phf: oh yeah, i forgot about it. i got distracted because my console is not here with me, so i spent some time setting up xorg/telnet/networking
phf: i'm trying to figure out why genera's x client is crashing openbsd x server. but once i do i'll try the chip
phf: you can do it either way, but right now genera is client and unix is server
phf: apparently there's an xserver implementation in genera! so can probably get xterm displayed.
phf: i'm confused. genera is client, unix is server means that genera is going to display itself in a window on a unix box. (client/server in xorg terminology)
phf: yeah, trying to sidestep lack of console
phf: i think not-transfering-letter-shapes-over-wire is one of the most useful features of protocol. naturally was first one to get subverted
phf: i think the argument was, you can't do aa with ttf unless you're composing client side.
phf: i tried doing that through the citrix client, no dice (back when i was working for a place tha tuses a citrix client)
shinohai: I think our friend Preet was prosecuting that case iirc
phf: that would be a nifty project if it didn't just reduce to "raspberry pi"
phf: you ask for such things
phf: it's an alt future technoloyg
phf: speaking of FUCKGOATS, project PITCHFORK? i still can't get over that one
mircea_popescu: nothing prevents you from using a normal one this way as it is.
mircea_popescu: none of it will work until we have the whip to starve the jus' wanting to masses.
mircea_popescu: them of the "Why should i do it right when i could do it easy" church.
mircea_popescu: ordinary jwz must have no alternatives. otherwise... ordinary jwz will pretend he exists.
mircea_popescu: point being -- dorks go around pretending they're doing "end to end encryption". this field must not exist in order for mp's cellar fab to work irl.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-07 15:31 asciilifeform: 'well ~i~! know now that i'm not an acorn. but do THE SQUIRRELS know??????'
mircea_popescu: that's the rub. not "need one billion". you don't. but you DO need a giant fly swatter to oppress teh masses with.
mircea_popescu: take the consumer away, all these problems of peon opining are solved.
mircea_popescu: this is what needs buckling, the centenary trend of turning medieval serfs into modern consumers.
mircea_popescu: srsly now, hitler was a rank imbecile, and in practical terms a major discredit to his country.
mircea_popescu: had germany been led by a sane man, it'd have just maintained a defensive alliance with japan an' argentina. never empowered the idiots, not in italy, not in russia.
mircea_popescu: stalin without the war would have fallen flat under the weight of his own imbecillity by 1945.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the quack of 5millenia before is not a comparable item in this scope though.
mircea_popescu: a sanely managed german "empire" would have outcompeted britain out of the ground by 1950.
mircea_popescu: "lebensraum" fucking bs. they could have just colonized argentina. it's larger than fucking europe, and richer.
mircea_popescu: but no, the yhad to go die pointlessly in fucking ukraine, so the italians colonized argentina 20 years later
mircea_popescu: and UTTERLY shat it. this country was in the top 5 in 1920. because of the imperial german trade.
mircea_popescu: but to get back to it : no, hitler didn't have much of a clue, nor were any of his decisions either sound, useful or correct.
mircea_popescu: just a derpy application of "to make a small fortune in X first you start with a large fortune."
mircea_popescu: it is much worse to have a town of 1000 populated by 500 idiots with idiots' tastes and 20 bucks to spend each
☟︎ mircea_popescu: social effects. the maximal empowerment of rank imbecillity is where there's a lot of imbeciles with a little gas each.
mircea_popescu: which is the point of anti-inequality : simply TAKING the empire's money away from "the public" into the hands of the lizards is an improvement in teraforming terms.
mircea_popescu: which is why corruption is the right thing, and anyone "fighting corruption" should be raped and then gutted.
mircea_popescu: hruschev had no idea how to get even with the us. check it out that putin humiliated obama.
mircea_popescu: you stubbornly measure only the height of the plank, then are surprised at volume differential.
mircea_popescu: steklov math man was a 1km long, 1mm x 1mm individual. the cocaine yacht dude was 1m on all sides.
mircea_popescu: hey, i know your entire life is dedicated to the proposition that geting 10% better at doing math is worth losing out 50% on salesmanship.
mircea_popescu: but none of them had the people with enough fucking sense to get out of the rain.
mircea_popescu: exactly like china today. disciplined followers and local optimizers.
mircea_popescu: imo us and su failed exactly the same way : once the message got put out that "don't worry, do your own thing, we got X covered", it died the next day
mircea_popescu: dun matter "we got X covered" is "we're building socialism" or "they failed building socialism"
a111: Logged on 2017-03-23 00:27 asciilifeform: the supposed otp roms you can buy now, are actually eproms without the quartz window.
