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mircea_popescu: incidentally, cristina topescu died recently, as in, over xmas (this was the daughter of just such a wonder, the ONLY romanian sports commenter, one cristian topescu. socialist romania had one of everything, you knew what panties the girl has on before looking and you knew who was gonna narrate the game on the radio while you're looking). the chick was only famous for once on tv -- because hey, she followed the famlby t
mircea_popescu: where "me" is just about a wildcard, it stands for "anyone" because that's what the fuck "no separation from politics" means.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-26#1957366 << how about your preference immediately becomes working on mp-wp as opposed to falsely claiming to be working on mp-wp while in fact trying to stick random unrelated garbage in there under this guise, because at the rate you're currently going im just about ready to set the bozo bit on whatever it is you do altogether.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-06#1956652 / http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-07#1956667 so... logically speaking, after the betrayal in the middle east (because yes, the complete collapse of anything like usg foreign policy is very much the direct result of deliberate activity by incompetent, yes, but also very much disloyal blue elements), the us "military" is just about ready for a 2nd coup
mircea_popescu: i guarantee you it'd have taken anyone else > 30 minutes to figure the shit out. just because you have the massiva advantage of perfect familiarity doesn't mean so much,
mircea_popescu: because i'm thinking... i should probably just import all antique logs, have them in one place finally.
mircea_popescu: ive who buries random objects a foot apart in the dirt, fish like corn cobs alike, because that's what he's doing. even if the former returns empty handed and the latter happens to strike a combination that works, nothing changes : one's human and the other not, one's rational and the other's just some flavour of magician.
mircea_popescu: they just say words, devoid of particular notional content. "partnership", aka "that thing where i shit on every hand you extend every which way to sunday & for years, but it's okay because mommy loves me unconditionally"
mircea_popescu: just because we have a word to distinguish pedophiles from camp guides while to date there wasn't a word to distinguish "being an engineer"s from people working in engineering dun mean it's not exactly the same fucking thing.
mircea_popescu: the owner doesn't have to specify WHO is his lordship, because the bot just looks at who he rated 9.
mircea_popescu: whereas on trilema you have the whole power of the mp-wp selectylanguage at your disposals, you don't need the line numbers because you can just select w/e actually interests you
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, elementarily, because it'll have to connect to another network. but no, it's not significant. it's just against retarded assumptions of "there is the limit and this is the inside we sit in" typical of boy-geniuses,.
mircea_popescu: most recently yesterday : slut kicked out of car over specific failure, wept all the way home. lorry full of workers'd have cut her a deal just as we picked her up on the home stretch because well... she looks like the best hooker in town.
mircea_popescu: the hierarchy of consume-more-than-produce young females is very strictly 1. girls who found themselves a sponsor, who fucks them and pays their rent ABOVE 2. morons living in state-run orphanage. the SAME EXACT thing applies to boys too, just because you pay your own rent doesn't change the disposition in the field, doesn't make up down and down up.
mircea_popescu: whatever, just as soon as it was even vaguely possible one might've had some use for it. and this is ~deeply unsexy~, mind, i ain't publishing boihood-conventional "cool stuff & frank zappa" here. i'm publishing the most shameful thing known to the wankastery collective, and then end up having to "battle" nonsense of "oh, mp is intellectually stunted, can't install linux" because of it
mircea_popescu: and so this is what happened there, the complete story : he did ~just what a saboteur would do~, because look how fucking wunderbar=ly it'd have sabotaged if it worked ; and a less-than-divine mp easily would've gotten fucked over it. so now -- we can never be friends again, i ain't getting over that.
mircea_popescu: could just as well make one of those and make it small but excellent. use it to terribly disturb the statu quo, because it obviously goes against everything they've tacitly agreed upon
mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-06#1934395 << it always was, dood. just because people don't customarily engage in what he's exactly right to call sinful, by reason of being so premature as to necessarily be doomed to stating idiocy,
mircea_popescu: historical phenomenology suddenly starts making a lot more sense -- because yes, history is, was and will forever fucking remain the story of great men ; and what great men do with their lives and consequently the world they own and everyone else just inhabits... well, that's a story of P an
mircea_popescu: just because they call it x in their fantasyworld has ~little bearing.
