331 entries in 0.792s
decimation: asciilifeform: have you ever actually tried to grok ipsec? it's a nightmare
nubbins`: asciilifeform the space of "humans who grok their fields" is ever-shrinking
liquidassets: "People try to, because of the misguided belief that Bitcoin value is somehow related to or deriving from its crossection in the retail market" <<ok I"m starting to grok
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu btw i didn't fully grok your comment on my infanticide article. sarcasm or no ?
ben_vulpes: i'm too much of a derp to really grok the implication of the statement, though, having failed all of my tradecraft classes.
lobbes: even if fetlife -had- proper security, there's still the whole 'once on internet, it is forever on internet' that people fail to grok
ben_vulpes: sure, coinsetter's not liked around here but grok i not how 'tis a newspaper.
gabriel_laddel: hit her over the head with it... perhaps she'll grok?
mircea_popescu: i very much doubt that after he ignored the "if one wins now you've gotta taint 2x as manby btc, if the other wins you lost track." bit he's in a position to grok this one, but hey.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: i must confess that i didn't grok the analogy with the strategic banana, retreat from the fortress, etc.
gabriel_laddel: e plug on that thing three months later, at the end of which they.had.not done.anything. I'm not sure you exactly grok me, it's not that they hadn't round up the town's minorities and set them on fire. It's that they couldn't get together to make some stencils which someone (hopefully, someone else) was perhaps sometime (2015 ?) going to use for some purpose. Somewhere. Whatever."
mircea_popescu: to properly grok how rich the triumvir was : he could afford to pay for ~18 million usians to go fight for tikrit.
mircea_popescu: the idea being that contracts (of the old sort) are flexible and useful, just as long as the chumps grok that there is no such thing as "a standard contract".
gabriel_laddel: it remains to be seen if he'll grok bitcoin. if he does, he'll probably end up funding interesting things.
asciilifeform: iirc pete_dushenski is a hereditary apple user, ought to deeply grok this ^
mircea_popescu: i say it, you say it, five people grok it and everyone else just whooosh.
danielpbarron: in an attempt to grok this, i read the sentence so many times even the word 'her' doesn't look right
thestringpuller: i didn't grok that sentence sorry
mircea_popescu: your average doobie, with a mediocre college degree and an ESL culture mostly geared towards ingested summaries is perfectly unable to decode metaphor or recognise complex enough patterns and fill in the gaps. this to him is frustrating, and the frustration is predictably resolved by lashing out (hey, it's the guy fault for using rferences i have to google and math i don't grok!11). in no way better than a clinical mor
thestringpuller: i don't grok :(
ben_vulpes: well okay i grok that it's related to thread safety
asciilifeform: (a largely imagined animal, you pretty much have to have been there to grok this)
asciilifeform: lisp notation of basic arithmetic << one of the most common n00b failures-to-grok. (+ 1 2 3 4 5) not only puts less mileage on keyboard than 1+2+3+4+5, but nukes the abomination of having arbitrary orders of evaluation
gabriel_laddel: hoever it was, and I'm fairly sure I grok ASCII's plan and will be handling some intro documentation for it + figuring out how the PGP code needs to interface with it exactly.
nubbins`: and a page from a word-a-day calendar with the word "grok" defined, that occasionaly *is* a dictionary
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i don't grok wtf this is supposed to be << was written when the whole 'pronoun warrior' thing was brand new
mircea_popescu: A Person Paper on Purity in Language << i don't grok wtf this is supposed to be.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes sadly it's the equivalent of the beatings. women grok wtf it all means, by virtue of their existential quality of being women. little girls, of whatever age, even 50 should they be, have no avenue to comprehend wtf is being said.
pete_dushenski: i spent a bit of time trying to grok them since they came across my desk this week and it's really quite challenging to find much positive in their thinking
mircea_popescu: because that's why we go to school : so we can present our inquiries in such a way that OTHER PEOPLE can fucking grok wtf we want to know
mircea_popescu: i still can't grok why the man'd have put his name on it.
hanbot: mircea_popescu perhaps i'm reading poorly, but not sure i grok the foreboding re choosing life: "But if you choose "life", remember one important point from Shrem's misadventure :" --if the dead are the old reptiles a la newhouse, clinging to relevancy, wouldn't choosing life be the sane, independent choice?
mircea_popescu: i very much doubt half his closest collaborators grok what he means on the strenght of his text. you yourself, i suspect, followed the logic of the situaiton not the logic of his words.
mircea_popescu: on the 0 1 infinity scale i readily see why 1 rather than 0, i just don't grok why infinity rather than one.
mircea_popescu: well no, if you make an engine and i ask "show me the part that'll make me grok wtf this is" you don't wanna show a leaflet.
nubbins`: <+nubbins`> i didn't grok "weird" until i tried salvia
nubbins`: i didn't grok "weird" until i tried salvia
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i have an idea here. if this actually plays out, you would say to me: 'i will not sign X. because i grok X.a but not X.b. please split into two, and i shall sign X.a, or go on to explain to me precisely how X.b works.'
asciilifeform: unless i dramatically fail to grok how this works, a public blog is very much not the correct tool in the box for this.
mircea_popescu: borlandc++ sucked by comparison. maybe because i was too dumb to properly grok the language, or too lazy to learn the spec
asciilifeform: i didn't grok what he said, at the time, naturally
thestringpuller: the word grok needs to be used more
assbot: 77 results for 'grok' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=grok
thestringpuller: !s grok
mats_cd03: or rather, can't grok.
ben_vulpes: moving slowly, endeavoring to grok and verify each and every stemp.
