273 entries in 0.56s
asciilifeform off to meatspace, unpacking fig trees from their winter tarps, bbl.
asciilifeform: which, as far as i can tell, does not yet protrude into meatspace in a way visible to naked eye
ben_vulpes: have fun in meatspace, i'll derp through it.
asciilifeform off to meatspace for a spell.
asciilifeform never has, and never will, go near anything 'bitcoin-themed' meatspace in heathendom.
asciilifeform: but right now i'ma go to meatspace and won't be back until nightfall.
BingoBoingo: Meatspace friend had boring v6 one for a while. Beat it all to hell then "upgraded" to one of the daewoo crossovers rebadged as a chevy.
asciilifeform: and from mircea_popescu's articles i get the impression that his meatspace friends are respectable folk, 'high power' lawyers, traders, etc. rather than cpp connoisseurs
asciilifeform: anybody have a finger on him in meatspace ?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: in a very meaningful sense, these organizations DO NOT EXIST except in meatspace. because they have no pgp.
diametric: ;;rate Xplosionist 1 meatspace colleague, an actual verifiable human being.
adlai: (one of the oft-repeated defenses of facebook among meatspace 'anarchists' is that they don't censor private groups, because nobody complains)
assbot: Logged on 30-10-2015 14:43:43; adlai: (context for the context-seeking: we are acquainted by virtue of meatspace proximity, no 'business' but frequent games of chess and bullshit (of the verbal variety), and i'm a little curious why his name seems on par with nefario/pirateat40 round here)
asciilifeform: often i picture how horrified even the most hardened liberast would be if he could visit a meatspace universe that is as devoid of healthy meat-flies separation as the net is today
asciilifeform: also i am grossly underequipped to even venture to guess to what extent t. is a meatspace success
BingoBoingo: * adlai is proud to report that his meatspace btcfiat signal remains peerlessly indistinguishable from monkeys at a typewriter << Meatspace linux signal is bullish
adlai is proud to report that his meatspace btcfiat signal remains peerlessly indistinguishable from monkeys at a typewriter
adlai: unfortunately my meatspace acquaintances, even the ones controlling enough btc to make them worth referring, think they know where and how to best invest it - themselves
adlai: mircea_popescu: did i ever mention one of my meatspace drink buddies who denies that i quote anybody but him when referencing the "problem of too much money"?
BingoBoingo: I though ransomware started in meatspace
adlai: who knew it'd reach meatspace
asciilifeform: this plus the set of surplus shops, etc. that can be seen with the naked eye in meatspace.
gribble: dub was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 30 weeks, 1 day, 15 hours, 23 minutes, and 28 seconds ago: <dub> hey now! meatspace can be busy
mircea_popescu: <ascii_field> if mosquito could move the virus, i and everybody i know in meatspace would be long dead. << this is a red herring. if cigarettes caused cancer the world would have ended in 1920.
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-11-2015#1326389 << if mosquito could move the virus, i and everybody i know in meatspace would be long dead. ☝︎
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-11-2015#1323513 << says mr. "require 10,001 things that i don't have. mainly abilities/proclivities/experiences/intuitions. incl. a basic meatspace social life" ☝︎
ascii_field: incl. a basic meatspace social life
ascii_field: i know a fella in meatspace who wanted to move to germany
assbot: Logged on 30-10-2015 14:43:43; adlai: (context for the context-seeking: we are acquainted by virtue of meatspace proximity, no 'business' but frequent games of chess and bullshit (of the verbal variety), and i'm a little curious why his name seems on par with nefario/pirateat40 round here)
adlai: (context for the context-seeking: we are acquainted by virtue of meatspace proximity, no 'business' but frequent games of chess and bullshit (of the verbal variety), and i'm a little curious why his name seems on par with nefario/pirateat40 round here) ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform has nfi how mircea_popescu runs his meatspace ops, with whom, etc.
asciilifeform: but i can't help but agree with the general principle. 'public' is largely vermin. and if mircea_popescu decides to open a meatspace lubyanka and make an old-fashioned entirely nonpublic intelligence-gathering corps, he ought to wake us all up.
ascii_field: to the point that just about everyone i know in meatspace bought what i had...
ascii_field: reminds me of a product i suggested to a fella in meatspace - an iphone-shaped container that conveniently holds 800 usd
pete_dushenski: meatspace will executor can 'revoke key' ?
ascii_field: i can't recall the last time i ssh'd to something which i did not either set up personally or know the keeper of in meatspace.
asciilifeform: (i and just about everyone i know in meatspace is a 'contractor' and never sees such a thing)
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> in the old-fashioned, meatspace, dunbar sense. << the OTHER problem with this is that there isn't eno9ugh space in the dunbar-based graph to cram everything you need.
asciilifeform: in the old-fashioned, meatspace, dunbar sense.
ascii_field: and diametric (who i know in meatspace); and possibly one more
pete_dushenski: and i'm off to the meatspace race. ciao!
trinque: nah haven't read that yet; got buried under that book on CLOS and assorted meatspace work
ag3nt_zer0: for today's speculative waste: I think it would be great if this room had an educational manifest in the meatspace... sort of like an intellectual spartan boot camp
ascii_field: thestringpuller: as mircea_popescu pointed out, i am abusing the term to refer to meatspace business circles
trinque: mircea_popescu: as the concept of the WoT sunk in it occurred to me that we have very weak social connections here in american meatspace too
BingoBoingo: Champion's Towing and Recovery of Columbus Mississippi is the most persistent comment spammer I've ever seen for such a niche meatspace business.
