900+ entries in 0.235s
mircea_popescu: then her future comes to pass. and she's still too busy with the pretense to notice. because the one thing usianism does is give people something to be busy with. it's not particularly effectual at the direct effect, you know, doing something for them. but it is damned effective at KEEPING THEM BUSY so they don't notice. which is... just as good ?
mircea_popescu: (why 0x010001 ? yes, it's a magic number. but it has magic reasons : 1) it is prime ; 2) it is the fastest multiplication on a 64 bit machine, because it's just a concatenation ; 3) could make it even longer by the same process, but that has a significant impact on speed with no visible security benefit. so it's magic for a god damned reason.)
mircea_popescu: tautology is the last ditch in the fight with they who do not wish to understand the plainly obvious. there's little more to be said to "i just want it to work" crowd than some tautology or other, because the problem in their head is exactly this : to them, it ISNT tautological.
mircea_popescu: on just add and message me..and if you are in Kenya, south Africa, Tanzania,India,Zambia, Ghana, don't add me... Because I can't help you. I can't help you if you are from those country. But if you are in the USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, NIGERIA,Nether land, Poland, and if you are in European and Asia country and so on you can also add me let's talk and I will help you be a member... Once again if you are not serious d
mircea_popescu: and in other lulz, "I am here to help you become rich and famous.. If you are not serious in becoming a member please don't even think of adding me or sending me a message because I won't be happy with you.but if you know you are serious and ready to become a member just add me now let's talk and let's get to know each other more better. If you wanna be famous like rihanna, jazzy, Eminem,rick Ross, Lil Wayne, bey once and so
mircea_popescu: understand - just because i'm the king and queen and can afford to leave whatever untold bitcoin fortunes lay fallow in whatever addresses for yeasrs at a time - does not give you the right to expect or demand such.
mircea_popescu: phf> there's some kind of massive delusion going with these people << they were never humiliated. it rots the brain. idiot literally imagines that just because he doesn't understand how the ocmpany is run, then therefore it's not run at all and there';s room for him to pretend it's like washington state cca 1916 and one gets to be mayor just for showing up, population 1 town. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: because we're all equally people and therefore all equally potent in richdom. just his time hasn't come yet to becoming in wealth-hood.
mircea_popescu: anyway, re phf's "of course i thought about writing bbet" : the problem there's not "write the site", thats a trivial task to be done in a brief time by a single competent coder. the problem there, and the reson i'm not pushing for replacement, is "how to administer bets". and until i have a good idea i won't push for this, because it's ~futile as it is, will just pile busywork on some people for no actual benefit.
mircea_popescu: quite so. it's a deep problem, i have been toying with for many years, because i never do just one single thing at a time.
mircea_popescu: This week, due to your GNAA postings, I just suffered the loss of an important job opportunity, and contract because an individual obtained the private parts I had not intended for hand distribution. After the irc error I wrote several people on that chat ridiculed me.
mircea_popescu: these aren't to be assumed, just because fucktards think socialism, and all things are equal and all "people" are special and so forth.
mircea_popescu: re kipling, because this just came up in mp household : girly read his story, you know the one. the spooky one, with the people in the pit.
mircea_popescu: this isn't going away just because alf had a weird day.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes, but not because you don't know. you're intelligent enough to know, and by rights should know. it's just that the stupid overrider in your brain overrides the brain. it's like so : "we need the speechwriters and ghostwriters to translate our symbols into the plaintext of they without proper huffman tables"
mircea_popescu: alternatively, phpmyadmin is also just a script you can get standalone. tho in generall it's a case of "people haven't actually ever tried to cli mysql because nobody ever told them they could" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: time to take that shit back, just because "it has images" is no excuse for the existence of say firefox.
mircea_popescu: for instance, it'd evident we want : a) csv, for to grep ; b) tmsr-html, which is NOT html, and not just because it does not allow js ; c) tmsr-svg, which i'm going to pretend is svg, because gnarly. somewhere inbetween b and c a latex fits in as previously discussed in logs.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503327 << just because you have wild, entirely unsuported in practice expectations of a gui, and just because you don't know how to / want to script it, doesn't mean the tool doesn't work. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: yeah, it would in this instance, but it'll become unmanageable in short order. because it's not just one such item
mircea_popescu: just because they couldn't in 1920 doesn't mean they can't today.
mircea_popescu: it's not pessimism just because i didn't vote for change!
