mircea_popescu: to quote marsellus "the punk" wallace, " You see, this profession is filled to the brim with unrealistic motherfuckers. Motherfuckers who thought their ass would age like wine. If you mean it turns to vinegar, it does. If you mean it gets better with age, it don't. "
diana_coman: and if people don't change, then get yourself a newborn and tell me how is s/he the millionaire
diana_coman: by that measure old people aren't people and idiots aren't people and non-millionaires aren't people and yeah, sure, there's nothing left to discuss either
mircea_popescu: whether other items are or aren't people has no bearing on the fact that children aren't however.
mircea_popescu: it'll have to be argued on its own merits, not collective-bargained for.
diana_coman: it's not about collective-bargaining, it's about the fact that all of a sudden it seems we are talking about different entities, so we need to set the definitions somehow
mircea_popescu: juveniles aren't the animal in any other consideration or context. they WILL be the animal at some point, sure. but the very point of juvenility is they aren't.
diana_coman: mk, so an adult is set then to whatever s/he is; is that your position above that people don't change? (I still don't see how is this really reconciled with "they turn to shit as they age!!" - if they change, they can't turn to anything )
mircea_popescu: life isn't "whatever we make of it", but a rather well constrained biological process.
mircea_popescu: similarly a string doesn't "turn into anything". and main section stars don't turn into really large conglomeration of bathroom rubber duckies.
diana_coman: so let me see this: child-adult-corpse-dead
diana_coman: but things don't turn into anything, so how is this child turns into adult?
diana_coman: and for that matter what is learning exactly if not change
mircea_popescu: you're not about to try and parlay the fact that the space of possibility is narrower than the space of representations into some sort of dilemma ?
mircea_popescu: the things that can happen are fewer than the things that can be said.
mircea_popescu: when i broadly reject your proposition of "change" understood in representational terms, i do not by that rejection also somehow reject actual change understood in actual terms.
mircea_popescu: children turn to adults. this does not mean adults can turn into "millionaires".
diana_coman: adults are adults or is now millionaire some other thing in there in between child-adult-corpse-dead?
mircea_popescu: i have no idea what it is, and i don't see that it is very much at all.
mircea_popescu: the whole point is that you can "be" a millionaire in the exact sense you can "be" a wife ; or a tree can "be" yours.
diana_coman: so no, adults do not turn into anything other than corpse by the previous definition, but they do not remain immutable really, precisely as they were, precisely what they will always be
mircea_popescu: as far as this aspriational "being X" is concerned, yeah, they're closer to immutable than anything else.
mircea_popescu: in purely atomic terms they're incredibly mutable, and a rather good approximation of "random pile of carbon nuclei".
diana_coman: I suppose the difference comes at heart from defining millionaire as a state of being and thus an inevitable characteristic of the essence of a person (that's my understanding of your position)
mircea_popescu: mno. at best it is a state of vision, and thus entirely unrelated to the object,
mircea_popescu: being "a millionaire" is much like "being really scary". it's not something the thing IS, it's something the subject perceives.
diana_coman: mk, a state of vision so then what does this have to do with "being better" at all?
mircea_popescu: which is why i didn't approach the matter in ethical terms at all ; much to pete's displeasure.
diana_coman: uhm, didn't you write "people who are better are better"
diana_coman: I read that as an implied millionaire=better otherwise why not right it as such: people who are millionaires, are millionaries
diana_coman: millionaries like missionaries now, can't spell
mircea_popescu: because i have no confidence the million is in any way related. it would seem to me the better is truly at issue.
diana_coman: well, going back to the "interact with reality on different levels" thing might make it perhaps clearer: would this "millionaire vision" be basically a superior level of interaction?
mircea_popescu: unrelatedly, this theory that baltimore riots is directly resulting from john hopkins hospital/uni buying gangland, much like flooding of a spot of floor is directly resulting from broom pushing on the other side of puddle is rather interesting.
diana_coman: or just something in the eyes of the beholder?
diana_coman: she's a beauty and he's a millionaire? lol
mircea_popescu: diana_coman i believe it's not so different from any other simplified approach, such as johnny bravo seeing hot mammas all around ; or else orc warrior seeing world in terms of threats etc.
diana_coman: I increasingly get the impression that you are trying to answer in that post to what you perceive to be people's actual ideas of the thing, but
diana_coman: but it's not really clear what that is in itself anyway and then it gets mingled with what is actually said
mircea_popescu: hey, if i didn't know better i'd think you're discussing a trilema article.
