jhvh1: asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 9063.13, vol: 11729.53161711 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 9070.6, vol: 23312.154198539996 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 9070.2, vol: 5338.80882751 | Volume-weighted last average: 9068.37726535
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-03-01 17:59 ben_vulpes: yes sold
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-03-01 17:59 ben_vulpes: yes sold
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, basically this is because snsa is paying you to deliver its gear there and also sold pizarro some gear on the trip, right ?
mircea_popescu: and so this ~2k is what, plane ticket and those bits of gear we didn't already own that we resold basically ?
trinque: lol, value too long for varchar(255) asciilifeform
trinque: asciilifeform: ok, resubmit with same girth
deedbot: Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.24737591 << asciilifeform-powered snsa->pizarro crossborder transport works
trinque: yeah that's fine; I just embiggened the type db-side
mircea_popescu: whoa guise i dunno what's going on but this tab keeps flashing o.O O.o
trinque: ^ !!received-invoices or !!sent-invoices
mircea_popescu: trinque, can pay-invoice require a mangled number format, such as #1 or i1 or something ? i nearly paid ben_vulpes 4 btc a few days ago, and so on.
trinque: yeah, I can see the wisdom behind it. gets worse the more it's used, heh!
mircea_popescu: a that's right, pizarro never paid cash, we got bonds.
mircea_popescu: basically asciilifeform the story is incomputable : you cost 1/4 btc to fly over some gear (which iirc cost us .6 ?) of which half we sold to pizarro for ~.5 in equity. figure it out if you can o.O
mircea_popescu: but broadly speaking seems about right, what can i say.
mircea_popescu: just saying, from a snsa perspective. it looks like a wash really.
mircea_popescu: he bought two boxes -- the minigame box and the spare. and he paid 0.5 in pizarro bonds.
mircea_popescu: then he later paid a further .4 for a fg bundle, taking nsa to .9 worth of convertible bonds, ie a ~7,5% holderr as th9ings stand
mircea_popescu: the only unclear part to me is the rockchips. nsa never paid you to buy them ; nor was paid for pizarro to acquire them. i imagine this was a side deal ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, i have every intention to pay it, whence the !!pay ; the checking intervenes between the statement of intention and the execution thereof.
deedbot: BigTexasBingo voiced for 30 minutes.
BigTexasBingo: Oh boy, the family has a father/cuck lecturing to me in front of the niños
BigTexasBingo: About how marijuana in his vape is cool, but the rest isn't
BigTexasBingo: And myself, I have to explain the all of it has been legal since 1973 when the dictatorship took power and legalized all the drugs
BigTexasBingo: !Q gabriel_laddel Seriously where the fuck are you. This land is Your land
☟︎ mircea_popescu: BigTexasBingo, what the fuck is the schmuck with kids doing in teenager slum anywyas
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, from that pov it is actually not even half bad, esp because includes expert escort + handling.
mircea_popescu: BigTexasBingo, then hopw the fuck does he even dare lift his fucking dumb head.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, i guess you have all further gear conveyance contracts you wish.
BigTexasBingo: Asciilifeform left me with an ice cream habit though. June bioallotment is going to have to go up.
BigTexasBingo: Going back to boots after the sneakers got soaked Saturday was a trip
BigTexasBingo: I strongly recommend if you do boots next time go for some redwings.
BigTexasBingo: I actually think my pair maybe has a fiberglass rod in the sole. The appeal here is non slip rubber and dead cow.
mircea_popescu: check out alf, just like in the fairytales of his native lands!
BigTexasBingo: December was a month where the boots were *just* broken in enough to serve as a cast for the stress fractures
BigTexasBingo: También the varying textures aren't bad. Wait until you try walking the pretty tiles in the rain.
