600+ entries in 0.113s
mircea_popescu: and you can't put "this is keccak" in manifest because it has to get into the manifest through being in the filename, rather than just in the comment line ?
mircea_popescu: much like just because we have penicillin dun mean tb gave up and left the planet.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-24#1853684 << just because mercantilism got killed in the 1600s dun mean the sort of brains that naturally spawn mercantilism as a state-of-the-art mentality stopped being poopped. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: just because i humiliate her, in this as in so many ways, she has to publish her struggle, dun mean it's somehow categorically different. erryone has piles of "this is what i understand of y"
mircea_popescu: oh, oh, the keccak. do me a favour and say http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-15#1850556 << just because it will take a while. should work just fine. else we'll drown in refwork. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://ossasepia.com/2018/09/13/atunci-ca-si-acum-ca-ntotdeauna/ << 1944 newspaper clipping, announcing one egg costing 80lei (a howeve rmany million% increase over pre war years -- romania had a nice famine just like everyone else in europe post ww2). the byline however, is "this because there's too much clucking about and too little work being done"
mircea_popescu: it's not speaking to female capacity ; women can certainly be my enforcers to great benefit, for instance. but as far as the "ourdemocracy" state is concerned, women very much can't be useful policemen ; not just because of the obvious http://trilema.com/wp-content/themes/trilema/images/antifa.gif but also because say http://trilema.com/2010/poveste-neadevarata/
mircea_popescu: so by this logic, the obvious thing i'd want to do is go to the place where idiots just like him take whores hired for the weekend, to trade my decade+ committed personal whores for their mercenary randos. because totally, i can't hire my own weekend whores if i feel like it, i gotta participate in the best buy of cunt.
mircea_popescu: just because your intermediate-new country lost most of the traditions of old country in its quest to be acceptable by the god-on-a-hill dun mean they weren't there.
mircea_popescu: it came to be because if the ministry of provisioning takes a vacation, the zeks'll just return tomorrow. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: if she whispers "i love you, master" just as you feel her asshole tear you might deeply regret having missed hearing it ; but if alf says (yes ? name not pronoun ?) c++ bungled smart pointers, what am i going to miss ? it's not fucking going away. if only it did. it's not. the reason he fucking said it, even is because the damned thing won't go away already.
mircea_popescu: just because it's short doesn't mean it's not great ; the item in question happens to be, specifically because in its shortness it manages to not contradict any of the principles needed by functional accounting while including nothing not needed.
mircea_popescu: which is precisely the problem, because "they want miami." is just a polite way of saying "however many bn cuntsquirts walk about, there's never bneen more than a million or two souls, and these schmucks don't got one."
mircea_popescu: just like the weev morons, writing "advertising" irc bots to advertise inept usg alt-agenda to me. because yea, totally, THAT'll work, and is the way to spend a youth. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: possibly have a file with all the stuff you want to send people (because this process of -- think of it -- do something about it! has a lot of merit to it). but if you just >> alf.txt and then once a day or once a week or w/e >> gpg -aer alf and >> p.bvulpes.com then you get it all.
mircea_popescu: i for one'd have been infinitely more impressed with ~some sort!!!~ of mark of reflection in the vein of "holy shit, i've been doing it for months, produced ~0.0% of what this douchebag character the wind just blew in one day produced". because that's that's ever impressive, clear signs that the intelect's alive, not dead in the box.
mircea_popescu: and then he just couldn't cope, because items like "there's no need for private consultation once thermodynamics makes the purpose illegitimate" is just not something he ever encountered or can deal with.
mircea_popescu: i believe he just couldn't cope, because a) "this dude supported MY IDEA!!!! and then withdrew without ~private~ consultation" and b) this dude SPOKE OUT as to the flaws of item. both of these barbaric acts contradicted his expectations (because ustards #1 contribution to the "value add" of any "company" or "project" they're involved with is hiding its flaws from the public)
mircea_popescu: we've just been supplying the string because tradition, or dunno. i suppose much like venetian merchants dressed the house pets. dun mean naked woman about the house is a bug (even though the 80s retard, before i/we came about and fucked their "trtaditions" right in the ass, would have suspected such_
mircea_popescu: just because "my language is standard"
mircea_popescu: "oh, evidently our model doesn't work, so let's make it % rather than absolute". "yes fuckwit, because these aren't tools, and their use need no justification. they're just toys, for you to play with, oh don't use the scalpel, use the tweezer like thing, looks like this is more of a pull together than a cut apart thingee". ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835525 << man alone ; just because they fail at anything they try doesn't mean much. of course they do, that's precisely how we ended up with the turdsoup. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: but just because one's out does it mean one's now an asshole ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-15#1834748 << trb node is one of the few items that ~can't~ be backed up in the usual sense. because what you get if you just blindly copy is a shitup not a backup. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: i just mean, because they're being groped in the privacy of their own bedroom, rather than in the publicity of the subway, they tolerate it much better.