BingoBoingo: << Hey, I just replaced coolant hoses on car. Destroyed old leaky plastic "quick connect" fittings with screwdriver since they embrittled to become "always connected". Replaced them with thermoplastic heat shrink clamps.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2017-03-22 23:21 asciilifeform: yea it's a pre-plastic auto.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Insufficiently novel. Try to preserve Saturn plasticar's plasticar theme.
BingoBoingo: And the thermoplastic clamps have a very "clean" look to them.
BingoBoingo: On the plus side the cooling system on this vehicle is just about the easiest possible thing to fill. Coolant reservoir is part of pressure system, heatercore is always open, thing is basically self burping.
deedbot: doppler voiced for 30 minutes.
deedbot: asciilifeform rated doppler 1 << new blood
doppler: I was drawn in by the computer-related discussions I have seen from some of the users here
doppler: I guess most notably, asciilifeform
doppler: well this is going to sound dumb but
doppler: I think I found your website through some ancient HN post
doppler: I also have connections to some people who work on lisp machine restoration
doppler: haha, well I think there are varying levels in the people I talk with
doppler: I haven't done anything in that regard personally
doppler: but I'm very interested in the topic
doppler: phf knows at least one of the people i know
doppler: I have enjoyed the content that I have read in the logs over some months and watched scroll by as I idled here the past few days
doppler: so really I'm here to learn
doppler: what kinds are you looking for?
doppler: I say I'm here to learn and you hit me with such a request :)
doppler: well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask them
doppler: what are you working on presently?
doppler: it seems that many are caught up in the 'collection' aspect, maybe
doppler: how much of the remaining equipment do you think is still "undiscovered"?
doppler: ie. owned by people or parties that do not know the value of it
doppler: might there be documentation along with the machines?
doppler: I do see why that would be to their advantage
doppler: that's a very respectable way to think about it
doppler: that post was among the first I read
jhvh1: shinohai: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this theory of "interesting concepts" of a tribe dead on its own power is the height of unpersuasiveness.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-22 20:47 ben_vulpes: !!up eo
pete_dushenski: make that phd student, not phd. electrical engineering at stanford.
mircea_popescu: shinohai who the fuck esteems a two bit instructor in an obscure university that's been circling bitcoin for years and has as of yet produced nothing besides tweets and dandruff ?
mircea_popescu: so then it's not the concepts that were interesting but the implementation ?
mircea_popescu: do you wish to know how did some old farts manage to stick it into the missus, because "the concept" of getting it up is interesting in the sense of well, not actually, you have the concept, it just, what exactly ? yours dun work ?
mircea_popescu: there's just about nothing interesting you could find by opening hood of ancient car, as an engine designer today. not one trhing. most of them are collected, and are revered by a so-minded public, and aren't documented worth didly squat. i dun think this sunday hobby item is different from that.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: girl (rather cute, i might add) said she just wants to lurk to start. read logs etc. i've pointed her towards registering her key with deedbot and said she can ask q's via pm or pgpgram. we'll see what comes of the endeavour i guess.
mircea_popescu: what am i going to learn blowing a million dollars worth of highly energetic photons on the 55 chevy engine block ? how to cut metal with analog calipers ?
mircea_popescu: there isn't a single engine on the market, the kind with shaft driven aspiration and carbureted intake. so what.
mircea_popescu: heck, it';s not even legal to try and sell or drive one.
mircea_popescu: i see you claiming it, it's just not sticking. evidently digital accumulators exist. no horse.
mircea_popescu: this does not improve the validity of your horse theory.
mircea_popescu: yes, catalytic convertors could go away. they don't work with carburetors. so ?
mircea_popescu: look, the label game only works if you can enforce it. and you can't.
mircea_popescu: so, the concept of moving signalling from rigid to fluid medium. great idea. minor point.
mircea_popescu: it's just a different category of special pleading. even if you get me to fuck liz taylor tonight, and even if i personally fucking love it and propose marriage, i still won't agree she's structurally different from womanhood.
mircea_popescu: some guy came up with the bright idea of ading a fine copper mesh to miner lamps so they dont' start fires anymore, about the same time. it didn't fucking change mining from milk to ambrosia.
