jurov: shinohai: you can retry now, looks like the error was on my side
shinohai: It shows order went through manual but no receipt jurov
BingoBoingo: If we try to cover all of these qntra is going to have to add a "weather" category for them
BingoBoingo: But will consider doing so after cult meeting
mircea_popescu: lol yeah, didn't mean for qntra. just mentioned it because it seems to me the "isis" figthers were ru special forces.
☟︎ BingoBoingo: I dunno I'm thinking about a "weather" category nao
deedbot: fiddlerwoaroof voiced for 30 minutes.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-02 00:20 mircea_popescu: lol yeah, didn't mean for qntra. just mentioned it because it seems to me the "isis" figthers were ru special forces.
mod6: The Most Serene Tabernacle || Tabernacle of La Serenissima
mod6: s/Tabernacle/Temple ? Anyway, just throwin it out there.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no, just the guy's private history. bulgaria wouldn't extradite him a few years ago ; before that was wounded in daghestan but survived etc.
mircea_popescu: shinohai meh, crappy rum crappy girl an wtf is with those ties.
mircea_popescu: inb4 shinohai is all "how dare you dis my wife OMG VENDETTA"
ben_vulpes: and per 'storage', be able to read from that socket and write bytes to disk, for example
ben_vulpes: how would someone in the wot interact with the uci; operation by operation over irc? shoop a script in uciasm for execution and billing upon completion?
mircea_popescu: anyway, feel free to propose refinements, ima edit it.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes i would expect there'd have to be a management language for this.
ben_vulpes: i don't have a good enough model to propse anything yet, hence the questions
mircea_popescu: ie, uci admin thing advertises what it does, gets an order.
mircea_popescu: it wouldn't necessarily be over irc, though irc IS rather resilient and we get the benefit of bootstrapping a major irc network if we bake it in
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes ideally it'd be more like "run this bash script"
mircea_popescu: then uci responds with "script ran, results os and so, paqy here"
mircea_popescu: not entirely sure bash it is the right way here ; but it does cheaply (in cognitive terms) expose the system for usage. which is why ssh runs into a bash shell.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i'm thinking a "independent nodes" sort of botnet, as opposed to the zombie windowze thing usually run
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the tor model is, other than its many implementation warts, fundamentally broken i think.
mircea_popescu: anyway. uci is not gossipd. there is a good reason to implement gossipd OVER uci, but on the uci layer the thing shouldn't be concerned with this kind of security i don't thinl
mircea_popescu: even if you just run top and count ram/cpu it's close enough
mircea_popescu: bear in mind, we're not selling investors on this. cheap, broken, angry sample to iterate on is jus' fine.
ben_vulpes: noxious as it is, linux containerization and 'docker' in particular might be a good foundation for a 'cheap, angry' prototype
ben_vulpes: but the fun of hurting them with their own tools
mircea_popescu: they know more holes in "their own tools" than you do.
mircea_popescu: silk road hurt the shit out of itself with "their own tools"
ben_vulpes: note, not seriously advocating use of docker.
mircea_popescu: no i know, it's not on you ; just, the matter has to be discuss't.
ben_vulpes: oh a buildroot that compiles a 'linux' to the nintendo emu arch?
ben_vulpes: if the lubified turd came from the supervisor process C could come along with the 'script'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if we do it like that will have to have expiration.
mircea_popescu: not the end of the world, 1700 business orders carried expiration.
ben_vulpes: so then worker process would have to get involved in the billing loop?
phf: so proposed solution is a subset of qemu with metering, etc?
phf: well "qemu", a virtual machine of some sort
ben_vulpes: i imagined that each installed worker process would listen for orders from only one key, which'd handle billing.
mircea_popescu: at the other end of the spectrum, it can just be open bash and well, don't take code from people you don't trust.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: aok. then not 'any key in wot' and bill afterwards
mircea_popescu: anyway, this is a political choice mostly. if we do a "gentleman's agreement" and no code sorta thing, we end up strongly centralizing, army of lovers.
mircea_popescu: if we do a "trust but verify" no agreement all code, we end up strongly decentralizing, but exposed to you know, thedao.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes that there's no specific check or test other than top | grep "ram" sorta thing.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no, -V means, be verbose. put your idea in explicit form.
