DreadKnight: 5vs5 sucks; you can't play with anyone on the globe because of latency, you can't play with friends because they're noobs for sure, it's harder than having a band and you are stuck in a chair all day without making any money
DreadKnight: sometimes the matches are over before they even begin, all picking a carry instead of getting proper roles, or randoming and getting heroes they know what to do with
DreadKnight: or simply bad combinations, 4 melee plus yet another melee called void
nubbins`: ;;google hey steve i think your singing was a little flat that time
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, carry is the "Rambo" of the game, the one dealing damage but very item Dependant and squishy
HeySteve: ha funnily enough, I do sing kinda flat. tried a few bands but never became a rockstar
DreadKnight: so everyone wants the kills, but you can't have 5 carries in a team, no doubt, because there's not enough farm / gold, mircea_popescu
DreadKnight: and there's the team mate that always does nothing but steals your kills on purpose, just because, him being support and you being a carry
HeySteve: nubbins, this looks like napoleon dynamite kinda movie
DreadKnight: most shitty game designed every, yet it's an esport
nubbins`: awkward kids in middle america
nubbins`: about the same, yeah, just filmed in the 80s instead of pretending it was ;D
cazalla: does dota have ranked/unranked matches like lol?
nubbins`: girl's name is Dawn Weiner, classic tragedy
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight o i think i tried something like this at one time, ragnarsomething
DreadKnight: nubbins`, thanks for recommendation, looks fun
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, maybe Ragnarok Online? not sure if it's a moba
nubbins`: lel. customer wants "keep calm logo, like on the chive shirts"
nubbins`: so i create "keep calm and <verb related to business> on", complete with royal crown
DreadKnight: and there's the situation where a noob from your team auto attacks instead of last hitting only or last hitting your creeps away from you when you're carry and he's support *sigh*
nubbins`: guy says "i didn't think it had a crown on the top"
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, yeah, played that one as well, I was a moba junkie, it was part of the experience and motivation when designing Ancient Beast
nubbins`: guys, this game you're talking about sounds v complicated and nothing at all like mario kart 8
cazalla: mk8 handles latency really well from what i've played of it online
DreadKnight: showed a teenage girl Angry Birds, she was like "please uninstall", showed her Super Tux Kart, "woah, this is fun!"
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight methinks you're showing teenage girls the wrong things.
nubbins`: they do hide rankings for a few seconds before you cross the finish line, just in case
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, she had the cd with Angry Birds, I hate that game
nubbins`: mircea_popescu "please uninstall" ;(
cazalla: nubbins`, i've only been given a lower ranking than i expected a few times with that
nubbins`: cazalla it's pretty much only for the closest of calls
nubbins`: online mode is where true skill is acquired
nubbins`: i've only started recently, got my cups first
nubbins`: i just broke 2000, but still gaining ground
DreadKnight: MMR system is fun when you don't have to rely on team mates
BingoBoingo: Only recent dell hardware I've been impressed with were those Latitude netbooks they made for a while
cazalla: mircea_popescu, these twistys links never work for me, prob not a big deal seeing it's been all nigger dick images past few days
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, did some friend recommended Heroes of Newerth? how long did you played it? why quit?
mircea_popescu: so today alone 143 different .ru domains supposedly sent people to trilema.
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight i play lots of things to try them out. i quit because i can't stand the model. too much like [lowly paid] work.
DreadKnight: there's something going on with Russia lately, because number one source of visitors for my project all of a sudden; dota2 servers are filled with russians, they're very hated
mircea_popescu: if i wanted to spend my time doing that sort of shit i
DreadKnight: a lot of people don't really like Heroes of Newerth's artwork, too detailed, yet your character is small
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but the explanation is i nthe log, which part didn;'t make sense ?
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight i don't like the "learn this succession of small movements" part.
DreadKnight: asciilifeform, I think he was afraid of players doing the same things over and over again, or picking only the best units
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, every played battletoads? xD
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight no. consider the supermodel of all player strategy games, btc.waroflife.com/
mircea_popescu: if the final state of the game flows deterministically from the state at any point, there's nothing for a human to do.
DreadKnight: moba is too much about lane pushing and farming
DreadKnight: and roles like jungler or support are usually super boring
DreadKnight: but support is pretty mandatory, which is not cool
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 491 @ 0.0019999 = 0.982 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 931 @ 0.00291011 = 2.7093 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: Hazing Investigation: Ohio State Band Members Are Horny And Depraved
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.00081487 = 6.1115 BTC [-]
assbot: Vertcoin – Bitcoin Upgraded » PoW Algorithm Upgrade : Lyra2
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mircea_popescu: "Vertcoin has always been and will continue to be the leader in decentralization of cryptocurrency."
BingoBoingo: Hard to decentralize mining when few people want to work the turd mines
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 52 @ 0.01480916 = 0.7701 BTC [+] {4}
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform let's laugh together. on one hand it's you saying that, one minute under some derp going in the bitbet comments section to say that since ThickAsThieves posted something here about a topic of interest, and magicaltux also hung out on irc, it follows that bitbet is bad.
mircea_popescu: now... what part of "the people are more stupid than can be put into words" needs putting into words ?
mircea_popescu: the shit can never get old. "here's what i want, here's what's to be done, here's me not doing it". how would this ever get old.
mircea_popescu: well they don't do it. they do something that's "just as good".
mircea_popescu: but anyway, forget the bitter me. let's refine your automata idea a little.
mircea_popescu: suppose pow is, "find a 1mbit value which xored with your block results in a wol-like table which playing for 32 generations results in a table identical to the table of the block as is"
mircea_popescu: now, imbit = 128kb, which should be enough for the blocks originally.
mircea_popescu: suppose you double this every 200k blocks, much like how bitcoin halves reward.
mircea_popescu: except you don't have reward, you just increase 4fold the size of the field.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i dont wanna weasel out of inflating block size i dont think
mircea_popescu: i actually kinda want this built, if there's any hardcore c programmer looking for a major project.
mircea_popescu: this still needs better chaining than what bitcoin's doing.
mircea_popescu: obviously anything that can be made can be made in silicon
mircea_popescu: ie, either you make waseful asics or else you keep changing them every 200k blocks
assbot: Ten Things I Learned from the Dogecoin Community | The Biohazard
mircea_popescu: one of the most important vulnerabilities extant in bitcoin as is.
mircea_popescu: honestly i don't think i actualy understand what i want re chaining
DreadKnight: asciilifeform, year zero will cut off confirmation for new transactions, but I would want for the downloaded stuff to not be 10gb; there are wallets that skip that stuff nowadays, though not recommended in certain cases
mircea_popescu: yes indeed, there's at least two items for the bitcoin v2.0 : the wol pow detailed above and the p-airthm balance
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that's a bad idea. baking in gpg however would be splendid.
mircea_popescu: suppose that anyone can generate txn using gpg, much like mpex works.
mircea_popescu: sort-of where i was seeing the "b-a public registrar" project that nobody wants to do going, in step 2.
mircea_popescu: anyway the hash daisychanin satoshi used was moar like a joke than srs.
mircea_popescu: also, need much better hidding of the traffix it generates.
mircea_popescu: in principle one shouldn't be able to spot a b2.0 node on the network.
gribble: Current Blocks: 312339 | Current Difficulty: 1.733631697850783E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 312479 | Next Difficulty In: 140 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 23 hours, 29 minutes, and 47 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 18666668357.3 | Estimated Percent Change: 7.67378
DreadKnight: this IRC channel works so much better than Bitcoin Business Alliance's skype group
BingoBoingo: DreadKnight: Amazing how often older technologies work better than "advances" that would pretent to replace them isn't it
DreadKnight: well, skype is just designed with something else in mind, that's for sure :D
DreadKnight: but thanks to the BBA group, I log into skype once a month tops, very annoying
BingoBoingo: Well, the downside of skype is it forces you to interact with it through the interface it chooses, among other flaws. IRC though... You can pick a client and if it ends up being shit simply switch
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform traffic should resemble people exchanging gpg messages maybe ?
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight there's a reason pros use particular tools rather than any other tools.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform had a rant or several as well
decimation: another theory of mh17 occured to me the other day: while it seems to be detrimental to the rebel's cause, in the bigger calcuation it might actually help them quite a bit
decimation: every human on earth now knows that russia is ready and willing to shoot anything down in that area
decimation: which euro nation wants to be the first one to try to start a "no-fly" zone ala iraq?
cazalla: DreadKnight, most of your complaints regarding mobas are tied to low tier, bronze league superstars, you don't see it in higher brackets which is why it's an esport and a good one at that
decimation: I think it is unlikely that it was explictly ordered, but I read another news story that the 'rebels' shot down some more ukranian fighter jets
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> it seems improbable russia shot down the thing. << I'm waiting for the investigation to reveal a la TWA 800 that the plane was doomed when it took off
decimation: weak-knee western military policy 101: start a no-fly zone
BingoBoingo: But in spite of the criticisms the Su-25 ground attack plane shooting it down is probably more feasible than it gets credit for.
decimation: right, because every last voter realizes exactly the kind of risk that would entail
decimation: a no-fly zone would start a major air battle
mircea_popescu: a no fly zone would allow the russian airforce to showcase it's unmatched superiority by making short work of everything else.
mircea_popescu: if it were 1980s the republicans would have been all in favour, because nothing's better for public contracts than a humiliating, public defeat.
decimation: well, in any case russia isn't going to stand for foriegn aircraft patroling its border, and the world knows it will "arm its proxies" or whatever to make it happen
mircea_popescu: the thing is... the country can't pay anyway, so there's not much pork to be had out of "we need better new planes"
DreadKnight: cazalla, yeah, but to get high mmr, you have to play with non retards, very wise hand picked people, takes time; and you need to either sync in time tables or to have a lot of such people at your disposal, it's a chore to have a proper team
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu> the thing is... the country can't pay anyway, so there's not much pork to be had out of "we need better new planes" >> Not to mention the US is the the business now of buying worse planes
cazalla: DreadKnight, so message the good players you pug with and put something together
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 601.16, Best ask: 603.08, Bid-ask spread: 1.92000, Last trade: 603.08, 24 hour volume: 10370.38719655, 24 hour low: 591.12, 24 hour high: 621.9, 24 hour vwap: 604.966260607
decimation: are you comparing him to this situation?
DreadKnight: cazalla, takes a few years to have a proper list of players, that's if you really care about it, remove noobs constantly
decimation: when your business model is selling baubles to idiots, it's probably not wise to point out the idiocy of bauble-buying
cazalla: DreadKnight, maybe you're just a scrub player? no offense
DreadKnight: lol doesn't have denying, no scrolls, no curiers, simpler mechanics cazalla
pigeons: dignork: yes dogeparty is just counterparty on doge, but like i said, much more useful than ethereum
mircea_popescu: decimation the funny thing about the incident is that everyone happily ignored the "your business part" and took it as gospel. "the importance of brand over quality"
cazalla: DreadKnight, it does have the same idiots who kill steal, play wrong lane, afk etc etc
dignork: pigeons: hard to compare really, trash vs. garbage :)
cazalla: so you message the good ones, start playing together, build synergy, you won't start with it from game 1
DreadKnight: cazalla, it has less things to deal with, but yeah; I hate the account system, region limitation, runes and summoner spells needing levels, LoL requires purchase of champions, basically limits you to constantly play the same 2-3 champs most of the time
decimation: yeah for instance you could hang a sign above a gasoline station saying "Gasoline is dirty" and business would not change
cazalla: DreadKnight, it doesn't require purchase of champs at all unless you're adhd and won't stick to one role
DreadKnight: cazalla, lost a lot of games in LoL while beating the whole enemy team by myself; all mobas basically have the same issues, but LoL has a few more on top of that
danielpbarron: DreadKnight, i used to play all-stars; now i play dota2
cazalla: you're gonna lose games, even the top players only have 2:1 win/loss ratios
DreadKnight: it's rare that I win a game because of another team mate; I usually get really annoyed and tell people what are doing wrong, but not many listen
DreadKnight: forgot to mention noob team mates getting shadow blade in dota2 while there's already an invis carry in the team; or picking multiple invisible heroes *sigh*
☟︎ mircea_popescu: DreadKnight you're prolly not gonna be happy or even willing to hear this, but it sounds like the problem is you.
thestringpuller: have we really gone from talking about world news to LoL in all of 20 minutes?