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform statistics is perhaps the hardest thing for the monkey brain to grok << +1
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform statistics is perhaps the hardest thing for the monkey brain to grok
mircea_popescu: this'd be a decent idea for an oglaf strip : a retarded indian that doesn't quite grok the entire scalping business so he's going around with a string of pubic hair patches
asciilifeform: i still don't grok 'doxing'
mircea_popescu: im just trying to grok .
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i am notorious for taking more than one pass through the material to grok it, more than one set of lips on the tool to spill it etc.
asciilifeform: mp_sails: precompiled << for what. (e.g., which libc? and who volunteers to grok and sign that? etc)
mircea_popescu: julia_ are you old enough to grok that reference incidentally ?
mircea_popescu: and i don't just mean people who don't know irc. i mean people who barely grok computers.
pete_dushenski: the only part of the article i didn't totally grok was the aryan bit
ben_vulpes: you may as well tell me that GPG logins are too hard for advertisers to grok. well, fu. learn gpg, and play nicely with the people running your ads.
pete_dushenski: pankkake: he's not dumb so much as born too late to grok the internet
mircea_popescu: dja grok how the wot works ?
mircea_popescu: im starting to grok this.
BingoBoingo: justusranvier: There are many reasons why homeopathy is a scam, mircea_popescu: but yeah, i suppose it's a good proof they don't grok objective reality. << Homeopaths make their cheddar on conditions that test well against placebo
mircea_popescu: but yeah, i suppose it's a good proof they don't grok objective reality.
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves this is the benefit of aging. you start to realise your time is worth more than money. << a lesson few, even more aged, grok. intentionally i often suspect, as they're too unimaginative to find better uses for their time
fluffypony: ThickAsThieves: yeah not bad, some of it is above my pay grade and I don't quite grok the nuances, but it's still interesting
bitcoinpete: women just… don't grok
benkay: dude mircea_popescu you srsly don't grok us preskewl scam?
benkay: do you know it took me two days of explaining how badly you've fucked up this thing to my partner for him to grok what you'd done?
mircea_popescu: trinque you dont grok the economics involved.
punkman: mircea_popescu, I'll give it a look, see how much I grok
mircea_popescu: just so some forum tards possessed of .1 btc don't bitch about your "very poor security" which they don't grok ?
bitcoinpete: no grok...
mircea_popescu: punkman: seems strange << few people actually grok opsec. this is probably because most adults were once children, and most children are forced to renounce their hardline attitudes, such as "won't eat any peas ever no matter what"
mircea_popescu: it's so unexpectedly absurd i can see why it'd be hard to grok.
mircea_popescu: bitcoinpete: fluffypony: i could see people who aren't writers/thinkers being perfectly ok with the "cleanliness" of buried urls << yeah, because to the idiot everything that he doesn't grok is dirty.
dub: yes google don't grok smtp
mircea_popescu: getting the bar to grok btc processing tho...
ThickAsThieves: i understand, yet can't grok how you'd actually go about proving a "house" can stand without load-bearing walls, in practice
mircea_popescu: bounce i myself am happy with the "clueless woman, learned to use gpg last week, does not quite grok what keys are or how they work"
benkay: grok spv?
ThickAsThieves: accounts. GROK is used to log keystrokes. And SALVAGERABBIT exfiltrates data from removable flash drives that connect to an infected computer."
mircea_popescu: i can't grok wtf is causing it, because i never heard of a civilised country with begbugs before san francisco came along
kakobrekla: <mircea_popescu> i mean this channel was fundamentally born out of some clueless noobs' inability to grok that intelligent discussion is more important than avoiding displays of cunt. < not really, was just to impress girls.
asciilifeform: i still don't grok this. did anyone actually wish to use freicoin? or merely for others to use it.
mircea_popescu: i mean this channel was fundamentally born out of some clueless noobs' inability to grok that intelligent discussion is more important than avoiding displays of cunt.
benkay: nubbins`: that's precisely the problem. when people can't be arsed to figure out how to get their tools to make money, they don't arse themselves to grok the tools either.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform srsly, seems more like a ploy to give your buddy 10k, because i can't for the life of me grok what exact damage can you do to an airplane with a ground laser.
mircea_popescu: Namworld i don't think you fully grok the mechanics involkved.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: one can grok the millionaires protocol with a first grade degree.
nubbins`: one nice thing about having a degree in pure mathematics is that you can grok wikipedia articles on math
mircea_popescu: are they saying "we don't have to sign something we don't want to sign because jesus" ? is it mopre like "we don't want to say anything definite about abortion in writing because we can't grok the consequences" ?
mircea_popescu: as citizen-judges didn't quite grok the abyss.
benkay: it is the fate of all who do not grok their computation platforms to forever wail and thrash in incompetent rage at their continuing inability to do business and acquire as much capital as their self-image indicates they should have
benkay: i'm fresh out of a code retreat with some humans who really grok oop and yet failed to put together class hierarchies to implement the game of life in 45 minutes.
mircea_popescu: yeah i don;'t quite grok what it's supposed to be. thought maybe the owner is here.
davout: mircea_popescu: i'm at chapter 2 of my book, hopefully i'll grok moar and come up with better questions as i progress
mircea_popescu: we cut it out, because curve notation is more than the average person can grok mentally ☟︎
unbalanced: But futures the average new holder of BTC can grok.
mircea_popescu: now, you will need a rom reader, and the ability to grok microcode,
mircea_popescu: bgupta ok but that's 10.0etc. that i can grok
asciilifeform: not uncommon, among academic noobs, to grok the 'how' but not the 'why'.