diana_coman: anyway,at this level of haziness I don't think there's much that I can say further;
mircea_popescu: "The white men that were visible were all driving; either cop cars or luxury sedans and SUVs. One SUV-load of stoned and drunk white men were shadowing a group of three black girls, calling out the window asking about prices, assuming they were hookers. A young guy standing at the stop next to me yelled to the insane looking Eastern European drunk that was hanging out the window, “Yo fool, they either givin’ it away or ki
mircea_popescu: ckin’ yo ass. Nobody pays fo pussy anymore up in dis joint." << bwahahahaha
mircea_popescu: see alfie, erections are scarce now that they have a cure for it.
mircea_popescu: you get 9 tools type A to 10 tools type B ; all the B's work, about half the A's work and while Bs are always on As are on 1% of the time or so.
mircea_popescu: erection is "cheapest thing in the world" in the sense "sword in battlefield is cheapest thing in the world". in yo dreams.
diana_coman: fwiw my understanding of that is simply that there are a whole lot of women around who can't get enough
mircea_popescu: the supply is utterly constrained, no matter how you dish it
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform average whore still works 4 an hour for 6 hours. do i sign you up for 24 fucks a day ?
diana_coman: well, they don't seem to be adults there really, hence not people :D
mircea_popescu: i dunno that there's that many sexually active womenz on reddit. seems mostly BingoBoingo's mayogenders & weirdo bois.
mircea_popescu: im fucking confused, reading lafond on one screen, talking to you here, and you don't use the same word for websocialmedia
mircea_popescu: in other news, "Chamicka, age 14, says she accepted Hot Pockets frozen toaster sandwiches for sex and would gladly do it again.Nicole, age 15, says her and her 14 year old sister had sex with a man for a double cheeseburger. Whether it was the cheeseburger meal, and if it was supersized, was not made clear. And Chiquanna, age 14, says she had sex for a lobster buffet dinner."
phf: mircea_popescu: 26-04-2013
mircea_popescu: **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Apr 12 23:03:54 2012 < i have them earlier
phf: If you can pack&upload from 2012 to date above, I can integrate them
phf: Unless somebody steps forward who had a bouncer instance running since the early days
mircea_popescu: but yes a proper bouncer log would be better, save you the gaps you know ?
phf: I'm not sure of a reasonable way of integrating it though. Main issue, and general with canonical log approach taken so far is each entry has an id, starts at 1, and incremented by assbot database
mircea_popescu: mod6 hey man do you have bouncer logs of historical b-a ?
phf: Maybe not, I should think about it
mircea_popescu: there's nothing inherently inferior about black oops i mean negative numbers, is there ?
phf: You get a lot of nice properties if all your data has a positive fixnum ids
phf: Can put it all in array, index things by ids
phf: Could add an offset to your references
mircea_popescu: sure ; if you're going to do that might as well rebase your indexes in db, but anyway.
phf: Then going to lose all old links
mircea_popescu: you mean implicit array such as nth element of A as opposed to A[-5] sorta references ?
phf: Right now there's a nice property of clicking old links in log and being redirected to new logger
phf: Well you can't do a[-1] because array indexing don't go that way. Can write two arrays a and b and make [n] access one or the other depending on the value
phf: You have to allocate underlying memory in which case a[n] is a claim about where in memory you are reading
phf: Nah, universally. A significant property of arrays shared across languages is that they give you some guarantees about access time, space utilization
☟︎ phf: There are dodgy array like things, that are not actually arrays. Like php that has dictionaries, and uses those to emulate arrays using something they call associative arrays
phf: A key value data store is a dictionary
phf: An array is a superset of string
mircea_popescu: or otherwise : why the fuck would i use anything but strings if the only way to access elements is through a n-th reference.
mircea_popescu: why even call this "an array". it's not an array ; it's a string.
phf: You can store other things in arrays that are not chars, like pointers
mircea_popescu: so you can store things in strings that aren't characters
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> mod6 hey man do you have bouncer logs of historical b-a ? << sadly, no. :/
phf: That's fair, but mostly because the whole thing is a fiction
phf: My logger thing stores log messages as arrays for example
mod6: its a cryin' shame. i /used/ to log shit like a long time ago when it was #bitcoin-otc
mod6: but stopped iirc once it was #b-a
mod6: ya, i'd give you a coin to bundle them up for me -- i'll store 'em somewhere for safe keeping.