BigTexasBingo: I don't really have a burn either so much as gently weeping skin on my face that screams with prolonged pressure like sunglasses on mt nasal bridge
mircea_popescu gave up on trying to wear the retarded recicled coca cola bottles they're selling as "Swimsuits".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, im sure the ocean's seen male genitalia before.
mircea_popescu: anyway, never bothered me yet. you'd expect it'd be way the fuck worse with girly bits, but amusingly enough IT IS NOT. the worst part is sand abrasion due to it getting in the slip (as it will) and then the slip moving it about.
mircea_popescu: but in plain terms, it turns out the human body is actually very well designed to not have a problem with sand.
mircea_popescu: especially seeing how the very well design panther tanks -- did.
mod6: However, I'd like to say that there were a few things that threw me off.
mod6: N=`basename $P .vpatch`
mod6: which I've shown in my log paste above ^. The original one is pasted first, the one that I actually got to work, second.
mod6: instead of $P, you use $patch
mod6: mod6@gentoo ~/alf_crystals $ which basename
mod6: I do have that binary for what it's worth.
mod6: The barf is actually in that log, there was a lot of those -- one for each vpatch. I should note though, my copy/paste may have thrown in some weird chars there, so just ignore that, that's not from your script, or my edits thereof.
mod6: Anyway, was pretty minor...
mod6: Next thing was that I got into some very small trouble with: ./txt2dir.py trb makefiles
mod6: Simply because I didn't know that it was output to 'out/trb', and then I moved the dir to 'trb'. lol. So i tried to run the thing against a dir, not a crystal. Once I realized that, worked fine.
mod6: You'll note that I did follow the steps as posted in the email, and for instance:
mod6: mod6@gentoo ~/alf_crystals/alf $ ./v.pl p . makefiles.monoblok.vpatch
mod6: HEAD: makefiles.monoblok.vpatch not found in flow
mod6: So, that was minor, had to download all your monobloks and seals from the email. That was all. Overall, I think in early april, I did this late at night and just didn't follow your steps as correctly as I should have.
mod6: Yeah, sorry, I didnt realize to grab all of your files from the email -- If I wouldn't have done that, my v would drop them on the floor as not-signed.
mod6: This is probably confusing as hell, it would make mroe sense to read through my log.
mod6: It did seem to produce what it said it would
mod6: I guess I just tripped up on some of the things. But, hey, sorry I didn't just do a report from jumpstreet.
mod6: That is all, cheers!
mod6: Hey, two evenings, not overly costly at all Sir.
mod6: If I would have been more careful the first time, would have been 1.
mod6: I believe so, it does this: 1] It takes a press of v99. 2] Runs dir2txt.py on each dir, doing vdiffs of all the files. Stuffing output into monoblok. 3] Monoblok has 1 antecedent hash, 1 dependant hash, rest meta & source. 4] You load the monobloks (signed ofc) into a vtron, press them. They press into one giant file with metadata and source only. 5] one runs txt2dir.py on teh giant crystal to inflate univ
mod6: And the vertical pillar of flow, in this case, is the crystal.
mod6: I dunno, maybe i've forgotten the point of all of this.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-03 00:07 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform seems to me a correctly designed and properly implemented version of trinque 's original doodle, which he summarily described as "bundle all files together and hash"
mod6: I guess I need to noodle on this a while, and perhaps make a different example outside the context of trb.
mod6: Alright, I'm off. ni ni
deedbot: gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes.
ben_vulpes: hey gabriel_laddel now that you've got a job and everything, how about a bouncer on the pizarro shared host?
a111: Logged on 2018-05-02 01:17 BigTexasBingo: !Q gabriel_laddel Seriously where the fuck are you. This land is Your land
ben_vulpes: or are you still scared of being seen to transact in btc
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes I've no problem with working in BTC, but you have to understand that when I say things like "no really, I've 1 computer, ~400 usd to my name and a package of camels" I really mean it.