mircea_popescu: i'm not saying that we are, but WHY NOT must be stated, and in such a way 107 iq guy in 2049 reading this understands exactly wtf.
mircea_popescu: the whole point of uci is for there to be no more platform in that sense. course, this seems an unlikely goal.
phf: so a virtual machine with constraints, "jump to here, run at most 100 ticks, claim at most 100 heap" that's generated for the target with target platform and control key baked in during generation
a111: Logged on 2016-06-28 15:09 asciilifeform: 'when DEC Alpha existed, did you motherfuckers buy?? no?? have fun'
phf: then write your lisps or c compilers that would target the arch
mircea_popescu: "is your dec alpha/toaster/bitcoin miner pluggable into uci ? cool, then it makes money. no ? it's broken fix it"
mircea_popescu: main reason hardware is so centralizing today is exactly lack of this sort of marketplace,
mircea_popescu: fundamentally uci is a lateral pill for the hardware problem, oddly enough.
phf: asciilifeform: that solution doesn't preclude fancy metering techniques, wot members own control hubs, talk to each other gossip style, and route tasks accordingly
phf: a symmetric-key algorithm is my point, say aes, since i don't know any better
phf: but own key for each vm to vm pairing
phf: you will have that problem with any form of crypto. if your binary is compromised it's compromised (ignoring fancy techniques of avoiding compromise)
phf: so is a symmetric key if you have unique symmetric key for each pairing
phf: "but own key for each vm to vm pairing"
phf: asciilifeform: same way as you do with wot folks. you state who you are, then prove it with a sig
phf: well, that's going back to your "not a single byte" unless crypto
phf: but that's unimplementable constraint. anon rando can send you a well crafted pubkey that is bogus, and you will only know it's bogus after you finished your read
mircea_popescu: you want contact to my uci interface, we agree in advance, and i whitelist your key.
phf: in order to do that you need crypto where each individual byte in a stream carries enough information to make a decision there and then. so you send a byte packet and have a 1/256 change of going to next byte
phf: otherwise you have to read the whole thing before you can make a decision whether or not whole thing is bogus
mircea_popescu: reimplementing bitcoin is not the end of the world anyway. the extant version is crap.
mircea_popescu: of course, if you read the java-esque nightmare that "solidity" is, reimplementing eth as a small emu thing would benefit it immensely.
mircea_popescu: hard to do when there's nobody with a clue in "the team", obv.
phf: each slave vm gets a random int id and a symmetric key, master store int<->symmetric key in a binary tree. packet comes in <int><sig>, you get the symmetric key for int and use it to verify sig
phf: mircea_popescu: it's actually pretty immaterial, public key crypto doesn't buy you anything in this case
phf: asciilifeform: you're more attached to dismissing symmetric, then i am to preserving it
phf: but your original objections were not about broadcast!
phf: so i'm just trying to understand better the original objections
ben_vulpes: stantronics: never fight on one front when you can establish five
phf: why not eat broken glass 2) .... 1) dun taste so good
phf: is the actual order of events
phf: your thinking about 2) seems to be sloppy, but 1) is a ~point~, so no further discussion is required
ben_vulpes: trilema is as swampy as any russian battlefield
ben_vulpes: it's a compliment! natural defenses abound.
ben_vulpes: so the security model is still completely up in the air then.
phf: well, the point of the conversation seems to be for asciilifeform to make sure everyone knows that they are idiots :>
mircea_popescu: (which is how this works, when my disintersted luddite view humiliates him he lashes out)
ben_vulpes: and is the harnessing chumpnet thing still design vision and not people with real hardware to lease?
ben_vulpes: proggy with advanced c/c discovery routines etc vs. much simpler thing one compiles and installs on boxes under ones physical control
mircea_popescu: i dunno how to extract a sentence out of your last two lines.
mircea_popescu: there's no point in the sense of "this is what we're trying to accomplish". there's a few drivers ; and logically some likely outcomes. should i enumerate ?
mircea_popescu: that's a different (and much lower) level of the discussion. was that your target ?
mircea_popescu: yeah, you're mixing teh levels. lemme rant for a while.
