113 entries in 0.609s
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-28#1915729 - fully asynch is the core of it but I don't see the case of x magic number of times; logically speaking x is simply ask until you are answered, there is no set or fixed x times ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: a case for "retry X magic number of times at Y magic intervals which i the designer knew ahead of time, for everyone and for all time".
a111: Logged on 2017-08-14 17:20 mircea_popescu: this is actually going to be teh magic number of the republic. so at this juncture i would like to ask everyone to compute "the largest primorial (ie, product of all successive primes) that fits in 515 bits", sign it and put it into deedbot.
asciilifeform: the only 'magic number' in ffa is the concession that all FZ must be at least 256bits long
mircea_popescu: ~that~ is one of the exceedingly rare justifications for magic number. "what is this 2048 bit strange ?" "the product of the first as-many-primes-as-their-product-fits-in-2048-bits"
mircea_popescu: in short : "why not say the magic number 3 ?" "because maybe i need to fix a typo, and i dun wanna lose 1 out of 3 for this, but i do wanna fix it" "so how do you know 1 in 255 is ok to lose for this ?" "um http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-18#1686299 " ☝︎
mircea_popescu: and for that matter crt bitness is 24 not 32, but apparently nobody cared enough to insist on the exact magic number
mircea_popescu: we're not even talking "magic number only dragons know" sorta items here. take the easy example of "go dig up qatar/uruguay/whatever", not because im trying to underhandedly make you move but because it's a fabulously easy to see example.
mircea_popescu: what, is this discussion abotu some magic number ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, the only important magic number is the 10e9 ecu = 1 btc value. otherwise the whole thing's open, you can just say i dunno, "will only take BTC" as a comment in the next line, or w/e.
mircea_popescu: the usual "why magic number ?" question goes doubly so for thread counts -- if your program has a fixed thread count it's not multi-threaded, it's badly written.
mircea_popescu: and this sort of sheer lunacy of misexpression, coupled with shocking, indefensible idiocies like ~a magic number~ (really, how the fuck was it obtained, anything OTHER than the usual http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-07#1563435 prolonged into adulthood by that all-powerful pill of neoteny, "hurr durr i am an engineer, aka professional, aka no more pressure to mature" ?) is exactly what composes the metaphorical baseball bat i s ☝︎
trinque: recently did work experimenting with "just add water" kernels where the initramfs is (relatively) huge, but there is in fact a magic number limiting the size of in-built initramfs, dun recall what, but hit it in the few 100s of mb range
mircea_popescu: there's nothing ~creative~ here, in the meaning of creative of "you gotta say 39834908503485093485 and you'll never manage this magic number by trying numbers".
a111: Logged on 2018-05-24 13:27 mircea_popescu: western union expects you to know a magic number ("mtcn", 10 digits) the sender is issued upon sending, and present id. the sender only needs your name and city where you pick up payment. western union will ask you a bunch of inane questions (where you live, who the sender is, how do you know them, what's the money for, etcetera) for which they require no documentation.
mircea_popescu: western union expects you to know a magic number ("mtcn", 10 digits) the sender is issued upon sending, and present id. the sender only needs your name and city where you pick up payment. western union will ask you a bunch of inane questions (where you live, who the sender is, how do you know them, what's the money for, etcetera) for which they require no documentation. ☟︎
asciilifeform: hey trinque , what's the 'magic number' it oughta wait ?
trinque: or whatever the magic number is. but there is one.
asciilifeform: oh hm mircea_popescu found the screen brightness magic number ?
asciilifeform: re earlier item -- if i want to demonstrate that 'alf's exceptional exsudator' consists of diana_coman's magic prime number maker, all 100,000 ln of it verbatim, plus 5 ln of asciilifeform's , this is now a proposition that has to be proven manually. whereas theoretically it is a mechanically resolvable q.
mircea_popescu: i dunno, magic number ?
mircea_popescu: there's no magic number as to WHICH past. but in point of fact past is all there is.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-05 19:00 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform somehow you jump from "my printer is shit, doesn't work properly" to "either magic number or throw out printer"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform somehow you jump from "my printer is shit, doesn't work properly" to "either magic number or throw out printer" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform anyway you turn it, the concept of magic number's not defensible.
mircea_popescu: "we are incapable to reflow and here's a magic number instead" differentiates monkey from man
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform meaningless magic number got set to the "closest ot inexistence" available.
mircea_popescu: anyone with a good reason why magic number should stay ?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737525 << this is therightthing. but note that not only is http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-14#1737533 not a problem, but the behaviour is fundamental to ffa. in ada a structure is considered nondynamic if its size doesn't change at run time. not if 'magic number' size, like in overflowlang. ☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: davout "immediate" doesn't mean "in so and so $magic number time interval". immediate means, without intervening steps.
mircea_popescu: the rationale is that there ~might~ be some approaches based on pre-established exponents. this is vague, but still, why magic number.
mircea_popescu: ok, but the problem of interest is how to compute something to end up with the magic number 150. or a replacement.
