▁▁▁▁⏐︎ 5279
Framedragger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdJqOFLP4kA << some music. nik bartsch
shinohai: Interesting music Framedragger, not my normal fare but ....
Framedragger: bartsch does quite a bit of funky stuff, e.g. with his band "ronin". (e.g. album "holon"). if you follow youtube suggestions, will get some nice live plays of his, etc
Framedragger: (does stuff with other bands, too)
shinohai is more of a Classical/Metal person
Framedragger: nice. rachmaninov with heavy overdrive!
mod6: evenin'
shinohai: o7 mod6
shinohai: Framedragger: I prefer Rimsky-Korsakov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR_Q7NbLzyU&t=916s ☟︎
mod6: how they hangin' shinohai ?
shinohai: A little low and to the left! >.>
mod6: respectable
shinohai: I'm sure if she tugs on 'em a bit they will swing more clockwise.
mod6: :D
shinohai: Since all the other scammers can come up with a coin, I - The Baron Titsbare - should create a new algo called Proof of Jerk.
mod6: heh
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> o hey, foundation owning shares, too ? << at first I was thinking that these might need to be realised into btc and sent to the addy... but i don't see any restrictions on asset ownership. as long as jurov writes in a line item in the report at least.
mod6: ben_vulpes: thoughts? ☟︎☟︎
shinohai: Perhaps said shares will appreciate in value.
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Congrats on two years, it works when you work it. When are you picking up your coin and eating caek?
mod6: hey!
mod6: well done!
shinohai: BingoBoingo: I'm honestly *incredulous* 2 years have passed so quickly. The lulz have been as worthy as the shares, and that's value.
BingoBoingo: That's the power of "Keep coming back"
shinohai: I'm thankful the Republic accepts my contributions. Where else the fuck would someone like me go?
BingoBoingo: The bar? ☟︎
shinohai: Heh, never found solutions there.
shinohai unless, say TITTY bar
BingoBoingo: lol, The lord titsbare hath decreed it
shinohai: ^_______________^
mod6: cheddarworst brats on the grill tonight with dijon mustard.
mod6: yaaaaa.
BingoBoingo: nice
shinohai: yummy
mod6: so awesome
shinohai: I have a guest tonite of the Georgian persuasion who made some kind of funky Stroganoff that i'm not gonna argue with.
mod6: ah, nice man
mod6: sounds good
shinohai: You are welcome to load up the Suburban and amble over here, lel.
mod6: haha. werd.
mod6: road trip kinda sounds cool actually.
mod6: i've been afk too much lately. :/
mod6: got a metric-fuckton to catch up on
mod6: here's the results from FG #3, second run of entropy collection1.1Gb worth. `ent` && `dieharder` results: http://www.mod6.net/fg/fg-test/fg3.ent_run2.txt http://www.mod6.net/fg/fg-test/fg3.dieharder_run2.txt ☟︎☟︎
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651601 <<< On further thought, "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-04 02:21 BingoBoingo: The bar?
BingoBoingo: http://dailycaller.com/2017/04/27/college-speaker-whines-about-prison-but-fails-to-mention-that-she-tortured-and-killed-a-man/
shinohai: Trump made me do it.
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all
shinohai: One sec, lost jhvh1 in netsplit
BingoBoingo: np
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 1505.95, vol: 11498.06020734 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 1402.799, vol: 10509.1831 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 1614.4, vol: 17193.86019088 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 1237.444551, vol: 13250.12280000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 1513.368, vol: 5061.21710821 | Volume-weighted last average: 1458.31605317
shinohai: Dem Buttfunions
BingoBoingo: That's a good one
BingoBoingo: brb, sleep
mod6: night
mod6: !~later tell mircea_popescu Hi, does seem like my gnat woes were system environment related. Was able to compile alf's ffa after splitting up the file: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Nl0EP/?raw=true
jhvh1: mod6: The operation succeeded.
mod6: Crap. Forgot to add that the gcc version on the one that worked was GCC 4.9.2. Maybe that's my problem with my broken env., gnat version doesn't match the GCC version. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: in unrelated arse-digitalia: "If she is curious about encryption, she should find the Internet's best tutorial on the workings of the RSA algorithm."
