1066 entries in 0.303s
mircea_popescu: here's the thing : just because inflation has made every pauper think he holds money doesn't change the fact that a farmer today is worth a hundred million just by simply maintaining equality with a farmer of relatively the same social importance back in 1615.
mircea_popescu: We aren't overmedicating kids because Biederman told us to; we're doing it because Harvard told us to. And Harvard told us to because that is what they are getting money to study. Biederman is just the nanobot that does it.
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: why do i get the impression [...] << because you're an asshole. just like me.
mircea_popescu: because why bother, when you can just wail and wait for tit.
mircea_popescu: because just n2 not good enough ?
mircea_popescu: if that happens im fucking defecting, because srsly. finding just one cockroach in the kitchen is one thing, but here we have found a cockroach inside the cockroach and no sign of any kitchens.
mircea_popescu: just because it's easier (and cheaper) to type into box than throw paint at canvas does not mean more anything ever gets made.
mircea_popescu: lol in unrelated news, somebody just cussed me the fuck out because i am a wetback piece of shit left leaning commie.
mircea_popescu: more like, "saving the environment" is just as silly as any one thing a bunch of useless, stupid and ignorant entities that only exist because nobody ground uncle sam into the ground yet could ever do.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile jpm was NOT tbtf, because it held a lot of money from people who had money, so it could you knoiw, just steal that,
mircea_popescu: i don't need to be jostled just because sopme other fuckhead can't drive at his speed.
mircea_popescu: what, you think ukrainian peasant has no material or emotional properties ? just because you discount them as alien doesn't make them go away.
mircea_popescu: let's just assume that it's ok to override the user imperatives. because.
mircea_popescu: is it possible through pure chance to miss an infection because it just didn't happen to go to saliva ?
mircea_popescu: "Engineering complexity is a form of environmental pollution; perhaps even the worst form of all, because it may yet turn out to be the case that it can kill whole civilizations, not just individual people."
mircea_popescu: that then "was hacked", but it's ok, because everyone's balance was just going to be frozen and "repaid over time"
mircea_popescu: yarvin doesn't get an out of jail free card just because he is "with us", as opposed to whoever, golf club pattern proponent
mircea_popescu: Well, with two girls present, eager and widely spread both segments expand like grilled cheese, and won't get gone already! We were even laughing at the cock's amusement, it wants a little in there, and a little in here, but what's in this little hole, how's it like in that one, it just woudn't give up because it kept wanting to try stuff like the kid in the icecream store."
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: i've seen a few "just sold all my BTC for Litecoin because MP is mean" posts << and yet https://bitbet.us/bet/1098/ltc-to-fall-below-half-a-bitcent-before/
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: i was just wondering if a random tails user was aware of that sort of thing, or if they just downloaded it because freetalklive mentioned it << you know the answer to that q.
mircea_popescu: "Now i see. Gavin announced chaos and drama to the press because he himself intends to create it. He gets a 30% veto and still wants to proceed. It's gonna rip. I just switched to Litecoin."
mircea_popescu: just because google has been measurably more successful at embrace, extend and extinguish foss than say microsoft
mircea_popescu: a) fredrik de boer is a choad ; b) the left can't "win". because it's stupid. a bunch of frogs in a lake can win just as much. wtf can the terminally retarded gonna "win" ?
mircea_popescu: women aren't sluts just because they're dressed in the nude ; derps on tv aren't scientists just because they wear a white lab coat ; stinky hobos at your local starbucks aren't anything other than all the other people in starbucks.
mircea_popescu: bitcoin is bitcoin. no need to give bitcoin a special name just because some derps are derping.
mircea_popescu: just because that's what you do now doesn't imply it's what you must do.
mircea_popescu: well, he just gave himself away, because obviously the Smithsonian lists all artists that it ever exhibited ; so does the louvre, of course. crossreferencing these lists and excluding everyone already dead, we get a list of...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform nah, because guy knows the ip and can just check if a node answers there
mircea_popescu: you don't get a private island just because you want one. things have to do with each other, it's the way of the world.
mircea_popescu: "we've just forked it because we're stupid. same thing!"
mircea_popescu: i suppose the part where satoshi pretty much left because he couldn't believe just how fucking idiotic gavin is doesn't really make the cut of what reddit likes to discuss huh.
mircea_popescu: nsparent do you want it? Do you want to know that one of the reasons I am very private about connecting my pen names is because the man who raped me enjoys making fake profiles and friending me every few years, just to get off on sending me a message and getting blocked? Do you want to hear how I shake all over and panic and relive everything he did to me when that happens? Does that do it for you? Is that transparent
mircea_popescu: "we" are not in charge of things just because pelosi likes to pretend so.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but listen. just because the tiny nation of romania made the famine at leningrad possible doth not mean romania was an IMPORTANT player in ww2.
mircea_popescu: you can't say "clothes are dumb" just because americans are poor and the chinese are mocking them.
