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mircea_popescu: "i dunno, man, that's just what my bitcoin does" "it shouoldn't do that" "how do you know ?" "because..."
mircea_popescu: when plebs "own stock", the problem becomes unsolvable, because the ready answer is, "i can't blame myself, for i'm nothing - so i'll just blame the gods"
mircea_popescu is loath to do too much of that sort, because as correctly pointed out, mircea_popescu is a noob in the low level technical sense. without an array of experts to advise and correct, i'll just fuck everything up.
mircea_popescu: just because they're not separable does not mean that in consideration and by way of compensation now you get to separate an arbitrary something else.
mircea_popescu: (and also castration, because that's the deep content there, "do not dare be a man, men can sin". yeah, i'm sure, let's all be women and have things "just happen and occur to us" and hold hands and be victims. anyone say rape's inevitable in this context ? BURN THE WITCH!!1)
mircea_popescu: cockroaches survive because just low profile enough.
mircea_popescu: not even. it's just that i'm so allergic to "dynamically linked" bullshit that i barf at the very notion of a computing system that might need "expansions" because people don't want ot learn to read and write
mircea_popescu: don't idly suppose you're better than the greeks just because you have more maggots eating more cans of spam.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, this seems a deeply ignored point, all sorts of okcupid chicks honestly expect they'll be entertained just because well... they exist. ridoinculous.
mircea_popescu: no because you just update it
mircea_popescu: annoying problems don't go away just because we don't want to have them.
mircea_popescu: jurov dun hate on me just because i'm an asshole!
mircea_popescu: doesn’t involve trying to derive probabilities at all, but rather asks the user to just “produce your best-informed guess.” << and you'd love this precisely because of who you are, and where yo ulive, and what you want to be true.
mircea_popescu: "Why did we launch with 12 million variants? Because we thought we needed to. Would the market have been happy to customise just the length? If we’d done proper validation, we would have known, that yes, it would have been happy — thrilled even. It only became apparent, too late, that 90% of our orders were for very typical jeans from atypically tall women. Stonewashed stovepipes with a 36-inch leg, anyone?"
mircea_popescu: here's a rough rule of thumb : if the guy bringing you your donut is making below minimum wage, he is BY DEFINITION of the terms "minimum wage" and "waiter" NOT a waiter. because being a waiter IS A PROFESSION, just like being a computer engineer or a driver. meanwhile minimum wage is reserved for UNSKILLED!!! labour. like webstack developers and singer-songwriter-tablewaiters.
mircea_popescu: bahwhahahahaha. random douche who thinks "waiters" = the douches just like him moving around tgi tuesdays is going to TEACH something, by repeating it over and over. an' thart something ain't gonna be "this fat poor sucker's also a jerk". it's gonna be something else. because he's the not so little train engine that can!
mircea_popescu: "I won't comment on the account ban for privacy or regulatory reasons. But I can say that the ban has nothing to do with this person's hackerone reporting. And unfortunately, we cannot be more lenient on him just because he has previously helped us. The 2 issues are independent. And plus, the team that works with banning has no access or knowledge of the hackerone cases. This separation protects our customers' privacy." ☟︎
mircea_popescu: rought and disposed of (either accepting it or rejecting it) because both sides are present. Conversely, if you set a boundry for Amy in the terms of "don't try and think honey, that's for men, just sit there and be pretty" she might listen, especially at 7, but you've set a boundry for her that has no upside. "Men" doesn't even exist per se. So this isn't an argument that can be considered, it only has one side to it.
mircea_popescu: "Sadly, that is not an undesirable result. Bloated code does not just keep programmers employed, but managers and whole companies, internationally. Compact code would be an economic disaster. Because of its savings in team size, development time, storage requirements and maintainance cost."
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348882 << i said this because a GB of c source IS NOT ANYTHING-IFYABLE << it's a starting point. you know, just like bitcoin-shitcore. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: just because you can pump the shit uphill doesn't mean you should.
mircea_popescu: now look : you can't dismiss that thing just because it exists.
mircea_popescu: "i got this here aileron, just like the f1 ferrarris use. on my ford truck. because sometimes five ton ford trucks take off the road under their own speed."
mircea_popescu: so intel reports that medium.com is headquartered at 760 market st, sf. just like "dropbox" and pretty much every other ycombinator scam / "entreprenize" to date. so therefore "why are all these derps with failed 'business ideas', 0 experience, 0 awareness, 0 clue on medium.com ?" "oh, because ycombinator told them to".
