BingoBoingo did swab thing back in pre-Republican before time when more bold than paranoid, supposedly has polyorphism. Responded with "Fuck you genes, I do what I want" ran until
jhvh1: 1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.
BingoBoingo was trying to see what percent victim I was
BingoBoingo: But that was when still on campus and suffering reality distortion bubble maintained there
BingoBoingo: This was an earlier more innocent time. Bitcoin was trading in the single digits after coming down from an all time high
mircea_popescu: this lulzy property of bitcoin. "all time high" moar like "old time high"
mircea_popescu: hey, large lulz in ro about you recall, "registering" typewritters.
mircea_popescu: psh. that guy didn't go around trying to get upvotes for the Minitruth facebook page.
mircea_popescu: "citizen! retween khannikov! it is your patriotic duty!"
mircea_popescu: i took girls to cr natl bank museum today ; in the numismatic section they had local scrip
mircea_popescu: all sorts of lulz, pieces of plain paper, bachelite coins, you name it
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> the obvious parallel with kanzure and dna sequencers/synths << Except this was back when you had to be Google wife rich to open a DNA startup
mircea_popescu: "you telling me they couldn't falsify these ?!" "who ? a bunch of monkeys being forced to work for the first time in their lineage, at gunpoint ?"
mircea_popescu: you'll be surprised how few nominally white humanrightsourdemocracy items can actually do work.
deedbot: cazalla voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: cazalla: Qntra is down until The Republic has one or more ISP providers, latest hoster commited mortal sin of using USG.MS.EmailProvider
mircea_popescu: at least the bribri had the excuse of being born subhuman.
mircea_popescu: reality winner and her wannabe qntra friends constructed her own subhumanity.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo well, also the ole "we'll need to tap your servers kthx" nonsenser.
BingoBoingo: in 2017 is pretty fucking disqualifying too
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform why, because they can't do anything else right, they'll magically manage THAT one ?
cazalla: BingoBoingo, ah okay :\ dailystormer just got shoah'd again, this time from .is extension heh
☟︎ mircea_popescu: not tru. it is merely NORMALLY DISTRIBUTED around path of least resistance
cazalla: it was claimed that for them to steal the .is domain, it'd have to go to parliment or some shit but they just skipped that and nuked it anyway heh
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform they've fixated on this "swedish system". somehow they believe the eskimo are not shit.
cazalla: shame about qntra, off to eat my steak now, hope you're all doing well
mircea_popescu: hence why they are called socialists ; just as much so as their brethren pushing ourdemocracy.
mircea_popescu: and it's evident they both work for hitler, by all sorts of signs. remember the straggler chick that ended up in here, and found out by accident about how yiuy know, there are alternatives ?
mircea_popescu: my memory is that the summation read "o wow, you guys rock, i am very influential in my own tribe will redirect leadership tomorrow"
mircea_popescu: i can picture too. that tribe, like the yarvin tribe, like the yukowsky tribe, like all the "alt" bullshits, exactly like "debian was an early apple appstore" and so on.
mircea_popescu: "freedom of choice" aka "we will either choose coca cola"
mircea_popescu: the principle is evident in their tracts, too. "a guide so that ~anyone~ meet girls. you're not fundamentally broken, you just miss this software". right ? the important part of socialism, preserved. or you know, "racism" but never in the sense of "you joe are no good, go away", always in th4e sense of "we are so dedicated to collectiove salvation, we want to sacrifice a soandso identified auslander collective"
mircea_popescu: there's entirely no difference between bush's "no kid left behind" and usgistani "fascist's" no derp left behind.
mircea_popescu: these schmucks are not in any sense that ; they wish to "everyone", and wish it so deeply they are willing to take some COLLECTIVE limits, is all.
mircea_popescu: in a sense, the "fascists" are more progressive than the "progressive"
☟︎ mircea_popescu: depends how you define "mass movement", if you define by the pattern then definitely.
mircea_popescu: then of course it meets the pattern, you defined it on its basis.
mircea_popescu: anyway, plenty of lulz to be had with the idiots. ask usgistani "extreme right" socialist flavour whether he'd shoot quadriplegic comatose septuagenarian white guy to save life of pregnant woman, race of father unknown.