ben_vulpes: "Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing" has some gems ☟︎
ben_vulpes: mod6: i think it's grand
ben_vulpes elbows mod6 and whispers quietly in his ear "hey see if you can get him to do the eulora coppers while you're at it"
ben_vulpes: endless lulzrabbit hole, this: "I seriously considered quitting the industry in 1997 when Apple Computer was concluding its acquisition of NeXT. Imagine if the president of General Motors said, in 1997, "It has come to my attention that our cars are kind of clunky and unreliable. Don't worry, though. We're rectifying this problem by licensing the blueprints to the 1985 Toyota Camry."
ben_vulpes: and from le wik: "One of Greenspun's most famous students is Randal Pinkett, who built an online community for low-income housing residents in Greenspun's 6.171 Software Engineering for Internet Applications course."
phf: mod6: this is anathem, but you could split the learning of ada and the build from sources into separate unrelated projects by downloading a prebuilt binary from adacore. that's what i did first, http://libre.adacore.com/download/ unpack whatever version ./doinstall puts all the binaries (including its own version of gcc) into a subdir structure you specify
phf: it also gives you a working gps (gnat programming studio) which is handy if you don't emacs (and even if you do, it's a semi-proper ide with context sensitive completion and code validation)
phf: afaik gnat is built as part of gcc, i.e. it's one of possible artifacts produced during gcc suite compilation, so you shouldn't have a situation of non matching versions, and if you do it's most likely not going to work right. the easiest approach is to build matching gcc/gnat into their own directory structure, and change PATH when you're working with gnat projects. i think package managers going the other way and try and carefully match gcc/gnat ☟︎
phf: versions (at least that's what pkgsrc does) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651593 << yeah should be fine ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-04 02:05 mod6: ben_vulpes: thoughts?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651619 << nice pile mod6 ! ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-04 03:12 mod6: here's the results from FG #3, second run of entropy collection1.1Gb worth. `ent` && `dieharder` results: http://www.mod6.net/fg/fg-test/fg3.ent_run2.txt http://www.mod6.net/fg/fg-test/fg3.dieharder_run2.txt
mircea_popescu: "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." huh. not bad.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651635 << sounds like a prime candidate. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-04 05:00 mod6: Crap. Forgot to add that the gcc version on the one that worked was GCC 4.9.2. Maybe that's my problem with my broken env., gnat version doesn't match the GCC version.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651637 << quite, yes. dude's always been my mental model for "irl george costanza". ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-04 05:41 ben_vulpes: "Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing" has some gems
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651645 << chiefly because nobody seems to grok hl the master of the rolls' point. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-02#1651098 ☝︎☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-04 10:14 phf: versions (at least that's what pkgsrc does)
a111: Logged on 2017-05-02 19:43 trinque: how about... users
mircea_popescu: there's users, there's directories, and then there's a bunch of gnats trying to reinvent the wheel so they could call it gneel and LIVE FOREVER IN MEMORY OF MAN!!11
mircea_popescu: fucking brain parasites.
shinohai: Buenas dias Sr. Popescu y los demas de Trilema
mircea_popescu: hola!
mircea_popescu: we claim dis gorge and we shall call it disgorge!
mircea_popescu: and in other dekulakizations, https://archive.is/lWBxq#selection-695.430-695.619
mircea_popescu: "maximum return" for shareholders and other gems of the soviet state.
shinohai: In Soviet Russia, money disgorges YOU.
mircea_popescu: "It’s a bit like the homeowners “using their houses as ATMs” during the 2000s, except that the shareholders don’t get stuck with the mortgage payments. The ­businesses’ workers and customers get to share the pain."
mircea_popescu: fancy that wonder. putting money down the line, with no kind of collateral whatsoever is not "sharing the pain". none of that obnoxious http://trilema.com/2015/other-peoples-money/#selection-77.0-77.47 oh no.
mircea_popescu: instead, the "workers", michael moore's http://trilema.com/2012/the-imbecilitarians/#selection-193.214-203.38 , those schmucks who spent all their day trying to put in less work THAN WHAT THEY WERE PAID FOR. those "sharei n the pain". what fucking pain ? the pain of ~their future expectations~ of tits continuing to bleed ambrosia in their open mouths going away.