asciilifeform maxed dosimeter, off to meatspace for rest of the day
asciilifeform out to meatspace for a spell
asciilifeform: know in meatspace
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> 'costco', for u.s. folks. sorta like a meatspace 'amazon prime' << used to shop at their equiv in ro. "selgros".
asciilifeform: 'costco', for u.s. folks. sorta like a meatspace 'amazon prime'
asciilifeform out to meatspace for most of the remaining day
mircea_popescu: "the demands of meatspace readily overwhelm the demands of #bitcoin-assets" << this is everyone's own measure to measure.
assbot: Logged on 10-06-2015 13:38:16; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-06-2015#1159011 << this has to win some sort of prize for 'martial in atomic dirigible.' EVERYBODY i ever met in usa works for salary. i suppose it follows that neither i nor anyone i know in meatspace is 'even half-competent.'
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-06-2015#1159011 << this has to win some sort of prize for 'martial in atomic dirigible.' EVERYBODY i ever met in usa works for salary. i suppose it follows that neither i nor anyone i know in meatspace is 'even half-competent.' ☝︎☟︎
pete_dushenski: it seems that your lack of a meatspace broker is requiring expenses to be out-of-pocket
pete_dushenski: damn it, just when we're getting rolling, meatspace beckons. later y'all !
pete_dushenski: and now i'm off to meatspace ! ciao !!
asciilifeform off to meatspace for a spell
Landgull: Thank you for the debate - I concede the point and I'm off to run errands. I am, however, still waiting for someone to claim and argue for their corner of meatspace, instead of against mine (of the moment.)
Landgull: Sure, but given that we're still in meatspace, one does have to pick a corner of it, or at least a corner at any given time.
asciilifeform will be out in meatspace for weekend, with sporadic connectivity
asciilifeform meatspace break, bbl
asciilifeform out to meatspace for a spell
BingoBoingo: In other news most of my meatspace contacts are now getting that rosebush as mother's day presents. Just looking at the odds it is almost inevitable of of their moms is going to pirate it.
asciilifeform: almost certainly will rest on meatgangs, just as the old world did. (i.e. sets of folks who actually interact daily, not necessarily in meatspace)
asciilifeform: the only 'else' is meatspace/out-of-band shenanigans, yes.
mircea_popescu: i guess time for meatspace for a spell.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: didn't miss. occupied with meatspace crap atm.
ascii_field: sorta like the actual meatspace effect of much of the snowden thing
pete_dushenski: love to keep going but meatspace beckons.
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 2 for danielpbarron with note: pogoplug tester for therealbitcoin. enthusiastic hunter of lamers. plus a player of actual 'sokoban' in meatspace.
asciilifeform: !rate danielpbarron 2 pogoplug tester for therealbitcoin. enthusiastic hunter of lamers. plus a player of actual 'sokoban' in meatspace.
mircea_popescu: to quote dub, "meatspace can be busy"
dub: hey now! meatspace can be busy
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski cazalla still alive. just very busy in meatspace.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes she got a small advance to do some bits of work, turned out she needed more to live off, but it wasn't really enough, she decided that the process which found her the place to stay in the first place couldn't possibly work to keep her in it, and wandered off to meatspace.
trinque dives back into meatspace work
ascii_bolivia: i know a fella from there in meatspace. goes back, forth.
BingoBoingo: But I don't think Meatspace Vegas managed to elude the USG's money tracking slime mold
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: but to answer question, my meatspace idiocy filter is simply not as strong as the conceptual one. to ask 'why' is like asking why my legs are not as long as mircea_popescu's
ascii_field: e.g., why did hanbot work well as a forum demolitions expert, but isn't (afaik!) a soldier in meatspace ?
ascii_field does not, afaik, know anyone in local meatspace who 'doesn't need a job'
trinque: cept those here and a handful of clever meatspace guys
nubbins`: bbl meatspace headspace
asciilifeform off to meatspace for a spell. wants to hear if anyone tests v2 patch.
asciilifeform: having meatspace friends who program must be fun
asciilifeform did this to the folks he works with in meatspace, also to some extent
assbot: Logged on 28-03-2015 13:41:23; nubbins`: like a web ring, but funner and in meatspace
nubbins`: like a web ring, but funner and in meatspace
nubbins`: asciilifeform will try turdel tonite/tmrw, meatspace commitments
asciilifeform: brb meatspace excursion
asciilifeform caught up with logs, off to meatspace for a spell
asciilifeform: folks ask me questions like this in meatspace and i end up explaining that no, i do not necessarily know of a specific sin for that specific part number
thestringpuller: Everyone has meatspace things to do!
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: then in that case entire meatspace family is in servitude? wasn't this a thing in history? Can't repay debt so X generation of people are slaves?
asciilifeform: nor any of the people i associate with voluntarily in meatspace, really
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: meatspace friends blessed me with three rare books as birthday gift "Slave to her nigger", "Temptress in the Slave Quarters", and "A Craving for Black Flesh" these people know me too well << wtf, these are books or more like photo albums ?
BingoBoingo: decimation: fluffypony: what about rhodesia? << meatspace friends blessed me with three rare books as birthday gift "Slave to her nigger", "Temptress in the Slave Quarters", and "A Craving for Black Flesh" these people know me too well
asciilifeform: i'm friends with several folks like that in meatspace