mircea_popescu: because it occurs to me that ~if~ you publish your codebase you're working on, and if your blog works correctly in the mp-wp sense, then therefore you get all this for free, just make a metapost.
mircea_popescu: trinque, if everyone includes ebuilds of everything and in a few years' time everyone's just doing portage because "it's easier, man" ima be very damn sad. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: in other lulz : you may build and even install a proper wine (ie, configured without the derp-ass gcc "stack protection", that evidently doesn't work) ; and it'll even work, system-wide. however that doesn't mean playonlinux won't stick to its sadder, older version. and of course you can't just force-copy symlinks over in its holy directory, because they're all brokenly relative, and gns resolution works as shown in that p
mircea_popescu: item existed at a certain point because from one hand technology sucked just enough to be able to make that kinda blinkenlichten box but no better ; and from the other hand because country bumpkin were just bored enough at home on the farm to find the box entertaining.
mircea_popescu: there's no fucking difference. i expect to pay ~something~ because i don't expect anybody can just photosynthesize games into existence.
mircea_popescu: and yeah, sure, he wasn't using that back in february. but just because he wasn't doesn't fucking mean nobody was, amirite. cheapo "safe email" + cheapo "anonimity tools" == internet failure.
mircea_popescu: no dude, the ONLY "allure" is that... NOT MANY PEOPLE DO IT. that was fucking it. back when everest was interesting, to british subjects, it was interesting because british empire, first and foremost, and because, like "find nile source" or "go to north pole", there just weren't that many people who dun it.
mircea_popescu: im not saying it's strinctly impossible bonluck or ssongyank or w/e makes cars just as good as bayernische krankenwerken or whatever. it is a fact though, i never looked at it seriously before. chiefly because never had to.
mircea_popescu: just because "it is random", doesn't mean 2 can't happen.
mircea_popescu: afgain : just because you've proven that 3/4 numbers in the interval 1, n have property p, you have not shown ANYTHING about how many numbers have the property p in some other interval q, q+k.
mircea_popescu: just because "every other human is female" does not mean there's 3 males in my harem.
mircea_popescu: i'm not disposing of the matter. i'm just keeping it open, and specifically because these sorts of things are by now reflex in the malfunctioning brains of "it experts". oh, small ram footprint of bootstrapper. oh, random access.\
mircea_popescu: i don;t have a very clear view of patton ; but churchill is exactly as much a socialist as the whole temperance movement. he was unequivocally identified as such by ~all contemporaries, what, just because dumb soviet kid never heard of churchill other than for one newspaper notice dated 1945 this means something ? by the time hitler came to power churchill had been an openly socialist politician for a decade+
mircea_popescu: i suppose the correct way to get one of those is to press into service a 60yo lawyer rather than a 30yo computer guy. but in the early stages of bitcoin there was an all-pervasive notion that "we can do anything just because we wanna, we got the range, and the machinery for change, we're uprooting banks and governments and everything in path!!!"
mircea_popescu: 1. admitting there is such a thing as a "boy unable to talk to girls", 2. you are stuck admitting that this same boy can nevertheless look at any piece of ass he wants, as proven by the social media event known as "the fappening", 3. in which case you are left to somehow introduce a putative difference of satisfaction, between doing just that and talking to girls -- 4. because i tell you i don't see it.
mircea_popescu: those boys who "can't talk to girls" could talk to girls just fine -- but they don't perceive it pays. correctly, because it doesn't. (much like the ~same boys come here refuse to talk to the outside, because they naively extend what worked for them irl -- except here, it doesn't, there's not gonna be a pizarro withou talking to the scary outside, nor is there gonna be a "trilema irc" other than by people federating servers i
mircea_popescu: not because of some sort of deviousness though. just sheer decay, morons resplendent.
mircea_popescu: diana_coman the point of the discussion, though, is to not end up accidentally banning shitting just because ceausescu was known to shit.
mircea_popescu: and this because he ~opted not to~ (unawaredly, but just as opted) through the exact process of "this is too stupid to understand". it is too stupid to understand ~deliberately~ and FOR THAT PURPOSE.