mircea_popescu: mircea_popescu is in the position where he spent many years applying serious, scientific methods to the problem of knowledge classification.
mircea_popescu: this gives him an edge over ad hoc feelings, it's only feelings approach.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-22 23:34 mircea_popescu: tbh i have nfi how you could run trb in a vps. i don't think it's possible, not really. would be certainly quite the medal of merit on any software that can handle such.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform your proposed cut of the gordian knot was "let mp feel what i feel!!11"
mircea_popescu: i've determined no such thing. i jus' said, i dunsee it.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: also 4gb ram and 1tb raid that processes tx way the hell faster than dulap on mech hdd
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski that dun sound like a vps. sounds like a proc spec ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform then what the fuck are we talking about ? airbrake made bank.
mircea_popescu: what, edison tried to blackball it and failed. counterfactuals make for poor support.
a111: Logged on 2015-07-29 00:35 asciilifeform: at any rate, if you go and read edison's writings, you get a very similar flavour of 'idiot savant / malicious imbecile' as from bill gates
a111: Logged on 2014-06-02 18:05 asciilifeform: (e.g. power station on every street corner, wall wiring as thick as your arm, etc)
mircea_popescu: i never got much more from gates than from any other zigglar.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-23 04:46 pete_dushenski: << define 'possible'. >x connections ? doesn't crash ? because i've been running trb on vps since it came out and have no particular complaints other than semi-regular st9 errors.
pete_dushenski: EXCEPTION: St9bad_alloc \nstd::bad_alloc \nbitcoin in ProcessMessage() \n
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: 'Every service is in a dedicated VM container' << i'm not clear on difference between vm and vps, but i have at least one trb box on vm it seems.
mircea_popescu: i would expect any host trying to make money with vm to have kicked him off
pete_dushenski: << i don't even know where to begin with this 'day in the life of 28yo credit suisse banker'. is bi that fucking cocksure that they think their readers will swallow pictostory about nice kid who plays squash and eats in cafeteria all day ? as if this kid isn't pushing dodgy shit onto worthless clients he and his bank don't give a shit about all because his higher-ups have some bad
pete_dushenski: paper to unload. kid's overpaid salesman, not 'relationship manager' like some walmart customer service desktard. wtf.
pete_dushenski: not unlike yours truly at similar age. 'look mom ima a republican lord!' lol
mircea_popescu: i have no fucking idea what sort of frogbrains havwe to be in these brainboxes.
mircea_popescu: dude is fucking frying them, and they're going through the predictable motions. "oh, trump will fry us. lol" "oh, trump is just saying so" "oh, he accidentally beat us up but he loves us"
mircea_popescu: bitch... grow up. nobody fucking wants you. there's no space left for you.
mircea_popescu: "oh no, that's just not poissible, who wouldn't want an obnoxious old woman." guess.
mircea_popescu: gotta love the "routine" device of the SOPS also. "john smith, why did you wait in a black van behind the highschool for the cheerleaders to come out, then chased one down, stripped her naked, tied her and took her to your van ?" "oh, i ALWAYS DO THIS!"
mircea_popescu: vs "usg agency, why did you eavesdrop on trump and then lie about it and then lie about other things ?" "oh, WE ALWAYS DO THAT"
mircea_popescu: "roses are sweet, bruises are blue, i had a great time but not as great as your asshole is now."
mircea_popescu: oh incidentally, for the socialists in attendance : watch "quiz show". it's an utter piece of crap i couldn't comprehend why anyone bothered making until we got to the scene where the white priviledge guy apologizes for existing.
mircea_popescu: enjoy teh tv fiction, i say, tis as close as you're fucking getting.
mod6: This box with 2 E5650's and 64Gb RAM showed up yesterday. now, just need some drives...
mod6: ya, kinda neat. looking forward to getting this fired up.
mod6: fwiw it was only like $375
mircea_popescu: yeah, since bolix went the fuck away computing's not expensive at all
mircea_popescu still remembers making the very HARD fucking decision of not dropping 2k of 1990 dollars on a 15 inch monitor.
mod6: oh yeah, back in those days computer-anything was $$$. Especially CRTs.
mircea_popescu: "but mp, they were built to last. think, you could still have it!!" yeah. i could. and it'd be worth 25k in today's dollars, and it'd still be a 15 inch mcga or w/e the fuck it was
mircea_popescu: also trinitron more like 2000s. the 90s were atrocious, all that green.