mircea_popescu: "Firms’ investment decisions, then, don’t depend on current earnings or credit conditions; they depend on whether management can propose projects with high enough returns to convince shareholders to leave “their” money inside the firm." << get a load of that. quotes. not around "workers" and not around "our" democracy. but around "their" money.
mircea_popescu: the schmuck in question, http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/faculty/j-w-mason actually thinks he's an economics phd/asssistant prof etc.
shinohai: http://userfeeds.io/ <<< "Allow your token-based community to create their own view of social media destinations" - But further down the page "Want to find out more? Check out our Medium blog."
shinohai: Because naturally the shit doesn't work yet.
mircea_popescu: not really. more because octopus arm gotta signal its attachment to octopus so the other worms know what's what.
mircea_popescu: basically the reason we keep ending up with the empire of stupid "running things" instead of the republic of the smart, is because smart people look at stupid people and can tell they're stupid, and then imagine this means something. it does, in some places. in other places it does not : the stupid can still recognize the stupid and band together.
mircea_popescu: most of the activity of the stupid is channeled to this "constructing the dogvomit" activity. it's not like "oh, stupid did something stupid, it dun work." it's always "stupid did something to signal to stupids that didn't happen to have other effects".
mircea_popescu: goes right back to that discussion re spam, "oh how could anyone expect to sell something when they can't even spell". except he's not trying to do anything other than signal to other dumbasses, "hey, here's dumbassery". they then merge. that's all that's going on there.
shinohai: Not surprisingly, the main "investor" here is coinbase founder Fred Ehrsam.
mircea_popescu: aha.
mircea_popescu: this "stupid signalling" approach explains 100% of the activity of the idiots.
mircea_popescu: compare and contrast "Production can only be carried out successfully by managers who want to make things, and not just to make money." from the marxist idiot masquerading as an economist with the "We thought we were ready, but then everyone arrived. The team was overwhelmed. The airport was jam packed. The buses couldn’t handle the load." of the very manager he's talking about, passionate of "the ocean" and "technology" bu
mircea_popescu: t innumerate.
mircea_popescu: yes, it sounds way the fuck better in the abstract (if you're clueless, entirely devoid of either experience, any faculty for thought and any inclination to resolve either). but it's the same god damned thing -- the desire of "visual thinkers" to introduce new glyphs in the alphabet so they don't get "constrained" in their "creativity" by the present set exactly mirrors the need of the house fly to get some garbage going so i
mircea_popescu: t can lay its eggs somewhere.
mircea_popescu: point fucking remains : people who "just want to" "creative" and be relieved from the need to math are fundamentally stupid people who will never do anything but make trouble for their betters, and who essentially aim to burn your house down to make marshmellows in the blaze.
shinohai: https://blog.slock.it/blockchain-energy-p2p-sharing-project-share-charge-going-into-live-beta-ad4e069e79d <<< More of the same, from the neckbeards @ slock.it
mircea_popescu: lol, that lulz still pretends to existence ? really ?
shinohai: Also, still pretending that Ethereum is "Immutable" apparently.
shinohai: "Our mobile application enables anyone to benefit from a platform secured by proven cryptographic principles without knowing the technical details behind it"
shinohai: We don't know the technical details behind it either, but hey!
mircea_popescu: made by the people that also made the anal orifice ethereum got raped through ?
shinohai: The very same.
mircea_popescu: what could possibly go wrong! some idiots will flock to it, if it makes a blob large enough they'll be "too big to fail" and if it doesn't maybe it attracts the attention of a slightly larger blob looking to accrete specs of stupid to grow.
mircea_popescu: !!up asciilifeform
deedbot: asciilifeform voiced for 30 minutes.
asciilifeform: ty mircea_popescu . trinque : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-03#1651420 >> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552690 ☝︎☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-03 19:23 trinque: unrelatedly hey asciilifeform, got an apu2?
a111: Logged on 2016-10-04 15:36 asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, PANZERS! pc engines 'apu2' (the board with the intel nics - vs. 'apu1', with realtek) , turns out, is crippled, hdt probe barfs with it, the cpu is reputed to have a drm fuse set.
asciilifeform: so it's approx the same as any cheapo x86 nao.
mircea_popescu: heh
asciilifeform: apu1 was the nice one.
