mircea_popescu: and which also illuminates the indictment of xtianity as a fundamentally female worldview, and all the rest of
http://trilema.com/2017/and-dont-go-around-upgrading-the-testaments-either/ : by the time they invent a "son" of god so that "You don't follow for a very simple reason : these men are screwballs. God has children ? What, and a dog ? A collie, maybe ? God doesn't have children. He's a bachelor. And very angry!" "He us
mircea_popescu: ed to be angry." "What, he got over it ?" (
http://trilema.com/2016/hail-cesar/#selection-53.0-52.9 ), which "son" then has to come up with inane bullshit like "look at the birds and the bees -- they're not hunters, nor do their sow or reap, their existence is flatly meaningless, so could you live in the perfect womb of jonah's whale whose name is stupidity" or if you prefer the direct quote, "want to live darkly and richly i
douchebag: asciilifeform: What sort of security company?
☟︎ douchebag: I know loads of people in the InfoSec field, and for the most part they're all well off
douchebag: For fucks sake, I know a 17 year old who has made $70k this year alone
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-05-22 23:09 douchebag: I just want to have a job that I can enjoy doing. The reason I don't enjoy my current job is because it doesn't require any critical thinking, and in fact is discourages it. I would have a great time hacking companies and telling them how to fix their security.
douchebag: mircea_popescu: Just curious, what problems do you see in my train of thought in regards to an InfoSec career?
mircea_popescu: specifically that your expectation that the solution to the " it doesn't require any critical thinking, and in fact is discourages it" problem being "change the job" is about as naive as thinking the solution to "there's no deeper connection" is "change hooker".
mircea_popescu: but i also do not see anything fundamentally wrong with you holding this view until changed a few hookers.
douchebag: Well, I've spoken to management about this and they basically told me that they aren't willing to do anything to actually help the customers and just want to sell our service
douchebag: Not to mention, I'm only making $35k/yr and I work 60 hours a week
☟︎ douchebag: It's really easy to think I need a job change, when I made more in 30 minutes of bug bounty hunting last week than I do in three weeks from my current job after tax
mircea_popescu: hey, looky, i'm not saying you can't do better for yourself with a few simple tweaks, without requiring revolutionary, massive changes.
mircea_popescu: moreover, i'm a great supported of incremental progress.
douchebag: I'm at the point right now, where I feel like if someone offered me $700/week to do any InfoSec work that I'm qualified to do - I would quit this job and take it in two seconds flat.
douchebag: Everyone at this job just works there because they know that it will never require more out of them but to run an installer and configure this specific software for the customer.
douchebag: I don't work well with these type of people
douchebag: Hell, I would even be more willing to get paid less as long as I knew it wasn't going to be the same shit, everyday, with no signs of ever improving
mircea_popescu: the correct approach is to a) build yourself a nest egg and b) start up.
douchebag: Could you elaborate on a) build yourself a nest egg?
a111: Logged on 2018-05-04 03:13 mircea_popescu: tell you what : do trinque's thing ; then do the ssh/ssl thing ; then we can talk about you running this thing exactly like pizarro is run, why the hell not.
mircea_popescu: douchebag, it helps immensely to have a pile of money lying about. you never know what you have to pay for ; and you don't want to have to take a job.
douchebag: I only got the job I'm working at right now because I need to do something so that I can move
douchebag: mircea_popescu: So for the ssh/ssl thing
douchebag: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCnGPcqozjoIC989MI+KKzeWIhGupgUQlbhHp0rXlAmvRHUIJHFqmcIPA9wW6Q46mOg7EdS27H/9qgREFbZOqf8CAcVMUWyJ4AhFCTcmt0uv0ETVWwqT1/puJ92/qK6ycpzR0xWeUTsQwXEemMQsR8f4fA9OiH8rIAXV2zesQbg4sijeadcK3a3FEwyowU1WsqYqOxpK2HDl7vAiOu5RXI2Ed6Bmmt/z+9S4SdNBdrGwK1VT886HERQOlaIWy0dh1u8O9g8zmhUiNwhOw7HsmvmuFp39tKQw1hnAXd6JrU4qrklOgV2lFQLcLMSRKHWRj1nuHiJ/QNK2Mud3WwWnD5R
douchebag: I would just be grabbing that and loading it into phuctor, correct?
douchebag: MIIBCgKCAQEApxj3KqM46CAvfPTCPiis3liIRrqYFEJW4R6dK15QJr0R1CCRxapn
douchebag: CDwPcFukOOpjoOxHUtux//aoERBW2Tqn/AgHFTFFsieAIRQk3JrdLr9BE1VsKk9f
douchebag: 6bifdv6iusnKc0dMVnlE7EMFxHpjELEfH+HwPToh/KyAF1ds3rEG4OLIo3mnXCt2
douchebag: txRMMqMFNVrKmKjsaSthw5e7wIjruUVyNhHegZprf8/vUuEnTQXaxsCtVU/POhxE
douchebag: UDpWiFstHYdbvDvYPM5oVIjcITsOx7Jr5rhad/bSkMNYZwF3eia1OKq5JToFdpRU
douchebag: C3CzEkSh1kY9Z7h4if0DStjLnd1sFpw+UQIDAQAB
a111: Logged on 2018-05-22 22:14 mircea_popescu: douchebag, now go through your wot, ask the people with -s to please take them off, see what they want from you to do so.
mircea_popescu: those are more important, we're trying to work to limit the reputational damage you incur by being the word's most improbable mixture of youthful add and solipsistic otaku.
mircea_popescu: and once that is done : connect to every machine on the internet, for ssh ~and
https~, and extract all the keys they have, such as the item you listed above, yes, for ssh, and the pubkeys they keep in cert dirs for
https. mircea_popescu: these will have to be converted into a useful form, but fitting this up can be done during your scan, which will take weeks anyway.
