229 entries in 0.481s
mircea_popescu: yes, well, buboes are also not the cause ; but it's still called the bubonic plague
asciilifeform: it's like they all died of plague in last decade.
asciilifeform: btw i agree w/ mp_en_viaje's larger pt, if folx dun get up off arse and ~use~ asciilifeform's published instructions to actually replicate his 'magical' irons -- then yes will die of bolix plague !
lobbes: asciilifeform: yeah, I'm seriously considering swapping the "base" bot with yours at some point. Reconnect issues are a veritable plague for running an auction house (refunds are one thing, but in BingoBoingo's case, for e.g., I know he's depending on auctions closing on schedule in order to pay bills)
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: plox to expand re the plague if got time
mp_en_viaje: but whatever, this is a point experimentally estgablished during the fucking plague, a good seven centuries ago : permitting the plebs to contribute in ANY WAY to the formation of the price of their own labour destroys the economy
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-10 12:19:26 asciilifeform: not even any kind of new plague. mircea_popescu recall how we had to cut a buncha gifs etc outta pre-trb to bake the genesis.
asciilifeform: not even any kind of new plague. mircea_popescu recall how we had to cut a buncha gifs etc outta pre-trb to bake the genesis.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-24 15:55 BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-24#1924486 << Yet another plague wrought by open access to the internet. Most published sex writing done either by or for bipeds that don't have sex.
BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-24#1924486 << Yet another plague wrought by open access to the internet. Most published sex writing done either by or for bipeds that don't have sex. ☝︎☟︎
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/06/declining-hygenic-conditions-in-los-angeles-presenting-plague-risk/ << Qntra -- Declining Hygenic Conditions In Los Angeles Presenting Plague Risk
a111: Logged on 2019-05-12 03:29 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: not only that period. i have strong suspicion that 'capacitor plague' never trooly ended, or will
asciilifeform: wtf is with the ubiquitous plague of non-expandable ram, incidentally
mp_en_viaje: no plague ever truly ends. so yeah.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: not only that period. i have strong suspicion that 'capacitor plague' never trooly ended, or will ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2019-05-11 22:37 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-11#1912516 << there's used mobos and then there's used mobos. e.g. '99-07 -- the infamous 'capacitor plague', if you get from this period, expect to do some restoration work .
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-11#1912516 << there's used mobos and then there's used mobos. e.g. '99-07 -- the infamous 'capacitor plague', if you get from this period, expect to do some restoration work . ☝︎☟︎
diana_coman: they did! "it's so-and-so-saint day, can't work or I'll get the plague"
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: maybe i slept through it, but did a plague kill off the midwestern farm boys who obediently 'die for the motherland'(tm)(r) or wut
asciilifeform: ( phunphakt, in plague-years europistan, garderobe often was combined with shitter, idea was that the miasma would kill fleas somehow )
mircea_popescu: Jan 30 18:41:19 <mircea_popescu> amateurs, as it turns out, are a terrible plague.
asciilifeform: it's a plague.
mircea_popescu: like plague follows rats, these follow touchscreens
asciilifeform: good % of pgp use historically -- resembled the medieval 'plague amulets'. y'know, the one where scrap of leather with word 'arsenicum' (cuz buying actual arsenic costs tuppence, and scrap -- one )
asciilifeform: spamola, in the most general sense of word, i.e. 'folx who have 0 to say , but open mouth anyway' is imho the principal plague of our time. so from this pov i see diff.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re 'homebrew crypto', there actually was a 1990s plague of commercial shitware folx who flunked arithmetic and then went to 'implement rsa', with exponent = 1 and so on
mircea_popescu: the only situations that result in that, plague, war and indiscriminate carnage -- those they hate.
mircea_popescu: i hereby dub one possible end result of this process "the bugbolix plague".
asciilifeform: imho at&t asm syntax is a fucking plague
mircea_popescu: it's lulzy, btw, in all times of plague there emerges this obscure cult of "plague is good for you, get moar rats in your bed" etc.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: afaik amberglint is the 1st digger to actually share , normally bolix folx avoid asciilifeform like the plague, as detailed in old thrds, for whatever psychopathological reasons
mircea_popescu: much like most european poets died of some plague.
