866 entries in 0.452s
pete_dushenski: http://megaprocessor.com/progress.html << one for alf. and, of course, log readers everywhere
mircea_popescu: anyway, this is pretty good progress and intel seems to indicate you're actually ahead of the curve, so, dun stress.
trinque: and they say progress is dead
BingoBoingo making good progress on my efforts to be trans-mexican.
trinque: clear intent to frame the blocksize thing in the context of a bunch of other (bullshit) progress!
assbot: Facts speak for China's human rights progress - Xinhua | English.news.cn ... ( http://bit.ly/1dr0U3r )
trinque: ascii_field: progress! this will cost far less. god bless the free market.
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-05-2015#1142114 << apparently he doesn't think so, which is strange. i do. << ftr, I see this as progress. Knowing macrofab exists and having a working relationship is useful. ☝︎
scoopbot_revived: There's no progress without control. http://www.contravex.com/2015/05/21/theres-no-progress-without-control/
justJanne: Without that you can't progress in CompSci.
assbot: Logged on 17-05-2015 22:51:31; DreadKnight: the project gets small contributions constantly, but when it comes to bigger stuff, people tend to vanish at about 90% progress xD
DreadKnight: the project gets small contributions constantly, but when it comes to bigger stuff, people tend to vanish at about 90% progress xD ☟︎
mod6: it's a work-in-progress
mircea_popescu: what EXACTLY is the progress, past 30 years ? ballas has the story in detail
mircea_popescu: what's the progress in the 1990 - 2010 period ?
mircea_popescu: downside being, of course, that we won't have any sort of usability in progress.
mircea_popescu: if there's ever to be any progress...
mircea_popescu: "With the long transition to “Python 3 by default” still in progress, the question is occasionally raised as to whether or not the core Python developers are acting as reasonable stewards of the Python language. "
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-05-2015#1122508 << yes. because for all the pretense of "development" and "progress" and "new versions" and of course "blockchain technologees" of the #bitcoin-dev muppet orphanage, THEY.HAVE.NOT.ACTUALLY.DONE.ANYTHING. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: An area of research in which I could be making progress if I had funding providing an income of at least £100,000 a year (progress would no doubt be faster with more income).
mircea_popescu: The reason Dr Green is not a salaried academic is partly because her ideas are out of sympathy with the prevailing intellectual climate, but also because her education was ruined. A child prodigy, she was the victim of a hostile state education system, and an unsympathetic college when she was an undergraduate at Oxford. She is uniquely suited to doing research, and could be making significant progress in several areas
trinque: "progress"
pete_dushenski: i see you've made some solid progress with pacioli.
mircea_popescu: i guess this could be progress. it could also be normalization. whatever it is...
jurov: so you want to have progress, after all\
menahem: pete_dushenski def, ill try <pre> as per ben_vulpes reco. always a work in progress. :)
williamdunne: So "in progress"
ben_vulpes: such progress.
ben_vulpes: am rather pleased with my progress.
trinque: progress!
assbot: Logged on 11-04-2015 08:35:04; gabriel_laddel: I've made little to no progress on the codebase recently short of cleaning it up and ensuring that if, for some reason I'm interrupted, that someone else will be able to pick up where I left off if necessary. The sources, coupled with http://gabriel-laddel.github.io/arsttep.html provide enough detail for one to know what I have in mind and why. http://gabriel-laddel.github.io/system.html provides an
assbot: Logged on 11-04-2015 08:35:04; gabriel_laddel: I've made little to no progress on the codebase recently short of cleaning it up and ensuring that if, for some reason I'm interrupted, that someone else will be able to pick up where I left off if necessary. The sources, coupled with http://gabriel-laddel.github.io/arsttep.html provide enough detail for one to know what I have in mind and why. http://gabriel-laddel.github.io/system.html provides an
assbot: Logged on 11-04-2015 08:35:04; gabriel_laddel: I've made little to no progress on the codebase recently short of cleaning it up and ensuring that if, for some reason I'm interrupted, that someone else will be able to pick up where I left off if necessary. The sources, coupled with http://gabriel-laddel.github.io/arsttep.html provide enough detail for one to know what I have in mind and why. http://gabriel-laddel.github.io/system.html provides an
gabriel_laddel: I've made little to no progress on the codebase recently short of cleaning it up and ensuring that if, for some reason I'm interrupted, that someone else will be able to pick up where I left off if necessary. The sources, coupled with http://gabriel-laddel.github.io/arsttep.html provide enough detail for one to know what I have in mind and why. http://gabriel-laddel.github.io/system.html provides an overview of the ☟︎☟︎☟︎
Chillum: early in computer science it was believed that computers were like brains and that with enough resources they could simulate one. As we progress it becomes more and more clear that brains are nothing like a computer
mike_c: funkenstein_: blockchain sync progress on a SSD vs. 5400 rpm platters.
