plenty of useful space in head. Anyways chopping away on system I choose to depend on that no one else uses provides a serious incentive to not fuck up.
BingoBoingo: 0.5.3 isn't much different from 0.7.2 really a lot of overlap. Mostly just more loc, but not too many differences yet in the ones they share. Most of the wild differences and cpp-isms enter in 0.8 and 0.9 and beyond
trinque: ag3nt_zer0: began, then workload ate my free time for a bit, but it's still in my stack
BingoBoingo: https://www.yahoo.com/travel/man-sues-airline-says-fat-seatmate-caused-back-125462803042.html
assbot: Man Sues Airline — Says Fat Seatmate Caused Back Injury ... ( http://bit.ly/1KCB8I0 )
asciilifeform: ;;later tell jurov would you please consider getting rid of the PILE OF SHIT appended to the filenames ? ☟︎
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: i believe that i am not alone in ragingly hating its fucking guts
BingoBoingo: http://www.itworld.com/article/2954835/oracle-preps-sonoma-chip-for-lowpriced-sparc-servers.html << possibly related to Elbrus revival
assbot: Oracle preps 'Sonoma' chip for low-priced Sparc servers | ITworld ... ( http://bit.ly/1KDPTre )
asciilifeform: i don't see why i should EVER have to mv bitcoin-v0_5_4-TEST1_8a8d52a747f0b0bd5d7a2cce9d0938f1dd6e1239.tar.gz.sig bitcoin-v0_5_4-TEST1.tar.gz.sig
trinque: mmyeah that's pretty annoying
shinohai: I wondered about that myself, but just meh'd it off an mv
asciilifeform: i'm done 'mehing things off'
asciilifeform: this is how we end up buried in cement truck full of shit
asciilifeform: zero tolerance.
trinque: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2009-July/066638.html ☟︎
assbot: [Mailman-Users] Disable attachment scrubbing? ... ( http://bit.ly/1KCCwKF )
trinque: might be the thing
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36956 @ 0.00053665 = 19.8324 BTC [+] {3}
shinohai: True dat, asciilifeform ... mod6 told me the same :/
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i will point out that i have not been able to locate an elbrus, nor has, last i asked, mircea_popescu, nor anyone else i know ☟︎
asciilifeform: if any were produced at all, they are being used in-house.
asciilifeform: like the last... 4 of'em
asciilifeform: not even golden, but monocrystalline diamond toilet.
BingoBoingo: That is likely. If any escape it may be that oracle wishes to kill the market for them.
BingoBoingo: With cheap USG sparc
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: this is the one thing guaranteed not to happen
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: given as the whole purpose of elbrus, to the extent it had one, is to be a non-nato computer
asciilifeform: suitable for use in, e.g., ru nukes
asciilifeform: thus it does not compete in any market where american product is present
BingoBoingo: Of course, but USG is rarely rational anymore.
asciilifeform: the hilarious part re: elbrus - given ~only~ the published material - is that it has standard chinese peripherals, on memory-mapped i/o...
asciilifeform: it's almost like no one is even ~trying~.
asciilifeform: https://cryptome.org/2015/07/wikileaks-stratfor-malware.htm << lulz
assbot: WikiLeaks Stratfor Emails Contain Malware
shinohai: I dunno why I feel such distaste fr Julian Assange, I have never been able to put a finger on it.
asciilifeform: because he's a usg tool ?
trinque: he certainly stinks of one.
asciilifeform: (to a first approximation, 'famous in usg media' ======= usg tool)
shinohai: lol
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79354 @ 0.00052244 = 41.4577 BTC [-] {4}
shinohai: I jokingly said that perhaps he and Edward Snowden were gay lovers on reddit once, and almost got tarred and feathered.
asciilifeform: mod6, ben_vulpes, trinque, et al: if any of you had problems with 'rotor,' be aware that the toolchain dir and its contents CANNOT BE MOVED OR RENAMED
asciilifeform: they contain configs with absolute paths !
asciilifeform: this idiocy is not my doing, it is gcc/binutils.
trinque: I can use it just fine now
asciilifeform: i.e. if you built it and it ended up sitting down in /home/luser/a/b/d/e/f/g/p/q/r/s, it will stay there. or rebuild WHOLE THING again. ☟︎
trinque: just seems like db's configure script has some problem, and grabbed some data from my env
asciilifeform: trinque: post patch plz
asciilifeform: for the others.
trinque: will do
trinque: otherwise pretty impressive that the diff between the two binaries was so small
asciilifeform: try 'vbindiff' and explore it.
trinque: k
asciilifeform: i'd like to get it to be null.
asciilifeform: so we can start talking about bytes in the bin!
asciilifeform: with absolute locations.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18350 @ 0.00052872 = 9.702 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77002 @ 0.00053801 = 41.4278 BTC [+] {2}
decimation: asciilifeform: re: starbucks: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/philg/2015/05/02/why-no-robots-at-starbucks/
assbot: Philip Greenspun's Weblog » Why no robots at Starbucks? ... ( http://bit.ly/1I5Zhmv )
decimation: asciilifeform: I don't know if you have been to a starbucks recently, but they converted over to 'fully automatic' espresso machines - with milk dispenser!
decimation: all the 'barista' does is hit the button
decimation: greenspun thinks that if starbucks went 'full coke machine' and got rid of the employees, they wouldn't be able to charge the rates they do, because 'not hand crafted'
decimation: so they are stuck with humans who pretend to know how to make coffee
decimation: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2014#954154 < asciilifeform I think you meant 'encrypted with emphemeral key'? ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 16-12-2014 01:40:04; asciilifeform: what follows is the payload, divided into K gibblets, each below udp mtu in size, each signed with ephemeral key. the gibblets are coded using fountain code (e.g. 'raptor') and you need N of K - in any order - to reassemble.
decimation: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-07-2015#1206508 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-07-2015#1206511 ☝︎☝︎
assbot: Logged on 19-07-2015 19:45:47; asciilifeform: payload (incl. the signature) is in the crypted blob
assbot: Logged on 19-07-2015 19:46:08; asciilifeform: ~i~ mentioned it
BingoBoingo: <decimation> so they are stuck with humans who pretend to know how to make coffee << Just like McDonalds where every aspect of food preparation is automated except for parts where the necessary machines don't yet exist.
decimation: BingoBoingo: and those machines don't exist because mcdonald's would face a shitstorm if it went 'full coke machine'
BingoBoingo: decimation: I doubt it. The steps where humans are involved are the ones where X has to be moved to Y. Ones where the chromosonally retarded can perform adequate error checking. Perhaps the right machines exist in some bunker, or it isn't economical to produce them though they have been developed.
decimation: mcdonalds 'provides good jobs'
decimation: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/07/30/yes-my-teenage-son-is-transgender-no-you-may-not-ask-about-his-genitals/?hpid=z9 < lol new low for wapo "When others ask me whether or not my son has a vagina, and they actually do ask, I feel violated and disrespected. Transgender people are human. "
assbot: Yes, my teenage son is transgender. No, you may not ask about his genitals. - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1I60ACb )
decimation: where do they dig this shit up? meanwhile actual shit happens in usg all around washington - not important?
BingoBoingo: <decimation> mcdonalds 'provides good jobs' << Nah jobs are the franchinsee's problem
decimation: sure, but franchisee doesn't make R&D decisions
BingoBoingo: So long as McDonalds has few corporate stores they have to staff and having staff at all is largely a franchisee problem McDonalds will automate for consistency (i.e. robogrill) instead of doing so to purely reduce labor. ☟︎
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46337 @ 0.00053801 = 24.9298 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: At the point where USG decides franchisee employees are actually McDonalds employees... coke machine
BingoBoingo: Well, they will probably keep humans at the cash register to provide a surface for customers to direct anger at. ☟︎☟︎
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [BTR] 1500 @ 0.00111 = 1.665 BTC
decimation: lol https://twitter.com/USFWS/status/626788237399339008 < apparently twitter is how usg tries to get in touch with people now?
coderwill: It will be interesting to see if food shortages are bearish for McDonald's in the long run. OTOH, I wonder how much of the menu is actually subject to food shortages.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3950 @ 0.00053802 = 2.1252 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: decimation: https://twitter.com/BBoingo/status/626948881792794625
BingoBoingo: coderwill: Probably the same way they always have, menu adjustments.
BingoBoingo: As scoopy is down http://qntra.net/2015/07/wikileaks-stratfor-dump-contains-malware/
assbot: WikiLeaks Stratfor Dump Contains Malware | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1MxsMkt )
coderwill: BingoBoingo: Not to change the topic, but have been wondering something, if you don't mind me asking - do you write under your alias as opposed to a real name for any particular reason?
BingoBoingo: coderwill: I came this channel all cautious like because I was afraid of making a fool out of myself. Eventually I had used this nick long enough I identify as this more than I do as my USG imposed slave name.
BingoBoingo: But my slave name is on the Qntra MPEx contract for the curious.
coderwill: Ah, thanks for the background - that's really interesting. I myself am thinking about a new project, and was wondering if in this day and age it is a disadvantage to attach a real-life identify to the Internet. ☟︎
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34021 @ 0.00053802 = 18.304 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: I mean the connection mean I've basically self doxxed, but my slave name may actually be a less common string than the IRC nick.
mats: such drama
mats: 'slave name'
BingoBoingo: mats: I'm still out on bond... as I have been since May 2013 ☟︎
decimation: mats: I think you are right about snowden by the way
mats: it is suspicious that he shills projects like tails also
mats: next thing ya know he's gonna be telling folks to use 'TextSecure' and 'RedPhone'
decimation: I don't buy into this conspiracy theory stuff. a much more consistant theory is that he didn't know wtf he was talking about
mats: I have no dramatic theories as to wut is going on (like alf) but I do not care at all about what he has to say
decimation: either he was a brilliant ru spy, or he was a self-appointed reddit internet policeman ☟︎
trinque: he can be oblivious and serve the same purpose.
mats: I agree its most likely he's just a dumbass
decimation: he might have had a pretty good case (that he was a whistleblower) if all he released was the verizon court order for all the metadata
BingoBoingo: decimation: I lean towards Snowden being a derpy redditor with an opportunity who happened to steal the powerpoints because... reddit
decimation: yeah that's a pretty likely theory
decimation: aside from the metadata stuff, the evidence that there's domestic spying going on seems pretty thin
BingoBoingo: Of course ascii could be right and derpy reddit Snowden could be a stage actor
decimation: maybe, but I don't understand how it benefits usg
decimation: I do see how all the noise and confusion benefits usg's enemies
BingoBoingo: Well, if stuff was already leaking, replace actual leaker with Reddit derp stage actor.