douchebag: ben_vulpes, esthlos, and danielpbarron - is there anything I can do to to repair my reputation? Let me know, and get back to me.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-05-22 23:52 mircea_popescu: t the polar opposite of dealing with kids, you are terrifyingly bad.
mircea_popescu: well... it doesn't have to be that way. you simply must collapse the trees on the basis of the constructed image of the kid's mental structure, not on the basis of the subjective perception of importance.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 00:10 douchebag: asciilifeform: What sort of security company?
a111: Logged on 2015-08-12 19:04 ascii_field: the gold standard for this kind of work is instrumented hardware
mircea_popescu: yes the most important point if discussing geometry is how it's exaclty undifferentiable from algebra ; but nobody was helped by this observation in front of the 5th grade math class.
mircea_popescu: and yes it's strictly wrong to think "math has fields", but then again kuhn explains to you why the spurious arbitrary structures are ~needed~.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 00:12 douchebag: For fucks sake, I know a 17 year old who has made $70k this year alone
mircea_popescu: the one allowance to be made here is that ~not for everyone~. some people -- genuinely content to.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 00:17 douchebag: Not to mention, I'm only making $35k/yr and I work 60 hours a week
mircea_popescu: the point is that you gotta talk to whoever you're talking to, not talk "in general".
mircea_popescu: it's just an engineering like any other -- you build a mental model of what's going on, make predictions and verify them.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-19 22:54 mircea_popescu: mind that there's no point in putting a bonus on "not checking notes". that's why they're notes, to be checked. let memory adapt naturally and unconstrained -- when the animal you inhabit has had enough of the motor effort to check up $X, it'll memorize it ; and before--- it checks.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, i am satisfied he's not yet found a means to answer this even for himself. so... premature concern.
mircea_popescu: it's altogether doubtful the history of mankind includes such an item as the "success story".
douchebag: RGmdnm9tUDbO9IDSwBK6TbQa+PXYPCPy6rbTrTtw7PHkccKrpp0yVhp5HdEIcKr6
douchebag: pLlVDBfOLX9QUsyCOV0wzfjIJNlGEYsdlLJizHhbn2mUjvSAHQqZETYP81eFzLQN
douchebag: nPHt4EVVUh7VfDESU84KezmD5QlWpXLmvU31/yMf+Se8xhHTvKSCZIFImWwoG6mb
douchebag: UoWf9nzpIoaSjB+weqqUUmpaaasXVal72J+UX2B+2RPW3RcT0eOzQgqlJL3RKrTJ
douchebag: vdsjE3JEAvGq3lGHSZXy28G3skua2SmVi/w4yCE6gbODqnTWlg7+wC604ydGXA8V
douchebag: Yeah i know, i know what my problem is
lobbesbot: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, would you prefer he web-submits rather than just spitting out a tarball for you ?!
☟︎ mircea_popescu: for completeness : to my eyes, disinterested as i am re rando impotent sadists, the lulziest bit re chikatilo was that moment when both the defense attorney AND the prosecutor indicted the judge as being fucking clueless.
douchebag: mircea_popescu: When I try to load these keys into phuctor, it just asks if it's a real key
douchebag: ssh-keyscan -t rsa github.com | sed "s/^[^ ]* //" > github.pub
douchebag: ssh-keygen -f github.pub -e -m pem > github.pem
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 01:37 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, would you prefer he web-submits rather than just spitting out a tarball for you ?!
hanbot: 29.5 actually, but sure.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 00:37 douchebag: ben_vulpes, esthlos, and danielpbarron - is there anything I can do to to repair my reputation? Let me know, and get back to me.
esthlos: (though it is exactly typical of a young guy in the situation, but you don't want to be like every other bozo, right?) plus, the spam with the whores annoyed me, and cutsey shit like
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1816061 , and doing the minimum possible to get a job done multiple times
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-05-20 18:36 douchebag: that's my name
esthlos: now look, esthlos is not all that much better in some ways, but the attitute you're expressing is exactly what I'm trying to fight off
esthlos: of course, I got what, at least 5 years on you? but I'm not sure if my rating should reflect _potential_ or current timeslice
douchebag: What attitude are you referring to exactly?
esthlos: arrogance simply because you're pretty clever compared to the dogshit around you
mircea_popescu: esthlos, it fits directly, "i have a small amt of information of relatively low confidence re this guy (1) and it is negative (-)".
esthlos: my view flipped around when I finally encountered people who were clearly superior in a quite towering way, and I realized that in too many ways I am closer to ant than boot wearer
mircea_popescu: but outside of this, wot ratings are very specifically not intended to converge to a unified ruleset.
douchebag: Well, is there anything I can do to resolve my negrate?
esthlos: well what I really want to know, is if you ask because "negrate is bad, let's get rid of it" or "what flaw might this guy be seeing that I can repair and come out superior?"
douchebag: Well, ultimately I'm trying to resolve any issues others have with me.
douchebag: In addition to that, I'd like to know what those issues are so they don't occur again
esthlos: right, but that goal only gets you past this barrier, not all the others. imho you'd be better served with a goal of "get better", so that "resolve any issues" is really "what can these people teach me" rather than "how can I make them see my true form of pure energy"
trinque can relate to mustering overabundance of confidence merely to cope with the sea of shit he was born into.
esthlos: I don't want to keep rambling. my point is, I think you're somewhat irrational, and your approach is weak supporting evidence to that, though it's a step in the right direction. hence you're a -1, not a -3
trinque: douchebag: the lack of reflection on what is a coping mechanism in you, and as far as I can tell no reflection whatsoever, that's the deficit
trinque: the recitation of lines one might use at a tradeshow, etc.
