1066 entries in 0.295s
mircea_popescu: "because why not just improve the scriptbook instead"
mircea_popescu: wyrdmantis just because web-programmers suck doesn't mean asm no longer exists.
mircea_popescu: (just like if major attorney firm loses major trial - it's not because the paralegals sucked)
mircea_popescu: look, im not going to give back the major advantage of asym crypto keys just because nsa sponsored implementation and useful rms-ian idiots made a mess of things.
mircea_popescu: <ascii_field> jurov: my point was that cpp allows considerable variance between what is printed on the page and what the code actually generated is. << to make it plain ; just because c let you push her into a corner once or twice (provided you bring sweets) doesn't mean they're not sluts mmkay ?
mircea_popescu: anyway. yes usg can be rejected just by rejecting it. no, there aren't places where this actually hurts one. yes if one perceives to be hurt it's because one did something stupid in the past he'll have to undo. no this isn't anyone else's problem and no this calls for no sympathy.
mircea_popescu: a more pointed example of how the entire thing just ground to a halt could not be devised if one tried. and yet the derp figures this bolsters his case. because he went to a school in the united states.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, re <BingoBoingo> shinohai: I personally think this is the same process that slowly lead even Thermos to denounce Gavin, just... once enough time had passed to make MP espoused sanity seem original to the uninitiated <<< do not imagine that ms, yandex et all did not know same things i know. obviously trhey do, but they also had hoped they're somehow favoured sons. because "Terrorists will never do that, tr
mircea_popescu: it is ok to seek a twitter wrapper of x, just not x. because twitter gotta eat, and all that.
mircea_popescu: the horse's still not slow just because all these donkeys
mircea_popescu: phf "rapeworld". just because english tards use words doesn't mean much.
mircea_popescu: "explain" and "make sense" of it all. because omfg, what if she just ditched the blouse o noes her mommy told her the sky would fall.
mircea_popescu: "all operating systems are monolithic because that's just how computers work" is a fine example of utter vulgarity.
mircea_popescu: just like "the classical antiquity" seems to have made such excellent bronzes mostly because only the excellent ones survived the 9000+ cases where "must melt all bronze to make weapons".
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-08-2015#1228005 << for the record i fail to see any genius. this might be just because i'm a dour old prune, so don't mind me. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: but you know, just because you like a girl's tits is no cause to think she's got the worlds best hairdo.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo "ddos" is you know, best effort kinda deal. just because you can't get through in 5 tries doesn't mean every one of the 50k or whatever many tries also failks.
mircea_popescu: because yes, if science were "open to all comers" in this sense, it'd just get ddos'd into the shit by S's.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223277 << this is a major problem. for argentines too. they can't get anywhere because all the people they know are just as fucktarded as them. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: there hasn't yet in the history of mankind been a wealth marriage that was happy. and "free immigraton" is notexceptional just because large.
mircea_popescu: you know, just because japan's a colony and ukraine a colony of "the enemy" doesn
mircea_popescu: just because you were stuck on windows web framework for a while means jack in the grand order.
mircea_popescu: jurov just because you posit there's going to be retrospection needed doesn't mean it's either necessarily so or what i said, you know.
mircea_popescu: just because some colonies have mental issues it does not follow anything except that some colonists need to extract head from ass.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-07-2015#1215851 << no it's not dude. just because you saw the ~0.6% of this town i chose to show you doth not mean it's uniformly this you know. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform sure. intelligence not impeached. just, there's this entire "genius" myth built around him because it was a particular time in the letters.
mircea_popescu: because hey, "that'd be just crazy"
mircea_popescu: and in any case - it's not some "disain for the poor" that's at work. just because everyone is on a (mostly hypocritical) fixation on loving the poor does not make my position disdain
mircea_popescu: not just because of stuff like the above asciilifeform comment, but also because well... huge.
mircea_popescu: because instead of doing anything right, people just slap it together and "we'll do an update later"
mircea_popescu: you know, spend three hours mining a spv verified chain because they just don't give a fuck.
mircea_popescu: just because they sell shit under imported names in the us doesn't mean the originals are bad
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-07-2015#1190599 << you have changed nothing in the scheme, just made its problems perhaps less easy to observe because hey, frantic activity with b inoculars now. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: just because you have one, and it's a very reflective surface, doesn't mean it has one too.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-07-2015#1184474 << possibly. it's not directly cut, because permaindexes just add to the complexity of keeping a node. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: chetty oh, and no "access control" either. as late as 1988 you cvould just fucking WALK INTO the super-secret-only-not-military-because-the-smart-kids-hated-corporals itci
mircea_popescu: because they just so happened to have 0% survival changes in a bar, and ran churches.