mircea_popescu: to be clear : i expect that in the regular course of republican work, GB-sized vdiffs will occur -- strictly because we're contemplating confiscating all sort and manner of heathen artefact, and by now bloat is just a synonym for heathen. the "increase stack" fix works ok as a stop-gap, but we can't really 8x everything just for boredom.
mircea_popescu: not being reinvented or anything, just, it's a large thing because of all the trims.
mircea_popescu: argentines do this, and ima fucking napalm that shithole for it. because it just can't fucking be done, what "zcx" ? the name they were looking for is "snot".
mircea_popescu: "Busy all day. The phone just would not stop ringing. Mark called several times (some of them about Paychex), Stu called (oops, late to meet him for lunch), my sister called (wants me to buy her a house, but in a good way), I called my grandparents to thank them for the Red Lobster gift card Fade and I used for dinner, the series of phone calls from Eric was because he had to debug a problem with the gpsd test suite hanging o ☟︎
mircea_popescu: because, obviously, in moron's eyes the problem wasn't socialism to begin with. i mean, mussolini tried, just didn't do it right. then hitler didn't do it right. stalin showed him how, but sadly also didn't do it right. but it's ok, roosevelt showed them how. and mao and trotsky and eventually rms.
mircea_popescu: because i can't shake this very strong http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-21#1379603 flavour from "we don't know if this symbol is defined or not so we half-define it just in case" ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform just about. plus a ridoinculous flavour whereby "white sox won cup because i, joe fatass, was screaming in a bar!!!"
mircea_popescu: i personally am not generally bidding because broadly i want this thing to develop its own network and narrowly it's just twenty times the cost in overhead for whatever benefit it might produce, sorta like carrying strawberries by the boat one by one.
mircea_popescu: shinohai just because a buncha kids take 2-3 ppm of hash and play with it, by cutting it into as many various boxes with labels on them (which are now "things" dontchaknow) as the square of the kiddypool headcount mean nothing. that's how industry works, back when the parents were atthe foundry making nails, kiddies had bits and segments of nails in all the pockets to play with.
mircea_popescu: they can go where they normally go and engage in the usual http://trilema.com/2017/fake-news-are-just-one-tail-of-the-failed-female-state/ activities they expect "will help" and also "are the only way to go", because #metoo and those maga people are assholes. etc.
mircea_popescu: what, just because you use the same word ?
mircea_popescu: gimme a break, just because an (unrelated) demented fellow built some great palaces and schonnbrun is well painted dun make some sort of answer to the questions of life.
mircea_popescu: in any case, the notice's inescapable, that "china -- real history because real nation, just like us ; actresses, not." a lot hangs on that "just like us".
mircea_popescu: "just because your paranoia doesn't pay doesn't mean paranoia doesn't pay"!!!
mircea_popescu: Jan 30 18:44:15 <mircea_popescu> o look, now it ~didn't disconnect me at all anymore~. just sat there, 10 minutes+, nothing doing. because totally, "the protocol permits", or how did it go ?
mircea_popescu: because they found the perfect thing to hang tyhem over, maduro can just arrest them and bye-bye posturing.
mircea_popescu: just, you know, illiterate simpletons in no sense romanian, because you can't be romanian without ready access to cultural reference, the entire nation exists of naught else.
mircea_popescu: i dunno why they're so butthurt by the ~statistical~ fact. just because average black is going to be dumber than average human doesn't say any one black person's gonna be dumb or anything like that.
mircea_popescu: again -- just because you personally never saw the face of the usg allocated mamie in charge of usg.aspect in question doesn't mean jack. she's still there, and she's still getting the same per capita.
mircea_popescu: just because you didn't see douchebag's julia... o wait. i think you might've...