Mocky: !!v EEE5606F6C2CC8D12CF7C24E46CF15B2D7D5B0E8096962ED9347AC2EA151E9E1
deedbot: Mocky rated diana_coman 1 << helped me get started in eulora, has written a lot of helpful blog posts
esthlos: btw trinque, have made most of changes to vtron, just have to add mkstemp for ccl (which I know thanks to phf is #_mkstemp)
☟︎ trinque: yeah, I didn't even know about that feature myself, very cool.
esthlos: will be ready for (another) review tomorrow evening
trinque sees the complexity, because what, you want the young males to change their mind every time they encounter words they don't understand? of course not.
☟︎ douchebag: trinque: Well, I don't think my over confidence is necessarily a coping mechanism. I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong, however I'm a very strong willed and I'm not afraid to argue if I truly believe that I am in the right.
esthlos: !!rate Mocky 2 delicious post on Ada
trinque: douchebag: being unteachable isn't a merit.
esthlos: !!v 3667259ECA10A3974220FFE234E16692881CF66D33AC02AA790F21E619565E5D
deedbot: esthlos rated Mocky 2 << delicious post on Ada
esthlos: douchebag: but think about it, what % of things to you think 20 year old making 35K a year working 60 hrs/week is right about? you're not looking at the evidence
douchebag: trinque: Well that's why I argue, if the other person can prove me wrong I'm more than willing to come to an agreement.
esthlos: you shoud assume you're wrong first
☟︎ douchebag: esthlos: Well, generally speaking I don't assume I'm right or wrong without some sort of evidence.
esthlos: hmm, I don't know you well enough to speak to that.
esthlos: but, I see that you come here, bunch of lords rate you negative, and no indication from you that you detect a personal deficiency
esthlos: I don't have much more to say on the matter
trinque: douchebag: what do you make of the notion that the "consumer economy" will not last forever?
☟︎ esthlos: trinque: bbbut asteroid mining!
trinque: central banks printing money so the people of walmart can buy "content", pressed shitboard, plastic, etc
douchebag: I'm not too sure I really have an opinion on that, what do you make of it?
douchebag: Well, obviously there's always going to be some sort of economy. As far as central banks go, I think it would be better off without them - however, I'm not sure if central banks are going to disappear any time in the near future.
douchebag: A decentralized solution such as bitcoin would be great for the world and for the future, however I think it will take some time before it catches on more. As decentralized solutions begin to catch on, the banks that print currency are just going to continue to fight it
douchebag: However, I'm not sure if that's a fight they will be able to win in the longrun
☟︎ mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817296 << that is ~exactly~ the problem. the subjective notion of the self, while factually incorrect, is psychogenic noise emergent from a certain stability of worldview. it is simply ~impossible~, not "undesired" or anything of the sort but strictly speaking impossible for the worldview to change with arbitrary frequency.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 02:46 trinque sees the complexity, because what, you want the young males to change their mind every time they encounter words they don't understand? of course not.
mircea_popescu: how often it can change while the individual remains realised (as opposed to "derealized", as in the psych term of art) is a subjective measure, in the vein of "intelligence", and a much better predictor of future performance than most anything else.
mircea_popescu: the only known pill to the mess being a sort of encapsulation, "the worldview from x priors through y structure is z" ; which is why disciplines such as
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815636 are even interesting to the thinking man. it's not that "in reading ancient cuneiform i gain a new skill of flour and water mixing into novel bread", but it is that "in managing to regard the world through the eyes of a reconstructed
☝︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-05-19 19:11 mircea_popescu: Mocky, so we know you've not spent any considerable time in the field between literary theory and hermeneutics, however you'd call it. "advanced reading".
mircea_popescu: babylonian for finite and self-chosen arbitrary intervals at a time i relieve the pressure of sheer insanity the complexity of reality would otherwise force upon me".
Mocky: that sounds like an interesting effect. I don't see that I'd ever come to even think about such a thing on my own.
mircea_popescu: everyone sooner or later encounters the "To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis a) nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or b) to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, and by opposing end them: c) to die, to sleep
mircea_popescu: No more; and by a sleep, to say we end the heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks that Flesh is heir to? 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep. To sleep, perchance to Dream;" trilemma.
douchebag: Just found a local file disclosure vulnerability in the UK National Health Service
douchebag: Here's their /etc/passwd file for anyone interested
mircea_popescu: did they use weak debian too, to prove the point re rngs for your benefit ?
douchebag: Linux version 3.10.0-327.13.1.el7.x86_64 (builder@kbuilder.dev.centos.org) (gcc version 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-9) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Thu Mar 31 16:04:38 UTC 2016
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 02:48 esthlos: you shoud assume you're wrong first
a111: Logged on 2014-05-20 13:40 mircea_popescu: there was a necrodearia/mizerydearia character active 2009-2011ish, the utter epitome of it.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 02:53 trinque: douchebag: what do you make of the notion that the "consumer economy" will not last forever?
mircea_popescu: are you aware btw of that great write-up of the stubborn physics student ?
mircea_popescu: "so what's wrong with following social convention ? it has its uses, such as you know, the rote possibility of meaning in language" "sure. there's nothing wrong with following social convention. but there's plenty wrong with attempting to enforce it on unwilling participants. maybe they have good reasons they're not following it ~in that case~."
Mocky: unrelatedly, is mexico part of mordor?
Mocky: I've never been, but a look at job listings for mexico city features tons of amzn, cisco, jpmorgn, ibm, honeywell etc.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 02:58 douchebag: However, I'm not sure if that's a fight they will be able to win in the longrun
mircea_popescu: Mocky, there's a usg-reservation in mexico. there's however also the headquarters of the only military force to humiliate the usg at home to date, they pretty much conquered the old mexican lands well into arizona.