mircea_popescu: so, strategically, we (as in, humans, people, we) are confronted with an adversary (ie, socialist state, usg, aliens, the devil incarnate, pure evil, etc) that predicates its relevancy upon targeted computing denial (see
http://trilema.com/2014/the-problem-of-enforcement/ ; and also
http://trilema.com/2015/mika-epstein-aka-ipstenu-is-a-thoroughly-clueless-poser/ re the ddos "we won't fix" and so on )
☟︎ mircea_popescu: practically, bitcoin has shown, and before that theoretical considerations have indicated and predicted, at various levels of abstraction, that computing will commodify. moreover, the adversary itself is creating an eth to this particular bitcoin - they call it "the cloud".
mircea_popescu: from these it necessarily follows that tmsr must make a correct commodization interface for computing resources.
mircea_popescu: that's one level. and it informs the practical definition of uci, an implementation thereof, as you quote it.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it remains possible, yes. review your objection re "spamming reddit", which is exactly the same principle at work in a smaller snowglobe. their swarm of pinoy breed there, right ? pasture.
mircea_popescu: i am in general more than happy to go into "don't interrupt - mistake" mode, whenever i know this to be the case.
mircea_popescu: here, i don't know this to be the case, moreover i suspect otherwise.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-28 15:09 asciilifeform: 'when DEC Alpha existed, did you motherfuckers buy?? no?? have fun'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform consider the implications of what you are arguing. if your idea of "irreplaceable home box" stands, this necessarily reduces to fortresses, armies and dirigibles. a world which happens to exclude a lot of people
☟︎ mircea_popescu: in any case, the fork example is miserable. fork is commodity item and thus cloudized already. if obama steals your fork you go to chinese shitshop across street buy replacement.
thestringpuller: didn't realize daniel krawwisz was a brony...makes a lot of sense tho
mircea_popescu: which is why louis tried to convince the idiots they can only TRULY eat at versailles.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> cpu is cheaper to reproduce than steel fork it is really only a photograph. <mircea_popescu> eh. this is not a discussion of metaphysics.
mircea_popescu: that i have the option to fuck any woman in town does in no conceivable way reduce to me being married to every woman that ever lived.
mircea_popescu: it is in fact the exact opposite thereof. anthropology attests to this point.
mircea_popescu: there's no "you need some derps across town to add your own 2+2" ; but instead "from the fact that you added 2+2 eve can't discern where the fuck you did it"
mircea_popescu: to an alarming degree, which passes for "normal" in the mind of derps like rms, because it's common and he's confused, computing IS ALREADY TIVOIZED
mircea_popescu: there isn't much in common between computer and hammer.
mircea_popescu: you can't convict without body BECAUSE the "this hammer points at you, mr alf" is a sham ; and known as such, and for a long time.
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, most modern "law enforcement" by mass is "this computer points at you mr alf". which is rank nonsense, and must go away.
mircea_popescu: contrary to what democratic idiots like to think, and keep affirming, the beoble has exactly no impact on history.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform understand the problem with the pretense : sword cuts both ways, before you know it, i'm using it to cut their heads.
mircea_popescu: "i fuck my wife every morn and every evening, she's not yet run out of cunt". what if she had ?!
mircea_popescu: point remains : the "we don't know which physical object maps to the logical object called <this server>" bit worked, even in the "look but don't touch" version displayed by tor. in fact - it was the bait in that trap.
mircea_popescu: now, time to make a day of it, and the bait a full wedding meal.
mircea_popescu: tor never worked, but THE "we don't know which physical object maps to the logical object called <this server>" BIT did!
mircea_popescu: EVEN in the "look but don't touch" version displayed. ye ken ?
mircea_popescu: let's try a comparison, to clear this up. so : capacitive display, as seen in ipad, is inherently cool. the capacitive display would be the "can't phyisically identify box running server".
mircea_popescu: now, the tor would be "ipad", except a peculiar sort that does not in fact work.
