500+ entries in 0.251s

dorion: if you've made
progress on the selecting and organizing into a source tree, why not be satisfied with publishing that and getting feedback ?
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Thank you. I've been making
progress fitting more of the tools in my hand and building with them. diana_coman is working me on how to plan, re-examining my relationship with time and how I budget it, and grounding myself in practicality. I've surrendered to diana_coman's mastery and the breaches in my head aren't completely closed yet, but I'm surrendered and working her program.
jfw: mod6: glad to see
progress on the keccak tree. I intend to take a look at the patches and try a build, might not be for a while though. What I'm not seeing though: what is the status of asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks, mod6_excise_hash_truncation, asciilifeform_whogaveblox and mod6_phexdigit_fix ?
mircea_popescu: stop putting yourself in the way of
progress, the only thing you'll get out of it is your own mangled body.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-28 02:22:16 mircea_popescu: so listen... while you were away there's been a lot of
progress ongoing in the republic, these guys now have blogs and stick to publishing planning schedules and such wunderbar alien techs. you gonna catch up with the group ?
mircea_popescu: so listen... while you were away there's been a lot of
progress ongoing in the republic, these guys now have blogs and stick to publishing planning schedules and such wunderbar alien techs. you gonna catch up with the group ?
mircea_popescu: i don't really know anyone who both a) is technically literate and b) thinks post 2015 intel chips are actually worth money, as it happens. a situation eerily reminiscent of every other socialism's
progress, late sovok folk similarily didn't think late sovok artefacts worth deploying.
mod6: I'll wait a bit to see how things
progress on that matter, and if all good, maybe will have bv just send the box directly there. Would save me a bunch of shipping fees.
mp_en_viaje: fucking hogwash, of "a rake's
progress" and "marriage a la mode" fame.
mp_en_viaje: this neatly doubles the "
great progress of ourdemocracy -- life expectancy". if you inflation-fudge the data to include babies, you get the numbers you want ; but if you don't you end up with much better everything, by letting most kids die rather than carrying them on the books pointelliottly.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-30 15:34:08 asciilifeform: mod6: talk with lobbes , he seems to have made
progress escaping his.
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: the problem is that it fails to add the 1 there i.e. this resolves correctly: younghands.club/2019/07/28/week-2-
mp_en_viaje: amusingly, this is EXACTLY how it worked, back when the spanish first came. then the ustards had to fuck everything up, with "
a111: Logged on 2019-06-22 06:45 mp_en_viaje: leaving aside how a rate of
progress of 0 items / week for week after week after livelong week puts extremely low demands on my time and attention -- far, far from requiring it be a central locus of my focus, republican 2019 as seen so far would have worked just as well if i gave it an hour biweekly, and i don't mean twice a week, i mean every other week -- there's just no need to keep the engine running on big brutus for the "j
a111: Logged on 2019-07-19 05:50 mp_en_viaje:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923456 << yes but trb was last worked upon i dun even recall, 2015 ? when we decided we have to fix everything else first. in between then and now, medical science made some
progress mircea_popescu to bed. but ima try to be on tomorro (tho prolly on the viaje nick) because it seems to me there's two different layers of unhapiness preventing cuntoo from making meaningful
progress, neither of which properly gotten to the bottom of.
mod6: I still consider them "in-
progress", but will forward what I have along to you here by Monday. (I wanted to get these ones built before the trb one - which I'm just starting on now.)
a111: Logged on 2019-06-22 06:47 mp_en_viaje: we have no workable bitcoin nor any sort or kind of measurable
progress towards one ; we have no working os, and not only is there no
progress towards one but as best as i can discern the situation's rather turning in the direction of "buried in concrete" ; we eminently do not have any sort of meat acquisition system going, while pizarro can't get customers and all dpb can be bothered to do is ~USE IT~ to try and get meat for th
mp_en_viaje: we have no workable bitcoin nor any sort or kind of measurable
progress towards one ; we have no working os, and not only is there no
progress towards one but as best as i can discern the situation's rather turning in the direction of "buried in concrete" ; we eminently do not have any sort of meat acquisition system going, while pizarro can't get customers and all dpb can be bothered to do is ~USE IT~ to try and get meat for th
☟︎ mp_en_viaje: leaving aside how a rate of
progress of 0 items / week for week after week after livelong week puts extremely low demands on my time and attention -- far, far from requiring it be a central locus of my focus, republican 2019 as seen so far would have worked just as well if i gave it an hour biweekly, and i don't mean twice a week, i mean every other week -- there's just no need to keep the engine running on big brutus for the "j
☟︎ mircea_popescu: so i brought back screen to manage the term sessions for these idiots. THIS is the sense of
progress : from 10.04 to 18.04, they lost terminal management, i'm back to screen. i didn't actually use it in 10.04
diana_coman: well, the "
progress" from olive oil to sunflower oil to soya oil and so on; quite similar there too, indeed.
mircea_popescu: leaving aside how they didn't even have the fucking decency to 2020, they're that mememe narcissistic -- so it goes from killing to chasing to jacking off ? such
progress redolent of decay!
diana_coman: except what is achievable is always a matter of what one can+has to pay for the achievement rather than the "worth" of the achievement so that worth 50 points total sounds dubious; sure, you can make
progress in any direction you choose but that's about it
diana_coman files this under the "I don't yet know what it is; work in
mod6: I've taken notes, I'll write up something on my blog as soon as I can. Just wanted to share the
progress here. Obv. bunch more testing, etc.
mircea_popescu: ustardian optimism, instead of hanging the retards they construct them terrariums, where 20somethings can play at being nine, and perhaps before the decade's out
progress to being 10 yo.
mp_en_viaje: every place you live in will require someone to mop and broom and go behind the toilet on her bare hands and knees, are you currently hiring someone to do this or are you just pretending it no longer is something that has to be done because "
progress" in "modern democracy" ?