mircea_popescu: i mean, what is it, just because it's different ?
mircea_popescu: you may think "he eats because hungry - just like me", and he agrees.
mircea_popescu: "A horse and a donkey can breed and make a mule, but they are still two completely different animals. Just because we can breed with the other races doesnt make us the same. " << this is actually a flawed argument on multiple levels. first off, the mule is sterile. second off, the ability to conceive is a very good measure of species proximity. thirdly, there's no proposition of "identity", there's no such thing as bio
mircea_popescu: except he gets nabbed for child pr0nz and perhaps underage rape. so organization goes back to schmuck #1, who now quits, because he had just married a stripper and "needs to spend time with his family", presumably servicing the black cock she's bringing home.
mircea_popescu: to understand why, think of someone making a map. he doesn't ask "does this rock benefit anyone or may i just omit it from my map ?" because while the thing may not benefit, the omission sinks ships.
mircea_popescu: every stupidity's excused by youth, people genuinely think the 80s were cool just because that's the first time they got laid. people actually used to think bellbottoms look hot because they remembered them filled with round butts of the fillies they cared about, back in that age.
mircea_popescu: "I walked out of the back office in a state of absolute shock. I’d just become a twenty–first century sharecropper. I couldn’t find outside work without winding up homeless — and I couldn’t leave the state because three bucks of gas money won’t get you past Walnut Creek — and I couldn’t get paid because there was no money to pay anyone with."
mircea_popescu: you know, just because there isn't a better solution of the same strength doesn't mean it's terribru good.
mircea_popescu: just because there's proof sylex spears were used by ns does not mean a superarmy of drilled regiments of standard-uniformed neanderthals.
mircea_popescu: "we didn't just butcher a bunch of marginal retards in a parking lot. it was because of the moon. the guy that made the roof 15 years ago is to blame. it';s because texas has straight borders"
mircea_popescu: justJanne just because you think yourself equal to things you don't understand doesn't make 'em so :D
mircea_popescu: davout i think this is one of those stories of old world privilege meanwhile abandoned because impractical and who gives a shit. just don't make it sur, that's niggerspeak
mircea_popescu: the case of hpa was exceptional because at the time the lightning struck (and understand just how unlikely the event we had on our hands this morning was), a call had to be made.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: "assumes that usa will occupy self with same army - and same aimlessness - with which it occupied iraq. this is not a proven fact." << lemme guess... they have a meta army in reserve, just haven't been using it because reasons ?
mircea_popescu: just because some twerp is in the doctor's room at the hospital doth not mean he's a doctor.
mircea_popescu: "those guys are the top just because they're priviledged, we can be just as good as them, even better. because we want to, that's why!"
mircea_popescu: anyway, if there are any javascript experts in the room, you, trinque, whoever : currently it pisses me off because if you click on page it scrolls you to top. any idea how to fix it so it ignores clicks ? just, never scroll as a result of a click.
mircea_popescu: you cant just print scrip because you got a scrip printer. that's not how it works.
mircea_popescu: "looky, just because we're temporarily tolerating the kulaks means nothing. this is like saying the soviets had no factories to its name, 1915."
mircea_popescu: looky, just because we're temporarily tolerating the kulaks means nothing. this is like saying the soviets had no factories to its name, 1915.
mircea_popescu: we don't usually discuss it because it's so amply obvious, but just in case.
mircea_popescu: because odds are it will continue to exist through 2020, and just as untouched
mircea_popescu: "fuck intel, we will subsidize X, because we are so big and powerful we can just crush it outright"
mircea_popescu: you can't prove he's not a ninja, goes the broken mental process, because maybe you just didn't see iot.
mircea_popescu: because guess what : smegma is just as natural a byproduct of the sexual organs, of the other gender. and washing it off is certainly as novel bla bla as shaving the cunt.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, i just had a very bloody steak. must be because i've not yet discovered how to make beef unedible.
mircea_popescu: "Sure, we can all agree that the assumptions made about the nature of blacks at the time was wrong, but that doesn't give us the right to condemn slave owners who didn't know any better. We don't condemn cave people for eating uncooked meat just because they hadn't discovered fire yet, do we?"
mircea_popescu: this ex stole just the domain names. ps - if you're into "building an online business" - forget the idiots trying to push "compliance" because hey, they live off the usg dole so gotta pretend like the usg matters to even be able to get up in the morning.
mircea_popescu: right, just because prayer worked in the past is no reason to pray.
