mircea_popescu: "Today, on February 3rd, 2015, Massively.com ends." << the "internet" in the sense of "world wide web" contracts right on schedule.
mircea_popescu: yeah well. they were a major yahoo sorta thing, years ago. aol-owned outfit.
mircea_popescu: "The search for the reason behind the declining PCU in EVE Online continues." << how about "the game fucking sucks".
BingoBoingo: Yeah, eve's downfall was transitioning from spreadsheets in space to MS Excel specifically in space
BingoBoingo: Any ways a proper spreadsheet is not software. It is stationary.
BingoBoingo: Not like it gets up and walks away with the seekrits
a111: Logged on 2016-08-06 19:02 asciilifeform: ;;later tell trinque any idea why deedbot sometimes spits out a phuctoring twice ?
trinque: I'm gonna test this guy more tomorrow and add message splitting to the first one, then probably sign.
trinque: you could just shit messages as you like from phuctor and not have to worry about RSS.
☟︎ trinque: anyone else wants to play with a lispybot / offer critique / point and laugh, feel free
ben_vulpes: it is a very tidy sourceball, trinque.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-06 01:31 asciilifeform: phf apparently knows enough to replicate working setup without the missing pieces and without using the pig-ugly default theme.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-09 07:41 trinque: you could just shit messages as you like from phuctor and not have to worry about RSS.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, anyone recall diablo 1 multiplayer mode ? which nobody ever played, because you could edit your client to send to the other "your player was hit by 1`000`000 dmg" and the idiot'd take it at face value and kill the other person ?
deedbot: vcvbnmcvm voiced for 30 minutes.
phf: ben_vulpes: i have a patchset, that takes wp from stock 2.7 to mircea_popescu's version, and then adds a few cleanups that i did. once i get through all the other shit i'm working on, i'll release it. the stock->mp patch is useful if you want to do further work on the codebase and have some idea where mp's custom patches begin and end
mircea_popescu: check it out, we managed to replicate in vitro ALL OF FOSS
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform point being : "a) here is a package of open source software that b) worked great c) for a lengthy, unclear and unverifyable past interval d) maintained by an intelligent but dour and otherwise busy party that e) is well respected but no longer much involved f) yet you could ask q of them if only you could find out how to ask an intelligent one g) which is pointless anyway because you can't make much sense of the
mircea_popescu: answer h) yet there's a new team maintaining the item i) except it's unclear exactly who exactly how and to what exact purpose or standard"
mircea_popescu: it evolved. from frogs. how was the first human built!
ben_vulpes: thanks phf, i used shinohai's dump as i didn't realize that your tgz contained wordpress as well as wp-content
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and the much worse point of this is - WHAT THE FUCK is a "standard lib" supposed to be thaT DOESN'T fit on microcontroller. what the fuck standard is this standard, utf-standard, the antistandard.
mircea_popescu: somehow the small alphabet in which one can actually write - is.
mircea_popescu: yet modern idiot fancies himself much more intelligent than anyone who ever lived ; and better informed, and "progressed".
mircea_popescu: do tell, how are you richer than your father, and his father, when his reservoir was full and yours is empty ?
mircea_popescu: "this text is non-compliant, replace letter ? with a proper letter and resubmit" - right
mircea_popescu: "this text is non-compliant, dictionary translation makes no sense" - wrong
mircea_popescu: not so. the fucking alphabet is the only human lang standard.
mircea_popescu: thinking the dictionary "a standard" is exactly the level of ignorance one displays thinking "the blue earth internet icon"
mircea_popescu: a standard for 1 inch nut does not a) specify material b) enter into considerations of what levers to push on what type of cnc mill
mircea_popescu: seems your notion of a standard unduly includes both a and b
mircea_popescu: still. when we discuss language - the alphabet is the only standard. the dictionary is not a standard ; nor aspires to be a standard.
mircea_popescu: this difference is important, and apparently not much understood through normal schooling.
PeterL: French dictionary tries to be a standard
mircea_popescu: does not. french is specifically the one culture language which does not have a normative, academy-produced dictionary.,
PeterL: what I mean is the french have the academy trying to specify their language
mircea_popescu: specification and standard are also different processes. a specified item is evidently different from a standardized item.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform non-culture languages are necessarily kinda sucky, amateur affairs.
mircea_popescu: similarity, specificity, standardisation. 0, 1, infinity.