mircea_popescu: possibly because of ben_vulpes and his pokemon red being just about the right age... twenty years ago or so ?
mircea_popescu: you don't just person because you felt persony that day.
mircea_popescu: it has happened historically. just because you're not the sort to do it doesn't mean it';s not done.
mircea_popescu: the swedes just picked this one because cock hungry.
mircea_popescu: hey, just because you don't drive well is no excuse to oppress teh muslim brotherhood!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform did yours propose "just because it's bloody doesn't mean you have to throw it out" also ?
mircea_popescu: guess what : argentine niggers aren't any better just because they happen to be white-toned.
mircea_popescu: anyway, i gotta admit the "democracy" drivel is nothing if not incredibly flexible. can be spread on bread as "science not cults!!11", can be spread on bread as "say no to silly (orly?) power games and ~~~sycophancy~~~" because if you call male independence the bad word it'll totally stick, men are really just a bunch of women that deeply care about labels like that. can obviously be spread as "the people of libya want the fr
mircea_popescu: "Because I mean WOT is not too revolutionary when it is just another name for a bunch of peoples' non-interoperable personal black books between which information can be exchanged only by explicitly manual means." << da fuck, "your working thing's no good!"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the "restrict mining market" thing, as experimented by crown jool debeers, is a major schtick because of its implications for oil, russia and in general. remember how just about when independent countries gathered enough technological mommentum to build exportable lightbulbs, the item "had to be upgraded" ?
mircea_popescu: the original nubbins' failure to matter is a fine example in exactly this vein - you can't take the pig out of the pig just because you want another prince.
mircea_popescu: lol yeah, didn't mean for qntra. just mentioned it because it seems to me the "isis" figthers were ru special forces. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494310 << no because progress. tempered lime crapola is "just as good". PARETO SUPERIOR ALTERNATIVE!!11 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: and in other incredibly postmodern lulz : https://archive.is/zhCZf << postmodern art must be translated, so : fbi.gov has a banner roller just like any wanna-be "news site^Hmedia property" of the "mainsteam" variety. on this roller, because they apparently ran out of photographs or photography, in the age of the most abundant photographism, they have a picture of a lcd screen. that lcd screen depicts material originated from
mircea_popescu: take 0 : "agent has agency". i'm not willing to reduce that to this, not just because http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-30#998185 but in general, as a matter of sovereignity. if your ethereum works in this way, there's no "criminal thief" blabla. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ethereum being "smart", it's not just mempool, but also cpupool. and the "soft fork" being essentially a "enumerate badness" attempt, you still gotta check and make sure tx isn't on the verboten list. which computation you do for free, because you believe in mit, socialism and buterin. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: kinda destroys the value proposition of the whole thing. im sure that just as soon as the delusion dries up, and their bubble finally gets punctured, be it because we finally smash the fed presses, or for any other reason, they'll find it within themselves that the need to eat exceeds the disinclination to not repent.
mircea_popescu: anywya. your definition of dumb is not useful, because being smart is no particular defense against being dumb. i can readily grant that they're smart, in the sense of trained monkey : give it a fiddle and watch in amazement. but without the fiddle it's just a monkey, and just like the horse that can count to five is a remarkable horse, not a remarkable matematician - these friends of yours are particularly bright idiots, if ☟︎
mircea_popescu: because the major trick here is - what i say isn't ACTUALLY ambiguous. it just requires very fine interpretation, which meshes well with a machine. in any case meshes well with the epistemic process that makes people engineers,
mircea_popescu: which is why i'm saying, there's not much actionable here. but just because i dunno what to do with it doesn't mean i don't get drunk and dream.
mircea_popescu: just because the comment-out is communicated in-band rather than explicitly given as // or whatever doesn't mean it's strongly typed.
mircea_popescu: take modems. who buys them ? telcos. take say smartphones. who buys them ? corporations. literally, not just because they "issue" the drones one, but because they decide which is the "in" one to have.
mircea_popescu: possibly because trying to subvert the whole thing by having "multiply loadable libraries" or whatever. in any case : you can trivially just make it depend on genesis and be done wit hthe whole story.
mircea_popescu: cost is just a proxy for this. they don't perceive the same capacity from "it", mostly because htey're imbeciles and will perceive my cock when it's sliding in and no sooner. which is why they talk of that not this.
