mircea_popescu: they're never going to run out of other people's words to try and steal and sell, are they.
mircea_popescu: fucking hot topic, "and THIS is a pirate" "no, it's not" "19.95"
mircea_popescu: kek what is that in the background, rocket launchers ?
mod6: no idea, it's been around for a while tho...
mod6: i like the mpex shirt too hehe. but aha, tits would be sweet.
mod6: yeah, would have been proper.
mircea_popescu: this "i'm more important than the world" is the easiest delusion.
mircea_popescu: they're by their nature sweet, but this one's like truffles to the pigs.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-24 17:16 asciilifeform: btw you can make this right now by attaching 2 hg tilt switches to a fg , 1 on each end ( b/w the middle and the +v pins )
mod6: asciilifeform: so far, i've only gone to the extent of unplugging both RNG-TWs and ensuring that the SAD lamp does what it should.
mircea_popescu: "Chi square distribution for 1048576000 samples is 217.95, and randomly would exceed this value 95.52 percent of the times."
mod6: that's in the 'suspect' range no?
mircea_popescu: Monte Carlo value for Pi is 3.141491330 (error 0.00 percent).
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: (3.141491330 - pi)/pi * 100 = -0.0032252300334771494
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: pi = 3.141592653589793
mircea_popescu: counterintuitvely, the 4th decimal of pi should be within a 100th of a 100th
a111: Logged on 2017-05-23 01:04 asciilifeform: asciilifeform used 'dieharder' to reject a handful of screamingly defective analogue units , but currently isn't sure that it's good for much re a ~working~ one
mod6: get your wienerschnitzels ready
deedbot: 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452 is already registered as mircea_popescu.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform chick came by in march and then a few days ago, my records show, none of you hardasses thought to up her.
eo: @mircea_popescu only what i read in your blog posts
eo: that's tough. i'm only here because i already agree with most of your content.
mircea_popescu: weird, we dun generally find much fault with yours, notwitstanding in theory we should!
deedbot: elaineo voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: why would anyone stick around after that is incomprehensible.
jhvh1: danielpbarron: The operation succeeded.
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Prefab strip mall has shorter walk to coffee shop, provided a coffee data tenant rents space
ben_vulpes: it is a sad truth that all data centers i have been in have sadder coffee production facilities than even starbucks.
ben_vulpes: also use windows. also in usshitistan.
BingoBoingo: Really [coffee shop][datacenter (studio apartment carveout)][scooter dealer] is imagined layout
BingoBoingo: If locale has enough people who feel entitled to protective road cage to justify 4-wheel dealership, locale prolly sucks for building building
ben_vulpes: under that analysis, should probably do fork/heavy equipment/rental+dealership instead of scooter dealership
BingoBoingo: Nah, the customers there are demanding and suspicious. Not to mention keeps existential threats to datacenter too close.
ben_vulpes: existential threats, yes, but in their docile state!
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Few have meaningful locks on them. Only docile because passerby have anxiety about starting up unattented equipment.
BingoBoingo: Anyways, it's hard to meaningfully lock a door when excavator sleeps within 100 yards of door. Doesn't leave much time to take position with anti-materiel rifle before it closes range
BingoBoingo: While scooters produce delicious 2-stroke exhaust and help the pobre commute within their substantial means
ben_vulpes: not like it would be hard to wire keypads into them if they still don't have meaningful locks.
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Most heavy equipment starts by holding hidden button while pressing "start button", Or turning key shapped ignition switch while holding hidden button
mod6: lot of the bobcats i've seen recently have a 10-key pad to enter a code before it can be started.
mod6: older ones though...
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: These are more typically. Hold button, trivial test of "familiar with idea of heavy equipment or not"
mircea_popescu: the logic is sound : hominid sufficiently advanced to understand trickery of hidden button should also be sufficiently advanced to not crash it.
mod6: Ada Field Report: 1) Perl is fast. 2) Working with Strings.Fixed, oofda. 3) Verify Seals works!
mircea_popescu: mod6> Ada Field Report: 1) Perl is fast. <<< dat discreet trollage
deedbot: elaineo voiced for 30 minutes.
elaineo: hai (registering nick now)
mircea_popescu would propose writing for qntra, but sadly qntra encountered an arrow to the knee
deedbot: 197174F8BC084AFB0532FFC3885B7AF2D2264BC0 registered as elaineo.
mircea_popescu: !!rate elaineo 2 somehow manages to write unirritatingly while also academia. i have yet no theory as to how this is possible.