PeterL: can you expand on what you mean by standard and specified being different?
mircea_popescu: if you say "bring me a mcburger" you are asking for a standard item. if you say "bring me a burger" you are asking for a specified item.
mircea_popescu: the latter makes some specific comments as to some points of interest - "the meat should be between some sort of bread". the former specifies every single aspect of the item, including a complete chemical composition etc.
mircea_popescu: perhaps forcing the point, as these are both industrial processes. anyway.
mircea_popescu: in any fucking case, "here's the standard - it doesn't work for yout item" is rank nonsense, and the paragon of anti-utility.
mircea_popescu: that phrase should immediately reduce to "your item is stupid and you're dumb for working on it"
mircea_popescu: when standard lib (which dun belong on a microcontroller)
mircea_popescu: mno. EITHER "the standard library" is not the standard library ; or ELSE your mips is a chunk of charcoal and you've got down syndrome to be trying to program on it.
mircea_popescu: the "standard tank shell" is not "the standard shell" for this exact reason.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform exactly. i did, and was impressed by apparently hermetic points like this, such as an understanding of the difference between standard and specification etc.
mircea_popescu: anyway, to put it in the harshest term : a man may be shot for one item he produced not being identical to another item someone else produced. this means the item was standardized.
mircea_popescu: alternatively, a man may be whipped for one item he produced not meeting what his master told him to produce. this means the item was specified.
mircea_popescu: any disparity between two items suffices ; everyone involved gets shot.
gribble: Current Blocks: 424432 | Current Difficulty: 2.0189321085305896E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 425375 | Next Difficulty In: 943 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 18 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 584.31, vol: 3538.96290955 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 583.313, vol: 6130.57023 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 604.1, vol: 0.0 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 585.113391, vol: 98681.36490000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 586.77, vol: 1044.94796213 | Volume-weighted last average: 585.002330803
BingoBoingo: No. before is common. Suspended sentence means you tell them they are free except for X,Y and then later you lock them up for clause Z later.
trinque: mod6: V99994 built just fine
trinque: first item simply connects and stays connected to IRC; second item creates a two-way interface to IRC via pg
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 584.41, vol: 3499.03957998 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 583.031, vol: 6122.57726 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 604.1, vol: 0.0 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 584.568953, vol: 99279.99300000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 585.31, vol: 1009.12428445 | Volume-weighted last average: 584.485024797
trinque: asciilifeform: would be trivial to write another subclass of ircbot that just sat there reading stdin and shitting stdout
trinque: asciilifeform: mkay, well, I'm spending precisely zero time debugging some python rss module
trinque: rss is a piece of shit that descends from the www idiocy
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: wat's that << Looks like some species of farm gurl
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The floral patterned dresses, hair clearly styled by each other, and sorta bored rural look on their faces.
trinque: shinohai: ben_vulpes gave me the wad o' wp-mp you gave him. am I supposed to apply this patch, or is it already applied? it broke when applying
shinohai: weird trinque worked fine after i did all that.
trinque gonna start using blogotron instead of just dumping things in the logs
trinque: shinohai: what am I supposed to do, unpack then apply that patch?
trinque: I'm just humping the football over here
shinohai: yeah I unpacked it all the applied patch, built database and was good to go
trinque: man I haven't phpeed since 2006
shinohai: It took a while for me to remember everything but I guess like bike riding and all
trinque: <?= 'hello darkness my old friend' ?>
trinque: shinohai: ah the patch diddles wp-content too; got it now
shinohai: Not sure how you got it from ben but for me i packed it up precisely as I got it working xD
trinque: time for a genesis vpatch!
trinque: anyhow you packaged it up fine; I just skipped a step
shinohai: Maybe it will get whittled down more when I have some time to dedicate to it
mircea_popescu: "peter john I am giving a testimony of how i become rich and famous today... i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i search for help from different corners but to no avail. i see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over"
mircea_popescu: teh mentality of the poor idiot penning these things... so he's gonna tell me he's famous ? why, because he's more or less obama, and if he hadn't told me i'd have never known ?
mircea_popescu: from his country of africa which is ken ya ni ger ya ?
mircea_popescu: he's looking for help in the vast fields of literal representation. against this demon-beast strangling him.
mircea_popescu: because we're all equally people and therefore all equally potent in richdom. just his time hasn't come yet to becoming in wealth-hood.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-09 18:51 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: wat's that
mircea_popescu: obviously. since his notion of fame doesn't match the common notion of fame, you'd expect his notion of richness doesn't either.
mircea_popescu: i still remember the fucking lolz we had as kiddies when they introduced this penpal thing ; they religiously matched all boys with girls, and this guy got paired with... mercedes gonzales.
mod6: <+trinque> mod6: V99994 built just fine << nice! thanks :]
deedbot: pouledodue voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: "Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s)." i presume this is good for fiat.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform real men ban dns traffic on their net machines.
mircea_popescu: (i am proud to report i've deployed this long ago ; and it causes absolutely no inconvenience whatever, just in case the "killing god is impossibru!!!" emovibe is strong in the reader)
mircea_popescu: i so deeply don't give a shit WHY some failure failed.
mircea_popescu: if it's public-newsworthy i'll read it on qntra ; if it's nonpublic i'll read it in reports. bout how it goes. i suppose you can say this is that.
mircea_popescu: as you might've noticed, i'm the opposite of a micromanager.