mircea_popescu: i thought lisp stuff for money is the province of a few remainder whitebeards in usg.missiles grandfathered contracts.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-06 00:59 gabriel_laddel: beetlejuice is suffering gainful employment writing java for the time being
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu lisp jobs exist for ~anyone who is willing to spend some time working for it. Sorta like northstar electronics & the dragonfly
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: Not starving, am just poor (for the time being).
trinque: gabriel_laddel: did you ever post pics of the foot?
deedbot: gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: heh, at least that one admits the addiction
ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel: for poor fuxx like you and me there is only the trilemman 'plan for wealth'
ben_vulpes: but rest easy meine freunde there is nothing easier in this world than ballooning your leverage and socking pennies away in btc
ben_vulpes: heh well what getrichquickscheme have y'lit upon now
gabriel_laddel: same one. lisp machine. bulletproofed case & sold to mass market as "save your kid in event of school shooting"
deedbot: gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes.
gabriel_laddel: *shrugs* I'm interested in the lispm. BTC is incidental. Interesting, but incidental. Have sold my absolutely-not-a-lispm in the past & plan to continue doing so in the future. Last time around I was homeless, couldn't get rides to meetups, no ebay account etc. This time around, not so much.
ben_vulpes: look i admire your determination but there's no leverage and no market anywhere to be seen; you could be patient, scraping down food credits and suffering now for what will be an entire IC two decades from now had ye the foresight to not waste your time picking rags
ben_vulpes: which, make no mistake, is precisely what you're doing. pulling refuse from the usgstani fabrication pipeline and "oh dear sir or madam, this posey to spare your child from the plague i mean hailofbullets"
gabriel_laddel: fuck patience. That attitude is why we don't have one now. If people had just generally been less of a bunch of complete girly-men at symbolics, or the MIT AI lab, or Franz, or or or we'd have something that's close enough to "troo lispm" for me, even if ascii would be unhappy about it.
gabriel_laddel: but no, they want to "be reasonable", "hold jobs", "have a place to stay", "not do hard drugs" and on and on it goes
☟︎ ben_vulpes: no wot and no non-statally controlled monetary base, and so could build nothing sane.
ben_vulpes: because 'britneyization', the crushing drive to make everything as cheap, of as few and the cheapest atoms possible in order to sell it at the largest scale to the greatest number of people, because this is how socialism works: big tents, eyeballs, "hamburgers served", number of voters
ben_vulpes: and the starkest, most bleak indictment of all, no great men to serve
ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel: there is much enjoyment to be had in building great moocow milking machines
ben_vulpes: not in the work itself, innards of windows and "whitelabled mobile experiences" are only worthwhile insofar as they drain the beasts of their lifeblood
ben_vulpes: there is nothing "reasonable" about the trilema plan for wealth, come on now.
gabriel_laddel: I'd rather sell crack/arms/precursors than milk moocows.
ben_vulpes: i've yet to see evidence of you doing either, so the objection cannot stand.
ben_vulpes: flail in the dark on your own if you must.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-02 04:28 gabriel_laddel: but no, they want to "be reasonable", "hold jobs", "have a place to stay", "not do hard drugs" and on and on it goes
deedbot: gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes.
gabriel_laddel: But adali? BB? The old ex-mit-ai-lab guy I met who now just tutors kids in math & DOESNT EVEN TEACH THEM LISP?! Or the other ex-symbolics people?
ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel: i gotta point out that precursors, arms and crack are *all* milkings.
ben_vulpes: there are three things to do: britneyize, lash yourself to another man's oar, or be the visionary superman
ben_vulpes: and i get the appeal of visionary supermandom but dude upcycling craptops with a hilarious gentoonotalisp is very shy of that mark
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes what do we get out of populating the infodb with s-expression sources and editing with SETF rather than working through files?
ben_vulpes: it is such an asinine question, mon frere
ben_vulpes: wanking over the wallpaper doesn't kneecap the megastate one whit
ben_vulpes: these are tools of intelligence amplification, done correctly. users/eyeballs/hitcounters are *the* antipattern.