BingoBoingo: trinque> anyone ever tried portage on openbsd? << port are supported and pkg_src are supported porting portage to my knowledge is a work in progress or abandonware
mod6: <+thestringpuller> freeborn: I'm pretty sure mod6 has gotten it working on OpenBSD. << Hi freeborn, yup, OpenBSD is on def. at the top of our list of platforms to support. I made good progress on this in February, but got a little side-tracked in March with the release. Stay tuned to the mailing list (btc-dev), any advancements in this realm will be updated there.
nubbins`: i'm just musing about indications of progress
mircea_popescu: ayway, i don't mind. questioning is the core of progress!
trinque: get enough of those together and "progress concentrate" starts to form, which can be bottled and sold at Whole Foods
mats: how was their progress?
asciilifeform: think this way: consider the palpable progress in chemical industry 1900-40
mircea_popescu: "Progress in computer hardware has followed an amazingly steady curve in the last few decades [17]." << by now moore';s law is currency in trading for everyine, from usgavin to vince whoever.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that vinge dood thinks progress in biology does not depend on computers ?
asciilifeform: but if playing that gedanken-game fairly, possibly the 'progress' is in my being able to get things at all without serious moneys
mircea_popescu: please to progress on the dotted line.
thestringpuller: soon. progress. stuff.
pete_dushenski: "Everything is tiny in the grand scheme!" << hey, reddit commenter understands his own impotence. progress!
danielpbarron: still a work in progress, see also the root directory of that file
mircea_popescu: adlai> i guess everything's clonable, << what's this, progress hour ?
mircea_popescu: worst fucking idea ever. but it's so much like "progress", and "what the consumers should come to expect"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform more studies needed, this is the controversy, progress and change, all sortsa gunk.
asciilifeform: based, iirc, on longitudinal (that is, lifetime progress) study of children, esp. adopted cross-ethnically at birth
mircea_popescu: somehow the world should be impressed with this "progress", much in the manner parents should be impressed with "look, no hands!"
gabriel_laddel: "So, if I look into my foggy crystal ball at the future of computing science education, I overwhelmingly see the depressing picture of "Business as usual". The universities will continue to lack the courage to teach hard science, they will continue to misguide the students, and each next stage of infantilization of the curriculum will be hailed as educational progress.
mircea_popescu: he's preparing for the great progress.
mircea_popescu: overnight, i get an email invoice 20 times. clearly, progress.
assbot: 0 results for 'progress.org' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=progress.org
danielpbarron: !s progress.org
assbot: Gender-neutral pronouns for English - The Progress Report ... ( http://bit.ly/1LaJOAL )
nubbins`: http://www.progress.org/tpr/gender-neutral-pronouns-for-english-2/
gribble: How to Fold a Zhe Zhi (Origami) Dove - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sUW0wr3jKw>; Long zhi ren zhe (1982) - IMDb: <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084267/>; Gender-neutral pronouns for English - The Progress Report: <http://www.progress.org/tpr/gender-neutral-pronouns-for-english-2/>
mircea_popescu: "progress" or w/e they call it.
mircea_popescu: to a large degree it's the silent progress that has been happening in thefield of machine processing of human text for the past... 20 years ?