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, people still line up to buy it, and go crazy about it, and on and on. EVEN THOUGH nobody actually got to take one home,
mircea_popescu: the fact that the ipad as such doesn't exist and never worked
mircea_popescu: has exactly no bearing on the fact that the capacitive display actually works, conceptually.
mircea_popescu: the fact that the purportedly observed behaviour, EVEN IF FAKED, still violates no physics laws is now out of the bag.
mircea_popescu: but the concept of "a method which does not allow mapping of physical resources to logical resources by third party" DOES work.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: the botnets are a lot closer to the result, in practice, than usg ever got.
mircea_popescu: your notion of "actually solve the problem" oft shipwrecks on metaphysical shores.
mircea_popescu: the failure of single men to matter is not to be construed as saying anything about the abilities and capacities of hordes with herds in tow.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no, that's the convenient excuse. it is forced by the fact that "botmaster" === "pimply idiot with no social insertion".
mircea_popescu: and you know this through massaging your prostate until a number squirts out ?
mircea_popescu: stop mixing shit against entropy flow. you don't give the first of a flying fuck about the number 3. you're wrtiting code, it may not contain magic numbers.
mircea_popescu: if it's right it's right and if it's wrong it's wrong. a statistical argument may not decide this. it'll be just as wrong with 3 billion and just as right with 0.
mircea_popescu: for it to be a point it'd have to be constructed out of things that may exist in the same sentence, which it isn't.
mircea_popescu: you've not defined "involuntary participation" in such a way as to put it in this soup and prove anything.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-02 05:25 mircea_popescu: but the concept of "a method which does not allow mapping of physical resources to logical resources by third party" DOES work.
mircea_popescu: please make whole sentences. include the verbs, and the nouns, and so on.
mircea_popescu: actually, i don't think our scheme necessarily allows to know WHICH it was even if you confiscate them all.
mircea_popescu: heck, bitbet didn't keep logs. confiscate all you want. was it a timely enough confiscation ?
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-07-02 05:36 mircea_popescu: there is not a point in this sense.
mircea_popescu: "all things were preordained by god - ergo bbet logged".
a111: Logged on 2016-07-02 05:38 mircea_popescu: heck, bitbet didn't keep logs. confiscate all you want. was it a timely enough confiscation ?
mircea_popescu: so no, you fake your absolutes. flush blender corpse all you want ; maybe something can be proven later. but there's no guarantee.
mircea_popescu: i'm not about to import usg.retardation for any reason.
mircea_popescu: i get it, you've lived a life dealing with people who want a certain thing to come out of babbage's machine. fine.
mircea_popescu: i don't care what comes out of it. just as long as the process is correct, come what may will be fine.
mircea_popescu: and correct takes argument, yes, but in the form of... parents. like amoeba, like urmom, like v and like everything else built to last.
mircea_popescu: notice that if there's something that ruined computing, it's the switch from "we're building computers" to "we would like the secretaries to typeset on these".
mircea_popescu: anyway. the physical metaphore for computing is shitty, and has definitely outlived its usefulness.
mircea_popescu: code is not things, which is why whether i;d download a car or not has no fucking bearing on that discussion.
mircea_popescu: everyone swallowed the inept broken premises whole, to debate the end point. fucking hell. nevermind if you'd download a car or not. CODE IS NOT CARS!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and folks who want to know "what purpose" the program is supposed to serve end up writing openssh ; and fifty years later still wallow without proper crypto.
mircea_popescu: the only difference being that folks who abstract end up urbiting only if idiots, and choose to do so ; whereas folks who think program is a car and internet a truck end up with openssh and junk-o-rama no matter what they want, or do, or even understand.
mircea_popescu: they already lost their sanity when put cart before horse.
mircea_popescu: yeah well, it is my notion that the proposed scheme, while sinfully vague, is a better prototype for it than anything else available.
mircea_popescu: eh, that's not contemplated. your objection is like saying "bitcoin is not the solution because my hairdresser doens't take it".
mircea_popescu: take the obvious example : the reddit thing. can i do it on n boxes, indiferently ?
mircea_popescu: and while i have no doubt seti@home are imbeciles, nevertheless the problem is well solved. voting etc.
mircea_popescu: dude. i gave you an example of cars and horses to explain how TECHNOLOGY IS REPLACED FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE FRUIT TREE UP
mircea_popescu: you're not at liberty to freely migrate this into some crazy shit on a stick like we're doing free word association in the mental patient yard.
