600+ entries in 0.283s
Mocky: my log reading suggests that asciilifeform has a massive workbench with projects in progress: e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-09#1401016 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: moreover, i'm a great supported of incremental progress.
asciilifeform: Mocky: hardware is in an ever more dire state, than before, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806757 , 0 progress afaik anywhere at all on the http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-30#1806521 front ☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: look up its history sometime, it's instructively amusing. (no, "progress" and "change" and blablabla avatars of rooseveltian socialism aren't in any sense NOVEL. they're fucking ancient, reversion to pre-literate society.)
a111: Logged on 2018-05-16 13:35 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814192 << definitely not 28. unless a separate fg-less unit is built, then can hold 32 . and yes i have a cad drawing in progress, so as to work like men rather than monkeys in africa
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814192 << definitely not 28. unless a separate fg-less unit is built, then can hold 32 . and yes i have a cad drawing in progress, so as to work like men rather than monkeys in africa ☝︎☟︎
ben_vulpes: mk, makin some progress on the pizarro accounting/assettracking db
douchebag: like I said, not complete yet - but it is in progress
pete_dushenski: just finished reading "NYT #1" (aren't they all) book by yuval harari - homo deus - in which this ~historian~ goes on and on about ai taking ur jerbs, magick biotech pills that will turn us into supermen, and other technodystopianist nonsense. had dude shut up after first 2/3rds of the book and stuck with the history of human technological progress
mircea_popescu: hey, what other driver of progress, in republic as empire alike, can there even be.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> mod6, that's actually... exactly the opposite of what i said! << I've got ya. I'm just gonna stay on this rawtx stuffs, I'm making ok progress atm.
phf: mircea_popescu: well, we have examples of diana_coman etc. who manages to do republican work while "raising a baby and having a day time job". presumably this shit can somehow be scheduled and managed better, i.e. the fact that those things even need to be communicated is an organizational failure. some progress could be made.
mircea_popescu: hanbot, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-09#1794613 << did this ever progress past hack afayk ? ☝︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-24#1805075 << i did a first pass on the spec over the weekend, but haven't had time to formulate my thoughts. it looks like enough to do a prototype short of three things: handshake process is still work in progress, i noticed that it's missing type of data descriptor values for 4.3.2 (there's a list of data types, but not the values that indicate which type it is), and there's no format description for the encapsulated f ☝︎
mircea_popescu: this is precisely the "crypto progress" of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1800039 ; and everything else. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo, you soy esperando una / espero una. no por and verbs change in spanish! << Finger speed conjugation is still a work in progress. The locals feed me bad grammar habits the Venezolana has to correct. The accent however is servicable. Alf can elaborate when he has report time.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:28 ascii_lander: re python, possibly trinque made progress re a depython3ificated portage?
ascii_lander: re python, possibly trinque made progress re a depython3ificated portage? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: no, actually. it's the benchmark used to evaluate the earthly progress by the extraterrestrial intelligence in charge of the petri dish.
davout: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795629, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-10#1795631 currently in progress ☝︎☝︎
asciilifeform: and afaik nobody's made any progress re subj since john von n.
mircea_popescu: but it certainly puts some cold water on any progressive verbiage. "the people" of today are EXACTLY as smart as the people of forever. euclids, eulers, etceteras come and go, but the problems of reality REMAIN, and remain identically the same, irrespective of the "progress" at the top of the representational hierarchy. what does it help anyone or anything that i sit here and express this in context informed by a three to fiv
asciilifeform: usb3ization test of 'rockchip' in progress, incidentally.
BingoBoingo: Work In Progress
mircea_popescu: progress.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-2-14#303288 << pantsuit progress, today as in stardate whatever.
mircea_popescu: anyway. if there ever is to be any progress, boston is to be cleaved from its support structures.
mircea_popescu: it's the pantsuit gift of "progress", tends to soak up about 60% of the living life to do nothing at all. much like their tax system.
asciilifeform: '3g' ('modern' 'progress' telco protocol) , apparently, eats less spectrum. therefore moar +ev.