asciilifeform: 2 has bloblocked amd and -- as if this weren't enough -- intel (yes) nic.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-03#1651432 << this fact is readily verified with almost naked eye. yet 'unhappening', naturally. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-03 19:41 mircea_popescu: meanwhile the chinos seem to have completely given up on tx priority by fee. there's 20 sat/B items included, there's 200 sat/B item waiting for hours in the pool, it's a complete, ridiculous mess.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-03#1651435 << them and other folx who claim to 'prioritize' tx in exchange for ... fiatola ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-03 19:43 mircea_popescu: (andpool, as usual, the worst offender.)
mircea_popescu: amusingly it improved significantly right after i said that. coincidental, i'm sure,. and not to last, obviously.
mircea_popescu: who could have predicted that the people supposedly served by the market in question are the first to try and break it ?
mircea_popescu: apparently every imbecile is firmly convinced the warm embrace of some sort of "consensus" fiatism is going to treat him better than any possible marketplace.
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-03#1651510 <<< lol https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14262389 ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-03 23:04 ben_vulpes: heh it'd be funny if a) the fiduciary rule had stuck and b) if someone had brought suit against coinbase/kraken for pushing penny stocks
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-03#1651480 << hey, in usaschwitz inmates are forbidden from having money at all ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-03 21:26 mircea_popescu: soooo... the unconfirmed rumour is that the chinese govt is drawing up plans to make bitcoin a strategic commodity, making it illegal for private citizens to hold it / buy their holdings at the "prevailing market rates" (ie, 1kish_
mircea_popescu: in short : the fundamental error at the base of the currently deployed bitcoin prototype is the nonsensical proposition that observed competence correlates with actual competence, rather than being just accidental happenstance.
mircea_popescu: it's a little like giving an A to the kid who's top of the mongoloid class, forgetting for some reason that even if he floated to the top, he still floated to the top of a sewer and consequently is still a turd, fundamentally.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: recall the 'columbus and driftwood' thread
mircea_popescu: yes the current miners elbowed themselves atop a larger set who tried to mine, over years, somehow. but this does not mean they're anything but a bunch of idempotent tards.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform quite.
mircea_popescu: it's still one for the ages, to observe the people for whom the market exists in the first place squirm like they were visited with flaming salt ffs.
mircea_popescu: it's almost as if everyone agrees itsucks for the nodes, they got no fee market, except for the miners, who go "hey, at least they ain't got a market!11"
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-03#1651533 << shannonizer ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-03 23:16 mircea_popescu: "passions" for you know, "technology", "the ocean" and "music". because that's how this fucking works, there's a large jar called "passions" and you pick m&m's from there. they're all the fucking same.
mircea_popescu: wetware, but yes.
mircea_popescu: shinohai lulzy, all the "technical trader" explaining away why their idiocy did not work. here, i have a very similar one for you : https://www.thesun.co.uk/living/1376503/september-11-cameraman-claims-hes-got-proof-the-george-w-bush-administration-was-behind-terror-attacks/ ☟︎
mircea_popescu: tl;cba - dude shot his wife in the head, ran off to argentina, is not being extradited and likes to claim that it's because he has sept 11 proofs!!1
shinohai: Jet fuel can't melt steel beams yo
mircea_popescu: 6 inch peni can't satisfy wives, either. nevertheless...
shinohai: hue
mircea_popescu: this whole "oh, someone else snuck in and shot my wife, didn't bother to fuck her before or after, nothing" is such lulz. who the fuck is going to shoot a woman, the husband himself can't be arsed most of the time.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651644 << this took me ~month to tune, i oughta have posted the makefile ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-04 10:14 phf: afaik gnat is built as part of gcc, i.e. it's one of possible artifacts produced during gcc suite compilation, so you shouldn't have a situation of non matching versions, and if you do it's most likely not going to work right. the easiest approach is to build matching gcc/gnat into their own directory structure, and change PATH when you're working with gnat projects. i think package managers going the other way and try and carefully match gcc/gnat
asciilifeform: will post when i get home
asciilifeform: ( originally planned to wait till 'p' release , did not anticipate the appetite of readers )
asciilifeform bbl
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, apparently george michael died. heroin abuse.