mircea_popescu: just because people turn heads when passing crashes doesn't mean running car into wall is "a sexuality"
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-03#1476485 << ahahaah hater. listen, just because japan is better than russia doesn't mean you hafta get sore. japan's always been better than russia :D ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: your notion that "gods" could be just a label, and then you promote "science" to "god-dom" and everythig will be ok because "it's not really a god" is outright endearing.
mircea_popescu: odd that this doesn't occur to you as the obvious answer to the whole "gold brick" bs. "oh, why doesn't mouse go down THIS tunnel!" "because there's a barb at the entrance and it stepped on it" "what barb ?!?!" "there" "oh, that ? that's just a barb!"
mircea_popescu: "Because I don't want to change how processes daemonize in general, just a few specific processes: tmux, screen, x2go was also mentioned."
mircea_popescu: Framedragger iirc no girls actually wanted to be on tinder because dudes'd just hit on everyone and then not show up.
mircea_popescu: (the original bull issued in a situation where france and england were moving towards war ; and because there was precedent that churchly goods may be taxed for a just war - ie, a crusade.
mircea_popescu: https://zedshaw.com/2015/08/02/the-defense-of-the-personal/#comment-106 << "I’m absolutely fascinated by bitcoin. Both because it is so crazy that people are using it as money, and because of its technical details. If I had time I’d definitely investigate it further but for now I just observe and wonder."
mircea_popescu: but i also didn't pretend i'm a woman or anything. just, you know, these sorts of rules, psshh. they're lulzy because the pretense is always one way (protect teh modesty of teh ladies, o noes, as if), whereas the actual cause is exactly opposite (dudes can't fucking piss with women there).
mircea_popescu: because it was available, at some point, we just all collectivelly missed it throughout.
mircea_popescu: rly game looks spiffy (on all of them!), as the data moves from kb to mb and the node count goes up and on and on, the thing (all of them!) collapses in a pile of uncaught, "nobodycouldhavepredicted" complexity explosions. and all this because idiot/voodoo expert came up with the brilliant idea of "hey, we make robot for your nuclear plant, and if it drops the pu brick you just pick it up by hand and put it back in the hopper
mircea_popescu: NOT you see, because i got you just where i want you, you stupid cow.
mircea_popescu: why the fuck would an advertiser pay for this i have no idea, but teh google is mining it to the hilt. and i suspect they're either going to get usg payola or start reporting ever-worsening quarters because they moneyz just isn't there anymore.)
mircea_popescu: understand : just because you don't get to have "general purpose hole", it is not automatically thereby proven "enemy gets black hole"
mircea_popescu: he just hates me because i'm beautiful.
mircea_popescu: just because one style of lying is replaced by another style of lying doesn't mean we've reached any closer to "factual".
mircea_popescu: essentially, you see what the big boys are doing, and figure you'll just do it yourself. except - the big boys can do things BECAUSE they are the big boys, ie, there's bernanke there to "save the economy". you aren't, and i can lean on you. moreover, the big boys don't ever do this 2:1 thing. they do a little margin, and as private financing, which is exactly how you should be doing it also.
mircea_popescu: you just doing the software for some idiots with too mcuh money because hey, ustardism/ngo ; and it won't work without data which they won't be able to get ?
mircea_popescu: it'll be very useful because i use gpg auth for eulora, will just have new players reg and then i can get their key
mircea_popescu: the white people like it because it certifies their interesting-ness, just like a neglected housewife is flattered by the attention of pubescent makes. the government engages in the behaviour because it is a pubescent male. win-win as they say.
mircea_popescu: what, you think just because xtianity pretended to quarrel with itself, socialism is anything other than catolicism now ?!
mircea_popescu: looky, that nonsense isn't going to snivel into factuality just because butthurt. chinese miner conspiracy is a fact, undisputed and accepted as such. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and you know this for a fact ? maybe the profusion is just because people like encapsulated things.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo you know he has a point tho, just because someone stole or didn't stole it, what's that to you ?
mircea_popescu: and 2. IF you want to argue against something i said, do yourself the favour and BRING VERY GOOD ARGUMENTS. because your own personal word will count for nothing much, and you'll just make a clown out of yourself.
mircea_popescu: and in general this inept "mp said something ; i said something else because i'm just as much a X as mp" is the font of ineptitude.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform just because one whore was easy doesn't mean all whores are going to be as easy.
mircea_popescu: because it clearly IS part of the books, right ? trivially enumerable, as it is. just not easy to evaluate.
mircea_popescu: might as well say "it's because pogos", which would be equally flattering just in a different direction and otherwise equally afield.
