ben_vulpes: asciilifeform, Framedragger: script appears to be ~2/3 through its run; i'm going to let it finish.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-09 19:36 asciilifeform: phf: to quote one such 'speshul trainflake' i encountered once, 'you should be making me an offer, and not asking me to do tricks'
mircea_popescu: "this position requires CEFR:C2 for both english and german" "took german in highschool."
a111: Logged on 2016-12-09 19:43 Framedragger: there is none!
a111: Logged on 2016-12-09 19:58 trinque: whether I can code without access to *my* emacs tells someone very little about what I can do with it
a111: Logged on 2016-12-09 20:02 asciilifeform: nobody cares how quickly you 'helloworld', but if instead you write down 'why should i have to do this, i expected to see a fat offer!!!' the interviewer learns something quite important.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-09 20:07 trinque: no
phf: i feel like you need to figure out how to connect it to your lispm, for that proper "we used to be Men" experience
mircea_popescu: this #chainstate chan's a good idea. /me trolled it for good measure.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: mimisbrunnr relays basic block stats to #chainstate
ben_vulpes: in trinque's spirit of showing early, it's running now
ben_vulpes: and the lordship et al are invited to gawk at the dumbot
pete_dushenski: wasn't there an old comment from non-senile buffett re: trading volume ?
pete_dushenski: mya. dunno why he thinks ~i~ should be tasked with defending mpex instead of presenting his limp challenges here but... ya.
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 770.78, vol: 2865.19785049 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 762.001, vol: 2896.93333 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 773.16, vol: 3224.2749591 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 782.280552, vol: 2544510.87780000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 774.629, vol: 894.64006935 | Volume-weighted last average: 782.230460854
mircea_popescu: "The most quoted phrase took words from an e-mail of 16 November 1999 written by Phil Jones which referred to a graph he was preparing as a diagram for the cover of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) statement on the status of global climate in 1999.[203][204] Jones wrote: "I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie, from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 fo
mircea_popescu: r Keith's to hide the decline."[205] In science, the term "trick" is slang for a clever (and legitimate) technique, in this case Michael E. Mann's technique for comparing two different data sets,[206] and "the decline" referred to the already published divergence problem with tree ring density proxies affecting the post 1960 part of Keith Briffa's reconstruction graph. Despite this and the fact that 1999 had just seen record
mircea_popescu: breaking global temperatures, the email was widely misquoted as a "trick" to "hide the decline" as though it referred to a decline in measured global temperatures, an accusation made publicly by the politicians Sarah Palin and Jim Inhofe" << the wikipedia unhappening of the original global warming fraud is nothing short of astounding.
mircea_popescu: i suppose we start calling nigger assets masquerading as "scientists" trickers from now on, on the basis of you know, "a trick" being "slang" for "a clever and legitimate technique". you know, "in science".
mircea_popescu: as you can see, there's deep reasons why the socialist state (ie, the social machinery of lies) to depend and pretend from the "scientific progress" ie the theoretical machine of lies.. the whole arrangement is predicated on "we eat and science guy will come by later and settle the bill" for this very reason.
mircea_popescu: this observation is strengthened by noticing that if what passes for idealists such as yourself or me as "legitimate" science (say, qm) chokes, ~science itself~ will produce "science" at the same rate, but of the "earth sciences and climatology" ilk.
mircea_popescu: ie, science, technology, scientific and technological progress etc aren't driven by the naive, idealist "curiosity" of "bright folks"
mircea_popescu: they're driven by the lie machine need for specific future-extending lies
mircea_popescu: and this is how "science" as a state mechanism, with grants etc came about.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: and for that matter, the "general population" desire to play the "modern democracy" game is so great - they will happily pretend! ipads are a thing, notwithstanding they're a regression in any conceivable sense, because "dude feels like data in star trek" which is to say, in plain terms, "because we understand our socialist state needs socialist science to be a thing, and we patriotically do our part in pretending it is a thi
a111: Logged on 2016-12-10 14:07 mircea_popescu: and this is how "science" as a state mechanism, with grants etc came about.
mircea_popescu: re the london blitz, this is afaik indisputed agreement, even by the biritsh side. had luftwaffe committed more seriously britain would have likely folded. likelier than any other time.
mircea_popescu: shinohai but then with the same hand he explains how "it makes a very useful" something or the other. in the same hour it humiliated him in the republic, he's there defending it.
mircea_popescu: makes very useful nothing outside of the very useful (to it) belief that it does.
mod6: i love these FUCKGOATS pics.
mod6: hahaha, the bottom is so gd funny.
mod6: This month has been pretty productive for the Foundation already.
mod6: There was a minor feature request to importprivkey, which was submitted late last month to the ML. This feature will allow a user to import a private key, but choose which block ight he starts scanning upon import.