mircea_popescu: obviously, X arbitrary usecase is going to be higher hanging fruit than Y. so what the fuck of it, this is always the case.
mircea_popescu: i'm not required to show you a 1980s mercedes sedan in 1882 to explain why the fuck cars are a thing.
mircea_popescu: "trains will never work because are too loud" sort of nonsense.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you're the only one discussing the replacing of your computer.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-02 04:54 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform consider the implications of what you are arguing. if your idea of "irreplaceable home box" stands, this necessarily reduces to fortresses, armies and dirigibles. a world which happens to exclude a lot of people
mircea_popescu: this is neither here nor there, inconvenient as it may be, it has no more bearing on uci than it has on hypocaloric diets.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-02 04:37 mircea_popescu: if correctly executed, this will result in sugar, spice and everything nice necessarily. not just denying the adversary the one pasture it truly needs ; but importantly
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1494660 shinohai: Rewriting the whitepaper will fix everything.
mircea_popescu: the train example is very much illustrative. there is no purpose to trains! trains exist because of the following conversation : "hey, this steam engine is pretty neat, but is it always stationary ?" "i guess you could add a rail to it..." "hmmmm".
☟︎ mircea_popescu: that's it. it exists BECAUSE you could add a rail to a steam engine. it doesn't exist TO anything, for all anyone cares it could be to go to the moon or washington as well as better circle the wagons or hunt mountain goats.
mircea_popescu: and in this context there exists a correctness, "what do we make the rail out of ?" "well, minimum mass of functional steam engine is 1 ton, so i guess something rigid enough ; but also can't be friable must be ductile.
mircea_popescu: "oh so no cement, collected baby teeth, braided hay or glass then!"
mircea_popescu: "no, gotta be metal" "silver ?" no, abundant" "then iron is the correct substance" "So it is!"
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, considerations of "abstract thinkers" who are really metaphysicians, such as "will people be able to breathe ???" are not to be considered. if they are they live if they are not they die. nobody cares. whether leika comes back down or not is not a point of consideration in the soviet space programme.
mircea_popescu: on the other hand, considerations of powers that wanna be, who really aren't, such as cixi wanting it to be "quiter than x" or hilary clinton wanting it to "not destroy usg because the us understood as usg was always great" will also not be considered.
mircea_popescu: neither of these two form part of correctness ; the consideration of material strength above does.
mircea_popescu: so no, no "correct for x". there is a "correct of y" and that's the whole of the law.
http://time.com/3546215/laika-1957/ << also interested for idiotologists, because of the references to imbecile ustardian press of the 50s, and exact unchanged restatement half a century later. truly nothing has changed in our colonies on the indian plains.
mircea_popescu: apparently a bare tits floor cleanner / anthropologist named jennifer latson actually believes what "the press at the time" said is a source of truth ; and worth the mention other than derisively.
mircea_popescu: and speaking of jennifers : i can report partial data on a multi-year research project. of the "internet demographic" (under 30, poor, intelligent, educated, ambitious - the sort that supplies the seo experts, hackers, camwhores etc), 93% (of 2274) males and 2% (of 741) females actually heard of bitcoin.
mircea_popescu: women are by their nature stupid, there's no way to argue with the data. they'll do great on confucian-style government exams and nowhere else. especially nowhere it matters, such as you know, "the carpet has just been pulled from under clinton and it's not coming back, you know who pulled it ?"
mircea_popescu: ask a guy, "mircea popescu", ask a gal, "jennifer latson???"
mircea_popescu: ~0, % or no %, can say anything actionable about either, or anything else.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-02 13:58 mircea_popescu: the train example is very much illustrative. there is no purpose to trains! trains exist because of the following conversation : "hey, this steam engine is pretty neat, but is it always stationary ?" "i guess you could add a rail to it..." "hmmmm".
deedbot: gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes.
a111: Logged on 2016-02-18 22:21 gabriel_laddel: I have a few obligations to take care of here in the US first.
gabriel_laddel: What I had intended to say was: I'm on the hunt for products that are difficult to create in the ussa because of the supergay laws, or the interactions between the supergay laws and the situation in the field (ie, why one cannot make automated turrets to defend one's $100/month flat in the hood == the feds).
