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asciilifeform: i mean, sachs thinks they're part of the same chumpatron, yes
ascii_field: nubbins`: very different from the populist chumpatron, though
assbot: Logged on 19-03-2015 04:23:25; asciilifeform: '"chumpatron X debt continues to drag on the young generation, limiting their ability to be milked in chumpatron Y," the analysts said.'
asciilifeform: '"chumpatron X debt continues to drag on the young generation, limiting their ability to be milked in chumpatron Y," the analysts said.' ☟︎
asciilifeform: the basic 'zoological' observation here is that there is no such thing as a chumpatron of this size which stays 'single-layered' indefinitely. at a certain point, smaller fleas show up to go on the backs of the fleas, and so ad infinitum
BingoBoingo: This combination acedamiwank/chumpatron occupied too much of my time in Library school
BingoBoingo: Excellent chumpatron could be had selling silver bullets at $5 - 45 per round for "When your life depends on it"
decimation: (intel being another famous such chumpatron)
decimation: qualcomm is a chumpatron fueled fully by indian 'engineers' on h1b visas, who are tricked into coming to live in san deigo with the hopes of being somebody
decimation was hoping to send them some analog designs, was waiting to see what happened to ascii after he entered the chumpatron
decimation: might as well turn the chumpatron wheel
decimation: noisy chump falls into the noisy usg chumpatron, news at 11
BingoBoingo: One good indicator though is people of the cloth who go for this sort of chumpatron are too be avoided http://www.ultimatebunker.com/wp-content/uploads/9000-sq-ft-underground-bunker.jpg
assbot: Logged on 09-03-2015 17:31:55; mike_c: i don't think that is usg honeypot. just misguided VC chumpatron.
mike_c: i don't think that is usg honeypot. just misguided VC chumpatron. ☟︎
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: this type of chumpatron has a name, though i'm blanking on what it was
asciilifeform: these will be inhabited, incidentally, by chumps feeding the 'college' chumpatron
asciilifeform: take with grain of salt, but folks fairly deep in the belly of the beast have suggested that 'noblis' is where the handprints from 'bitcoin atm' crap, pseudonyms from 'changetip' chumpatron, 'aml/kyc' idiocy, etc. all ends up.
decimation: I'm sure you would need several signed and stamped notes from the 'mental health' chumpatron
decimation: the real estate chumpatron in the us is finely tuned to prevent any actual person from being involv[\
asciilifeform: decimation: they were 'working for nothing' long ago, by way of giving up most of their salary to the local real estate chumpatron as a mandatory matter
decimation: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9052727 < lol, listen to chumps stuck inside the silly-con valley startup chumpatron grind and squeal about the sudden realization that they are working for nothing
asciilifeform: that alone would not doom it - consider the world of usg - but the onesie-pcb-assembly business doesn't have the makings of a mass popu-chumpatron
decimation: in the us, the chumpatron is often kick-started by a government regulation that is sold as 'efficient' or 'safe'
decimation: this is all a chumpatron on the 'let's break everyone's window so we can stimulate the window-repair economy' model
decimation: hvac is a particular kind of chumpatron in the usa
PeterL: they end up with no money, where did it all go? who is winning from this chumpatron?
decimation: aye, one can't keep a chumpatron going if it kills the chumps
decimation: yeah I feel sorry for folks caught in such a chumpatron
decimation: but the derps who run the airport security chumpatron would 'trip' on 'leatherman-like object'
BingoBoingo back then did not realize was treading chumpatron
BingoBoingo: Ah /. prolly link-snipped because on chumpatron take http://slashdot.org/story/15/01/21/2052247/jim-blasko-explains-unbreakable-coin-video-2-of-2
asciilifeform: the whole concept of a 'sidechain' is an elaborate chumpatron.
asciilifeform: it was, in fact, a basic toy chumpatron. the inspiration for my article re: same.
ben_vulpes: silly-con valley chumpatron con ojos
kakobrekla: binary chumpatron?
asciilifeform: chumpatron
decimation: personal bankruptcy is basically a well-oiled chumpatron
asciilifeform: not only to drive waterfall directly, but to create an appearance of a 'happening', 'hot' chumpatron
BingoBoingo: <ascii_modem> these are not convertible to btc except via humiliating pederast temples << Local "Rent to Own" Chumpatron reportedly sells BTC via something called LibertyX Seems to fit the definition of Pederast temple
BingoBoingo: Par for that advertising chumpatron
asciilifeform: the physical components of a mega-chumpatron have to be made somewhere.
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, the entire content of chumpatron X is going to be x.
asciilifeform: what other kind of communication is possible between chumpatron operator and the feedstock ?
kakobrekla: endless chumpatron
decimation: news from the 'stem jobs' chumpatron: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-11-24/the-tech-worker-shortage-doesnt-really-exist << "Asked what evidence existed of a labor shortage, a spokesperson for Facebook e-mailed a one-sentence statement: “We look forward to hearing more specifics about the President’s plan and how it will impact the skills gap that threatens the competitiveness of the tech sector.”"