BingoBoingo: But that's asciilifeform's theory
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75000 @ 0.00052542 = 39.4065 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: Edward Snowden in CitizenFour seemed legit though... derpy
decimation: which seems to be based on "he only released some tech stuff"
decimation: he's either a very good actor or he was earnest
decimation: but he's not being entirely forthcoming
BingoBoingo: I dunno how anyone could trust Greenwald after Citizenfour unless they have some liberal switch in their head which gets tripped when they see his Brazilian boyfriend
decimation: is real position seems to be that usg shouldn't spy on anyone, even foriegners
mats: what a shit sysadmin
decimation: now, I do think usg has a real problem with its 'secret services' running amock, making a mess of things, and generally being completely untransparent to anybody ☟︎
asciilifeform: mats: down to business - what's your position on the 'july plot' men ?
decimation: ?? tom cruise?
asciilifeform: traitors, heros ?
decimation: traitors to the third reich
asciilifeform: 20 july 1944.
decimation: they might have been heros to the allies, if they hadn't failed
asciilifeform: does anyone grasp my point ?
decimation: certainly. what is your position on mr. oleg of the kgb?
asciilifeform: usg tool.
asciilifeform: (see log)
decimation: traitor?
asciilifeform: point is that 'heroes hang when traitors triumph' (tm) (r) ☟︎
asciilifeform: (my primary beef with kalugin is that he is one of the folks actively working to ensure that an honest primary history of the 20th c. can never be written; rather than anything he did in the wars of the empires)
decimation: certainly usg is gonna throw the book at snowden - how could anyone in the civil service have sympathy?
asciilifeform: the total war against honest history is a specifically 20th c. thing (if we discount chinese and egyptian monarchs who were deeply into rewriting the books) ☟︎
decimation: and the romans too
decimation: although somehow many of the the 'damned memories' are still known today
asciilifeform: the ancients, must note, had a much easier job of it.
decimation: yes, but the problem today seems to be sorting signal from noise
asciilifeform: http://www.newsweek.com/reports-massachusetts-police-arrest-captains-son-alleged-isis-plot-353217 << l0l, somehow missed this
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1OEuPBS )
asciilifeform: the item in the photo is a very peculiar building which i recently saw in nyc
asciilifeform: a little booth, in which one can enlist in the army; but it was 1) directly in the very centre of time square 2) fenced off, and guarded by police, no one could go in!
decimation: heh
asciilifeform: 'Last September, investigators discovered that Ciccolo allegedly wanted to travel overseas to fight for ISIS, according to court documents recently unsealed. Then, Ciccolo began speaking with someone whom he didn't realize was an undercover operative. On July 3, the FBI watched him buy a pressure cooker from a Walmart in North Adams, Massachusetts.'
asciilifeform: mega-l0l
decimation: "wouldn't you really like to go to syria?"
decimation: what if he was just gonna cook beans?
coderwill: mats: you mentioned snowden shilling for tails
coderwill: mats: do you mean that as an insinuation that tails is not what it claims to be?
BingoBoingo: Tails probably fails to deliver what it promises
decimation: the only way to know is to read the code; build for self
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-10-2013#340041 ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 04-10-2013 15:21:32; mircea_popescu: i'm with asciilifeform's suggestion : that pps is prima facie evidence that the nsa is in fact currently decoding ALL traffic passing through all tor nodes, linking it to originating ips and storing this mess.
asciilifeform: plus his tor article (don't have the link handy atm)
asciilifeform: decimation: the thing is about as readable as bitcoin
coderwill: interesting
asciilifeform: coderwill: on top of the thousand and one other sins, tor linked in ssl at the height of 'heartbleed' - something which pretty much nobody is speaking of today ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'let's pretend never happened!'
decimation: what's 'pps'
coderwill: asciilifeform: sorry, i don't understand this last point - linked in ssl?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74500 @ 0.00052244 = 38.9218 BTC [-] {6}
asciilifeform: coderwill: made use of 'openssl'
asciilifeform: decimation: see thread
coderwill: asciilifeform: ah, kk
decimation: oh, 'power point slides'?
decimation: wtf how is that proof of anything re: tor?
asciilifeform: iirc it was a snowdenism
decimation: it looks to me that they are whining about tor because it makes their job harder
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu << i had no idea that there even was a 'majorana ran off to ar' theory! >> http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2015/05/the-physicist-who-vanished-the-strange-fate-of-ettore-majorana
assbot: The Physicist Who Vanished: The Strange Fate of Ettore Majorana | Mysterious Universe ... ( http://bit.ly/1OEvRh2 )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: ^ mega-physicist, possibly the top mind in the subject in entire 20th c., vanished, also famously, under odd circumstances
asciilifeform: 'I left to Venezuela because of disagreements with my father in April 1955. Once in Caracas, I went to Valencia with Ciro, a Sicilian friend, who presented me to a Mr. Bini. I connected Bini to Majorana thanks to Carlo, an Argentinian. He said “Do you realize who that guy is ? He’s a scientist. He’s got a brain you can’t imagine. He is mr. Majorana”. They had met in Argentina. He was of average height, with white hai
asciilifeform: r, few and wavy. The white hair of a man who was once black-haired. One could see it from the fact that he wore his watch over his shirt, so to wash his hands he opened his sleeves and black hair could be seen. He was shy, often silent, and if you invited him to a night club he wouldn’t come. He might have been 50-55 years old. He had a roman accent but one could see he was not. One could also see he was well-learned. He loo
asciilifeform: ked like a prince. I sometimes told him “What the hell do you live for ? You are always sad”. He said he worked, we dined together, then he would disappear for 10-15 days. He had a yellow Studebacker. He only paid for the gas, otherwise he looked always penniless. Sometimes I used to tell him “You care so much for this car and have all these papers”. These were sheets with numbers and commas, bars. He never wanted to b
asciilifeform: e photographed, and since I once had to lend him 150 bolivars, I sort of blackmailed him, I asked him to get a picture of him to send it to my family. He was shorter than I was. When I found the picture I decided to speak, otherwise it was useless for me to say I had known Majorana.”'
asciilifeform: went perelman.
decimation: heh sounds like it
decimation: except where is his mother's pension?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18121 @ 0.00054132 = 9.8093 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62779 @ 0.00054565 = 34.2554 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 121250 @ 0.00052244 = 63.3459 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: Oh, a new qntra critic http://qntra.net/2015/07/cecil-the-lion-is-a-pretext-for-expanding-extraterritoriality-of-us-law/#comment-36023
assbot: Cecil the Lion is a Pretext for Expanding Extraterritoriality of US Law | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1M0HBNi )
BingoBoingo: Some lols http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/from-distribution-to-project << "NetBSD changed its name to OpenBSD to reflect a new focus on desktop computing."
assbot: from distribution to project ... ( http://bit.ly/1M0HMrW )
punkman: "One of the first things I did after installing OpenBSD back in the day was set up a 6bone tunnel and ping6 all three other IPv6 sites out there. I was living in the future. Fifteen years later, and well... Fuck IPv6."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6000 @ 0.00054643 = 3.2786 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: Mega lol https://archive.is/6hOHJ
assbot: 'What lion?' Zimbabweans ask, amid global Cecil circus | Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1IcaEap )
BingoBoingo: Also note Reuters includes that the dentist used a bow and arrow.
punkman: badass dentist?
decimation: eh, the anti-gunners know they can stir up some shit with this kind of story
BingoBoingo: I actually didn't know he used a bow until minutes ago. I thought he would have used one of those exotic African calibers .300-.460 with a name attached like Weatherby or Tyranosaurus. I am impressed.
BingoBoingo: punkman: Far more badass than my dentist brother.
punkman: he should practice his archery on those protestors outside his office ☟︎
decimation: what if instead of lions he hunted eastern shit beetles?
decimation: nobody would give a fuck
decimation: asciilifeform: re: radiothermal generators> the new hotness is to use...stirling engine! https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/rps/asrg.cfm
assbot: Radioisotope Power Systems: Stirling Converter Technology ... ( http://bit.ly/1LUf6zf )
BingoBoingo: decimation: He would give a fuck. I have to imagine one hunts lions in part for the danger.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81100 @ 0.00053528 = 43.4112 BTC [-] {3}
decimation: sure, he would, not rest of world media
BingoBoingo contemplating AMD A4-5000 machine as upgrade or complement to AMD 350 machine...
BingoBoingo not sure preformance boost would be enough to make a difference
mats: 20:25:57 <+asciilifeform> mats: down to business - what's your position on the 'july plot' men ? << no opinion rly
mats: coderwill: it is an open secret that Tor is broken
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39200 @ 0.00054801 = 21.482 BTC [+] {5}
BingoBoingo: !up cazalla
cazalla: thanks BingoBoingo, so nice to finally sit down on a friday arvo
BingoBoingo: yeah
BingoBoingo: Though here is is Just after midnight Friday morning
punkman: http://citizen-ex.com/stories/io
assbot: The story of .io | Citizen Ex ... ( http://bit.ly/1MxPzwl )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 103200 @ 0.00053566 = 55.2801 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12109 @ 0.00053566 = 6.4863 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58396 @ 0.00054257 = 31.6839 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9559 @ 0.00055381 = 5.2939 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5900 @ 0.00055382 = 3.2675 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56400 @ 0.00052915 = 29.8441 BTC [-] {2}
cazalla: ;;later tell mike_c a belated grats on the birth of your daughter
gribble: The operation succeeded.
shinohai: ;;ticker
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 283.81, Best ask: 283.91, Bid-ask spread: 0.10000, Last trade: 283.79, 24 hour volume: 17439.70338798, 24 hour low: 282.0, 24 hour high: 289.85, 24 hour vwap: None
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40300 @ 0.00055382 = 22.3189 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58700 @ 0.00055382 = 32.5092 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35200 @ 0.00052264 = 18.3969 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50338 @ 0.0005218 = 26.2664 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74400 @ 0.00055097 = 40.9922 BTC [+]
shinohai: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3f8fke/cointelegraph_plagiarizing_from_rbitcoin/ <<< Because 99% of crypto "news" is horseshit
assbot: Cointelegraph plagiarizing from r/bitcoin : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1SmWjlC )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29383 @ 0.00055285 = 16.2444 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16829 @ 0.00055381 = 9.3201 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62997 @ 0.00055086 = 34.7025 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27750 @ 0.00055382 = 15.3685 BTC [+]
jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1218892 mkay ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 00:53:05; asciilifeform: ;;later tell jurov would you please consider getting rid of the PILE OF SHIT appended to the filenames ?
jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1218903 as patch processing is part of scrubbing, easiest would be to just turn everything off and keep just ordinary mailing list ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 00:56:50; trinque: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2009-July/066638.html
jurov: as i can't get it to work and nobody's using it, maybe that would be for the best
jurov: plus without scrubbing everyone'd be able to take some clearsigned text, slap on malicious JS and whatnot and have it published ☟︎
jurov: win-win scenario
punkman: does it let html emails through?
jurov: emails are let through mostly unchanged. we're talikng about archives
shinohai: I'm sure you'll get it fixed jurov
jurov: eventually.
shinohai: Same with me with this cross-compilation shit. I just got to take a breather and keep researching, eventually I'll get it.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71305 @ 0.00053256 = 37.9742 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29300 @ 0.00052308 = 15.3262 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49216 @ 0.00054811 = 26.9758 BTC [+] {3}
Adlai: !up deedbot-
Adlai: deedbot-: add-key http://dpaste.com/1A03N6Q.txt
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1MBsASg )
Adlai: deedbot-:http://dpaste.com/1A03N6Q.txt
deedbot-: imported: FCBC64EFDF1D6C1E4E964AEE4D88596A7CDA03F9
Adlai: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/0BC64N4.txt
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1MBsGJy )
deedbot-: accepted: 1
punkman: Adlai: does the rocket fly? ☟︎
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [BTR] 1322 @ 0.00111 = 1.4674 BTC
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60150 @ 0.00052117 = 31.3484 BTC [-] {3}
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2015#1218371 << you never asked, but yes if you do not believe the entire Bible you will be destroyed for eternity in the lake of fire ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 18:39:51; shinohai: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2015#1218302 <<< I'll make an exception in your case danielpbarron, because not once have you told me "shinohai, you gonna FRY!"
shinohai: At the very least, I have not cursed God one time in all my failures with this pogo danielpbarron, so maybe there is hope for me yet.