mircea_popescu: in retrospect, i can't believe my eyes lived through it.
mircea_popescu: micro-mp used to spend so much time staring down early displays o brother.
mircea_popescu: there's that expression that there's two kinds of fools in this world, the kind that says this is old, and therefore good ; and the kind that says this is new, and therefore better. just because we're awash in type 2 idiocy from the ipaditiots and mactards dun mean the type 1 went away.
mircea_popescu: wtf do i want a handblown crt for! and how much of it was ~the equivalent ?
mircea_popescu: if the only way to get a kock gpgtron was to dig one out of the one clothing store in utah that accidentally got all the 18 evcer produced and sells one now and again when they stumble on the box in the basement -- would your idea of the gpgtron be closer or further from your current, and correct, idea of it ? which, unless i lost track, goes along the rails of "nothing in there is salvageable ; full rewrite" ?
a111: Logged on 2017-03-23 03:39 asciilifeform: the old iron, doppler , is not -- contrary to the delusions of 'collectors' -- interesting per se. the ~software~ was not even interesting per se -- it was a tall pile of stinking mit hacks. the CONCEPTS, however, as described in , WERE interesting.
mircea_popescu: yes but i suspect you don't actually know what the word "concept" means.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-23 04:37 asciilifeform: on the other hand, there is not ONE sane cpu on the market. the kind with enforced type tags and bounds.
mircea_popescu: this being the substance of the whoile discussion since yest : you claimed to want something you showed you have ; i deduced the confusion must be resolved. "concepts" in the sense of "metaconsiderations" aren't interesting ; concepts in the sense of concepts you already have.
mircea_popescu: but this is a red herring, because your stated aim with the archeology is to populate your head not your desk
mircea_popescu: it's not like you aim to take the found machines to the kinko's and copy them into more exemplars.
mircea_popescu: and re "folks", the elephant of sadness in the field everyone's been dancing around since forever is that none of the buyers buy for anything like a sane puyrpose. much like the 55 firebird buyer who isn't buying it in 2015 to make teenie boppers suck his cock in it ; but to drive it by city dumps and industrial zones which used to be a town and stroke his memories.
mircea_popescu: and this in the best case, a good half simply buy them to deny it to memory strokers in the hope of geting more $$$ later.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: i guess it is. you were just uncharacteristically nice about it.
shinohai: What was that you said yesterday about Windows being "Perfectly safe" now, Mr Sirer ?
shinohai: The Prof that really isn't a Prof @ cornell
shinohai: Still won't actually prevent said buffer overflow
trinque wonders who leaves module loading on
trinque: or builds drivers he doesn't use, even
trinque: sure, use it for dev I guess
mircea_popescu: pestilentially common, kernel with 5k modules and 100k drivers
trinque: asciilifeform: that's living in sin and you know it
trinque: argument being convenience?
trinque: isn't my doing that there is no tool to produce a kernel driver config other than booting EVERYTHING THAT EVER WAS
trinque: if there were, you'd boot a minimal environment that can produce a kernel config, then you'd go build your kernel, then bake that into your very own ISO
trinque: it is what I said after all
trinque: aha, I'd at least like "look, network driver is the last thing you may ever load"
trinque: and that's still not better than "you only have the code available for what you intend to do"
trinque: just a minimal linux kernel that boots, can interrogate hardware IDs and fart out a .config
trinque: then you go build only the drivers you need somewhere else and come back
trinque: you keep wanting to drag me to a point that's easily knocked down; it wont happen
trinque: k, there is a check at the beginning of every module which involves "is this hardware present" for drivers
trinque: that has no business being there and not further upstack producing the .config you need
trinque: sanity would dictate you boot something which can run all those checks ~and not the fucking driver code too~
trinque: and then you go build all the drivers elsewhere and come back
trinque: boot minimal kernel -> run driver introspectatron -> get .config -> build kernel -> bake ISO
mircea_popescu: so basically, we make a usb diagnoser, you stuff it into mystery box, it spits out the equivalent of makefiles for it, you go to hot box, create image, plop it into mystery box and it boots ?
trinque: I'm not about to defend whatever gay decisions linus allowed
trinque: and phy doesn't even appear to exist without mac init?