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: next week they will be back on coindesk with some new chumpatron <<< no, it gets better. next, they will be getting the congressional medal of honor, for "innovation"
kakobrekla: next week they will be back on coindesk with some new chumpatron
asciilifeform: ^ mr y's mega-chumpatron
decimation: and the youth who stumbled into the chumpatron of 'manning' the missiles become human statues
mircea_popescu: so now : all these run entirely on quantum mechanics. the box and the cpu. this is directly equivalent to saying "stinks of running entirely on chumps, chumpatron". so ?
bounce: it still stinks of running entirely on chumps, so all we got is a chumpatron. how does that matter?
decimation: dkim is kind of a chumpatron
ben_vulpes: more specifically, asciilifeform, american webdev chumpatron.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: heroku << paulgrahamian vc chumpatron, iirc
ben_vulpes: elegant chumpatron.
asciilifeform: incidentally, this doesn't always work. witness the mindless regurgitators who shine in every academic chumpatron.
decimation: asciilifeform: the concluding question being: in front of which chumpatron's maw do you wish to graze?
asciilifeform: luck + informational asymmetry == chumpatron.
mircea_popescu: it was never anything but a chumpatron.
asciilifeform: only so many basic mechanics for running chumpatron.
mircea_popescu: they go to the pink sheets, to live as one of a few well specified chumpatron models
decimation: dub: piloting is an interesting chumpatron. most pilots earn peanuts, but they all hope to fly for the 'major' airlines and earn $300k per year
asciilifeform: other reasons include - folks who play in the real-estate chumpatron get a good deal of tax break.
decimation: she thinks that her job is to help 'disadvantaged' people but her actual job is to maintain the "no enemies to the left" chumpatron
decimation: 'nazi' crap is a particular chumpatron that the dumb stumble into
cazalla: chumpatron.com avail heh
punkman: I vote for chumpatron.whatever
asciilifeform: by the time these things changed - he was fully occupied in operating an obvious chumpatron
kakobrekla: still full operational chumpatron
ben_vulpes: it's a convenient chumpatron - both my shartup short and the touchscreen phenom.
assbot: 116 results for 'chumpatron' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=chumpatron
asciilifeform: !s chumpatron
asciilifeform: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2007/07/my-navrozov-moments.html << linked from above, mr mold's explanation (written presumably before the chumpatron re-swallowed him, this time - for good.) ☟︎
asciilifeform: beck gulch << what an old chumpatron, snore
ben_vulpes: gernika decimation: there's some value in witnessing the chumpatron from the inside.
asciilifeform: re: container houses piece << classic chumpatron. put up steel container on empty lot to live in -> illegal, confiscated. bezzlamatic cuts costs for self by using shipping containers (painted to look like house) -> 'amazing company, innovators!'
asciilifeform: 'Bit Drop project' << aha the old tired african chumpatron. lay siege to some pisshole, make 'international' stink, food is dropped from bombers. drive off would-be eaters at gunpoint, collect the crates, sell.
assbot: 99 results for 'chumpatron' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=chumpatron
kakobrekla: !s chumpatron
asciilifeform: they want in. on the cheap. hence, chumpatron enlisted to drive down price.
kakobrekla: id say bitfinex chumpatron is working just fine
kakobrekla: chumpatron needs recharge time for each money bomb
bats_cd03: https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/08/08/ether-sale-a-statistical-overview a report from the belly of the chumpatron
mircea_popescu: <decimation> re: kickstarter : I think the real product is an illusionist's trick: I'm a somebody because I'm an investor, even though I'm investing chump change for the chumpatron << you're quite correct, in that. it's reddit except expensive.
decimation: re: kickstarter : I think the real product is an illusionist's trick: I'm a somebody because I'm an investor, even though I'm investing chump change for the chumpatron
mircea_popescu: cazalla chumpatron knows their audience.
kakobrekla: turn the chumpatron to 11.
decimation: ascii it seems this scheme is designed to recruit chumps to run the chumpatron
asciilifeform: the original u.s. chumpatron.
asciilifeform: http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2014/07/24/nuanced-view-needed-to-understand-millennial-homebuying-behavior << mega-lol. chumpatron is sputtering, chumpatronic engineers desperate.
decimation: not a chumpatron on nitrous
decimation: quite so. I think the yearning to "see" the data being generated (like from the chumpatron) is the right idea
decimation: the chumpatron would be more efficient
asciilifeform: ^ notice he says 'лототрон' ~= 'lottotron.' the original, in fact, 'лохотрон' - chumpatron.
asciilifeform: re: bfl - the sad part is that the entire mining industry, afaik, is based on exactly this kind of chumpatron. and if outright take-money-and-run merits two years of parole, what does, e.g. six month deliberate 'we mine with your hardware' merit? harsh words?
decimation: re: "anti-environmentalists" << a true anti-environmentalist would construct a chumpatron to bleed environmentalist chumps
asciilifeform: easy target. but understand that u.s. academia is divided into pissant fiefdoms entirely like the climate chumpatron
asciilifeform: unwritten u.s. law - no house anywhere near a city, with working plumbing, not in 'live fire zone', etc. will be sold for 'pocket money' to a human (i.e. sans mortgage chumpatron)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this used to be a major chumpatron in usa. in fact, not long ago, in restaurant, i saw a tv showing a 'we help you patent your Invention 111!11!' ad.