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, I'm not the problem, the game sets me up with weirdos most of the time and it's bad for my health; I don't always have semi decent team mates online to play with
danielpbarron: i have fun playing dota2; my brother plays, and a few of his friends
DreadKnight: it's fun as long as you got team or don't take it seriously / not play too often
DreadKnight: anyway, don't really care to debate mobas at this hour
cazalla: DreadKnight, ragequit more
cazalla: no, not caring to debate at this hour = ragequit
DreadKnight: no, just that some people around are not into mobas and feel like we're boring or offtopic, I respect not playing moba
BingoBoingo: My favorite part of Eve online is that anyone not explicitly an ally is a potential adversary.
DreadKnight: started watching that Welcome to the Dollhouse movie someone recommended around xD
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user DreadKnight has been recorded.
DreadKnight: might end up writing a moba do's and don'ts guide
decimation: "brand over quality" is also an artifact of the dillution of fiat ownership
decimation: "Consumer price indexes show negligible price changes in non-normalized accounting, not only because they are fudged and rigged, but because prices are set by dollars competing for goods. Because American spenders have fewer and fewer normalized dollars to spend every year, normalized consumer prices are also dropping. " - Mr. moldbug
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, used to, but got popular faster then I expected and hacked a few times without backup; might get back into writing soon, without using wordpress this time
mircea_popescu: wordpress is fine, i've used it for > 5 years without issue.
BingoBoingo: DreadKnight: Wordpress is fine if used with caution appropriate for an application of its kind.
DreadKnight: made my own little blog system, no users accounts or databases, using files instead, will put it to good use soon, mircea_popescu
decimation: statelessness has a quality all its own
DreadKnight: well, didn't knew much about security back then, wasn't protecting the log-in page too well against common stuff
assbot: Romanian Dicelist pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
DreadKnight: true, but it would have been nice if wp had a timer to avoid that kind of abuse, mircea_popescu
DreadKnight: average user hears a lot of WP, but doesn't know about bruteforce and strong passwords
DreadKnight: got my own algorithm for strong passwords that are unique and that I can actually remember and type for a while now
DreadKnight: but parents don't want to share the ideology xD
DreadKnight: nothing sucks more than typing a strong password on a touch screen device.
BingoBoingo: <DreadKnight> but parents don't want to share the ideology xD << Wait, how old are you?
DreadKnight: BingoBoingo, 27, but since I'm into tech, parents learned a bit from me, both are using linux for years now
DreadKnight: I meant that they're not keen on complex / strong passwords
DreadKnight: seen a chart with most popular passwords... 123456 and password being top entries xD
mircea_popescu: "but parents don't want to share the ideology xD" <=> "i'm happy with it but i can't get my parents to use it themselves" ?
assbot: "Password" unseated by "123456" on SplashData’s annual "Worst Passwords" list
BingoBoingo: DreadKnight: Well, why are you giving your parents passwords to infrastructure?
DreadKnight: BingoBoingo, I didn't said their passwords
DreadKnight: just saying that a lot of non-tech / older people tend to use weak passwords
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32400 @ 0.00082018 = 26.5738 BTC [+] {2}
nubbins`: just doing up the books for july, seems we have a mystery cash surplus of $666
decimation: consider replacing irc with message passing
decimation: either a central server or a universal blockchain
decimation: well, in that case the primary risk is the university's computer system
decimation: why should some freshman care about taxpayer assets?
mircea_popescu: nubbins`> just doing up the books for july, seems we have a mystery cash surplus of $666 << you have been clearly blessed. now if the lady's late...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform gpg has built in key signing for this reason.
mircea_popescu: if presented with traffic from alleged key, i expect it to be signed by keys i already accepted.
mircea_popescu: also, people not giving a fuck is a major technical proble,
mircea_popescu: the core reason for it is that the species must perpetuate. this hinges on women not really giving a fuck.
mircea_popescu: as women started giving a fuck, fertility melted away.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform merely the fact that i reject the message doesn't say nanything about its validity.
assbot: Lee Kuan Yew drains your brains for short term gain | Bloody shovel
mircea_popescu: To have a nation, you must have people and you must have young people to be able to drive the economy and young people buy the products all these gadgets and fine dining and if you dont have that, and you refuse migrants as the Japanese do, you will just dissolve into nothingness! I think before that comes, they may change (their) policy. << a country which doesn't have enough gullible fools is not use
mircea_popescu: ful to the bezzlers, which means IT DOESNT EXIST O NOES
http://www.xenosystems.net/iq-shredders/#more-3088 "How many bright Indians and bright Chinese are there, Harry? Surely they are not infinite. And what will they do in Singapore? Well, engage in the finance and marketing rat-race and depress their fertility to 0.78, wasting valuable genes just so your property prices don?t go down. Singapore is an IQ shredder."
assbot: Outside in - Involvements with reality » Blog Archive » IQ Shredders
mircea_popescu: decimation this is a valid point. if i hadn't had trilema and all i did was finance i'd probably hang myself
mircea_popescu: like all the people falling on a nail gun from the 9th floor
mircea_popescu: you should be able to reconstruct state on your own from the sea so to speak
nubbins`: now we're only a mystery $15 over
nubbins`: which isn't much of a mystery at all
decimation: I think most of them would rather die then let that happen
mircea_popescu: i know a guy who moved to japan and got citizenship, i know a guy who married a very pretty japanese rosebud and settled in yurp
mircea_popescu: the situation in the field has justabout 0 to do with the zerohedge-esque nonsense therein discussed.
mircea_popescu: there's this cracked.com v2.0 set of websites, which pretty much live off internet-hyperbole.
mircea_popescu: i'd say it's much easier to get japanese citizenship than bitcoin citizenship
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, so why buenos aires? "permanent"?
mircea_popescu: well, permanent. i don't do permanent, i do a few years.
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, figured, that's why the quotes; job there?
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight you're talking to the only romanian billionaire. i don't jobs.
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, considered that scenario as well, nice :)
BingoBoingo: I need to find someone who can introduce me to one of those Chinese agencies which rents out designated white people
decimation: almost every country will welcome you if you have enough money
mircea_popescu: decimation there's exactly two ways : one's wealth and the ability to select and hire local helpers. the other's deep knowledge and an ability to select and persuade local patrons.
mircea_popescu: you can be a scholar or you can be a merchant. what you can't be is a consumer
mircea_popescu: nobody wants those. this is surprising to nobody outside of us folk i would think.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> nobody wants those. this is surprising to nobody outside of us folk i would think. << Well considering that most US local and state level economic development projects consist of efforts to attract and create consumers... Yeah
BingoBoingo: No US town wants a factory to be useful, they want it because it employees consumers
decimation: are you saying rich fools are unwelcome ?
mircea_popescu: decimation try a mental experiment. consider very insular, outsider-hating middle america community. consider you show up there and lavish new york mannerisms and expectations upon them. lynch mob is unsurprising. consider oppositely you show up there and display an intimate knowledge of the various blood feuds underpinning their social system. suddenly everyone wants you over for sunday dinner.
BingoBoingo: <decimation> are you saying rich fools are unwelcome ? << Rich fools are a resource to harvest like any other until the simply become fools
mircea_popescu: decimation yes. rich fools are dangerous in the manner of the weak tower discussed earlier.
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, is your billionaire status related to bitcoins?
decimation: the us is rich in rich fools, and this explains much of the common us mentality
mircea_popescu: decimation you familiar with the "the best way to sink a good start-up is a bad revenue source early on" quip ?
mircea_popescu: (it's not mine, i just put graham's idea in better wording)
decimation: yeah one observes this daily in the vc circus
mircea_popescu: suppose rich fools (in the shape of oversexed, misguided older us women) show up in africa, with a cohort of young, undersexed male followers
mircea_popescu: they have the money to wreck communities, and they do.
DreadKnight: BingoBoingo, that shows some proof of the status, but not how it came to be or maybe I'm missing something? Like OpenBSD being put to good use after... :)
BingoBoingo: decimation: It isn't just the VC circus. Successful builder finds life better than ever, then buys expensive farmland to build several suburbs for people like himself and goes broke.
decimation: meanwhile the landscape is now permanently spammed with houses, which decay
DreadKnight: BingoBoingo, nvm title already contains "billionaire"
mircea_popescu: however a half pound glucose crystal is about as perishable as plastic.
BingoBoingo: Well historically most candied things were produced as a way to preserve various foods.
decimation: destruction is so much easier than construction: therefore spending money constructively is more difficult than spending money destructively
BingoBoingo: Concentration decides whether it is a nutrient or a preservative hostile to invasive life.
decimation: ascii, how much would you say you have spent building an electronics assembly house? in my neck of the woods, it's common wisdom that such assembly machines are so expensive that they cannot possibly repay themselves
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Similar here, but instead of condos "McMansions"
decimation: heh there's also the original: Bowie's levittown
decimation: I guess it depends on your requirements. if you really must build 8 layer pcbs with blind vias, the equipment to accomplish that is going to cost orders of magnitude more than dual-layer stuff
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform here's something for you. who said 'Death solves all problems - no man, no problem.' ?
decimation: right, pcbs are a different matter I suppose. I'm not so sure that assembly must be so expensive, given that the pcb is outsourced
decimation: if you buy golden toliet pick 'n' place and fancy solder tools I guess it becomes extremely expensive
decimation: the real issue is that you need a non-drug-addicted human to run the machines
decimation: ascii have you driven on "MD200" (the ICC)
decimation: monument to spamming roads/homes pointlessly around landscape
BingoBoingo: Ah, around here one need not drive on a fancy road to find spammed homes. Even the barely paved have domicile spam.
assbot: Minimalist HTTP Daemon Activated in Base
decimation: is it going to replace bloated apache?
BingoBoingo: decimation: They already cut Apache from base in favor of nginx, this is more it seems a still more basic alternative to nginx for people that desire it
DreadKnight: I still hope that someday php will be usable system wide, like python, not just in a specific directory
BingoBoingo: DreadKnight: It can already be used like the question though is why?
DreadKnight: BingoBoingo, portability and easier workflow
BingoBoingo: DreadKnight: What is insufficiently portable about C, python, Julia, Fortran 77, or Scheme?
BingoBoingo: DreadKnight: I know you want to talk about ======== php, but... What use would you find about an HTML generation language that would make it great for the whole system?