mircea_popescu: in other news, chick on okcupid : "porque no me escribis en castellano, soy argentina" mp on okcupid : "It's not your fault you're Argentine. It is however your fault you're a dumbass. That's what I wanted to see, if you're just Argentine because your parents were dumb, or whether you are actually dumb yourself. Having established that point, a bon entendeur, salut."
mircea_popescu: nk "survived" because derps composing nk are cowardly. just like the us "survives".
mircea_popescu: ascii_field the difference between "not work for competition" and "capital control" is inexistent - the us is a centrally controlled economy just like the su. and so, the soviets couldn't leave because "the state invested in their education", right ?
mircea_popescu: mno. i just answer to random idiots derping on in here, because of a naive and perhaps misplaced notion that they'll learn something from the experience.
mircea_popescu: and as the de-turdification process continue, expect more and more of these "highly principled" shitheads crawling out of the woodwork. because this is what ethics means to the present crop of retarded kids, it's just a word, and it ain't got jack shit to do with what one does. just as long as the pharisee does his ablutions right all's good.
mircea_popescu: tuff you build upon has the consistency of smoke and the life expectancy of... well, I was going to say ephemerides, but I guess we could just as well say Pieter Wuille.", because what mp says goes.
mircea_popescu: and seriously, see the part where the mp of this space says "This can not be emphasized enough : you can not be building any type of business on any sort of Gavinism, because they will not survive on the middle term. It's not just the Bitcoins, that you would have lost had I not murdered "XT". Everything - every hour you spend "developing" atop the crud USG agents try to stick in Bitcoin is a wasted hour, because the s
mircea_popescu: and whatever enthusiasm may tell you about this, there's a very fucking fundamental problem here. you don't get to control backflow and complex emergent behaviours just because you don't want to think about them ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "Wouldn't it be nice to just drop the signatures? The reason why we can't do this is because the signature is part of the transaction hash. If we would just drop the sig from the transaction, the block wouldn't validate, you wouldn't be able to prove an output spend came from that transaction, so that's not something we could do. But let's simplify the problem. What if we could redesign Bitcoin from scratch? What if yo
mircea_popescu: The press has to be responsible; they're not being responsible. Ten movies streaming across that, that Internet, and what happens to your own personal Internet? We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet. I just the other day got… an Internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday. We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people who really understand what's happening and maybe,
mircea_popescu: doh. so if i run a miner that has $days_left % of total hash output, i can freely vote an infinity of coins. because whatever, i just fill a block with an endless chain of votes and i'm going to eventually mine it into a block.
mircea_popescu: does anyone have the line where i tell asciilifeform or someone that their love of lisp is misplaced, because a) c was just as great before the horde got involved and b) if lisp were to become fashionable it'd be cpp in short order ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: \but smoking is not, just like sitting like a man is not ok. because one's "intentional" and the other "intentional-once-removed" and so one correlates with the bad gender. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: just because killerstorm doesn't understand what's going on doesn't mean "sophisticated devils etc"
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-11-2015#1332526 << for the record/future and as best practice : mod6's style of doing these, with pastes etc is much better, because it allows later effort to build upon previous effort. deedbot- is also not a bad venue to store this sort of thing, seeing how it's just code atm. "when i do so and so this is the bt resultant". ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "hosting fees are expensive" my foot. they're only expensive because "oh i just wanna be a designer" all over the place.
mircea_popescu: <punkman> the latest pill against malleability << no, the latest in "gotta serve the customer" because "customer has come to expect" that "he just wants to".
mircea_popescu: so, yeah. the herd has won through the age old tactic of "we'll just stick together". because you thought that unions and "collective acton" was good.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the guy has a point, and szabo's theory is not merely just silly, it's a sympthom of a larger western pathology (he's basically looking for an excuse, ANY excuse, just as long as it doesn't come to *a better quality of people*, because he's nuts with this racism bullcrap like the rest of the anglos.) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo you know, just because "the press" that got kicked off campus is claiming some derps as representative for a group they hate doesn't mean all that much.
mircea_popescu: "(Let's not get into the NSA's collect-it-all policy for encrypted messages. If the NSA is your adversary just forget about PGP.)" << yeah, right. THAT is why i read their stuff and they don't read my stuff, because i take advice from john hopkins fucktards.