mircea_popescu: unlike the run of the mill pantsuit, they usually don't have the canned "we don't shoot anyone" cop out
mircea_popescu: (gentle reminder : the odds of father being same race as mother is a hefty 99.5% today ; about same as it was in times and places where it was actually illegal.)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform they somehow got accepted by "scientific" efforts in ethics etc at harvard and so.
mircea_popescu: don't ask me wtf sense they';re supposed to make, i dun see it.
mircea_popescu: apparently there was an announced pump of the bch scamcoin
mircea_popescu: anyway, numerically, mit&co burned some money to try and make the dead cat bounce towards .11, failed miserably within an hour, .1 looking doubtful.
mircea_popescu: for instance, a "conference" ; an "Agreement", other consensuses. the so and so protocol. you name it.
mircea_popescu: i always like people who can't distinguish its value from it's time to suck my cock.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-29 21:05 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: it's so as not to stand out from the scenery when fighting on planets with pink vegetation and soil, clearly
mircea_popescu: hey, i made respectable woman buy herself glitzy gold sequin shoes. it's a sex thing.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: lol. what'd you like the barrel to be ? rifled OR PAINTED ?
mircea_popescu: "our quantum computer-based holographic imaging dept is working on a paint-on rifling solution sir!"
mircea_popescu: those items were ceremonial. you've seen the sword of king who actually used it,
a111: Logged on 2017-09-30 01:00 mircea_popescu: hey, i made respectable woman buy herself glitzy gold sequin shoes. it's a sex thing.
mircea_popescu: contrary to usg media depictions, women that can fire infantry weapons are not usually women you'd like to fuck.
mircea_popescu: (i don't even mean bulk per se. most fucktoys have eg delicate wrists. can't really use guns effecutally if your two fists together weigh less than a gulp of beer.)
mircea_popescu: i don't mean they can't fucking drive a car. i mean that they can't throw it.
mircea_popescu: i dunno, i was thinking of the large rapper stuff automatically.
deedbot: jawbone voiced for 30 minutes.
mod6: interesting instrument there
davout: neat, have any vids where it's actually played?
mircea_popescu: known as "vioara cu goarna" in romanian (higheghe cu tolcer in local dialect ; stroh violin in other local dialect) if you want to look it up yourself. it's the chosen / symbolic instrument of bihor country in transylvania, but widely used in teh nortern countries (of romania).
mircea_popescu: and yes django'd have conceivably loved it, it's specifically toned for his interests.
mircea_popescu: basically it's a violin using a metal plate as a mechanical amplifier. early 1900s idea.
davout: this is intensely cool
mircea_popescu: competent romanians will tell you the instrument's required in serious gypsy band yes.
mircea_popescu: (the principal limitation of the instrument is that the sound is directional. that's why the twin players is so tempting.)
mircea_popescu: le-piece-of-shit-why-anyone-who-ever-worked-for-it-will-be-dancing-in-the-street-for-nickels-and-wh/
mircea_popescu: (dogegoin, which "still exists" has a "market cap" of whatever, >100mn, according to the websites printing arbitrary values next to text strings ; similarily is worth $70 mn according to "Worth Of Web Calculator - World's #1 Website Value Calculator")
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 4274.17, vol: 7485.08466905 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 4306.2, vol: 24957.02007659 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 4229.3316, vol: 406.48370000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 4290.1, vol: 3013.91999922 | Volume-weighted last average: 4297.29049703
a111: Logged on 2015-10-19 21:14 assbot: NYPD caught using X-ray vans to search the public, refuses court order to release details | ExtremeTech ... ( )
a111: Logged on 2016-05-01 16:43 asciilifeform: usg luuuuvs to know at the borders if you're pissing neutrons (note what price of helium on the market did in past 20 yrs. us dhs bought up most of it, for tubes)
mod6: To close the loop here a bit, the vtron stuff I've been doing in ada is a lot faster now than it was -- just needed to get some better loop control.