mircea_popescu: because why ? because you'll just make up classes to explain it away as need be ?
mircea_popescu: just because "london sunk" doesn't mean 1mn black tards can now pay an extra twenty each.
mircea_popescu: just how much of an agent to make the principal in the principal-agent relationship is the problem. because obviously if the principal were an actual agent there'd be no agents.
mircea_popescu: just because it happens that in all other cases of "you're in charge of so-and-so-chapter of defense budget/film budget/family budget" one gets a fixed number to work with, whereas here the number's not aforeknown... makes entirely no difference. it's still budgetary exercise, that superficial difference is meaningless given the substantial identity.
mircea_popescu: let me ask you this : is your visualizer essentially a by-file processor ? because this'd be wrong, the concept of "file" is meaningless, entirely just like "new line". text administration flows by viewport and so on.
mircea_popescu: ie, just because you didn't get almond puree doesn't mean you weren't served desert.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you know there's a quote for this, and it goes like "Just because females could endure anything does not mean they should is my view I suppose"
mircea_popescu: it's just shocking to me how ~perdurant~ certain thought patterns are. in continuation of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-26#1829978 ; because ~how the fuck~ is it the case i'd find the same stupidity implemented by some orc kids in some video game engine wanna-be as usg's own brahmin german put in the post-zimmermann pgp massacre ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: the "multiple implementation" thing hasn't changed, just because there's a candidate reference one tbh.
mircea_popescu: just reinstate the old index, have it check the chain. odds are it'll be able to recover, because it doesn't so much care about data ~past~ its index point. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: it just defaults to thinking that, because satoshi.
mircea_popescu: for my own needs i go with "neet who '''learned things''' from websites". there's a significant contingent of these, and they all behave the exact same way because they never were in school and so they don't have reflexivity in their toolbox. you propose to just ban the whole class ?
mircea_popescu: you know, the total btc value i spent on pot the past decade is 0.00. because a) who the fuck buys pot for internet funbux, just... why! and b).
mircea_popescu: everyone does it every day because the psychological pain of the laternative is just too great. but, great or small -- you're all fucking drowning.
mircea_popescu: because while pompously called "memory dump", it rather is just "make a binary out of lisp".
mircea_popescu: " 1880s because totally, that's what you have servants for, not to rule their life but to hide away cowering somewhere ; it's not just that ladri de biciclete clearly and plainly shows the ~exact same~ roman insulae, 1950 as 19.5 -- except thoroughly deserted of the pater familias that'd have ~been~ ~there~ in the first century.
mircea_popescu: anyway, just because the japs' would have cut their own appendix out before permitting such a thing didn't mean the americans weren't vaguely excited and generally happy about the idea some other doods fucking the wives
mircea_popescu: it's very true that i'd have never given a shit had nobody said something to me about it on my blog ; but it's just as true that ~the reason~ i took that stance was specifically that someone ~was going to~ say something to me on my blog, about that as about anything else worth the note, because that's what i built it as for fucks' sake.
mircea_popescu: it's quite another thing to wants ; and yes, he definitely wants, because if he didn't he'd just proceed from cause and would have been here begging his pardons upon the first time he read the logs, rather than fail to do so the 500th.
mircea_popescu: but you can also directly see how it's now a case of "oh, i didn't shake hands with mp RETROACTIVELY because I SAY SO" and all the rest of the http://trilema.com/2018/the-problem-with-christians/ bullshit just from there.
mircea_popescu: "what the fuck is your problem ?" "i just spent all day telling teenagers they're ugly because they don't have three tits".
mircea_popescu: just because it's useful dun mean it's a tech.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, just because disappeared does not in fact mean relapsed.
mircea_popescu: you know i just re-read your article, because i was curious. wtf was "unprofessional" about it ?! i mean, yes, there's deliberately constructed anti-"professional" items, like say recently the http://trilema.com/2018/and-in-things-that-didnt-happen-today-heres-192-cracked-github-keys-some-hotties-in-tech-included-yes/ phuctor discussion.
mircea_popescu: this'd be my reasoning. just because you shouldn't doesn't mean you should couldn't.
mircea_popescu: if you can distinguish between those who are pretending because they're blind already anyway and it costs them nothing to pretend and those who are pretending just to fit in, then yes.
mircea_popescu: Mocky, the problem with scotsman fallacy is that there's an unresolved duality. i don't propose that one's a) a scotsman for being born of scottish woman and AT THE SAME TIME b) a scotsman because not an irredeemable asshole. i'm just going with b, and that's logically sound.
mircea_popescu: who could have predicted people don't stop shitting just because "the people" is unprepared to handle it.
mircea_popescu: the trashing the orclands get at our hands every fucking time we deign to rape them is not enough model of how this'd go ? joe from two states down will just send you some free molybdenum because fuck those orcs, and besides, you gave him a painting last year
mircea_popescu: "the student should just have played along with the http://trilema.com/2014/kink-high/ du jour" "perhaps the student should have, but we're gathered here specifically because we don't."