mircea_popescu: !!v D4088521A7610AB73BAEDE6391EB686B1BDAD174263DFECC60AD9707A0674ECD
☟︎ deedbot: mircea_popescu rated elaineo 2 << somehow manages to write unirritatingly while also academia. i have yet no theory as to how this is possible.
elaineo: well, i feel better about myself if i say that i was the one who left
elaineo: cuz i spent a dozen years thinking that that would be my ultimate achievement in life
☟︎ mircea_popescu: to my mind it's a lot like abusive drunk with halitosis who also makes no money coming home one night to announce he wants a divorce.
elaineo: perhaps, but it's YOUR abusive drunk
mircea_popescu: if they knew how to sell it, they'd be wondering why no men in academia rather than the current nonsense.
elaineo: to be fair, it's a socially respectable career that doesn't require any serious work
mircea_popescu: anyway. i spent one semester teaching myself. it helped a lot that i was one year junior to the people i was teaching and had great relationship with provost.
elaineo: i don't think academia is as retarded as it's portrayed in MSM. they amplify the worst parts
mircea_popescu: elaineo the sort of people to whom it is socially respectable would respect you a lot more for i dunno, a gucci bag.
elaineo: it's not just the career success, it also comes with pretend-asceticism. like a greek philosopher-king
BingoBoingo: * mircea_popescu would propose writing for qntra, but sadly qntra encountered an arrow to the knee << This is no obstacle to writing for qntra. Merely an obstacle to getting puslished on Qntra. While disaster awaits a resolution one can still write to target qntra and settle for publishing elsewhere.
mircea_popescu: there;s this feedback loop for writers. it's great to write->publish->read. think of it as a special sort of ooda loop.
elaineo: @mircea_popescu working at a run-of-the mill cash-burning silicon valley tech company? yes.
elaineo: it's awesome. it's like perpetual grade school out here.
elaineo: the "Marry Him" author is correct
elaineo: Feminists are busy cultivating props for future generations
mircea_popescu: christos ballas, author of the indeed very good tlp blog
elaineo: no, first time reading this site
mircea_popescu: hm, lessee what other common loci you might have missed.
mircea_popescu: there we go. one of these days i'll even learn how all the tools work.
mircea_popescu: to voice self say !!up to deedbot in pm, then decrypt the thing he gives tyou and say !!v to him with the otp
mircea_popescu: check out the dumb broad, she imagines moneymaking scales, rich dude is going to get into the same arrangements with her as rando highschool boyfriend would.
☟︎ elaineo: @mircea_popescu I understand how wots work in general, is there anything particular about the one for #trilema?
mircea_popescu: i've never encountered one that worked, outside of this one. but then again i lead a sheltered existence.
elaineo: there was a dating service called coffee-meets-bagel that had a primitive version, not sure if they're still around
mircea_popescu: deedbot also keeps a deeding service (think notarization for the new generation), backed by the full faith and credit of the bitcoin network.
elaineo: i've always felt that life insurance companies should be the ones paying for people's medical bills to keep them on life support.
elaineo: incentives would be more aligned that way
mircea_popescu: ~same would happen with life insurance, this isn't the 1890s anymore and yidish is not spoken in the home.
mircea_popescu: if they didn't obamacare-equivalent it, it wouldn't exist.
elaineo: what do you mean it's not an economic activity? you mean it's not profitable for the insurance company?
mircea_popescu: do you understand why computers and software are extempt from the general consumer protections ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: consider the risk profile. if you elaine ou do terrible sex work, that is one pissed off customer who's going to get a free cocktail and a voucher for a chance to win an hour with kardashian.
mircea_popescu: if on the other hand you elaine ou do terrible software work, that is EVERY SINGLE CUSTOMER. there is no way a company can pay up.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: badly alligned risk profiles can turn something into a barren economic field.
mircea_popescu: that's why wives aren't sold by open outcry, for instance.
elaineo: aren't flood and life insurance companies only responsible for a single policy beneficiary?
mircea_popescu: the problem with life insurance is more subtle, which is why it's not usually noticed
elaineo: are we expecting a pandemic or plague?
mircea_popescu: anyway -- there's no way for a life insurance company to obtain an economic advantage over the competition. everyone has the same acturial tables.
mircea_popescu: this means one of two things -- either they're run as state offices on the federal budget (which means they will turn from profitable to shit over a generation or two) or else they are run by rando scammers, trying to do the whole aluminum siding bit.
elaineo: i guess in the current form it's a ponzi scheme like social security
mircea_popescu: ie it's been run by govt (through some paper layers, but whatevs) for long enough to have turned to shit.
deedbot: RagnarDanneskjol voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: everything's gone to crap, and the imbeciles responsible dare run around pretending the stupid-ass handhelds were "a great thing".