☟︎ trinque had not read the barometer piece, hilarious.
trinque: and hey, for all I know there's money to be chumped out of the webturd security racket and into bitcoin, and he's just the man to do it.
douchebag: Fun fact: Hackerone offers payout in bitcoin.
mircea_popescu: trinque, for instance. or maybe there's a great book awaiting the writing in there ; or a great woman he's not yet met, or nobody knows the future. which is why the "things not to do" list is so fucking short and vague.
mircea_popescu: douchebag, in the same vein, "various outfits offer bitcoin plastic" as per recent piece hanbot published.
mircea_popescu: it is not always the case one can take the contents of webpages at face value.
douchebag: Well I've been paid via bitcoin through hackerone before. Oh and yeah, I don't agree with the code of conduct shit either, but it's whatever. It's worth considering that all of these companies have a dedicated security team patching the vulnerabilities found, triagers are being paid to validate reports, and obviously people who make these reports are being paid.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-22 20:59 mircea_popescu: well, do you then see how this is the only available blade of "fiat corrupts" for the empire ? dull and small as it is, it's their mangy goat, one and only.
douchebag: Aside from that, I don't really see what's bad about a responsible disclosure policy. I don't believe that asking people to not fuck your shit up in exchange for payment is too much to ask
douchebag: Well, not exactly since the vulnerabilities are being patched
douchebag: Thus, making it impossible for terrorist to exploit
douchebag: Well, you see how this would be a bad business strategy?
douchebag: Well I would much rather be paid for finding a vulnerability than go and exploit it and risk going to prison
esthlos: in the vein of
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817320 , trying to reconcile the sheer fraud of USG technology has driven me to the limits of sanity for a number of years now, and even with trilema providing the only solid counterstructure I've found, I do fragment when very successful (in USGland) people around me see no fundamental problem with USG system
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 03:02 mircea_popescu: the only known pill to the mess being a sort of encapsulation, "the worldview from x priors through y structure is z" ; which is why disciplines such as
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-19#1815636 are even interesting to the thinking man. it's not that "in reading ancient cuneiform i gain a new skill of flour and water mixing into novel bread", but it is that "in managing to regard the world through the eyes of a reconstructed
Mocky: gotta ask, has asciilifeform done such disclosure in the past and regrets?
esthlos: presteigous company full of smart people, 100+B USD in assets, and tech is all microshit, aws, scala... what the fuck do I believe
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, no, it worked the other way, spend bitcoin to get this usd credit. you know, ~debit~ card.
trinque: esthlos: what do you mean by fragment?
mircea_popescu: if, eg, i had found of bitcoin in 2015 as opposed to 2011, i might have conceivably bought a card concession like the debit store cards things, and simply offered it to the world until i had bought enough
esthlos: that I'm encountering two incommeasurable pictures of reality, and instead of solidly believing one, I try to straddle the gap. but this fails and always leaves me babbling incoherently
mircea_popescu: alternatively, you know, can sell these chunks at auction, like usg pretends to have done. or w/e.
mircea_popescu: but yes, broadly speaking, the model is either closed or recycled, as you say.
esthlos: to be clear, model A is standard USG model, where I most clearly see the fraud in the tech (if you recal, my original draw here was lispm, after I read history and saw current state of retardation), and model B is trilema, as I'm beginning to understand it
trinque: asciilifeform: lol, you'd rather they move the market like crazy each time?
trinque: so where'd you want them to buy again?
mircea_popescu: i am not aware of a market in which large packets are advertised. the best kept secret of any brokerage, say, is when large packets are bought or sold.
trinque: esthlos: I was looking for the thread where mircea_popescu mentions minds leaning schizoid or paranoid
mircea_popescu: but be that as it may, many moons ago i eg sold some coins on an outfit davout worked for at the time ; they showed up in bank as advertised, closed at price as advertised etc.
mircea_popescu: i haven't been following so closely. iirc they at some point wanted i dun recall what paperwork, i sneered and turned off the light.
mircea_popescu: anyway, what exactly is the standard you're following here ?
mircea_popescu: me either. prices are finnicky, and price formation without actual economic activity a pipe dream in all cases.
mircea_popescu: bitcoin is not yet economically integrated, like it or not.
mircea_popescu: anyway, your 1 criterion is impossible -- to wire, must know at least an iban.
trinque: aaa that's it! too bad search hasn't eaten the linked items yet
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, only for as long as they got the 50k or 1 btc.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: anyway, i struggle to conceptualize what it is you want here, in a way that'd take it out of storytelling and into reality. there's outfits selling gold for btc -- but they have to send it somewhere. iirc one even permits you to pick it up... but ummm... HOW are they to know "you" are picking it up ? and so on.
mircea_popescu: this "trade without physical existence" strikes me to come out of the same pot as "extrasensory events". really, ghost can interact with matter now ? how, prythee ?!
mircea_popescu: well, alternatively they charge an insurance. what third option is there ?
trinque: esthlos: doesn't seem to me that the compartmentalization is anything other than a skill. only why be sad about it
mircea_popescu: this is a perpetual problem in time-settled deals, hence "cure period" trinque was mentiuoning etc
trinque: they suck, you know how to push the buttons and make 'em go this way and that, enjoy it
mircea_popescu: i have yet to see a round wheel (to arbitrary standard of roundness).
esthlos: trinque: that's rather interesting. anyway, I'm sure you see the dilemma: everyone "successful" around me sees no fundamental problem with usg system, and when you say "this spec is atrocious; have you ever heard of the CLHS?" or any infinite variation on that theme, the only response is incredulity. but what, somehow I have the magic sauce and everyone around me is wrong? this is my current resistance to trilema thought
esthlos: trinque: I'm a geometer, always searching for higher symmetries, unifying disjoint worldviews
☟︎ mircea_popescu: anyway, the ~only time i was specifically interested, ie, when the question of defeating argentina's whore in the election was on the table, i personally moved macroscopic piles of dough for the purpose, with little difficulty.
mircea_popescu: i suppose i should say "i have no proof free market in btc exists as i've not given much of a shit re usd thence", but really now, how often needs the dough be proofed ?
esthlos: but i don't know, probably just have to grow up
mircea_popescu: argentina did need, on account of its local crap being useless.
esthlos: gotta hit the sack for now, vtron tomorrow
trinque: asciilifeform: what volume of printolade does pizarro need per month?