mod6: Basically when working with Strings.Fixed I end up making arrays (of fixed size) of strings (of fixed size), need to use caution always to not continue to iterate if the string at a given index is filled with ' '.
mod6: Doing such, avoid use of the heap. And there is quite a bit of manipulation I have to do with the strings. So that adds some cost, because I'm basically doing the parsing on my own. I'm not using any weird 3rd party libs.
mod6: Anyway, there is some hope here perhaps -- got a long way to go.
mod6: The good news is I'm learning stuff.
deedbot: p0nziph0ne voiced for 30 minutes.
mod6: Another thing worth the mention is that my ada-vtron shells out to gpg - which adds some time as well. one thing I think that would help is if I could figure out how to capture the shell command output directly back into the application instead of having to write to a file, then read the file back into the program.
mod6: if anyone knows how to do this, let me know.
mod6: for example, I do a bunch of this in perl: @result = `gpg --bla --bla`; foreach(@result) { }
mod6: but as far as I can tell, there is no way to do that in ada. the general thing i've seen out on the web is that you must write the output of the shell command to a file, then read it back in.
mod6: anyway, this is all just experimental stuff. no worries.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-30 16:04 mircea_popescu: i thought mta ran on public funds.
mod6: i'd been avoiding using GNAT libs... maybe I shouldn't have been?
mod6: ya. i was looking at your stuff to sort of guide me a bit.
mod6: i'm strictly doing c callouts.
mod6: but am flexible. my basic aim is to write the code, keep it as tight and functionally appropriate as possible, then tune it later.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> the cost is, then you gotta make'em behave adaistically << yeah, my approach now seems sane. might be a bit expensive tho. so, if there's a better way thats still 'sane', will try that and report back.
mod6: anyway, it's been pretty cool to see this thing come to life. im now in the process of building the big map of vpatch->srcfile->{hash_a, hash_b}
mod6: <+asciilifeform> the sane approach consists of isolating all of the unixoid crud in separate .ads/.adb , make it compact. << ah, this is even deeper than i have it for sure.
mod6: eitherway, thanks for the tip.
mod6: how's it goin with ffa stuff?
mod6: werd. exciting stuff. wish i could help more :/
mircea_popescu: indirectly via debt ie "bonds" underwritten by fed via usg.idiots 401k etc
a111: Logged on 2017-09-30 18:26 asciilifeform: the continuing lulzy part is how everywhere on the net you will find 'constant time crypto libs are available', 'it's a solved problem', 'this reduction routine is constant time', and all of it is liquishit and doesn't stand up to 30 seconds of examination with naked eye
mircea_popescu: you wanna know which fucking slavsky he supposedly strangled, as it's not the yefrim director of medium machinery ministry, who survived to the 80s ?
mircea_popescu: FUCK YOU!!! details are for terrorists! Stalin killed 20mn people and they had no names!
mircea_popescu: try and find any fucking concrete detail of anything. "global warming!!" yeah, and the measurements are where ? "MTA investment!!" yeah and you did what ? "stalin purges" who ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: and so on and so following, an entire anthill of priorless idiots.
mircea_popescu: they could be tachyons for all the fucking difference it'd make, came from the future and going to disappear into the past.
mircea_popescu: "oh but mp, a list of 20mn names would be too long, here's instead a 1.2gb video version of me going uuuuhhh ummm in a concrete cell with plastic loose wallpaper!"
mircea_popescu: cuz fucking obviously, their windows notepad croaks if confronted with a 100mb csv, whereas their windows media player plays the uhhhhs and ummms just fine.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes, but it's not in fucking english, the language of the premiere science engineering shitheads in the world, now is it.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and fwiw, CUR is how you say ass in romanian.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-30 18:36 mircea_popescu: try and find any fucking concrete detail of anything. "global warming!!" yeah, and the measurements are where ? "MTA investment!!" yeah and you did what ? "stalin purges" who ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, fwiw slavsky is identified as Yemelyan Mikhailovich Yaroslavsky. and reich is likely zinaida, esenin's wif.
mircea_popescu: wouldn't be the first time romanian history of the urss diverges from russians' own idea.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform how far does the disagreement go ? y. wrote a likbez on bolshevic orthodoxy that stalin found extremely apt in 1940, and then full of heresies in 1943. aye or nay ?