mircea_popescu: ima just quote tlp, because he has a very nice distillation of the problem :
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes ytou ever found that tlp where he says "x derp is just there because the seat existed" ?
mircea_popescu: "I'm pretty sure that's Charlize Theron, not Scarlett Johansson." And I'm pretty sure they're the same person, and just because now she's Rachel Maddow doesn't mean she's serious.
mircea_popescu: lol my butt. "usg got a run for its money the likes of which it had hoped to never see. it will not survive another one in all likelyhood, which is just as well, because november promises at least a couple."
mircea_popescu: "When we see a welfare mom we assume she can't find work, but when we see a hipster we become infuriated because we assume he doesn't want to work but could easily do so-- on account of the fact that he can speak well-- that he went to college. But now suddenly we're all shocked: to the economy, the English grad is just as superfluous as the disenfranchised welfare mom in the hood-- the college education is just as ir
mircea_popescu: ascii_field so you hate them, that's fine, but you can't impugn the whole subdiscipline just because idiots somewhere
mircea_popescu: just because bunches of barbarians "do without" the ablative doesn't mean they can fucking think in their pigdin
mircea_popescu: and just because you can't see where this problem breaks shit down from where you sit doesn't mean it's not gonna. it will.
mircea_popescu: just because you can elegantly package idiocy in sexpr does not alter what text is
mircea_popescu: THIS is why peasant chicks wistfully wisted for l'etudiant. because it is fucking fascinating, you are seriously telling me you can ~just go~ ?!?!?!
mircea_popescu: because - obviously - it pays the best. from the perspective of the horde of chimps wishing to be professors of nothing in particular just as long as professors.
mircea_popescu: obviously i have no us clinical experience. i also have an apparent inability to represent how this'd work. seriously, doctor says "nope, he's acting out because of X, Y, Z, and medications aren't going to fix this" and the parent argues the point ? with the doctor ? just.... how ?
mircea_popescu: "They fake it because that pointless data gets handed over to the illusionists at US News along with other pointless data (expenditure per student, library facilities, max bench press) to generate a single overall ranking, which is just the kind of simplistic, pseudoscience objectivity that students, parents, and schools demand.
mircea_popescu: ""He's not a bad guy, he just has a problem." Actually, you have that backwards, he doesn't have a problem, he is a bad guy. I know this because he beat up (allegedly, at least) two women. This isn't the place to get into whether the bitch done deserved it, running her mouth all damn night long, the point is his thinking about it. If I (allegedly) beat up a girlfriend, I'd feel TREMENDOUS guilt, I would really have
mircea_popescu: way to go. ps : it isn't abuse just because it leaves you outside, feeling inadequate.
mircea_popescu: Had it not been for the little money I do get from this blog, maybe I would not have written this post at all, because... why bother? And so all you are left with is their dogma. Search the internet, the Letters To The Editor. Anyone else saying what I just said in this post? You may not agree with my post, but you are nevertheless better for having read and considered it. I'm not saying I'm the only one who though
mircea_popescu: derpy "social worker" just gave himself a monopoly. he is needed, don;'t you know, because parents aren't "political proxies" for their children. heck, parents don't exist at all.
mircea_popescu: "oh, im just going to drive this plow against the fluid front, creating a wave off center and all will be well because..."
mircea_popescu: oh right right, i guess im ruined in fetlife (bdsm ?) because they banned some random people just in case we were connected. lolk.
mircea_popescu reads tpbit thing, is unimpressed. oh you mean people wanna blather about nothing rather than do work because a) it's easier and b) they don't wanna do anything anyway, they just wanna appear so and so ? mmmkay.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform just because he's richer than you doesn't automatically make him not poor you know :D
mircea_popescu: "we don't poorly collect because intentionally, it's just hard to do!!1"
mircea_popescu: "i'm not fat because i want to, it's just my genes"
mircea_popescu: well obviously it's a trick question. in pastoral communities/other situations where the land is well under carrying capacity, the young man pays, because the old folk could have just drunk and made merry, but instead they put the effort into raising the filly / rose garden / whatever the dude's gonna enjoy. so they should get something for their trouble.
mircea_popescu: binaryatrocity it's not that simple. that's just a symptom. keybase is bad because is made by the enemy, to suit the agenda of the enemy. the compromise key is just a symptom of this fundamental allignment with evil.
mircea_popescu: because if it weren't... think for just a minute how horrible life were if in point of fact we were imortal.