Birdman: mike_c on windows i think i needed to save it as a '.pyc' which makes it a compiled python file, though it says 'runtimeerror: bad magic number in .pyc file'
a111: Logged on 2017-08-14 17:20 mircea_popescu: this is actually going to be teh magic number of the republic. so at this juncture i would like to ask everyone to compute "the largest primorial (ie, product of all successive primes) that fits in 515 bits", sign it and put it into deedbot.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-14 17:20 mircea_popescu: this is actually going to be teh magic number of the republic. so at this juncture i would like to ask everyone to compute "the largest primorial (ie, product of all successive primes) that fits in 515 bits", sign it and put it into deedbot.
hanbot: <mircea_popescu> this is actually going to be teh magic number of the republic. so at this juncture i would like to ask everyone to compute "the largest primorial (ie, product of all successive primes) that fits in 515 bits", sign it and put it into deedbot. << is this right (up to 2900)? http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/9lxGb/?raw=true
mircea_popescu: this is actually going to be teh magic number of the republic. so at this juncture i would like to ask everyone to compute "the largest primorial (ie, product of all successive primes) that fits in 515 bits", sign it and put it into deedbot. ☟︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: PeterL +MAXMESSAGE = << how did you derive the magic number ?
ben_vulpes: or a fucking if statement downstream that doesn't serialize a magic number
asciilifeform: or nudge a stack so it overflows if magic number present.
scriba: Logged on 2017-03-30: [16:58:13] <trinque> guess the magic number was three-factor auth
trinque: guess the magic number was three-factor auth
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you'll never get the magic number right.
mircea_popescu: the magic number 18 has a lot more to do with historical extraction. people wanted to get work out of children ; there's a soft spot where the uncastrated animal becomes more trouble than it's worth.
ben_vulpes: hence the magic number (18!!!) with exceptions (unless you're both under 18! except if we want to try you as an adult!)
mircea_popescu: because if the programmer said the number 10, the compiler is NOT at liberty to invent magic number 11.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes it can't not exist because monitor is finite and it stupidly decided to nest by magic number allignment.
davout: no more "oh, but the transaction you're attempting doesn't match min fee $magic_number"
mircea_popescu: i dunno that alf is a db engineer by trade, so it's entirely possible specific measures could help, especially if they're of the magic number ilk of "set X to Y in config file, we didn't docum,ent this anywhere but its tru!"
mircea_popescu: kinda the problem with rss and in general with pull-notify : the polling interval is a magic number.
mircea_popescu: (why 0x010001 ? yes, it's a magic number. but it has magic reasons : 1) it is prime ; 2) it is the fastest multiplication on a 64 bit machine, because it's just a concatenation ; 3) could make it even longer by the same process, but that has a significant impact on speed with no visible security benefit. so it's magic for a god damned reason.)
a111: Logged on 2015-05-20 15:03 mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-05-2015#1139680 << speaking of this, am I the only one nonplussed by all this "we use <<best practices>> fixed exponent" bs ? it's an unavoidalbe magic number , okay, but it's tyhe sort that should eminently be a knob for the user. a proper gpg would have e user-settable at the key generation phase (with 65536+1 as a default, sure)
mircea_popescu: why exactly would someone pop a magic number in there ?
mircea_popescu: stop mixing shit against entropy flow. you don't give the first of a flying fuck about the number 3. you're wrtiting code, it may not contain magic numbers.