mircea_popescu: well nikita also wrote cannonical obit of stalin, but the point is, he did fall at some point in the 30s, his historia was indexed, and so on.
mircea_popescu: the original item was called "History" not "victory". this looks like a 60s reprint maybe ?
mircea_popescu: oook, i found reference! lyova wrote to trotsky on 19 nov 1937, and trotsky replied jan 22 next year, they are discussing the stalin ban on the yaroslavsky item!
mircea_popescu: well this may take a little, where the fuck does one find this shit online.
mircea_popescu: sorry asciilifeform . all i have are my own notes, which are as all hand notes useless without hte backing of the library of origin (in this case, the universitary library of cluj). teh interwebs dun seem to have a "here's the list of trotsky letters".
☟︎ mircea_popescu: problem compounded by the fact that my only interest in the matter stems from an obscure mention in an post-war anti-soviet propaganda song by some guy i studied.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ok, other event, also from 1931 : ryazanov got outsted from his mit. aye or nay ?
mircea_popescu: 3rd event, for the pattern : stalin personally wrote against the whole staff of proletarian revolution, for "trafficking trotskism". aye or nay ?
mircea_popescu: david, born goldensomething or the other. guy died in 38.
mircea_popescu: ok so, for summation : the objection re the gazette was that it said something about rosa luxembourg (as the habit was to glorify the three l's, and stalin wanted it broken) ; the objection re ryazanov was that he typified a sort of marxist-leninist scholarship that was stalin-indifferent, stalin didn't like. and the objection re yaroslavski was that his original, 1920s item reflected a history not sufficiently flattering for
mircea_popescu: stalin, by for instance daring mention that trotski was you know, minister of war, rather than consumate conspirator.
mircea_popescu: now, your argument here is that the last two got hung but the first escaped ?
mircea_popescu: well, whether this is true or not, at the time my guy wrote it hadn't happened yet.
mircea_popescu: well, the interest of the historian is not you know, ethical.
mircea_popescu: i just wanna be able to decode five syllables on an ancient rca record. the man says, in romanian phonetics, "raic si slavski"
mircea_popescu: now, i'm pretty sure i got them right, esenin's wife and yaroslavski. but old ro guard disagrees,
mircea_popescu: granted disagrees with boneheaded traditions identifying the latter as this guy who was you know, active throughout the 70s and 80s.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hard to date, but between 1946 and 1958 or so.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform problem with these items is that they are one step removed from gypsy fare. the words change.
mircea_popescu: it is customary to sing them like i tell jokes : about the persons present.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform : "Asa dupa Reichxxiii si Slavskyxxiv Stalin curata pe Slanskyxxv iar Malenkov pe Beriaxxvi, ca sa nu-l mai supere cu peria." << whole verse.
mircea_popescu: so after reich and slavski, stalin executed slansky, and malenkov beria to no longer bother him with the brush.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-08-11 18:12 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform sure, he was bishop of cluj and nearly ended up patriarch
mircea_popescu: do you know of any other possible candidate to fill the sound /slavskʲ/ ?
a111: Logged on 2017-04-19 15:49 asciilifeform: let's briefly visit another time, place : the showdown between lysenko and vavilov.
mircea_popescu: do you recall the now-famous davai zdreantsa incident ?
a111: Logged on 2017-07-15 19:08 mircea_popescu: this is done universally and to everything, german, russian, turkish. zdreantsa!
a111: Logged on 2017-07-14 20:19 phf: apparently the complete form is "davai zdreanta, desdemona! -- kakoy zdreanta, otela, blya??"
mircea_popescu: for that money reich also had cancer of the phnatom udder.