BingoBoingo: I'm just curious, also a little bit drunk and trollish for full disclosure.
DreadKnight: BingoBoingo, I could just share source code with someone and it would be easier for him to run it; I could start working on a dynamically generated website on my computer in any folder
BingoBoingo: I'm just trying to get over PHP is your prefered language and Bending Wordpress to your will seems intimidating.
DreadKnight: when it comes to linux and php, if you want to work inside dropbox as well, you have to deal with symlink, permission rights, logic and such
DreadKnight: I'm using git inside dropbox while working on websites
DreadKnight: good thing you made a disclaimer earlier :D
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight php is not too popular here, following a total bashing it got a few months ago over some bizarre design choices and (i suspect) the fact tux loved it.
DreadKnight: considering ditching it for python myself just because python doesn't care about a special folder
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Julia's some clojure like re-LISPening that is apparently getting played with in HPC and science computing circles
DreadKnight: on linux you need to have stuff in that /var/www or do some symlinking
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight you mean so apache will serve the pages remotely ?
DreadKnight: could probably change some setting, but not many will do that
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, want to generate pages locally
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I just guessing off of the name that Julia has a vagina API call, and vaginas are accomodating to nearly anything given sufficient time to warm up
decimation: most of the land for md200 was donated by local DC land baron to build Konterra
decimation: after spending $3 billion to build road, the gov't managers said that the 4-foot trail next to the road would be "too expensive" to complete
decimation: go into debt building roads they can't afford while failing to provision for a future when no one can afford cars
mircea_popescu: decimation this is an unfair observation. who in the us has the authority to actually take these facts in hand and make a decision ?
decimation: I've been seeking such a person for years
mircea_popescu: the way a country of "laws not men" works is by definition that unless it stumbles into sense, it will thread stupidity.
decimation: if an alient landed in nebraska and said "take me to your leader", would the alien be disappointed with whomever appears?
decimation: Re: asphalt roads - in germany they build only with concrete for highways afaik
mircea_popescu: ZTV Asphalt-tr 07/ZTV Beton-StB 07 being the relevant standards, if anyone's curious.
decimation: I suspect that they are more substantially graded than us highways
decimation: well, with 95% humidity at 95 degrees F what do you suspect
decimation: at least in new york they get sea breezes
decimation: washington dc is one of the least habitable zones on the east coast
assbot: How concerned should we be about the mosquito-borne Chikungunya virus? | PBS NewsHour
decimation: that comes down to a trade-off between development and production
decimation: but extremely valuable information is to be gained by doing both
decimation: true, in the case of security hardware
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.1599002 = 1.9188 BTC [+] {6}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 15 @ 0.16 = 2.4 BTC [+]
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 687182.56 Est. Next Diff: 637338.21 in 1183 blocks (#42336) Est. % Change: -7.25
gribble: Current Blocks: 312366 | Current Difficulty: 1.733631697850783E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 312479 | Next Difficulty In: 113 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 18 hours, 12 minutes, and 4 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 18728951524.4 | Estimated Percent Change: 8.03305
assbot: Good morning, may you serve the Lord, and may His holy dominion guide you through your dismal life.
assbot: Quest for vision is a great blessing.
assbot: You know, I've had it up to here with this Indian malarkey.
assbot: GM Gets Prostate Exam In Stadium, Sings "Take Me Out To The Ballgame"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28600 @ 0.00081818 = 23.3999 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: It's so strange that you don't remember any of your poetry.
assbot: One Man's Five-Year Quest To Find A Shiny Pokmon
assbot: Last trade for S.WOL on MPEX was at 0.00008888 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell mike_c isn't that "long life and prosperity" in chinese ?
mircea_popescu: "O'Connell went through this process whenever he could, be it while he was watching TV or surfing the internet. He estimates that he's reset the game maybe over 100,000 times, with over five hundred hours dedicated to this single consuming task."
mircea_popescu: am i to be impressed that somebody did something for 500 hours ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I'm moe dumfounded that he didn't just fck the rng to favor him
cazalla: i'll ask my brother, he held WR for fastest complete on pokemon red for gameboy
BingoBoingo: 500 hours is more than enough time to make a perfect cheat on such a sumb platform
mircea_popescu: i've definitely spent more than 500 hours whipping slaves over the past decade
BingoBoingo: Dude thoug adopted the Doger-aspie mentality of I want X, but only via route Y.
BingoBoingo: It isn't amazing that he accomplished something. It is amazing he took such a fail path to do so for so long.
BingoBoingo: Anyone can imagine they've done anything if they smash their head into a cinder block until they have the cognitive funtion of an oyster
BingoBoingo: Pretty sure oysters are or at least should count as vegan
BingoBoingo: Being as far as they are from anything else that might vaguely be considered an animal
mircea_popescu: hm, now that'd be a character : a gaudy hipster that identifies as vegan and chains oysters
BingoBoingo: Well, if I settled next to the sea I figured I'd call myself vegetarian and eat hundreds of oysters a day for the trollz
mircea_popescu: but it's by far the most sensitive to pollution/freshness food there is
fluffypony: we have the Knysna Oyster Festival every year around the corner from us
BingoBoingo: They ship here pretty well from clean waters. Helps that oysters are rather robust for shellfish.
BingoBoingo: Indeed rather large as well. Getting enough that size for a strand would be one of (expensive, a pain in the ass)
mircea_popescu: lol that day when romanian newspapers actually buy google adwords exposure on your name.
assbot: Mircea Popescu: Rate Professor: Drexel (DU): Koofers
assbot: Random weird shit pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: also the various eth threads all over are pretty lulzy
assbot: Ripple Forum • View topic - Ethereum seems to start selling their native currency
mircea_popescu: "Somehow I managed to partially recover from my Ripple loss, I don't think I will invest in anything else but bitcoin in the future."
mircea_popescu: derp : "omfg they got 5k btc this is so important". older generation derp : "ripple claimed the same thing, a year later they have nothing to show for it"
BingoBoingo: At least Ripple had the courtesy to give away their fail tokens at the start. Basically the Ether terms are then can funnel up to 5kilo BTC back into "development" with the net effect they can Burn 5000 btc in this sale and relaim them later as "expenses"
BingoBoingo: Anything Eth gets beyond the initial 5 kilo BTC might be outside interest
assbot: Become a News Source HARO Publicity Alerts - Help a Reporter Out - Help a Reporter Out
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo it'd logically be the 5k it originaly got. anything it gets past 5k past the 5k would be outside interest.
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 687182.56 Est. Next Diff: 635045.23 in 1166 blocks (#42336) Est. % Change: -7.59
BingoBoingo: Altcoin as usual is the perfect contrast because dev costs are already sunk and minimal. Instead what ATC has are long term commitments to buy it.
BingoBoingo: That they pray for mysterious outside benefactors to bless them with value
BingoBoingo: It's related to a sort of spamvestment scheme traditionally oriented towards targeting doctors.
assbot: Edgar the Exploiter - YouTube
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30747 @ 0.00081628 = 25.0982 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: My favorite thing about buttcoiners : Buttcoin
BingoBoingo: Right now a big piece of spam when I listen to the radio is "Own your own oil well" commercials targeting accredited investors.
assbot: PureApeshit comments on I honestly don't care about many laws put around Bitcoin. The funny thing is I'm your average American next door neighbor.
mircea_popescu: i ran a town, it was a pleasure to live in. for everyone except the buttcoiners, of course (the dumbass kids that go for postdocs in the us didn't exist) and the feminists (the dumbass womenz also didn't exist).
BingoBoingo: "I can see this working for a limited amount of time, in small communities. But who is going to build a $3 Billion bridge and regulate the quality of the engineering? Donations? What will keep greedy companies from paying desperate workers $2/hour, which is what is happening right now in countries with less regulation." Ferries are still a thing
assbot: "The Tyranny of Structurelessness" and Why Decentralization Isn't All It's Cracked Up to Bean essay. : Buttcoin
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo he failks to comprehend that the bridge in question does not in fact cost 3bn
mircea_popescu: it only costs 3bn if a particular type of sucker (us govt) is buying it.
mircea_popescu: mobsters don't pay retail, let alone golden toilet prices.
BingoBoingo: There's probably a few places in the world where a bridge might cost 3 billion honestly, but...
BingoBoingo: Generally those aren't places that need bridges
xmj: BingoBoingo: long bridges are expensive
mircea_popescu: if someone made a sterling silver lifesized replica of the golden gate, it'd still not be 3bn.
xmj: especially the ones across belts, and stuff
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well, connecting Hawaiian or Aleutian island with Bridges, i.e. places that don't need bridges
assbot: Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
mircea_popescu: turns out it cost like 20mn to build back a century ago.
BingoBoingo: Now it takes longer to name a bridge than build it
mircea_popescu: anyway, the monthly delving in the trials and tribulations of the reality-is-people folk has been most rewarding.
mircea_popescu: fluffypony that idiocy aside, an actual namecoin that actually worked well'd be a pretty good thing.
fluffypony: they definitely won't be the ones to do it, though :-P
mircea_popescu: problem is, someone needs to put first tier resolver servers online.
mircea_popescu: which isn't THAT expensive to do, but it does require a puppet-master sysadmin type to start it all
mircea_popescu: ironically, for all the bitching, wailing and thrashing of insignificant subhumans on reddits and forums, there is A TON of free space right at the top, and for years i've just been waiting for people to come and claim their spot.
mircea_popescu: just... the ability of being actually useful is a lot rarer than the ability to down a special interest studies read list and then derp around in circles.
mircea_popescu: i wonder how many of these fucktarded kids realise that a) domestic animals could "learn" the bullshit they've "learned" and b) that automatically means it ain't fucking worth bothering with.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> which isn't THAT expensive to do, but it does require a puppet-master sysadmin type to start it all << OMG Bob Beck has a path to redemtion if he takes it
assbot: MINECRAFT (Honest Game Trailers) - YouTube
CheapBoy: I've got the hold of my GPS keys, trying to understand how to speak to gribble :)
fluffypony: ;;8ball should CheapBoy turn left in 500 meters?