phf: Upload em and I will implement mp-array that can be indexed with negatives
mircea_popescu: phf now i much better understand your reluctancy to tree
mircea_popescu: let me guess, trees also can't be hash-indexed or some such bs
phf: There's no reluctance to tree
phf: There's a fact that this code is written for my own amusement, so figuring out how to make memory grep fast is a priority
phf: But implementing proper search is also a good direction
mircea_popescu: the other fact is that i really don't do much coding (mostly because whenever i try i start throwing things out of displeasure of the sort seen above)
phf: Since it's all written without use of any third party libraries I basically just take knuth and code it from scratch
mod6: this is your fav. isn't it?
mod6: yah, we've discussed a bunch.
trinque: takes the usual commands, among them: !register, !up, !down, !rate, !unrate, !rated, !gettrust, and !deed
trinque: and I have not imported the old wot
trinque: matter for the forum to discuss; it's not a decision to not, but haven't.
trinque: !register FC66C0C5D98C42A1D4A98B6B42F9985AFAB953C4
gribble: (register <nick> <keyid>) -- Register your GPG identity, associating GPG key <keyid> with <nick>. <keyid> is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a random passphrase to clearsign with your key, and submit to the bot with the 'verify' command. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes.
deedbot: FC66C0C5D98C42A1D4A98B6B42F9985AFAB953C4 registered as trinque.
BingoBoingo: Seems like WOT fork bots are always unveiled on Fridays
trinque: I'll properly package the source, clean shit up a bit, then post for asciilifeform, ben_vulpes, phf to give a beating.
trinque: then appropriate to make a genesis v-patch and deed
trinque: old deedbot- will handle feeds til I make an rsstron for the CL guy
mircea_popescu: trinque> and I have not imported the old wot << why not ?!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform shame on you for intimating indignities on the angelic character of children. do you not know they be pure as teh driven snot ?!
mircea_popescu: You will be given a random passphrase to clearsign with your key <<< this is the wrong way to proceed. how about "we'll encrypt a random string to your key, which you must send back".
trinque: yeah, that's what I'm doing
trinque: !gettrust trinque ben_vulpes
deedbot: L1: 3, L2: 3 by 3 connections.
gribble: Error: "lord" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !v A3E33DB8F824C115206CB9A8B6B2EDF701556F664741761E8EDF5CE6662D12F7
gribble: Error: "v" is not a valid command.
deedbot: deedbot rated diana_coman 1
mircea_popescu: trinque it'd be much better to include a digest of the command being processed in the pad.
mircea_popescu: something like lord.diana_coman.A3E33DB8F824C115206CB9A8B6B2EDF701556F664741761E8EDF5CE6662D12F7 or such.
mircea_popescu: there's two reasons for this. one's that it eases management of otps if people batch it ; the other's that it acts as a salt offering some protection against some mostly theoretical attacks against privkeys.
gribble: Error: "lord" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !v DB42B53A55C9AF2E40ED370E3BF2D8CD05E5F2D4D82D31F94808B290E5D6ACA2
gribble: Error: "v" is not a valid command.
gribble: Error: "lord" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !v 85F6057DA4C8E49DDE741F615A295D66DFA6251F001200568A58DFFF66D78C4D
gribble: Error: "v" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: trinque thinking about it, we'll hafta use a diff control sequence. ! won't work. how about say $ ?
deedbot: BingoBoingo is not registered in WoT.
gribble: Error: "lord" is not a valid command.
gribble: Error: "lord" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !v 9BF58DFB042DBD8550BEF512D7DFD06DE07246EB286C73043E482C7DA365C546
gribble: Error: "v" is not a valid command.
deedbot: deedbot rated bingoboingo 1
gribble: Error: "lord" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !v BAF2FFD66225232CCBC74534C0B8424659FFDF18A5D0A7C8BD854C107A6F8723
gribble: Error: "v" is not a valid command.
gribble: Error: "lord" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !v C8680302CD0CB18BDEBA804BDCBA02C17EEA1CDB266ECE24C52723D88F67699F
gribble: Error: "v" is not a valid command.
deedbot: deedbot rated danielpbarron 1
gribble: Error: "lord" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !v 131029CC8611133016940C1536D5BD6818D0252A654BBEE83C3E80266B599F5E
deedbot: deedbot rated mircea_popescu 1
gribble: Error: "v" is not a valid command.