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-14#1783763 << The details are in progress. We're first trying to simply keep the lights on. ☝︎
asciilifeform: mod6: there is not some private segment that was not shown ( aside from sept.-dec. exchanges where asciilifeform was directed to obtain $iron, reported on progress, all the way to 'dulap-III ready for installation' )
asciilifeform: 'The alteration of the table is currently in progress. As it is a huge table, it might take some hours to finish' << gotta wonder what is 'huge' here
mp_en_viaje: yes i know, but what'd you have me call the refusal of post 1989 "progress" ?
a111: Logged on 2017-11-12 23:00 spyked: hi! sorry for the radio silence. I've been working myself out of various irl swamps lately (still in progress). following in read-only mode though.
caaddr: sure, but I'm just lamenting the negative differential of the progress curve. what are the big discoveries since 1990?
mircea_popescu: no-binary mp-wp is a major fucking progress ; and if we set the groundwork for eventual complete rejection of all binary formats, image and then video, holy hell we got it.
mircea_popescu: (but it is in some areas a progress -- for instance it has no concept of lines! all http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-06#1765765 ) ☝︎
spyked: thanks shinohai. :D the plan is to (at the very least) periodically share items of republican interest that I'm working on (e.g. ada lisp). progress has been very slow so far, but it's picking up
asciilifeform: 'Full rubber tyres, no inflation at all. Yes, exactly like in the toy items we had as children. Progress, you see,' << this is coming. possibly already deployed on 'upscale' americars.
mircea_popescu: and godefroy says, "look at you, fool, you had your own sovereign crown (hugh was an earl, at the time this was sovereign) but had to come here and became a slave for it, and now try to sell me on it as if it were some great progress ?"
mircea_popescu: improvements! reform! PROGRESS!
mod6: It's a work in progress. :]
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> mod6 you realise this, your original v actually worked out in practice as major pivot improving v significantly from notion to item. << thanks. it's been great to see it come to life. it's a work in progress :]
esthlos: phf: a little birdie told me you are working on a diff replacement. have you made significant progress?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-26#1758788 >> 'The founder also promised that in addition to the common practice of crediting BTC holders with equivalent balances of the new coin (B2X), they would also receive “a proportional number of Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoins as a reward for their commitment to progress.”' << lol!! ☝︎
BigTexasBingo: Also, congratulations on the acceleration progress
blazeme8: man is born without an identity, how can one progress?
phf: unmodified Linux kernel (has made zero progress on this front in the
mircea_popescu: the order IS log^6, which was the great progress, originally it was log^12
mircea_popescu: in exactly typical socialist fashion, the fucktards have been selling off this item not belonging to them, "technological progress", repainted as "hey, new iphone came out!! it's cheaper and shittier and works less!!!"
mircea_popescu: night hall inherited from his granpa with modern teracotta item. THAT was progress, and the knights applauded, and felt proud to fight and die for such a greatly SUPERIOR homeland, as represented by their lords castle, as communicated to them by their god damned STOVE. and by, to quote period, "wer kriegt so prompt wie der preusse sein traktament!"