mats: in my experience not every unit had a weapon system suited to the designated marksman role, which can often just be the guy with the most accuracy and an acog scope, or a saw gunner, or a 240b
mircea_popescu: << re this, the ~whole objection re trump is that he didn't go into the first press conference with "1. nobody who worked for us govt in the past five years can continue to do so ; 2. i will propose at most one name to congress. they have 48 hour to approve. if i don't propose, or they don't approve, or they approve in 48h01m, the whole dept in question gets unwound, including by publ
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2017-09-30 19:26 asciilifeform: modern historians paint the textbook edits, 'gentle suggestions', etc. as an evil, but as i see it the man went and 'tried soft power' first
mircea_popescu: ic auction of furniture". and then cleared the hall of pressjews with the mounted police, breaking as many heads as at all possible.
mats: poverty of equipment, my platoon didn't have one but some others did
mircea_popescu: mats "ar-15 entirely exists because weak-ass usian soldier ersatzes can't carry a proper gun. true or false ?"
mircea_popescu: that's my understanding of it, "we'll delegate small arms supression fire to the a-10 airborne platform, and then discontinue it. soldiers can carry icecream cones."
mircea_popescu: just about the time the new generation of orwell bedwetters started whining about how they're affraid of the enemy.
mircea_popescu: neh. because if you're behind a concrete wall and i'm behind a concrete wall, i'd rather unzip and piss on you than try and fire a shitass 5mm gun
mats: asciilifeform: i never encountered it but i wasn't infantry, we didn't have a use for it, snipers had m24
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the theory of this sounds a lot different from the practice of this.
mats: mircea_popescu: works well in iraqi cities, not so much in afghan
mircea_popescu: the only extra hole in my hide i acquired through ricochet under car, nearly lost a knee.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: what, you think the op survived to carry the source away ?
mircea_popescu: mircea_popescu irrespective, the point remains that in most actual engagements, there's a minimum projectile size worth firing.
mircea_popescu: also the notion that wounded men stop firing, and limp around like little bitches is borne of little familiarity with any actual war.
mircea_popescu: but anyway : the "wounded man ties up 3 soldiers", other than the baked in presumptions that these are the caring kind of soldiers and the inept kind of wounded, also neglects to mention that ricochet has killed more peopl;e than direct fire since the invention of gunpowder. and by a factor of 10 to 100, not piddly.
mircea_popescu: srsly now. youi think anyone cared ? then or now ? london, really ?
a111: Logged on 2017-09-07 16:12 mircea_popescu: there can be no further accomplishment than this, in the sense of fundamental research.
mircea_popescu: maybe through fielding 3mm bullets and peashooters for them they discover a new way to please the females, insert into urethra and empty magazine.
mircea_popescu: if this were to happen it still wouldn't be an argument for the military value of shooting pea.
mircea_popescu: on the strict, first layer implications, soviets eating the bomb bait produced some rich us contractors and a bankrupt su economy.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-25 09:43 mircea_popescu: aand in yet more lulz : cancer incidence increased in us adolescents by a steady 0.5 - 0.6% per year, each year, since 1975.
mircea_popescu: obviously the fucking explanation is that the sort of bioscum that get cancer from smoking will still get the cancer from other things ifthey can't get it from smoking
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform arguably it was so democratized anyway. bombs didn't do jack did they.
mircea_popescu: i thought the whole fucking point of politics was to discover the thing that needn't die.
mircea_popescu: if this form of organziation, govt, what you call it, society, ANYTHING does not come with promise of permanence, why am i even considering it ?
mircea_popescu: in other words, the mp strong argument for anarchism : the only regime that may be temporary is anarchism.
mircea_popescu: if the rule is "to fly with apparatus heavier than air must generate lift in excess of weight", there's no rider going "but tell us where to find such lift".
mircea_popescu: find it and ye may fly ; find it not and stfu in a chorus.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-30 20:04 mircea_popescu: is that the remington 700 re-sold for 5x the list price ?
mircea_popescu: (remington 700 fires without trigger interaction ; longstanding problem, hundreds of deaths/injuries, multiple lawsuits. cca 1995-2005 remington kept pushing out "point by point responses" and other nonsense, which they've meanwhile beleeted throughout, including spam domains a la and such "deniable" efforts "by consultants". in 2017, half the DAs oppose a settlement on the grounds that insufficient.
mircea_popescu: as far as remington isconcerned however, a proposal to replace ~8mn triggers is not a recall!