gribble: Error: "lord" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !v 6AA6093696E8DE710B702C1F6280BA31EB6934947505AD8836D4AD58F46711FC
gribble: Error: "v" is not a valid command.
trinque: yep I can swap that character at front
gribble: Error: "lord" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !v 37F77391931AB3B4057CAEDB5DADADBF7B7E59FFD86ACAF9637ADEC31F501CC7
gribble: Error: "v" is not a valid command.
deedbot: deedbot rated asciilifeform 1
gribble: Error: "lord" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !v A72B1389E369FB4D029B54239077B230B5C2056972B791B56CA94A97D32AF900
gribble: Error: "v" is not a valid command.
gribble: (rate <nick> <rating> [<notes>]) -- Enters a rating for <nick> in the amount of <rating>. Use optional <notes> field to enter any notes you have about this user. <nick> must be the user's GPG-registered username, Your previously existing rating, if any, will be overwritten.
gribble: Error: "lord" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !v 12B15285872E0D6BEBA0CE2EA956B440B2A4D9BA23B6AB2BFA1559C5E92B9CE5
deedbot: deedbot rated ben_vulpes 1
gribble: Error: "v" is not a valid command.
gribble: Error: "lord" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !v EBB7544D91EAA48272527B2A91AD468206F9A386DF296CAB43A6C73D1888A587
gribble: Error: "v" is not a valid command.
trinque: the one with dash is the old python one headed for the chopping block
mircea_popescu: trinque * ChanServ removes channel operator status from deedbot
mircea_popescu: apparently they fucked it up silently, /msg ChanServ AOP #trilema deedbot no longer works and so on.
mircea_popescu: fwiw /msg ChanServ FLAGS #trilema deedbot +AOhiortv still works, so w/e.
mircea_popescu: -ChanServ- 23 deedbot +AVtv (#trilema) [modified 11s ago, on Apr 02 14:15:23 2016]
mircea_popescu: so basically, /msg ChanServ FLAGS #trilema deedbot +AHVhtv only works halfway, i guess they did a buncha undocumented changes to the op/halfop/etc mess.
mircea_popescu: fwiw /msg ChanServ FLAGS #trilema deedbot +AOhiortv still works, so w/e.
trinque: a script's chugging away importing all the existing pubkeys
gribble: Error: "up" is not a valid command.
deedbot: aegis voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: alrighty everyone - you'll be losing the autovoice. if you want voice, plox to say !up to deedbot in pm and then !v his otp.
gribble: Error: "up" is not a valid command.
deedbot: teleconnor voiced for 30 minutes.
gribble: Error: "up" is not a valid command.
deedbot: sakasama voiced for 30 minutes.
gribble: Error: "up" is not a valid command.
deedbot: alex_cai voiced for 30 minutes.
gribble: Error: "up" is not a valid command.
deedbot: bitesak voiced for 30 minutes.
deedbot: shinohai voiced for 30 minutes.
deedbot: midnightmagic voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: since I grew up in a sewer, the fact that you can go edit a running common lisp program will always bring me great joy.
midnightmagic: Hello. Is perma-+v still via a bot or is there another method now..?
trinque: $gettrust deedbot midnightmagic
deedbot: L1: 0, L2: 1 by 1 connections.
mircea_popescu: trinque i gotta say it's pretty fucking cool even for people who didn't grow up at all.
diana_coman: I think it was my fault, I timed it precisely in the middle of the change, lol
danielpbarron: there's plans to make the url for getting the encrypted thing uniform, right?
ben_vulpes: moreover, how would you make that work with batching?
mircea_popescu: heh not a trivial thing this, as currently arranged is it
mircea_popescu: "make request, wait so and so, look in this url, proceed"
ben_vulpes: yes quite obvious, trying to get him to reconsider automating the control rods
mircea_popescu: you know, trinque asciilifeform phf ben_vulpes and other folks with the lisp interest : diana_coman 's mishap earlier makes me think about this. so... "changing code without restart is pretty cool". subjectively, it feels that way, i feel it. but then ... what of the people caught in mid transaction by an invisible change ? seems to me this coolness resolves no actual problem, just pushes the goop around.
mircea_popescu: yeah, you no longer have to handle the indignity of restart.