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2015#1218382 << they are hypocrites. The Bible explicitly says to not pray in public. (Matthew 6:5) ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 19:09:50; shinohai: trinque: I do regularly mumble prayers in public to Satan, when fundamentalists ruin my meal by trying to pray loudly over their food for 30 minutes.
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2015#1218391 << 7-year-old-me would have said "don't kill me!" so... ☝︎☟︎
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 19:12:18; mircea_popescu: * danielpbarron too << maybe solution then is ask 7 yo kid if they should be killed and do the opposite.
shinohai: I have read the Bible many times and have come to the conclusion that the majority of "Christians" I have met or seen are decidedly un-Christlike.
danielpbarron: yes, same here.
danielpbarron: and that is a correct observation
danielpbarron: and it is perfectly in-line with the predictions of The Bible
shinohai: Also, Luke 17:2
danielpbarron: Jesus Himself wondered if there would be anyone who believes when He returns
danielpbarron: ya, false teachers are the most despicable people on earth
kakobrekla: nah, the correct observation would be that religion is a virus and religious people ill. ☟︎
shinohai: I believe if you are going to follow a faith, you can't just pick and choose the parts that sound cherry to you.
danielpbarron: i guess that's not too far off from my own experience, in that I did not choose to believe, although the way I see it is that God made me well and it's all the non-believers who are still ill
shinohai: I'd rather say "I'm an atheist" and be wrong, than be one of the hypocrites danielpbarron describes.
danielpbarron: "atheist" probably have better chances of being saved than most self-described christians
jurov: shinohai how can you ever choose a faith otherwise?
jurov: if you are convinced that you're despicable scum and choose a faith that says so.. then you cherrypicked too
shinohai: If there *is* a God jurov, I'd like to think he chooses you, instead of vice-versa. I know all the "free will" speeches. ☟︎
shinohai: Free will seems like an excuse, like God is setting you up for failure.
danielpbarron: ^ ++
jurov: you still need to decide when He talks to you and when not
danielpbarron: the concept of "free will" has no foundation in The Bible
danielpbarron: God causes all things, both good and evil
danielpbarron: (Isaiah 45:7)
shinohai: If that is true, then does that mean God is equal part Satan as well? I don't follow.
danielpbarron: satan is not nearly as big of a deal as most people are lead to believe
kakobrekla: l0l
danielpbarron: God causes satan (and everyone else for that matter) to do what he does, and satan will too be destroyed in the lake of fire
danielpbarron: not rule it
shinohai: That is predestination, no?
danielpbarron: sure
danielpbarron: yay eulora is back up!
shinohai: So if god already knows I am evil and he is going to send me to hell, what is the point of even trying?
jurov: so everything is just a big puppet show?
danielpbarron: not just knows but actually created you for the purpose of being that way
jurov: A new commandment I give upon thee: lean back and enjoy!
kakobrekla: eh please, even Exaybachay has better stories than that.
shinohai: I'm not interested in being a pawn in some celestial chess match, tbh.
danielpbarron: right, The Bible says fear nothing but God. It's relaxing to believe because no longer do you have to worry about each and every hyped up "terrorism" that people try to sell
kakobrekla: you know the bible has the credibility of the santa story
danielpbarron: i hate the santa story
shinohai: To me, it was a relief to say "idgaf" about it all anymore.
kakobrekla: on pair with your book.
danielpbarron: i recently told a friend's 5 year old son that anyone who tries to tell him about santa is a liar
kakobrekla: well, could be just sick.
jurov: kakobrekla: God caused you to :)
shinohai: I also can't believe that throughout 2000+ years of Christianity's existence that some unknown "non-denomination" comes along and finally gets it right,
shinohai: right here in good 'ol 'murica
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18900 @ 0.00053764 = 10.1614 BTC [+]
shinohai: Because Jesus was obviously a homophobic, racist, bigot right?
shinohai: The Jesus that is portrayed in the gospels seems the polar opposite of all that is preached now.
danielpbarron: Jesus is the same God as the one in the old testament
danielpbarron: and He isn't afraid of homosexuals as the suffix "phobic" implies
danielpbarron: and there may very well have been true churches along the way from 2000 years ago to today, I just don't know about them
danielpbarron: not surprising that they are unknown, as scripture informs us that the world will hate the truth
shinohai: Surely God's ego can handle different ways of approaching him.
shinohai: Not sure if my pal pussyfreak is here, but he is a Java developer. I hate Java, but I haven't tried to kill him or tell him he is going to fry if he doesn't use Python instead. ☟︎
davout: shinohai: he is already frying in hell
shinohai: xD
davout: "Those who believe there is a difference between nirvana and samsara, are already in samsara"
kakobrekla: the world will hate the truth < what every liar said too.
kakobrekla: thats the first thing you establish before telling lies.
davout: does reddit haet? yes? then it's probably true
kakobrekla: does ba haet? yes? then its probably true.
davout: heh
davout: we should migrate to #bitcoin-asshaet
danielpbarron: well the fact that i'm not banned from here yet is a good sign for you guys
davout: every king has its fool
davout: and i have to say i'm amused :D
shinohai: danielpbarron: I think it is wrong to ban a person just because they hold different beliefs. I have plenty of Xstian friends.
danielpbarron: lol no it's the "christians" who ban me
danielpbarron: there was a channel on efnet i used to hang out in way back when i was still atheist
danielpbarron: earlier this year they effectively banned me for telling people they were going to hell
danielpbarron: particularly one of the other regulars there, a practitioner of modern judaism
kakobrekla: I think it is wrong to ban a person just because they hold different beliefs. < this doesnt make much sense , but > I think it is wrong to ban a person just because are sick. < does. ☟︎
shinohai: Well I could certainly phrase it better kakobrekla. My brain is rather fried atm.
kakobrekla: its not about phrasing, its about meaning.
decimation: danielpbarron: what does a 'practitioner of modern judaism' do exactly? like, they know they torah and tanakh but are too cool to follow them? ☟︎
decimation: kakobrekla: why are religious people any more ill for holding a conviction about the supernatural than atheists - who hold similar convictions?
kakobrekla: decimation note that im speaking of 'religious' and not 'spiritual'. i think that answers your question.
decimation: not in the least. how do you distinguish?
kakobrekla: example: i dont know exactly what consciousness is, but i am not going to go believing santa didit and act like a psychopath in that name.
asciilifeform: http://nosuchlabs.com/stats << tank is empty and is to be refilled this weekend. anyone who wants to test a key - now's the time.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu dulap desperately needs to not be the only industrial-sized therealbitcoin node. phuctor is severely i/o starved.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: in other nyooz, http://dpaste.com/1MEA7DD
assbot: dpaste: 1MEA7DD: therealbitcoin on dulap since 7/5 ... ( http://bit.ly/1LUNeLx )
asciilifeform: ^ if this is not a memory leak, then i fart toyotas. ☟︎
asciilifeform: ain't mempool either.
asciilifeform: (though mempool is probably the mechanism for said leak)
asciilifeform: desperately need formal introspection knobs for mempool.
decimation: asciilifeform: news to me: did you know you could send udp packets by writing to /dev/udp/ip/port?
asciilifeform: decimation: you can do just about anything this way on recent kernels
decimation: very handy for piping to remote machine
asciilifeform: i like 'netcat'
decimation: yeah, but it is quirky
decimation: I wish it had built-in rate limiting for example - and packet size
decimation: I also found a utility called 'pipe viewer' (pv) that rate-limits pipes - handy for both of the above tools
decimation: here http://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml
assbot: ivarch.com: Pipe Viewer ... ( http://bit.ly/1UcaK9I )
decimation: one could almost shell-script your udp verifier
asciilifeform: mno
asciilifeform: gotta work at line speed
asciilifeform: with no heap usage.
asciilifeform: this is key.
decimation: well, yeah. except for that part
decimation: why not a fixed amount of heap?
asciilifeform: because fragging
asciilifeform: otherwise it doesn't matter where you put the buffer, so long as it gets used, whole, for every decode, with no further allocatory shenanigans
decimation: pratically speaking it is best to keep the whole footprint smaller than the L3 cache on your cpu
asciilifeform: l0.
asciilifeform: incidentally, if one is optimizing for max performance on tiny data set, on an x86 pc, it is worth considering 'cache as ram mode'
asciilifeform: which cpu powers up in, when loading bios
asciilifeform: this is only even theoretically usable for own code if you have a ~real~ (that is, amd, and 'coreboot'able) machine
decimation: I should think rsa would fit in 8mb
asciilifeform: easily 8kb
asciilifeform: depending on key length
decimation: aye
decimation: thus, stack
asciilifeform: aha.
asciilifeform: folks dealing with mircea_popescu-style packet filtration problems and similar operations really ought to consider it.
decimation: if a multicore machine, no reason why not a single io controller and multiple checker threads
decimation: but I doubt it is even needed for 1gb pipe
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [BTR] 10000 @ 0.00111 = 11.1 BTC
asciilifeform: decimation: the only hitch is that modern nics appear to demand ram access
asciilifeform: (they walk ring buffer when tx-ing or rx-ing frames)
decimation: yes, not only that but multi-core interrupts too
asciilifeform: nah interrupts are optional
decimation: ideally you would want promiscuous mode
asciilifeform: why?
decimation: so you wouldn't even need to restrict yourself to a single ip
asciilifeform: what is the point of omitting this basic - and free - filter ?