BingoBoingo: Progress has paused, CPU usage dropped, RAM's inching up. Looks like bastards or peer stooped feeding me atm
mircea_popescu: So Randi goes to Davos, never once asking why they would want her there? Convincing her demo of underproducing hyperconsumers that capitalism-- controlling capital-- is pointless and mean, but globalism-- doublespoken as "progress", "human rights", "everything is connected"-- that is a noble cause. Remember that the "culture" she thinks she speaks for, including those that hate her-- "the startup culture"-- is premis
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: Everyone who wanted qntra to have a category page << remove the <li>, separate them by ; instead ? << Work in progress. Things in the categories will be getting some better sorting.
danielpbarron: here's some progress: http://danielpbarron.com/pogo-build-nohup-tail.txt <- http://danielpbarron.com/pogo-build.sh.txt
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> thestringpuller prolly best to imgmagik it into a png or jp << Actually used imagemagick 20 minutes ago assembling a document package for qntra post in progress
assbot: checkmark shows blockchain fully downloaded, but progress bar shows 99% · Issue #921 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1CY2Fhj )
mircea_popescu: artifexd: Current gossipd status: Education still in progress. Code to the point of loading keys and accepting connections. << sounds pretty good.
artifexd: Current gossipd status: Education still in progress. Code to the point of loading keys and accepting connections.
mircea_popescu: so much progress could hardly fit in a single asshole.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile "economy", another us pseudoscience, has made shocking progress the past 20 years :
mircea_popescu: "The astonishing truth is that despite millions of dollars and hundreds of academic careers psychiatry has made no progress in almost 20 years, let alone ten, a claim no other medical specialty can make, and the truth which cannot be spoken out loud. Hence an exam."
mircea_popescu: this, they call progress.
mircea_popescu: <fluffypony> under 4 months from hire to fire << progress.
mircea_popescu: maybe they progress to dildos soon
adlai: mircea_popescu: it really depends what that capital is for. for funding further development of the bot? not much, feature by feature, i'm not looking for a vc-style investment. for testing the algorithm on larger amounts, to see how the strategy scales up? right now, two digit btc sum, more as progress permits.
assbot: I will be going to Africa this summer to introduce bitcoin to airline services, hotel services and much much more! I will also be hosting a blog soon so I can update on the progress made! Hey who knows I might start an african bitcoin foundation while I am there : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/15zN22s )
mircea_popescu: this worm's progress made them use those words because apparently one is more of a bitch than the other.
undata is in progress haggling a new computer out of lenovo
mircea_popescu: i need progress for my bunghole
mircea_popescu: "Whoever stands between progress in Bitcoin should be ignored."
mike_c: hehe. Jan. 6 "24-48 hrs". Jan. 8 "Progress is strong!"
assbot: Working alongside the team from San Francisco, progress towards redeployment is strong. Huge thank you to for your confidence and patience.
asciilifeform: this is one of the very few mathematical/computation subfields where there was real progress in the past twenty years.
ben_vulpes: ask punkman. nominally some progress was to be made this weekend.
xanthyos: work in progress
punkman: mircea_popescu: punkman no notary still ? << good night's sleep and not busy today, shall make progress
asciilifeform: the most enraging thing is the idiots who think there has been -any- progress made on this front.
ben_vulpes: <undata> it's this social progress thing << sounds like it's time to have another dinner party
undata: it's this social progress thing
mircea_popescu: stop impeding progress.
nubbins`: work in progress i guess
xanthyos: life's more exciting with a coinbase progress bar in one of my browser tabs
nubbins`: badon, i've already made some progress on that front
ben_vulpes: http://dpaste.com/14SES2R << trivial progress
ben_vulpes: kakobrekla mircea_popescu: i had to rebuild my 0.5.3 chain from scratch, but your(pl.) DB_CONFIG tip freed my vanila 0.5.3 build to unwedge progress to 254471 as of this morning (ping: asciilifeform, mod6)