273 entries in 0.48s
ascii_field: (if you have someone appropriate in your meatspace wot, why would you be going to a pawn shop ?_
ascii_field: i can only speak for myself, but -no one in my meatspace wot- is any kind of route whatsoever into that world
ascii_field: they involve being part of a social network (in the old meatspace sense)
ascii_field: in that yes, one skilled in meatspace 'humint' can safely do a 100k trade
asciilifeform was off in meatspace with people, missed quite a bit
nubbins`: iirc the guy got outed in meatspace and had to "disappear" the old name
asciilifeform: is life. Quantity still has “a quality all its own.” Ten million dollars buys you a money printer, but ten dollars do not. Not even a proportionately-smaller one. Everyone who hopes to see some kind of democratizing influence in Bitcoin is gravely misguided: by some indications, the Bitcoin ecosystem is at least as “top heavy” as the world of meatspace finance.' << my ancient article
asciilifeform off to meatspace for a spell, unfortunately not for any reasons pertaining to ancient castles
asciilifeform out to meatspace for a spell
Apocalyptic: eventually kako can ask them in meatspace
Overand: I'm someone who knews (or knew) xanthyos and danielpbarron in meatspace.
thestringpuller: I suppose in meatspace VC's can forcefully remove the leadership of a company in exchange for more money.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: irl idiots get forced out of ownership once their company reaches success << this is usually the case, but sometimes idiots can be too dumb to realize they need to step aside in meatspace too.
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: have to go to meatspace thing soon though
asciilifeform going off into meatspace for a spell.
asciilifeform: ^ met very briefly in meatspace
pete_dushenski: my nearest meatspace approximation is the masons w/o the symbols
asciilifeform: who, if anyone, owns the meatspace trademarks anyway ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that is, the ridiculous meatspace org thing
nubbins`: xinxi in here, i mostly just modify the S/N ratio. in meatspace, i print things
ben_vulpes: don't buy things in meatspace
mircea_popescu: brianhoffman well sure, but it doesn't so much matter if it's a meatspace issue or not. what matters is that it's the controlling issue
brianhoffman: my argument is that this is a meatspace issue
asciilifeform: decimation: in meatspace.
asciilifeform marches off to do meatspace chore
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: if you use an american-style exchange (afaik, all public exchanges track participants' meatspace identities in some way) you haven't really escaped from anything.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: bitcoin had an otc market larger than the exchanges back in 2012 << this is where, at least from my jail's eye view, the buggers - won. as usaschwitz inmate, otc doesn't even exist for me. in order for it to exist - i'd have to become embroiled in handling suitcases of benjies in meatspace. precisely the kind of thing агентурная работа is optimized to roll up participants of. ☟︎
asciilifeform: (meatspace trades - outside the blockchain)
asciilifeform: different coinbase << traded in meatspace. purely analogue operation.
asciilifeform: a fellow i know in meatspace.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Probably the same reason which gives you meatspace colleagues worth refering here
asciilifeform: ;;rate foofingers 1 human, meatspace colleague.
asciilifeform: ;;rate b00lcrap 1 actual human, meatspace colleague
asciilifeform: ;;rate b00lcrap 1 actual human, meatspace colleague
asciilifeform: ;;rate Xplosionist 1 actual human, meatspace colleague
asciilifeform: ;;rate Xplosionist 1 actual human, meatspace colleague
asciilifeform: (presumably meatspace flyer ?)
asciilifeform: i get up for one day into meatspace, and back - and now 'rentacoder' is back from the dead?! or what is that 'fiver' thing
asciilifeform: not everyone can apprentice with a master in meatspace, sure. but anyone could... read?
asciilifeform went to visit meatspace people, came back, bird... still working.
gribble: nubbins` was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 2 days, 18 hours, 18 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: <nubbins`> was going through a real meatspace phase D;
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: build a succession of spacious yurts... when full, build a new one a little off, carry whatever pieces of the old << this is 'cheney's algorithm' for semispace garbage collection. i've always wanted to implement it in meatspace.
nubbins`: was going through a real meatspace phase D;
asciilifeform: damn i leave for one day to do meatspace crap and miss all the fun.
benkay: everything ultimately operates in meatspace.
tg2: but this company operates in the meatspace
asciilifeform: meatspace courts are supposed to operate on principle of 'least astonishment' (someone cough up the right term plz) ?
nubbins`: yeah, i guess it's a bit of a reach that weeaboos could organize in meatspace
herbijudlestoids: MisterE: a lot probably. $3bn is huge in meatspace. dunno if you heard about this http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/nov/12/occupy-wall-street-activists-15m-personal-debt (just 15mn)
asciilifeform: i always wondered if the de-facto rule in meatspace casinos is 'don't win more than it costs to have your body fed to pigs,' or the like.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> for some odd reason, nobody ever gets this lucky in meatspace casino. << they do, actually.
asciilifeform: for some odd reason, nobody ever gets this lucky in meatspace casino.
asciilifeform: an altchain that *actually folds* would have no problem with wealth injection from the 'meatspace' universe
asciilifeform: if you publish your results, do it in some way that cannot be readily linked to you in meatspace.
asciilifeform: i just emailed him my (not a secret at all) meatspace name.
asciilifeform: straight from the analogue meatspace world.
nubbins`: "it's the internet, names are for meatspace!"
pankkake: asciilifeform> it's astounding that anybody thinks you can 'meaningfully establish identity' or somesuch through casual meatspace meetings with strangers. <= this is what most key signing documentation says. also it's how cacert works
asciilifeform: it's astounding that anybody thinks you can 'meaningfully establish identity' or somesuch through casual meatspace meetings with strangers.
dub: you upload your key and a wot grows around people who have sighted others meatspace ID etc
jurov: i totally <3 this. if you argue with someone that bitcoin is useless in meatspace
jurov: for me that implies that personal integrity of the owner is more important than in meatspace where everything is reported
ThickAsThieves: what if bitcoin investment market becomes more like the meatspace market, and a reasonable APR is like 5% or whatever
asciilifeform: it is about fattening USG's "meatspace to BTC addr" database.
jurov: no i mean actual meatspace delivery
asciilifeform: damn, went off to meatspace for a spell and missed all the fun here.
asciilifeform: ok, someone else with a bag full of BTC and a resonably good meatspace reputation, then.
asciilifeform: the paypal thing makes me wonder: what happens when someone with serious meatspace pull starts an altchain?
ThickAsThieves: and convince peopel to buy in in meatspace
gigavps: when you flaunt something like sdice around someone with meatspace power will take notice before long
kakobreklaa: >>Yeah. The BTC-sphere is like in the meatspace: you may be punished just for pennies, but if you scam really big time you become Too Big To Jail. Learn the lesson and don't trust anyone ever more, especially the big fat fishes with super-hero rep.
gigavps: well, accepting meatspace wouldn't be annon
gigavps: you need to follow meatspace rulz