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816097 << the reason this exists is because you have no way around the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808200 ; guy could just register a new name, get a rating from anyone willing to, and there you go. ☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: well, still is. that's the part the dweebs rarely understand : trilema is 10k articles that are as interesting today as they ever were. they imagine just because nobody looks for 2015 huffington post in 2018 and no other sites have the sort of size trilema does besides "news" outlets, that such a thing dun exist. but it does exist -- the bugs luv the blackbody radiations.
mircea_popescu: just because some rasta brains thought "cowrie shells are like, cool! and shit... man" dun mean jack.
mircea_popescu: because totally, politburo didn't die, it just caught a charter flight to ny.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile charles gildon is the bad because a) male and b) said the bad about HEROINES OF FEMINISM. and Edmund Curll is just as bad, because he was friends with that baddie gildon. notwithstanding ~100% of what the aspirational class is all the fuck about is, "being a curll of the 21st century", no more and nothing else. somehow the hero of neets is not remarkable to the very neets in question.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, did you just say "anyone who wants to do this must do it in the way it wasn't specified because i'm not making the principal element everything rests on" ?
mircea_popescu: just because i seem to be guessing successfully in case X does not mean you should put me in the situation of guessing about you. it just does not fucking pay.
mircea_popescu: is the manifest issue fixed ? is the graphing done ? am i what, going to lose v now because i'm too polite to yell, and left to your own devices you're just going to break it, permanently, obscurely, and forget about it ? or what's the fucking logic here. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: just in time because we have these tough customers running out of reading material >D
mircea_popescu: because it's not just terry. the entire population of github, from http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=dgerard to http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-06#1793426 and ALL shades in between, nothing, EXACTLY NOTHING but little terries running about. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: and it won't work for you. not just because you're late to the game, they're about to put out the lights. it wouldn't have worked for you in the 90s, only, "surprised by wealth" half-stories & assorted gargle notwithstanding.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-15#1799694 << im not gonna read that, not just because github is on the dark web, but also because jesus christ the livejournal. if anyone wants to summarize... ☝︎
mircea_popescu: you have to get it in your head, that 0 is an invariant, and permitting it is always dangerous, because it's not "just another number".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not just usian disease anymore. i had some work done recently, very pretty girl, quite competent (sadly, being a good dentist requires the steady hand only a properly developed brain can produce. retards can't ever be sharpshooters, dentists, surgeons etc because dubious genetics -> dubios fenotype -> too ungaitly assymetric to perform)
mircea_popescu: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/WX6kWkAKsESoD4yrf/misery-pits << o look who came back from the dead, also. chick famous for "i'll sign prenup to have all my kids paternity-checked because i'm just too much of a cum dumpster to know otherwise" / being the ~only sexually active female in this coven of "polyamory", absent since the last time we heard of this whole thing.
mircea_popescu: this is because, you realise, "soldiering wasn't the job THEY HAD CHOSEN FOR THEMSELVES". because "they didn't give a damn about whatever political axe you have to grind, just wanted..."
mircea_popescu: just... here's the political reasoning : symbolics went to shit ~in part~ because nobody was there to corrupt the idiots involved into turning arms against the empire of stupid that spawned them and stab it in the back.
mircea_popescu: (as you might intuit, i was a terror as a 5yo being introduced to darwinism. "so why did the other birdy quit ?" "well the guy was bigger." "so ?" "so he's affraid of him." "why ?" "because he's bigger." "So what if he's bigger ? what could he do ? just flies around like an idiot" "could peck it" "so could the smaller one!" and on and on.)
mircea_popescu: (he also hates bitcoin, because how dared it make me rich. and in general -- let's just say if he sees you driving my car he'll hate you too)
mircea_popescu: let's use the pieces on the table : you just were 10x more effective than historical record because "being able to yell at them via voice chat when they're being retarded". i'm, literally, a further degree of magnitude more effectual, and literally because whipping if retarded. which makes me not have the "girl problems" ~everyone else has. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: hence my comment above,. " we'll have to come to a unified set of something here". just because the line isn't drawn.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-13#1787748 << just about, yes. i wanted a model file so we have something to play with and the original concept was to have phf include it in his v tree of his v rewrite because it seemed the first item that's coming out at the time from l1 hands ; but if it's holding you back re tmsr-portage, go ahead and make the sample yourself and we'll see how it works. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: lol. nothing like that mod6 , but just bear in mind that the response is about what you respond to, not the audience. just because ants drive you crazy is no reason to aim the howitzer at next ant comes by. it's NOT BIG ENOUGH. not yet at any rate.
