250 entries in 0.606s
a111: Logged on 2019-05-13 17:54 lobbes: I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the reich. The problem is that man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass
chumpatron. My time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day
a111: Logged on 2019-05-13 17:54 lobbes: I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the reich. The problem is that man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass
chumpatron. My time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day
mp_en_viaje: there's no argument that this can be done. it's a
chumpatron, definitionally : get a buncha chumps gathered around an economically exploitable weakness, you thereby have a negotiable instrument that can thus therefore be sold for money. the argument is that doing this ~is not useful~
a111: Logged on 2019-05-13 17:54 lobbes: I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the reich. The problem is that man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass
chumpatron. My time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day
lobbes: I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the reich. The problem is that man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass
chumpatron. My time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day
☟︎☟︎☟︎ Mocky: also, central air units don't feed the
chumpatron. room units: huge market constantly turning, repairmen "fixing", "workers" installing, refurbishers
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the basic of the usg
chumpatron is this precise process, "very little" -> "very much", ie, he went from 1 beer money to 50`000 beer money. this is growth, yes ?
Mocky: re: ~DELIVER~ right around the fence: there's a lot of zeks employed working around the appleness to make new shiny for the epsilonians. part of the
chumpatron mircea_popescu: it's a whole
chumpatron, doing away with your social security & pension funds.
mircea_popescu: the socialist
chumpatron is only flavoured ~AT THE INTAKE HOPPER~.
mircea_popescu: best construction i can put on it is, "closest pantsuit can come to saying
chumpatron operator wanted".
mircea_popescu: but yes, in principle a
chumpatron op shouldn't be losing money, seeing how they translate into reality an ideal good : the disenfranchising of idiots.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-13 15:14 mircea_popescu: the hanno boecks always work in the same cycle. feeder phase where they "seem reasonable" and
chumpatron phase where they shed the half-hour-horizon idiots who bought it.
mircea_popescu: the hanno boecks always work in the same cycle. feeder phase where they "seem reasonable" and
chumpatron phase where they shed the half-hour-horizon idiots who bought it.
☟︎ phf:
chumpatron is from "lohotron" where loh is a chump, it's a word play on "lototron" which is a lottery machine
mircea_popescu: you know, chumpatrons are a thing, yes, but there's no 0 cost extraction. there's plenty of chumps who, while carrying nonzero chumpatronium, are also worth below 0 on the
chumpatron raw materials market.
mircea_popescu: however it is telling that the leavers all seek the same thing - and it isn't the city per se. it's just "self-realization" ie, the opposite of the above alienation. essentially, they seek to not be
chumpatron engineers.
mircea_popescu: that's, i suppose, the actual point here : that while building chumpatrons ~is~ feasible ; and in many actually encountered circumstances it ~is~ productive ; nevertheless a
chumpatron is not a tank. not merely by coincidence of design, like a spoon is not a fork, but could pass for a fork in a bind. a
chumpatron is not a tank fundamentally, nor could ever be a tank of any kind to any degree, much like a stove can't cool your
mircea_popescu: anyway, i'd suspect this is actually the main entry intake for botnet
assbot: Logged on 23-02-2016 08:51:15; mircea_popescu:
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-02-2016#1413406 << basically us "college"
chumpatron still experimenting with "what's the lowest qty of candy bar we give the cattle to keep getting the sweet sweet usg funds for them. like, out of the 100k per capita we get in fed funny money, what's the least we could dole out to the maggots in whose name the whole scheme is run ? maybe -100`000 in paper and $
assbot: Logged on 23-02-2016 08:51:15; mircea_popescu:
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-02-2016#1413406 << basically us "college"
chumpatron still experimenting with "what's the lowest qty of candy bar we give the cattle to keep getting the sweet sweet usg funds for them. like, out of the 100k per capita we get in fed funny money, what's the least we could dole out to the maggots in whose name the whole scheme is run ? maybe -100`000 in paper and $
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-02-2016#1413406 << basically us "college"
chumpatron still experimenting with "what's the lowest qty of candy bar we give the cattle to keep getting the sweet sweet usg funds for them. like, out of the 100k per capita we get in fed funny money, what's the least we could dole out to the maggots in whose name the whole scheme is run ? maybe -100`000 in paper and $500 in chips ? for
☝︎☟︎☟︎ assbot: Logged on 18-02-2016 07:24:57; ben_vulpes: my inner thieving gypsy recoils violently against the notion of working someone else's
chumpatron ben_vulpes: my inner thieving gypsy recoils violently against the notion of working someone else's
chumpatron ☟︎ funkenstein_: hey thanks. my goal has been to learn something. the testnet
chumpatron market looks oversaturated.
ascii_field: aha, so they can start the 40% interest
chumpatron going early in life
ascii_field: for all i know, it is a '90s-style
chumpatron like the last elbrus !
ascii_field: (what is it called when honest folks end up doing this duty for a
decimation: not realizing the complete
chumpatron they are entering
decimation: pirate faces difficult choice: be effective and go to jail/enter 'justice'
chumpatron or be ineffective and waste time
decimation: hire non-idiots who don't want to enter the
chumpatron somewhere where feeding real estate isn't the entire economy
decimation: lol because the suing class consists entirely of people who willingly entered the aforementioned
chumpatron decimation: surely at least some of the meat doesn't want to enter the
chumpatron mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> Pure
chumpatron to drain actual Ulbricht supporters of resources << and the fact that kid would sign off on this - pretty disgraceful.
BingoBoingo: Pure
chumpatron to drain actual Ulbricht supporters of resources
BingoBoingo: Seriously, this has all the promise of a great
chumpatron except every now and then a customer does something worthwhile
decimation: I thought it was well known that anything to do with 'popular music' is essentially nothing more than a marketing
chumpatron funkenstein_: space, the final frontier. to boldly go where no
chumpatron has gone before
isaackl: And some fish just love to gamble. I used to do marketing for the mobile-slots
chumpatron, humorously people pay real money but they can't cash out real money
punkman: 21 seems like a reasonable
chumpatron to me
decimation: ^warning to people who want to enter the us police
chumpatron trinque: ascii_field: so corporatize the "
chumpatron", not the lab, and own both
mircea_popescu: for the other it's not ok to admit urbit exists strictly because a) yarvin's
chumpatron attempt failed just at the time b) usg was looking for a particular tool
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ancientstuff, before coming up with his current
chumpatron he was doing the sort of thing bitpay guy is trying to bury
mircea_popescu: in any case, gotta admire how narrowly the
chumpatron works.