trinque: doesn't look like the whole picture, but I'm not going to piece it together myself
trinque: one option would be to formalize the process and present it to the wot; surely there's a few grand of buying per month on rotation at the very least
mircea_popescu: incidentally, i might as well put it in the open : if anyone in the l1 / my wot is trying to buy bitcoin but has trouble doing so, i'll sell you a few as a courtesy so we don't find ourselves in this situation where clerical difficulties enact a division in the republic.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-15 11:26 mircea_popescu: every fixing day (arbitrary day of week we choose), tmsr.isp lists the TOTAL it has to pay, and makes a bitcoin/usd offer. it can be arbitrarily anything, but in practice it'll be the output of !~ticker --market all Volume-weighted last average: bit (which is fucking ridiculous already, we're tracking bitfinex who the fuck came up with this) or else whatever rate whatever exchange the isp uses.
mircea_popescu: though i'm guessing pizarro might actually prefer monthly rather than weekly fixings
ben_vulpes: trinque: it's about 5kusd/mo, will go up somewhat in the near future
ben_vulpes: needs a wire and a WU-gram; and speaking of, BingoBoingo anything to report on the .uy corp formation front?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, there is no possibility of secret pricing.
mircea_popescu: you understand, there's a list of impossible economic objects, yes ?
ben_vulpes: iirc the stumbling block to a single transaction is that we want to avoid pushing BingoBoingo's local account over the minimum tax line. with i think the local equiv. of an llc BingoBoingo can receive money and it won't count as his income until it hits his account.
mircea_popescu: buit sure, you can limit the visibility to arbitrary set, say l1, and ask thjem to nda, if you must.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: and then dc pays bingo his food allotment in cash from the extra?
trinque: multiple wires being entirely impossible
ben_vulpes: now now, i dislike the extra wire fees and coordination overhead trinque .
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, ah i see whjat you mean now, i thought you meant you hate the idea hitler can see pizarro-set price and ride.
ben_vulpes: yes they are possible, and to date have been firing in tandem
ben_vulpes: albeit one to western union for reasons of tax bracket.
mircea_popescu: i'd guess a 5k ish wire is actually an "optimal" in the sense of "lowest worth actually wiring" amt.
ben_vulpes: there's your 15 bucks of overhead for interacting with the fiat banking system.
mircea_popescu: wasn';t it a "$5 if up to 50 bux, $20 if up to 100 bux, $75 if up to 1k which is max" or somesuch ?
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: objected to walking two grand usd over the the dc; shit was busy at the time and i didn't press.
ben_vulpes: i don't have notes on this, he may contradict, but that is my memory.
mircea_popescu: i'm pretty sure there's a bunch of wu/store credit cards for bitcoin outfits that actually work
mircea_popescu: surety based on the fact that i now and again send girlies around the world various $nothings.
ben_vulpes: did intel cast shade upon wu-firing localbitcoins accounts?
trinque: the reluctance to have cash in pocket might abate with proper human lodgings
ben_vulpes: trinque: this, i press. and for reason.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: fertile ground tho, no telling where the conversation might go.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-15 11:26 mircea_popescu: every fixing day (arbitrary day of week we choose), tmsr.isp lists the TOTAL it has to pay, and makes a bitcoin/usd offer. it can be arbitrarily anything, but in practice it'll be the output of !~ticker --market all Volume-weighted last average: bit (which is fucking ridiculous already, we're tracking bitfinex who the fuck came up with this) or else whatever rate whatever exchange the isp uses.
mircea_popescu: being shaved a half penny by dishonest riding broker is not anywhere in "will arbitrage work or not work" risk table either ; but so help me i'llfucking shoot the one that tries.
ben_vulpes: not just wonder why the pennies are walking to the station?!
ben_vulpes: he wondered why the girlies walked to the station and didn't shoot the redditard
mircea_popescu: ok, but how are the "rescued" hos figure into this ? why'd they shoot the random dweeb trying to convert them from honest workers into dependopopotami ?
ben_vulpes: the ho's are the pennies, the broker the redditard, mircea_popescu the pighead
ben_vulpes: i'm planning to die on stage soon, this is good practice.
mircea_popescu: for instance : given "he wondered why the girlies walked to the station and didn't shoot the redditard" the implicit read is "(he wondered why (the girlies (walked to the station) and (didn't shoot the redditard)))" not "(he wondered why (the girlies walked to the station) and (didn't shoot the redditard))"
mod6: *whew* finally ate mega-l0g
mircea_popescu: 15k words since last night, are4 you fucking kidding me, everyone current is reading two novels / week.
☟︎ ben_vulpes: well he wasn't pimping, they were chained
mod6: good evening Gentlemen.
mircea_popescu: except of course novels are "jim opened the door" not "fuck you and here's 5 centuries' worth of accumulated reference in an endless maze HAAHHA"
mircea_popescu: should prolly change the topic to "if you'd like to help see $X, if you'd like to sleep you're fucked."
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: i am enjoying this pace!
douchebag: ben_vulpes: Is there anything I can do to resolve my negrate?
ben_vulpes: not hassle me while i chew through my whiteboard
danielpbarron: that you care about your bad reputation goes a long way for me, but i can't say there is anything in particular you can do to remedy. if you don't do anything else annoying i'll prolly switch it to positive the next time i go through my ratings.
ben_vulpes: ahahaha oh man i just reread my douchebag rating
ben_vulpes: douchebag: yeah i'll drop the neg but you gotta work on picking up how shit works around here. the list of annoying crap you do is unenumerable but the two things that drive me personally up a wall are eg
http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-5-23#361197 and then also posting screenshots of text
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-05-23 00:20 douchebag: -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
ben_vulpes: which i can't even fathom dude because wtf you're willing to clutter up the logs with line after line of key noise and then otoh...screenshots
douchebag: Yeah, I'll definitely start using p.bvulpes.com more. It's just a bad habit because I use discord a lot where I can post multi-line messages & screenshots are automatically displayed to people.