asciilifeform: erry good plague has 'reservoirs' also, some species where it lives without killing host
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-13#1861545 << same way unwashed idiots enable plague. but i mean, EXACT same way. they're the god of the gaps as far as evil is concerned. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: kinda how the plague m,oved, too. old history of shipping spreading... new ideas.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-27#1855080 << i stole the notion , in slightly modified form, from knuth. the logic is, decrementing versions, with finite initial N, support a http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-18#1851362 flow , where 'if you fucked it N+1 times , nao forced to call proggy something else' -- specifically in opposition to the heathen plague of runaway ver nums (e.g. linux kernel, emacs, firefox, etc) ☝︎☝︎
asciilifeform: this way you also dun have to concern with 'packet congestion', a perennial plague of tcpdom
mircea_popescu: i should have thought of that! think alfie, a future world wherein all thart's left is nostalgia for the past. a past which is no longer accessible, except in the limited sense, that victorian novels about prim sad ladies have pages steeped in koch solution ; whereas italian fiction of the plague will gladly give you it.
asciilifeform: reader wants 'true bore' like he wants actual baccilae in the pages of story about plague.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-08 17:45 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: you and i may be the last folx still using sed and awk, they gathered dust since perlism plague began
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: you and i may be the last folx still using sed and awk, they gathered dust since perlism plague began ☟︎
asciilifeform: if were innate, would have plague of walkers who haven't any command of any language..
asciilifeform: and iirc was also attempt to cure the plague of massively-heatsinked gpu monster popping out of the slot during transport
asciilifeform: but walks around spreading plague.
asciilifeform: 'smart' power supplies, srsly, plague
asciilifeform: verily it goes beyond, aha, 'entomological interest' and into 'plague of locusts'
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: something plague, or gangrene-themed nick, i fughet
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: are you in fighting shape now ? no moar plague ?
mircea_popescu: but for the record, there will be an infinite stream of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1808813 until the very thermic death of the universe. and once we set the plague of french revolution to rest, and its sad effects are nowehre to be found in the world except for flaubert's books on the history of idiocy, there will SIMILARILY be "hi guise i am interested in the concept". exactly in the way and exactly for the reason "pe ☝︎
ben_vulpes: which, make no mistake, is precisely what you're doing. pulling refuse from the usgstani fabrication pipeline and "oh dear sir or madam, this posey to spare your child from the plague i mean hailofbullets"
phf: i don't remember specific designators, a g3 ibook that was a hand me down when i was poor and just came to this country, a g4 powerbook that i bought since it was "last model to run os 9", a wallstreet that someone game recently (i like the "my name is the plague" kind of feel to it, but have no use for it)
asciilifeform: ( i dun see how specifically female , they are a universal plague )
mircea_popescu: people who were abused in their childhood under the guise of "education" (ie, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-06#1679600 ) fail to realise that... everything is an engine. including repeatedly stepping on a rake in the grass, or geting the plague. ☝︎
asciilifeform: i vaguely suspect that without periodic catastrophes where elite is butchered ( dun matter so much by whom, barbarians, jacobins, or plague ) you end up with the castes of india . but naturally not testable.
asciilifeform: i hear also drives off plague flea
asciilifeform: n Earth you should think about … There's just a whole lot of things that aren't going to work for you. Figure out what they are and avoid them like the plague. And one of them is bitcoin. … It is total insanity."'
asciilifeform: dunno that it makes sense to give any particular printolade-bubble overseer the distinction of a name and attributed agency. it's not unlike pinning the black plague on a particular, named rat
shinohai: If davout goes to Madagascar, please troll the locals by walking about in a plague doctor mask.
asciilifeform: ( re madagascar : apparently on top of other joys, now has confirmed black plague. )
asciilifeform: and yes, sudden plague of rotten disks, dubious fuses, etc
elaineo: are we expecting a pandemic or plague?
asciilifeform: i dun expect to live to even see a good plague.
asciilifeform: 'we'll feed everybody by printing 10bil foodvouchers' is an eternal plague
asciilifeform: tcl , as i understand, caught the plague many years ago. this must be the 7th or 8th popular proggy that none of asciilifeform's boxes will build, purely on account of tcl rot.