mircea_popescu: fucking screwflies are a greater thing, ophtalmomyasis comparatively a blessing.
mircea_popescu: (that's when maggots infect the actual eye, for the innocent)
deedbot: RagnarDanneskjol voiced for 30 minutes.
shinohai: Hey *IS* Today is the International Day of Remembering How Mircea Popescu Is Better Than Me day after all.
jhvh1: shinohai: The operation succeeded.
jhvh1: danielpbarron: The operation succeeded.
jhvh1: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
jhvh1: asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 3946.99, vol: 15244.20132520 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 3946.7, vol: 39514.97380202 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 3754.92, vol: 1567.38260000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 3943.9, vol: 5271.96748622 | Volume-weighted last average: 3941.65226023
jhvh1: asciilifeform: 3946.99 * 0.0395 = 155.906105
diana_coman: cruciform, I don't get it either: if you think NSA price is low anyway, then why are you looking for some other place to buy it for even less?
diana_coman: well, it's not whatever really; as far as I know there is only one maker of FG; and moreover, if I think the "widget" is underpriced then no, I don't waste time running around to ask maybe it's even more underpriced sort of thing
diana_coman: I don't have anything against others doing whatever, obv, just sort of ...not making sense to me
diana_coman: what puzzles is a. why would someone buy it from nsa to then sell it cheaper (admittedly it is possible though, anything is possible) b. if it's underpriced how is it worth it to spend *time* in order to get somehow possibly (not even surely) a slightly cheaper price
☟︎ diana_coman: cruciform, ah, so this is about "maybe there is somewhere a deal and I pay 1 dime less?
diana_coman: asciilifeform, by now I suspect it's more a thing on the lines of "gotta have cheapest price possible or else sucker"
jhvh1: danielpbarron: The operation succeeded.
diana_coman: by asciilifeform's calc earlier that would be $15 saved
diana_coman: cruciform, if you don't mind for my curiosity: does the difference actually matter or above what threshold does it matter?
diana_coman: aha, so I got it right earlier: it's about cheapest price or else sucker
a111: Logged on 2017-09-26 04:41 elaineo: cuz i spent a dozen years thinking that that would be my ultimate achievement in life
diana_coman: cruciform, for one thing man at till is not producer - while I don't give "man at till" extra for the product itself (I might give him for the service if warranted, what), I might even want to give producer more if I consider what he does to be a great thing; payment is support at the end of the day; anyway keeping with your example the thing would be: man at till says it'll be $10, do you ask around in the shop if anyone sells
diana_coman: a 2nd hand one cheaper; fine to do it, sure, just ...surprising
a111: Logged on 2017-09-26 05:10 mircea_popescu: check out the dumb broad, she imagines moneymaking scales, rich dude is going to get into the same arrangements with her as rando highschool boyfriend would.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-26 06:58 mircea_popescu: if on the other hand you elaine ou do terrible software work, that is EVERY SINGLE CUSTOMER. there is no way a company can pay up.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-26 06:57 mircea_popescu: do you understand why computers and software are extempt from the general consumer protections ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform chick wanted to live by the park or whatever homemaker achievement. a girlscout captive in a 25yo woman's body, still trying to get the right badges in her sophisticated culturedness.
mircea_popescu: and re the other thing, nevermind the practicals. the point was that it isn't an economic activity.
mircea_popescu: what stupidities the courts engage in isn't germane ; nor is anything else. it's not a social matter.
mircea_popescu: saying something can't be economically engaged in is a derivate of wovon, it's like babbage saying the problem of corectness can't be approached by mechanical means.
jhvh1: cruciform: The operation succeeded.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-26 14:11 diana_coman is genuinely rather puzzled on this one
mircea_popescu: legitimate question. you all look on amazon. there's such a thing as a car aftermarket. what of it.
mircea_popescu: as it happens in the case of FG afaik aftermarket is actually more expensive than list price, ie it's more like collected art than used cars, but to find that out you gotta ask, and the question sounds exactly like "any discount rembrandts around ?"
mircea_popescu: in any case the amd cpu i bought was underpriced both at list price and at 2nd hand price. cuz i sure as fuck ain'\t making one in my laundry room out of lint and wall shavings for less than a few hundred.