CheapBoy: Xmj Hi. I still don't understand what is what in the instructions about gribble
CheapBoy: Does gribble know where I am???
assbot: Using bitcoin-otc - bitcoin-otc wiki
assbot: BBC News - Flight MH17 crash: Man charged over Twitter post
xmj: how long does the IRS need in order to process form SS-4 and issue an Employer ID number?
xmj: rephrase, how long does it take them to process a fax'ed SS-4 form and issue an EIN ?
csshih: lol sorry xmj ;p I'm only familiar with the online app which takes literal moments
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 877 @ 0.004 = 3.508 BTC [-]
csshih: "To expedite the issuance of an EIN for a foreign entity, please call (267) 941-1099. This is not a toll-free call.
assbot: Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN)
xmj: i dont wanna pay taxes; just get a bank account and receive money :p
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 21 @ 0.162 = 3.402 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10450 @ 0.00081487 = 8.5154 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31100 @ 0.00081476 = 25.339 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.162 = 1.458 BTC [+]
empyex: FabianB: [S.MPOE] Bids: 50000 @ 0.00081273 34235 @ 0.00081251 44486 @ 0.00081060 23200 @ 0.00079720
empyex: FabianB: [S.MPOE] Asks: 7453 @ 0.00081536 10971 @ 0.00082002 66000 @ 0.00082043 40300 @ 0.00082138
empyex: FabianB: [S.BBET] Bids: 1000 @ 0.00048222 1000 @ 0.00048000 2000 @ 0.00047000 190 @ 0.00046010
empyex: FabianB: [S.BBET] Asks: 10000 @ 0.00050900 10000 @ 0.00050999 10000 @ 0.00052210 10000 @ 0.00052229
empyex: FabianB: [F.MPIF] Bids: 191 @ 0.00021513 100 @ 0.00021512 1000 @ 0.00021512 2000 @ 0.00021511
empyex: FabianB: [F.MPIF] Asks: 2000 @ 0.00022500 10000 @ 0.00023150 10000 @ 0.00023500 10000 @ 0.00023850
empyex: FabianB: [S.MG] Bids: 99 @ 0.00009100 671844 @ 0.00009000 20000 @ 0.00003000 3000000 @ 0.00000050
empyex: FabianB: [S.MG] Asks: 79053 @ 0.00010950 3000 @ 0.00011000 100000 @ 0.00012000 18 @ 0.00012399
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.16499888 = 1.485 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7453 @ 0.00081536 = 6.0769 BTC [+]
assbot: Austria Offers 'Contradictory' Guidance on Bitcoin's Financial Status
ThickAsThieves: "Cost of mining doesn't matter to the price, miners will readjust themselves according to the current price by either taking a temporary loss and not selling or reduce mining nodes/more efficient hardware." fukn traders...
pigeons: my stocks went down too, but the price doesn't matter, i'll just take a temporary loss and not sell. how long is temporary?
xmj: that's what people said after the Dotcom bubble
xmj: then the firms went bust.
pigeons: i could just spend the money i dont have because im taking a temporary loss on more efficient hardware that doesnt exist
ThickAsThieves: "Mitchell Tace Chapman, of Pegwood Road, Sunderland, has been charged with making a malicious communication."
chetty: <ThickAsThieves> "slander" is out. "malicious communication" is in!.//whatever happened to 'stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me'?
assbot: BBC NEWS | Technology | Passwords revealed by sweet deal
assbot: Woman 4 times more likely than men to give passwords for chocolate | Technology | theguardian.com
mike_c: asciilifeform: lol. good stuff.
assbot: Infosecurity - European Central Bank Hacked; 20K Email Addresses Lifted
artifexd: I come back from Ecuador and realize that they just banned bitcoin entirely because they're going to make their own cryptocurrency. I guess my wife was right all along when she said Correa was a dumb ass.
artifexd: Also, []bot is back up. There just has been no action for the last 18ish hours.
artifexd: Wow. Much logs. Many catching up to do.
assbot: 'Nuanced View' Needed to Understand Millennial Homebuying Behavior - US News
chetty: nuanced view - hmm time to ban some more words
mike_c: this is not rocket science. they just took out a "mortgage" to pay for college. why would they want another one?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 200 @ 0.00297729 = 0.5955 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3337 @ 0.0029773 = 9.9353 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.81517560 BTC to 12`515 shares, 14504 satoshi per share
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 24.25324692 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 2109 satoshi per share
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] [PAID] 4.61234584 BTC to 29`438 shares, 15668 satoshi per share
mike_c: 1btc in 5 years though. that could be hefty.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27800 @ 0.00081648 = 22.6981 BTC [+] {2}
ThickAsThieves: schiff took the shitty side, he gets one worthless bitcoin at the end if he wins
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 601.06, Best ask: 602.26, Bid-ask spread: 1.20000, Last trade: 602.27, 24 hour volume: 5598.26669767, 24 hour low: 592.97, 24 hour high: 609.65, 24 hour vwap: 600.887144777
DreadKnight: DreadKnight:or even investors, as long as the strings aren't forever <-> mircea_popescu:DreadKnight why not ?
DreadKnight: forgot to answer that last time, well I misinterpreted
DreadKnight: the answer: I'm trying to make an evergreen type of game, with high replay value, that will also get new content and features over the years; so it's not like an oldschool published game, where you got a finished product with 40 hours of gameplay and then it gets stacked on the shelf
assbot: Gamasutra: Daniel Cook's Blog - A single game as a lifelong hobby
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight that's exactly how i go too. eulora is supposed to be playable forever.
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, is that one of your projects or a game you funded?
mircea_popescu: that's the flagship game of s.mg, it's a proper mmorpg.
assbot: It’s called Eulora pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
DreadKnight: I usually hate compiling, most keen on browser based stuff
mircea_popescu: fluffypony guy's working on yet another homm for the web.
DreadKnight: fluffypony, on a desktop atm, but would definitely recommend a ChromeBook to my parents and other people within a year or so
DreadKnight: fluffypony, so yeah, what's the link to your project? I'm making www.AncientBeast.com
fluffypony: I don't have a project, I'm semi-retired
fluffypony: only when it's the morning and I haven't had coffee ;)
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight dude's not a game dev, he's like a corporate ladder climber.
DreadKnight: seen quite a few people wanting to make a homm clone, but nobody was quite up for walking the walk
fluffypony: "I reached the top and I had to stop, and that's what's bothering me"
jurov: DreadKnight so if you had in exchange for investment to pay out % of profit as dividends, is that unacceptable string to you?
assbot: Fuck me ?! Fuck you!!! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
DreadKnight: jurov, was more keen on giving a fixed percentage back from the investment with time, besides the investment itself ofc; I'm not really into stock market, but I guess that would be fine, I could always buy the dividends myself at some point :D
assbot: FuckU-FuckMe. Changing the feel of communication.
assbot: FuckU-FuckMe. Changing the feel of communication.
jurov: DreadKnight why would you submit to giving fixed % back even if the game profits is less than anticipated?
DreadKnight: wait, why am I seeing a picture of fluffypony's wife? xD
DreadKnight: so she probably decided to axe the homm clone or had something to do with it
assbot: Heroes III pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you ever tried playing mm6/7 with a girl ?
DreadKnight: jurov, yeah, that's assuming less risks in the short term anyway; though in the long run, those percentages could be way more than that fixed profit cut I mentioned
mircea_popescu: it works splendidly, have her asdw while you handle teh mouse.
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight you won't get a bond as nobody. not even major players in the industry get bonds.
mircea_popescu: (and when they do get close to bonds, disasters a la daikatana happen. it's very important to have good supervision, key to success.)
mircea_popescu: fluffypony trilema started in 2008. and since then, i've written > 1 article a day, each day, every day.
DreadKnight: funny they sold daikatana for whatever in humblebundle recently
DreadKnight: dunno why they don't let that game project get buried already
mircea_popescu: thing cost 10 mn dollars, and this is pre 2000 money. <
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, still having issues with zoso and other bloggers nowadays?
DreadKnight: I'm not too keen about reddit myself, ugly looking
benkay: "cyranodeb" // read as cyra-node-b, because i have bitcoins on the mind
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight well there's a lot you don't understand (yet) :p
mircea_popescu: ( asciilifeform ever tried playing h2/h3 with a girl ? ever found one to consistently beat you ? )
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, you could have posted a screenie with that eulora blog post :D
assbot: Heroes of Newerth pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mike_c: wow, 5 months blows by quick. chetty, when's v0.0.5?
DreadKnight: mmorpgs are beasts to make and they require massive amount of players, the main issue that breaks or makes mmo's is that they keep being rpg's and have a lot of competition, also, there's the peer pressure; a lot of players stick to a certain mmorpg because their friends keep playing them, getting them to switch would mean also making friends to switch at the same time
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.15610228 = 0.7805 BTC [-] {3}
DreadKnight: there are a few extra creditz episodes on youtube why new mmorpg's don't make it as in they can't compete with WoW etc
mike_c: WoW gold can't compete with bitcoin
mircea_popescu: mike_c buildings being worked on. but a new package not so far off.
mircea_popescu: ima keep going "there's a lot you don't know yet" at this poor guy or what.
mircea_popescu: benkay we wish you a merry fu! we wish you a merry fu! and a happy neeeeew looooog!
[]bot: Bet placed: 3 BTC for No on "BTC to top $800 before August"
http://bitbet.us/bet/994/ Odds: 12(Y):88(N) by coin, 15(Y):85(N) by weight. Total bet: 26.83847635 BTC. Current weight: 20,822.
benkay: s.mg pump incoming hue hue hue
DreadKnight: even if WoW requires pumping money into, there are quite a few players who use WoW to make money, yeah, might not be in an official way like bitcoins, but still
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2310 @ 0.00081671 = 1.8866 BTC [+]
mike_c: for everyone who is dying to know what moiety sounds like:
assbot: War of Life - Cellular automata to the death!
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: pankkake: natalie portman is a jew? I always knew something was off with her << only on the mother's side. << still counts, of course, and a +ev strategy for it to be so. my father isn't one of the "chosen people," though he's still… frugal
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: pigeons: wow really they are already trying to damage control the 1% of the press they get that isn't positive? and from a bitcoinpete (no offense lol) blog post? << the 1% happens to be what matters in this field. << pimps matter in every field
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 255 @ 0.0029 = 0.7395 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: bitcoinpete there've been a few people inquiring here, but none actually put fat on the line.
chetty: <mike_c> wow, 5 months blows by quick. chetty, when's v0.0.5?//been a little distracted lately, hopefully soon
mircea_popescu: basically the advent of the internet talkhole has resulted in a lot of people trying to save on talk psychiatry.
bitcoinpete: which is truly unfortunate for the immense population of north americans who need it
mircea_popescu: well, need is relative. they could use it, sure. a good beating's cheaper.
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: you're not being accused. you've just been convicted. that's all. << Luke-Jr, of being a banana
bitcoinpete: "The median grade at Harvard College is an A-, and the most frequently awarded mark is an A, Dean of Undergraduate Education Jay M. Harris said on Tuesday afternoon"
assbot: A useful list of things pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
bitcoinpete: if canadian institutions were so favourable, i'd be in medicine
assbot: Lawsuit Stunner: Half of Futures Trades in Chicago Are Illegal Wash Trades
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no twenty year old ever fell in love resulting in neglect of his work.
chetty: <asciilifeform> bitcoinpete: this (as discussed in the log) is not a thing in every u.s. uni, but only at the 'ivy' ones (most expensive, direct ladder to the lizardocracy)//trickle down will get there
mircea_popescu: you know incidentally... this is exactly how the "Stefan Gheorghiu" School of Political Science worked in the 80s romania.
bitcoinpete: asciilifeform i had the good fortune of going to a larger canadian uni, saving me from such poisonous offerings
mircea_popescu: they couldn't give a bad mark to someone they had admitted.
bitcoinpete: lest they make the admissions board look bad
assbot: tefan Gheorghiu Academy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
mircea_popescu: it gives a bad impression of social mobility to the workers.
mircea_popescu: actually i should probably write on the us fiction of "social mobility"
bitcoinpete: "North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is reportedly furious about a Chinese viral video that photoshops him into all manner of ridiculous scenarios: dancing, brawling, riding a pig, frolicking with Osama Bin Laden, and generally being made a laughingstock by Obama and Putin."
bitcoinpete: which i guess russia did today - 0.5% up to 8%
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 756 @ 0.00297173 = 2.2466 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: i mean i get it, new mercantilism, they don't want consumption, all that. but omfg, 8%.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 700 @ 0.00297749 = 2.0842 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1669 @ 0.0029775 = 4.9694 BTC [+]
bitcoinpete: definitely, but i seriously no idea it was 7.5% before!
assbot: MIT Admissions Dean Resigns; Admits Misleading School on Credentials | News | The Harvard Crimson
assbot: MPEx securities discussion thread
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves this is the benefit of aging. you start to realise your time is worth more than money. << a lesson few, even more aged, grok. intentionally i often suspect, as they're too unimaginative to find better uses for their time
mircea_popescu: bitcoinpete or it's just too painful to admit they're currently wasting their time.
mircea_popescu: how many people with tween kids in tow are willing to consider whether the little schmucks are even worth raisingin the first place ?