mircea_popescu: but, it is very important to revisit and underline ye olde mazarin point ( ie http://trilema.com/2014/modern-medicine-and-the-benefits-of-democracy/ ) : there is constant technological progress, in the PROPER sense (ie, NOT for plebels, but for lords AND FOR LORDS ONLY) going from 700ad to 1700ad. THIS, and THIS ONLY is what gave "technological progress" its good name -- when the lord changed ye olde fireplace in the common k
mircea_popescu: the propagandistic aim of the film is to propose that the agent of this dissolution was the ethnic jew. which... well, it's a dubious point like all truths of propaganda. but the thing it DISTRACTS from is that... without women market there's no modernity, which is to say no "progress" or steam engine. a point poorly diggested by the councilmen of the peasantry,
a111: Logged on 2017-08-06 16:51 mircea_popescu: (this point, in either "intern can progress" or "sit in forum and access meaning" presentation, is the fundamental mechanism of both "rounders" and that "poolhall junkies" cheapo rehack of it : that the dude playing can decide the girl's future, a degree of magnitude above her own capacity. take that away -- it's not worth doing. and you sure as fuck ain't meeting the head of ny law firm socially, and play $X with him so he g
mircea_popescu: the part where they thing ~this is okay~ though, is the problem. peasant of today, polyester, peasant of 1800, linen, then when usg says "progress" they all stand up and clap like trained seals.
asciilifeform: 'And that party will be awesome. It will contain real people. It will have cheese dip. And premium gouda. And tasty Hostess treats. Yes, even Chocodiles. And people with actual souls. People with consciousness. From Socrates to Billy Ocean. The collective progress of Humankind. Of which you are no longer a member. Sorry, toad pimple. You forever vanquished your right to lay claim to the progression narrative of the human race.'
BingoBoingo to sober time, will likely blog update progress upon return
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741576 << this being, of course, why the "no updates" thing is such a thorn in the side of the fiatist mind. if we DID updates, (NO MATTER WHICH!!!! even if we only did the reasonable ones!) then there'd be the sort of ~continuity~ that's the paramount ingredient in socialist reconstructions of the world, whereby "progress" and "i can't understand what those women of like... more than 20 yea ☝︎
asciilifeform: 'We will be publishing a diversity audit of Make: as a company and our properties, and will be setting goals to drive progress on these issues' << самокритика !1111
mircea_popescu: phase 2, when you write code. this is the excited state, "fuck this shit ima bang something out". it's like prototyping, not even clear whether something comes of it after all. many excited discussions here fail to progress past 1, "oh, I SEE what you meant!" is often their death knell.
mircea_popescu: that's the great "progress" of agriculture : the shepherd's sheep were replaced by bypedal farmers.
mircea_popescu: idiots making progress forward can only be possibly used for oven stoking.
mircea_popescu: (there's a reason imperials have that problem -- it's called "technological progress".)
spyked: hi! sorry for the radio silence. I've been working myself out of various irl swamps lately (still in progress). following in read-only mode though. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732693 << the danielpbarron eulora thing is intended as work-in-progress os basis for eulora (the mmorpg). it is not specifically secure yet ; it is however cleanner, in that less spurious / unnecessary / unknown or incomprejhensioble stuff included. ☝︎
mod6: so, that's what I'm spending time on now anyway. and, making good progress in a short amount of time. however, ya, many gaps i msure.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-06 22:38 mod6: glad to hear the progress. (im still reviewing barrett in Handbook of Applied Cryptpgraphy 14.3.3 & 14.3.4)
mod6: glad to hear the progress. (im still reviewing barrett in Handbook of Applied Cryptpgraphy 14.3.3 & 14.3.4) ☟︎
asciilifeform: '... Thus it should also be possible to construct, for example, a chaos-battery. Such work is in progress. '
mircea_popescu: anyway, the important point here being that the "progress" is actually a withdrawal ; from alhpabet to hieroglyphics, from christos to jesus, everywhere the sweet scent of senescent decay.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-27 22:46 BingoBoingo: davout: I'm wondering if an progress was made finding Francophone datacenters outside France, preferaby in the heart of the dark continent
BingoBoingo: davout: I'm wondering if an progress was made finding Francophone datacenters outside France, preferaby in the heart of the dark continent ☟︎
trinque: ^ migration in progress.
mircea_popescu: "it's ok, science will progress so fast nobody will ever wear shoes again!!!". yeah, i'm sure. and then it'll "progress" even faster than that huh.