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes okay, so where do fexpers stand? Can we do away with them given our SETF-editor & populated infodb?
ben_vulpes: IA is for that revered fourth, fifth and sixth standard deviation; not for teh everyonez
☟︎ ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel: it doesn't matter for so long as the incans control the fabs.
gabriel_laddel: like, since we already know WHO-MACROEXPANDS, just iterate infodb & re macroexpand.
ben_vulpes: right. put another way, why are you so obsessed over this nominally-solved problem to such a degree that you'd deprive the republic of a capitalized sapper
ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel: why would i give a shit when you seem dedicated to the penurious style that'll prevent you from ever delivering on the implications.
ben_vulpes: i can have the software written, by devoted historians i train myself or who've built a relationship upon delivery and savvy over years of wot relationships
a111: Logged on 2018-05-02 04:49 gabriel_laddel: Fuck em.
mircea_popescu: i suppose the correct construction is that he simply doesn't know what's going on. aanyways.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-02 04:58 ben_vulpes: IA is for that revered fourth, fifth and sixth standard deviation; not for teh everyonez
mircea_popescu: which is why ux is such a terrible field. it's caught in this fundamental tension, between moomoos "wanting" to stay moomoos on one hand, and "doctor, my eye hurts every time i take a sip of my coffee" on the other.
mircea_popescu: the eastern/orthodox expression being "durerea-i ziditoare", ie, pain [builds] the kingdom of heaven
lobbesbot: mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: !Qlater tell bingoboingo also were there errors to be rectified from b4 or anything ?
☟︎ lobbesbot: mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded.
ben_vulpes is a day behind, will attend to invoices that need indepth review tomorrow; outstanding invoices will go out this pm
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2016-12-30 17:14 mircea_popescu: it really should be up to operator wtf, if i want to read dirty let me read dirty what sort of decision is this for designer to make.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, consider the eminent case of apache serving mp-wp. the fact that at t1 i updated the article list and at t2 the db read the stale t0 version makes EXACTLY NO DIFFERENCE.
mircea_popescu: it's way the fuck better to ~serve~ even if the article is epsilon seconds "too old" than to hang while you update, or even fucking worse, reject the connection.
mircea_popescu: in the case of trilema, for instance, the db serving articles FROM YESTERDAY OR EARLIER ONLY, ie, 86400000000 microseconds old, is still 99% of the job done. cuz most of the time you're not even using it for "the latest", and even if there is a latest in any meaningful sense it's many millions / billions / trillions microseconds old anyway.
ben_vulpes: my attention is on the original phuctorgenic goal of "i don't care about your concurrency controls, gimme whatever's in the page ritenao!"
mircea_popescu: and even more complicated dirty mixes, whereby eg "the article -- new ; but the comments -- old, so we are serving a false imaginary situation that never could have existed irl!!!" is still... no harm done WHATSOEVER.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, that case is really no different ; phuctor is just a mechanized trilema with a narrow focus.
ben_vulpes: pg "SSI" does this correctly afaik; would serve coherent versions of comments and article i believe.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: didja ever benchmark running mpwp on postgres?
a111: Logged on 2018-04-30 22:04 asciilifeform: ( and
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-31#1560740 , and there was a particular link some time in past yr which i now cannot find, where someone actually went and ~measured~ the reaction time delay of msdos, various winblowz boxen from past 20yr, crapple, bolix, etc etc and found exactly what i'd expect him to find )
a111: Logged on 2018-05-01 16:25 phf: ight have time to sit down with v.pl before mid may. i can also just remove the right hand side of vtools for now, since this new complexity is coming from an experimental v graph anyway. i've no idea though if people are using a sha512 vtools in preference of awk vdiff / gnu patch.
spyked: speaking of which; to all ircbot users: I have a patch proposal for ircbot (and possibly logbot). the problem: nickserv authentication makes a distinction between "nickname" and "user". this allows e.g. to group multiple irc bots (with different nicks) under a single username and cloak. so my proposal is to add a new *optional* "user" slot to ircbot and use it for auth instead of "nick" when available
☟︎ spyked: I've added the "user" slot as a keyword argument to highlight optionality, but not sure whether this is the right way to go about it.