mircea_popescu: but you gotta debug the "wtf this isn't working" complaints of people - and you're even less equipped to handle that, if nothing else because novel.
ben_vulpes: same'd likely have happened even under restart conditions. difference'd be that the chan would (maybe) see a join/part
mircea_popescu: there's this "reboot machine" "try again" close coupling that's more the c way than anything about arrays.
danielpbarron: well i still manually move the resulting .asc file to an airgapped machine..
mircea_popescu: are you gonna engage the debate or quote bible at it ?
ben_vulpes: what, people are accustomed to hammering their fingers in the door, so i should allow for people who want me to hammer their fingers before letting them into the house?
mircea_popescu: can we talk about this here thing instead of other things!
mircea_popescu: like that yeah. you have any idea what sort of task this is ?
mircea_popescu: specifically : i would judge trinque did 10% of the job yet. still has to specific.
mircea_popescu: for that matter, "how to be rich" is idem problem solved, by orcs even.
mircea_popescu: "why would a healty man work the field - when there's all this booty in gold and ass to be had ? is he mentally deffective ? a coward ?"
mircea_popescu: "if not scales, not sanity" is exactly a restatement of "all men are equal"
ben_vulpes: returning to 'boots on the ground', mircea_popescu raises a valid point about changing the interface on users. but the "it should restart on code change to tell users things changed" imposes a very painful, unnecessary constraint on diddling deployed systems.
mircea_popescu: right. so the theory of this here reformation is that they were kinda dumb and didn't understand the glory of modernity ?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes it is very painful. the "unnecessary" item is still being touched here.
trinque: I'm not totally clear on what happened with diana_coman, because I did not remove the old methods.
mircea_popescu: and by "this" i mean : 1) how do you know thinking steps ahead is possible ; 2) how do you know were it possible you're doing it ; 3) how do you know were it possible and you doing it they weren't.
trinque: the !up should've still worked, method was still there
trinque: I just added the $up alongside.
trinque: it could've also been that I was running a pubkey import script and it hadn't caught up to her
mircea_popescu: well so far all i want is to discuss things cleanly with phriendz, as you say.
mircea_popescu: i'd say experience shows i'm not exactly one to hesitate before dubious action when action is required by events.
diana_coman: <trinque> I'm not totally clear on what happened with diana_coman, because I did not remove the old methods. <- I sent the !up apparently before the change and it worked; but then the !v did not work as meanwhile the change was made (or so I gathered)
gribble: Error: "up" is not a valid command.
deedbot: trinque rated ben_vulpes 3 at 3623669040 << friend, gentleman, warrior
trinque: hm, need to change those timestamps to something more readable
deedbot: $key trinque is not a command.
trinque: want that to barf the fingerprint?
mircea_popescu: it'll be very useful because i use gpg auth for eulora, will just have new players reg and then i can get their key
deedbot: mircea_popescu has not rated deedbot.
deedbot: deedbot is not registered in WoT.
mircea_popescu: exactly no racial exception was made or considered, nigger, mick, greaseball, hebe, what have you.
mircea_popescu: !v C932CF28D825147F556AE640DB3D650CA951227C5B8D716CF8B4BBA264BE42F7
gribble: Error: "v" is not a valid command.
shinohai: nice trinque ! Grilling salmon for lunch, will rate upon return :D
mircea_popescu: $v C932CF28D825147F556AE640DB3D650CA951227C5B8D716CF8B4BBA264BE42F7
deedbot: mircea_popescu rated deedbot 10 << It is indeed a bot.
mircea_popescu: whereas the north had a very good use for them, even pre war. stalin was no doubt inspired by it.
mircea_popescu: had the southern drunkards have the presence of mind to correctly use the grease, they'd have blown the puritans out of water.
mircea_popescu: the ghetto blacks are also not exploited by anybody today.
deedbot: L1: 0, L2: 2 by 1 connections.
mircea_popescu: you have the opportunity to start your own gun and cunt trade baltimore operation. factually. except if we ask you.
mircea_popescu: and if we ask the ghetto blacks, or the southern whites, or on and on and on.
mircea_popescu: yawell, opportunity doth not ask for permission ; either to come or go.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform examples used for illustratory purposes only!
mircea_popescu: opportunity is in any case an ex post facto construction.
