97 entries in 0.511s

mircea_popescu: for some reason that was a most delicious
unhappening & rehapenning target.
mircea_popescu: in any case, the "
unhappenings" we've been laughing at aren't ~alien~ technology. they're how the victims of child abuse react to the world "naturally", in the sense of, having had it browbeat into them by the shameful harpies of
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-13#1824975 ; both in the family and at "school" / football practice / we.
☝︎ ave1: And
unhappening, I cannot find the broken keys on github... (Also bitbucket ssh-key api gives errors)
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: i read it, it was a snoar, ethertards doing their '
unhappen this eggog, unlose some shitcoin' thing again.
lobbes: but so it goes, those on that ship will '
unhappen' into their watery grave
mircea_popescu: in other
unhappeneds, agnes miegel's an den fuhrer never existed, as far as the "gateway to world's culture" is concerned.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-03 17:43 asciilifeform: it is ~perfect : 1) no way for enemy to
unhappen logs short of burning the bldg 2) easy to scroll through, read 3) thermal paper burns great
a111: Logged on 2017-07-01 23:52 asciilifeform: and nao bernstein, henninger ( this is what, 3rd paper since she was attached to him ) '
unhappened and rehappened' it
a111: Logged on 2017-06-30 15:50 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677110 << it still has access to... cache timings. and potentially undocumented cpu instructions ( laugh, but this happened and '
unhappened' repeatedly, and that's just on asciilifeform's watch )
mircea_popescu: anyway, getting the "
unhappened" to at least know there's a name for it can't hurty anything
mircea_popescu: i guess somehow the obvious got
unhappened in all languages because why would they wanna think of such things!
mircea_popescu: lol if that pops, the
unhappening should be lulzy to watch. from space preferably.
pete_dushenski: shinohai: there ain't no happening like an
unhappening. just priceless.
gabriel_laddel_p: having both text & the js/images/etc prevents lizardhitler from "
unhappening" headlines, while ensuring that DOM dumping and other crazy nonsense doesn't have to be implemented.
mircea_popescu: yeah. well, it got force-published once, to much "
unhappened" hangwringing and posturing.
mircea_popescu: this could be because "rape" (this happened before, a few trilema articles that google
unhappened) ; or maybe triloxic content finally got its comeuppance.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-14 21:44 asciilifeform: 'Lol this is easily the best "
unhappen" yet. So as the story goes, a secret key that exists and is regularily updated since 2006 suddenly — but deliberately! — gets a shared factor in 2016, as part of a didactic exercise which consists of doing euclids and other calisthenics. As a sub-plot thickener, it is for the first time announced that it takes 11*10/2 operations to obtain a 600+ digit prime factor in Berlin, which is somewha
mircea_popescu: breaking global temperatures, the email was widely misquoted as a "trick" to "hide the decline" as though it referred to a decline in measured global temperatures, an accusation made publicly by the politicians Sarah Palin and Jim Inhofe" << the wikipedia
unhappening of the original global warming fraud is nothing short of astounding.
pete_dushenski: as if it isn't happening. or can just be "
unhappened" if it inconveniently does
trinque: heh, here, "you cannot buy X
unhappenings of chernobyl!"
pete_dushenski: though i found out that the 5k of ruskie 'views' i sent to that video for shits and giggles...
unhappened. they lasted for at least 3-4 months though.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it is rather notable though that the largest threat perceived by muppets and their drivers alike is "mp doing things". far, FAR above you know, their shitpile collapsing in a loud mess, the ONE thing that's worth expending the
unhappeningium is, mp!
mircea_popescu: more like "the world exists to cater to me and so it SHOULD be the case this
jurov: and judging from today's
unhappenings, DEPOSIT is next