☟︎ gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: Speaking of which, why is it so difficult to get 'stuff' into BA? If I wanted to ship in a bunch of computer parts and undercut the Uruguay competition (computers reportedly cost 2x what they do in the states because ??) the issues would be what exactly?
gabriel_laddel: (am assuming I'd be able to ship in parts to BA, assemble them into machines and then take a ferry and sell in MTV)
a111: Logged on 2016-05-11 19:33 mircea_popescu: fwiw, young males that aren't entirely dumb go almost universally through this phase of "fantasy busienss" where they keep doing various coups in their heads, start a carwash then buy a shoestore with the proceeds then trade that in for a chain fo restaurants etc etc etc.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-02 14:39 gabriel_laddel: What I had intended to say was: I'm on the hunt for products that are difficult to create in the ussa because of the supergay laws, or the interactions between the supergay laws and the situation in the field (ie, why one cannot make automated turrets to defend one's $100/month flat in the hood == the feds).
gabriel_laddel: I've already sold 'stuff' here in the states, and don't see how it could possibly be different in SA?
gabriel_laddel: Oh oh, my point is more along the lines of - you can't cook mustard gas, use it on the hoodrats and then make use of the large industrial zone near oakland.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform horsedrawn /mule drawn mine rail is not railroad.
gabriel_laddel would like to live in Kr, but it is an ethnostate in which non-koreans cannot own anything.
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel computers do not cost 2x, except hte locals are 2x as idiotic. the home shopping network demographic pays 20 bux for a plastic "earring organizer", but this is not because "plastic is expensive in the us".
phf: hmm i think a111 returns message references in reverse order..
mircea_popescu: you could liberally do the ferry bit, but it wouldn't net you the (very cheap) ticket cost.
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: I don't really want to gas anyone, but must be able to respond to threats in a reasonable manner
mircea_popescu: back when they actually had capital controls in place i imported what must amount to one metric ton in us bills via ferry on montevideo.
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel VERY, VERY different in SA. you have no fucking idea, and apparently you've not been following my field reports. these people are retarded. economically speaking, they're dumber than a gecko.
gabriel_laddel: the video of a motorbike robbery from reddit a year or two ago
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: I've been reading the reports.. hence my interest.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform economically ? did i tell you about the one time when i took over management of a grocery store for 10 minutes ?
gabriel_laddel: ^ anyways, if that occurs I'd like to be able to stuff a backpack full of explosives, let the guy run off with it and then detonate without being bothered by the feds
mircea_popescu: shinohai gaw fallout innit ? the same fucktards who were importantly commenting on websites, rettardit, tardstalk, what have you and "feeling like a trader/investor/capitalist" for a year or so.
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel incidentally, if you think that fucktard was "a threat", you have serious issues.
shinohai: Yup, those same fucktards. Now "Please Fbeeeeeeeeeeeye save us!!!!!"
mircea_popescu: for over half the encounter, he was wide the fuck open to a head-to-chin, and the fact that the croc totting ustard DIDNT lay him flat on his ass is an insult to humanity.
mircea_popescu: shinohai because "it ain't right" because "normal people" with "families".
gabriel_laddel: physically I am a twink, anyone trying to rob me with a gun is a threat
phf: that's a pretty funny video
phf: who wants a dead american on their hands for couple a hundred bucks?
gabriel_laddel: "did i tell you about the one time when i took over management of a grocery store for 10 minutes ?" < do tell
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel i was sick, recently. wanted supplies. idiots were running one single counter (of the two in the place) and the local women were doing their local womanly bullshit : bagfull of 100+ different 10gram items individually wrapped, to be paid with "credit card". so i asked the girl to call the manager over, and she was like "he's that way" and i was i dun give a shit, call him over. at which point some kid with aspi
phf: mochila is like the guy who мочит
mircea_popescu: rations decided he'd cut in and pretend he's the manager, so i asked him his name, at which point the entire fucking sky fell on his head. he didn't see that one coming, he honestly imagined he's going to be the anonymous responsible & in charge.