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla ow shit, guy posting on the forum just annulled half a million btc worth of paper.
mike_c: fluffypony: because your kids wouldn't be worth raising?
mircea_popescu: mike_c because if he were to discover they aren't, he wouldn't have an out.
mike_c: doesn't say much of your analysis of their gene pool :)
fluffypony: if they ended up being useless shits, what then?
bitcoinpete: fluffypony: cross that bridge when you get to it, neh?
mircea_popescu: people wanna solve the fertility problem, the solution is simple : give parents the unchallengeable right to kill the kids up until age 16.
mike_c: what kill? out is easy: boarding school.
fluffypony: well it's other concerns, mike_c - my neice has down syndrome, and I don't envy the ongoing struggle my aunt and uncle have
mircea_popescu: mike_c only if it's a self-supporting economic activity.
chetty: not kids would survive, all teens should die
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: islam does exactly that, honour killings, still have population explosions
mircea_popescu: which doesn't work today, as there's not much useful work kids can do.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla can i send you my cv ? maybe there's a job opening somewhere, bit4x ?
mike_c: kids aren't supposed to be a profitable economic activity.
fluffypony: either way, we've realised we're too selfish as a couple to consider children, and I doubt that will change in future
rithm: pirate wants a jury trial
chetty: if more people really understood babies grow into teens there would not be a population problem
mike_c: you pay $500,000 to have a cute little thing that loves you for 10 years, hates you for 8, and then hopefully respects you after that.
mircea_popescu: fluffypony decent film. has the cannonical moment of the down kid parent thing.
rithm: babies grow into teens?
fluffypony: rithm: isn't a jury supposed to be made up of your peers? so then his jury is going to be made up of Karpeles and the "dev teams" behind MaidSafe and Ethereum?
mircea_popescu: d rather pay indiancandy's plane ticket for 500 or w/e it was
mike_c: why do some people get dogs? i have no fking idea.
rithm: fluffypony: subpoenas for errybody
mircea_popescu: fluffypony i don't think they take peers that seriously.
mike_c: it is a gamble. more upside with a good kid than a good dog.
rithm: i call to the stand vbuterin
fluffypony: mike_c: because dogs are adorable and love you, and if your situation changes you can rehome them, and if they have an untreatable aggression problem you can (legally and even morally to most) put them down
rithm: to speak about ethereum
mike_c: fluffypony: yes. and on the other hand they will never have an intelligent conversation with you.
mike_c: that doesn't make sense. why would anyone bet on bitbet on your terms?
mircea_popescu: i want the right to kill any children or i won't have any. that's that.
fluffypony: mike_c: true that...I guess we want it to be a bit more of a "sure thing" when embarking on a 20 year project that will consume nearly all our time and money ;)
mike_c: and i don't want a dog. different strokes.
mircea_popescu: mike_c but anyway, presumably because my terms are great.
mircea_popescu: which is why women are my slaves, rather than me theirs : because i am great, and they aren't as great.
fluffypony: oh werd, artifexd already mentioned it
mike_c: until you meet the right woman :D
fluffypony: they've banned Bitcoin and all digital currencies
mircea_popescu: fluffypony pretty much the only thing one can be sure of here, is that news's been scoopt.
mike_c: not the position of making you their slave.
mike_c: she is still out there.
fluffypony: "The law gives the government permission to make payments in ‘electronic money’, but decentralized digital currencies like bitcoin will now be prohibited. The proposed electronic money is to be backed by the assets of the Banco Central del Ecuador, the nation’s central bank. The National Assembly will oversee the new currency while the central bank will develop and integrate it into the broader financial system."
mike_c: fluffypony: how old is your wife? mid-20's?
mike_c: k, check back in 3 years plz
mircea_popescu: if anyone from ecuador is here : i will trade with you in violation of ecuador's alleged "laws".
mike_c: you don't have a wife.
mike_c: hell no. you only think that cuz you haven't met wife yet.
mircea_popescu: slave'll do what you tell her to, and that includes go kill yourself.
mike_c: that is backwards. the person is the important part.
mike_c: that is the benefit of slave, like benefit of dog. it will do what you tell it or else. child and wife have different pros & cons.
mircea_popescu: as far as i can see, wife's closer to dog than to slave.
mike_c: well, i am not concerned with commonly. commonly wife & husband can't stand each other.
mike_c: commonly people hold fiat instead of bitcoin
mircea_popescu: yes well, everyone thinks their thing's special, for as long as it lasts.
mircea_popescu: but the relation with the wife is constructed to protect the possible failures.
mike_c: you can apply those last two lines to BTC as well
mircea_popescu: the relation with the slave's constructed to expose them
mike_c: it is same as dog. you are limiting the downside, but also limiting upside.
mircea_popescu: you really like this similarity, but no. the limited upside's with the wife.
mircea_popescu: take it this way : there's a lot less you can be spectacularly wrongabout with the wife. A LOT LESS.
mike_c: which is "better": 1) woman that does whatever you say. 2) woman that is your intellectual equal and participates favorably in your life
mircea_popescu: applying "no pain no gain" in reverse, obviously there's also a lot more upside with the slave.
mircea_popescu: mike_c that she's a slave does not preclude her being your intellectual equal.
mike_c: no, it precludes the 2nd part
mircea_popescu: how the hell does it preclude participating favorably in your life ?
mike_c: because she doesn't help make decisions.
mike_c: and why shouldn't she presume?
mike_c: because she is not qualified?
mircea_popescu: you want me to answer a negative ? she shouldn't presume becauise it;'s not her place.
mircea_popescu: let me go at it a different angle. you ever were good friends with a good doctor ? i mean, practicing seriously, a good one.
mircea_popescu: did it even happen that you were privy to a case where they fucked up ? for w/e reason, they made the wrong call, resulting in a lot of trouble for a patient ?
mircea_popescu: did this harrowing emotional experience constitute an opportunity for them to grow, as a person ?
mike_c: hm. she cried over it.
mircea_popescu: and now, consider that you WILL punish your slave for no fault of her own.
mircea_popescu: yes, her well welted flesh is going to participate favourably in your life.
mircea_popescu: you get to discover just how stupid you are, in short order, and a wife's no substitute.
mike_c: obviously slave, like dog, will participate favorably at some level.
mircea_popescu: the fact that a wife is relatively safe, in her person and property makes the relationship much alike to that with a dog. which dog, in it's bestial stupidity, is also relatively safe.
mike_c: try this. axiom (for this case): woman is right, you are wrong. who has a better chance of changing your mind/behavior? slave eventually is told to stfu and will do so.
mike_c: and so you continue to be wrong, and no longer receive any input as to why.
mircea_popescu: don't you see the backflow here ? if you KNOW that your order will be unquestioned if it's an order,
mircea_popescu: aren't you in a much better position to correctly evaluate it ?
mircea_popescu: what'd you rather do, linux or windoze ? rm -rf has no "are you SURE ???" triplicate dialogue.
mircea_popescu: who' the better coder, the linux guy or the windows guy ?
mike_c: poor analogy. i'm not looking for pointless barrier. this is why wife needs to be of certain quality.
mike_c: ah, that can change :)
mircea_popescu: the pool you can select wives from is already the pool of the women too [insert here] to have a master.
mike_c: bullshit. the pool i select from is whoever I want. since I am making better offer, I get woman.
mircea_popescu: mike_c recall ballas' champagne glasses pyramid. wives are the 2nd or 3rd rung from the bottom.
mircea_popescu: that is of course not obvious to most midrange women, which is why they get married.
mike_c: you are self-selecting. worse offer to slavegirl perhaps who doesn't want to live her own life.
mircea_popescu: you presume there's a way to live your own life outside of slavery. there actually isn't.
mircea_popescu: you do get to live a role, i guess. be a good mom/wife/consumer/we
DreadKnight: unless you go away with mars one project, then you'll care about survival
mike_c: <+mircea_popescu> you presume there's a way to live your own life outside of slavery. there actually isn't.
benkay: <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform traffic should resemble people exchanging gpg messages maybe ? // run it over cjdns?
mircea_popescu: mike_c if you must, i can expand it to include teh masters too.
mircea_popescu: benkay not a bad idea baking that in there i dont think yes.
mircea_popescu: so that your nodes act as cjdns nodes too, help both projhects.
benkay: <decimation> statelessness has a quality all its own // see, mircea_popescu? state sucks. cause of much woe.
benkay: not because a webui woulda cost more?
benkay: and really sir - "because state"? not because the chosen architecture made it unnecessary?
assbot: [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00400000 / 0.00402181 / 0.00439038 (1577 shares, 6.34238759 BTC), 7D: 0.00400000 / 0.00425515 / 0.00538009 (2574 shares, 10.95275244 BTC), 30D: 0.00200000 / 0.00403815 / 0.00540000 (9748 shares, 39.36386385 BTC)
assbot: [MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 59120 @ 0.00021465 = 12.6901 BTC [-] {2}
☟︎ assbot: [MPEX] [FN] [F.MPIF] 27206 @ 0.00019 = 5.1691 BTC [-]
benkay: hey why did the order numbers fall over? not busting balls, state conversation made me curious.
jurov: <mircea_popescu> benkay if you recall, mpex eschewed
https and
http "logins" because state ? << and later almost forced everyone to maintain counter huh
benkay: mircea_popescu: WORST TECHNICAL REPORT
mircea_popescu: jurov it's one of the sins burdening me in confession.
benkay: yeah, shove state into the clients. fuck 'em.
the20year: by the time i read it all, you are on to something else
assbot: This Land Is Mine on Vimeo
ThickAsThieves: <+mike_c> for everyone who is dying to know what moiety sounds like: /// dat accent
the20year: Between chatting i'm also dealing with rental applications
the20year: I'm loving the facebook page thing, it's to the point we're getting half a dozen to a dozen rental applications before our properties in rehab are done
mike_c: ThickAsThieves: vote in progress. too thick for muricans?
mircea_popescu: did someone fatfinger or did someone hire a forum muppet for investment advice ?
benkay: <DreadKnight> I still hope that someday php will be usable system wide, like python, not just in a specific directory // ahahahahaha
assbot: BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021699 B (Total: 474.50 B). Delta: -0.78 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00019 BTC [-]
benkay: and this guy's making a muhmorperger?
benkay: =====================!
jurov: huh someone sold deeply into my mm's .19 order?
mike_c: had to be a fatfinger. reminder #240 to always have an order on the books.
kakobrekla: a few trades today unaccounted for in that upper nav i think
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla yeah perhaps as much as fiddy bitcents profited.
assbot: BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021707 B (Total: 474.69 B). Delta: -0.59 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00019 BTC [-]
mike_c: oh, sweet, he made money
mircea_popescu: great time to sell into the dirt : when unreported gains.
mike_c: kakobrekla: yes.. moving from cron.daily to cron.hourly is on the short list. i'll just do it now.
jurov: ;;calc 0.00021707*1.01
jurov: ;;calc 0.00021707/1.01
wyrdmantis: i have to write the commands right here?