mircea_popescu: ws that 2. everyone is perfect in every way (called "special" in-universe) ; meanwhile 3. because progress and pangloss' best possible world, all historical characters are definitionaly LESS than the present troop of ruminants (and see also the inflation delusion, as well discussed for instance in http://trilema.com/2017/the-day-of-failure-trilemma/#comment-122822 ) from which together it then follows and from this in turn it
mircea_popescu: ^ up-and-left = progress.
a111: 685 results for "progress", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=progress
mircea_popescu: !#s progress
PeterL: just thought you might be interested in seeing the progress
asciilifeform: 'There is no will to work on hard problems, which is why technological progress is slowing down and immense resources are wasted on succulent turds like modern “artificial intelligence.” Take non-equilibrium statistical physics, my thesis topic of choice. Working on it is probably an academic death sentence because it is not sexy and because it is very challenging to produce sexually arousing bullshit inspired by it. However it i
mike_c: progress
a111: Logged on 2017-09-05 06:09 mircea_popescu: all the progress in terms of "BCI" has been shittier keyboards and latency in the machine. noty.
mircea_popescu: all the progress in terms of "BCI" has been shittier keyboards and latency in the machine. noty. ☟︎
asciilifeform: 12:33 < TMA> eb3c90: for all I know, any progress (or even any "progress") so far was made by increasing cooperation -- i.e. reducing autonomy
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-02#1710390 <-- aha, "agile". let alone version numbers, the breaking changes they introduce from one version to another seems to grow exponentially. progress! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: this is the problem, with pantsuit as prb alike : they lack the capacity to influence reality. at any point, arbitrarily long chain of "progress", unwound at 0 cost.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-01#1708973 << no. some non-people are trained as part of their non-people training at the hands of old women to a. never show their cunt in public b. run away whenever specific sounds are heard (1. sirens, 2. "freeze", 3. "nigger", 4. numbers and math, 5. etcetera). this is how old women build "a society" which looks exactly like fucking john gast's "american progress", a "painting" made by tele ☝︎
kanzure: on a totally unrelated note i promise, what exactly is your progress towards nuking california
mircea_popescu: would having more money at your disposal put an inflationary pressure on bounty levels ? ie, for "same work" (admitting for a moment there's such a thing as work-needed scalar) more money ? conversely, encountering headwinds/making little progress over time/decelerating would deflate bounties ?
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 19:14 phf: jack daniel or whatever his name (ECL guy, who's working on CLIM) made actual progress on the codebase (though some percent of it is wracker work) despite and since being condemned by g_l. i'm not quite sure what g_l did meanwhile..
phf: he (and just a few more bounty people) are slowly making it through mcclim bugs, while at the same time introducing questionable things. here's a random example that came up while i was googling his name, https://common-lisp.net/project/mcclim/posts/Progress-report-8.html
asciilifeform: phf: elaborate plox what means 'actual progress.... though some percent of it wrecker'
phf: jack daniel or whatever his name (ECL guy, who's working on CLIM) made actual progress on the codebase (though some percent of it is wracker work) despite and since being condemned by g_l. i'm not quite sure what g_l did meanwhile.. ☟︎
kanzure: ETF progress https://www.bna.com/sec-waits-sidelines-n73014463791/
asciilifeform: lk about Bitcoin. We had many informal discussions amongst ourselves about topics such as mining decentralization, evolution of the Bitcoin protocol, safety improvements and progress for both soft- and hard-forks...' didjaknow!!
kanzure: could be anywhere from zero to a lot of effort, if they made no progress. but they might also be idiots.
kanzure: "or at least, I think discipline is more correlated than effort. You can work _very_ hard at something and make no progress because your efforts are not directed."
kanzure: yes there are many tools that are necessary to make progress, such as order-of-magnitude cheaper dna assembly and synthesis technologies.
kanzure: asciilifeform: i have someone else working on a very similar project these days. it's in progress.
mircea_popescu: o btw asciilifeform any progress re the matchstick pattern game ?