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-05-23 03:16 mircea_popescu: "so what's wrong with following social convention ? it has its uses, such as you know, the rote possibility of meaning in language" "sure. there's nothing wrong with following social convention. but there's plenty wrong with attempting to enforce it on unwilling participants. maybe they have good reasons they're not following it ~in that case~."
ben_vulpes: !!v E8314E9D628E6F35170D8D517C534BED72FB92C4D3DB073F929475394C4B6908
deedbot: ben_vulpes unrated douchebag.
mod6: I gotta catch some zzz's, but I'll talk to you all in the AM. Night!
ben_vulpes: Mocky: why's that ada article not on the homepage of yer blog?
douchebag: mircea_popescu: Are you much of a wine drinker?
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 05:30 ben_vulpes: also lol good footer
ben_vulpes: on a scale of useless bullshit to practical for republican shared hosting, how useless are cgroups?
douchebag: Ahh I see, saw an article earlier and I've had a taste for wine ever since
ben_vulpes: heh freenode webchat doesn't use ssl omfg!
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: check my understanding of a thing please: if apache runs its own php pool, then user-level cgroups won't affect how much ram apache eats while serving a user's php, right?
ben_vulpes: curious about how tractable, workable, and useful setting user-level memory limits on the shared hosting is.
mircea_popescu: it basically makes sure you can always talk to the box, even if apache maxes out, you won't be locked out of using say ssh.
ben_vulpes: that's probably some amount of useful.
mircea_popescu: it's the only amount of useful that makes sense. think about it : the whole point of the box is to pool resources. if you have 100 users and each can at all times use 1/100 of the ram you get much worse results than if there's 100 users and they can use whatever ram's available ; and if it gets too tight you start politely inviting the larger consumers to move up ion the world.
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-05-18 01:51 mircea_popescu: be sure to make a point of pointing out this is true allocated fs space, as most everyone sells a number but delivers a best effort
mircea_popescu: also much easier for user to interact with meaningfully, as the only way fs gets used up is by user personally putting something there ; whereas ram is eaten by 3rd party requests.
ben_vulpes: landing pages and ad copy is not a gadget i know how to work, so let me know what you think. this also has what i think the "
ben_vulpes: plans" should be, so look at pricing as well. if these rates are attractive to the market and we get out there and flog 'em i think there's some money to be made
a111: Logged on 2018-05-22 16:11 trinque: "(b) la infracción a los derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial" << so no seedboxen eh?
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 04:26 esthlos: trinque: I'm a geometer, always searching for higher symmetries, unifying disjoint worldviews
mircea_popescu: your objection pretends to feed itself from "oh, there are 500 people here, they're all independent, and disjunct, and intelligent, what are the odds NO ONE ELSE found magos edible ?!?!".
mircea_popescu: except they're not 500 people in the first place, leave aside independent or intelligent. they're not even disjunct, they're just trying to monkey each other.
mircea_popescu: comparable to how copernicus needn't have been concerned re how the scholastics all agreed with themselves. of course they did, as part and parcel of what their cognitive system evben was, "consensus interpretations of aristotle".
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-05-23 05:16 ben_vulpes: Mocky: why's that ada article not on the homepage of yer blog?
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-05-23 05:17 ben_vulpes: also lol good footer
Mocky: yeah, it is a page not a post so not in post list
Mocky: I can make it post, then it will show on main page, and archive
spyked: I'll also give it a shot on a machine with native gcc 4.9 (trying to do this in the weekend), to see if there's something wrong the system headers on the other one (so far this is the only guess I have re the failure)
lobbesbot: BingoBoingo: Sent 12 hours and 59 minutes ago: <asciilifeform> didja ever get that crate ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It appears the crate will be arriving today
spyked: asciilifeform, gcc --version returns adacore's (2016) 4.9.4
spyked: native gcc on the system is indeed >4 (5.4 to be more precise), but I expected that one to not be used at all? anyway, that might it. in this case I expect my next run to finish without trouble.
☟︎ spyked: ave1, ^ if the error looks too cryptic, or if you've encountered it on broken systems -- or if you know that the system compiler is used at all, then don't let me waste your time. can report again after experimenting on system with proper gcc.
☟︎ phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817293 << i started writing a lispy make-temp-directory but the implementation is not particularly elegant (C concerns are at odds with lisp concerns), you can pouch the ccl bits though. i'm not sure if there's a better way to do errno handling, without relying on private ccl symbols
☝︎☟︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 02:43 esthlos: btw trinque, have made most of changes to vtron, just have to add mkstemp for ccl (which I know thanks to phf is #_mkstemp)
phf: (i think a proper lisp interface ought to separate pathname defaults from the name pattern, so you call it like (m-t-d "fooXXX" #p"/tmp/") but return #p"/tmp/fooabc/". that's not a consequential concern for anyone except for me though)
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 04:43 ben_vulpes: needs a wire and a WU-gram; and speaking of, BingoBoingo anything to report on the .uy corp formation front?
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817526 << I am wary of brining payments to the datacenter that they might lose, and during the earliest meetings they wrinkled their noses when I offered the possiility of showing up with envelopes of cash while waiting for a local bank account. I suspect they have a cultural hangup against eating anything other than wires due to their self images.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 04:50 asciilifeform: hey BingoBoingo , does dc eat paper wu output ?
ave1: spyked,
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817663, no problem in fact the opposite. This helps in getting the cowwebs out of the build process (I've also tested on machines with gcc 7). The build process is picking up the glibc linux headers at a point where only musl headers should be used. This is usually caused by a system library being picked up in the build process.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 14:49 spyked: ave1, ^ if the error looks too cryptic, or if you've encountered it on broken systems -- or if you know that the system compiler is used at all, then don't let me waste your time. can report again after experimenting on system with proper gcc.
ave1: I will look into it further, but I have no time for it right now.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: is there a reason not to go straight to city hall or wherever the magic actually happens ? << The paperwork prices for the gov's part is published online in a 3rd local currency, the "Index Unit" which needs to be converted to pesos.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: possibly they dun trust the employees to handle cash ? or aren't contracted with cash van co. << Also common here
ave1: Could you check if you have any CFLAGS or LDFLAGS in your environment?