mircea_popescu: whole argument is circular. "why aren;t these schmucks making anything of themselves ?" "because they didn't have the opportunity" ie, "because they haven't made anything of themselves" "oh i see"
phf: Oh I'm still voiced, I was going to say, re "modifying live image is just a cool trick", yes it's not substitute for understanding because nothing is, that's what the tom knight koan is about
ben_vulpes: technical note, all wotpastes linked in #trilema will expire in 36 hours. i'll have to work with phf to get something in place to preserve pastes from #trilema.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, what's plan/eta with logs ? trinque mike_c phf ?
phf: My thing will be live Sunday eve
phf: But I think there's a useful question of how to reliably reconcile multiple log collectors
phf: And distribute those logs to interested parties (like ben_vulpes's paste thing)
mircea_popescu: no you don't understand. conspiraci! power! stuff is occuring!
mircea_popescu: i dunno, perhaps because in the half dozen strong warbands of the middle class juveniles the 2nd is the only ACTUALY hierarchy position ? 1-2-bunch ?
trinque: phf's log viewer looks very nice; if that's not close enough to completion I can put one up on monday.
ben_vulpes: interesting yeast sourcing, mircea_popescu
ben_vulpes: around here we just have hipster girls frolicking in meadows waving empty mason jars around
ben_vulpes: inland i believe they source yeast roles from landwhale folds
ben_vulpes: (i don't know where that errant 'roles' came from)
ben_vulpes: in other news, the keccak reference implementation appears to have been written on a windows machine
ben_vulpes: surely they're just available for dynamic linking in twitter's global namespace
ben_vulpes: submitted the foundation statement yesterday, i've heard of no resignation
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> and who the hell cares re how many 'tweets' wtf << girls.
mircea_popescu: I kinda just wwant to run away and never come back. Or sleep forever. Or jus die. I’m tired of this shit. I feel so drained. I Can’t do this life thing anymore. It’s too hard and I’m not strong enough for this. I wasn’t meant to be here. I wasn’t meant for this. I’m so tired of faking a smile every damn day of my life. I’m tired of dealing with the horrible people of this world cause honestly? I don’t know m
mircea_popescu: any great people who aren’t pieces of shit. I want to either be ignorantly happy, or fucking just die dude. There’s nothing for me here anymore besides my boyfriend but he’ll be better off without me. I feel like I just hold him back…My family would be so much happier if I was gone. I’m the reason everyone’s life sucks. Someone buy me a gun…"
mircea_popescu: eh she's rapemeat. can't even fuck unless someone ties her down first.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes do these hipster derps completely miss what "fiscal" means ?
mircea_popescu: (iirc at the time it was advertised as a feature - keeps bear away)
mircea_popescu: also which is the blogs title thing one, deedbot- ? or ?
trinque: yeah, that one's doing rss until I write an rss thinger for the new one
trinque is looking for a part message for deedbot
trinque: he thinks he's still connected on the other end..
trinque: alright one sec, I see why
trinque: hanbot: give $up another go
trinque: eh blew up again, gpg is asking for input
deedbot: deedbot- voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: yw, thanks for breaking it! :D
trinque: my next order of business is having a proper deployment process for new code.
trinque: I'm going to delete the record which would de-voice other deedbot- .
ben_vulpes: "rsync and asdf:load-system" (tm r phf)
trinque: it is in a tmux currently.
ben_vulpes: i'm not entirely certain this is such a bad thing
trinque: I have seen the hell that is "what the fuck is in this repl, and oh right, it is not what is on disk."
mircea_popescu: Feb 10 04:08:05 <benkay> i'm waiting for the developing world to figure it out
mircea_popescu: Feb 02 19:50:31 <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: working on it
mircea_popescu: Sep 17 21:44:13 <jurov> heh, i prefer kibiBTC = 1024 BTC , mebiBTC = 1048576 BTC :D
mircea_popescu: Oct 07 17:09:09 <thestringpuller_> Each asset is unique no?
mircea_popescu: b428627eb901269896d71ee47ebb789e9c29ce85f5bb0cb2d5f1f21457ec1f8d6d7109c208b9741a3d6bbd20ad4e6507b04a470eca13d529daafc18fcd5e147e tmsr-logs-apr2012-oct2013.txt
deedbot: $ sha512sum tmsr-logs-apr2012-oct2013.txt is not a command.
mircea_popescu: pointer to an unsigned integer to be called nNonce and to be equal to the value cast to an unsigned int of the contents of the variable pdata incremented by 12
ben_vulpes: well when you put it that way it's blindingly obvious
shinohai: $rate deedbot 10 The new eye of providence.