ThickAsThieves: <+mike_c> ThickAsThieves: vote in progress. too thick for muricans? //// Other than when she says "cunt" instead of "current" the accent is great ;)
ThickAsThieves: lol "MPEX has no value and has been/continues to burden the community." ~hayek
DreadKnight: benkay, was actually giving arguments why people shouldn't make mmorpg games, no matter how much money they got into their accounts
benkay: defo skimmed that logsection
mike_c: any other muricans want to give a listen and voice an opinion it would be appreciated. this isn't a love-fest, please say if you think the accent might not work for average US speaker.
https://btc.waroflife.com/videos/ assbot: Video Tutorials - War of Life
mike_c: yeah, but you are multi-lingual
mircea_popescu: mike_c how many non multilingual ppl ar you gonna find in assets ?
mike_c: he can't be murican if he speaks more than 1 language
ThickAsThieves: look, i'm an american and i like it, what more is there to need to know really?
mike_c: hell, you're from florida. practically a redneck
assbot: BitBet - 1BTC >= $10,000 USD :: 75 B (12%) on Yes, 572.49 B (88%) on No | closing in 3 months 3 weeks | weight: 32`872 (100`000 to 1)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 393 @ 0.00149998 = 0.5895 BTC [+] {2}
ThickAsThieves: this is good: "What baffles me is how people can send so many coins to a supposedly anonymous person. Do you give out unsecured loans to random strangers who you meet for the first time?"
mike_c: omg that SR auction bet is the gift that just keeps giving. daily lulz in the comments.
ThickAsThieves: mike_c on more mature note, i can add that the audio has some sibilance issues
jurov: mircea_popescu: looks like the F.MPIF perpetrator wants to withdraw
mike_c: yeah, it wasn't done with pro equipment i'm sure. but it was meant to have casual tone.
mircea_popescu: personally, i kinda like it how they keep making these forum threads about how mpex is bad, get laughed into the ground, close it and reopen it as if it were new.
mircea_popescu: since the 2012 days of glbse we're at what, 4 of these ? 5 ?
jurov: actually the thread wasn't about "mpex is bad" till jimmothy came around
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla you need money for that. his budget was in the decimals last he was offered a short.
mircea_popescu: and "it woudln't be fair anyway", for some variation of "mp has all the btc and can do whatever he wants"
fluffypony: jimmothy irritates the living daylights out of me
kakobrekla: yeah but this one is not cause of the money.
benkay: <mike_c> you pay $500,000 to have a cute little thing that loves you for 10 years, hates you for 8, and then hopefully respects you after that. // ideally. sculpting them into not-biodiesel is generally frowned upon in these parts.
mircea_popescu: somehow suddenly he's aware of that when it's his skin. but otherwise, happy to run the mouth,
benkay: "but mocking their idiocy is abuse!"
mircea_popescu: best argument against letting the common folk out of the dungeon i ever saw.
mircea_popescu: fluffypony he's providing the valuable service of keeping the idiots out.
kakobrekla: anyway, someone should offer a short on the thing, just to keep things healthy.
benkay: ah, the wives and slaves thread begins.
mircea_popescu: benkay what's the count ? no way we have 10k lines in the log today
benkay: lines since i last rebooted emacs on the aws micro
benkay: <mircea_popescu> it's not really "or else". // whose wives don't do as told?
benkay: <mike_c> which is "better": 1) woman that does whatever you say. 2) woman that is your intellectual equal and participates favorably in your life // false dichotomy
benkay: looky here i say "we're moving to argentina", we move to argentina.
mike_c: i didn't present it as 2 of 2 choices
assbot: Taken - The New Yorker
benkay: granted there's some yelling and "what about whelping near the g-p's", but at the end of the week the conversation is about which neighborhood in which to site up
benkay: ThickAsThieves: this is -assets
benkay: debate all the things while testing in production
mircea_popescu: benkay and if you say "you eat your dogfood with your hands shackled behind your back and if you run into a hair there fu you eat it anyway and if it makes you vomit fu you'll lick it all up the floor and swallow it" ?
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves sure you can't debate it. why would something not be up for debate ?
benkay: that kinda stuff doesn't do much for me, mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves no itdoesn't. discussion and action are divorced topics,
mircea_popescu: not like one has to do anything on the strength of what ba said.
benkay: "get up at 7, make me coffee and bfast, sweep the apartment and then work out" is about the right load for lady v right now.
benkay: you don't go straight for the butthole w/no lube etc.
mircea_popescu: but still, wives are not slaves (and probably shouldn't generally be)
benkay: <mike_c> poor analogy. i'm not looking for pointless barrier. this is why wife needs to be of certain quality. // those with whom one spends ones time in general...
benkay: <mircea_popescu> you presume there's a way to live your own life outside of slavery. there actually isn't. // everything is a fractal representation of something else
benkay: marriage, slavery, democracy, bitcoin...
benkay: representing at a smaller or larger scale something else smaller or larger than itself
rithm: fractal geometry usually
benkay: the leaf and the river delta
rithm: usually implies infinite zoom and levels where the original image is represented
rithm: butterflies in africa
rithm: i have a seirpinski triangle tattooed on my back!
assbot: Sierpinski triangle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
rithm: that's probably one of the easier concepts to explain fractal geometry
rithm: because only 3 sides, not complex equations
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the highway robbery the us govt is conducting as a matter of course is well documented already, yes.
rithm: it's pointing to infinity and it's a repeating math funtion
rithm: the more difficult the function, the more intricate the design
rithm: but usually fractal geometry is zooming in and seeing a portion of the orignal image
rithm: geometries of repeating functions at scale
rithm: you can add dimensions and then you get to talking about chaos
mike_c: i'm with ThickAsThieves. debating love is like debating religion. nobody is going to change their mind.
benkay: who said anything about love?!
rithm: i understood benkay's statement
jurov: love peace happiness and slavery
benkay: ultimate responsibility for ones own actions drives lots of people insane, jurov
benkay: easier to pray, be told what to do by a "master"
benkay: see also the 12-steppers "higher power"
mike_c: asciilifeform: forfeiture quote source?
benkay: "this conscious operator can't make good decisions, so let's create an alternative decisionmaker inaccessible to the operator to whom good decisionmaking is delegated"
mircea_popescu: <mike_c> i'm with ThickAsThieves. debating love is like debating religion. nobody is going to change their mind. << the point oif the discussion is not to change mind.
ThickAsThieves: instead of love, generally debating matters of taste and emotion is meh
mike_c: meh, you philosophers. why discuss if nobody learns anything and grows/changes?
mircea_popescu: how the hell is taste to emerge, if not from the public discussion of individual preference ?
benkay: oh i'm learning piles!
benkay: more or less why i'm here...
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves i definitely don't propose there's a winner. the dispute of which is more complex a tool does not map on the discussion of which is a better tool.
mike_c: well, perhaps love is different. with religion, nobody will accept any learning because they are too invested in their current system.
mircea_popescu: mike_c this is false on its face. i'm a religious scholar.
mike_c: a religious scholar is entirely different from a religiuos person
mike_c: go teach danielpbarron *anything*
mike_c: to expand: discussing differing religious viewpoints.
mike_c: this is different from discussing religious matters that you do not personally hold.
mircea_popescu: mike_c we're not discussing religious viewpoints, nor are we doing the equivalent for fuckpreferences.
mircea_popescu: we are discussing something much broader than that, specifically the limits of agency, human knowledge and so on.
mike_c: who is "we"? we are having a discussion about whether you can discuss things
mike_c: were those not viewpoints that we personally hold? not simply ideas?
mircea_popescu: mike_c whether we hold them or not is irrelevant in that context.
mircea_popescu: the discussion was proceeding on the strength of what can be
mike_c: not to my point though. which is that discussing personally held viewpoints about religion is an exercise in head-to-wall banging.
mircea_popescu: not if the people in question are scholars rather than believers.
ThickAsThieves: no matter much trilema you read, the wife ain't gonna listen!
mircea_popescu: i have no particular reason to suspect you'd go nuts just because specific points you happen to be personally invested in turn out to be wrong or unsustainable.
mike_c: more to the point, i am willing to accept that is possible
mike_c: religious believers are not
mircea_popescu: it'd be all "o, you can't talk good accountingpractices with people who own x stock"
mike_c: religious believers will never "turn out to be wrong", so discussing is pointless
mircea_popescu: people have often done 180 degree about faces talking here. and those who can't gather on forum not here. so all's well, even if we are invested
mike_c: more to the point, let's discuss whether debating discussion is a good idea ;)
mircea_popescu: <ThickAsThieves> no matter much trilema you read, the wife ain't gonna listen! << this sounds like a cry for halp
gribble: Nick 'the20year', with hostmask 'the20year!~the20year@', is identified as user 'the20year', with GPG key id 359D91C634AE8E53, key fingerprint DF515FC27907A1FC3236C7E8359D91C634AE8E53, and bitcoin address None
the20year: (3:25:22 PM) Cannot send to channel
mike_c: hey the20year. so your brother is HASH?
mike_c: ;;gettrust the20year mrstickball
mike_c: well that better not be him, you don't even trust that guy!
the20year: i'm pretty sure we're a chubbier version of the winklevoss twins, younger and not connected to FB
the20year: nah , everyone assumes we have though
the20year: all the girls we know/have known could tell the difference
the20year: usually it's family that gets confused
mike_c: mrstickball_: you have any experience running a mining farm?
benkay: <the20year> i'm pretty sure we're a chubbier version of the winklevoss twins, younger and not connected to FB // shorter too, indubitably
mircea_popescu: twins are what, 4 ppm. so actually b-a has a statistically expected number of twins.
mrstickball_: working on more ASIC deployment in the near future
the20year: don't forget the slaves he has in the shop working for him too
mike_c: this seems.. incredibly ambitious. you are going to manufacture & sell your own miners, and run a profitable mining farm.
the20year: he's been extremely profitable on his own sales side, and has done decently running the farm
mrstickball_: mike_c: Manufacture is down the road significantly
mrstickball_: Step 1 is more hardware sales and initial deployment of a larger ASIC-based facility
mrstickball_: we've already grossed ~$1m USD in the past 12mo on hardware. Unfortunately, capital is a huge bottleneck
mrstickball_: mircea_popescu: ASICs, and a lot of accessories
assbot: Bitcoin Mining Hardware | Asic Mining Hardware
mircea_popescu: so what's the biz model like, buy a bulk and sell by item ?
mrstickball_: I've done a fair bit of business with Riccardo
gribble: You have not yet rated user mrstickball_
gribble: You rated user mrstickball on Thu Apr 17 18:13:39 2014, with a rating of 4, and supplied these additional notes: runs buy-a-hash, which carries openrigs products, and have had several large financial interactions (purchases/sales).
mrstickball_: Yes. fluffypony bought a few dozen risers off of me ages ago
mircea_popescu: now all we really need is for someone to implement the wol pow.
mrstickball_: hardware sales in the US is extremely lucrative
mrstickball_: no one does a good job of it. That's why we're working on capital to get a larger building and control a larger portion of the market
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15350 @ 0.00082185 = 12.6154 BTC [+]
mrstickball_: kakobrekla: when we announced that we had S3's in stock, we made $5,000 in 8 minutes
mike_c: mrstickball_: why such low profit margins?