mircea_popescu: apparently, german science made
progress between late 90s and mid 2000s, fixed problem.
mircea_popescu: and, lest the "women's rights an' freedoms" morons get irritated -- no, the "not anymore" re marriage and the outlay above is not some kind of "
progress". it is the simple economical result of the value of new children reaching ~0 and the probability of success also reaching ~0 : thus
bvt: asciilifeform: they claim that it is work-in-
progress, but in fact c compiler that manages to compile tcc may be less then 10% of required work.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> right ? and WHAT THE FUCK do they put IN THE PLACE, physical as well as financial, thus saved ? same thing women put in the place where "floor washing on hands and knees" and "bake cake" used to go, ie subhuman africanisms ? oh, but tyvm, this
progress is so very fecal./ << What they put in the place are a bunch of storefront kiosks each selling a particular wireless carrier's products.
mircea_popescu: right ? and WHAT THE FUCK do they put IN THE PLACE, physical as well as financial, thus saved ? same thing women put in the place where "floor washing on hands and knees" and "bake cake" used to go, ie subhuman africanisms ? oh, but tyvm, this
progress is so very fecal./
trinque: any chance of mechanically ripping the source out for anything set to "N", or did
progress shit all over any hope
a111: Logged on 2019-02-04 22:12 mircea_popescu: equiring more perl -- the perl programmer who veers off the road into the forest will get out of his car and cut down each and every tree that blocks his
progress, then drive a few meters and repeat the whole process. whether he gets where he wanted to go or not is immaterial -- a perl programmer will happily keep moving forward and look busy. getting a perl programmer back on the road is a managerial responsibility, and it
verisimilitude: Sure; even though it's only a thought I've made little
progress towards at the moment, care for a light description of how I'd do it for a Common Lisp?
mircea_popescu: equiring more perl -- the perl programmer who veers off the road into the forest will get out of his car and cut down each and every tree that blocks his
progress, then drive a few meters and repeat the whole process. whether he gets where he wanted to go or not is immaterial -- a perl programmer will happily keep moving forward and look busy. getting a perl programmer back on the road is a managerial responsibility, and it
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-01-15 00:30 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in darkest lulzafrica, 'Today we’re happy to announce that Urbit’s address space, now called Azimuth, is live on the Ethereum blockchain... We want Urbit to be a reliable, durable, permanent computer that’s simple to use. Today Urbit is still a prototype, not a consumer product. But we’re making great
mircea_popescu: it's not merely that he can't "
progress" in "levels" such that empire gives him an exception.
Mocky: It's coming along, I'm toughening up. I have a couple dozen new recruiter emails this morning and I only want vodka before I start answering and not hollow point so
zx2c4: I agree with you in spirit -- I think learning details of a proof enough that you have all of it in your head is a good pedagogical approach and gives you more mathematical agility as you
progress forward. I just don't know about the ontological statement regarding the proof's validity
mircea_popescu: good fucking thing these morons "
progress&civil rights for women". because totally, living in a concrete box @"the beautiful" as a sex slave so much beats being a 1950s housewife
mircea_popescu: these two sum to ~99.99999% of "modern
progress and democracy"
mod6: I have the hunger to do much. But I fear that I've bitten off more than I can chew -- especially with things that are not in my wheelhouse that really take-away time, or slow down other
progress. This being accounting things, or other management stuff.
shinohai: Heya asciilifeform ... built trb w/ your aggressive_pushgetblocks.vpatch so tests/observations in
progress mircea_popescu: <billymg> trinque: update on
progress: after several nights of heavy drinking i managed to also catch a cold. <<< bwahahah ok this was pretty lulzy.
billymg: trinque: update on
progress: after several nights of heavy drinking i managed to also catch a cold. working on mp-wp setup this afternoon (at reduced capacity) and was able to press and get it to trinque: eh this is no reason to completely halt trb
progress meanwhile
mod6: overall, sounds like you're making decent
progress tho
trinque has scripts in
progress to flatten the profile tree into a single profile, where it can be inspected and therefore judged.
mircea_popescu: stage 2 : the french grasp that the end of feudalism is not "
progress", but literal "the end", proceed to huge party called napoleon ; the brits copy them some half century later, except their idea of a party is victorian england
jurov: And yes, it's reverse cache problem. The move is in
progress but this week i was mostly afk, will continue on it first thing today.
mircea_popescu: there's like three intermediate states,
progress by degrees.
mircea_popescu: anyway, it's altogether doubtful that this naive model of imperial "
progress" ever applied to software. i don't expect lcients to become ever better over time.
mircea_popescu: "
progress" renders all evaluation meaningless as a prerequisite.
mircea_popescu: rather the problem is that you can't have "
progress" and responsible credit. gotta pick one.
mircea_popescu: "da fuck ? you told me warm ?!" "yes well... that was then. what, you think medical science made no
progress in the interval ?"
mircea_popescu: hey, gotta account for technological
progress since 2014.
hanbot: fwiw, i recall seeing sales
progress reports from lobbes in #pizarro multiple times
mircea_popescu: myeah. and maybe the discussion is both a little premature and a little touching raw nerve ; but nevertheless the
progress on packaging, first ave1 with musl, coming up trinque cuntoo, etc etc WILL lead to it.
mircea_popescu: and "englightment", "
progress", "future", the whole enchilada.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-15#1825808 << slow
progress, snake soldered but untested. i realized last night that i don't have any linux devices, and was too tired to figure out how to do usb-serial/../new_id equivalent on a bsd.
☝︎ phf: asciilifeform: hey, have you had further
progress with the chromebook? i'm thinking of replacing my x60 with it, or rather i want to try a portable cuntoo install, without nuking existing setup