decimation: it would only be helpful if you could install 'upstream' on a big isp network
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17000 @ 0.00053764 = 9.1399 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: eh, those have proper asics, afaik
asciilifeform: built for the job
decimation: yes the switches do, but generally the switch also has 'monitor port'
asciilifeform: re: yesterday's thread, i'm frankly surprised that mircea_popescu ~didn't~ buy the trunk line ☟︎
decimation: yes, it seems his requirements are well within the capabilities of pedestrian switches/routers
asciilifeform: go try and ddos a tier 1. ☟︎
asciilifeform: i expect him to answer that he didn't buy it for the same reason he won't buy a 'boeing'.
asciilifeform: but if, like or not, you transport a herd of elephants every friday, buying the 'boeing' may be a logical choice
decimation: yeah, would have to spend $10k-100k on router
decimation: cisco 3945e claims to handle 3mpps (64byte) for instance, can be had on ebay for 5-10k
decimation: and yes, I realize we all hate cisco
asciilifeform: i think he'd rather move the packets with pencil and paper than so much as look at a 'cisco'
decimation: fine, brocade sells cer 2024f-rt for $30k ☟︎
decimation: does 65 mpps
danielpbarron: decimation> danielpbarron: what does a 'practitioner of modern judaism' do exactly? << someone who believes in old testament stuff and not new testament. And yeah they also have some other books they add to scripture like the "oral tradition"
decimation: yes, 'tanakh'
danielpbarron: I hesitate to call them "Jews" because you don't have to be blood-line to practice judaism, and Christians are the true Jews
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49400 @ 0.00052051 = 25.7132 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [BTR] 5000 @ 0.00111 = 5.55 BTC
decimation: danielpbarron: yes, agreed
decimation: asciilifeform: http://wtop.com/dc/2015/07/streets-closed-as-police-investigate-vehicle-crash-into-capitol-barricade/ < dc lulz for the day
assbot: Police investigate car crash into Capitol barricade - WTOP ... ( http://bit.ly/1DfhY8o )
mircea_popescu: <gribble> Sent 57 minutes ago: <asciilifeform> dulap desperately needs to not be the only industrial-sized therealbitcoin node. phuctor is severely i/o starved << so help hanbot get it going. ☟︎
shinohai: asciilifeform: what, exactly, constitutes an industrial-sized therealbitcoin node? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2015#1218822 << and why shouldn't they. as long as there's idiots with excess fat... ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 22:05:10; shinohai: I think I read somewhere that failed "social currency" reddcoin 's lead developer quit, after squandering all their IPCO funds, and now they are going to attempt round two.
mircea_popescu: shinohai something on a 100mbit pipe i imagine he means
shinohai: mkay.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2015#1218827 << i find it's a pretty good heuristic, this. plaintext html ? guy's doing ok. bootstrap ? retarded kids couldn't find their way to etsy. ☝︎☟︎
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 22:06:27; ascii_field: no 'css' on that www !
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [BTR] 5000 @ 0.00111 = 5.55 BTC
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2015#1218839 << it's funny how this shit works. "malleability" might be responsible. us agents might be responsible. santa claus might be responsible. not the fat fuck and his various friends throughout the redditard community. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 22:35:30; trinque: holy shit, at least he said it aloud
mircea_popescu: exclusive content! gawker emergency editorial board meeting! http://36.media.tumblr.com/e1083b389c52b063e11a98d14e8ab83b/tumblr_n2fdsz8wxt1qesz2lo1_1280.jpg
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1Dfleki )
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1218908 << atm i doubt they actually exist ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 01:09:04; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i will point out that i have not been able to locate an elbrus, nor has, last i asked, mircea_popescu, nor anyone else i know
mircea_popescu: bfl miners
mircea_popescu: some Luke-Jr somewhere swore he "was delivered" and the fishwrappers echoed the unverified, unsubstantial claim is all.
mircea_popescu: maybe in a decade or w/e.
mircea_popescu: "Although Wikileaks first publicized the emails in 2012, they did not release all of them until two years later." << lmao wut, rly ?!
mircea_popescu: ;;google Stratfor lolololor
gribble: Stratfor lolololor. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/stratfor-lolololor>; December 2011 on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2011/12>; Breaking News on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/category/breaking-news/>
mircea_popescu: more like 2011 but whatever.
mircea_popescu: dude how the fuck does this braindamaged fucktarded generation work, already.
mircea_popescu: waht 2012! what two years later!
mircea_popescu: i'm not THAT elite already.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1218934 << check it out, linux might catch up with fucking ms-dos on its next release. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 01:22:26; asciilifeform: i.e. if you built it and it ended up sitting down in /home/luser/a/b/d/e/f/g/p/q/r/s, it will stay there. or rebuild WHOLE THING again.
mircea_popescu: maybe.
mike_c: cazalla: belated thanks!
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1218967 << this is a good point. labour costs are not a problem per se - they're set as policy lever (and more effectiuve at controlling wage strucure in the us than any sort of law) ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 02:33:54; BingoBoingo: So long as McDonalds has few corporate stores they have to staff and having staff at all is largely a franchisee problem McDonalds will automate for consistency (i.e. robogrill) instead of doing so to purely reduce labor.
mircea_popescu: by now usg painted itself in the very sad corner where it has to provide housing for free and does the whole ration meal thing via mcd. all the drawbacks of centrally planned, scarcely any of the benefits.
mircea_popescu: (on paper they should get the major benefit of blame deflection, but in practice it dun work, everyone bames washington anyway)
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1218970 << word. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 02:37:25; BingoBoingo: Well, they will probably keep humans at the cash register to provide a surface for customers to direct anger at.
mircea_popescu: also useful for forced public nudity social experiments etc.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1218982 << i don't generally think much of the derponymous. others don't care. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 03:06:06; coderwill: Ah, thanks for the background - that's really interesting. I myself am thinking about a new project, and was wondering if in this day and age it is a disadvantage to attach a real-life identify to the Internet.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1218987 << zing, mats. now what ? gonna backtrack on it ? ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 03:12:24; BingoBoingo: mats: I'm still out on bond... as I have been since May 2013
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1218993 << latter is pretty persuasive. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 03:17:35; decimation: either he was a brilliant ru spy, or he was a self-appointed reddit internet policeman
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219013 << the usg has a problem with its millenarist, one-world approach, which is stepping on everyone's toes. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 03:24:40; decimation: now, I do think usg has a real problem with its 'secret services' running amock, making a mess of things, and generally being completely untransparent to anybody
mats: nah, still dramatic.
mircea_popescu: if it came to terms with the fact that they're in charge of a population of shitheads in a poorly developed country barely hanging on to the first world, with decaying infrastructure they can't upkeep etc,
mircea_popescu: they'd prolly fade off the hate radar and we could all move on to hate putin and the chinese hydra like god meant it.
mircea_popescu: problem is that the last people who could think retired in the late 80s, and the leftover idiots will not yield until trampled. so they'll get trampled, short detour, we move on to hating ru and cn in 2030.
shinohai: Anyone here ever tried this? http://www.alandia.de/absinthe/product_info.php/language/en/info/p1001_Absinthe-of-the-Month--ALANDIA-Suisse-La-Bleue.html
assbot: BUY ONLINE || Absinthe of the Month: ALANDIA Suisse La Bleue AOM07 ... ( http://bit.ly/1Dfo34T )
mircea_popescu checks his pre-printed macro sociopolitics calendar
mircea_popescu: mmyeah, something like that.
mircea_popescu: "The aim of this mail is to let you know that, according to default, your bank account has been put on credit hold status, and will remain so until your balance will be completely liquidated. Your attention to this matter is sorely encouraged."
mircea_popescu: words!!!1
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219025 << you're going the wrong way in time. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 03:29:11; asciilifeform: point is that 'heroes hang when traitors triumph' (tm) (r)
mircea_popescu: way i read this sort of stuff from you is like so : "stoicism is important for one's balance" ; "the stoic position is 'heroes hang when traitors triumph'" ergo "i will look through time and retroactively call traitors those who succeed and heros those who fail, irrespective of how derps generally fail and competent people are rarely unimpeachable, because i really have no other ways and means to maintain balance so i'
mircea_popescu: m stuck with this pile of insanity"
mircea_popescu: the main problem with this syllogism is, perhaps counterintuitively, its tail.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56600 @ 0.0005204 = 29.4546 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: there's plenty of gyroscopes much cheaper, faster and broadly speaking better than "reinterpret history" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219028 << we can't so discount. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 03:31:00; asciilifeform: the total war against honest history is a specifically 20th c. thing (if we discount chinese and egyptian monarchs who were deeply into rewriting the books)
mircea_popescu: les encyclopederastes were chiefly in this same business. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the business model of wikipedia is ~exactly~ the same
mircea_popescu: everyone at all points in time and space was hard at work at making it impossible to write a history he doesn't wanna hear.
mircea_popescu: this includes bacteriums.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219051 << amusingly, mike hearn's attempt to do the exact same for bitcoin at the exact same time ALSO seems to be a secret only we know. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 03:53:10; asciilifeform: coderwill: on top of the thousand and one other sins, tor linked in ssl at the height of 'heartbleed' - something which pretty much nobody is speaking of today
mircea_popescu: they're going through the good dev bad dev routine on reddit, somehow none of them seem to remember where the actual ammo is stored.
mircea_popescu: herpitty-derp and a bottle of "thank you for all your hard work".
mircea_popescu: ;;google multumim din inima partidului
gribble: Multumim din Inima Partidului - Cintece Patriotice - Epoca de Aur ...: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKkDeGpEi4s>; Multumim din Inima Partidului - PCR - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDDv22CIaRw>; Corul de copii radio-Multumim din inima partidului - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx9TFc3aauM>
mircea_popescu: !up ShawnLeary
mircea_popescu: looking forward to all the reddit threadsa going "thank you mp for bashing hearn's head right before hearn managed that one".