asciilifeform: !!down asciilifeform
mircea_popescu: wtf is with all these obnoxious 80s media items doing heroin anyway ?
mircea_popescu: anyone got a theory ? ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: and yes asciilifeform , YOU SHOULD HAVE FUCKING POSTED IT.
mircea_popescu: think, if only you had taken the day to do that, you'd have saved mod6 a week of fiddling, for a net gain of 6 days for the republic.
mircea_popescu: why so irresponsible ? srsly nao. you hate us or something ?
shinohai: Perhaps they don't have the Bitcoin or Chinese connections to purchase Carfentanil
shinohai: http://vessenes.com/tokencard-tech-roundup-and-erc20-crediting/ <<< In other Ethereum projects that can't math ....
mircea_popescu: when is this schmuck getting prosecuted for his "foundation" scam ?
trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552690 << d'oh ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-10-04 15:36 asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, PANZERS! pc engines 'apu2' (the board with the intel nics - vs. 'apu1', with realtek) , turns out, is crippled, hdt probe barfs with it, the cpu is reputed to have a drm fuse set.
mircea_popescu: and in other "production being carried on succesfully by managers who want to make things", https://archive.is/IOVKM#selection-1317.5-1317.68 <<->> http://trilema.com/2014/namecheap-goes-off-the-deep-end-anyone-know-a-decent-domain-registrar/
mircea_popescu: people from the future will look at these boneheaded decades incomprehendingly. never before, and i expect never after, has so much business been destroyed by "really passionate" imbeciles "who wanted to".
shinohai: I don't think I've ever used Cpanel at any point in my internet life. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: for a while was the cheapest way to get wordpress minds on their own space.
mircea_popescu: whatever, no longer relevant in itself. yet another electric panel co.
mircea_popescu: and in other "When you see it"s, https://68.media.tumblr.com/fc9f5fcc1f392a51a74ec2dbb2cd013d/tumblr_n6sccvgZuH1tptzhko1_1280.jpg
shinohai: What is that, a Soviet block glory hole?
mircea_popescu: must be
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651737 << probably follows standard path of percocet abuse (around $30 per pill on black market iirc) to eventual (much cheaper) heroin ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-04 13:18 mircea_popescu: anyone got a theory ?
mircea_popescu: why not buy a 20lb rock of pure lsd, mount it in a "den" and just you know, lick it whenever you wake up ?
mircea_popescu: there's better drugs to abuse than fucking heroin.
mircea_popescu: in fact, the cogent argument re heroin is that any usage pattern from which you woke up is abuse. the correct way to use it is the way chinese use it, as a retirement plan.
lobbes: Trappings of power vs power I imagine. "Ah shit, can't relax, can't sleep. Ah this mellows shit out"
mircea_popescu: ie "he just wanted to" ?
lobbes: Lsd, on the other hand, can make one more paranoid
lobbes: More aware of "fuck I actually have no control after all!!"
mircea_popescu: mdma ?
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651584 << this was nice, thx! ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-04 01:39 shinohai: Framedragger: I prefer Rimsky-Korsakov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR_Q7NbLzyU&t=916s
lobbes: Mdma may be the right prescription for em' although many are cut with amphetamines. "The day after blues" can hit hard
mircea_popescu: you'd expect pop icon of the 80s can afford nuclear grade pure samples.
Framedragger: i think the simile of "lsd is like being given a coredump" is apt (actually heard this from an opioid affictionado). you're sorta-given-all-the-data, but then what. mdma on the other hand is in-between a psychedelic (you still get that psychedelic experience, to a point) and a stimulant (which in its case acts as "guidance", of sorts).
shinohai: I never get tired of that one .... There is a version somewhere that the NY Philharmonic butchered by performing a bit too presto for my taste.
shinohai: That one is likely best on Youtube
Framedragger agrees re "heroin as retirement plan". doesn't plan to try opioids before ~60, even
Framedragger: shinohai: nice
Framedragger: (required disclaim re mdma: one has to do the homework, understand basics of serotonin syndrome (oxidation => damage of serotonin synapses), do it *very* infrequently (if at all), etc.)