mircea_popescu: but then they guard themselves against learning a new tongue like it's the fucking plague.
mircea_popescu: sina yeah. and because mice don't bother elephant, elephant dies inexplicably of plague.
asciilifeform: the duty of bacteriologist is to comprehend the 'incomprehensible plague' etc
asciilifeform: how much this even changes when it ~is~ put to test ? e.g. the folx during the plague who carried around paper talisman, word 'arsenicum' (because obtaining actual arsenic for talisman costs a little more..)
mircea_popescu: but to come back to it : the plague of "handheld devices" did a lot of damage to the marginal socioeconomic utility of a large class of people. they spend all their brainpower correcting quopedoa/wikira/whatever the fuck instead of spending the same undersupplied resorce to keep track of their customers / car direction vector / etcetera.
trinque: ben_vulpes: some new plague floating around in PDX?
asciilifeform: i thought the plague came in '09 and never left.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: suburbia is a plague born of the curse of oil
asciilifeform: smoke moar, waft away the plague miasmas.
asciilifeform: 'The entire blockchain ecosystem suffers when situations like this reflect insecurities. Bugs are always going to plague computer code, but when found in such a fledgling field, they are scrutinized and can cause skepticism. To ensure the safety and reliability of any code written, it’s important to follow industry standard best practices.' << ahahahahahaha
asciilifeform: and since he's asleep i will predict what he would say, 'stfu, the perfume smells great, even if it is exactly same one you smelled decade ago without me, and i'll get the bubonic plague underneath out later!'
BingoBoingo: The summertime plague of "100 and 100" is worse by far.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-11 18:08 thestringpuller: look i thought jgarzik's tweet about gpg dying was just an outlier of PRB nonsense but it's a plague now I've witnessed for myself, that is all
thestringpuller: look i thought jgarzik's tweet about gpg dying was just an outlier of PRB nonsense but it's a plague now I've witnessed for myself, that is all ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and so the plague, and the great fire of london, and so on.
asciilifeform: promisetronic 'verifications' are an eternal plague among the stupid. consider even the timestamp in gpg (to make the phuctor sig from last night's qntra, i used ordinary gpg 1.4, with patch). what business does a userland proggy have asking for the wall clock time without permission? if i want it to have a time, i will pipe 'date' to it...
BingoBoingo: The, the plague of their time
mircea_popescu: like via plague.
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-10#1554379 << 8.5" nose ? that's some venetian plague mask shit. ☝︎
asciilifeform: as for the 'kink high' aspect, the rubes are approaching the retardation in much the same way medieval folk approached the plague
thestringpuller: after heartbleed OpenSSL should have been avoided like the plague
BingoBoingo: Rat is common plague is alf land. Uncommon in Bingo land.
asciilifeform: the 'great plague of 2001' is factual but wholly incomplete picture.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform a man who is a plumber is not by this measure "a plague victim". yes, the man works in shit all day. but : he does the work in shit with shit tools, and then he presumably eats with eat tools. he doesn't mix the two.
mircea_popescu: for all you know it could be parochial "i've heard of thieves but not the plague, hence should build thief wall not plague wall"
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1520274 << well, we have a 'these ships sail for west indies next morning and most will come back never, or in a decade, and maybe full of gold and slaves, or maybe plague' market. ☝︎
asciilifeform: inflation was not a plague dropped down by martians, no.
asciilifeform: women herded themselves into plague pits, or wat.
thestringpuller: it's a plague
phf: bunch of people went a plague o' both your houses
asciilifeform: the basic plague of c machine is that forces computation into semantic soup.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-03#1475480 << as is usually the case, mircea_popescu is the grim plague doctor, complete with beak, telling us exactly when death will come - and pretty much always on target. ☝︎
asciilifeform: perhaps it's that plague
pete_dushenski: like the jewish plague. now imagine the beak on ~that~ mask.
asciilifeform: traditionally, the populist chickenbrains folks avoided emacs like plague
pete_dushenski: http://outbreaknewstoday.com/plague-vaccine-from-the-sky-government-officials-propose-using-drones-to-vaccinate-prairie-dogs-82724/ << and perhaps a qntra newsicle for the immunologists cum technologists cum naturalists on staff