mod6: <+asciilifeform> y'know, with all them others. << haha
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> and yes, obviously this arrangement is a perfect match for the usg / its fiat-statist allies in south korea etcetera. because that's exactly what the socialist state proposition is, "we'll be bleeding for as long as we live and attempt to kill everyone before the air runs out". << But, bleeding is a feminist value!
☟︎ jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 4250.99, vol: 25225.45718875 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 4249.0, vol: 68533.00117864 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 3765.075843, vol: 40267.39950000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 4352.9, vol: 8520.99019516 | Volume-weighted last average: 4118.86146612
BingoBoingo: "BIS 3523 Advanced Languages I BIS 4523/6523 Business Programming with COBOL" >> COBOL Class Phuctored
mod6: <+asciilifeform> today's surprise for asciilifeform : shitware 'linuxes' that SHIPPED WITHOUT SSHD << yea, smh
mod6: this started about a hear ago where i think they just figured "if we don't ship with ssh, then they'll just go back to using rlogin"
mod6: i feel like it wasn't that long ago that I had to start doing the apt-get install sshd thing on boxen
mod6: maybe you're right tho
mod6: anyway, yes, kill them with fire.
mod6: im looking forward to TMSR~s own cuntoo.
mircea_popescu: andhere i'd have thought ~today's~ ehader is shinohai 's favourite.\
shinohai: Well. it's up there on the top 10 for sure.
mod6: ada vtron being built
mod6: got a long way to go yet, but got the wot part done lastnight.
mod6: no heap, arrays only, etc.
mod6: have to use Interfaces.C to exec gpg and things. which, I don't love. but eventually, will need to be rebuilt to work with 'p'.
mod6: it serves multiple purposes; a more readable 'v' (perhaps even faster/better?), a project for me to gain proficiency in ada. etc.
mod6: it has been a bit slow-going, but the last week or so, things are starting to click for me -- at least, a little bit. long way to go though. we'll see.
mircea_popescu: kinda how you win, make things that fit into multiple joints.
mircea_popescu: buncha broadleaf weeds trying desperately to shade everyone else.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-09 02:10 asciilifeform: 'Bitcoin, one of the oldest and most established cryptocurrencies' << loL!!
mircea_popescu: and before you laugh : this is EXACTLY what they are thinking, it's not a joke, it's a statement of fact. 1. everyone has "the human right" of being here in the first place, and being free of any "rape" such as being insufficient for anything, or in any way inadequate, including being untalented, obese, you name it. 2. from the indemnity againast any inconvenience or shortcoming (called "negativity" in-universe) it then follo
mircea_popescu: ws that 2. everyone is perfect in every way (called "special" in-universe) ; meanwhile 3. because progress and pangloss' best possible world, all historical characters are definitionaly LESS than the present troop of ruminants (and see also the inflation delusion, as well discussed for instance in ) from which together it then follows and from this in turn it
mircea_popescu: then follows that, literally, shakespeare is one of the older and more established audre lordes.
mircea_popescu: now, why the fuck do you call them hillary and dress them in pantsuits is anyone's guess. but the fact remains -- socialism works. for barefoot & pregnant women, it actually works ideally well.
mircea_popescu: they live in fargo, they go "mmm-hhhhmmmm", they shop at walmart where everyone=everyone=customer and so following. what do you mean nobody asked them anything and what is asking ? they've seen a filmusical once with susan sarandon and "that mobster guy" and it was all about stupid cunts. there's more ?
a111: Logged on 2017-09-09 04:40 BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> and yes, obviously this arrangement is a perfect match for the usg / its fiat-statist allies in south korea etcetera. because that's exactly what the socialist state proposition is, "we'll be bleeding for as long as we live and attempt to kill everyone before the air runs out". << But, bleeding is a feminist value!
mod6: not a bad post, actually.
mircea_popescu: yeah. the icecream fascism thing isn't terrible either.
mod6: real men s/write/read/ code, however.
mod6: ahaha. fair enough.
mircea_popescu: recent post of his, applying the "switch words around" mp method to some chomsky discussion of anarchism.