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28050 @ 0.00052768 = 14.8014 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219090 << i'd pay per view. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 05:17:09; punkman: he should practice his archery on those protestors outside his office
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219135 << why so bitter lol. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 09:34:04; jurov: plus without scrubbing everyone'd be able to take some clearsigned text, slap on malicious JS and whatnot and have it published ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219161 << there's no wai out with you people is there. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 12:47:20; danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2015#1218391 << 7-year-old-me would have said "don't kill me!" so...
mircea_popescu: what the fuck cult is this with such diversity.
mircea_popescu adds "cult doesn't work" to the ever-lengthy-er list with "linux doesn't work and gcc doesn't compile" on it.
mircea_popescu: actually this may well be how to know you live at the dawn of a civilisation. shit doesn't work and you imagine this to be an exceptional, remarkable, worrisome thing.
mircea_popescu: or in other words the advantage of non-orphans is that they have parents to blame.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219170 << culture, generally. observation as ancient as the original cro-magnon / neanderthal divide. N the Ist famously made it, and look where it got him! ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 12:49:57; kakobrekla: nah, the correct observation would be that religion is a virus and religious people ill.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219177 << the conflict there's purely rhetoric. in the much more comprehensible slave-master dynamic, it's still teh master that chooses the slavegirl. the perceived challenges to free choice this brings are purely imagined by the perceiver. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 12:56:17; shinohai: If there *is* a God jurov, I'd like to think he chooses you, instead of vice-versa. I know all the "free will" speeches.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219216 << java people are certainly going to fry. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 13:20:01; shinohai: Not sure if my pal pussyfreak is here, but he is a Java developer. I hate Java, but I haven't tried to kill him or tell him he is going to fry if he doesn't use Python instead.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219234 << yet sick is strictly the most common, oldest and widestly still used reason to ban someone. ☝︎☟︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 13:32:51; kakobrekla: I think it is wrong to ban a person just because they hold different beliefs. < this doesnt make much sense , but > I think it is wrong to ban a person just because are sick. < does.
mircea_popescu: google staten island and for that matter recent suspension of flights to africa.
shinohai: I could never wrap my head around java at all.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 89556 @ 0.00052078 = 46.639 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 221292 @ 0.00051452 = 113.8592 BTC [-] {6}
ben_vulpes: <trinque> boost also barfs about a number of targets, none of which seem to have mattered. << have seen, wrestled this beast, multiply
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219316 << hanbot, what are the remaining issues? ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 15:01:30; mircea_popescu: <gribble> Sent 57 minutes ago: <asciilifeform> dulap desperately needs to not be the only industrial-sized therealbitcoin node. phuctor is severely i/o starved << so help hanbot get it going.
mats: http://pastebin.com/PT8yQgky
assbot: www.generalbundesanwalt.de FULL SQL DUMP - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1MXLgsg )
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219317 << 100Mb+, colocated ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 15:07:09; shinohai: asciilifeform: what, exactly, constitutes an industrial-sized therealbitcoin node?
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219322 << handwritten. like his asm. the whole site and product is a thing of beauty. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 15:09:07; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2015#1218827 << i find it's a pretty good heuristic, this. plaintext html ? guy's doing ok. bootstrap ? retarded kids couldn't find their way to etsy.
mats: previous link re: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9976043
assbot: “Suspicion of treason”: German attorney general investigates journalists | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1MXLsaV )
mats: AG gets breached
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219379 << on reflection, mircea_popescu is right. but 20th c. tech ~does~ make a difference, we are not living in the age of diderot et al ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 15:47:53; mircea_popescu: les encyclopederastes were chiefly in this same business.
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219376 << such as ... ? ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 15:45:57; mircea_popescu: there's plenty of gyroscopes much cheaper, faster and broadly speaking better than "reinterpret history"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32822 @ 0.00054676 = 17.9458 BTC [+] {2}
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219395 << i still don't see how this is supposed to work. if signed by l1 - gets posted. otherwise - not. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 15:59:14; assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 09:34:04; jurov: plus without scrubbing everyone'd be able to take some clearsigned text, slap on malicious JS and whatnot and have it published
jurov: ascii_field: it only checks whether it has clearsigned text somewhere
trinque: decimation | asciilifeform: news to me: did you know you could send udp packets by writing to /dev/udp/ip/port?
trinque: decimation | asciilifeform: news to me: did you know you could send udp packets by writing to /dev/udp/ip/port?
trinque: decimation | asciilifeform: news to me: did you know you could send udp packets by writing to /dev/udp/ip/port?
ascii_field: trinque needs new keyboard ?
jurov: attachments are not filtered depending on whether they have a sig or not
trinque: decimation: I believe /dev/udp and /dev/tcp are bashisms which do not actually exist as a device node
ascii_field: jurov: gotta only post the signed bits
trinque: ah fuck
trinque: well there you go, in triplicate
ascii_field: jurov: and it isn't true that 'no one uses' turdatron. ~i~ use.
ascii_field: (hence why i bitch about it nonstop!)
jurov: ascii_field: yes that calls for enhancing the scrubber not for removing it as trinque said
ascii_field: i've no issue with the scrubber, only the filename mutilator
mircea_popescu: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/06/12/germany_drops_investigation_into_nsa_hacking_merkels_phone/ to go with that
assbot: Germany drops probe into NSA's Merkel phone-hacking • The Register ... ( http://bit.ly/1MXNEiV )
mircea_popescu: ascii_field what difference does it make ? technology pointedly makes no social difference, as per http://trilema.com/2012/anonimity-or-the-urban-versus-rural-dispute/#selection-201.223-209.0
assbot: Anonimity, or the urban versus rural dispute. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1MXNHv6 )
mircea_popescu: ascii_field [...] such as ? << been thinking of a usable packaging for your convenience since i said that.
mircea_popescu: jurov why the fuck would it publish anything whatsoever other than what l1 people signed is beyond me.
mircea_popescu: what is this, equality welfare world ?
ascii_field: ^
jurov: well, cuz it processes only one attachment at a time and i'm too lazy to redo it to consider signatures
mircea_popescu: yeah but...
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219237 << took the socialism part out of it, threw out the rest, are good libertards. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 13:45:16; decimation: danielpbarron: what does a 'practitioner of modern judaism' do exactly? like, they know they torah and tanakh but are too cool to follow them?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219247 << shit that looks like the all-elusive last leak (tm) ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 14:06:24; asciilifeform: ^ if this is not a memory leak, then i fart toyotas.
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: next-to-last
ascii_field: (last is the one where each new block perma-swallows 300 byte of ram)
mircea_popescu: nah, that one we know
mircea_popescu: there is one we don't know.
mircea_popescu: i guess you're right huh. next to last, worst.
ascii_field: hence next-to-last.
mircea_popescu: hopefully it actually is one.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: btw, is there any reason we oughtn't shoot any tx that's hung around in mempool for more than a few days ?
mircea_popescu: i'll feel like having a lava lamp taken out of my asshole once this can finally be said. "no leaks!"
mircea_popescu: ascii_field yeh. they could be legit. you don't wanna assume about the pool
ascii_field: 'legit' is not a permanent citizenship in my machine ram !
mircea_popescu: how about two weeks ?
ascii_field: who ever hangs for two weeks waiting for a block ?!
mircea_popescu: hm
kakobrekla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219408 < if someone has herpes simplex let them be, if someone comes here saying stupid shit, that wont fly. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 16:14:16; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219234 << yet sick is strictly the most common, oldest and widestly still used reason to ban someone.
mircea_popescu: word.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field thinking about this... is this the thing that already drops shit txn ?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219297 << what am i, Mr. Buy Everything ? ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 14:22:33; asciilifeform: re: yesterday's thread, i'm frankly surprised that mircea_popescu ~didn't~ buy the trunk line
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219299 << you somehow opt to neglect the point that this was actually done in practice. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 14:24:11; asciilifeform: go try and ddos a tier 1.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: yes we drop
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: was?!
mircea_popescu: so if we drop how could anything end up 2 weeks old ?
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: we drop ~bastard~ tx
mircea_popescu: seems like an excellent error catcher, you wanna see if anything makes it that late.
mircea_popescu: hence...
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: that is, tx without an antecedent block in the machine
mircea_popescu: nono, "tx paying too little per byte compared to others we know"
ascii_field: this, eventually, yes
ascii_field: but i'm not certain why bitcoind must be a long-term flophouse for tx that can't find a block to sit down in for weeks
ascii_field: let the fella who generated it, rebroadcast until it gets in
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219306 << yeah it's pretty good. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 14:31:24; decimation: fine, brocade sells cer 2024f-rt for $30k
mircea_popescu: ascii_field for many reasons. such as for instance that we could see a situation where enemy controls 80% of hash and refuses to include your txn
mircea_popescu: until someone in the 20% mines, it waits.
mircea_popescu: generally speaking, every restriction is dumb.
mircea_popescu: and as luck usually goes, we wil lcome to regret it.
ascii_field: but why shouldn't it wait on its owner's box ?
ascii_field: why on mine ?
mircea_popescu: you relay.
ascii_field: see, this is a 'fella walks in from the street and gets something for having a pulse' situation
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30450 @ 0.0005414 = 16.4856 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: tx passed the test, and is now a tx. should get something for this.
danielpbarron: you'd have to keep the transaction in order to remember to not include it later
mircea_popescu: this is the required balance to this scheme. yes, we kill all idiot children without anyu regard to the ever rising blood level on the floor or the tears of their mothers.
mircea_popescu: but once they made it through that, they can have whatever they want.
ascii_field: they can't have the n bytes when my machine only has K-n to offer !
ascii_field: we have an elementary situation of not-enough-food-for-the-childrenz
mircea_popescu: which is why the idea is to have X bytes, and then allow tx in according to pay.
ascii_field: but they pay miners
ascii_field: not relay
mircea_popescu: the problem is solved there. no point solving it n other places.
mircea_popescu: yes. yes they do.
ascii_field: relay has to sit, eat the cost of existing
mircea_popescu: we try to make this not be different
mircea_popescu: relay will hopefully be paid by miner.
ascii_field: rly
mircea_popescu: yes rly.
kakobrekla: dragons will enforce it.
punkman: hope doesn't pay server bills
mircea_popescu: the only way relaying as currently deployed may survive is if it somehow ends up in a compact with mining
ascii_field: even if, on some distant tomorrow, we get this jam,
ascii_field: my machine is not a hilbert hotel !
ascii_field: has FINITE bytes
ascii_field: can't have a monotonic eater of these.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field again : we have a pool of X bytes. tx are allowed in only if they pay more than average fore that x. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: this is where that problem is solved. no point also solving it somewhere else.