mircea_popescu: try this, do something meaningless, pointless and "wasteful" or at any rate against their internalized normas. it'll give them dry fucking heaves, omfg you're leaving a 50 watt light on, or the water running just because ? headexplody.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski im not so sure of the entire moulding thing. i think i met more competent dogs than competent humans in my life, mostly because the bar so much lower for dog. and it's self-moulding really, just as long as you don't get in th way too much.
mircea_popescu: i keep wondering reading that if it's just you know, me lolzing because insider jokes and it's really more like lolsnort,
mircea_popescu: let's shake everyone that passes through a street because hey, we can't just shoot whosoever speeds and kills a kid or whatever.
mircea_popescu: yeah, because you're just the guy to program capacitors.
mircea_popescu: so 1) eulora is a computer game. this makes it software, yes, but because it is not actually trying to solve a problem/set of problems but to CREATE a set of problems (which is the very nature of games, after all - the people running 100m aren't in a hurry and the people doing relay aren't actually you know, passing important messages in that stick or w/e, it's just makework for the enjoyment of the process) it has to
mircea_popescu: because who the fuck knows just how weird things are.
mircea_popescu: in fact anyone even survived to tell the story because these derps allowed it. could just as well have executed the entire bunch.
mircea_popescu: i conflated because it seems to me you're generally just post-dating any event that happened to "cia's will"
mircea_popescu: the reason she's so good is because she puts no work into it whatsoever. just absorbs the bull with minimal friction.
mircea_popescu: recommended reading for asciilifeform just because i know he's a livresque masochist.
mircea_popescu: because he might just as well run the jail like his own personal whorehouse.
mircea_popescu: will happen because things can't just go to waste (in fiction - nevermind that in reality 99% of everything exists as waste and that includes his entire existence)
mircea_popescu: or else he can not make them, just found some meteor, in which case he has no business being a seller. because nobody may sell what he can't make.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-09-2015#1273646 << algebra is easily the hardest part. not even just because the notion of number is easily the most complex abstraction we've invented to date. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: anton_osika just, irl, because irl is dedicated to the survival of the least fit, if you lose your id there's a mechanism to get another one.
mircea_popescu: because rather than paying dues where they are due, how about we just steal their history and pretend it's this guy's instead. he's cheaper)
mircea_popescu: they do not need to talk back just because they walk.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-09-2015#1261703 <<this never worked for me. because i don't just read, i have a tree of activites. it's not even a tree, its a graph, with cycles. line in log leads to documentation or to article writing half the time. and tablets are unusable for any purpose other than tv ☝︎
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> and just about everybody, right, left, center, happily buying in. << i'm buying in because i do not believe local resistence is a good idea. the whole thing should burn, and pockets of sanity just make the burn last longer and hurt more. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: don't credit newspapers just because they're newspapers when you know in your own field what a shitfest they are ; don't expect the laws etc are anythig but badly written, poorly maintained code full of holes. as reverse-engineerable as anything else.
mircea_popescu: the nsa approach to software issues is not "how can we fix this" but "how can we pretend this is fixed while really we can just keep it in sleeve for later because you never know". fnargl through and through. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "I told him not to worry about it, because so long as he built something good enough to spread by word of mouth, he'd have a hyperlinear growth curve. If he was bad at extracting money from people, at worst this curve would be some constant multiple less than 1 of what it might have been. But a constant multiple of any curve is exactly the same shape. The numbers on the Y axis are smaller, but the curve is just as stee
mircea_popescu: but just because english makes a mess of vocative case / demonstrative pronoun / possesives etc doesn't mean much.
mircea_popescu: but hey, we're also the only ones to want to have the P, because everyone else just needs summaries and narratives.
mircea_popescu: (and yet he should be - in practical terms a population that spends x on sheltering women and x on sheltering men will fare ~35% worse than a population that just spends 2x on sheltering men. because women are for many reasos much much harider)
mircea_popescu: "This will quickly change if you are one of us." << heh, check it out, dude wants slaves an' doesn't even know it. because a) slavery is not a thing in the us, right, the idea just came to him out of nowhere, not out of watching the sv muppets and making the next teeeny tinsy incremental stop and b) it's a really fucking great idea to go slave for a dude that doesn't even know that's what it is. 2nd best after going fo
mircea_popescu: ascii_field i dun see it, just because you ex post facto define that agenda (as do they) doesn't mean it;'s anything
mircea_popescu: because srsly, trilema paid content thing "is just not done"