mrstickball_: mike_c: bit higher than that after expenses, ect
mrstickball_: probably closer to $75-100k after all overhead. One issue that we had was some of our merchant processors have screwed us over
the20year: mircea_popescu: how are those bitcoin flyers coming along?
mike_c: interesting. lots of fiat sales?
mrstickball_: + we reinvest in inventory very frequently, so profits don't always show up on the books very quickly. I have $25,000 worth of risers behind my desk
mrstickball_: we're willing to engage in fiat sales for crypto hardware. Most companies can't navigate that well
mike_c: heh, including you so far :) if you're having processing problems
mrstickball_: most customers are willing to pay a 10-15% premium if your company is willing to do with fiat
mrstickball_: mike_c: that was last year. We've had those fixed for months. But CC processors are essentially criminals that can hold your money for up to 6 months
mike_c: well good luck with IPO
the20year: How much $$ was lost last year in processing fraud and that whole gambit? $25k?
kakobrekla: on a side note, my intel tells me altchains are suffering - noone is hashing. i would expect non asic stuff will take time to sell.
mrstickball_: kakobrekla: that is correct. Back in January, during the last big GPU rush, we were trying to beat the Chinese on sales
mrstickball_: there was a period of time we were pushing $5,000/day in riser sales with a 100-300% profit margin
the20year: On a good note, I had a very positive call today from a bank to wants to lend to rentalstarter
mrstickball_: Unfortunately, when Chinese New Years hit, our factory (and every other) went down. Seemingly when they came back up, some factories re-evaluated their position to move to direct-sales and hurt us a bit
mrstickball_: the vast majority of alts have no purpose and no reason to exist
kakobrekla: i told fluffy this will happen months ago
mrstickball_: I wonder which ones survive... I am kind of sad to see Curecoin being so terrible when they were getting a lot of attention for curing cancer
gribble: Error: "s" is not a valid command.
the20year: maybe those itty bitty transactions will grow to big people one day
mrstickball_: I had a friend cash out of it back in the glory days. We CPU mined a few hundred thousand
mrstickball_: but I sold them, thinking they would never go anywhere
kakobrekla: 'bolje prvi na vasi kakor zadnji v mestu' they say.
mrstickball_: I had a friend that made about $3,000 off of it on a single PC
assbot: Bitcoin Difficulty and Hashrate Chart - BitcoinWisdom
mrstickball_: look at the bottom, below the charts. Its not comprehensive, but goes back a few months
mrstickball_: So what fun things are you up to, ThickAsThieves ?
mrstickball_: Also, is anyone going to Cryptolina in North Carolina?
mircea_popescu: basically hes' been mostly doing netflix these days. getting fat on teh couch
mrstickball_: FWIW, if anyone is going to that conference, I'll gladly take them out for dinner as a member of #bitcoin-assets
atcbot: [X-BT] Bid: 210 Ask: 230 Last Price: 210 24h-Vol: 78k High: 210 Low: 210 VWAP: 209
bitcoinpete: so if i understand correctly, you're buying and selling mining equipment on ebay, mining on your own, and you need to ipo because… ?
bitcoinpete: notorious would've loved bitcoin ipos: mo of other people's money and no problems!
assbot: Mad Men: The Best Things in Life Are Free - Bert Cooper - YouTube
assbot: Fanboi mods remove uncomfortable facts about Peter Todd within minutes : Buttcoin
bitcoinpete: mrstickball_: are you a regular reader of the logs then?
gribble: Current Blocks: 312469 | Current Difficulty: 1.733631697850783E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 312479 | Next Difficulty In: 10 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 hour, 28 minutes, and 20 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 18755529721.5 | Estimated Percent Change: 8.18636
bitcoinpete: cuz we mention all kinds of people and they rarely show up
bitcoinpete: personally, having anthony or vitalik here would be shweeeet
bitcoinpete: watching them try to explain wtf a "smart contract" even is…
mike_c: they don't deserve a video
atcbot: 30k@278 18k@242 42k@239 | 60k@210 45k@201 400k@199
mrstickball_: I/we have enough capital to continue ad-nauseum at about $100k of inventory. The problem is that we cannot grow beyond that, because of overhead (paying 2 employees, a building, ect)
mrstickball_: Given the track record of how we've sold products, the belief is that more capital can be assigned to leverage better deals with manufacturers, and simply do more business, since the overhead and other costs are static at this point
mrstickball_: additionally, it turns out that our HQ is a few miles away from one of the largest PC retailers in the US - Micro Center
mrstickball_: they want crypto products, and want us to supply them. But we can't swing $250,000 of inventory on a net-30 payment model
mrstickball_: especially when our margins to them are about 10% after packaging and logistics costs
mircea_popescu: mrstickball_ yeah but i mean... so then why commit suicide with havelock lol
mrstickball_: because I couldn't commit suicide with you, Mr Popescu :-)
assbot: Legislative candidate faces kidnapping, assault charges | The Salt Lake Tribune
BingoBoingo: If a candidate for the legislature can pistol whip a motherfucker for not paying their pain pill debt...
bitcoinpete: @slushcz: I'm so overworked that I even cannot celebrate that we've shipped all #bitcoin #trezor preorders few moments ago.
mrstickball_: who are you using to get the trezor's shipped out with?
mrstickball_: I figured you were famous, and assumed it was you, bitcoinpete
bitcoinpete: mrstickball_: not at all. i haven't produced anything more tangible than a blog. slush sold $200 dongles for 2btc each
bitcoinpete: mrstickball_: famous? me? only in the 1% ;)
bitcoinpete: maybe he broke the bank on all dat entropeez
mircea_popescu: bitcoinpete in fairness a year ago btc was what, less than $100
mrstickball_: Its about at the bottom of the post-April crash
assbot: British student's vagina pants are anatomically correct - Telegraph
mrstickball_: company is in HK. I am the POC for the US side of things
chetty: looks about right to me
mircea_popescu: chetty the acetabulum is exactly directly under where the ovary's painted.
mircea_popescu: mrstickball_ well then what, piece of cake ? are you in film ?
mrstickball_: My mind is not fully with me. Not enough sleep last night
mrstickball_: answer questions/deal with whatever needs to be done
assbot: George Bernard Shaw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
mircea_popescu: according to wikipedia, shaw was "an ardent socialist".
chetty: wasnt he a founder of the Fabians?
mrstickball_: Thomas Sowell has a lot of great Shaw quotes in his books
mircea_popescu: ahh looking forward to some bitcoin history rewriting of our own. didja know obama was an ardent elitist ?
mircea_popescu: chetty guy was an ardent NATIONAL socialist. that's a nazi.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 78 @ 0.014889 = 1.1613 BTC [+]
chetty: eh if it ends in 'ist' its a bad idea
mircea_popescu: i had no idea libertards had progressed past being embarassed by the fact that nobody in the classical period agreed with their nonsense into outright claiming they did.
mircea_popescu: to hear stalin tell it, lenin was not only a major stalinist but he didn't think much of trotski either.
chetty: eh Obama has been claiming Regan would have agreed with him lately
mircea_popescu: im sure everyone's in agreement with obama : change is now imperatively necessary.
benkay: only change i want is bear market now
BingoBoingo: benkay> only change i want is beer market now << FTFY
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 42 @ 0.01495592 = 0.6281 BTC [-] {2}
chetty: Pres Obama supports letting Central Americans apply for US refugee status in their home countries, rather than taking a dangerous journey.
benkay: mircea_popescu: is there a microbrew market in bsas?
benkay: uh the constant harping on cognac and champagne?
assbot: Obstructionist Synonyms, Obstructionist Antonyms | Thesaurus.com
mircea_popescu: you know every time someone misses a tab you'll be ben instead of benkay
benkay: guess i'm due for a nick change then
mircea_popescu: chetty i dunno, i thought obstructionist is someone who opposes a process for emotional rather than rational reasons.
mircea_popescu: The fluffy pony community is divided into two communities: abuse and hugbox. Abusers are people who often write stories or draw pictures of fluffy ponies being tortured and often killed by being attacked by humans, being attacked by animals, burning to death with fire or acid, getting cut in half, drowning, etc. These abusers often attack fluffy ponies because of their low intelligence, bratty and childlike personality
mircea_popescu: , physical weakness, destruction of harvest, and overpopulation. Fluffy Ponies can often die from their own stupidity such as falling off a cliff when attempting to fly, getting run over by a car because they thought it was a friend, eating bad foods, etc. Some abusers often abuse fluffy ponies as if they were clearing out a vermin infestation, while others abuse them for bad deeds such as defecating at the wrong place
mircea_popescu: (bad poopies) or a mare killing their own baby because of being born a runt (bad babbeh). Abusers consist of the majority of the site Fluffybooru with Ginger_Fig, Mwike, and deathproofpony being the most notable examples.
chetty: its just the newspeak definiton of obstructionist, anybody that doesn't agree with libtards
benkay: lol i just checked my bitbet referral addr
benkay: maybe i should resume blogging
pankkake: "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" for a almost text only static blog, lol
pankkake: lol, with that reactor on top, right
assbot: Chicken gun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
benkay: what's the right way to do it?
mike_c: 1) make blog 2) slap on btcalpha bitbet referral image 3) retire
benkay: mike_c: that's where this conversation started.
benkay: <benkay> lol i just checked my bitbet referral addr
benkay: <benkay> maybe i should resume blogging
mike_c: your referral addy got some hits or dried up? i was confused.
benkay: got some coins dumped into it
mircea_popescu: pigeons: my stocks went down too, but the price doesn't matter, i'll just take a temporary loss and not sell. how long is temporary? << you don't understand what loss means in this context.
mircea_popescu: anyone ever is thrilled to take a taxable-income-loss.
moiety: ThickAsThieves: omg does it really sound like i say cunt?! D;
assbot: BBC NEWS | Technology | Passwords revealed by sweet deal
assbot: Women love chocolate more than password security The Register
mircea_popescu: funny how this never comes up in discussions about "women in tech"
mircea_popescu: artifexd: I come back from Ecuador and realize that they just banned bitcoin entirely because they're going to make their own cryptocurrency. I guess my wife was right all along when she said Correa was a dumb ass. <<< let the kids have their fun.
chetty: well I bet males give up passwords pretty easy too, just different incentives
mike_c: ah. this is a good point. chocolate is just wrong bait.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: lots of text for 1btc. << funny how little money the vocal periphery actually controls.
mircea_popescu: peter schif and amgi metals are worth 1 disposable btc ? lulzk.
mircea_popescu: mike_c this is factually true. no govt drone ever kept a secret when tits were nude on the table.
mike_c: oldest spy trick in the book
assbot: BitBet - BTC price to rise above 1oz of gold before November :: 0.19 B (37%) on Yes, 0.32 B (63%) on No | closing in 2 months 1 week| weight: 74`918 (100`000 to 1)
mircea_popescu: i guess schiff / macaskill can claim moar bet volume than bitbet on that one lol.
assbot: BitBet - BTC price to rise above 1oz of gold :: 1.04 B (80%) on Yes, 0.26 B (20%) on No | closing in 9 months 1 week| weight: 92`472 (100`000 to 1)
mike_c: nobody on bitbet would be dumb enough to bet on gold against btc in 5 years
mike_c: it's 80% yes on a 9 month bet
mircea_popescu: "Rather, the decline is cyclical and as the economy improves, Furman said, millennial headship rates will improve, which could translate into eventual ownership." <<< ahahaha no fucking way.