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: does this mean that we lose half of all tx ?
ascii_field: and then half of who remains ?
mircea_popescu: whatever %
ascii_field: ad infinitum ?
danielpbarron can imagine situations in which full node operators get paid for the service of relaying -- for example, 1) end user pays node to relay his tx and 2) miner pays node to give him the choicest high-fee paying tx's exclusively
mircea_popescu: if you have 8mb and mempool is actually 8gb, you lose 99.9%
ascii_field: so, only do this when cache is full ?
ascii_field: (at present, a node has no notion of 'full')
mircea_popescu: yes.
mircea_popescu: you set 10 bytes aside for "mempool". 1 tx comes, has 2 bytes pays 5. goes in. brings 4 brothers.
mircea_popescu: now cache is full and to get in, either pay 10 per byte or go dangle.
ascii_field: this works.
ascii_field: who wants to implement ?
kakobrekla: and each node has different cache size, brings on a bunch of mess
mircea_popescu: right.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla that mess is good.
mircea_popescu: this thing needs 3 knobs : total ram to be made available to relayer, and min $/byte to accept.
funkenstein_: so where does it go in the TX? is there an OP_ANYONE_CAN_RECEIVE or something for the relayers/mempool operators to put their addy in?
funkenstein_: or maybe best to keep the payment for those services in a separate tx
mircea_popescu: or they could just rent vpn access like anyone ever since forever.
kakobrekla: but then you need another tx to cover for that tx
danielpbarron: you tell the full node what inputs and what outputs, node says ok here's a raw tx to sign (it includes an extra output pointing at node's own addr) and now you sign and give back
kakobrekla: and another for that tx
kakobrekla: and another
mircea_popescu: why the fuck does everyone imagine the internet = the web is beyond me.
kakobrekla: and .. you know where this goes
funkenstein_: loll, all the way down
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: wai wat, who ?
mircea_popescu: how do you think i buy pipe from tr ?
mircea_popescu: tr=thomson reuters for simplicity.
ascii_field: l0l!
ascii_field used to work there
mircea_popescu: good for you. so how did they sell datafeeds ? txn blabla ?
ascii_field was not involved with this
mircea_popescu: anyway. it bears insistingly repeating : the internet is big. the web is a pustule on its ass.
ascii_field: well yes.
mircea_popescu: wellsothen.
ascii_field: did i miss a line in the log? where did the web thing come in
mircea_popescu: i got annoyed at the "oh noes, how could this thing that's been done since forever be done"
mircea_popescu takes off to get more alcohol.
ascii_field: ah l0l
danielpbarron: !up ShawnLeary
danielpbarron: who are yoU?
ShawnLeary: I'm Shawn Leary
ShawnLeary: ;)
ShawnLeary: I'm the organizer of the Jacksonville FL Bitcoin Meetup
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11150 @ 0.00053165 = 5.9279 BTC [-]
funkenstein_: danielpbarron> you tell the full node what inputs and what outputs, node says ok here's a raw tx to sign (it includes an extra output pointing at node's own addr) and now you sign and give back <-- this could work
jurov: https://www.facebook.com/learys <3 <3 <3
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1HaZUYd )
jurov: is that you?
ShawnLeary: I like long walks on the beach and counterparty
trinque: lol
danielpbarron: heh i kinda like counterparty too
danielpbarron: you heard of MEAT?
ShawnLeary: is that like YACHTMONEY?
danielpbarron: i don't follow the XCP scene, i just occasionally put up buy/sell orders for my asset
danielpbarron: on a related note, someone bought up all my shares and I haven't bothered to re-up yet
ShawnLeary: so MEAT is an asset then?
danielpbarron: ya
ShawnLeary: why would one want to own MEAT? to beat it? ;)
danielpbarron: it's backed 1:1 with 'meat' from Kingdom of Loathing
danielpbarron: not to be taken seriously -- I don't think it will be possible to keep an exchange on the blockchain if bitcoin is to have a future
ShawnLeary: this is my first day in this channel, so will do some more reading and research on it. Do you have a link to Kingdom of Loathing?
danielpbarron: but it's very interesting to me that there can be alternative tokens of exchange on the same proof-of-work
danielpbarron: lol don't research KoL
danielpbarron: just read the log here
ShawnLeary: blockchain all the things :)
danielpbarron: if you must research a game, do Eulora
danielpbarron: we need more n00bs to gather stuff for us and to be apprentice crafters
danielpbarron: and Eulora needs no such silly currency pass-through to have access to bitcoin, as it's currency du-jour is already bitcoin
shinohai: I don't even think I own a computer capable of playing Eulora on xD
danielpbarron: i think even the most basic graphics card should work; it's not the most cutting edge stuff
ShawnLeary: Spells of Genesis?
shinohai: ewwww
danielpbarron: i used to have poor FPS but someone showed me what to comment out of a file to make all the superflous terrain decorations go away and that helped a lot
punkman: Eulora's kinda laggy for me, with ati6450 or something
trinque: ShawnLeary: best thing for you is to read the logs at log.bitcoin-assets.com; you'll find many topics you may (think you) have opinions on have already been treated there, and exceptionally well.
shinohai wishes ppl still played MUDs
punkman: shinohai: they do
shinohai: Well I do on sdf, just not a lot of players anymore
danielpbarron: shinohai, funny you say that; Eulora is supposed to eventually have a MUD-style client
shinohai: Now THAT would be awesomeness
danielpbarron: no reason to always render the whole 3d world
shinohai: http://sdf.org/?tutorials/games_server_list
assbot: SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hb1vNx )
danielpbarron: a great deal of the gameplay is just numbers and waiting
danielpbarron: like crafting and trading
trinque: shinohai: I wanna say I had an SDF account in high school
trinque: haven't seen that in very long
punkman: shinohai: you might also enjoy this website http://ifdb.tads.org/
assbot: The Interactive Fiction Database - IF and Text Adventures ... ( http://bit.ly/1Hb1AAT )
shinohai: I always liked reading, so those sorts of games can really pull me in.
shinohai: thx punkman
punkman: (can play most games there straight in your browser)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [BTR] 1000 @ 0.00111 = 1.11 BTC
shinohai: I ran a little citadel server for a while, which is about as basic of BBS as I can think of.
punkman: danielpbarron: no reason to always render the whole 3d world << the 3d world serves no purpose at the moment if you ask me
ShawnLeary: telnet MUDs?
ShawnLeary: man that's going back
ShawnLeary: I had to admit it, but as a young man I spent time on FuryMUCK
danielpbarron: punkman, you might not be wrong there.. but then again the game is so mysterious I can't say that for sure
shinohai: I don't like all the "fluff" of the interwebs as much.
danielpbarron: for example, the mechanics are so poorly spaded that we can't be sure if it's always advantageous to level up; there might be cause to intentionally stunt your growth
danielpbarron: depending on context of course (it is very advantageous to level up in the long run)
mircea_popescu: <punkman> Eulora's kinda laggy for me, with ati6450 or something << it's pretty much all due to bad opengl implementation / dubious drivers. on compliant card-driver combos you get ~1k fps if reaosnably modern.
mircea_popescu: i'm seeing 120 consistently on various 2007-2010 midmarket nvidia cards
mircea_popescu: * shinohai wishes ppl still played MUDs << kol is a glorified browser mud. not horrible, i guess... /me made it for a coupla days, had enough.
danielpbarron: hah you played it!?
shinohai: I don't see my platform listed, closest is Ubuntu
danielpbarron: not my kind of humor in the flavor text and the economy is not good enough to stick around
shinohai: Most browser MUDs I have seen require flash, which is a no-no for me.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron yeah, cuz you kept talking about it
mircea_popescu: word. exactly. there's so many silverman style dumbassery i can put up with.
mircea_popescu: o really, "Actually ed the undying" is funny ? mmkay.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> * shinohai wishes ppl still played MUDs << kol is a glorified browser mud. not horrible, i guess... /me made it for a coupla days, had enough. << What class did you give a go?
mircea_popescu: pastamancer. of course. i play necros almost exclusively. since about... 9.
danielpbarron: hahaha I'm also a pastamancer
danielpbarron: necro was also my favorite d2 character
mircea_popescu: i was doing pretty good, apparently im immune to the negative effects of qwops
mircea_popescu: because skill kills. and so spent my time in the ravensomething library reading "you and evil things, a love story"
danielpbarron: i thought those only drop from a certain unique item but then again i haven't played in a while
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron sadly necro sucked in d2, ended up forced to do a cold sorc like everyone else (that wasn't a paly). but did a witchdoctor in d3, for the... month or so that survived.
danielpbarron: yeh my main character online was a magic find barbarian
mircea_popescu: i can't believe nobody has written the epic story of the greatesrt failure in modern gaming. it's not daikatana, it's diablo 3.
danielpbarron: i've never seen a screencap from d3 let alone actually played it
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/diablo-iii
assbot: Diablo III on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1IyGrGa )
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/level-60
assbot: Level 60 on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1IyGrWL )
mircea_popescu: etc. if you care gan go through trololudens
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35092 @ 0.00053031 = 18.6096 BTC [-] {3}
Adlai: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=31-07-2015#1219153 < we shall see ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 12:04:00; punkman: Adlai: does the rocket fly?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79950 @ 0.00051121 = 40.8712 BTC [-]
ben_vulpes: <ascii_field> ocelots. << pallas cats!
decimation: wait, I pointed out this exact situation a few weeks ago and the conclusion was 'pay relay', not 'miner pays relay'
decimation: re: pay for tx relays
BingoBoingo: And now idiots are talking about replacing the 21 million coin cap, congrats Reddit https://medium.com/crypto-brief/should-21-million-bitcoin-be-the-cap-755b7f02ac4e
assbot: Should 21 Million Bitcoin Be the Cap? — Crypto Brief — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1HbeaA3 )
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: sha256sum buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz
ben_vulpes: 4199d2baa67451752b4313dff2b5347bf07995142182af0415c5831693d89013 buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86350 @ 0.00052445 = 45.2863 BTC [+] {3}
ben_vulpes: sha1 matches the value in the providers sig tho
ben_vulpes: o.O
BingoBoingo: The @twobitallidiot is now all concerned abou "wealth concentration"
asciilifeform: !up ascii_field
ascii_field: mosquitos drink blood, thieves want to steal. big fat surprise.
ascii_field: tr0l0l0l.
ben_vulpes: (in case you missed it, ascii_field, my hash of the buildroot tar doesn't match yours)
ascii_field: sig date ?
ascii_field: (his, not mine) ?
ben_vulpes: gpg: Signature made Sun 31 May 2015 09:29:39 PM UTC using DSA key ID 59C36319 ☟︎
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: also you took the 256 !!
ascii_field: mine - matches yours
ben_vulpes: bwaha.
ben_vulpes: silent division by two operator.
ben_vulpes: and mine yours.
ben_vulpes: false alarm.
trinque calls back the shitgnominators
shinohai: ;;later tell thestringpuller please message me if you are still working on Debian Eulora plox, thx.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
BingoBoingo: !up Michail
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12451 @ 0.00052503 = 6.5371 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8850 @ 0.00054215 = 4.798 BTC [+]
ascii_field: http://www.chaos.ctpp.co.uk/index.html
assbot: ChaOS - A Self-compiling Operating System ... ( http://bit.ly/1UcYkhR )
BingoBoingo: !up ascii_field
mircea_popescu: <danielpbarron> for example, the mechanics are so poorly spaded that << re that "spaded", just you wait until you discover it's actually a noncomputable multivariate which doesn't even allow stable solutions in the real space.
mircea_popescu: !up erg_
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo teh people whom nobody asked anything wondering about questions! it's a festival!
mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> The @twobitallidiot is now all concerned abou "wealth concentration" <<< in normal terms, "wealth concentration" means "power centers that are not alligned with usg".