PeterL: and does it have a reason to flush every 8 minutes (or just a magic number)?
assbot: Logged on 07-03-2016 15:47:24; mircea_popescu: it just turned a mild magic number ("get all the headers no less than 2000) into a fucking protocol limit. "only get 2k". this is utter nonsense.
mircea_popescu: it just turned a mild magic number ("get all the headers no less than 2000) into a fucking protocol limit. "only get 2k". this is utter nonsense. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: so you're going to bake in a magic number which is the largest number of groups that may ever exist in anyone's view
mircea_popescu: then later went from $$$___MAGIC_nUmBeR...you are not expected to understand how this works...ReBmUn_CIGAM___$$$ = 2500 to $$$___MAGIC_nUmBeR...you are not expected to understand how this works...ReBmUn_CIGAM___$$$ = 288
mircea_popescu: can't even figure out a magic number, needs 2.
v_diddy: so where does the magic 5K number come from?
mircea_popescu: why would it be a magic number and why would the number reference an undefined concept.
mircea_popescu: and is not limited to the db. here, have a magic number in code, because THAT IS WHAT CODE IS FOR!11
mircea_popescu never could have predicted the "should be enough for anyone" magic number really discusses "how manby people may be alive"
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla in that sense iot's a step above the "magic number" stuff. not much, admittedly.
mircea_popescu: but anyway - the fucking magic number should have been in block headers not in a c file.
assbot: Logged on 01-08-2015 18:47:08; trinque: anyone give a shit about discussing cranking a magic number to 11 without discussing how the fuck it's using that many locks?
trinque: anyone give a shit about discussing cranking a magic number to 11 without discussing how the fuck it's using that many locks? ☟︎
mod6: and i never did find that magic number in there: 0xf9, 0xbe, 0xb4, 0xd9
assbot: Logged on 15-07-2015 19:04:26; mod6: magic number is not 0xD9B4BEF9 in 364671
mod6: anyone see where the code serializes the magic number itself?
mod6: im looking at the block, i don't see the magic number in there.
mod6: magic number is not 0xD9B4BEF9 in 364671 ☟︎
danielpbarron: apparently transactions larger than some magic number cannot even get relayed by nodes, and only a miner can forcibly include it in a block
assbot: Logged on 04-07-2015 07:33:02; mircea_popescu: and that's 40 gb's worth of magic number.
mircea_popescu: and that's 40 gb's worth of magic number. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: midnightmagic: you make this mistake of letting the plants control the conversation. "what's the right magic number of blocks to signal fork acceptance?" answer: there isn't. there is only the long-term behavior of the network.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that's the cosmic ray magic number.
mircea_popescu: see, this is the golden rule of magic numbers : if you use one and then need context to indentify it, you've misused a magic number.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-05-2015#1139680 << speaking of this, am I the only one nonplussed by all this "we use <<best practices>> fixed exponent" bs ? it's an unavoidalbe magic number , okay, but it's tyhe sort that should eminently be a knob for the user. a proper gpg would have e user-settable at the key generation phase (with 65536+1 as a default, sure) ☝︎☟︎
trinque: determining that 50% taxes is the magic number is not soviet because "the people"
danielpbarron: i'd define it the way they do: a fork of bitcoin that gets 80% consensus from miners (or 75% or 95%, whatever magic number they want)
nubbins`: "massive panic as government needs to change value of magic number that means nothing"
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: so far i don't disagree - the problem i described could indeed be magicked away entirely and semi-permanently by judicious application of ~100k usd << 100k usd seems to be "magic number" in USia's /etc/moduli
mod6: has anyone else seen the "G0D" magic number?
PeterL: Rather than having all the magic numbers hard coded into the RI, should there be some sort of config file? Stuff like the DNS seeds, number of bastard blocks to hold onto, number of connections to make, etc?
BingoBoingo: Adlai: Well It's a fork of peercoin. The code was already there just needed magic number tweaks. Also Peercoin was cooler when it was still called PeePeeCoin
asciilifeform: i still can't fathom 1 being the magic number in there
asciilifeform: the general magic number '1 hour commute' defines where usaschwitz inmate can work
mircea_popescu: and btw, someone has to fix all the fucking magic number fest in the node discovery mechanism
assbot: Cubs win 4-3 on Castillo walk-off single in the 10th. Magic Number stays at 4
mats_cd03: what is with you and this magic 15 number. i don't get it
BingoBoingo: I though it was clear that 2BTC is pretty much the new zeroconf magic number
punkman: 0.1 is the magic number, 0.2 leaves you with only ~4 BTC net gain
TheNewDeal: MP, so what's the magic number of % assets invested for us young guns
asciilifeform: there's a magic number, somewhere down there, where soldiers start selling ammo, other materiel, whole vehicles - to the enemy
asciilifeform: 'At no point during the nearly two-hour-long conversation was the caller asked to verify his identity.' << by coughing up a magic number known to every spammer, aha right
asciilifeform: (check with lawyer for the current magic number.)
asciilifeform had a dream last night that he found the coveted n-sat shortcutter for sha-256. the number '14' was a magic constant, somehow.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no magic number. irs just puts a hold.