mircea_popescu: mind that there's two classes of response to "why ... ?" : one is "because..." and the other is "i never thought of this before...". there's no "topurpose..." in there notably, there's just the two, and one of the two will always be the case.
mircea_popescu: what they did, referentially, as hanbot cleverly pointed out, is they called it "bram stoker's dracula" because the coppola version, which is what spawned this modern nonsense of young-male-vampire, CALLED it that. they have nfi who coppola was, or stoker for that matter. they just COPIED THE STRING.
mircea_popescu: just because you saw injun with baseball bat dun mean injuns play baseball.
mircea_popescu: and since we're doing history lesson : the reason the option is called "CALL" is because of its functional equivalence to the... calling of capital for subscribed shares. basically what you're selling there is the... right for someone to... CALL the cash equity as if the share had just been subscribed. you "resubscribe" it so to speak, it's a fictitious revirgination of the holy mother.
mircea_popescu: for as long as this tree is built upon, the VERY FACT that it is built upon guarantees minigame that it will ALWAYS be able to build its prerequisites. because in being older they come earlier in the press, so you just stop sooner.
mircea_popescu: it's this huge, taller-than-person, double-door purely usian abomination unknown in these lands. i just opened it and the act apparently upsed the clever packing scheme used because i ended up covered in items.
mircea_popescu: because why just fucking restart x. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: either fix yourself to fit in or else stop bothering to come by, because the next time you do one of these ima just block you.
mircea_popescu: originally i was going to just call it off, have it liquidated and so on. because yes eventually it has to come to this, nsa was started on the premise that "here is a talented engineer who evidently has little ability to take direction or manage himself, but which we're construing as due to poor prior context and expect will remedy itself, by itself, in short order".
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo what your lack of experience isn't informing you is that you have a very significant advantage. your ~7k per annum cost compares very VERY favorable to what empire pays to hire a walmart drone (25k or so base + 20k or so in overload). the walmart drone costs 6x what you do, and i daresay they do not do 1/6th of what you do. just because you came out short of lordship in the field does not now mean the baseline of ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and as an added bonus, you now get to go about looking for lords willing to bring your ideas about republican iron to the table, because i'm not further looking for your input on the topic just as i'm not further looking for your input on eucrypt topic. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo phf trinque diana_coman so i'm thinking of basically getting a dozen amd fx-8350s (because just 125w compared to say fx-9590s 220) racked in u2 mbs (say maybe ASRock 970M PRO3 ? i thinkl that fits in 2u neh ?) with 64 gb ram each and a coupla ssds ? any complaints/suggestions ? ☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: just because one manages to die in spite of penicillin doesn't mean antibiotics aren't the end of transmissible disease.
mircea_popescu: just because michael moore of 1800s ranted about "robber barons" don't mean jack.
mircea_popescu: (practically, they just didn't feel like making one verb per thing, because it'd have ended all sgml.)
mircea_popescu: well, no, i mean something like "just because it has cogs in it doesn't mean it's a clock, could be a car transmission"
mircea_popescu: see, you can tell the guy is genuinely 60ish not just because of his specific pre-internet use of language ; but also because of his default mental models.
mircea_popescu: "In what we denote as "primitive societies", the superstition that knowing someone's true name gives you magic power over him is not unusual. We are hardly less primitive: why do we persist here in answering the telephone with the most unhelpful "hello" instead of our name?" << motherfucker. because if we TELL the name instead of hello, we therefore have no resources left to verify whether the other party called us or just ca
mircea_popescu: because it seems to me you just said he is.
mircea_popescu: (but since we're on it -- the enduring interest in obfuscated-c is strictly this, "let us try and write a novel in orthogonal language ; this should be done in c because it's very much not orthogonal". became a self-recursing joke, that the practitioners don't even properly understand, just sorta-feel. BECAUSE they talk about it in natural languages.)
mircea_popescu: THIS is why expensive boards are just the same middle road shit overpriced, and THIS is why everything else : because the hallucination of self-importance is actually destructiv3e.
mircea_popescu: don't tell me they're just all esltards who hallucinate a "but it's ok, whole rest of world cares about our shitland ever so deeply" coda because "here is everywhere" and also because "it's easier this way" not to mention it'd make "everything alright"