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ( handling cash in orcistan where cash van robbery is national sport, is , i'd expect, not inexpensive ) << Seems more like a tourist activity done by Chileños here
spyked: ave1, printenv | grep CFLAGS/LDFLAGS both return nil so I'm okay on that front. but my glibc/ld are post-gcc-4.9, so your explanation about system headers being used sounds plausible.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 05:01 mircea_popescu: 15k words since last night, are4 you fucking kidding me, everyone current is reading two novels / week.
BingoBoingo: Much as dollars in Uruguay are U$S and pesos are $, the index unit appears as UI or IU
a111: Logged on 2015-02-03 19:37 PeterL: mircea_popescu: "You do not have, nor you can ever acquire the right to use, copy or distribute this software" << should be "nor can you ever"
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Package made it, delivered to desk
mod6: good to hear that in some form or fashion, things can make it there.
Mocky: well I've seen the bitcoin foundation page before so evidently 'mocky invented' ~= 'mocky pulled from subconscious'
mircea_popescu: 1:0 beotch, take your alfred and fuckgoats it!!!1 mwahahaha.
Mocky: reminds me of the time I 'invented' the trie in anger, meanwhile knuth vol 3 sitting on my desk (having not finished vol 1)
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 15:04 phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817293 << i started writing a lispy make-temp-directory but the implementation is not particularly elegant (C concerns are at odds with lisp concerns), you can pouch the ccl bits though. i'm not sure if there's a better way to do errno handling, without relying on private ccl symbols
BingoBoingo: Everything after the scans were ack'd spent waiting for inspection.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 16:26 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: possibly they dun trust the employees to handle cash ? or aren't contracted with cash van co.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It came to my desk once DHL got it back from Aduanas
jhvh1: asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 7622.55, vol: 13732.14374654 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 7609.0, vol: 33476.92354476 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 7616.0, vol: 6972.7722204 | Volume-weighted last average: 7613.33503099
deedbot: Invoiced ben_vulpes 0.00756304 << FG<->rockchip TTL cables ( incl. orc delivery )
mircea_popescu: check it out lol, 10k reported sales brought it down 10%. such orcland prices.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 04:21 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, only for as long as they got the 50k or 1 btc.
mircea_popescu: in general the way the proxy game is played is exactly like that, by proxy.
mircea_popescu: but yes, your intuition is broadly correct : usg lacks both the actual size and the self-perceived size of soviet russia. as a result, they don't come out with a "x per rouble" statement.
mircea_popescu: however, they also lack the very military modesty of soviet russia, being instead old spinster maids. so they make a ... "here's a not really value we were only kidding k ?"
mircea_popescu: like 15yo girls trying to get fucked if it's not painful.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, nobody other than you will attempt to play the game on enemy terms.
mircea_popescu: it's not that "nobody can be arsed". is that, unlike asciilifeform , nobody regards website-with-random-numbers as relevant. i also don't spend my time trying to "be mentioned by new york times".
mircea_popescu: and no, it's not because of girly reason-substitute ("oh, it's too hard, rite, that's why you don't spend your life rasiing my spawn, because you ain't got what it takes!!!!") either.
mircea_popescu: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
mircea_popescu: 100 27050 100 27050 0 0 64381 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 82721
mircea_popescu: the republican substitute for this purpose was documented last year. yes ? no ?
mircea_popescu: o for fucks sake. will you start reading the logs at any point, or is the douchebag issue contagious.
mircea_popescu: alright! so then what is the problem ? you wanna use gox for settlement, you're allowed. you don't wanna, there's an alternative scheme. you wanna use something else, all the better.
mircea_popescu: why sit and fret that "which thing i choose to do -- is the thing i choose to do" ?
mircea_popescu: so basically your objection is "why don't i have more friends" ? i dunno, why don't you ?
mircea_popescu: have more friends / be nicerf to the folk who, however ineptly, tries to be your friends, talk to more people, etc.
mircea_popescu: well ? i mean what, you want to control the future now, as a SIDE POINT ?
mircea_popescu: controlling the future is the ultimate point, there's no "if onlyt i could control the sunrise time i could make myself some cheap coffee"
mircea_popescu: because the reason the gox exist is that they're cheap to make, and therefore the democracy makes.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 16:57 mircea_popescu: Mocky, wait till you get to "cheating in wolf form".
mircea_popescu: and it's way the fuck more expensive and involved to neuter all mosquitoes than it is for a mosquito to lay eggs.
mircea_popescu: sending some thugs to scare the peons is the 2nd cheapest thing in the book.
mircea_popescu: the problem defined as "alf does not want there to exist such a thing as a website printing random numbers" can not be solved in general. it can be rendered mute, but only by nuking the web, and the sort of item that produced it, which is to say neets.
mircea_popescu: if and only if everyone's in chains, then and then only can you be entirely sure nobody's linked two z80 chips together and cycling "alf is a pooperhead" back and forth between them.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: but anyway, im off to manage some efforts to research the world for pizarro's benefit inter alia, so bbs.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: you want to not credit it, don't. you want nobody to credit it, HAVE MORE FRIENDS.
ben_vulpes: this is reaching penis-theft proportions of lol
ben_vulpes: wouldn't put it past either the usg or cn engineering departments to fail at recreating the su rf-illuminated snooper but to screw up the power by a few orders of magnitude
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: gotta love the 'sonic attack' usg.partyline idiocy. described item ( supposing it physically took place ) is 100% consistent with rf injury. << Or transient ischemia which is common in the chair sitting classes.
a111: Logged on 2015-11-18 14:54 asciilifeform: shinohai: 'i heard that ivan won a car in the lotto.' 'yes! but not ivan but piotr, not a car but an overcoat, not in lotto but at cards, and not won but lost'
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Sure, Poorly designed chairs and lunch high in vitamin K
BingoBoingo: But no one talks about the Aeron Thrombolyticus Maximus chairs being installed that day
douchebag: There appears to be an issue w/ homebrew and Eulora.