mircea_popescu: "what happened to computing ?" "it was captured by the craptree"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's certainly a LOT less meaningful to speak of some supposed linux-windows distinction than it was in 1997. this is what bumbling imbeciles a la ermin gun sirer aim to communicate, in their bovine fashjion, when they say "windows is perfectly safe" : not that windows is anything but the crap it always was ; but that they feel confident they've managed to smear it on everything so bereft of alternative one "sho
trinque: I certainly concede the point that there's no sane way the kernel build process could go other than "better pack in everything" and then snip.
mircea_popescu: trinque the more important point he's making is that sanitization of software'd best start with motherboard redesign
mircea_popescu: he usually misstates this as hav ing to do with cpu foundries etc, which it pointedly does not.
mircea_popescu: you ~could~ rearrange extant chips in an infinitely saner fashion for very little cost.
trinque: mircea_popescu: aha, and in my head there was this ACPI table you could ask the BIOS for or w/e
mircea_popescu: still present of course, not hobbist 1k dollar cost. but nothing compared to the 1trn foundry runs you
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform a chip is a chip is a chip. it'll do whatever the fuck.
mircea_popescu: there's many possible approaches to this ford we're not at yet.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: anyway, usb suffers immensely from the utf effect. "only plug with power in it, everyone gotta be there!11"
mircea_popescu: it's how los angeles went to shit, and new york before it.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i was not laughing at all. dead serious.
mircea_popescu: computer-i can has rs for slow or ethernet for fast, and thassit.
mircea_popescu: keep things simple. i'd rather see a bank of eight upt and another bank of 64 rs holes on the machine than the current bs.
mircea_popescu: and yes, put the monitor through the eth card too. bs special bus.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-23 00:12 asciilifeform: if i ever make the fpgaized thing, it sure as fuck won't bother trying to drive an lcd or eat keyboard, wtf, just speak x11.
mircea_popescu: might be advantageous to have electrically separate high and low.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-20 20:46 mircea_popescu: in other lulz, the state of casual gaming is completely fucked up. so other than utter throwaways, stuff that looks like someone's undegrad project, the ~entire market of ipad-likes (stuff that works in the browser, or else via a "light" client for windows/mac, or else as a ipad/android etc app) is wholly like this :
mircea_popescu: large portion of the whole mess is actually trying to capitalize on the fact that the killer micros came with their own television set
mircea_popescu: which is why amiga made better computers than ameritrends back in 1992.
mircea_popescu: and once it did ship it, commodore i mean, it became less relevant nor more so.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-23 00:45 mircea_popescu: it is much worse to have a town of 1000 populated by 500 idiots with idiots' tastes and 20 bucks to spend each
mircea_popescu: in any case by 2017 we rerally can relax re the "omfg television set" marketing criteria of 1987
mircea_popescu: for the other --- THERE IS NO REASON FOR BITMAPERIZWER TO TALK BACK!!11
mircea_popescu: make it one way only! get all that shit out of the box and into the display where it can hurt nothing!
mircea_popescu: poverty, and it's daughters : ignorance ; and the expectation that the state is good.
trinque: and now "management engine"
a111: Logged on 2017-03-23 16:41 mircea_popescu: there's many possible approaches to this ford we're not at yet.
mircea_popescu: just mp-style "i can see the future but can't explain it to you, back to work."
mircea_popescu: in random lulz, from the 90s : psx came out in 1994 iirc, and utterly wiped the market. half the developers active were caught with excessive 16 bit cartridge inventory and within 18 months were bankrupt. it owned so hardcore, esp with ff7 coming out for it, that for ~ 3 years there were no new offerings in the console market.
mircea_popescu: THEN, the dreamcast came out in 1999. sold well originally but then flagged, for all sorts of reasons. to do with final engineering and social effects (their controllers sucked, their cds were fragile, the average market prefered cheap and abundant psx games to excellent but rare and expensive dc stuff.)
mircea_popescu: so sega, in desperation, introduced a "minimum sales program". whereby, if the developer didn't meet a minimum value of sales
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform they called the first playstation psx back i nthe day. then they cannibalized it later on.
mircea_popescu: the point here being, again, to restate : if the developer didn't meet a minimum value of sales, sega paid the difference.
mircea_popescu: this notion that i will support the wintel FOR FREE is the lolz of all time.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: because i sure as fuck don't want "free trade" and "open whatever" and "accessiblity" if what that means is that intel gets to rule it.