BingoBoingo: Eh, it's too good for me to not have started putting together a qntra after runimating on it for a bit.
mircea_popescu: shinohai does the ubuntu thing not work on debian ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo it is pretty lulzy, if one lulz that way.
shinohai: Some of the dependencies are different for me, but I think I got it, mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: add a deb pagew to wiki if thi is the case.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It really brings the whole shitgnome scheme together, even though the Selkis kid isn't even gnome enough to be a shitgnome himself
mircea_popescu: yak, you know. anything can be yakked, and thus therfore on a long enough timeline with enough monkeys at keyboards, everything will be yakked.
erg_: thanks, mp
mircea_popescu: aha. what brings you here ?
erg_: looking for the intelligent voices in Bitcoin
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79450 @ 0.00052439 = 41.6628 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: o.O
shinohai: I made the point about monkeys and keyboards in a similar fashion a few days ago.
shinohai: Although in a self-deprecating manner.
mircea_popescu: have some casual bondage as a prize. http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mejsc2Q2NP1r8xnxlo1_1280.png
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1guIaC0 )
shinohai: I'll be on the lookout for her to arrive by post. ;)
erg_: She looks too satisfied and too clothed
shinohai: http://redd.it/3f9e36 <<< moar ethereum lulz
assbot: Ethereum: the World Computer : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1guJODM )
mircea_popescu: oh, has it taken over my toaster yet ?
mircea_popescu reminds slavegirl to buy toaster so ethereum toasterworld takeover may proceed unhampered.
shinohai: God bless snapshillbot
trinque: "without any possibility of downtime" what the fuck is this shit
trinque: nevermind, I don't even want to bother.
erg_: What is the consensus here as to how Bitcoin evolves?? It occurs to me these debates about the software become less relevant in the future
shinohai: Welp, add that to mah bucket list - fuck with Ethereum and their uptime.
trinque: holy crap, they're trying to build in an end user programming thing
mircea_popescu: erg_ tried the log ?
mircea_popescu: trinque you just don't understand how marketing claims work.
shinohai: If I have learned anything from #bitcoin-assets, it's that I can break shit.
jurov: Bitcoin ftaghn.
erg_: reading some now - am new
trinque: mircea_popescu: I mean that glass pyramid is cool, I guess
mircea_popescu: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu B'ah wgah'nagl fhtagn!
shinohai: There we go letting mircea_popescu read from the Necronomicon again.
mircea_popescu: trinque you old enough to remember when neobee took over cypruss or notrly ?
trinque: I vaguely recall them being some scam or another
mircea_popescu: ah it was glorious
mircea_popescu: too bad one can't take a snapshot of "the consensus" of webidiots.
trinque: I personally committed this end user programming fail at my last job
trinque: the idea that you can just you know, "unlock" the "creativity" of a randomly selected bovine if the UI's "intuitive" enough
trinque: wasn't my idea, but I bought in for sure
ben_vulpes retches
trinque: ben_vulpes: your grandmother doesn't want to write her own to-do app?
mircea_popescu: trinque was the original nonsense answer to the question of the web. "oh, UGC will fill the holes! all we have to do is throw some widgets together and this torrent of FREE!!11 creativity, valuable unfiltered, will wash us all the way to the bank"
mircea_popescu: made for some very lulzy years in the 90s
mircea_popescu: that these twerps are still suckling that old goat in 2015...
mircea_popescu: a lol unto itself.
trinque: yep, this was the sad aftershock of that
ben_vulpes is stuck maintaining the sad remnants of a UGC application
ben_vulpes: it somehow found revenue.
trinque: Mt Malinvestment
ben_vulpes: it's useful for that narrow slice of people who find it useful.
mircea_popescu: o hey i have a great idea
mircea_popescu: what if we made a website that was a marketplace for songs people wrote!
mircea_popescu: it could have like profile pages and upvotes
trinque: sounds like an uber-idea
mircea_popescu: we'll call them... flikes!
mircea_popescu: it's catchy.
mircea_popescu: thanks for the brainstorming guise, i think we created a lot of value. off to put another starbux coffee on this credit card someone mailed me for some reason.
ben_vulpes: needs tour booking affordances
trinque: brutal. my early 20s weep in pain
ben_vulpes: and shirt selling
mircea_popescu: ahgahahaha affordances ?!
ben_vulpes: and social media integration
mircea_popescu: is that dancing afore the fuck ?
ben_vulpes: oh yes affordances
ben_vulpes: no no the ui expert tells me that affordances are what you call things
mircea_popescu: affordances : http://31.media.tumblr.com/54985e24e1f7f1d243d046611f83b053/tumblr_n3fi75rpx11ri9me7o1_250.gif
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1guLOvQ )
mircea_popescu: (her name's Affor)
ben_vulpes: affogadances
trinque: ben_vulpes: imma need 3k for this moonscript conference I'm going to, kthx
BingoBoingo: !up Duffer1
scoopbot_revived: Selkis Tips Fiat Agenda For Bitcoin http://qntra.net/2015/07/selkis-tips-fiat-agenda-for-bitcoin/
mircea_popescu: isn't that making the twerp into way too much ? what's next, "donald trump tips illuminati agenda for toupes" ?
mircea_popescu: in other news on the templeos front, http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1090.cfm
ben_vulpes: trinque: request approved, will reimburse once you close a deal worth 6k from conference generated leads
mircea_popescu: "When America finally gets to the point when she legalizes prostitution, as she already has legalized homosexuality, she will be at the point when God will execute His judgment upon her, I.e., Death. In Seminar #2, we demonstrate to you that we believe the "Economic Babylon" in Revelation 18 is the United States of America. Read this chapter with this thought in mind, and shudder at the physical destruction God may hav ☟︎
mircea_popescu: e in store for us."
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes what, he's sales ?!
ben_vulpes: why the hell else is he going to a moonscript conference but to drum up more "fix my busted ass js" work?
trinque: ben_vulpes: b-b-but!
ben_vulpes: NO QUESTIONS
trinque: you're not nurturing my growth!
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> isn't that making the twerp into way too much ? what's next, "donald trump tips illuminati agenda for toupes" ? << Kinda made himself too much after Gox. Twas bullet 1. This bullet 2.
trinque: mircea_popescu: shit no! I belong in the code dungeon
trinque: was just making fun
ben_vulpes: in jokes on in jokes
mircea_popescu: i still don't know what is he supposed to have done. rewrite trilema, badly, spend all day on twitter, try to come up with stuff on his own, made fool of self 3x, 5x, i forget. what's he notable for ?
mircea_popescu: at least that tv dude without a station is a fag. what's this guy got ?
mircea_popescu: trinque your joke application was denied. i will proceed to take the aforementioned seriously.
BingoBoingo: Basically all that. Mostly nothing. He apparently though is embeded in with the New York bitcoin theater.
trinque: lol
mircea_popescu: well hopefully he gets 2mn to best practices bitcoin or something.
ben_vulpes: next week: "hey trinque how's lunascript.butts?"
mircea_popescu: :D
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes hey, i'll believe him once he turns it in over 9k lulz.
ben_vulpes: trinque: where's your expense report for these 9k in lulz?
shinohai: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219785 <<< You sound like a mormon or jehovah witness spot on ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 21:12:51; mircea_popescu: "When America finally gets to the point when she legalizes prostitution, as she already has legalized homosexuality, she will be at the point when God will execute His judgment upon her, I.e., Death. In Seminar #2, we demonstrate to you that we believe the "Economic Babylon" in Revelation 18 is the United States of America. Read this chapter with this thought in mind, and shudder at the physical dest
BingoBoingo: It seems like that's the sort of deal he has. Some fiaters pay him to run a fan club, he tries to "influence agent"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23400 @ 0.00051219 = 11.9852 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: shinohai it was a quote yo.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo they must be some choice derps, he's less effectual even than that southern republican lobby chick with a funny name.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: "But he went to a good school" - Famous last words, as far as I can tell also their Derp selection criteria. Best to head him off when he's weak least he Hearniate to a lager size
trinque: ben_vulpes: yeah sorry, I realized moonscript was going to cause me to think too much, so I'm working on a new type system for Fey which will somehow hide the fact that I'm still using JS in a browser
mircea_popescu: btw, anyone familiar with the personal history of one rachel uchitel ? some choice lulz there.
trinque: ben_vulpes: any chance we can slip the release date til never?
mircea_popescu: (ex hooker, applied for a private eye license, stuff like that. almost like an action movie plot irl)
ben_vulpes: trinque: naw i need it in two weeks
ben_vulpes: i'm locking you in the code hole until its done
trinque organizes a hackathon
ben_vulpes: or until you say its done
ben_vulpes: or until i find your dessicated corpse
ben_vulpes: whichever happens first
shinohai: I'm on religious high alert today, sorry
mircea_popescu: "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew was a reality television show that aired on the cable network VH1 which chronicles a group of people as they are treated for alcohol and drug addiction by Dr. Drew Pinsky and his staff at the Pasadena Recovery Center in Pasadena, California. [...] In May 2013, Pinsky announced that season six was the final season, explaining that he was tired of the criticism leveled at him after celebrit
mircea_popescu: ies he treated had relapsed and died."
mircea_popescu: the many shades, the many sides, the many meanings of "treatment"
mircea_popescu: and this unfair criticism which quashes the creativity of quacks!
mircea_popescu: the world won't be a better place until we put an end to all this bullying, and global warming.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11650 @ 0.00052949 = 6.1686 BTC [+]
ben_vulpes: loveline was a pretty fun radio show.
trinque: in the "hey dude, smell this" kind of way
ben_vulpes: corolla and pinsky were no stern
ben_vulpes: heh trinque has it
trinque: train-wreck porn; I had many a lol
ben_vulpes: trinque: https://lwn.net/Articles/651833/
assbot: Django Girls one year later [LWN.net] ... ( http://bit.ly/1guRupF )
mircea_popescu despises women in flats.
trinque: ambassador of awesomeness, dear god
mircea_popescu: words because words.
trinque: good a segue as any to:
trinque: http://trilema.com/2014/please-take-your-pills/#selection-21.0-25.1 <--> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-06-2015#1153508 << there's something here which I've been chewing on for quite a while. I find that in myself past a certain point there are not words at all for the symbols I use to relate to my life. I've considered whether this is due to --> ☝︎
assbot: Please take your pills. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1eHENG2 )
assbot: Logged on 03-06-2015 19:15:20; mircea_popescu: i would propose to you that's an excellent definition of a country : that place where young adults know who they are.
shinohai: I have women visit me, i detest going out to them.
trinque: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=18-04-2015#1103915 ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 18-04-2015 02:49:04; trinque: Citizenfive | What I'm saying, if I'm saying *anything*, is that the words don't matter. << I used to think this; lately I consider it an autoimmune disorder caused by lifetime immersion in symbolic shit
trinque: this problem of the language meaning not-one-damn-thing explains a great deal to me
trinque: I do wonder if anybody ever had words for the innermost stuff, or not
mircea_popescu: the words are fine.