Framedragger: disclaimer*
lobbes: ^^ true
Framedragger: (unless you're a british raveboy who does it every weekend and then complains of "memory problems" years later. plennnnty of these here)
lobbes: I try to space my mdma experiences between several years even
lobbes: Oh god, I couldn't imagine that. Talk about brain frying
Framedragger: sounds like a good idea :) i think "3 months" is a nice bare-minimum, but there's actually not enough data. controlled studies are with mice etc., and field observations have too many confounding variables (alcohol, weed, etc.; also, *body temperature* (most important catalyst of deprivation of antioxidants it seems, many fall prey to this, underhydrated, etc.))
mircea_popescu: they don't do the cold rooms anymore ?
Framedragger: too young / out-of-loop to have seen this. guess not. is it like a place you go to for dancing breaks? sounds nice
mircea_popescu: it is the place where you go to lie down and have your body temperature fixed passively.
mircea_popescu: wtf.
trinque: totally untrue re: lsd gives you all the data
Framedragger: trinque: yeah, that was too optimistic, i agree
mircea_popescu: what is wrong with the fucking soviet, it always builds these shits, roadways without parking spaces, brothel;s without bathrooms, raves without the requisite terarium scl etc ad infinitum.
mircea_popescu: if anything should be the international, universal and enduring symbol of socialism / stupidity, it'd be a koi fish in a plastic bag.
trinque: Framedragger: it's depersonalizing and that can maybe give you some room in your skull to think for a while if you're otherwise too neurotic to calm down
trinque: otherwise makes sensory input LIKE WOAH MAN which is fun, but does nothing useful
trinque: funny enough this was exactly what I was thinking about in the shower
trinque: republican overmind is everywhere
mircea_popescu: lol
scriba: say BORG
Framedragger: !!rate scriba -1 buggy
deedbot: Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/UL2ou/?raw=true
lobbes: lel
shinohai: http://archive.is/J3fXr <<< Judge rules users can be compelled to reveal phone passcodes in sextortion case.
mircea_popescu: "social media star yesjulz" ? sorry ?
shinohai: I never heard of her either.
mircea_popescu: "Both Voigt and "YesJulz" are big names on social media. Voigt is a fitness model and Instagram celebrity who starred last fall on "WAGS Miami," an E! reality TV show about the wives and girlfriends of sports figures in South Beach."
mircea_popescu: you have ghot to be kidding me.
mircea_popescu: so basically this entire "legal proceeding" is about trying to enact the pretense that "E!" is a tv station and "WAGS Miami" is some sort of show and so on and so forth.
shinohai: And that the "celebrities" involved are actual people.
mircea_popescu: "nobody ruled on nobody in particular's sophomoric argument with nobody else involving things and matters, please care!"
mircea_popescu: i suppose the next helping out of the ever fertile well of these idiots' imagination is you know, "bitcoin is money because we've been acting like it were for long enough and everyone really cares what we act like!!!"
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> wtf is with all these obnoxious 80s media items doing heroin anyway ? << Their doctors have been scared by the DEA gang into not giving them pharmaceutical opiates
mircea_popescu: why would you give 50yo kid trying to make a life/career out of singing into mom's hairspray tube in his underwear opiates ?
shinohai: Also, am I delusional or did s.qntr price increase this round
mircea_popescu: a good paddling i could see. morphine ? what for ?
BingoBoingo: <lobbes> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651737 << probably follows standard path of percocet abuse (around $30 per pill on black market iirc) to eventual (much cheaper) heroin << You mean under $1 a pop at Walgreens to street price sticker shock to "One trick the drug companies don't want you to know" ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-04 13:18 mircea_popescu: anyone got a theory ?
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> you'd expect pop icon of the 80s can afford nuclear grade pure samples. << Nah, they all hired fiduciaries who told them to "invest" in building their own "Neverland Ranch" by 1990
mircea_popescu: dorks.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> why would you give 50yo kid trying to make a life/career out of singing into mom's hairspray tube in his underwear opiates ? << Because muh hips, muh knees, muh condishuns!
mircea_popescu: eh get out
mircea_popescu: half the trench foot sufferers of 1917 got no morphine for amputations because no morphine avaialble, and the sky didn't fall over.
mircea_popescu: now these schmucks expect dentistry work be done under anesthesia ?
mircea_popescu: paddlings.