mircea_popescu: what headship ? millenials want to live in herds, as slaves, with a master.
mircea_popescu: five to ten young men in a living unit, three to six young women.
benkay: i don't know anyone my age who seriously thinks they'll be buying a house anywhere anytime soon
mircea_popescu: headship is the internalised delusion that it is worth your while to regard the world so that if a water pipe breaks you pay for it to be fixed.
mircea_popescu: basically, it's like being a parent, except for no benefit and much more upfront expenditure of skill and resources.
mike_c: kakobrekla: updating hourly now.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36100 @ 0.00082266 = 29.698 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: this is why headship is so impoirtant in discussions of "economy" on the govt side :
assbot: BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021707 B (Total: 474.69 B). Delta: -0.59 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00019 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: the headship count is a rough proxy for how much money the govt could steal in ap inh
benkay: hang on headship applies if you own as well?
mike_c: what did jurov mean before? "jurov:mircea_popescu: looks like the F.MPIF perpetrator wants to withdraw"
mircea_popescu: benkay well yes. you "own" it so here's what the govt wants from you now.
mircea_popescu: a) that you go fight in iraq ; b) that you pay for X Y Z
mircea_popescu: mike_c i took it to mean that he wants deposits flushed.
mike_c: ah ah. i thought somebody was trying to back out of a trade (which is obviously silly)
mike_c: yes, hence my confusion when you said you were on it :)
jurov: mike_c certain dude who sold mpif did it on coinbr
jurov: and wanted to withdraw
mike_c: i get it now. i was like "there's a mpex undo button??"
jurov: since it was quite a sum, i proceeded to withdraw directly from mpex
jurov: and then asked mircea to flush
jurov: we have this variety speak with mircea
mircea_popescu: and no one understands it when they read their morning logs.
mircea_popescu: mike_c well, "Way below" in sanity land. in bitcoin... shit on havelock';s been trading 50-60% nav, so...
benkay: mike_c: yeah, i saw that.
mike_c: yes. just selling 1 btc for 0.9 btc always strikes me as nuts. i guess if you need the liquidity.
benkay: mircea_popescu: i'm still confused about 'headship'. how is it a measure for pinchable assets? and how is fixing a pipe in a house you're paying the mortgage on a foolish thing?
mircea_popescu: benkay why would you be paying the upkeep of something you don't own ?
mircea_popescu: basically the us has been degrading ownership over the past decades
nubbins`: but without ownership, there cannot be pride!
benkay: the thesis is that because there's no alloidal title in the us, one doesn't actually own the place?
nubbins`: protip: read this line and its two predecessors in reverse order
mircea_popescu: benkay as compared to the rights and privileges ownership conferred upon your grandfather, ownership confers nothing much to you today.
mircea_popescu: consequently, every able bodied male in your grandfather's age group tried desperately to own.
nubbins`: giving up 'nothing much' in favor of 'nothing' :o
mircea_popescu: they measure how much of a shit your peers give under "headship"
chetty: we live in a disposable world, whats the point in owning trash
assbot: Assassin's Creed Unity Meets Parkour in Real Life - 4K! - YouTube
mircea_popescu: and the difference between real value and actual headship is how much actual value (not printed dollars) "they have" stashed away in that particular accumulator.
mircea_popescu: benkay consider the reverse of this situation : during the azn crisis in the 2000s, people were queing up to donate their privately held gold to prop the centra lbank.
mircea_popescu: there's a very fine equilibrium between how popular a government is and how much support it can muster.
mircea_popescu: as things stand right now, if someone could somehow be bothered to invade, the us would simply collapse and that's that.
chetty: would anyone give the FED a dime?
mircea_popescu: would any of the people who target practice use their arms on the invaders or on the feds ?
mircea_popescu: no wonder gun ownership is perceioved as such a problem.
mircea_popescu: sure in an idealised, us-centric world as the naive represent thngs to be, a well armed citizenry is the guarantee and bla bla.
mircea_popescu: but in the real world of real politik, an armed opressed populace is fucking dangerous, it'll side with the enemy.
fluffypony: benkay / anyone else - if you come across someone really, really junior who has the barest smattering of C / C++ and is keen on a testing role that can grow into a dev role, please let me know
☟︎ mircea_popescu: someone was actually doing hr for a living, lemme see here.
benkay: fluffypony: how many hours/wk, at what rate?
fluffypony: benkay: rate is negotiable, but I'm expecting junior junior;) I'd expect a weekly commitment of 15 - 40 hours
benkay: this is for a coin thing?
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 599.02, Best ask: 600.78, Bid-ask spread: 1.76000, Last trade: 600.78, 24 hour volume: 5045.56318982, 24 hour low: 592.97, 24 hour high: 609.65, 24 hour vwap: 600.697679446
gribble: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
gribble: Error: ";;ticker" is not a valid command.
benkay: dafuq does this thing want
benkay: fluffypony: by junior junior i imagine you want sub 0.1 B/hr
mike_c: ;;calc 1 * [ticker --last]
mike_c: although it probably wanted you to multiply by 1 in your head
gribble: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
benkay: well it was for the syntax, not the calculation, mike_c
benkay: six bucks/hr, mircea_popescu ?
mike_c: i think it was thestringpuller that was always using calc for stuff like x / 100 :)
gribble: Error: "bc24hrprc" is not a valid command.
assbot: Russia Posts $110,000 Bounty For Cracking Tor's Privacy - Slashdot
mike_c: fluffypony: i might know a student interested in that deal. you want 15 hrs or 40 hrs? cuz he wouldn't have 40.
fluffypony: mike_c: it's up to what they can commit - I'm happy with a part time role as long as they stay commited and active
mike_c: ok, i will enquire. what's the range on pay
mike_c: or the low end, or whatever
fluffypony: mike_c: tough to say - I'd be expecting the BTC equivalent of anything from $10 to $15 hourly
gribble: RagnarDanneskjol was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 weeks, 0 days, 19 hours, 5 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: <RagnarDanneskjol> Sachs is the Bono of economics - LOL
BingoBoingo: fluffypony: Like for your dildoes, your wife... what's being tested?
fluffypony: BingoBoingo: software tester, obviously, why would a dildo tester need to know a smattering of C / C++ :-P
BingoBoingo: fluffypony: to make sure the dildo doesn't smash its stack on exceptions
fluffypony: depends on if we're using it as a back massager
mircea_popescu: . Among the top cities that may see a surge are Austin and Dallas in Texas, as well as Denver and Des Moines, Iowa.
mircea_popescu: this nuanced view is so nuanced it's about to collapse into a nuancelingularity.
BingoBoingo: Well Des Moines is prolly the only place to move if you want to be a gay married pig farmer...
bitcoinpete: sounds like the last refuge of the sane american
mike_c: it's all about percentages. des moines goes from 10 to 11 and population increased 10%!
gribble: Current Blocks: 312481 | Current Difficulty: 1.8736441558310238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 314495 | Next Difficulty In: 2014 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 6 hours, 43 minutes, and 54 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 24871389581.8 | Estimated Percent Change: 32.7434
decimation: lol from asciilifeform's millenial housing link: "At the same time, there?s good reason to believe that millennials, those ages 18 to 34, aren't that different from other generations and will pick up their purchasing before too long ", then the article proceeds to list reasons why they won't purchase
decimation: most of the "wealth" in the major metro areas is actually held in the housing stock
decimation: I wonder what percentage of households in say DC would be able to purchase their own home (assuming they didn't have their "house wealth)
decimation: note that the areas that have increasing millennial home-buying are all low-cost areas that have escaped bezzle inflation: "Among the top cities that may see a surge are Austin and Dallas in Texas, as well as Denver and Des Moines, Iowa. "
decimation: note those cities largely lack gov't jobs, and lack the primary patrons of bezzle money (big finance, welfare, defense contractors)
assbot: The myth of the US social mobility. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
decimation: so we have a situation where people living in Bethesda have kids who have to move to Kansas because the people in Bethesda don't want to admit that they are poor
decimation: it's apparently easier to have your kids leave you than to admit that you suck
mircea_popescu: us folk can't admit they suck andmore than classical japanese can admit emperor is a dumbass.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 99 @ 0.01152426 = 1.1409 BTC [-] {8}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 268 @ 0.00294999 = 0.7906 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: but that aside, kids moving away is a good thing anyway.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 250 @ 0.00297716 = 0.7443 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: individuation happens with hardship. the point of fambly sticking together is to control hardship through approaching it a certain way, much like a ship approaches waves a certain way.
mircea_popescu: if the average lifespan (esp for males) is in the low 40s, then sticking together family is perfect : by the time father croaks, kids are just old enough to pick up the pieces.
mircea_popescu: with 50+ age expectancy, this model is disastrous, basically if humans were a functional species sexual maturity'd skip a generation altogethere.
mircea_popescu: lookl at the british crown : the fact that charles actually reached sexual maturity is to the detriment of everyone.
mircea_popescu: might as well skipped him went straight from lizzie to the kids.
benkay: "the myth of US Social mobility is worse than mythical : it’s going the other way." // this is pretty well known among the 40-50 yo socialist set, and my generation seems to just accept it
benkay: "i'll die poor, what of it. let's have another pabst and talk about the latest pictures on instagram."
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 421 @ 0.0029775 = 1.2535 BTC [+]
decimation: there's some truth to that mircea. I suspect that the nuclear family was probably a reaction to this very problem
mircea_popescu: benkay "imposing your will on the environment is evil anwyay"
mircea_popescu: this would be why columbia's wearing the stripes and seeing the stars.
decimation: The trouble is that in the case of the DC area, for instance, the parents also are taking up the economic opportunties
benkay: <mircea_popescu> this would be why columbia's wearing the stripes and seeing the stars. // pardon me?
assbot: Just how much do you know about washing diapers ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
decimation: only so many gov't and indirect gov't jobs, and they are handed out in a FILO queue
benkay: i still don't understand. strips = stockings and stars = negroes?
benkay: just getting fucked hard?
benkay: columbia standing in for america. getting blapped over the head and wearing welts?
benkay: or i'm retarded, take your pick.
benkay: maybe i'm just trying to get you to explain it and ruin teh lulz
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 14 @ 0.16199839 = 2.268 BTC [+] {2}
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, will spend time learning more about shares / dividends and mpex s.mg and after that I'll probably drop a nice presentation / documentation link you way and see if we can figure something out that works for both of us
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, have you bothered with HoMM4 and the rest of the sequels?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform happened once before you know ? how did they conquer ur ?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 100 @ 0.01181222 = 1.1812 BTC [+]
assbot: Eroii pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, oh lols, seems it's one of your per fee articles, controversial approach for making money out of blogging :)
moiety: every friday freenode has a stroke it seems
moiety: lots going on thestringpuller how are things with you?
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu, read the homm related comments, seen people defeating pretty much any neutral army without having many units of their own by exploiting the berserk spell in homm3, really OP, hypnotize can't compare overall; lame example
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8DKlEbAv1U assbot: How to defeat the 3500 Naga Queens in HOMM3's Dragon Slayer campaign. - YouTube
thestringpuller: Will probably play video games while I intoxicate myself at the pub up the street.