☟︎☟︎ ben_vulpes: on a less glib line, homebrew changed the calling syntax on the tap. you should read the error message for the correction instruction.
ben_vulpes: brew edit $formula might help, but i ditched the mac nigh for reasons of pervasive upgradism like this a year ago, haven't looked back, can't suggest that you spend much time doing battle with republican softs on the crapple.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: it's a rubby trojan horse masquerading as a package manager that posts ~/.gnupg to www.google-analytics.com
ben_vulpes: douchebag: have you tried installing gentoo on your macbook?
douchebag: ben_vulpes: I use MacOS as my main OS because it's actually pretty nice for work. However, all of my sensitive stuff (PGP) happens in Linux VM's
ben_vulpes: i do not think this does what you think it does
ben_vulpes: what does using a vm on a compromised computer getcha?
douchebag: Well, although many people will disagree with this statement. I'm a pretty boring person, and I'm not too concerned about if the NSA is watching me - if the NSA wants to watch me they will do it regardless.
☟︎ douchebag: Even though most Linux applications work just fine with MacOS, a lot of them don't.
ben_vulpes: gnupg does, so for the third time why are you using a vm, what do you imagine it gets you
douchebag: I'm not really imagining it does anything, I just happened to make my keypair in the VM because that's what I was using at the time I created thm
ben_vulpes: ever wonder about how the deterministic number generator on that vm was configulated?
douchebag: Nope, not really. Can you tell me about that or provide some resources?
ben_vulpes: i'm obliquely suggesting that you have nfi how your keys were put together because the layers of abstraction are too thick.
ben_vulpes: the debian rng bug is a good example of hosed RNGs, that's a fine place to start
deedbot: LordMPofTMSR voiced for 30 minutes.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 21:33 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in entomology dept,
https://archive.li/Uj74z << the reich claims ownership of all satellites
LordMPofTMSR: asciilifeform, yeah, hanging out with the neet crowd.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817823 << the only person who either managed or almost-managed (or, i guess, were going to manage) running eulora on mac was phf, maybe two years ago. i dunno it ever went anywhere ; nor am i all that sure macs are computers.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 21:57 douchebag: There appears to be an issue w/ homebrew and Eulora.
LordMPofTMSR: imperial boons : a wife is a female that agrees with you for as long as you're not saying anything and a mac is a computer that works for as long as you're not trying to run anything.
LordMPofTMSR: download the carplanesubmarine app for not going anywhere!
a111: Logged on 2016-02-09 18:09 mircea_popescu: cheat as much as humanly possible
a111: Logged on 2016-02-09 18:09 mircea_popescu: then turn into your wolf form and cheat some more.
LordMPofTMSR: asciilifeform, in nomine diaboli avocando, maybe x finally became too large a pile of hair, exceeded their capacity to translate hair to wet noodles.
a111: Logged on 2016-02-09 17:51 asciilifeform: jurov: my unreleased prototype is driven using (local) irc listener, yes
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-23#1817840 << this is not so different from saying "i have plenty of blood, and if the lice wants to get it they'll get it regardless." hygiene is not directly a consideration of denying the alimentary cycle of parasytes ; it's rather a question of self-respect, and in the 2nd line a question of socialization, because no matter how cool you might be "otherwise", at least some chicks won't fuck you with lice no matter
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 22:17 douchebag: Well, although many people will disagree with this statement. I'm a pretty boring person, and I'm not too concerned about if the NSA is watching me - if the NSA wants to watch me they will do it regardless.
douchebag: LordMPofTMSR: I know, I just haven't seen evidence proving MacOS is comprimised other than the fact that it's a large company
LordMPofTMSR: well, i think most people hate them because they're inept and unwieldy, not specifically "compromised" whatever that even is.
ben_vulpes: douchebag: the pushing of multigigabyte files to "your" computer doesn't make you pucker at running gpg on the thing?
ben_vulpes: this is not a very secure perspective, mon frere.
ben_vulpes: or or, have you tried deleting "iPhoto"?
douchebag: I've been running MacOS for about two years, prior I used Linux for 6 years. I love my Macbook, I find that I can multitask a lot better, the window manager is great
douchebag: ben_vulpes: I don't have iPhoto installed
ben_vulpes: purged it manually, after throwing the "no seriously i am a grownup" switch?
ben_vulpes: reports are that even exwm works with it
ben_vulpes: from coinbase: "Get $10 of free Bitcoin for every user you refer!" why not eth, ltc...
☟︎ ben_vulpes: douchebag: the incessant whining to "upgrade!", the lockout of gdb shy of signing executables for execution, none of this screams "not your computer! get your hands out of the machine!" to you?
deedbot: LordMPofTMSR voiced for 30 minutes.
douchebag: ben_vulpes: I've never had any issues doing what I need to do, I can get root privs so I never really noticed any issues.
ben_vulpes: is "can get root privs" all you need to feel comfortable using gpg on the thing?
ben_vulpes: they would never back your whole hdd, precious linux vms and gnupg keychains and all to icloud, no never.
ben_vulpes: i'm not prodding you about "issues" you mighta "noticed" but to think about who's involved in your decryption and signing flow.
ben_vulpes: you won't notice lead in the water until your kids are born all fucked up either.
ben_vulpes: nevertheless, "once upon a time we made cars in flint, and the water was unsafe to drink in mexico. these days, they make the cars in mexico and flint's water is poison."