shinohai: $v 7C53E58E28EA04187D9B66EE6974D41A7AE997B53A3C7AD119D5D9B502665545
deedbot: shinohai rated deedbot 10 << The new eye of providence.
deedbot: shinohai may not $up phf_mobile
deedbot: phf_mobile voiced for 30 minutes.
phf: i can has log reader sometime today tomorrow
phf: it requires plenty of work, but only thing i need to wrap up is actual collection
phf: at present it only knows how to pick up kakobrekla's logs and whatever my znc is producing
shinohai: I tried the whole log thing but mine looked like Eulora's - non searchable.
shinohai: Tho inside of bot they are certainly grep 'able >.<
TRS80`: asciilifeform: Error: You don't have the #trilema,voice capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
deedbot: TRS80` voiced for 30 minutes.
TRS80`: asciilifeform: I don't recognize you. You can message me either of these two commands: "user identify <username> <password>" to log in or "user register <username> <password>" to register.
TRS80`: deedbot: (whoami takes no arguments) -- Returns the name of the user calling the command.
TRS80`: asciilifeform: Error: I need to be opped to devoice someone.
mod6: <+trinque> since I grew up in a sewer, the fact that you can go edit a running common lisp program will always bring me great joy. << this is very cool
shinohai: sorry i realized my bot and trinque 's have conflicting prefixes xD
deedbot: jurov voiced for 30 minutes.
jurov: asciilifeform: nobody asked me to stop anything, i can continue doing these things regardless of being on some list
jurov: are you okay with having a treasurer not on "people mp likes to talk to" list?
ben_vulpes: i am not pleased by many things about the schism, jurov
phf: i think you guys are reading too much into it
ben_vulpes: i do not understand mircea_popescu's selection criteria for the new l1, but i don't think i am given to.
danielpbarron: $v DEA09E8CA22C985EF0678C761512D5AF1E77467D5E3746F48D8252AA31EB3991
deedbot: danielpbarron updated rating of assbot from 1 to -1 << #bitcoin-assets bot
danielpbarron: $v 41202DCCE470C75C8DAB987BBF72CDBACAAC01BA97FFCB324AE7446C0D7983F4
ben_vulpes: jurov: but hey perhaps it actually strengthens things to have infrastructure operated by people of varying rank in the various wots
ben_vulpes: not having a single model for what anything means is a feature.
deedbot: danielpbarron rated deedbot 1 << #trilema bot
ben_vulpes: i'm trying to not read too much into it, basically.
jurov: me too, but it apparently comes with unability to self-voice
jurov: $gettrust deedbot jurov
deedbot: L1: 0, L2: 10 by 10 connections.
jurov: rly. first time i was told <deedbot> jurov may not $up
ben_vulpes: jurov: trinque is frantically encrypting otps by hand behind the curtain
phf: i'd ask trinque what the intended behavior is, and whethre or not there's a bug in the system. the new bot's been operational for whole 5 hours
jurov: &v B604B083FA1586ABA162EF9EB2F2F9464CF68F56164AF040922D926DE865C453
jurov: $v B604B083FA1586ABA162EF9EB2F2F9464CF68F56164AF040922D926DE865C453
deedbot: You are now voiced in #trilema
deedbot: L1: 0, L2: 10 by 10 connections.
shinohai: Play the fiddle as Rome burns.
phf: an alternative to tmux can be "detachtty", which is basically a tmux for non curses processes. it's a bit handier than tmux, since it gives you a pid/ctrl/log for one process only. you can issue batch commands, by doing something like echo '(foo)' | ssh server attachtty --socket=/tmp/cmucl-123.sock
phf: i used to use it for client project deployments, since it's much easier to wire into linux rc.d daemon management, but for casual projects i just do screen or tmux
deedbot: wallflower216 voiced for 30 minutes.
wallflower216: thanks, danielpbarron, and cheers to all. Just a noob here used to reading the logs so lurking here
phf: alt-prtsc-b on this x1 carbon results in immediate reboot. anyone know if that keycombo somehow makes sense? because i have that rebound to ctrl-meta-b, a very useful and frequent lisp editing command
trinque: asciilifeform: wot is imported; mircea_popescu was setting l1
phf: boyer moore horspool further shaves the search down to .19s, i think further optimizations are needless