mircea_popescu: !rate justusranvier -1 I dunno, afaik he's just kinda derpy (see http://trilema.com/2015/what-amused-me-today/ etc) but my WoT hates him now, and so I can't in good conscience keep a meaningless +1, nor do I want to set it to 0 because then it gets deleted. Brb adding footnotes to this rating. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: just because particular memes are well suited to the mental vulnerabilities of the early mind and so are noteworthy to educators and psychiatrists does not mean they're also noteworthy to engineers.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes "and the Bitcoin ramp to 1200 proved to be an artifact of a fractional-reserve exchange, for just two examples." << this doesn't make sense, because the exchange was fractional in btc not in fiat.
mircea_popescu: it's worse, because a) every party participant is stuck b) keeping ~complete~ records of the whole thing c) forever. it's not just a process thing like the party. it's that you have to write their noiise down, and pay for warehouses.
mircea_popescu: and the idiots that credited the derps just because the derps existed are now left with the shame.
mircea_popescu: just because i do not wish to be part of something this trivial to attack, nor do i see merit in its continued existence.
mircea_popescu: eh, democracy is a thing, even if derpy iliterate muricans never bother to learn what the words mean. it's not gonna change what it is just because a bunch of people have nfi.
mircea_popescu: nubbins` you know, just because your job sucked doesn't mean work sucks.
mircea_popescu: the problem with this is that as the socialism progresses, the middle class dies out. because socialism is societal cancer, it just burns the fat and dies.
mircea_popescu: to derps making "submarines" because hey, can't just admit bitcoin has it and humbly join.
mircea_popescu: no, i just mean, with bitcoin is to some degree unavoidalbe, because txn.
mircea_popescu: "i support america because if i didn't, you'd just take it all anyway like putin took X's. I'm no Soros."
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski im just saving it to be really smug at mike_c later on, because he was really mindboggled by the entire "usms fraud" thread a while back.
mircea_popescu: because it's just, for reasons that drive me very angry, something you think about.
mircea_popescu: for the other it's not ok to admit urbit exists strictly because a) yarvin's chumpatron attempt failed just at the time b) usg was looking for a particular tool
mircea_popescu: SquirtPrincess well normally no, because it's just a bodypart rather than you know, you. but at any rate, i'm feeling generous so, put ae654537 on your tits, take a picture, report back.
mircea_popescu: my explanation is that because of the standardization of everything, the makers just made them "as they're made" ie prevailing bs (business standards) and the buyers bought and marketed them "As they're marketed"
mircea_popescu: (odds are the pads are just there because mass produced item)
mircea_popescu: lol. and this is not his employer's agenda. this is just, you know, because reasons.
mircea_popescu: how about stranded on island, east half of which is constantly flooded, all esl-ians gather there because "it looks just like the bay area, man!"
mircea_popescu: well also because your country just collapsed
mircea_popescu: "In fact, all the boring normal bugs are _way_ more important, just because
mircea_popescu: they have no users. just because the whatsapp scam was pushed by fb on the grounds of "users" (by the way, did the fantabulous "growth rate" continue after the acquisition ?) does not mean that the same sort of fraud will either work again in the future or is in itself any sort of value.
mircea_popescu: davout but then again, they don't have to be FOR something. they may well just be BECAUSE of something, that something being "we got a helicopter"
mircea_popescu: just because man doesn't wear a bra doesn't show much about it, men don't wear bras, they wear ties.
mircea_popescu: you know, just because most people find sooner or later personal reasons to hate large groups of idiots doesn't reduce the problem.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-03-2015#1057929 << very true danielpbarron. blogs aren't a collection of literary fiction unless you particularly wish to do that. there's however a glut of bad ones, because many idiots think themselves "creative" when they're just stupid, ignorant and lazy. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: the situation isn't magically changed just because we're no longer shooting.
mircea_popescu: yeah, sure, because he couldn't be served just as well by a common bus.
mircea_popescu: because everyone wanted to just fucking leave.
mircea_popescu: just like the retarded 17yo who thinks she's a supermodel perceives peoiple walking down the street as "her audience", the redditard generation will perceive everything as sigint rules. because... that's the only thing they can do.
mircea_popescu: this is the sort of thing. the professional has no interest in leaving their current place just because i want to relocate them, and the situation isn't feudal, where i just order them moved.
mircea_popescu: just because of btc/usd vagaries, the original investment (which happened at 1200) lost 85% of its value.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-03-2015#1036553 << you know, just because hunters wear animal skins doesn't mean they're furry animals. ☝︎