spyked: given the growing number of args, I'd rather personally have them all be keyword args.
lobbes: Neato spyked. Though, I'll be honest, I don't think I've ever grouped nicks under a user via NickServ. Besides the cloaking, what other utility is there to grouping in this way?
lobbes: I'll probably be splitting lobbesbot into several seperate bots over the coming months/year, so now I am curious
spyked: lobbes, in general nicks grouped under a user might inherit other properties (e.g. op privileges), but I'm not sure whether this has any utility for bots. I only used it as a very cheap way to get cloak for bots, though probably the correct approach would be to register a user per nick.
spyked is of course curious to hear if this is considered an anti-feature by republican standards. but has used it for a while now.
spyked: from what I understood, he measured all of them by filming the keypress-to-screen latency with a high fps camera. though this begs the question of what even means "keypress registered" in case of software kbds. at least he put the touchscreens in another table.
mircea_popescu: spyked, there's about 0 interest in importing nickserv behaviours as some kind of perpetual legacy.
spyked agrees. and also wonders why the whole "cloaks are a privilege handed by fleanode staff" etc. still, uses the bit above for the time being and would have been odd to keep to himself.
trinque: it's amazing how much gabriel_laddel reminds me of an old boss. nearly drank himself to death, grand mission to turn the www into a distributed db. the obsessive ones like this only get un-stuck by the threat of death, which is why they try as they might to impose it upon themselves.
trinque: taking the simple case of a blog, node serves up a metadata endpoint that says "posts, comments, etc" and their structure. client can take suggestion from the server on how to display these, or can use whatever it likes on its end instead.
trinque: nodes can also describe transformations from one schema to another, so your "post" table's cols map to mine via a given function
trinque: whole project started at far too high a stack of chairs, atop postgres, browser, etc
trinque: guy had no notion of WoT, of gossipd, or anything. he's firmly an "our democracy" believer
trinque: made no attempt to solve many unavoidable problems, in pursuit of desired "UX"
trinque: postgres can serve up "materialized views" pretty damned fast; that's what would've been the caching solution, similar to what's done with webshits currently
trinque: sure, and this was a guy that was spending his own money because "eventually we'll figure out what to do with UX"
trinque: eh, aged beyond his years, but alive
trinque: nah not in touch. told him he was among the worst leaders I'd ever labored under, and that was that.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-02 05:27 mircea_popescu: !Qlater tell bingoboingo also were there errors to be rectified from b4 or anything ?
lobbesbot: BingoBoingo: Sent 11 hours and 21 minutes ago: <mircea_popescu> is this right, 3035+3058 ?
lobbesbot: BingoBoingo: Sent 11 hours and 20 minutes ago: <mircea_popescu> also were there errors to be rectified from b4 or anything ?
a111: Logged on 2014-08-25 03:08 asciilifeform: busy as a bee << funny that they show an idiot sow scrubbing, and not, e.g, paul erdos crapping out theorems
a111: Logged on 2018-05-02 05:26 mircea_popescu: !Qlater tell bingoboingo is this right, 3035+3058 ?
mircea_popescu: "determination is orthogonal to correctness, elementarily" << fortunately, determination is not an elementary item, but can be further broken down and classified. there's the sort of determination resulting from narcissism, where it is simply fueled by the [perceived] cost of changing the other side, "what do you mean my model of sexuality and society is wrong, this'd mean i'd have to have a long talk with the woman in my hou
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, i'm certain this is not something postgres can do.
mircea_popescu: unless you bother to actually find and edit the magic numbers and recompile, which is about on par with rewriting the damned thing.
mircea_popescu: just in case you're still belabouring under the misapprehension that the usg puppet show is a "field" with "experts" and whatnot, that is.