mircea_popescu: what atlantic really means is "why are there so few black scammers in bitcoin, because that's all we know about anyway". and the reason couldn't possibly be "because they're just more honest than whitey"
mircea_popescu: the only way to guard against it is, obviously,for the "large" chain to maintain 1:1 identity with the "small" one. because you don't just fork bitcoin.,
mircea_popescu: just... has to cover his bets, because he might be old but he suspects he'll outlive teh muppet show.
mircea_popescu: and yes, he still hangs around -dev and so forth, just like gmaxwell and the rest of the walking dead. because who knows, maybe someone forgets or something.
mircea_popescu: just like that, they happened to be in the way. because wealth is a sort of rain.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2014#958151 << lmao too good. "oh b-a is a cult because it points and laugh at us. what's this, something malfunctioning ? no no it's a feature. oh wait, devs actually admit it was a bug ? uhhh... we're just the us agitprop machine, wut." ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "Hey friends, reddit cryptocurrency engineer here. The post is deliberately vague about technology and legal. For one, we're holding back on committing to a particular technology just because the bitcoin world changes very fast, and we want to make sure we pick the right choice. However, almost certainly it will be either colored coins or sidechains."
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, it won't do anything for the case at hand, because well... dude can just get in the wot, what's the big deal.
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's no "bootstrapping" a monarchy just like there's no training a virgin. a monarchy exists because it exists, if it does. that's all it can do.
mircea_popescu: apparently people do think 100 dollar bills are worth 100 dollars just because they can reliably transmit 100 dollars.
mircea_popescu: no because they're just as good as anyone else!
mircea_popescu: "Anyone who plans to waste the shareholders' money can undercut the competition. The easiest thing in the world is to charge too little, it is just as easy as spending too much of other people's money. Customers will flock to those who do because they are giving away some, if not all, of the value for free. Somebody may even pick up the underpriced goods and sell them at a profit when the stupid company ceases to ex
mircea_popescu: " Very little overhead - because hardware sales is just a necessary part in this service industry." mkay, very logics in this verbiage.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform because he was just drunk.
mircea_popescu: just so, these dudes were going there because "el dorado", not because... whatever, empty space.
mircea_popescu: you just... gave a scammer... some of your money. because you're stupid. whole story.
mircea_popescu: this hasn't somehow magicked away just because whoever likes to sell to the gubmint
mircea_popescu: kinda shocking for the idiots at the time, because before i did that, everyone just schmoozied with the scamers
mircea_popescu: "Why? I think there are several reasons. One is that being mean makes you stupid. That's why I hate fights. You never do your best work in a fight, because fights are not sufficiently general. Winning is always a function of the situation and the people involved. You don't win fights by thinking of big ideas but by thinking of tricks that work in one particular case. And yet fighting is just as much work as thinking ab
mircea_popescu: because yes, there fucking IS more to it than just the politicals of uncle sam going "o hai linux guise, you has some cattle of mine, taking them back kthxbye"
mircea_popescu: i guess i'm going to take a moment to pangloss all over myself, because imagine this! we live in the best world possible : just as the muntzing of the world is necessary, the collapse of the political is unavoidable.
mircea_popescu: just because your old clunker is rusty doesn't mean you should add a bamboo patio on the roof.
mircea_popescu: "you don't have to make yourself magic pork and beans just because you have a magic wand you ninny"
mircea_popescu: <thestringpuller> "I like the blockchain just not bitcoin itself is like saying I like pussy but not women themselves" << more like "i like round things but not circles, because this difference exists"
mircea_popescu: just because some fucktarded barbarians in a colony think that cowboys in sheets = latins.
mircea_popescu: kids, you know ? tries to engage its mother on its own terms (cries). mother doesn't go for it. kid... INSISTS!!! because totally, if you ignore everything and just repeat your thing... well.. that's happiness innit.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: at this point, the enemy is enemy not simply because of what he does or may do, but because of what he has done and what he is. <<< well, at the previous point the enemy was not an enemy at all, just a bunch of derps. it's ony recently that trilema went from "power rangers" to "gavin has turned", and for a while there prior to the 2013 debacle he was not even being treated in concordance with the idiocy
mircea_popescu: yes, it serves someone wanting to jack off just fine, because nobody needs three hours of video to rub one out
mircea_popescu: but the notion that you can actually achieve this goal, just because it's noble, through making laws about it...
mircea_popescu: that's quintessentially why it's called the hustle. because you fucking hustle. if it were an office job it'd just be, the office job.
mircea_popescu: clearly it's because ethereum was like all respectable and took like actual investment, rather than just pretending on both scores.
mircea_popescu: <mats_cd03> assuming world peace is the rightful, desirable end state is kind of silly << it's just another way to assume "immutability", because limited intellect aka ars longa, vita brevis.
mircea_popescu: undata: if only there were some way to organize the efforts of a large number of people around projects <<< there is. you're watching it. just because leadership is not in your face doesn't necessarily mean leadership is absent and it's your time to shine. it may also mean leadership is extremely good at what it does. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: bounce he's just in love with one version of "no artificial hydrogenated vegetable fat, not oversugared" chocolate, because grew up on it.