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-06#1885097 << you can't simply shift the buffer just because IT is even ☝︎
mircea_popescu: yes, obviously your apparent "escape to russia" was just deeper capture ; yes obviously your attempt at corrupting teh fiat backfired. things will continue to work this way for you for as long as you continue acting like a woman, because biology works a certain way and everything else is driven by that and that's what it is.
mircea_popescu: fucktarded socialists hijacking computing for their own ends. just like they tried to hijack bitcoin, because that's what they fucking do, sit around all day trying to come up with some way to tie the sun to their chariot.
mircea_popescu: but instead of that (and, it has to be said, through AND BECAUSE the ~shameful~, utterly immoral and absolutely unethical efforts of idiots just like http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884205 and like http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1640999 of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1641209 fame and so on), they became the exact equivalents of those loud earpieces in that shackley story ☝︎☝︎☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: then the INSTANTLY!!!!! turns into minutes, that turn into long hours and longer days, weeks and whatever, eventually the idea forms in the precious cuntlet's brainbox that no, just because she's never heard anyone call her stupid before dun mean jack ; and all this "consensus" of silence is in the end exactly that : a consensus OF SILENCE.
mircea_popescu: in other news, this businessinsider piece on "where people moved on to tumblr now that tumblr went all clinton" is entirely worthless. like it's the 1990s all over again and granny brings you "a different game just as good" she found in the discount bin because wtf is this warcraft thing anyway.
mircea_popescu: in other minutia, i just took possession of ~custom made house slippers~. because you can't fucking buy leather slippers anymore for the love of fuck, "plastic should be enough for everyone". ☟︎
mircea_popescu: or not see, either way, i'm just saying, "no, it's not that i spit because i do not use ; but vice versa".
mircea_popescu: "oh mp, just because orgmode evidently made by a certain kind of idiots to support their specific idiocy doesn't mean anything ; and also, when the necessary fruits of that labour of love start pdf-ing their way to the surface, that's just coincidental 3rd party linkage". how far ?
mircea_popescu: specifically : all communication relies on trees ; the presence, the order, ~and absence~ are all meaningful, and meaning is extracted from communication by adding and removing from a mind-held space of possibilities according to what is said, in what order it is said, ~and what is not said~. because certain absences, just as certain ordering, deny certain possible meanings just as well as if they were denied explicitly.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-18#1881489 << then, logically, it belongs read by the feedbot of the channel of your church. just because the http://trilema.com/2014/the-death-of-taxes/#selection-185.0-185.1138 problem doesn't mean you get to assuage your evident awareness of what a shithead your bf is by hanging out with the cool chicks and pretending to some sort of comunion. go, get the tards off the mud they've been packin ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: (and yes, /me also tuned out just about when the quotes started. for one thing because i couldn't give less of a shit about the english version of jewish texts, i can read the originals and i can't stand anglotardation)
mircea_popescu: Ask him why he thinks he should be able to get away with unsafe code, core dumps, viruses, buffer overruns, undetected errors, etc, just because he wants “speed”. << "i asked him, he shrugged his shoulders and went 'well, at least my machine won't fucking take over the world.'"
mircea_popescu: a large, bureaucratic state existed before -- incas had it too. it is not a success just because it gets a lot of cows to be docile.
mircea_popescu: just because ~blacks~ are demographically worthless does not mean slavery is a -ev activity.
mircea_popescu: spyked not so much a bug, traditional behaviour on adding ~new~ feeds, because people generally want to see a few articles from a new source. however, "old" feeds so to speak don't need it. so maybe have just a knob for you, doesn'teven need to be exposed to general public, to make the distinction between normal (hey, new guy added) and exceptional (importing other bot's feeds) regimes.
mircea_popescu: and all this just because women take on the personality of the cock they wrap around.
mircea_popescu: (likbez : su was "dictatorship", nevertheless, brejnev got place by talking to everyone about ousting nikita, which then happened even though the retard got wind of the plan, because he was a retard. just like in dictatorship amirite.
mircea_popescu: there's somewhere i explain the problem with small children, that they take a look at world around them, which creates a snapshot in their mind that's static, and then they fall over because they don't natively understand that just because the fulcrum's left side is up like the chair next to it is up, nevertheless, the load bearing capacity of the fulcrum is less than a percent of the chairs'.
mircea_popescu: as a side point, i wonder how many of these cardboard imbeciles, "i'm not fucking my daughter because there's no space in the kitchen robot atop my shoulders for such out there things, not because i totally could but don't really feel like it" understand they strictly can't be anyone's father, or anything else. just items, like the table, "approving" or "disapproving" of entirely nothing in particular.