mircea_popescu: anyway, they opened the 2nd counter and i was out of there in five minutes.
mircea_popescu: in general, the correct pattern of interaction with argentines, and i suspect south americans in general, is to talk loudly and carry a whip.
mircea_popescu: they don't understand words, in the sense that the meaning may form but the idea that there's a relation between action and meaning is as foreign to them as tentacles are to mammal reproductory system.
mircea_popescu: but it does get their attention, and the whip does the rest, provided you don't need them for any skilled purpose.
mircea_popescu: except cooking, but that's morel like ritualized activity than labour in any sense.
deedbot: gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes.
phf: apparently mochila is backpack
mircea_popescu: anyway, back to the issue : the flow was "ship to montevideo ferry to ba", but this changed recently, and likely to change more in the future. current president is usg tool and pretty firmly set on raping the locals
mircea_popescu: which, incidentally, is an idea i love. these idiots should not exist.
mircea_popescu: phf yeah. "sacate la mochilla", which ll = y they mispronounce as sh because mountaineous gits, means "take off your backpack"
mircea_popescu: it is an absurd situation, to hate the usg and propose "independent people" are the solution, then look at what "soberania y patria bla bla" idiots make and decide you'd rather see a slave empire in its place.
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, it's true. if the us napalmed this place into the ground i'd be the first to applaud. it's an insult to humanity.
mircea_popescu: the choices are practically various sorts of socialism, and female-led argentina is WAY the fuck worse than female-led us.
mircea_popescu: do you know old women here have the unmitigated gall to sit in cafes ? LIKE THEY WERE PEOPLE ?!?!
phf: "backpack or death". that's gotta be lamest gangsta motto i've heard. reminds me of the russian gop stop in the 90s, one tactic was "do you have (cellphone|money|magic the gathering card)?" and if you said no the next gambit always cracked me up "if i found them they will be mine?" like oh shit they're on to me
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform im thinking next stop will probably be us gangland conveniently placed close to large campus.
phf: mircea_popescu: south carolina state
mircea_popescu: phf there's options, just, not sure the chicken's cooked yet.
phf: "A small university located in Orangeburg, SC where ghetto kids with low GPA's go so that they are able to say that they attended college. Drug and otherwise criminal activity on campus make the school experience here quite similar to living in the projects."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yeah, but i believe you to be the sort who would have also believed romanian state to exist in 1992.
mircea_popescu: you want extensive gangland few miles away from large school where idiot middleclass / helimoms send their precious, isolated offspring.
phf: actually a lot of ivies qualify
phf: upenn is north and south of projects, yale is new haven which is ghetto outside of yale perimeter
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: sorry, you want to live in/near ganglang why exactly?
mircea_popescu: anyway. mass rape of, to quote, "many of the most beautiful Jewesses" is never an accident. everything conspires to get the lambs slaugthered.
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel legal immunity. as they say in civ, "our words are backed with nuclear weapons".
phf: i used to live in dodgy part of west philadelphia, and as i would make my way to civilization you'd start encountering campus police on patrol, which i realized is exactly like medieval sentries. these chubby, mostly ineffective guys and girls doing their rounds at 2am. "2 PAST MIIIDNIGHT. ALL IS SAFE"
mircea_popescu: phf kinda why the black criminal world was so indignant over that trayvon martin thing.
mircea_popescu: "bitch, you got a free pass because your white boy ass can't jump, an' now you go an' kill the homeboy ?!?!?!?"
mircea_popescu: anyway. /me has always lived in ghetto. i can't fucking stand "gated communities" and in general the stench of fear.
phf: girl was complaining in ghetto from time to time "man, i'm tired of these black guys hooting and hollering after me, nigga i'm just trying to make it to the store". so we moved to "safest city in united states" and she ~hates~ it. "men here smell of desperation, frankly i'm more terrified of them then i was of ghetto guys"
phf: gabriel_laddel: rockville, md. they had a crime here once, a black guy jaywalked.
mircea_popescu: fucking buffallo, will stampede, nothing you can do. felides and canides have better shit to do than get themselves killed over bothering you.