mircea_popescu: bounce just a little defensive, because not erryday gets to discuss his headpenis, and in public to boot!
mircea_popescu: "Let’s take a moment and chat. No secrets or techniques this time, I just want to take a post and discuss my own personal strategies for consistently dominating almost every niche I enter. Instead of creating an objective and methodologies I’m just going to casually write and talk some details, because of course my strategies require quite a bit of work and aren’t for everyone."
mircea_popescu: don't hate it just because it uses STANDARD CLRLBLABLA^H^H^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@
mircea_popescu: Naphex: i'm gonna start banning accunetix scans soon. its incredible how many "security researches" and hax0rs just try and run it all day << like five hundred times in a row, too. because who knows, maybe it changed ?
mircea_popescu: stop trying to confuse me just because i have nfi of anything!
mircea_popescu: srsly, just because i can do most of the tasks one can do with a computer does not mean im particularly good at it.
mircea_popescu: "just because i'm gay he thinks i want him to stick his penis into me ?!?!?!?!"
mircea_popescu: no, we just made it up. because we're creative like that.
mircea_popescu: and i asked if it actually is basic because microsoft could just as well rape perl and call it "visual basic for backscratching"
mircea_popescu: undata: a highly armed, extremely disciplined military doesn't just vanish because the congressmen stop coming to work << obviously not. it just starts working for me instead ?
mircea_popescu: l just get into it: This movie is bad. Not offensive bad. Let me repeat: NOT OFFENSIVE BAD. Bad bad. This is the Battlestar Gallactica of comedy. The plot is hackneyed and worn out and executed poorly. The characters are so boring and mundane. There's no character development. There are attempts at it, but it falls flatter than William Hung's face. Remember that William Hung reference folks, because it's as obscure and
mircea_popescu: but my argument is : just because your john is an idiot, itdoes not follow you now have license to make a rule as to what mircea the evil can or can not do with his slavegirls.
mircea_popescu: just because insurance co-ops exist doesn't mean they're anything important you know.
mircea_popescu: whatever it is, he ain't it. that's why people object. not because he's black, and not just because he's stupid.
mircea_popescu: so you know, just because they're not quite as feckless as bitstamp, what's that do for anyone.
mircea_popescu: BigBitz just because you don't bother to keep up ? https://bitcointa.lk/index.php?topic=140484.0
mircea_popescu: they could just as well retire, because they can no longer actually contribute. but if they don't want to retire they can hang around as lolcow fodder.
mircea_popescu: and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. << "there but for blind luck goes I", just because you're here today doesn't mean another just like you didn't die yesterday, or the day before.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes just so you know, i'm writing an article because of you.
mircea_popescu: because on his own, aperson is just a person.
mircea_popescu: if you do you do, if you don't it's because someone else did, in either case, it's just been verified
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform "Suppose you want to support strings and have a string comparison instruction. You might think that "it's done in the hardware", so it's blindingly fast. It isn't, because the hardware still has to access memory, one word per cycle. A superscalar/VLIW assembly loop would run just as quickly; the only thing you'd save is a few bytes for instruction encoding. On the other hand, your string comparison thingi
mircea_popescu: Uh HUH!" Dan Witz's mosh pit paintings? "AbsoLUTEly!" This is actually a clever form of communications ju-jitsu, because, over time, you start adopting the same affectation just to fit in, until one day you hear yourself saying "That ghost tour was AMAZING!" and you wonder if you have lost your identity somewhere along Highway 86.
mircea_popescu: in short : just because your tits grew up 100% a week for half a year starting on your eleventh birthday doesn't mean jack. for one thing, the first cubic centimetre happened then.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` that's because you have canadiancare, which is really just nationalised obamacare. you're socialists over there, not like the true capitalists down south. that's why.
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves: so basically concert organizers change to appease crowd, no one comes. wisdom of the crowd! << quite. the worst thing you can do is listen to the idiots. just because they do with the mouth doesn't mean they actually want any of it implemented. what's next, cow barns made according to cow moos ?
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves: Note that it's ironic that I actually made this purchase by mistake because I thought the "Deposit" button meant , yknow, depositing funds, not exchanging currencies. Your system of dollarifying all numbers is obnoxious. Let people type in bitcoin amounts and understand it as a separate currency. You're just confusing things." <<< they're not JUST confusing things.
mircea_popescu: we have not, because we did last time and well, it just seems to encourage this sort of thing
mircea_popescu: <mats_cd03> why does freenode suck so much << because they essentially gave up ? just riding things as they are into the night, as it were.
mircea_popescu: davidlatapie i have nfi idea what monero is because in spite of being invited fluffypony doesn't want to give the group a presentation. the comment is just as to the improbable nature of the name. why mew and what's someone not in on the jokes to make of it. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the controlling point here being that just because no toddler should be in control of the world, it doesn't follow that nobody should be.