mircea_popescu: is it THAT FUCKING HARD to just have a relay ? i mean... not like i use the fetlife app for fucks sake. because why would i.
mircea_popescu: ""It seems believable to me. I dunno why someone would make this up," Cochran told Motherboard in an encrypted chat. " because totally, "attention whoring, just like everyone else in the attention whoring '''industry'''" is not self-evident and arch-sufficient and explanation. and don't forget kids -- ENCRYPTED CHATS!!!
mircea_popescu: or of the "it's unfair that guy is a lord just because he read the call back when i wasn't born yet". or however you turn it, it's the same fucking thing.
mircea_popescu: just because they're stupid doesn't mean they're not some mother's children too!
mircea_popescu: except 640 px with toolbars (which are needed, long discussion i won't get into, but trilema isn't laid out the way it is because that's what came out of FG), even if you (stupidly) use just one, leaves 400px wide pix. that's a stamp.
mircea_popescu: (and no, eminently NOT "the question is being put to you". because that's the fucking meaning of "offer you can't refuse", also transliterated as "fate took a hand" and so on -- there's two kinds of questions. the kind that goes "would you like waffles for breakfast" is NOT "also a question just like" the kind that goes "would you like to go to qatar". some questions are put to you ; but then again sometimes you are put to so
mircea_popescu: because they quite literally just picked up the "senegalese" bullshit and morel's daily herald nonsense, blew dust off here and there and that's the whole material.
mircea_popescu: just shittier service because less custom.
mircea_popescu: and if you deny it, the response comes ~as if~ you had denied everything-about-the-idiot, because, to them, you literally have. if wordmagic dun exist, if her words have exactly 0 power to anything, if she could just as well cup her palms, word in her left and piss in her right, then... then... then WHAT WAS IT ALL FOR ?!?!?
mircea_popescu: for all i know, just about the time i'm done uprooting this and planting that, you'll be geniusing the exact same thing about that. i have 0 confidence this won't happen, specifically because of historical evolution, and so...
mircea_popescu: t's doing it. because this is what la serenissima is all about -- the doge back in venice is more then welcome to wholeheartedly support whatever the fuck the merchants on the blue find correct just and expedient.
mircea_popescu: and i further agree with you -- it is a very strong commentary and ceiling upon the security of "block ciphers". because yes, literally, all otehrs are just this with magic-numbered RBs. which... is EXACTLY the same "introduce say crc", except hidden under so much smoke.
mircea_popescu: so yes, i fully expect they'll buy, and then admire the hole we've dug ourselves in : five years down the road, say, as a mental experiment, we've sold 100k of these units, they're 90% of all we've sold, and well... they're still blockshiters. and what's next ? say i utter a fatah against block "ciphering", for good technical reasons or just because i'm insane -- IT DOESNT MATTER, and lo there'll be a lordship schism because
mircea_popescu: bitch srsly need to tell time for some reason, because wherever they're going ain't gonna just wait till they get there anyway or what is it, no woman in a loose fitted top about to point out "hey, we should get going if we're ever going to make X" ?
mircea_popescu: just because they all point to the coconut shop dun mean coconut shop is either a club or a place you'd take the whores.
mircea_popescu: what they're saying is, "just because he's rich doesn't mean we're dirt". which -- it does mean, yes.
mircea_popescu: because no, it's not such an idle question as all that -- there is a whole subset of four-five ish to maybe sixish year olds who genuinely look like they're just about to fuck but for the lack of functional organs and knowledge of function.
mircea_popescu: mod6 is the idea jurov could not have done what i did, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-27#1837995 specifically, because... what is it, he's decided not to speak in channel anymore and you had tjhe option of either forcing the point or getting the dough ? or is this just terribly mismanaged altogether, or what ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: even before the obvious "my slaves have 0 problem with no freedom, but just try and not make sense", nobody fucking ever had a problem with freedom ~as such~, because it's not fucking possible. because http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-05#1188784 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform because the "science" just as much on the dole, and consequently the main reason the "grievances field" (i kinda like the term tbh) even exists.
mircea_popescu: everything. I do not understand that because I do not want a negro woman for a slave I must necessarily want her for a wife. My understanding is that I can just let her alone."