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, there was no question re being legitimate
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, i might consider asking if there's any cheaper than fiddy bux floating around
diana_coman: sure, nothing wrong with that in itself; still for FG as it is and given "it's underpriced anyway" ...surprising; that's it, all of it
danielpbarron: !~later tell cruciform kk, btw what size shirt would you like?
jhvh1: danielpbarron: The operation succeeded.
danielpbarron: rats, i seem to only have mediums and XL with me, XL ok?
mircea_popescu: the description is plain and was published two years ago. davidson fixed, torvalds commited within an hour. their job is done.
mircea_popescu: red hat OPTED to be shitheads. like koch usually does.
mircea_popescu: you can't turn terse explanations of the problem into lengthy discussions of implications taylored for idiots, what is this, black chix coding now ?
mircea_popescu: moreover, if anyone today depends on their linux not being vulnerable to LPE, they're ducked in the ducking heaf!
a111: Logged on 2017-06-13 22:37 asciilifeform: end result is to be a vaguely msdos-like thing that understands how to configure x64 page table, put/get blocks of disk, and speak over rs232 port. and on top of this, a self-building gnat.
mircea_popescu: ok so, all you need is a chunk of random data, which fg provides. you can hash that into a privkey and address.
mircea_popescu: there's no way out of this. if you don't write, you have to read, such as the thing you linked.
mircea_popescu: for many small projects people prefer to write, because it's easier to write than read code.
mircea_popescu: "someone in wot" is not meaningful in that sense. who's in ~YOUR~ wot ?
mircea_popescu: yes, but proxying "girls whose tits i enjoy" into "life partner" is how people harvest the bitter fruit.
mircea_popescu: on the other side, i don't know there's anything wot doesn't apply to.
mircea_popescu: this'd be an important theoretical point, incidentally, showing domain exception. tis not currently known.
mircea_popescu: divine items, so far they've not failed us, just on occasion we fail them.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this'd be actually a great sf premise. end of days world, people running around having trouble with actual fundamentals.
mircea_popescu: "you heard about joe ? commutativity blew up for him last week"
mircea_popescu: like that one with the "visual prion", except written by someone who understands the science involved.
mircea_popescu: www.scribd.com/doc/86728044/Greg-Egan-Luminous redirects to some bulslhit advertising. because that's why they EVEN DO this.
mircea_popescu: you all know this, right ? the ONLY reason github is there is so that it will later redirect your links and try and make a penny.
mircea_popescu: heidi roizen blogging on tumblr like an idiot, because she can't fucking afford a house now.
mircea_popescu: but i suppose the IMPLICATIONS WERENT MADE CLEAR hurr durr. pshaw.
trinque has the dead tree sitting nearby, good stuff
mircea_popescu: I turned to the burglar. "There is no antidote. But the toxin won't kill you. You'll just wish it
mircea_popescu: what happened to "there is no antidote. but the toxin won't kill you, it'll just turn you into a bimbo!"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform wait, is this the one with the visual virus ?
mircea_popescu: I mean, fifteen billion years after the Big Bang, someone can still
mircea_popescu: come along and prove, say . . . Fermat's Last Theorem.
BingoBoingo: <cruciform> asciilifeform: it's underpriced << I can sell you FG made by "own hands" for 12 BTC with deliver in 12, require 50% deposit, my option to instead deliver two alf-hands FG at month 11 for your trouble
BingoBoingo: <cruciform> man at till says it'll be $10; you give him $20 just because? << Well if $20 is new from vendor and $10 is with 200,000 miles of farts in the seats
a111: Logged on 2017-09-26 14:16 diana_coman: what puzzles is a. why would someone buy it from nsa to then sell it cheaper (admittedly it is possible though, anything is possible) b. if it's underpriced how is it worth it to spend *time* in order to get somehow possibly (not even surely) a slightly cheaper price
mircea_popescu: i wish the record to permanently reflect that alison is a stupid fucking name.
BingoBoingo: Angel is a prefectly respectable math-stripper name
diana_coman: asciilifeform, I follow the part re make your own hands - thing there is that there IS gain in that expenditure of time; and that gain is arguably more than the 15 bucks; however, I don't follow how does that lead to "makes sense just as much to collect coupons /whatevs "
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> granted mircea_popescu will prolly add 'this is of course only win for the bull, not for the farmer' but i've never been the farmer. can only add pov of bull. << Is it pov of contemporary bull if you haven't lost count of prostate shocks delivered by farmer for the sake of knocking up distant dairy with veal
BingoBoingo: And a confirmation for the Republic pt. 2: "The remaining 1% becomes sequestered in body fat. This portion is eliminated slowly, with a half-life of 18 days for the cis-isomer and 3.4 days for the trans-isomer (2, 4). "
trinque: attention all : there'll be electrical maintenance on the DC which houses deedbot tomorrow from 6AM to 9AM. deedbot itself will be up, and operating elsewhere starting this evening until after the end of the maintenance. deeds, other side services (RSS), and my node shall be offline starting at 5AM tomorrow.