phf: they have city court, district court and state court, and a police building. i've not seen this many police cars patrollin in my life. even in russia
phf: actually, saw some police cars rolling around recently, that were straight out of Half Life 2. fully black, matte, all angles tanks
mircea_popescu: no mobility, deeply useless as police vehicle. that's an army truck.
mircea_popescu: ask nypd veteran from the days the city still ~worked, whether he'd like that for a cruiser
a111: Logged on 2016-07-02 16:56 thestringpuller: asciilifeform: i'm guessing zoolag is down?
shinohai: Im experiencing much the same with mine, after a while goes to zero connections and never reconnects unless I restart.
thestringpuller: did another restart. (i pinged the ip and it works?). so we'll see what happens. I'm just using -connect to do initial sync.
deedbot: xcfw748 voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque makes a drive-by comment because otherwise busy drinking at pool with babes
trinque: asciilifeform: UCI is a replacement for AWS or "hosting" or "computing for hire" or whatever you like; comparing it to your beloved home "ox" is ridiculous
xcfw748: greetings, i have some qntra css that BingoBoingo may be interested in
trinque could not be more enthusiastic about joining the UCI conversation when he tires of beer and beauty, bbl!
xcfw748: if you like it i can finish up what's in the @media query for mobile and send it over
xcfw748: if not, let me know where it falls short and i'll see what i can do
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i should have sent you some "tits for bits" flyers to put up lolz!
mircea_popescu: lol. alf getting ahead of you in the seeing the world score ben_vulpes ? WHERE'S YOUR PORTLAND NAO, BISH ???
BingoBoingo: xcfw748: Your CSS has too much style. Looks very Wordpress
ben_vulpes: ran around in it nearly yearly...for a while
BingoBoingo: And what's with the black links? Are they links?
BingoBoingo: Admirable effort, but doesn't let default styling shine where it should. It's a bit too much
xcfw748: BingoBoingo thanks for looking
xcfw748: yes, the black links for post titles and sidebar story links are all links. readers are used to them being links by nature of their placement on the page
xcfw748: the inline links are colored blue to distinguish from adjacent, non link text
xcfw748: re: gray text, which gray text on the page offends?
BingoBoingo: xcfw748: If you could post moble screenshots of both designs (full page) and you will see why Qntra CSS works. Also no, black text is never links.
BingoBoingo: Why should eyes have to work any harder than the minimum. Let brain do the work, not eyes.
shinohai: ;;later tell mod6 experiment worked, but is only useful for already crafted tx's since there is no signrawtransaction capability yet.
BingoBoingo: xcfw748: As we are strangers pls keep conversation in channel
deedbot: xcfw748 voiced for 30 minutes.
xcfw748: BingoBoingo noted. is this a direction you would be interested in given some modifications? or is it not the right aesthetic for qntra?
BingoBoingo: The problem is not the aesthetic, but the usability
BingoBoingo: Mission #1 of currenct qntra design is to be maximally accessible independent of device, browser, or physical handicap
xcfw748: i believe some adjustments can be made to address your concerns
BingoBoingo: But as qntra's been around a while now also gotta maintain brand identity, which means current color scheme
☟︎ BingoBoingo: And no specifying fonts, because what if people prefer to change their default font to their favorite?
BingoBoingo: And so on tends to lead to the current theme staying the same.
xcfw748: did not change the font specification from the current css
xcfw748: yes, i appreciated when the @media query was added
xcfw748: makes reading on phone much easier
a111: Logged on 2016-07-02 20:49 BingoBoingo: But as qntra's been around a while now also gotta maintain brand identity, which means current color scheme
mod6: shinohai: hey, thanks for checking that out.
xcfw748: BingoBoingo shinohai agree completely. however, brands do evolve over time. i intended this to be an evolutionary update. perhaps went to far?
shinohai: It certainly isn't my decision to make, ignore me. I am of the "if not broke, why fix?" camp
shinohai: np mod6. signing raw tx's would have to be a 15 quintillion step process xD
xcfw748: thanks for your time, if i get bored again i may take another pass keeping feedback in mind
gribble: Current Blocks: 419023 | Current Difficulty: 2.0945315859538098E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 419327 | Next Difficulty In: 304 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes, and 2 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
deedbot: plp voiced for 30 minutes.