☟︎ mod6: lemme try this again.
mod6: This feature will allow a user to import a private key, but choose which block height he starts scanning (for related transactions to the address) upon import.
mod6: We've seen that when you import a private key with the original I sent to the ML, it works great, but it does take the time to scan through the index from genesis to HEAD for transactions.
mod6: Depending on how fast your machine might be, this might take a while.
mod6: asciilifeform: this could be made to happen indeed. it seemed more straight-forward to scan from low to high. but again, this could be altered.
mod6: however, this leaves one edge case, I think. And would need to be tested much before I send this one out.
mod6: This edge case being: If pub/priv keypair A, have been sent 1.0 bitcoins on say, tx 123456789, on block 200`000. Then sent 0.5 bitcoins from pub/priv keypair A to pubkey address B on block 250`000. If the uesr only scans back from 300`000, the balance in the wallet may not reflect the 0.5 output still there for that pubkey (from keypair A).
☟︎ mod6: This might resolve itself by doing a full -rescan, separately.
mod6: However, this case probably exists, however, we havent replicated it yet -- and not for failing to do so, but it just needs to be setup and tested by shinohai and myself.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> but you can blow yourself up like this by mis-specifying start-from-and-go-forward blocknumn also. << i've tested this a bunch, with a rescan too, and seems ok. what do you think will be the issue here?
mod6: Anyway, this is all well and good. Just something we're working on, and considering with the utmost care.
mod6: I've reviewed the rawtx submission that polarbeard sent.
mod6: And I've created a reground patch for that.
mod6: Not being an expert myself on rawtx's, I've decided to try to get familiar with them, and become more of something closer to an expert -- so some mental strengthining has been going on there.
mod6: While doing such work, I decided it'd also be nice (if not for trb integration, for myself) to have some tools to help me construct a rawtx.
mod6: So I've created a patch that so far puts in the ability to view 'listunspent' UXTOs in the wallet.
mod6: Not the end all be all, but a starting point.
☟︎ mod6: There are maybe a few others that will help as well; maybe a rawtx signing function, and maybe something that decodes rawtxs, maybe also some script decoding?
mod6: Alas, a window into what has been happening for the last 9 days. :]
shinohai: listunspent alone would be very helpful
mod6: asciilifeform: also, there is a techincal reason for going front -> back, as opposed to back -> front.
mod6: The function 'importprivkey' uses an existing wallet.cpp function called CWallet::ScanForWalletTransactions, where you pass this a pointer to the CBlockIndex you want to ~start~ from, then this just iterates forward. by pindex - pindex->pnext;
mod6: so, if we wanna go backwards, we'd have to create another similar method to go backwards with something like pindex = pindex->pprev. and this doesn't seem wholly better than what exists. i guess i did think about this about last week, but just figured putting in less code is better.
ben_vulpes: just out of curiosity, anyone care to tell me how large their blockchain is today?
ben_vulpes: didja see the block yesterday with a single tx in it mircea_popescu ?
mircea_popescu: f2pool got some uber technologies, they make these well utilized blocks.
mircea_popescu: smart in they're currently squeezing a 0.15% more from blocks than everyoneelse.
mircea_popescu: dude, you're such a nut. they make 1mn addresses, combine them into sets of 10, try each combination as payout address for the block.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-10 19:42 mod6: There was a minor feature request to importprivkey, which was submitted late last month to the ML. This feature will allow a user to import a private key, but choose which block ight he starts scanning upon import.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-10 19:54 mod6: Not the end all be all, but a starting point.
mod6: mircea_popescu: currently, "blocks" : 442825
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> in gb, silly
mod6: 114G /mnt/btc-dev/.bitcoin
mod6: 86M /mnt/btc-dev/.bitcoin/debug.log
mod6: (ive been truncating mine on the regular because testing & such)
jhvh1: mod6: Time since last block: 2 minutes and 52 seconds
mod6: ok yah got 442`826 nao