mircea_popescu: just because you were stuck on windows web framework for a while means jack in the grand order.
mircea_popescu: a site's a site and a web's a web.
shinohai: "Primero hay que saber sufrir, despues amar, despues partir; y luego andar sin pensamiento."
mircea_popescu: right. how do you get them to leave ?
ben_vulpes: get? tell.
mircea_popescu: he's a softie.
ben_vulpes: give 'em a twenty
ben_vulpes: that way they won't come back :P
mircea_popescu: you'd be surprised.
ben_vulpes: it's not an insultingly low amount?
ben_vulpes: 200 i can see
mircea_popescu: women don't care about being insulted by people they like.
mircea_popescu: "Listen to old Gloria. The greater the sacrifice you ask a woman to make, the more she knows you love her. Honestly."
ben_vulpes: ain't that the truth
mircea_popescu: or somethinglikethat.
mircea_popescu: species would be in one helluva predicament if they did care. kids get pretty fucking insulting.
ben_vulpes: heh mostly in the sense of "i can't believe that you came out of me, idiot"
ben_vulpes: it's not so bad though! just mean reversion in your face.
trinque: ben_vulpes: you must've behaved yourself :D
mircea_popescu: he looks like he was a pretty well behaved kid, yeah.
mircea_popescu: still has all fingers, pansy shit like that.
ben_vulpes: oh ho ho
ben_vulpes: parents were just barely smart enough to know to not tell me what to do
ben_vulpes: i was just barely smart enough to break all of the rules without ever telling anyone
mircea_popescu: prolly never as much as set fire to the very boat keeping him afloat a glacier lake or anything
ben_vulpes: mutually assured ignorance
mircea_popescu: lol
ben_vulpes: actually there was one rule
mircea_popescu: in other news from hell, these fucktards actually put guar gum in CREAM
ben_vulpes: "don't get caught"
mircea_popescu: or what they call cream. fucking hell...
trinque: yeah, I was brazen enough to push, got corrected in kind, did me some good
mircea_popescu: i want my napolact sour cream pintsized jar!
ben_vulpes: ;;ud napolact
gribble: Google found nothing.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14500 @ 0.00052949 = 7.6776 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: lol
ben_vulpes: ;;google napolact
gribble: Napolact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napolact>; Napolact - Wikipedia: <https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napolact>; Napolact - Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Food/Beverages - Wall | Facebook: <https://www.facebook.com/napolact?sk=wall>
mircea_popescu: google...
ben_vulpes: wat
mircea_popescu: http://supermarketclaudia.ro/smantana-gospodar-napolact-400g << must eat this
assbot: Super Market Online - Casa de Comenzi Online Bucuresti - Smantana Gospodar Napolact 400g ... ( http://bit.ly/1guU2nD )
mircea_popescu: one is not a man until one has had smintina gospodar.
mircea_popescu: 75% fat.
mircea_popescu: also, http://41.media.tumblr.com/8d01952c82fec3bbb7ef056d56a6e7b3/tumblr_mh656leSVx1r0llf1o1_500.png ☟︎
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1guUfap )
ben_vulpes: trinque: make any progress through keene yet?
trinque: just ch1, plan to hit that more this eve
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: hyuuuuu
ben_vulpes: trinque: ch4's got some magic
ben_vulpes: define methods that run after other methods
trinque: sort of pre-post guard stuff?
ben_vulpes: yeah ish
ben_vulpes: (defmethod (setf side-a) :after ... ) runs after someone calls (setf (side-a instance-of-triangle-class))
cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-07-2015#1218689 <<< i think ethercoin is just some eth altcoin where each ethercoin is redeemable for 1 eth or some shit like that - catching up on logs so nfi if this was pointed out later ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 20:59:09; pete_dushenski: eth up a solid 20x over ipo price for those (like saifedean) who threw a couple bucks at it and are ready to cash the fuck out.
ben_vulpes: poor man's consistency check?
hanbot: ascii_field hanbot, what are the remaining issues? << rotor.sh sez: http://thewhet.net/han/rotorfail.txt (no patches) meanwhile mod6 has made progress on RI on ubuntu so still working on "manual" stator build. ☟︎
trinque: ben_vulpes: actually I'm growing convinced it's the rich man's
trinque: I can see all manner of places I can transplant db patterns into CLOS
trinque: slot accessors being one of them
trinque: "this shall have a goddamn foo"
trinque: "this shall have n goddamn foos"
trinque: so on
ben_vulpes: i'm not quite certain how persistence is supposed to work in the absence of an external database, and over restarts/redeploys.
ben_vulpes: i understand s-l-a-d, but not necesarily how to persist in-memory data structures over the running of a new system.
trinque: dunno that it can, but perhaps it amounts to the "table scan" step of the query pipeline
trinque: everything else being in your program proper
ben_vulpes: perhaps old system serializes its memory to disk before shutdown?
trinque: this is where I'd want to transactionally snapshot rather than -and-die
trinque: save-lisp-and-carry-on!
ben_vulpes: myeah, sure
trinque: the shuffling of objects looks a lot like mmap, I'd bet
trinque: I'm not clear on the interaction between long term storage and runtime just yet
trinque: but surely it was treated in the golden age
ben_vulpes: "statice"
gernika: Can someone point me to the guide for installing gentoo properly for foundation purposes? Following the default guide and it's got steps for setting up systemd, which clearly I don't want.
ben_vulpes: and i'm not quite sure what the "select * from Y" equivalent in a cl proggie would be
ben_vulpes: !s gentoo guide
assbot: 29 results for 'gentoo guide' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=gentoo+guide
ben_vulpes: gernika: see above
ben_vulpes: http://thebitcoin.foundation/gentoo-stage3-amd64-nomultilib-guide.txt << mod6 is this still up to date?
gernika: ben_vulpes thanks
ben_vulpes: !s -e
assbot: : http://s.b-a.link/?q=-e
trinque: ben_vulpes: perhaps CLOS calls for a greater distinction between your base facts and derived facts
trinque: that is a question of mine as well, though
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18000 @ 0.00051121 = 9.2018 BTC [-] {2}
trinque: what I mean is, say you want to work on n slots, perhaps you just bail to regular CL data structures from there
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16300 @ 0.00052949 = 8.6307 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: Come on scoopy, what does the Friday newsdump have in store for us.
cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1218970 <<< i've seen this maccas kiosk images a few times now https://ihumanmedia.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/mcdonalds.jpg ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 02:37:25; BingoBoingo: Well, they will probably keep humans at the cash register to provide a surface for customers to direct anger at.
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1IuIu9L )
trinque: cazalla: that's going to be the ass end of asciilifeform's coke machine
scoopbot_revived: France Seeks to Impose "Right to be Forgotten" Globally http://qntra.net/2015/07/france-seeks-to-impose-right-to-be-forgotten-globally/
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11250 @ 0.00052949 = 5.9568 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: cazalla: They throw that image around to hide the truth. No one "flips" burgers there anymore.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32367 @ 0.00052769 = 17.0797 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: * mircea_popescu despises women in flats. << No heel here http://www.orthopaedicsone.com/download/thumbnails/33687139/Case2a.jpg?version=1&modificationDate=1301943866000
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1IuKS0d )
ben_vulpes: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15450 @ 0.00052949 = 8.1806 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu et al: heel shoes always seemed to me a slightly milder version of chinese foot-binding...
asciilifeform: looks like trinque forgot to link his patch here? >>>> http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-July/000136.html <<<<
assbot: [BTC-dev] Rotor! ... ( http://bit.ly/1hbPG4Q )
asciilifeform: ^ anyone who had troubles with 'rotor', plz read ^ !
asciilifeform: hanbot et al ^^^
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7250 @ 0.00052516 = 3.8074 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17750 @ 0.00053216 = 9.4458 BTC [+] {3}
trinque: asciilifeform: I did, thank you sir
trinque: and I meant to attach the thing, but apparently need to lern2emacs
trinque: so if that thing's suitable, great, otherwise I'll send it again
mod6: yeah. the patch itself is mundged when sent like that because gnupg tries to escape hyphens; which is why "- ---" and "- -../dist/configure ..." happens.
phf: <trinque> save-lisp-and-carry-on! << this is handled with a posix fork. also lets you do any sort of cleanup in child before dump, like closing socket connections and such.
mircea_popescu: cazalla has not o.O
mircea_popescu: so they don't actually have the product but are releasing a hype condenser ?
mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2015/07/france-seeks-to-impose-right-to-be-forgotten-globally/ << and once they're done with that, they may move on to imposing "married woman's right to be free from dna testing of offspring" globally.
assbot: France Seeks to Impose "Right to be Forgotten" Globally | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1DfuULS )
mircea_popescu: possibly the most batshit insane thing about france today is that you go to jail for having one done ABROAD.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that's exactly what it is. a milder version of chinese foot binding.
BingoBoingo: Oh and a qntra post just fell out of reddit completely this time.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo pretty great closer lol.
BingoBoingo: ty
mircea_popescu: anyway, whole french state can go hang. nobody has any right to be forgotten as long as i fucking live. for any reason under any circumstances in any context.
mircea_popescu: i live to make whatever selection of inconvenient facts about the living and the dead a huge pain in their ass.
mircea_popescu: never forget.
BingoBoingo: https://archive.is/qeIlr seems to be missing from... https://archive.is/jF1cV or any other avenue of discovery that isn't a direct link...
assbot: Selkis Tips Fiat Agenda For Bitcoin : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1DfvfOF )
assbot: newest submissions : qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1DfvfOL )
mircea_popescu: http://40.media.tumblr.com/9cd86be29c0052b758af6656cee65e28/tumblr_n33szisHYg1rus2mto6_1280.jpg << saving this for later, who knows, might be needed. ☟︎
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1DfvkSv )
shinohai: iirc, didn't mircea_popescu tip 4 tits one time?
mircea_popescu: i wut ?
shinohai: I swore I remember a trilema article where you paid chicks 0.5 to show tits in here.
shinohai: I may be high.
mircea_popescu: oh
mircea_popescu: ;;google ill pay for your tits
gribble: I'll pay for your tits on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/>; Smurfs xxx (plus words) - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi3MQW9Xtrk>; 100 Bucks to Touch Your Boobs - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPZ6pgBIuC8>
shinohai: Why yes, that is the one. That means I am not quite as inebriated as I thought.
cazalla: mircea_popescu, no, i think someone else just created a knock off to skim a little more cream off the top .. https://www.ethercoin.cc/ (regged august last year) that is the coin pete linked anyway, not legit scam eth
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1Dfw2io )
mircea_popescu: o.O
mircea_popescu: scams atop scams...