273 entries in 0.511s

hanbot: ahahaha commit colors indeed. kinda interesting that "claim disused public platform" still occurs first, over "make own", even in
meatspace. "it's not worth making my own thing for this half-hearted non-message" "so stfu" "can't, i'm an activist"
bvt: hello. I will try to finish the ffa work from the workplan over next two days. i had some
meatspace interference that stole a few work hours.
lobbes: asciilifeform: that's a pretty nifty color-blindness simulator. I'ma have to save for later (I work with someone who is colorblind in
meatspace; never sure what is infuriating to his eye)
a111: Logged on 2019-04-27 21:50 asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform met with some
meatspace folx who rent out time on sem & ion beam station by the hr. 'bout a hundy per hr.
a111: Logged on 2019-04-27 21:50 asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform met with some
meatspace folx who rent out time on sem & ion beam station by the hr. 'bout a hundy per hr.
a111: Logged on 2019-04-27 21:50 asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform met with some
meatspace folx who rent out time on sem & ion beam station by the hr. 'bout a hundy per hr.
trinque: sorry about that, got dragged into something in
meatspace meanwhile.
ascii_modem visiting people in
meatspace, poor connectivity
trinque has an extremely heavy
meatspace life, but checks in every time he can
BigTexasBingo: Could be the most practical trilema piece of the year that one. Utilized in
meatspace so soon after publication.
esthlos: mircea_popescu: i apologise for disappearing. I was in
meatspace this weekend
BingoBoingo: In other news, the locals in my immediate
meatspace are lagging on lists of sane abogados. However, contact with local accounting firms is yeilding replies.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-22 01:08 BingoBoingo: Anyways, explaining to normal ordinary people in
meatspace who Mircea Popescu is, is surprisingly simple.
BingoBoingo: Anyways, explaining to normal ordinary people in
meatspace who Mircea Popescu is, is surprisingly simple.
☟︎ BingoBoingo: It's great. Now when I disagree with someone in
meatspace they show tremendous concern and caution, because they KNOW I mean what I said.
mircea_popescu: to put it in more direct terms : remove fog of war around authorship yes, but this can ONLY be done through denying the franchise to anyone outside of wot. only wot people can be authors of things, so in this sense anything, tinyscheme included, until and unless its
meatspace authors fess up, is literally "found in forest" and will have to bear an actual man's name
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: and does your $bzprtnr actually read logs ??! fuck me if i new anyone in
meatspace who read these. not that i'd be embarrased but that i'd have so much more in common with them!
pete_dushenski: i'm no hackathon expert (perhaps Framedragger or others can corroborate) but if i wanted eulora hackathon results i'd set up a
meatspace booth, get red bull to sponsor, and invite teams.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-13 18:44 asciilifeform: or (at the risk of sounding like complete idiot, because i did not play it) alchemy in eulora, it works there, but
meatspace 'alchemy' is considerably more expensive, painful, and rewards -- few and far between, and most practitioners live and die without accomplishing ~anything...
pete_dushenski: shinohai: a remiss is me. i missed jhvh1's latest pgpgram and ben_vulpes' wotpaste scarfed it before i could get to it. damn my
meatspace life, log skimming, and ben's aggressive magic numbers!
pete_dushenski: as to scary things, i can see it. and believe it or not i'm doing just this on
meatspace projects. just have to kill a few dragons to get to the (republican) princess.
pete_dushenski: needless to say i've doubled down on my
meatspace wagers. even if i never set foot in the states again, trump WILL get me paid.
pete_dushenski is very, very minor lord in
meatspace, or any space for that matter
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: lemme ask this. Lets say TMSR existed on
meatspace island. ben_vulpes mod6 phf asciilifeform are all small business owners. Would you trust exchanging "phsyical btc" with them and only them, or still only in "one shot scenario"?
Framedragger: [looks good, gun read laters.
meatspace stuff, ttyl]
spandrell: somebody claimed to have met me in
meatspace mod6: However, my main objective is still to finish up the v054 release before diving into any of that quite yet. It's my fault, I havent done jack-shit all month basically. I've been meaning to work with trinque and get these makefiles battle-ready, but have had a number of
meatspace things get in the way.
meatspace is always over busy. if only traffic didn't exist.