BingoBoingo: Well, products of their times
BingoBoingo: Progress in medical technolotit and all that
BingoBoingo: "Progress"
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/05/midwest-corn-and-altcorn-crops-experience-widespread-deluge-delay/ << Qntra - Midwest Corn And Altcorn Crops Experience Widespread Deluge Delay
shinohai: https://pastebin.com/zU6YZWXK <<< Supposed Q&A w/ Hoaxtoshi in r/btc slack
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 1577.87, vol: 14084.22809790 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 1487.892, vol: 12279.16881 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 1648.0, vol: 20042.63513104 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 1251.4457, vol: 11297.13350000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 1577.002, vol: 6551.13376322 | Volume-weighted last average: 1525.07025951
mircea_popescu: aaand in other consumer futures, http://68.media.tumblr.com/1be6ec112a14f6a173a4a66c2e12f100/tumblr_nxh9kdjXzj1u2j8oyo1_1280.jpg
shinohai: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39798988 <<< Extreme selfies, US Army edition
mircea_popescu: "human cost of war" my foot. a mortar shell blew up during a training exercise. what fucking war ? the human cost of the continuance of the usg criminal organisation.
phf: this is as heavy handed as soviet propaganda used to be. photographer dies during training accident, "heroic womens dies in war, we salute all the heroic womens in war, and call a photography honor after heroic womens!1"
mircea_popescu: quite.
mircea_popescu: woman insisted we watch "quails"
mircea_popescu: it's the story of some laundress (kate pizdets) who speaks with a minor character la salle or de sale or w/e like she's hius wife
mircea_popescu: and an entire hospital, country and film set is organized around her.
mircea_popescu: because she's a woman, you understand.
mircea_popescu: and everyone cares about her. you know ? like irl ?
mircea_popescu: fucktards.
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8A8FCA2E770D10993CDBB43D037DE6D5C71B312B44D564BE99CEC3032F2323A8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1515...4643 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (network.ippi.fr. FR)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8A8FCA2E770D10993CDBB43D037DE6D5C71B312B44D564BE99CEC3032F2323A8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1622...1559 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (network.ippi.fr. FR)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C5B7435DED25831DC3124683E4E026958F97627DEF877176C739F0713DA58A8F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1409...7323 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (host-19-254-28-31.sevstar.net. UA 40)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9E6C665F9E88721784B110AFFF0C32B26A7F76FBF9A23EDDA111C9BC9BED62B2 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1409...7323 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (56-73-139-78.kamensktel.ru. RU SVE)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FAE0707E17D6FC42F61F64831A1D0579383302AD965D59BC4A2C82CD7020B595 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1409...7323 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (Unknown ZW)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C5B7435DED25831DC3124683E4E026958F97627DEF877176C739F0713DA58A8F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1377...0023 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (host-19-254-28-31.sevstar.net. UA 40)
BingoBoingo: And the lower house of US congress passed healthcare reform-reform
ben_vulpes: is this good for healthfarecoin?
BingoBoingo: Unknown
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> mod6: i think it's grand << aha. ok sounds good then.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651593 << yeah should be fine << yup, just as long as we/treasurer keeps track. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-04 02:05 mod6: ben_vulpes: thoughts?
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651619 << nice pile mod6 ! << thx, salud! ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-04 03:12 mod6: here's the results from FG #3, second run of entropy collection1.1Gb worth. `ent` && `dieharder` results: http://www.mod6.net/fg/fg-test/fg3.ent_run2.txt http://www.mod6.net/fg/fg-test/fg3.dieharder_run2.txt
mod6: phf: thanks for the info.
mod6: I totally should have just checked that the version alignment on the thing. It was weird because simple things would compile.... like really simple things. But when it came to the more complex, ffa for example, was getting weird error messages. But at least, hey, it's out there, it has some sharp edges. ☟︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: Anyways local interstate highways have spent time closed this week because of water, fuck that's a lot of water, OMG is the river changing its course?, and TREE! Tree happened when ground became too wet to support continued rooting
mats: appeals to emotion for opposition to trumpcare are peaking
BingoBoingo: Idiocy is like water, it doesn't have a firm peak. Sometime it floods, but the high point is a "crest" not a peak.
BingoBoingo: This is because it is constantly trying to "self level", no standouts among idiots after all