mircea_popescu: just moreso, because machinery > real estate ever since the industrial revolution.
mircea_popescu: mircea_popescu> and more importantly, because once expressed the current situation becomes tolerable << INtolerable, obviously. and in all fields. much like a smoky kitchen wall is tolerable for just as long as you don't see any actual white stuff for contrast. but bring in a new stove, suddenly the wall needs a paintjob too.
mircea_popescu: no, because i don't read chinese, nor actually care punctually. i just get (and care about) synthetic reports.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla understand : just because they picked one particular txn out of a set of txn they withheld should NOT be an argument they may bring.
mircea_popescu: well because it was the loss leader also. people went to lose money to champs just on the basis of hte brand
mircea_popescu: you may think that "hey, so you just found your solution, have the machine put a ¶ or a § before each paragraph and an anchor on it", but no. flat text is fundamentally different from ADRESSABLE text in general, the "paragraph-addressable" is a least-offensive kludge. and yes trilema is written deliberately, and constantly, with a view to breaking addressability from outside. because that's the sort of text it is, an
mircea_popescu: just because my eyes move independently of the head doesn't mean i'm not reading!
mircea_popescu: you know, just because she isn't looking 2 inches under the apex of the camera lens (which is how that effect is obtained, and in all women, even the liveliest cockteases of the lot) but instead 30 degrees to the left in the foliage changes EXACTLY nothing
mircea_popescu: i end up spending 150 pesos on cabs and 50 pesos on coffee across the fucking square, because argentines are truly and utterly retarded. why make a grand off a fellow when you could just as well make nothing at all and go home to the tv ?
mircea_popescu: just because two items are separated to ease commerce does you no harm. buy them togetrher.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-02-2016#1413461 << yeah, putin just made obama петух and that's ok because nobody knows what the crudely drawn chickens are supposed to stand for anyway. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: all this because they really wanted to be as cool as the euros and didn't comprehend that faking it till you make it just gives you saturnism
mircea_popescu: x.org just recently lost their only asset because of inept "non profit" shenanigans. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: i don't like you enough to prefer you over the exactly equivalent windows release process just because your name is ben vulpes not bill gates.
mircea_popescu: and they like to internet on facebook. because yes, just like to the generation of bovines that compose their mothers "the internet"="the blue e icon in microsoft", just so for this crop of schmucks...
mircea_popescu: cazalla you know i don't follow the logic of this. so no anal sex because she on occasion shits from there ? for one thing, if you want her to, she can banana from there, just stick one in. for the other thing - no oral sex either ? she pukes from there! you like puke more than shit ? what about normal hole, she bleeds from there not to mention babies from there. are you a pedo now because you fuck the baby hole ?
mircea_popescu: hem, including the ones that hadn't been fully characterized when he proposed it. His approach was approved by general consensus and that's what we all use today - partly because he put in the time and effort to fix the broader issue, not just the specific case that had been identified. This approach means that sometimes it takes Red Hat a while to release a fix, but when they do, it's the right fix."
mircea_popescu: just because they're not lame as fguck about it, going telloing kids what the levels "should be" doesn't mean they don't exist.
mircea_popescu: you don't get an out of jail free card re wires just because "but officer, i needed smaller holes"
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-02-2016#1400259 <<< i'm with ben and the whole rest of the world on this. you display a very entrenched form of stockholm syndrome. not just here - but in all points of confort. can't move out of dc because it's the only swamp in the world with lid suspension and hotplugging something or the other, gotta use apple because insanoarcana, etc. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: mats> backed by such nonsense as, 'Israelis do it just fine!11' <<< israelis do it just fine BECAUSE it is mandatory.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-02-2016#1397029 << understand, a fucking field where something as commonplace as differential cryptanalysis is "classified"... every SINGLE FUCKING PERSON of human composition to ever EVEN CONSIDER the matter came up with differential cryptanalisis within the fucking day. because what the everloving fuck. as a 10yo playing with 10yo girls i came up with it. just how fucking hard c ☝︎
mircea_popescu: going ahead just because the horse you're on happens to want to go is how the christian knights were assraped again and again. rein it in, the horse is yours not you the horse's.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-02-2016#1396294 << this is like falling in love, you don't make one just because you need one. chaining things you don't understand for accountant's business sense reasons results in unexpected weaknesses. was a thread here about just that few months ago ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: because this is just too fucking good lmao, like self-building comedy goldcube.