mircea_popescu: and "foundations" SURE AS FUCK don't count as an improvement here.
mircea_popescu: "w3c" wants to set web standards, it'd better PAY UP FOR THEM BEING SUPPORTED
mircea_popescu: of course you don't support it anyway. obviously. BUT IT FIRST PAYS THROUGH THE TEETH FOR THIS!
mircea_popescu: anyway. this'll do fine for a stock answer to the people inquiring why $random-"standard" isn't supported. the account is delinquent. they owe a lot of money and are trying to defraud us of it.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform good for it. whatever the delinquent debtor says matters little.
mircea_popescu: way i figure it intel owes tmsr about 1bn in license fees, royalties and late penalties.
mircea_popescu: yeah. it suffered mightily in what i called "final engineering". great food badly packaged so to speak
mircea_popescu: but the point being : nintendo utterly owned a market, which some years later had the n64 people killed for used as paperweights. sony owned the market, then lost to microsoft, and so following. this notion that intel has a hope in hell is about as ludicrous as the nonsense career bureaucrats in washington built their lives on.
mircea_popescu: "the demographics" were going to keep clinton in office forever so these schmucks could pay the mortgages they made aged 28 back in 1994. hurr.
mircea_popescu: and in this interval, they lost the whole market, all they got left is chips.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and wm did pony express runs, wtf's your point omg.
mircea_popescu: this is rank nosense entirely bereft of any meaning. you might as well recount your dreams.
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 1037.41, vol: 7556.49112154 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 1061.999, vol: 7035.28327 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 1038.1, vol: 22140.19171893 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 1016.404356, vol: 3688.23710000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 1035.898, vol: 2272.6432217 | Volume-weighted last average: 1039.92464331
mircea_popescu: this isn't teh actual word tho. dun rewrite teh bible!
mircea_popescu: yes well, if your notion of "intel dies" === "the end of stupidity in any and all palpable form" then surely the roman empire still lives embodied in general motors.
phf: in totally unrelated, i just learned that bash (and ksh) support "Brace Expansion", e.g. {0..3} => 0 1 2 3 or {a..d} => a b c d.
☟︎ phf: actually there's more in the relevant section, but these two use cases i've often missed, and have no idea how i didn't know about them till now
phf: {0..100} works as expected!
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: They probably hide them at the Canada desk
phf: i have a tool in my scripts folder, seq (e.g. seq 0 100) that does the same thing, and that i end up rewriting every once in a while
phf: i've never seen it used either, saw an example of it in recent poc||gtfo
Framedragger: phf: just curious, you wrote `seq` yourself? 'cuz bash already has seq built-in
doppler: well to be precise bash doesn't actually have a seq builtin
doppler: but it does have brace expansion which largely serves the same basic purpose
phf: i wonder how i've managed to never notice it. i use seq all over my scripts, and i have an own copy of seq too. i wonder how many times i was missing my seq just to fallback to stock :o
Framedragger: doppler: ah right, seq is actually a binary, fancy that (so works outside bash - hence why various .sh scripts use seq instead of bash's {} i guess, to be more compatible? just a guess)
doppler: I use seq all the time when I write posix sh scripts (brace expansion is specific to certain shells)
ben_vulpes: doppler: welcome to the wot, who is companioncube?
Framedragger: !!v CB100C13DC966135F1D4D0FD4FBDC994EEAA381B961D96516A407FA51DAD3151
deedbot: Framedragger rated doppler 1 << fresh blood / computer guy; his dad does account management
doppler: dude I know from another channel
ben_vulpes: there are other chans using deedbot wot?
ben_vulpes: or whatever, no need to cramp your style
doppler: but CC knows about this place
doppler: we were testing out the rating system
ben_vulpes: any idea of why he doesn't hang out here?
doppler: oh yeah, another thing about seq: it's not actually part of posix, and neither is BSD's jot(1)
doppler: so being fully compatible is a real pain
Framedragger: here i have seq but no jot. i see, so no guarantee
ben_vulpes: yeah i mean it makes as much sense as any of the other magic green lock stuff
a111: Logged on 2017-03-23 19:44 phf: in totally unrelated, i just learned that bash (and ksh) support "Brace Expansion", e.g. {0..3} => 0 1 2 3 or {a..d} => a b c d.
mircea_popescu: something something merchants payments something dorkitude.
trinque: asciilifeform: nah, just downtown Houston vs formerly burbs